Summary Chapter 7

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MATRIC NO.:20182001867

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The curriculum of any educational institution is the cornerstone of the
intellectual life of the institutions inhabitants. It , the curriculum , provides students
and teachers with lived experiences that ideally foster deep understandings,
sophisticated skills , appreciate attitudes, and socially constructive values .therefore, it
is essential that great care be given to the creation of curricula. We need to understand
the various processes and approaches available .We need to know how to activate
these various curricular planning approaches at school levels. Curriculum
development is where the action is. This doesn’t mean that those who are scholars in
the fields of curriculum should not deal with broad issues such as social policy,
cultural mores, and political powers.But the key activity for educators where the
rubber hits the road , is creating educational programs that engage students in learning
and empowering them to construct their own meanings and to comprehend the
meaning of scholars, to take curriculum as vision to an actual program.

Each curriculum describes several and different approaches which reflect the
developer’s view of reality, philosophy, history, psychology, social issues, and the
domains of knowledge. For every approach, it expresses an orientation or perspective
about curriculum development which impacts on the design of the curriculum, the
role of schools, administrators,teachers, learners, curriculum specialists, and
requirements for implementation and evaluation such as instructional
materials,equipment and facilities. There are two classifications of curriculum
approach: 1. technical-scientific approach. 2. non-technical/ non-scientific approach.

Technical-scientific approach:It views curriculum development as something

similar to engineering or architecture. The basis for the procedure is the scientific
method which involves a logical step-by-step procedure of problem solving. The
procedure is guided by well-defined objectives which are formulated based on the
analysis of normative needs as defined by developmental and other psychological
theories, rather than individual needs and interests. It is a way of planning curricula to
optimize students’ learning and to allow them to increase their output. According to
Ornstein and Hunkins, the roots of technical-scientific approach are found in the turn
of twentieth century when schools attempted to “adapt the principles of bureaucracy
to the methods that could be considered scientific.

Ralph Tyler - a well-known proponent of the technical-scientific approach

discussed four basic principles in curriculum development in his book basic principles
of curriculum and instruction

.Taba’s Model teacher participation seven steps diagnosis of needs, formulation

of objectives, selection of content, organization of content, selection of learning
experiences, organization of learning activities, evaluation and means of evaluation.

Hunkins’decision-making model: curriculum conceptualization and

legitimization, diagnosis, content selection, experience selection, implementation,
evaluation, maintenance.

Naturalistic Model (Glatthorn): assess the alternatives, stake out the territory,
develop a constituency, build a knowledge base, block in the unit, plan quality
learning experiences, develop the course examination, develop the learning scenarios.

Deliberation model considers the interrelatedness of reality means and ends

affect each other, proceeds from problems to proposals to solutions, occurs within
cultural contexts.

Six-phase deliberation model: public sharing, highlighting agreement and

disagreement, explaining positions, highlighting changes in positions, negotiating
points of agreement, adopting a decision.

Conversational approach: social activity ideology, beliefs, values, empowerment,

power, consensus, dialogue and debate, five phases, free association, clustering
interests, formulating questions or curricular focuses, sequencing questions or
curricular forces, constructing contexts for the focuses.

Postmodern models detachment from conventional procedures, uncertain

systems and procedures, students have more work to do, critical dialogue,

The part of developing a Curriculum introduces us the curriculum content and

curriculum experiences. The curriculum content includes organization and criteria for
selection, organization describes logical psychological, organize content according to
rules and concepts psychological experience the concrete first, then the more abstract,
the other one is criteria for selection, criteria self-sufficiency significance validity
interest utility learn ability, feasibility, participants in developing the curriculum.

The participants are various, such as political arena:what type of curricula will
benefit what student, show to select those criteria who will receive the benefit of
particular curricula how to deliver those benefits, school arena participants, the
participants outside of school, governmental participants, non-governmental
participants, participants in developing the curriculum.

Curriculum planners really have an over choice of curriculum development

models from which to choose. Which models they select are influenced by their
philosophical orientations and approaches to curriculum. Several subject centered
models emphasize a technical scientific approach to curriculum development ,the
major approach to curriculum creation today.
The various models available and the numerous elements of curriculum present
challenges to a vast array of participants ,who exist at many levels from the local to a
national. People will no doubt continue to argue about who should have the major part
in curriculum decision making.

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