Olympiad IIO 2014 Class 4 Question Paper PDF
Olympiad IIO 2014 Class 4 Question Paper PDF
Olympiad IIO 2014 Class 4 Question Paper PDF
The Actual Question Paper Contains 40 Questions. The Duration of the Test Paper is 60 Minutes.
1. Which statement is NOT correct about Paint (D) Fifth generation Computer.
Brush? (E) None of these
(A) Paint brush is used to make designs. 4. Steve works in Paintbrush. He wants to rotate
(B) BMP is the default extension for paint his graphics at any angle. The following steps
brush files. are given: Which one of the following
(C) Paint brush is NOT a standard part of sequences will help him to perform the
Windows Operating System. desired task?
(D) ‘Untitled-paint’ indicates that paint brush (i) Select your object using the Select tool
file has not been saved. (ii) Indicate option, whether horizontal or
(E) None of these
(iii) Click on Flip/Rotate command on the
2. BASIC, COBOL, LOGO, FORTRAN, etc. are some Image menu
examples of ________. (iv) The Picture will flip accordingly
(A) Low-level languages (A) (i) -> (ii) -> (iii) -> (iv)
(B) High-level Languages (B) (i) -> (iii) -> (ii) -> (iv)
(C) Machine language (C) (iii) -> (ii) -> (i) -> (iv)
(D) Assembly Languages (D) (iv) -> (iii) -> (ii) -> (i)
(E) None of these (E) None of these
3. These computers will have the capability of 5. Which of the following is/are correct
thinking on their own like a man with the help statement(s) about Speaker?
of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The 21st century 1. Speaker is used to convert the electronic
will see better, faster, smaller and smarter signal into audio signal.
computers.” 2. Speaker is used to convert the audio
The above statement is correct about: signal into electronic signal.
(A) Second Generation Computers. (A) Only 1 (B) Only 2
(B) Third Generation Computers. (C) Both 1 and 2 (D) Both are False
(C) Fourth Generation Computers. (E) None of these
International Informatics Olympiad - IIO’2014
6. Fill in the blanks: 10. After typing a letter or a report, you would
1. Secondary memory devices are ___ as like to have a paper output or hard copy for
compare to Primary memory (per MB) future use. Which of the following options is/
2. Secondary memory stores ___ amount of are correct to print in MS Word?
data as compare to Primary memory. (A) From File menu (print)
3. Secondary memories are ________ as (B) From Standard menu (print icon)
compared to Primary memories. (C) Press Ctrl + P
(A) Expensive, Less, Fast (D) All of these
(B) Cheaper, Large, Slower (E) None of these
(C) Cheaper, Small, Slower
(D) Expensive, Large, Fast 11. After working in any application, you save your
(E) None of these file by giving file name plus a three letter
extension. What is the file extension of paint
7. Match the following: file?
1. RAM i. Rewritable memory chip (A) .pmb (B) .bmp
2. ROM ii. Written only once (C) .pnt (D) .bpm
3. PROM iii. Volatile (E) None of these
4. EPROM iv. Non-volatile
(A) 1, iii; 2, iv; 3, ii; 4, i 12. Find out which figure is different from other
(B) 1, iv; 2, iii; 3, ii; 4, i three.
(C) 1, i; 2, ii; 3, iii; 4, iv
(D) 1, ii; 2, i; 3, iv; 4, iii
(E) 1, iii; 2, ii; 3, iii; 4, i (A) (B) (C) (D)
8. Which of following is a correct descending (E) None of these
order according to their storage capacity? 13. Which figure would fit in the question mark?
(E) None of these
9. In MS Word, to select a sentence, click
anywhere at the sentence by holding
(A) Ctrl key (B) Shift Key
(A) (B) (C) (D)
(C) Home Key (D) End Key
(E) None of these
(E) None of these
1. C 2. B 3. D 4. B 5. A 6. B 7. A 8. C
9. A 10. C 11. B 12. C 13. A