JH Venkateshwar International School: Sector-18, Dwarka, New Delhi-78 Syllabus Planning CLASS XI (2015-16) English
JH Venkateshwar International School: Sector-18, Dwarka, New Delhi-78 Syllabus Planning CLASS XI (2015-16) English
JH Venkateshwar International School: Sector-18, Dwarka, New Delhi-78 Syllabus Planning CLASS XI (2015-16) English
The learners will be able to appreciate prose, poetry and drama and organize ideas effectively in an appropriate, mechanically and
grammatically correct style.
ASSESSMENT OF LEARNERS: Formal and informal assessments would be conducted. Classroom assessment technique (CAT) would be
adopted through class discussions, worksheets, quiz and exercises and various activities. Home assignments and projects would be assigned
and the students would be graded accordingly.
Assessment of Speaking and Listening (ASL) for both the terms to evaluate the speaking and listening skills.
OPEN TEXT BASED ASSESSMENT (OTBA) would be a practice to assess the analytical and theoretical skills.
General Objective: To lead the learners to substantiate an understanding of the connection between writing and thinking and
demonstrate effectiveness in using verbal and non verbal language appropriate to the goal.
The Portrait of -make the students The session would begin with an -They would develop Group Discussion -Vocabulary
a Lady [H] identify the genre to interactive session wherein the their optimistic booklet [S]
which the story learners would interpret the title of attitude towards life on
By Khushwant belongs. -Research on
the lesson. amidst many The Portrait Of A Lady
Singh -to understand the Kushwant Singh [S-
techniques used by struggles. is a reminder about a
The background knowledge of the S]
the author growing distance
author and his works would be given. Will be able to
- to enhance between the young and -class reading with
vocabulary The facilitator would develop the chain
develop an attitude to
of events, with TEXT sequence or become more the older generation. suitable expression
-to strengthen family
Group activity and intonation
bonds discourse/spoken with reference to independent in
- to enable them to the educational and personal domains. thought and action, comprising all range of
-PPT [group of 4-5]
comprehend the responsible and learners.
cultural background Difficult words and terms would be cooperative, -Handout
of the story. discussed. The prose will be explained. understanding and One group comprising 6
-to facilitate making All possible questions and answers learners-
tolerance, improved
connections would be discussed and assigned. (C2-C1)- 2 students
working relations
between similar respect for identities
Enriching Vocabulary: veritable
situations in in relation to other
(B2-B1)- 2 students
bedlam of chirruping, frivolous
different people.
rebukes, serenity, seclusion with (A2-A1)- 2 students
storylines/life resignation, sagging skins of
experiences dilapidated drum.
Poetry: -to encourage the -pre-reading activity would be the first - the students would A comparative study of Audio-Visual (visual
students to appreciate step wherein the students would delve be able to grasp the the prose The Portrait representation of
A Photograph poetry and read aloud deep into the title of the poem and theme and meaning of of a Lady and the poem the poem)
[H] by with proper make an interpretation of the title as it
the poem. A Photograph.
intonation indicates the subject and theme. Handouts
Shirley (student- teacher interaction) They would be able to The learners would
Toulson -to prepare the They would compare the previous
read the poem with discuss in their groups
students for poetic lesson The Portrait of a Lady with the
forms and adept them title of the poem. proper tone and and draw a comparative
with the figures of The background of the poet would be rhyme and develop an analysis and present the
speech, rhyme and discussed. interest in poetry. synopsis of the
rhythm The poem would be read aloud with discussion in the class.
proper intonation rhyme and rhythm. Their vocabulary
-to read and recognize Difficult terms and words would be would be Group Activity
the purpose of explained so that the students can strengthened.
economy of words predict the atmosphere of the world For all range of learners
and the hidden pathos inside the poem. They would be able to comprising three
and nuances of the The poem would be explained draw a comparative students in one team-
lines, correlating them covering the phrases, sentences and study between human
with author’s discourse as well as their structuring. C2-C1- 1 student
life and nature.
background and
personal experiences- Silent reading of the poem by the They would be able to B2-B1-1 student
to build up didactics, students within five minutes and listing
study a photograph
empathy and the difficult terms. A2-A1-1 student
sympathy with the
loss of the speaker. The figures of speech and rhyme
scheme would be discussed.
The Summer -To enhance The session would begin with an The learners would be Research on the Vocabulary booklet
of the familiarizing with interactive phase wherein the learners able to apply the Armenian genocide.PPT [S]
Beautiful specific background would interpret the title of the story. literal, interpretative (a group presentation
White Horse information of author -Research on the
and critical level in comprising all range of
[Sn] / book excerpt / The background of the author would Armenian
analyzing a short learners)
history be given. The story would be read genocide.PPT [a
- To facilitate an aloud. The theme and underlying story.
Three students in one group presentation
attitude to become meaning would be discussed.
honest and Difficult words would be listed and They would be able to group comprising: of 4-5]
trustworthy in thought explained. The moral of the story determine the tone of
C2-C1-1 student -Handout
and action, would be discussed. a short story.
responsible B2-B1-1 student -Video clip on the
cooperative, Vocabulary Enrichment: They would be able to
times of William
understanding and magnificence, wealthiest, pious, comprehend the irony A2-A1- 1 student
tolerance, respect for hidden in the story. Saroyan [T-S]
stillness, humour, irrigation ditches,
national identities in crazy streak, enormous, capricious,
relation to other vagrant.
people - democratic
citizenship. [global
aim] . Recognize
(GRAMMAR): -to establish a clear - the session would be started with an The learners would be 1. Worksheets for all Picture
understanding of audio-visual song of determiners. able to identify range of learners. (C1- study
determiners Quiz on determiners would be determiners and use A1)
conducted. The learners would be them appropriately. Audio-
-to enable the learners 2. Articles Grammar visual
asked to arrive at the rules. (Inductive
to identify the types of method) The comprehending Auction (Group Activity PPT
determiners and use skills would be for all range of learners)
them in sentences. The purpose and functions of the improved. Educomp
different types of determiners would 3. Shopping list game. Module
be discussed with examples. Sentence construction
skills would be
WRITING -to enable the Warm up session: Students will be able Group Activity: PPT
SKILLS students to apply the to analyse any NOTICE
correct format while Learners would share their knowledge shown to them on the Groups would be (format and the
Notice Writing writing a notice. on the importance of a formed according to objectives of notice
basis of the
notice(Student- Teacher interaction) knowledge imparted. the range of Learners , different types
-to make the students and distributed the role
and different fields
comprehend why a The Learners would be asked to speak They will be able to of 5 Ws and frame a
notice on the subject through Visual
notice is written and about a notice they received and they
frame notice about given. Representation)
the style and remember still. any event.
procedure. C2-C1- 2 students
The teacher would explain what a They will be able to
notice is and its purpose. The standard identify important B2-B1- 2 students
format of notice writing would be information in any
shown in the class. The teacher would given notice. A2-A1- 2 students
discuss in detail what a notice should
Notice Writing
contain. The wide range of themes Students will be able
exercises :
and objectives covered by notice to use appropriate
would be discussed with examples style and format to Different topics on
write a NOTICE different fields of notice
effectively. for all range of learners.
Special note on-
5 Ws
We’re -To allow a problem The session would start with an The learners would be Class Reading with PPT
Not solving: identifying the interactive session wherein the able to enhance their suitable expression,
Afraid problem; considering students would interpret the titles of problem solving skills. pronunciation and Handout
to Die the lessons.
the options; weighing intonation.
They would be able to Vocabulary booklet
[H] the pros and cons of The background of the author would inculcate the values of (Individual Activity) [S]
each option; reaching be given. The theme and story line
a decision determination and will
would be explained. (For all range of
-To facilitate making learners)
The teacher would develop the format
The connections between Their Reading skills
in sequence or discourse (spoken with
Address similar situations in reference to the ethical/global would be developed.
[Sn different and personal domains.
Vocabulary Enrichment:
Honing the seafaring skills, pinpricks in
-To help learners the vast ocean, ominous silence, a
tousled head.
distinguish different
Forensic reconstruction, scudded
perspectives; across, casket grey, resurrection,
analyzing them; funerary treasures, circumvented,
drawing conclusion/s computed tomography, eerie detail.
WRITING -To enhance The session would start with a pre- The students would . (C2-C1) - newspaper
SKILLS familiarizing with writing activity to create an interest develop an interest articles
specific background towards writing. The teacher would towards writing. Their Article Writing on facts
Article Writing define what an article is and discuss planning and (based on research) -magazine articles
information of author
the purpose of article writing. The organizing techniques
/ book excerpt / different styles, subjects, purpose of would be enhanced. (B2-B1) -written pieces on
history article writing would be discussed. The They would be able to various subjects
teacher would explain the technique research on any Article Writing deriving
-To express ideas of accumulating ideas, focussing on subject and derive ideas from interviews. - displaying blogs of
fluently and ideas and facts, planning, organizing, information from facts various writers.
spontaneously evaluating, structuring and editing. and present him in the (A2-A1)
without difficulty in They would be taught the importance form of a written
piece. Their creative Article Writing based on
expressions, grammar and way of producing a finished piece
writing would be Bravery and Will Power
usage, format usage, of work with examples. The
requirements of the content, analysed. The (hints would be given)
relevant vocabulary.
beginning, body and end would be interpreting and
focussed. evaluative skills would
be strengthened.
GRAMMAR to enable the students The teacher would start with the -the students would Story construction Handout [Practice
to identify phrases and warm up session asking the students be able to identify using flash cards sheets]
Clauses clauses and phrases
clauses to frame sentences highlighting the containing phrases and
and establish the [Ss]
difference between the subject and clauses. Students would
-to make them able to the predicate. The definitions of a difference between
the two. be formed into groups PPT
differentiate between
phrase and clause would be given with -the creative skills to prepare flash cards
phrases and clauses. – examples. The difference between a containing phrases and -clause and phrase
would be enhanced.
-to encourage phrase and a clause would be - Students would clauses. The flash cards songs(audio-visual)
develop team spirit
grammar usage with established. The dependent and would be exchanged
and learn the art of
relevant vocabulary independent clauses and phrases coordination and
among the groups to
would be explained. Power Point construct a story using
-to be able to presentations explaining phrases and cooperation. the given phrases and
comprehend and use clauses would be displayed. clauses. (group activity)
organization for For all range of learners
sentence completion with one group
comprising three
C2-C1- 1 student
B2-B1- 1 student
A2-A1 – 1 student
READING -To summarize In the beginning of the session, a text The learners would be Group comprehension PPT demonstrating
SKILLS information from would be provided to the students to able to differentiate comprising all range of the technique and
different written text, read and involve in note making to between annotation, learners(3 students in art of note making.
Note Making outline notes, column
reconstructing test previous knowledge. one group)
notes, mind maps and
arguments and summary notes from a
accounts in a coherent The facilitator would train the C2-C1- 1 student
students to read a text minutely, or
presentation. B2-B1 – 1 student
-To express listen carefully to select, analyse and They would be able to
spontaneously, summarize the main points. use the note taking A2-A1 – 1 student
concisely and suggestions to develop
Ways of making notes would be good notes based on
precisely, discussed: classroom discussions.
differentiating finer
shades of significance Annotation, outline notes, column
even in the most notes, mind maps and summary
complex situations notes.
Discovering Tut -To enhance Pre- reading Activity: The students would be Pair Activity (for all PPT providing the
[H] familiarizing with The session would start with an able to grasp the range of learners synopsis.
specific background interaction on the ways you think we theme and meaning of comprising:
could help prevent the extinction of
information of author the prose.
languages and dialects. Pair formations
/ book excerpt /
The title of the prose would be open Their critical and
history of 1. (C2-C1)- 1 student
for class interpretation. creative thinking skills
The facilitator would develop the would be enhanced. (B2-B1)- 1 student
--to guide the students
format of text in sequence or They would be able to
to relate the 2. (B2-B1)- 1 student
discourse (spoken with reference to derive the moral
characteristics of
the ethical/global, public and personal values. (A2-A1)- 1 student
literature to larger
domains of social and personal life.
cultural and human They will be ready to Activity: research with
values accept the reality of pictures and present it
life. in the form of an
-identify the
techniques used by the Their vocabulary
writer. would be enriched.
Ranga’s -to guide the students The session would begin with an The students would be Listening Activity for all -PPT presenting the
Marriage [Sn] to relate the interactive stage wherein the students able to effectively range of Learners to synopsis of the
characteristics of would discuss on ‘the on the role of provide a synopsis of note their progress and story
English in a man’s life’ on basis of the the story.
literature to larger as training ground for
theme of the story. They will be able to PPT on gender
cultural and human analyze the values and sensitivity.
values. The title of the lesson would be thought process of the their ASL.
opened to the class for interpretation. story.
-To facilitate making Positive values and Activity: Listen to an
connections between The background knowledge of the attitudes would be Article about the issue
similar situations in author would be given. The prose inculcated in the of marriage and gender
different storylines/life would be explained. Difficult words students. stereotyping and
would be listed and explained. The They would be able to
experiences. complete the
moral of the story would be discussed. appreciate the
language, content and worksheet.
-To appreciate the
style of the prose.
timeless significance
Vocabulary would be
of the issue of enriched.
marriage institution, Their Listening skills
role of English and would be enhanced.
gender stereotyping.
WRITING -To express ideas The format, rules, technique would be The learners would be Writing a report/letter PPT
SKILLS harmoniously and discussed with examples. able to organise their to the editor on a recent
chronologically thoughts and express disaster/metro with Selecting and
The usage of language would be freely. discussing
without difficulty in congruent newspaper
taught and students would be Newspaper
expressions, grammar clip.
Report Writing usage, format usage, assigned written tasks. They would develop reports/ editorial.
an interest towards
relevant vocabulary. For all range of learners
Letter to the writing thus enhancing
their writing skills. to note progress.
POETRY: To recognize the The teacher would play a snippet of the students would be Recitation and self
purpose of economy of the sound of rain and the learners able to grasp the study Snippet
The Voice of words and the theme and meaning of PPT
would infer ideas and involve in an
the Rain [H] the poem. [group work of 3 on
nuances of the lines interactive session.
They would be able to poetry writing on the
that highlights the
The title of the poem would be open read the poem with wind, sun, moon or
cyclic nature of rain proper tone and
and appreciates the for class interpretation. snow-highlighting the
rhyme and develop an
diligence and divine interest in poetry. pride in their narration
The knowledge background of the
quality of the speaker. poet would be given. The poem would
Their vocabulary
would be for all range of
be read aloud with proper stress and strengthened. learners comprising-
intonation. The teacher would discuss They would be able to
the theme, poetic devices and draw a comparative (C2-C1)- 1 student
structure and rhyme. study between human
life and nature. (B2-B1)- 1 student
Word Journey:
(A2-A1)- 1 student
Albert Einstein -To enhance The teacher shows a video clipping The students would be Write the contents of Video Clipping
at School [Sn] familiarizing with and asks students to recognize and able to express their short story in the form
specific background name the personality seen in the understanding of note making. Power Point
clipping. Presentation
information of author through discussions.
The teacher introduces Albert Einstein (Individual Activity)
/ book excerpt /
and opens the title for class They would skim and
history interaction. For all range of learners
scan the words
The prose would be read aloud and to note progress.
-To facilitate making discussed. according to their
connections between meaning.
similar situations in Vocabulary Enrichment:
different storylines/life They would enhance
experiences. their reading as well
as writing skills.
THE To encourage the The session would begin with an The learners will be Write a ghost story and PPT
CANTERVILLE practice of reading for interaction on Ghosts- Real or able to receive and link it to the life on
GHOST by pleasure.[long text]; Mystery. process written texts other planets. movie
for gist; for specific The students wo.uld interpret the title [literary, discursive
Oscar Wilde
information; for of the Novel and relate to their and descriptive] for Discuss in your group n
[novel] detailed discussions. general orientation write.
understanding; for and understanding.
implications, etc It would follow by For all range of learners
Developing the format of text in They would develop in a group of 3
- To develop overall sequence or discourse /spoken with their reading and comprising-
reading reference to the global, cultural, logical thinking skills.
comprehension of public domains (C2-C1)- 1 student
background and of social life.
content; writing style, (B2-B1)- 1 student
turning points, (A2-A1)- 1 student
message/ didactics,
etc .
The Ailing -To sensitize learners The session would begin with a video The Learners would be Slogan Writing on PPT
Planet-The to the imminent issues clipping showing the plight of our able to sensitize
of declining health of planet. The title of the lesson would themselves towards Go Green Newspaper
planet Earth be related to the video by the the earth and search on various
students in the class interaction environment.
Role [H] articles on
-To facilitate making phase.
connections between The background knowledge of the They would inculcate For all range of environment
similar situations in author would be given. The prose the values of learners.
different would be explained. Difficult words Leadership and
storylines/life would be listed and explained. The contribute to make
experiences moral of the story would be discussed. our Earth green.
Poster Making -To express ideas The teacher will acquire and display Comprehend an Poster Making for all Visual
aesthetically and several different posters from various effective Poster range of learners. aid
relevantly with sources. Some examples may include: making as a tool of
definition in purpose, Movie posters, Community events,
Advertisements Communication.
expressions, grammar
Focus on the message
usage, format usage, Campaign signs, Billboard pictures
to be delivered.
relevant vocabulary. Full-page newspaper ads Keep the sequence
Learners will brainstorm the purpose well ordered.
of posters. Use graphs and
(Student- Teacher Interaction) images effectively.
Some responses may include: Plan and organize a
To get people’s attention poster presentation.
To get people to do something Use spacing, margins,
colours, and layout to
To give people information.
The teacher would discuss and effectiveness and list
demonstrate the presentation stage, information about
consolidation stage and the closing their invention.
The Browning -To facilitate making The session would start with an The learners will be Theatrical presentation -
Version [H] connections between interaction on the title of the lesson. able to stimulate by a group of three
similar situations in language development students comprising –
different The title of the lesson would be open
and increase the
storylines/life for class interpretation.
experiences through students' ability to
the genre of drama. The background of the author would write spontaneously.
Understanding the be given. The lesson would be read
universal theme of They would be able to C2-C1) - 1student
aloud and discussed. Difficult words
teacher-student respond to a personal
would be listed out and discussed. (B2-B1) - 1students
relationship and the dilemma.
sanctity of it. The synopsis would be shown with the
Their vocabulary (A2-A1) - 1 students
help of a PPT.
-To facilitate making would be enriched.
connections between
similar situations in The analytical skills
different would be enhanced.
To read and recognize
the purpose of human
loss and the hidden
pathos and nuances of
the lines, correlating
Childhood [H] them with personal
experiences- to build
up didactics, empathy
and sympathy with
the loss of the speaker
and the final resigned
acceptance and
Father to Son To read and recognize The session would start with an To facilitate making An analysis of the poem Audi-visual
[H] the purpose of interaction on interpreting the title of connections between Father to Son through a demonstration of
economy of words and the prose and the poem. similar situations in Power Point the poem.
the hidden pathos and different presentation.
The title of the topic would be open
nuances of a precious for class interpretation. storylines/life
father-child experiences. For all range of
The background of the author would
relationships that is be given. learners in one group
The lesson would be read aloud and To help learners comprising six
crumbling , correlating
discussed. Difficult words would be distinguish different students-
with personal
experiences- to build listed out and discussed. perspectives;
The synopsis would be shown with the analyzing them; (C2-C1) - 2 students
up didactics, empathy
help of a PPT. drawing conclusion/s.
and sympathy with (B2-B1) – 2 students
the loss of the father The learners would
unfold their logical (A2-A1) - 2 students
thinking skills.
-To allow a problem
solving: identifying the
problem; considering
the options; weighing
the pros and cons of
each option; reaching PPT
Birth [Sn]
an empathetic
decision with the
between similar
situations in different
GRAMMAR -to enable the Warm-up: The students would be Role Play delivering PPT
students to use able to identify and dialogues in the passive.
Passive Voice The teacher writes two sentences on comprehend the use (group activity) Rule Chart
appropriately and the board: of active and passive
Active/Passive understand the C2-C1 – 2 students
changes that occur 1. People speak Japanese in Japan. voice.
when transforming
They would be able to B2-B1 – 2 students
sentences from active 2. Shakespeare wrote Romeo and
to passive voice. Juliet. convert active voice A2-A1 – 2 students
-enable the students into passive and
to comprehend the The students are asked to present passive to active. Worksheets for all
use of Passive while another way to say the two sentences. range of learners.
writing a newspaper The analysing skills
report, news headlines The rules are derived (Inductive would be improved.
and Notices.
Method) They would be able to
express themselves
The session would continue with a and deliver
play delivering dialogues wherein the information in a
students would be asked to speak grammatically and
about the dialogues and the mechanically correct
characters using passive voice (to test form.
prior knowledge). The rules of usage
and conversion would be explained
with examples. The purpose of using
active and passive voice would be
discussed. Written and oral practice
would follow.
The Tale of To read and recognize The title of the poem would be open The students would be Research on the literary Audio- visual
Melon City [Sn] the purpose of for class interaction. able to grasp the laureate Vikram Seth presentation.
economy and the theme and meaning of and relate the poem to
hidden satire, irony The knowledge background of the the poem.
one of his other poems.
and pun in the poet would be given.
nuances - to build up They would be able to Group activity
didactics on the role of The poem would be read aloud with read the poem with
comprising all range of
democracy in a state. proper intonation rhyme and rhythm. proper tone and
rhyme and develop an learners in a group of six
Difficult terms and words would be students-
interest in poetry.
explained so that the students can
predict the atmosphere of the world They would raise their C2-C1 – 2 students
inside the poem. concern and sensitize
B2-B1 – 2 students
themselves for
The poem would be explained establishing inner as A2-A1 – 2 students
covering the phrases, sentences and well as outer peace.
discourse as well as their structuring.
Silent reading of the poem by the
students within five minutes and
listing the difficult terms.
THE -To encourage the The session would begin with an The learners will be A critical study of the Movie
CANTERVILLE practice of reading for interaction on Ghosts- A creation of able to receive and novel and present
GHOST by pleasure.[long text]; human mind. process written texts through PPT.
[literary, discursive
Oscar Wilde for gist; for specific
The students would interpret the title and descriptive] for For all range of learners
[novel] information; for general orientation
of the Novel and relate to their in a group of six
detailed and understanding.
understanding; for discussions. comprising-
implications, etc They would develop C2-C1 – 2 students
their reading and
- To develop overall It would follow by logical thinking skills. B2-B1 – 2 students
comprehension of Developing the format of text in A2-A1 – 2 students
background and sequence or discourse /spoken with
content; writing style, reference to the global, cultural,
characterization, public domains
turning points,
of social life.
message/ didactic.