Hours of Recommended Internship Experiences
Hours of Recommended Internship Experiences
Hours of Recommended Internship Experiences
05 tacuts
Signature of Supervisor: Angelita Bateman (verifies accuracy of hours earned)
Professional Le rnin
Date Competency
Internship E periences Hours
Attend principal/employee
conferences as an observer (if
pennission is given by the
EDUC 6335 and EDUC 6336 - Recommended Internship Experiences
Date Internship Experiences Insi hts Hours
11/11/2020 Find out how the school I can be different ways: through 007 .5
EDUC 6335 and EDUC 6336 - Recommended Internship Experiences
10/22/2020 Work with the testing coordinator to I will be meeting with AP/LPAC 010 .5
design the testing and monitoring Coordinator to go over TELPAS
schedule. and STAAR testing plan.
12/4/2020 Analyze student data and help I met with Mrs. Borgstedte, one 010 1, 1=2
design an appropriate plan of action. of our Assistant Principals. We
12/7/2020 had discussions on how STAAR
results are looked at our campus.
EDUC 6335 and EDUC 6336 - Recommended Internship Experiences
11/9/2020 Work with the special education I participated in the training 010 3
department chair to develop an and got my certificate of Texas
understanding of required Behavior Support Initiative
documentation and procedures (TBSI). Now I am part of this
for special education. team at my campus. Still, there
is more to learn.
10/27/2020 Attend LPAC Committee I had the opportunity to get to 008 .75
meetings and become familiar leam how the registration gets
with required documentation and started in order to get to the
procedures. LPAC. During next semester, I
will be conducting LPAC
Attend a variety of
extracurricular activities; interact
with students, staff, and parents.
11/10/2020 Participate in the process of I met with Mr. Sowders, one of 001 .5
EDUC 6335 and EDUC 6336 - Recommended Internship E periences
Speak to community members at I have had Zoom meetings with 007 1, 1, 1.5, 1
8/18/2020 = 4.5
an event outside school hours. parents on outside school hours
9/4/2020 to speak about Face to Face
10/15/2020 procedures, getting to know new
10/20/2020 students, student issues, etc.
11/9/2020 Work with a team to plan and Communicated via phone with 001 1
implement an effort to create mom of a student. They were not
new parent or community having a place to stay. The
partnerships or enhance existing school counselor, Mrs.
ones to further the school s Poursoltan, and I spoke with
vision mom. They did get a place to
stay, food and transportation for
the student to come to school.
Work with a team to plan and A Reading Program has been run 007 I, 1, -25, 5,
implement an effort to improve throughout the entire school .5,3,1 =
9/30/2020 during fall, JWE Non Fiction II. 75
communication with parents
10/20/2020 and/or the wider community. Challenge. I had meetings with
|10/23/2020 administrative team; they gave
|10/22/2020 me ideas and suggestions on
what to do and how to run it.
Besides working with them, I
11/29/2020 also worked with teachers,
parents, and librarian. Students
response has been very positive!
EDUC 6335 and EDUC 6336 - Recommended Internship Experiences
Date Internship Experiences Insights Hours
10/27/2020 Participate in budget planning Mrs. Griffiths, the lady in charge 010 .75
Shadow the bus person in charge. I have been assisting during 010 6.5
1 1/10/2020
dismissal time. I have used the
radio to communicate when
11/13/2020 buses are arriving.
It is challenging to get to know
all teachers names.
EDUC 6335 and EDUC 6336 - Recommended Internship Experiences
12212020 Leam what the district policy is I met with Mrs. Bateman and we 010 .75
Conduct an investigation of an
alleged infraction of professional
Conduct an investigation of
alleged student misconduct at
Level III or above.
2020 Equity Audit and Power Point