Besaran Dan Satuan

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TEL 105
Konten Perkuliahan
1. Pendahuluan
2. Besaran dan Satuan
3. Sejarah Besaran dan Satuan
4. Sistem Satuan Internasional
5. Konversi Satuan
• Besaran Fisis adalah segala sesuatu yang dapat diukur
dan dinyatakan dengan angka. Dibagi dua:

1. Besaran pokok adalah besaran yang satuannya

telah ditetapkan terlebih dahulu dan tidak diturunkan
dari besaran lain. Tujuh besaran pokok, yaitu:
panjang, massa, waktu, suhu, kuat arus listrik,
intensitas cahaya, dan jumlah zat.

2. Besaran turunan adalah besaran yang diturunkan

dari satu atau lebih besaran pokok. Misalnya, luas
yang dirumuskan sebagai panjang X lebar
Sejarah Besaran dan Satuan
The ‘Cubit’ was the first recorded
standard linear measurement.
Defined by the distance from the tip
of the forefinger to the middle of the

Cubit was used by Egyptians for

building pyramids (2750 B.C.)
Mean error in length of sides of
Khufu Pyramid at Gizeh in Eqypt
was 1.5mm
Sejarah Besaran dan Satuan
Sejarah Besaran dan Satuan
• Hand
The Cubit was subdivided into several other
measurements. One hand is measured with
the fingers closed and from end of the
thumb to the other end of the palm

The Height of a horse is still

measured in hands today.
1 hand = 4 inches = 101.6mm
Sejarah Besaran dan Satuan
• Foot History believes that the foot was
given its name from the human
body part. The length of a human
foot was measured from the heel
to the tip of the big toe.
From Egyptians through the
Greeks and Romans to present
day the length of one foot has
increased considerably.
This is caused by the use of the
foot in building and as time
King Henry 1 standardized this developed the use of measuring
measurement, because his foot with boots on feet has increased
was 12 inches long. the size of one foot

Today 1 Foot = 12 inches = 304.8 mm

The Fathom
The fathom was used The fathom is the
by seamen to measure measure from fingertip
the depth of water so to fingertip when your
that boats would not arms are stretched
run aground and be sideways as far as
stranded. they will go. You
sometimes see a rope
or fabric measured in
this way.
The Hand-span
The hand-span was The hand-span is the
used to measure the measure from the tip of
height of horses. your pinky to the tip of
People still describe your thumb when your
horses as being so hand is stretched out.
many hands high.
The Pace
This term was used by The pace is the
the Roman army to measure of distance
judge speed. The term from one step to
is still used frequently another.
during various types of
foot races.
The football pitch at Old Trafford is approximately 7140m2. In old
measures, it comes out at 1 acre, 3 roods and 2 perch. Rood is an Old
English word for a cross or crucifix; a perch is a fish.
The volume of an Olympic swimming pool is usually written metrically as
2500m3 but under Imperial measurements it's also 8,593 hogsheads,
one comb and a strike or, alternatively, 2.1 billion fluid scruples.
Sejarah Besaran dan Satuan
• By the eighteenth century, dozens of different units of
measurement were commonly used throughout the world.
• The lack of common standards led to a lot of confusion in
trade between countries.
Sejarah Sistem Satuan Internasional (SI)

• In 1790, the French National

Assembly commissioned the
Academy of Science to design
a simple decimal-based
system of units.
• The system they devised is
known as the metric system.
• The metre was originally
calculated as one ten-millionth
of the distance from the North
Pole to the Equator through
Paris, but it is now defined in
terms of wave length.
Sejarah Sistem Satuan Internasional (SI)
In 1960, the metric system was officially named the
Système International d'Unités (or SI for short) and is now
used in nearly every country in the world except the US
Sistem Satuan Internasional (SI)
Besaran Pokok
Panjang: Meter (m) L
• Original (1793): 1/10000000 of the meridian through
Paris between the North Pole and the Equator.FG

• Interim (1960): 1650763.73 wavelengths in a vacuum of

the radiation corresponding to the transition between the
2p10 and 5d5 quantum levels of the krypton-86 atom.

• Current (1983): The distance travelled by light in vacuum

in 1/299792458 second.
Berat: Kilogram (kg) M
• Original (1793): The grave was defined as being the
weight [mass] of one cubic decimetre of pure water at its
freezing point.FG
• Current (1889): The mass of the international prototype
Berat: Kilogram (kg) M
• It is of cylindrical form, with
diameter and height of
about 39 mm, and is made
of an alloy of 90 % platinum
and 10 % iridium. Initially
the IPK had two official
copies; over the years, one
official copy has been
replaced and four others
have been added, so that
there are now six official
Berat: Kilogram (kg) M
• “they won’t let you pick it up. They won’t even let you
anywhere near it. If you touched it —if you so much as
breathed on it—you would change its mass, and then
where would we be? That’s why the IPK leads such a
sheltered life. It is kept under a triple bell jar inside a
temperature- and humidity-controlled vault in a secure
room within the Parc de Saint-Cloud enclave of the
International Bureau of Weights and Measures, or BIPM
(Bureau International des Poids et Mesures)”
- -
Waktu: second (s) T
• Original(Medieval): 1/86400 of a day.

• Interim (1956): 1/31556925.9747of the tropical year for

1900 January at 12 hours ephemeris time.

• Current (1967): The duration of 9192631770 periods of

the radiation corresponding to the transition between the
two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the caesium
133 atom.
Arus: Ampere (A) I
• Original (1881): A tenth of the electromagnetic CGS unit
of current. The [CGS] electromagnetic unit of current is
that current, flowing in an arc 1 cm long of a circle 1 cm in
radius creates a field of one oersted at the centre.[39] IEC

• Current (1946): The constant current which, if maintained

in two straight parallel conductors of infinite length, of
negligible circular cross-section, and placed 1 m apart in
vacuum, would produce between these conductors a
force equal to 2×10−7newtons per metre of length.
Suhu: Kelvin (K) Θ
• Original (1743): The centigrade scale is obtained by
assigning 0 °C to the freezing point of water and 100 °C to
the boiling point of water.

• Interim (1954): The triple point of water (0.01 °C) defined

to be exactly 273.16 K.[n 3]

• Current (1967):1/273.16 of the thermodynamic

temperature of the triple point of water
The triple point of water
At that point, it is
possible to change
all of the substance
to ice, water, or
vapor by making
arbitrarily small
changes in pressure
and temperature
Partikel: Mole (mol) N
• Original (1900):
The molecular weight of a
substance in mass
• Current (1967): The
amount of substance of a
system which contains as
many elementary
entities as there are
atoms in 0.012 kilogram
of carbon 12.[n 4]
Intensitas Cahaya: Candela (cd) J
• Original (1946): The value of the new candle is such that
the brightness of the full radiator at the temperature of
solidification of platinum is 60 new candles per square
• Current (1979): The luminous intensity, in a given
direction, of a source that emits monochromatic radiation
of frequency 5.4×1014 hertz and that has a radiant
intensity in that direction of 1/683 watt per steradian.
Intensitas Cahaya: Candela (cd) J

Intensitas Cahaya: Candela (cd) J
Besaran Turunan
• “SI derived unit”: derived from base units
• Unlimited number of derived units!
• Some examples:

– meter / second m/s velocity

– meter / second squared m/s2 acceleration
– newton (N) kg·m / s2 force
– pascal (Pa) N / m2 pressure
– joule (J) N·m energy
– volt (V) kg m2 s−3 A−1 voltage
– watt (W) J/s power
– ohm (Ω) V/A resistance
– farad (F) C/V capacitance
– henry (H) V s/A inductance
– hertz (Hz) 1/s frequency
Metric to Imperial
Conversions in the metric system are merely a
matter of moving a decimal point. The “base unit”
means the you have a quantity (grams, meters,
Liters, etc without a prefix.
Konversi m
1000 100 10 0.1 .01 .001

kilo hecto deka Base deci centi milli


1 2 3
18 L

18 liters = 18 000 milliliters

Example #1: Convert 18 liters to milliliters

Konversi m
103 102 101 10-1 10-2 10-3

kilo hecto deka Base deci centi milli


3 2 1
450 mg = 0.450 g 450 mg

Example #2: Convert 450 milligrams to grams

Konversi m
103 102 101 10-1 10-2 10-3

kilo hecto deka Base deci centi milli


1 2 3 4 5 6
20 kg

20 kg = 20 000 000 mg

Example #3: Convert 20 kilograms to milligrams

Konversi sistem Imperial

Notasi ilmiah adalah cara penulisan nomor yang

mengakomodasi nilai-nilai terlalu besar atau kecil untuk
dengan mudah ditulis dalam notasi desimal standar. Notasi
ilmiah memiliki sejumlah sifat yang berguna dan umumnya
digunakan dalam kalkulator, dan oleh para ilmuwan,
matematikawan, dokter, dan insinyur.
A number is expressed in scientific notation when it is in the form

a x 10n
where a is between 1 and 10
and n is an integer

Notasi desimal biasa Notasi ilmiah (normalisasi)

300 3×102
4,000 4×103
5,720,000,000 5,72×109
0,0000000061 6,1×10−9

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