Multilevel Converters-A New Breed of Power Converters: Jih-Sheng and Fang Zheng Peng
Multilevel Converters-A New Breed of Power Converters: Jih-Sheng and Fang Zheng Peng
Multilevel Converters-A New Breed of Power Converters: Jih-Sheng and Fang Zheng Peng
Abstruct- Multilevel voltage source converters are emerging also due to voltage clamping requirement, circuit layout, and
as a new breed of power converter options for high-power packaging constraints. To date, hardware implementation has
applications. The multilevel voltage source converters typically only been reported up to six levels for a back-to-back intertie
synthesize the staircase voltage wave from several levels of dc
capacitor voltages. One of the major limitations of the multilevel application [9], in which the voltage unbalance problem has
converters is the voltage unbalance between different levels. been successfully overcome.
The techniques to balance the voltage between different levels The magnetic transformer coupled multipulse voltage source
normally involve voltage clamping or capacitor charge control. converter has been a well-known method and has been im-
There are several ways of implementing voltage balance in mul- plemented in 18- and 48pulse converters for battery en-
tilevel converters. Without considering the traditional magnetic
coupled converters, this paper presents three recently developed ergy storage and static condenser (STATCON) applications,
multilevel voltage source converters: 1) diode-clamp, 2) flying- respectively, [ 151, [16]. Traditional magnetic coupled mul-
capacitors, and 3) cascaded-inverters with separate dc sources. tipulsc converters typically synthesize the staircase voltage
The operating principle, features, constraints, and potential ap- wave by varying transformer turns ratio with complicated
plications of these converters will be discussed. zigzag connections. Problems of the magnetic transformer
coupling method are bulky, heavy, and lossy. The capacitor
I. INTRODUCTION voltage synthesis method is thus preferred to the magnetic
(a) (b)
Fig. 3. Waveforms showing capacitor charging profile. (a) Voltage and
current in phase. (b) Voltage and current are 90" out of phase.
B. Features TABLE I1
Besides the difficulty of balancing voltage in real power FLYING
conversion, the major problem in this inverter is the require-
ment of a large number of storage capacitors. Provided that Switch State I
the voltage rating of each capacitor used is the same as that
of the main power switch, an m-level converter will require a
total of ( m - 1) x ( m - 2)/2 auxiliary capacitors per phase
leg in addition to (m - 1) main dc bus capacitors. With the
assumption that all capacitors have the same voltage rating, an
m-level diode-clamp inverter only requires ( m- 1) capacitors.
In order to balance the capacitor charge and discharge, one
may employ two or more switch combinations for middle
voltage levels (i.e., 3 V 4 4 . V 4 2 , and VdC/4) in one or
several fundamental cycles. Thus, by proper selection of
switch combinations, the flying-capacitor multilevel converter
may be used in real power conversions. However, when it
involves real power conversions, the selection of a switch
combination becomes very complicated, and the switching
frequency needs to be higher than the fundamental frequency.
In summary, advantages and disadvantages of a flying-
capacitor multilevel voltage source converter are as follow s.
Large amount of storage capacitors provides extra ride
through capabilities during power outage.
Provides switch combination redundancy for balancing
different voltage levels.
0 When the number of levels is high enough, harmonic
content will be low enough to avoid the need for filters.
* Both real and reactive power flow can be controlled,
making a possible voltage source converter candidate for
high voltage dc transmission. (a) (b)
Disadvantages: Fig 5. Circuit diagram and the phase voltage waveform of a cas-
caded-inverters based converter with separate dc sources. (a) Circuit diagram.
An excessive number of storage capacitors is required (b) Waveform showing a 9-level converter phase voltage.
when the number of converter levels is high. High-level
systems are more difficult to package and more expensive can generate three level outputs, + v d c , O , and -v&.
This is
with the required bulky capacitors. made possible by connecting the dc sources sequentially to
* The inverter control will be very complicated, and the the ac side via the four gate-turn-off devices. Each level of
switching frequency and switching losses will be high the full-bridge converter consists of four switches, SI, S2,S3,
for real power transmission. and S4. Using the top level as the example, turning on S1 and
S4yields 211 = +V&. Turing on SZ and S3 yields v1 = -I&.
CONVERTERUSING Turning off all switches yields u1 = 0. Similarly, the ac output
DC SOURCES voltage at each level can be obtained in the same manner.
Minimum harmonic distortion can be obtained by controlling
the conducting angles at different inverter levels.
A. Basic Principle With the phase current, i,, leading or lagging the phase
A relatively new converter structure, cascaded-inverters voltage v,, by 90°, the average charge to each dc capacitor
with separate dc sources (SDC’s) is introduced here. This is equal to zero over one line cycle, shown in Fig. 5(b).
new converter can avoid extra clamping diodes or voltage Therefore, all SDC capacitor voltages can be balanced.
balancing capacitors. Fig. 5(a) shows the basic structure of To comply with the definition of the previously mentioned
the cascaded-inverters with SDC’s, shown in a single-phase diode-clamp and flying-capacitor multilevel converters, the
configuration. Each SDC is associated with a single-phase “level” in a cascaded-inverters based converter is defined by
full-bridge inverter. The ac terminal voltages of different level m = 2s + 1, where m is the output phase voltage level, and s
inverters are connected in series. is the number of dc sources. For example, a 9-level cascaded-
Fig. 5(b) shows the synthesized phase voltage waveform of inverters based converter will have four SDC’s and four full
a 9-level cascaded inverter with four SDC’s. The phase output bridges.
voltage is synthesized by the sum of four inverter outputs, i.e., For a three-phase system, the output voltages of the three
+ +
w,, = w 1 f 112 v3 114.Each single-phase full bridge inverter cascaded inverters can be connected in either Y - or A-
1 - A T
I +lc
Multilevel Converter
L - 'I
Fig, 7. Circuit diagram showing a multilevel converter connected to a power
system for reactive power compensation.
Fig. 6. A three-phase Y -configured cascaded-inverters based converter.
source &
100 Vldi
2 Aldiv
__- .3r:
Fig 10 Expenmental results of a diode-clamp 6-level converter for reactive
b1-S power compensation
Fig. 9. Simulated results of the flying capacitor based 5-level converter for 13:46:35
reactive power compensation. (a) Capacitor voltages at different levels. (b)
Converter line current. (c) Source and converter voltages.
. . I
. . I
Fig. 12. General structure of a back-to-back intertie system using two diode-clamp multilevel converters.
condition. The line current is 20" lagging the line voltage A. Discussion
or 10" leading the phase voltage. These two experimental
The multilevel converters can immediately replace the exist-
results indicate that both real and reactive power flows can
ing systems that use traditional multipulse converters without
be controlled in a multilevel voltage source converter.
the need for transformers. For a 3-phase system, the relation-
To show the superiority of the harmonic performance of
ship between the number of levels, m, and the number of
the multilevel converter, the voltages and current obtained in
pulses, p , can be formulated by p = ( m - 1) x 6.
Fig. 15 were analyzed with the Fourier series analysis. The
The SVG is an excellent target for commercialization of
resulting total harmonic distortions (THD's) are as follows.
these multilevel converters i~nhigh-voltage high-power sys-
Utility source voltage,Vs-,b: THD = 1.39% tems. All three converters introduced in this paper can be used
Converter terminal voltage,VC-,b: THD = 7.19% as the static var generator. The second target could be the back-
Source current Isa: THD = 0.95% to-back intertie system for a unified power flow controller. The
structure that is most suitable for the back-to-back intertie is
These harmonic analysis results indicate that the THD's the diode-clamp type. The other two types may also be suitable
obtained from the multilevel converter are well within the for the back-to-back intertie, but they require more switchings
limits of IEEE Standard 519-1992 [18]. per cycle and more sophisticated control to balance the voltage.
Table I11 compares the power component requirements per
C. Utility Compatible Adjustable Speed Drives phase leg among the three multilevel voltage source converters
An ideal utility compatible system requires unity power mentioned above. This comparison assumes that all devices
factor, negligible harmonics, no EMI, and high efficiency. have the same voltage rating, but not necessarily the same
By extending the application of the back-to-back intertie, current rating, and that the cascaded-inverters type uses a full
/capacitors I 1 I I
verters not only solves harmonics and EM1 problems, but also
Fig. 15. Experimental results of a 6-level back-to-back intertie system input
avoids possible high frequency switching dvldt induced motor
line voltages and current operating at a leading power factor condition. failures.
With a balanced voltage stress in devices and utility com-
patible features, the multilevel converters have shed a light
in the power electronics arena and are emerging as a new
breed of power converters for high-voltage high-power appli-
[17] J. S. Lai et al., “A novel resonant snubber based soft-switching inverter,” Fang Zheng Peng (M’93) was born in Hubei
in Con$ Rec. Appl. Power Electron. Con$, Dallas, TX, 1995, pp. Province, China. He received the B.S. degree
797-803. in electrical engineering from Wuhan University
[ 181 Recommended Practices and Requirements for Harmonic Control in of Hydraulic and Electrical Engineering, China,
Electric Power Systems, IEEE Standard 519, 1992. in 1983, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in
electrical engineering from Nagaoka University of
Technology, Japan, in 1987 and 1990, respectively.
He joined Toyo Electric Manufacturing Com-
pany, Ltd., from 1990 to 1992. From 1992 to 1994,
Jih-Sheng Lai (S’84-M’87-SM’93) received M.S.
he worked with Tokyo Institute of Technology as
and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from
a Research Associate. Since 1994, he has been a
University of Tennessee, Knoxville, in 1985 and
Research Assistant Professor at University of Tennessee, Knoxville, working
1989, respectively.
with Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
From 1980 to 1983, he was the Chairman of
the Department of Electrical Engineering, Ming-Chi
Institute of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, where he
initiated a power electronics program and received
a grant from his college and a scholarship from
the National Science Council to study abroad. In
1986, he became a staff member at the University
of Tennessee, where he taught control systems and energy conversion courses.
In 1989, he joined the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) Power
Electronics Applications Center, where he managed EPRI-sponsored power
electronics projects. Since 1993, he has been with the Oak Ridge National
Laboratory as the Power Electronics Lead Scientist. His main research
areas are power electronics modeling and simulation, circuit design, and
microcomputer applications. He has published more than 50 technical papers
and two books and filed 12 invention disclosures with 4 patents awarded.
Dr. Lai is chairman of the IEEE Power Electronics Society Standards
Committee and a member of Phi Kappa Phi and Eta Kappa Nu honor societies.