An Ecomap is a diagram that shows the social and personal relationships of an
individual with his or her environment. It is often used in counseling by social
workers or nurses. Ecomaps were developed in 1975 by Dr. Ann Hartman who is
also credited with creating the genogram.
Start by drawing the family unit or individual inside a large circle. Next, draw circles
that represent people or groups the central unit has a relationship with. These could
be extended family members, friends, business associates, institutions, and so on.
Finally, as the most important step in creating an Ecomap, draw in the connections
between the family unit or individual and the external entities. These connections
can be strong and positive, stressful and negative, or uncertain. Each has its own
notation. Arrows can indicate the flow of attention and energy.
Best Practices When Creating an Ecomap
Identify the client(s). Determine whose problem you're trying to solve. Look at
both the individual and possible family dynamics. For this reason, most
Ecomaps start with a very basic genogram.
Determine relevant social and environmental systems. Identify individual(s)
and organizations who have a family connection or play a role in the client's
Specify the type of relationship. Use lines to represent the relationships
within the system. Use different line types for different relationship types.
Specify direction. Use arrowheads to indicate the direction of influence for
each relationship. Arrows pointing towards the client indicate that the system
primarily influences the client. If the arrow is pointing from the client towards
the system, the opposite is true. In some cases there is a two-directional flow
of influence so the arrows point in both directions.
Add a date. Always add a date to your Ecomap because over time these
relationships may change and you may want to re-evaluate or re-map.
Evaluate the results. Use the Ecomap to gain a greater understanding of the
client and the relationships that influence them. It's a good way to start a
discussion and ask the right questions in counseling.
More info
Ecomap software
Genogram maker
Family tree template software
Other Diagrams →
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