02 Abella vs. National Labor Relations Commission 152 SCRA 140, July 20, 1987

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Republic of the Philippines



G.R. No. 71813 July 20, 1987


SR., respondents.


This is a petition for review on certiorari of the April 8, 1985 Resolution of the Ministry of Labor and Employment
affirming the July 16, 1982 Decision of the Labor Arbiter, which ruled in favor of granting separation pay to private

On June 27, 1960, herein petitioner Rosalina Perez Abella leased a farm land in Monteverde, Negros Occidental,
known as Hacienda Danao-Ramona, for a period of ten (10) years, renewable, at her option, for another ten (10)
years (Rollo, pp. 16-20).

On August 13, 1970, she opted to extend the lease contract for another ten (10) years (Ibid, pp. 26-27).

During the existence of the lease, she employed the herein private respondents. Private respondent Ricardo
Dionele, Sr. has been a regular farm worker since 1949 and he was promoted to Cabo in 1963. On the other hand,
private respondent Romeo Quitco started as a regular employee in 1968 and was promoted to Cabo in November of
the same year.

Upon the expiration of her leasehold rights, petitioner dismissed private respondents and turned over the hacienda
to the owners thereof on October 5, 1981, who continued the management, cultivation and operation of the farm
(Rollo, pp. 33; 89).

On November 20, 1981, private respondents filed a complaint against the petitioner at the Ministry of Labor and
Employment, Bacolod City District Office, for overtime pay, illegal dismissal and reinstatement with backwages. After
the parties had presented their respective evidence, Labor Arbiter Manuel M. Lucas, Jr., in a Decision dated July 16,
1982 (Ibid, pp. 29-31), ruled that the dismissal is warranted by the cessation of business, but granted the private
respondents separation pay. Pertinent portion of the dispositive portion of the Decision reads:

In the instant case, the respondent closed its business operation not by reason of business reverses or
losses. Accordingly, the award of termination pay in complainants' favor is warranted.

WHEREFORE, the respondent is hereby ordered to pay the complainants separation pay at the rate of half-
month salary for every year of service, a fraction of six (6) months being considered one (1) year. (Rollo pp.

On appeal on August 11, 1982, the National Labor Relations Commission, in a Resolution dated April 8, 1985 (Ibid,
pp. 3940), affirmed the decision and dismissed the appeal for lack of merit.

On May 22, 1985, petitioner filed a Motion for Reconsideration (Ibid, pp. 41-45), but the same was denied in a
Resolution dated June 10, 1985 (Ibid, p. 46). Hence, the present petition (Ibid, pp. 3-8).

The First Division of this Court, in a Resolution dated September 16, 1985, resolved to require the respondents to
comment (Ibid, p. 58). In compliance therewith, private respondents filed their Comment on October 23, 1985 (Ibid,
pp. 53-55); and the Solicitor General on December 17, 1985 (Ibid, pp. 71-73-B).

On February 19, 1986, petitioner filed her Consolidated Reply to the Comments of private and public respondents
(Ibid, pp. 80-81).

The First Division of this Court, in a Resolution dated March 31, 1986, resolved to give due course to the petition;
and to require the parties to submit simultaneous memoranda (Ibid., p. 83). In compliance therewith, the Solicitor
General filed his Memorandum on June 18, 1986 (Ibid, pp. 89-94); and petitioner on July 23, 1986 (Ibid, pp. 96-194).

The petition is devoid of merit. /

The sole issue in this case is —


Petitioner claims that since her lease agreement had already expired, she is not liable for payment of separation
pay. Neither could she reinstate the complainants in the farm as this is a complete cessation or closure of a
business operation, a just cause for employment termination under Article 272 of the Labor Code.

On the other hand, the legal basis of the Labor Arbiter in granting separation pay to the private respondents is Batas
Pambansa Blg. 130, amending the Labor Code, Section 15 of which, specifically provides:

Sec 15 Articles 285 and 284 of the Labor Code are hereby amended to read as follows:

xxx xxx xxx

Art. 284. Closure of establishment and reduction of personnel. — The employer may also terminate the
employment of any employee due to the installation of labor-saving devices, redundancy, retrenchment to
prevent losses or the closing or cessation of operation of the establisment or undertaking unless the closing is
for the purpose of circumventing the provisions of this title, by serving a written notice on the workers and the
Ministry of Labor and Employment at least one (1) month before the intended date thereof. In case of
termination due to the installation of labor-saving devices or redundancy, the worker affected thereby shall be
entitled to a separation pay equivalent to at least his one (1) month pay or to at least one (1) month pay for
every year of service, whichever is higher. In case of retrenchment to prevent losses and in cases of closure
or cessation of operations of establishment or undertaking not due to serious business losses or financial
reverses, the separation pay shall be equivalent to one (1) month pay or at least one-half (1/2) month pay for
every year of service whichever is higher. A fraction of at least six (6) months shall be considered one (1)
whole year. 1avvphi1

There is no question that Article 284 of the Labor Code as amended by BP 130 is the law applicable in this case.

Article 272 of the same Code invoked by the petitioner pertains to the just causes of termination. The Labor Arbiter
does not argue the justification of the termination of employment but applied Article 284 as amended, which
provides for the rights of the employees under the circumstances of termination.

Petitioner then contends that the aforequoted provision violates the constitutional guarantee against impairment of
obligations and contracts, because when she leased Hacienda Danao-Ramona on June 27, 1960, neither she nor
the lessor contemplated the creation of the obligation to pay separation pay to workers at the end of the lease.

Such contention is untenable.

This issue has been laid to rest in the case of Anucension v. National Labor Union (80 SCRA 368-369 [1977]) where
the Supreme Court ruled:

It should not be overlooked, however, that the prohibition to impair the obligation of contracts is not absolute
and unqualified. The prohibition is general, affording a broad outline and requiring construction to fill in the
details. The prohibition is not to read with literal exactness like a mathematical formula for it prohibits
unreasonable impairment only. In spite of the constitutional prohibition the State continues to possess
authority to safeguard the vital interests of its people. Legislation appropriate to safeguard said interest may
modify or abrogate contracts already in effect. For not only are existing laws read into contracts in order to fix
the obligations as between the parties but the reservation of essential attributes of sovereign power is also
read into contracts as a postulate of the legal order. All contracts made with reference to any matter that is
subject to regulation under the police power must be understood as made in reference to the possible
exercise of that power. Otherwise, important and valuable reforms may be precluded by the simple device of
entering into contracts for the purpose of doing that which otherwise maybe prohibited. ...

In order to determine whether legislation unconstitutionally impairs contract of obligations, no unchanging

yardstick, applicable at all times and under all circumstances, by which the validity of each statute may be
measured or determined, has been fashioned, but every case must be determined upon its own
circumstances. Legislation impairing the obligation of contracts can be sustained when it is enacted for the
promotion of the general good of the people, and when the means adopted must be legitimate, i.e. within the
scope of the reserved power of the state construed in harmony with the constitutional limitation of that power.
(Citing Basa vs. Federacion Obrera de la Industria Tabaquera y Otros Trabajadores de Filipinas [FOITAF] [L-
27113], November 19, 1974; 61 SCRA 93,102-113]).

The purpose of Article 284 as amended is obvious-the protection of the workers whose employment is terminated
because of the closure of establishment and reduction of personnel. Without said law, employees like private
respondents in the case at bar will lose the benefits to which they are entitled — for the thirty three years of service
in the case of Dionele and fourteen years in the case of Quitco. Although they were absorbed by the new
management of the hacienda, in the absence of any showing that the latter has assumed the responsibilities of the
former employer, they will be considered as new employees and the years of service behind them would amount to

Moreover, to come under the constitutional prohibition, the law must effect a change in the rights of the parties with
reference to each other and not with reference to non-parties. /
As correctly observed by the Solicitor General, Article 284 as amended refers to employment benefits to farm hands
who were not parties to petitioner's lease contract with the owner of Hacienda Danao-Ramona. That contract cannot
have the effect of annulling subsequent legislation designed to protect the interest of the working class.

In any event, it is well-settled that in the implementation and interpretation of the provisions of the Labor Code and
its implementing regulations, the workingman's welfare should be the primordial and paramount consideration.
(Volshel Labor Union v. Bureau of Labor Relations, 137 SCRA 43 [1985]). It is the kind of interpretation which gives
meaning and substance to the liberal and compassionate spirit of the law as provided for in Article 4 of the New
Labor Code which states that "all doubts in the implementation and interpretation of the provisions of this Code
including its implementing rules and regulations shall be resolved in favor of labor." The policy is to extend the
applicability of the decree to a greater number of employees who can avail of the benefits under the law, which is in
consonance with the avowed policy of the State to give maximum aid and protection to labor. (Sarmiento v.
Employees Compensation Commission, 144 SCRA 422 [1986] citing Cristobal v. Employees Compensation
Commission, 103 SCRA 329; Acosta v. Employees Compensation Commission, 109 SCRA 209).

PREMISES CONSIDERED, the instant petition is hereby DISMISSED and the July 16, 1982 Decision of the Labor
Arbiter and the April 8, 1985 Resolution of the Ministry of Labor and Employment are hereby AFFIRMED.


Teehankee, C.J., Yap, Fernando, Narvasa, Melencio-Herrera, Gutierrez, Jr., Cruz, Feliciano, Gancayco, Padilla,
Bidin, Sarmiento and Cortes, JJ., concur.

The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation

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