How The Properties of Matter Relate To Their Chemical Structure

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I. Objectives How the properties of matter relate to their chemical structure

A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate an understanding of:
1. how the uses of different materials are related to their properties and structures
2. the relationship between the function and structure of biological macromolecules

B. Performance Standard The learners shall be able to explain how the uses of different materials are related to their properties and structures.
C. Learning Competencies The learners to:
1. determine if a molecule is polar or non-polar given its structure (2 hours)- S11/12PS-IIIc-15
2. relate the polarity of a molecule to its properties- S11/12PS-IIIc-16

III. Learning Resources JANUARY 28, 2019 JANUARY 31, 2019 FEBRUARY 1, 2019
TUESDAY (1 hr and 30 min) THURSDAY (1 hr and 30 min) FRIDAY (45 min)
A. References

1. Teacher's Guide Pages pp. 71-77 pp. 79-80

2. Learner's Manual Pages

3. Textbook Pages

4. Additional Materials

B. Other Learning Materials Balloons, drawings of the geometrical shapes, Questionnaire (see attached), paper and pen Paper clip, water, beaker or any container,
projector, laptop methanol, graduated cylinder, videos of
experiments related to surface tension, paper and
IV. Procedures

A. Reviewing Previous Lesson Students will get a word from a fish bowl and Recall of proper test taking behavior. Students will recall the proper behavior in doing
whatever word he/she gets, he/she needs to tell laboratory activities. They will also name the different
something about it. Then, the rest of the class will lab materials to be used.
guess the word being described.
B. Establishing the purpose Recall about the latest model of the atom.
for the lesson Discuss the main procedure of the 3 experiments.
C. Presenting Show a five-minute video showing the five Explain the parts of the laboratory sheet where they
Examples/Instances of the new different geometric shapes under the VSEPR will write down their observations.
lesson theory, namely, linear, trigonal planar,
tetrahedral, trigonal bipyramidal, and Test Proper
octahedral. The video also explains the basic
principle behind the VSEPR theory.

D. Discussing New Concepts Present the images below summarizing the Students will do experiments 1-3.
and Practicing New Skills # 1 different shapes under the VSEPR theory. 1. Floating paper clip- Carefully suspend a paper
clip on water.
2. Methanol and Water--Hydrogen bonding-
Measure out 50 mL of water and 50 mL of methanol
in separate 100 mL graduated cylinders.
Have the learners check that the measurements are
accurate. Mix the methanol into the water.
3. Surface Tension
A. Water and Sulfur
B. Water and Paper clips
C. Invisible force

E. Discussing New Concepts Using balloons, each group of students will make Students will answer the following guide questions in
and Practicing New Skills # 2 models of each of the different geometrical their laboratory sheets:
shapes. EXP. 1
1. What happened to the clip?
2. Where does the clip and the water meet? Make
an illustration?
EXP 2.
1. What happened when you mixed the methanol to
2. Why do you think it happened?
EXP 3.
1. A. What happened to the sulfur sprinkled it in the
B. How many paper clips can be added without
the water spilling out.
C. What happened to the water?

F. Developing Mastery (leads Practice with learners on how to determine and Students will complete their laboratory reports.
to formative assessment) draw different molecular shapes using the
examples below. Emphasize that lone pairs has a
big factor in making a molecule polar.
Polar molecule:
H2O Bent - polar due to two lone pairs
Trigonal pyramidal - polar due to one lone pair
NO Linear - polar due to unequal sharing of
Non-polar molecule
CO2 Linear
 CH4 Tetrahedral CCl4 Tetrahedral

G. Finding Practical Mention that one of the most practical Note: Discussion about the experiments will be done
Applications of Concepts and manifestations of polarity is solubility and next meeting due to time constraint.
Skills in Daily Living miscibility. Solubility refers to the ability of a solute
to dissolve in a certain amount of solvent.
Miscibility is the ability of two liquids to mix in all

H. Making Generalizations Summarize the lesson with emphasis to the fact Students will submit their lab reports.
and abstraction about the that molecules are polar or non-polar based on
lesson the type of covalent bond and its molecular

I. Evaluating Learning Determine the polarity of the following Checking of test papers and item analysis.
compounds based on electronegativity Evaluation of the performance of the students during
differences and molecular geometry. lab experiment will be based on the following
1. HBr rubrics:
2. PH3 Participation- 10%
3. SiS2 Lab skills – 60%
4. O2 Proper Procedure- 20%
5. BCl3 Cleanliness- 10%

J. Additional Activities for Ask the learners to come up with other None Students will complete their post lab reflection to be
application and remediation applications of polarity. E.g. Water-based paint submitted next meeting.
vs. Oil-based paint, applications in cooking, milk
as remedy for eating spicy food (milk has
globules of fat which bonds with the oil in spicy
food), etc.
K. Remarks
V. Reflection

A. No. of Learners who

earned 80% in the evaluation

B. No. of learners who

require additional activities for

C. Did the remedial lessons

work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the lesson

D. No. of learners who

continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did this work?

F. What difficulties did my

principal or supervisor can help
me solve?

G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?

Prepared and submitted by Checked by Noted by


STEM-SHS Teacher II SHS Science Coordinator Assistant Principal II SHS

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