Earth and Life Science (Notes For Finals)

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Earth and Life Science: Notes for Final Exam

EXOGENIC PROCESS –refers to activities or phenomena  Addition of Volatiles (water)

that occur on the earth’s surface.
How does magma makes space for itself in order
1. Weathering (the breakdown of rocks at Earth’s to rise through the crust?
surface, by the action of rainwater, extremes of
 By wedging open the overlying rock
temperature, and biological activity)
 By melting the surrounding rocks
o Physical Weathering –caused by the effects
 By breaking off large blocks that sink
of changing temperature on rocks, causing
into the magma chamber
the rock to break apart
o Chemical Weathering –the decay of rock What is the solidified Magma?
forming minerals caused by water,
temperature, oxygen, hydrogen, and mild Lava (magma that has cooled and hardened)
acids (solution, hydration, oxidation,
carbonation) Volcanic Hazards
o Biological Weathering –the weakening and
o Pyroclastic flow
subsequent disintegration of rock by plants,
o Ash cloud
animals, and microbes
o Lahars/Mud flows
2. Mass wasting (mass movement/slope movement;
o Lava Flow
large of rock, soil, and debris downward due to the
o Noxious Gas
force of gravity)
o Earthquakes
o Flow (moving down slope)
o Slump (moving along the curve) (The aforementioned volcanic hazards are not necessary to be
o Fall (free-falls) memorized)
o Slide (move along a well-defined surface)
3. Erosion (the process by which soil and rock particles 3 Types of Plate Boundaries:
are worn away and moved elsewhere by gravity, or
o Convergent plate boundary
by a moving transport agent –wind, water, or ice.
–compression (><)
4. Transportation (refers to the processes by which the
o Divergent plate boundary
sediment is moved along by: gravity, wind, water,
–tension (<>)
o Transform plate boundary
*rocks & stones (are just 2 words for the same thing)
–shearing (//)
*pebbles (this has something to do with its size; any large
rock that weathers could become a pebble) Earthquake –is the shaking or trembling of ground caused by
the sudden release of energy in the Earth’s crust that creates
5. Sedimentation/Deposition (when the energy of the seismic waves.
medium is no longer capable of transporting the
sediments; soil and rocks are deposited in a new  Focus (Hypocenter) –the point within the Earth
location) where seismic waves originate
 Epicenter –is the point on the Earth’s surface that is
*Metmorphism (Igneous and sedimentary rocks are exposed to directly above the focus
high temperature, pressure & heat, they exchange and rocks are
transformed in the solid state) *Earthquakes can happen because of FAULTS.

ENDOGENIC PROCESS –is something that occurs Faults –a thin zone of crushed rock separating blocks of the
underneath the Earth’s surface. Earth’s crust

Why do we have a solid crust? (because the Earth is cooling o Normal faults –products of horizontally directed
from the outside) tensional stresses (occurs when rocks are stretched in
which the hanging wall has moved downward with
Two main types of Endogenic Process: respect to the footwall)
1. Volcanism
How are earthquakes measured?
Volcano (magma erupts during volcanic activity or
igneous activity; it is called igneous activity because  Magnitude (total amount of energy that was released
the rock being formed is an igneous rock.) by the earthquake at the focus)
Magma (a molten rock)  Intensity (how much a certain area was shaken when
3 considerations to generate Magma: the earthquake reached the area)
 Addition of Heat
 Decrease in Pressure through
Convective Uplifting

EARTHQUAKE  Keep flashlights, candles and battery-powered

radios within easy reach.
During:  Examine your house and repair its unstable parts.
If you are in your house;  Always keep yourself updated with the latest
weather report.
 Do not use lift for getting down from building.  Harvest crops that can be yielded already.
 Be prepared to move with your family.  Secure domesticated animals in a safe place.
 For fisher folks, place boats in a safe area.
If you are in shop, school, or office;  Should you need to evacuate, bring clothes, first
aid kit, candles/flashlight, battery-powered
 Don’t run for an exit.
radio, etc.
 Take cover under a disk/table.
 Move away from window glass. During:
 Do not go near electric point and cable. Keep
away from a weak portion of the building and  Stay inside the house.
false ceiling.  Always keep yourself updated with the latest
weather report.
If you are outside:  If safe drinking water is not available, boil water
at least 20 minutes. Place it in a container with
 Avoid high buildings, walls, power lines and
other objects that could fall and create block.
 Keep an eye on lighted candles or glass lamps.
 Do not run through streets.
 Do not wade through floodwaters to avoid being
 If possible, move on to an open area away from
electrocuted and contracting disease.
hazard including trees.
 If there is a need to move to an evacuation center,
If you are in vehicle: follow these reminders:
 Evacuate calmly.
 Stop in a safe open place.  Close the windows and turn off the main power
 Remain inside vehicle. switch.
 Close windows and doors.  Put important appliances and belongings in a
high ground.
 Avoid the way leading to the river.
 Keep calm, switch on the transistor radio and obey
 If your house was destroyed, make sure that it is
already safe and stable when you enter.
 Keep away from beaches and low banks of river. A
 Beware of dangerous animals such as snakes that
huge wave may sweep in.
may have entered our house.
 Do not re enter badly damaged buildings and do not
 Watch out for live wires or outlet immersed in
go near damage structures.
 Turn off the water, gas, and electricity.
 Report damaged electrical cables and fallen
 Do not smoke, light match or use a cigarette lighter.
electric posts to the authorities.
 Do not turn on switches; there may be gas leak or
 Do not let water accumulate in tires, cans, or pots
short circuit.
to avoid creating a favorable condition for
 If there is any fire, try to put it out or call fire brigade.
mosquito breeding.
 If you are aware of people being buried, tell the
rescue team. Do not rush and try not to worsen the
 Avoid places where there are loos electric wires and
do not come in contact with any metal object.
 Do not walk around the streets to see what is
happening. Keep the streets clear so rescue vehicles
can access the roads easily.



 Store an adequate supply of food and clean

 Prepare foods that need not to be cooked.

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