SKIT Rubric
SKIT Rubric
SKIT Rubric
: ________________
Class: ____________________
Rubric for Skit or Role Play
Task Description:
Each group is task to simulate specific situations where English for
Academic and Professional Purposes is observable and applicable. Work
place situations are more preferred for this activity to show students how
helpful this subject is in their life as future employees and employers.
Criteria Exceptional Admirable Acceptable Attempted
Factual Factual Factual Information is
information is information is information is inaccurate
accurate mostly accurate somewhat Presentation is
Understandi 40
Indicates a Good accurate off topic
ng of Topic %
clear understanding Fair
understanding of topic understanding of
of topic topic
Accepts ideas of Accepts most Unwilling to Group does not
others; able to ideas without compromise work together
compromise negative Few members One person
Cooperation %
All members comments; able contribute does all the
contribute to compromise work
Some members
Shows Shows some Unsure of Portrayal stalls
confidence confidence responsibility Lacks
Informative Presents some Somewhat information
Entertaining; information informative Audience bored
engages Engages Engages Mumbles
Presentatio 30
audience audience audience Body language
n %
Speaks loudly Can be heard intermittently is lacking;
and clearly Some use of Hard to hear inappropriate
Appropriate use body language Some
of body movement
Assignment Score: ______________ + Beyonder/Bonus ______________ =