Diseño de Humedales Plantas Acuaticas
Diseño de Humedales Plantas Acuaticas
Diseño de Humedales Plantas Acuaticas
Wetlands Consultants
United States Environmental Protection Agency
Office of Research and Development
This document has been reviewed in accordance with the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency’s peer and administrative review policies and approved for publication. Mention of trade
names or commercial products does not constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.
This document is not intended to be a guidance or support document for a specific regulatory
program. Guidance documents are available from EPA and must be consulted to address
specific regulatory issues.
Chapter Page
2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.2 Nitrogen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.3 Phosphorus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.4 Pathogens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.4.1 Parasites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.4.2 Bacteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.4.3 Viruses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.5 Metals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.6 Trace Organics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.6 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Contents (continued)
Chapter Page
Number Page
Contents (continued)
Chapter Page
APPENDIXA ...................................................... 81
APPENDIXB ...................................................... 83
Number Page
1-1 Functions of Aquatic Plants In Aquatic Treatment Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1-2 Percent Removal for Several Pollutants from Secondary Effluent in
Natural Wetlands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1-3 Summary of Nutrient Removal from Natural Wetlands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1-4 Summary of Nutrient Removal from Constructed Wetlands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1-5 Summary of Wastewater Treatment Performance of Aquatic Plant Systems . . . . . 6
2-1 Pollutants and Pathways of Concern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2-2 Trace Organic Removal in Pilot-Scale Hyacinth Basins .................. 12
3-1 Removal Mechanisms in Wetlands for the Contaminants in Wastewater . . . . . . . 17
3-2 Performance of Pilot-Scale Constructed Wetland Systems ............... 17
3-3 Predicted vs. Actual Ce/Co Values for Constructed Wetlands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3-4 Media Characteristics for Subsurface Flow Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3-5 Emergent Aquatic Plants for Wastewater Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3-6 City of Arcata, CA Wastewater Discharge Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3-7 Arcata, CA Pilot Marsh System Hydraulic Loading Ratios and Detention Times . . 29
3-8 Experimental Vegetation and Compartments for Marsh Cells - Arcata, CA . . . . . 29
3-9 Average Annual BOD5 Concentration (mg/L) Arcata, CA ................ 30
3-10 Arcata, CA Marsh and Wildlife Sanctuary Wastewater Treatment
Plant Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
3-11 Arcata, CA Marsh and Wildlife Sanctuary Project Expenditures . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
3-12 Performance of the Emmitsburg, MD SFS 35
3-13 Determination of Nitrification Component in BOD5 Test Gustine, CA ....... 38
3-14 BOD5 and SS Removal Efficiencies As a Function of Detention
Time - Gustine, CA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Design Criteria for Constructed Wetland at Gustine, CA . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
3-17 Initial Operating Schedule of the Gustine, CA Marsh System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
3-18 Capital Costs for Gustine, CA Marsh Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
3-19 Fabius Coal Preparation Facility Marsh System Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Constructed Wetlands Case Studies Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
4-2 History of Use of Floating Aquatic Treatment Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
4-3 Performance of Existing Duckweed Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
4-4 Composition of Duckweeds Grown in Wastewater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Types of Water Hyacinth Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Design Criteria for Water Hyacinth Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
4-7 Design Criteria for Effluent Polishing With Duckweed Treatment Systems . . . . . . 54
4-8 Recommended Sludge Cleanout Frequency for Water Hyacinth Ponds . . . . . . . . 54
4-9 Nitrogen Removal - Water Hyacinth Tertiary Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Design Criteria for Modified Plug-Flow Water Hyacinth Ponds for
4-10 Expanded San Diego, CA Aquatic Treatment Facility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Performance Data - Hornsby Bend, TX Hyacinth Facility ................. 73
4-12 Iron Bridge, FL Water Hyacinth System Performance Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Iron bridge, FL Water Hyacinth System Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Aquatic Plant Systems Case Studies Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Many individuals contributed to the preparation and review of this manual. Contract
administration was provided by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Center for
Environmental Research Information (CERI), Cincinnati, Ohio.
Ronald W. Crites (Project Manager) - Nolte and Assocoiates, Sacramento, California
Daniel C. Gunther - Nolte and Associates
Andrew P. Kruzic - Nolte and Associates
Jeffrey D. Pelz - Nolte and Associates
George Tchobanoglous - University of California, Davis, California (In-house review)
Lowell L. Leach - EPA-Robert S. Kerr Environmental Research Laboratory, Ada, Oklahoma
John Meagher - EPA-Office of Wetlands Protection, Washington, DC
William Sipple - EPA-Office of Wetlands Protection, Washington, DC
Technical Direction/Coordination:
Denis J. Lussier - EPA-CERI, Cincinnati, Ohio
James E. Smith, Jr. - EPA-CERI, Cincinnati, Ohio
Aquatic Treatment System
influence the character and health of the ecosystem, 1. Physical entrapment of pollutants through sorption
as reflected by species composition and richness, in the surface soils and organic litter.
primary productivity, organic deposition and flux, and
nutrient cycling (1). In general, water movement 2. Utilization and transformation of elements by
through wetlands tends to have a positive impact on microorganisms.
the ecosystem (2). Rather than wasting water, upland
swamps appear to save water and thus promote 3. Low energy and low maintenance requirements to
increased regional production indirectly (3). attain consistent treatment levels.
Figure l-l. Common aquatic plants.
dominant in marshes, trees and shrubs characterize Florida, and a few others considering special wetland
swamps, and sedge/peat vegetation occurs in various standards) make no distinction between the wetland
bogs. and the adjacent surface waters and apply the same
requirements to both. Under these conditions,
Natural wetlands are effective as wastewater economics will not favor the utilization of natural
treatment processes for a number of reasons. Natural wetlands as a major component in a wastewater
wetlands support a large and diverse population of treatment process as the basic treatment must be
bacteria which grow on the submerged roots and provided prior to discharge to the wetland.
stems of aquatic plants and are of particular
importance in the removal of BOD5 from wastewater. Special situations may arise in which natural wetlands
In addition, the quiescent water conditions of a may provide further effluent polishing or, if the
wetland are conducive to the sedimentation of wetland is isolated from other surface waters, more
wastewater solids. Other aspects of wetlands that basic treatment. The use of treated effluent for
facilitate wastewater treatment are the enhancement, restoration, or creation of wetlands can
adsorption/filtration potential of the aquatic plants’ be a very desirable and environmentally compatible
roots and stems, the ion exchange/adsorption activity (10).
capacity of wetlands’ natural sediments, and the
mitigating effect that the plants themselves have on 7.2.2 Constructed Wetlands
climatic forces such as wind, sunlight and Studies in the United States have focused on
temperature (9). peatlands, bogs, cypress domes and strands, as well
as cattails, reeds, rushes, and related plants in
Natural wetland systems are typically characterized wetland settings (6). Constructed wetlands are either
by emergent aquatic vegetation such as cattails free water surface systems (FWS) with shallow water
(Typha), rushes (Scirpus), and reeds (Phragmites). depths or subsurface flow systems (SFS) with water
They can also contain some of the floating and flowing laterally through the sand or gravel. A
submerged plant species discussed in Chapter 4 as constructed wetland involving bulrushes in gravel
well as phreatophytes (plants whose roots extend to filled trenches was developed at the Max Planck
the ground-water table or the saturated soil area Institute in West Germany. This patented process has
immediately above it) (10). Most states (except seen limited application to date in the United States.
The constructed wetlands at Santee, California, was controlled to eliminate the negative aspects of natural
operated in a similar fashion. wetlands. The removal efficiency of typical pollutants
are reported in Table 1-4.
1.2.3 Aquatic Plant Systems
Aquatic plant systems are shallow ponds with floating Bacteria attached to plant stems and the humic
or submerged aquatic plants. The most thoroughly deposits are the major factor for BOD5 removal. With
studied systems are those which use water hyacinth respect to phosphorus removal, the contact
or duckweed. These systems include two types opportunities with the soil are limited in most natural
based on the dominant plant types. The first type wetland systems (an exception might be peat bogs)
uses floating plants and is distinguished by the ability and release of phosphorus has been observed during
of these plants to derive their carbon-dioxide and the winter in some cases. The surface area for
oxygen needs from the atmosphere directly. The constructed marshes ranges from 24.6 to 39.6 m2/m3
plants receive their mineral nutrients from the water. of applied wastewater per day (23-37 ac/mgd) (6).
The second type of system consists of submerged
plants and is distinguished by the ability of these The major costs and energy requirements for
plants to absorb oxygen, carbon-dioxide, and constructed wetlands are associated with pre-
minerals from the water column. Submerged plants application treatment, pumping and transmission to
are relatively easily inhibited by high turbidity in the the site, distribution at the site, minor earthwork, and
land costs. In addition, a constructed system may
water because their photosynthetic parts are below
the water. require the installation of a barrier layer to limit
percolation to groundwater and additional containment
structures in case of flooding (6).
1.3 Natural Wetlands Possible constraints to the use of constructed
Examples of pollutant removal in natural wetlands wetlands for wastewater treatment include the
receiving treated wastewater are presented in Table following:
1-2. The values for percent removal show quite a
range for treatment. This summary table is included Geographical limitations of plant species, as well
to indicate the general finding for natural wetlands as the potential that a newly introduced plant
systems, i.e., that levels of removal for BOD5 and SS species will become a nuisance or an agricultural
can be high but are not consistently high. Nutrient competitor.
removals from several specific natural wetlands
projects are presented in Table 1-3 (11). Constructed wetlands that discharge to surface
water require 4 to 10 times more land area than a
conventional wastewater treatment facility. Zero-
Table 1-2. Percent Removal for Several Pollutants from discharge constructed wetlands require 10 to 100
Secondary Effluent in Natural Wetlands (6) times the area of conventional wastewater
treatment plants. An example of a zero-discharge
Pollutant Removal, percent
system is the Incline Village Wetlands
BOD5 70-96 Enhancement Facility near Carson City, Nevada.
Suspended Solids 60-90
Plant biomass harvesting is constrained by high
Nitrogen 40-90 plant moisture content and wetland configuration.
Phosphorus Seasonal
Some types of constructed wetlands may provide
breeding grounds for disease producing organisms
Current experience with wetland systems is generally and insects and may generate odors if not properly
limited to the further treatment of secondary effluents managed.
(6). Factors to be considered are potential disruption Constructed wetlands, however, offer the engineer
of the existing wildlife habitat and ecosystems in a greater hydraulic control for general use and are not
natural wetland, loss of water via evapotranspiration restricted by many of the environmental concerns and
for all wetlands in arid climates, the potential for user conflicts associated with natural wetlands. Unlike
increased breeding of mosquitos or flies, and the natural wetlands, which are confined by availability
development of odor. The major benefits that can be and proximity to the wastewater source, constructed
realized from use of wetlands include preservation of wetlands can be built anywhere, including lands with
open space, wildlife habitat enhancement, increased limited alternative uses. They also offer greater
recreation potential, streamflow stabilization and flexibility scope for design and management options
augmentation in addition to wastewater treatment (6). and thus may provide superior performance and
reliability (1).
1.4 Constructed Wetlands 1.4.1 Free Water Surface Systems (FWS)
Constructed wetlands have the positive These systems typically consist of basins or
characteristics of a natural wetland and can also be channels, with some sort of subsurface barrier to
Table 1-3. Summary of Nutrient Removal from Natural Wetlands
Percent Reduction
Project Flow, m3/d Wetland Type TDP a NH 3 -N N0 3 -N TNb
Brillion Marsh, WI 757 Marsh 13 51
Houghton Lake, MI 379 Peatland 95 71 99c -
Wildwood, FL 946 Swamp/Marsh 98 90
Concord, MA 2,309 Marsh 47 58 20
Bellaire, Ml 1,136 Peatland 88 64
Coots Paradise, Town of Dundas, Ontario, Canada - Marsh 80 60-70
Whitney Mobile Park, Home Park, FL -227 Cypress Dome 91 89
Total dissolved phosphorus.
Total nitrogen.
Nitrate and nitrite.
May-November only.
Free Water Surface System.
Subsurface Flow System.
prevent seepage, soil or another suitable medium to root systems within the media. Systems using sand
support the emergent vegetation, and water at a or soil media are also used. Soil media systems
relatively shallow depth flowing through the unit. The designated as the Root-Zone-Method (RZM) were
shallow water depth, low flow velocity, and presence developed in West Germany.
of the plant stalks and litter regulate water flow and,
especially in long, narrow channels minimize short A theoretical basis for design of a SFS is shown in
circuiting. Chapter 3 (Equation 3-7). Unlike the FWS system
equation, in which the specific surface area is
Results from Listowel, Ontario are related in Chapter important but not critical, the media porosity is critical
3 to theoretical results using mathematical modeling to predicting the required area for a given level of
for BOD5 removal. The general result, shown in treatment. Media porosity has a direct mathematical
Chapter 3, is that Equation 3-5 gives correct order- relationship with the microbial degradation rate
of-magnitude predictions of the system response. constant.
For greater accuracy in predicting effluent BOD5
levels for a FWS, system the coefficient of specific The general ability of the equations shown in Chapter
surface for microbial growth must be estimated. This 3 to predict the extent of BOD5 removal should be
coefficient is related to the surface area of the used in conjunction with pilot studies. The
vegetation stems and leaves in the water column. mathematical and theoretical basis is not refined
Predicted results are not extremely sensitive to this enough to allow engineering design of a treatment
coefficient, as shown in Chapter 3. Water temperature system from the equations alone.
has a large influence on microbial activity and must
be known rather accurately to predict the extent of
BOD5 degradation in the constructed wetland. 1.5 Aquatic Plant Systems
1.51 Floating Plant Systems
1.4.2 Subsurface Flow Systems (SFS) The water hyacinth Eichhornia crassipes has been
These systems are essentially horizontal trickling studied extensively for use in improving the
filters when they use rock media. They have the wastewater effluent from oxidation ponds and as the
added component of emergent plants with extensive major component in an integrated, advanced
wastewater treatment system. The major 1.5.2 Submerged Plant Systems
characteristics of water hyacinths that make them an Submerged plants are either suspended in the water
attractive biological support media for bacteria are column or rooted in the bottom sediments. Typically,
their extensive root system and rapid growth rate. their photosynthetic parts are in the water column.
The major characteristic that limits their widespread The potential for use of submerged plants for
use is their temperature sensitivity (i.e., they are polishing of effluent seems at least theoretically an
rapidly killed by winter frost conditions.) Duckweed attractive option. The tendency of these plants to be
systems have been studied alone and as components shaded out by algal growths and to be killed or
of water hyacinths in polyculture systems. severely harmed by anaerobic conditions limits their
practical usefulness.
The major advantage of duckweeds is their lower
sensitivity to cold climates, while their major
disadvantages have been their shallow root systems
and sensitivity to wind. Several projects which have
provided valuable performance data for water
hyacinth and duckweed systems are summarized in
Table 1-5. The Orlando and San Diego projects will
be discussed in more detail in the case studies of
Chapter 4.
8. Stowell, R., S. Weber, G. Tchobanoglous, B.
1.6 References Wilson and K. Townzen. Mosquito Considerations
When an NTIS number is cited in a reference, that in the Design of Wet/and Systems for the
reference is available from: Treatment of Wastewater. Department of Civil
Engineering, University of California, Davis,
National Technical Information Service California, and Vector Biology Control Branch,
5285 Port Royal Road California State Department of Health Services,
Springfield, VA 22161 Sacramento, CA, 1982.
(703) 487-4650
9. Reed, S.C., and R.K. Bastian. Wetlands for
1. Wile, I., G. Miller, and S. Black. Design and Use Wastewater Treatment: An Engineering
of Artificial Wetlands. In: Ecological Perspective. In: Ecological Considerations in
Considerations in Wetland Treatment of Municipal Wetlands Treatment of Municipal Wastewaters.
Wastewaters, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., NY, Van Nostrand Reinhold, NY, pp. 444-450, 1985.
pp. 26-37, 1985.
10. Reed, S.C., E.J. Middlebrooks, and R.W. Crites.
2. Hantzsche, N . N . W e t / a n d S y s t e m s f o r Natural Systems for Waste Management and
Wastewater Treatment: Engineering Applications. Treatment. McGraw-Hill Book Co., NY, 1987.
In: Ecological Considerations in Wet/and
Treatment of Municipal Wastewaters, Van 11. Hyde, H.C., and R.S. Ross. Technology
Nostrand Reinhold Co., NY, pp. 7-25, 1985. Assessment of Wetlands for Municipal
Wastewater Treatment. Municipal Environmental
3. Godfrey, P.J., E.R. Kaynor and S. Research Laboratory, Office of Research and
Pelczarski. Ecological Considerations in Wet/and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection
Treatment of Municipal Wastewaters. Van Agency, EPA600/2-841154, NTIS No. PB 85-
Nostrand Reinhold Co., NY, 1985. 106896, 1984.
4. Tchobanoglous, G. Aquatic P/ant Systems for 12. Herskowitz, J., S. Black, and W. Lewandowski.
Wastewater Treatment: Engineering Listowel Artrticial Marsh Treatment Project. In:
Considerations. 1987. In: Aquatic Plants for Water Aquatic P/ants for Water Treatment and Resource
Treatment and Resource Recovery. Magnolia Recovery. Proceedings of the Conference on
Publishing, Inc., Orlando, FL, pp. 27-48, 1987. Research and Applications of Aquatic Plants for
Water Treatment and Resource Recovery,
5. Stowell, R., R. Ludwig, J. Colt, and G. Magnolia Publishing, Inc., Orlando, FL, pp. 247-
Tchobanoglous. Toward the Rational Design of 261, 1987.
Aquatic Treatment Systems. Presented at the
American Society of Civil Engineers, Spring 13. Bavor, H.J., D.J. Roser, and S. McKersie.
Convention, Portland, OR. April 14-18, 1980. Nutrient Removal Using Shallow Lagoon-So/id
Matrix Macrophyte Susyems. In: Aquatic Plants
6. Reed, S., R. Bastian, W. Jewell. Engineering for Water Treatment and Resource Recovery -
Assessment of Aquaculture Systems for Proceedings of the Conference on Research and
Wastewater Treatment: An Overview. In: Applications of Aquatic Plants for Water
Aquaculture Systems for Wastewater Treatment: Treatment and Resource Recovery, Magnolia
Seminar Proceedings and Engineering Publishing, Inc., Orlando, FL, 1987.
Assessment. U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, EPA 430/9-801006, NTIS No. PB 81-
156705, pp, 1-12, 1979.
The cost to construct and operate wastewater Table 2-1. Pollutants and Pathways of Concern
treatment facilities that accomplish advanced Pollutant Pathway
treatment in terms of further BOD5 or nitrogen Nitrogen
removal is high compared to the cost of primary and Health Infant water supply
secondary treatment. The search for a different Environmental Eutrophication
approach for polishing effluent and for nutrient Phosphorus
removal has caused renewed interest in land Health No direct Impact
application and wetlands application of effluent from Environmental Eutrophication
conventional wastewater treatment facilities. Systems Pathogens
that are more “natural” in the sense that they are Health Water suppIies, crops, aerosols
influenced more by natural environmental conditions Environmental Soil accumulation, Infect wildlife
of temperature, rainfall, sunlight, and wind action are Metals
useful alternatives to conventional systems. Health Water supplies, crops, or animals in human
food chain
Compared to conventional systems, natural systems Environmental Long-term soil damage, toxic to plants or
use less electrical energy and require less labor for wildlife
operation. Trace organics
Health Waler supplies, food chain, crops or animals
From a public health and environmental health Environmental Soil accumulation
viewpoint, natural systems have potentially more
points of contact with the environment and with the
public, because of the larger land area involved in the
system. Effluent monitoring is complicated because 2.2 Nitrogen
indicator organisms (total coliform bacteria counts) do Nitrogen is limited in drinking water to protect the
not clearly indicate the extent of wastewater treatment health of infants and may be limited in surface waters
(i.e., removal of pathogenic organisms). Any future to prevent eutrophication. Nitrogen can be removed in
pond systems by plant or algal uptake, nitrification wetlands. This pathogen is not a problem for wild fowl
and denitrification and loss of ammonia gas to the in SFS wetlands or aquatic plant systems.
atmosphere (evaporative stripping = volatilization).
Nitrogen removal in aquatic plant systems is 26-96 The major paths for the transmission of human
percent, primarily due to nitrification/denitrification disease from wastewater are: direct contact with
(2,3). In constructed wetlands, nitrogen removal applied wastewater, aerosol transport, food chain, and
ranges from 25-85 percent by the same mechanism improperly treated drinking water.
At Santee, California, subsurface flow systems (SFS)
were studied with respect to the contribution of
2.3 Phosphorus vegetation to removal of coliform bacteria in
Phosphorus removal in wetlands and aquatic plant constructed wetlands. Each wetland bed consisted of
systems is not very effective because of the limited a plastic lined (Hypalon, 0.76 mm) excavation, 18.5 m
contact opportunities between the wastewater and the long x 3.5 m wide x 0.76 m deep (60.7 ft x 11.5 ft x
soil. A 28-57 percent phosphorus removal in the 2.5 ft), containing emergent vegetation growing in
National Space Technology Lab studies with water gravel. lnfluent flow was from primary municipal
hyacinths has been reported (5). The principal wastewater. The hydraulic application rate was 5 cm
mechanisms for phosphorus removal are plant uptake (0.2 in)/d and the mean influent total coliform level of
or retention in the soil. 6.75 x 107 MPN/100 mL was reduced to 5.77 x 106
MPN/100 mL (99 percent removal) in the vegetated
bed (7). Hydraulic residence time was 5.5 days. The
2.4 Pathogens population decline of coliforms is due to
The pathogens of concern in aquatic treatment sedimentation, filtration, and absorption. Sunlight has
systems are parasites, bacteria, and viruses. The been shown to have a lethal effect on coliforms (11).
pathways of concern are to the surface waters
receiving discharge from a constructed wetland or In a study of free water surface (FWS) wetlands in
aquatic plant system. Pathways which are generally Listowel Ontario, Canada, fecal coliform removal
not a concern are groundwater contamination and efficiency was approximately 90 percent when
offsite transmission via aerosols. Groundwater will not operated at a 6-7 day residence time (12).
be contaminated in systems that are sealed by an Gearheart et al. found a total coliform removal
impervious clay or synthetic material barrier. efficiency of 93-99 percent during winter and 66-98
percent during summer at 7.5 days retention time in
Public health effects of wastewater treatment facilities free water surface wetlands in Arcata, California (13).
include the influence on plant workers of aerosols
from pond aerators. Based on several comprehensive Pathogenic bacteria and viruses are removed in
investigations reported, it can be said that people who aquatic plant systems by the same mechanisms as in
have been exposed to aerosolized microorganisms pond systems. These include predation,
from wastewater treatment processes generally do sedimentation, absorption, and die-off from
not become infected or ill (6). unfavorable environmental conditions, including UV in
sunlight and temperatures unfavorable for cell
2.4.1 Parasites reproduction. In order to quantify the magnitude of the
Research has been conducted on transmission of contribution from the above mechanisms, Gersberg et
parasitic diseases to animals and man by means of al. (14) measured the rate of inactivation of coliform
land application of municipal wastewater and sludge bacteria in sealed bags with in situ incubation below
(6). A significant study completed at the San Angelo, the gravel surface of a SFS wetland. The result when
Texas, wastewater irrigation site (7) indicated that compared to the decay rate through the wetland
parasites do not increase in cattle grazed or system was twice that for the in situ decay rate (i.e.,
wastewater irrigated pastures during the period of the without contact with the wetland vegetation). The
study. These results are similar to those reported difference indicates that half the degradation is due to
earlier in Poland (8,9) and Australia (10). These vegetation effects including bacterial absorption to
studies, although not on wetlands systems, indicate root surfaces and substrate biofilm.
that the potential for serious problems does not seem
to be present. One strong advantage of constructed wetlands over
natural wetlands is that the final effluent can be
chlorinated. Chlorine disinfection of constructed
2.4.2 Bacteria wetland effluent and aquatic plant systems can
Wildlife may be affected by wetlands systems produce waters suitable for unrestricted reuse
because anaerobic muds may contain the causative applications, since total coliform levels can be
organism of avian botulism (Clostridium botulinum). reduced to <2 MPN/100 mL (7). There is a growing
Control of this wildlife pathogen can be accomplished tendency to use chlorine as a disinfectant less often
largely by multiple dispersion points for FWS in cases where the production of trihalomethane
(THM) compounds is likely. Disinfection of wetland Constructed wetlands (SFS) at Santee, California
effluent with ultraviolet (UV) or ozone are alternatives received municipal wastewater that was spiked with
that do not produce THMs. the heavy metals copper, zinc and cadmium. At
hydraulic retention times of 5.5 days, removal
2.4.3 Viruses efficiencies were 99, 97, and 99 percent respectively
Viruses in most treatment systems are more resistant (20). The removal in the constructed wetlands was
to inactivation than are bacteria. The removal attributed to precipitation-adsorption phenomena.
efficiency of a SFS system was tested at Santee, Chemical precipitation is enhanced by wetland
California. An indicator of viral pollution (MS-2 metabolism, especially of algal cells which deplete
bacteriophages) was reported to be 98.3 percent dissolved CO 2 levels and raise the pH. Metals
removed for a demonstration-scale (800 m2 [8,600 removal in MIS wetlands should not be expected to
sq ft]) bulrush bed at Santee at a detention time of be significant. In one case, metals removal in a water
5.5 days (7). This involved spiking the influent hyacinth system was 85 percent for cadmium, 92
wastewater with MS-2 virus and studying percent for mercury, and 60 percent for selenium (6).
subsequent removal efficiency. MS-2 virus was
chosen because it is an RNA bacteriophage nearly
the same size as enteroviruses and is more resistant 2.6 Trace Organics
to UV light (15) heat (16) and disinfection (17) than Municipal and industrial wastewaters contain variable
most enteric viruses. concentrations of synthetic organic compounds.
During 1960-1970, environmental researchers
became aware of the tendency of some organic
2.5 Metals contaminants to resist removal in conventional
Heavy metals are common environmental pollutants wastewater treatment and to persist in the
that are produced as the result of industrial, environment for very long periods. A more disturbing
commercial and domestic activities. New pretreatment observation was that persistent, toxic compounds
standards require some industrial discharges, such as were found to accumulate in food chains because of
electroplating and metal finishing operations, to limit the tendency of the compounds to be fat soluble. A
heavy metal levels to very low residual concentrations compound can disappear from solution in an aqueous
(18). Studies in New York City show that heavy system by a number of mechanisms. Among the
metals can be found in municipal wastewater even mechanisms are: biological, chemical, photochemical
when major industrial sources are not part of the alternatives, and physicochemical processes such as
system (19). absorption, sedimentation, and evaporative stripping.
Biological degradation of easily degraded organic
Conventional primary and secondary unit processes compounds is considered the most important of these
at municipal wastewater treatment plants are
inadequate for efficient removal of heavy metals. (21).
Advanced processes including chemical precipitation, Evaporative stripping is a major mechanism for land
electrolysis, reverse osmosis, and ion exchange are treatment systems that employ spray irrigation (6);
used for pretreatment of known sources of heavy however, it is not a major mechanism for organic
metals in industrial wastewater. Use of these compound removal from wetlands or aquatic plant
processes to remove low concentrations of heavy systems. Absorption of trace organics by the organic
metals in municipal wastewater has the disadvantage matter and clay particles present in the treatment
of high capital cost and high operation and system is thought to be the primary physicochemical
maintenance costs. Additional disadvantages can be mechanism for removal of refractory compounds in
relatively high electrical power costs for electrolysis wetlands and aquatic plant systems (6). The extent to
and reverse osmosis processes and production of which trace organics are removed by a water
large amounts of bulky sludges with long settling hyacinth system is shown in Table 2-2.
times in the chemical precipitation processes.
Since the metal-laden sludges are often disposed of
in land fills, a treatment process that precipitates and
holds heavy metals in the confined area of a
constructed wetland accomplishes the same level of
removal at lower labor and energy costs (i.e., the
heavy metals are returned to the confined
environment of the landfill or the constructed
wetland). The goal of treatment for heavy metals is to
remove the metals from the larger environment and
from the food chain, especially the food chain in river
and ocean waters, The heavy metals are deposited in
landfills or wetlands depending on how they are
Table 2-2. Trace Organic Removal in Pilot-Scale Hyacinth and Resource Recovery. Magnolia Publishing,
Basins* (6) Inc. Orlando, FL. pp. 237-245, 1987.
Conventration, pg/L
Untreated Hyacinth 8. Patyk, S. Worm Eggs in Wroclaw Sewage and on
Parameter Wastewater Effluent Meadows and Pastures Irrigated with Municipal
2.0 Not Detexcted
Sewage. Wiad. Parazyt. 4,f 5/6, p. 479-481. In:
Critical Review and Assessment of Polish
Toulene 6.3 Not Detexcted
Literature on Sewage irrigation, Institute of
Ethylbenzene 3.3 Not Detexcted Meteorology and Water Management (Wroclaw,
Chlorobenzene 1.1 Not Detexcted Poland), Technical Interim Report No. 1 on
Chloroform 4.7 0.3 Project JB-5-532-24, Dec. 1977, Abstract No.
Chlorodibromomethane 5.7 Not Detexcted 2205. pp. 288-289, 1958.
1,1,1-Trichloroethane 4.4 Not Detexcted
9. Jankiewicz, L. Survival of Ascaris Eggs On Soils
Tetrachloroethylene 4.7 0.4 Irrigated with Communal Sewage, Zesz, nauk,
Phenol 6.2 1.2 A.R. - Wroc. Melioracje, XV, No. 90, p. 61-66.
Butylbenzyl phthalate 2.1 0.4 In: Critical Review and Assessment of the Polish
Diethyl phthalate 0.8 0.2 Literature on Sewage irrigation, Institute of
lsophorone 0.3 0.1
Meteorology and Water Management Wroclaw,
Poland), Technical Interim Report No. 1 on
Naphthalane 0.7 0.1
Project JB-5-532-24, Dec. 1977. Abstract No.
1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1.1 Not Detexcted 193. pp. 275-276, 1972.
*4.5 day detention time, 76 m3/d flow, 3 sets of 2 basins each in 10. Evans, K.J., I.G. Mitchell, and B. Salau. Heavy
parallel, plant density 10-25 k/m2 (net weight).
Metal Accumulation in Soils Irrigated by Sewage
and Effect in the Plant-animal System.
International Conference on Developments in
Land Methods of Wastewater Treatment and
2.6 References Utilization. October, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia,
1. Reed, S.C. Health Effects and Land Application of pp. 24/1 -24/14, 1978.
Wastewater. In: Water Reuse. Ann Arbor Science
Pub., Inc. pp. 753-781, 1982. 11. A.L.H. Gamerson, and J.R. Saxon. Water Res.
1:279, 1967.
2 Gearheart, R.A. et al. Final Report City of Arcata
Marsh Pilot Project. City of Arcata Department of 12. Palmateer, G.A., W.L. Kutas, M.J. Walsh, and
Public Works. Arcata, CA, 1983. J.E. Koellner. Abstracts of the 85th Annual
Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology.
3. Middlebrooks, E.J. Aquatic P/ant Processes Las Vegas, NV, 1985.
Assessment. In: Aquaculture Systems for
Wastewater Treatment: an Engineering 13. Gearheart, R.A., S. Wilber, J. Williams, D. Hull,
Assessment. U.S. Environmental Protection N. Hoelper, K. Wells, S. Sandberg, D. Salinger,
Agency, EPA 430/9-80-006, NTIS No.PB 81- D. Hendrix, C. Holm, L. Dillon, J. Morita, P.
156705. pp 43-63, 1980. Grieshaber, N. Lerner, and B. Finney. City of
Arcata, Marsh Pilot Project, Second Annual
4. Gersberg, R.M., B.V. Elkins, C.R. Goldman. Progress Report. Project No. C-06-2270, State
Nitrogen Removal in Artificial Wetlands. Water Water Resources Control Board, Sacramento,
Res. 17: 1009-1014, 1983. CA, 1981.
5. Wolverton, B.C., and R.C. McDonald. Upgrading 14. Weaver, R.W., N.O. Dronen, B.G. Foster, F.C.
Facultative Wastewater Lagoons with Vascular Heck, and R.C. Fehrmann. Sewage Disposal on
Aquatic P/ants. JWPCF 51:305-313, 1979. Agricultural Solids: Chemical and Microbiological
Implications, Vol. II: Microbiological Implications.
6. Reed, S.C., E.J. Middlebrooks, and R.W. Crites. Prepared for U.S. Environmental Protection
Natural Systems for Waste Management and Agency, RSKERL, Ada. OK, 1978.
Treatment. McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York,
NY, 1987. 15. Kapuscinski, R.B., and R. Mitchell. Sunlight-
induced Mortality of Viruses and Escherichia coli
7. Gersberg, R.M., R. Brenner, S.F. Lyon, and B.V. in Coastal Seawater. Environmental Science
Elkins. Survival of Bacteria and Viruses in Technology. 1711-6, 1982.
Municipal Wastewaters Applied to Artificial
Wetlands. In: Aquatic Plants for Water Treatment
16. Burge, W.D., D. Colacicco, and W.N. Cramer.
Criteria for Achieving Pathogen Destruction
During Cornposting. JWPCF 53:1683-1690,
Design of Constructed Wetlands
The use of constructed wetlands can be a cost- of clay or synthetic liner. The bed contains media
effective treatment alternative. Constructing a wetland which will support the growth of emergent vegetation.
where one did not exist before avoids the regulatory The system is built with a slight inclination (1-3
entanglements associated with natural wetlands and percent) between inlet and outlet. As shown in Figure
allows design of the wetland for optimum wastewater 3-1, primary or pond effluent is introduced into the
treatment. Typically, a constructed wetland should end of the system where it flows into a transverse
perform better than a natural wetland of equal area channel filled with broken stones.
because the bottom is usually graded and the
hydraulic regime in the system is controlled (1). Alternatively, the inlet channel can be perforated or
gated pipe. From there the wastewater flows
In addition to treating municipal wastewaters,
horizontally through the rhizosphere of the wetland
constructed wetlands have been used for a variety of
plants. During the passage of the wastewater through
industrial applications. The fdree water surface (FWS)
the rhizosphere, the wastewater is treated by
wetland is widely used as an inexpensive method of
filtration, sorption and precipitation processes in the
treating acid mine drainage (1). A FWS wetlands
soil and by microbiological degradation. The resulting
treatment facility for the Fabius Coal Preparation
physical-chemical and biochemical processes
Plant, operated by the TVA, is described in the Case
correspond to the mechanical and biological
Studies section of this Chapter.
processes in conventional mechanical treatment
systems including denitrification. The effluent is
3.1 Types of Constructed Wetlands collected at the outlet channel which is often filled
Constructed wetlands include FWS, as well as the with coarse gravel and may be discharged directly
more recently developed subsurface flow systems into the receiving water.
(SFS). The latter systems involve subsurface flow
through a permeable medium. The “root-zone Within the class of constructed wetland systems, the
method” and “rock-reed-filter” are other names for SFS systems studied most completely in the United
these systems that have been used in the literature. States are those with sand or rock media, (e.g.,
Because emergent aquatic vegetation is used in Santee, California; Emmitsburg, Maryland).
these systems they depend on the same basic
microbiological reactions for treatment. The media
type (soil or rock) affects the hydraulics of the 3.2 Site Selection
system. 3.2.1 Topography
A constructed wetland can be constructed almost
3.1.1 Free Water Surface Systems with Emergent anywhere. The emergent plant species used can
Plants tolerate winter freezing much better than aquatic plant
A FWS system typically consists of basins or systems. In Ontario, experimental systems have been
channels, with a natural or constructed subsurface built in heavy clay soils (Listowel) and in an
barrier of clay or impervious geotechnical material to abandoned mine-tailing basin (Cobalt). Because
prevent seepage, soil or another suitable medium to grading and excavating represent a major cost factor,
support the emergent vegetation, and water at a topography is an important consideration in the
relatively shallow depth flowing over the soil surface. selection of an appropriate site.
The shallow water depth, low flow velocity, and
presence of the plant stalks and litter regulate water 3.2.2 Soil Permeability for Free Water Surface
flow and, especially in long, narrow channels, ensure Systems
plug-flow conditions (1). In selecting a site for a free water surface wetland the
3.1.2 Subsurface Flow Systems with Emergent underlying soil permeability must be considered. The
Plants most desirable soil permeability is 10-6 to 10-7 m/s
A SFS wetland is a constructed wetland consisting of (0.14-0.014 in/hr) (2). Sandy clays and silty clay
a trench or bed underlain with an impermeable layer loams can be suitable when compacted. Sandy soils
Figure 3-1. Typical cross section - SFS system.
are too permeable to support wetland vegetation Historical climatic records can be used to estimate
unless there is a restrictive layer in the soil profile that precipitation and evapotranspiration. Empirical
would result in a perched high ground water table. methods such as the Thornthwaite equation can be
Highly permeable soils can be used for small used to estimate evapotranspiration. Pan evaporation
wastewater flows by forming narrow trenches and measurements may be useful if the wetlands will
lining the trench walls and bottom with clay or an contain a significant percentage of open water areas.
artificial liner. In heavy clay soils, additions of peat If required, estimates of water losses due to infiltration
moss or top soil will improve soil permeability and can be obtained by conducting infiltration tests such
accelerate initial plant growth (3). as outlined in the Design Manual for Land Treatment
Systems (5). Then, if the system operates at a
3.2.3 Hydrological Factors relatively constant water depth (dV/dt = 0), the effluent
The performance of any constructed wetland system flow rate can be estimated using Equation (3-1) (4).
is dependent upon the system hydrology as well as
other factors. Precipitation, infiltration, evapo- 3.2.4 Water Rights Considerations
transpiration (ET), hydraulic loading rate, and water In the western states, both riparian and appropriative
depth can all affect the removal of organics, nutrients,
water rights may be affected by adopting a
and trace elements not only by altering the detention constructed wetlands system. The effects can include
time, but also by either concentrating or diluting the site drainage (quality and quantity), change of location
wastewater. A hydrologic budget should be prepared for surface water discharge, and reduction of the
to properly design a constructed wetland treatment quantity of a surface water discharge. If an existing
system. Changes in the detention time or water surface discharge is to be affected, replacement of
volume can significantly affect the treatment downstream water rights may be necessary.
performance (4).
For a constructed wetland, the water balance can be 3.3 Performance Expectations
expressed as follows: Wetland systems can significantly reduce biological
Qi - Qo + P - ET = [dV/dt] (3-1) oxygen demand (BOD5), suspended solids (SS), and
where, nitrogen, as well as metals, trace organics, and
pathogens. The basic treatment mechanisms are
Qi = influent wastewater flow, volume/time, listed in Table 3-1 and include sedimentation,
Qo = effluent wastewater flow, volume/time, chemical precipitation and adsorption, and microbial
P = precipitation, volume/time interactions with BOD5, SS, and nitrogen, as well as
ET = evapotranspiration, volume/time some uptake by the vegetation. The performance of
V = volume of water, and several pilot-scale wetland systems is summarized
t = time. in Table 3-2.
Ground-water inflow and infiltration are excluded Removal rates for a large-scale pilot study of a SFS
from Equation 3-1 because of the imperrneable system near Sidney, Australia, have been reported
barrier. (6). Trenches were 100 m long x 4 m wide x 0.5 m
Table 3-1. Removal Mechanisms in Wetlands for the Contaminants in Wastewater (from 8)
Contaminant Effecteda
Settleable Colloidal Heavy Refractory and
Mechanism Solids Solids BOD N P Metals Organics Virus Description
Sedimentation P S I I I I I I Gravitational settling of solids (and
constituent contaminants) in
pond/marsh settings.
Filtration S S Particulates filtered mechanically as
water passes through substrate, root
masses, or fish.
Adsorption S lnterparticle attractive forces (van der
Waals force).
Precipitation P P Formation of or co-precipitation with
insoluble compounds.
Adsorption P P S Adsorption on substrate and plant
Decomposition P P Decomposition or alteration of less
stable compounds by phenomena
such as UV Irradiation, oxidation, and
Bacterial Removal of colloidal solids and
Metabolismb P P P P soluble organics by suspended,
benthic, and plant-supported
bacteria. Bacterial nitnfication/
Plant Metabolismb S S Uptake and metabolism of organics
by plants. Root excretions may be
toxic to organisms of enteric origin.
Plant Adsorption s s S S Under proper conditions, significant
quantities of these contaminants will
be taken up by plants.
Natural Die-Off P Natural decay of organisms in an
unfavorable environment.
P = primary effect; S = secondary effect; I = incremental effect (effect occurring incidental lo removal of another contaminant).
The term metabolism includes both biosynthesls and catabolic reactions.
deep (328 ft x 13 ft x 1.6 ft) with gravel. Plant species and leaf litter that has fallen into the water. Because
studied were Myriophyllum aquaticum (parrot feather); algae are typically not present if plant coverage is
Schoenoplectus validus (bulrush); and Typha complete, the major sources of oxygen for these
orientails (cumbungi). Secondary effluent was the reactions are reaeration at the water surface and
system influent flow. Hydraulic loading rate was 264 plant translocation of oxygen from the leaves to the
m 3/ha-d (28,225 gpd/ac), and detention time was 9 rhizosphere (1).
days. Typical influent and effluent concentrations are
plotted in Figure 3-2. Examination of the plot reveals
Specific criteria presented below are suitable for low
that the gravel planted emergent plant systems were
to moderate organic loadings. The organic loading
able to remove significant levels of SS, BOD5, and
should be distributed over a significant portion of the
nitrogen. Phosphorus removal was slight, which is
area and not applied at a single point. The design
consistent with the experience of other researchers
water depth should be 600 mm (24 in) (1) or less to
with rock and sand based systems.
ensure adequate oxygen distribution, and partial
effluent recirculation might be considered in the
Figure 3-2. Pilot-scale constructed wetland gravel summer months to overcome ET losses and maintain
planted trench with bulrush (6). design flow rates and oxygen levels.
BOD5 removal in a wetland has been described by a
60 first-order model as follows (1):
[Ce/Co = exp (-KTt) (3-2)
lnfluent where,
Ce = effluent BOD5, mg/L
C o = influent BOD5, mg/L
30 K T = temperature-dependent -1first-order
reaction rateconstant, d
t = hydraulic residence time, d
Hydraulic residence time can be represented as:
10 t = LWd÷Q (3-3)
L = length
W = width
Gearheart and Finney (7) concluded from pilot studies d = depth
on FSW wetlands in Arcata, CA, that wetlands have Q = average flow rate = (flowin + flowout) ÷ 2
the ability to dampen spikes in effluent characteristics
from an oxidation pond so that the wetland effluent is This equation represents hydraulic residence time for
more stable and consistent. Constructed wetlands an unrestricted flow system.
also reduce SS and fecal coliform levels and bring pH
values to nearly neutral values. The ability of In a FWS wetland, a portion of the available volume
constructed wetlands to produce a consistent effluent will be occupied by the vegetation, so the actual
from a low capital investment with low labor and detention time will be a function of the porosity (n),
energy requirements is a key benefit that is which can be defined as the remaining cross-
noteworthy. sectional area available for flow.
Combining the relationships in Equations 3-3 and A sample calculation for the above coefficients using
3-4 with the general model (Equation 3-2) results Equation 3-5 yields the following results:
in Equation 3-5 (1):
A = 0.52
C e/Co=A exp[(-0.7 KT(Av) 1.75 L W d n)÷Q] (3-5) K20 = 0.0057 d-1
Av = 15.7 m2/m3
where, n = 0.75
Y = 17.8oC (summer)
A = fraction of BOD5 not removed as settleable Q = 34.6 m3/d (summer)
solids near headworks of the system (as W =4m
decimal fraction) d = 0.14 m (summer), 0.24 m (winter)
Av = specific surface area for microbial activity,
m 2/m 3 Predicted Ce/Co = 0.312 for L = 134 m
L = length of system (parallel to flow path), m Predicted Ce/Co = 0.187 for L = 267 m
W = width of system, m
d = design depth of system, m Equation 3-5 is presented here as an example of the
n = porosity of system (as a decimal fraction) mathematical expression needed for design purposes.
Q = average hydraulic loading on the system, The coefficients have been estimated from the actual
m 3/d data at Listowel, Ontario. The sensitivity of the
equation to the specific surface area (Av), and the
The temperature-dependent rate constant is water temperature (T), were examined.
calculated from the rate constant for 20°C and the
correction factor of 1.1 (9). The rate constant KT (in Figure 3-3 shows the sensitivity of the Ce/Co ratio to
d-1) at water temperature T (oC) can therefore be Av; it indicates that, for values of 12-16 m2/m 3
defined by Equation 3-6. (3.7-4.9 sq ft/cu ft), corresponding to an average
reed stalk diameter of 12-16 mm (0.49-0.66 in),
KT = K20 (1.1)(T-20) (3-6) the Ce/Co ratio can range from 0.18 to 0.098 at the
end of a 335-m (1,100-ft) wetland channel. For a
where K20 is the rate constant at 20°C. stalk diameter of 12 mm (0.5 in) and a vegetation
volume of 5 percent, it was estimated that the
Other coefficients in Equation 3-5 have been specific surface area is 15.7 m2/m3 (4.8 sq ft/cu ft)
estimated (1). (1). This is a parameter that cannot be measured
A = 0.52 directly in an actual wetland environment. It
K20 = 0.0057 d-1 represents the surface area from all plant litter in the
= 15.7 m2/m3 water column including the reed stems, leaves, and
Av roots. The sensitivity of the equation to the specific
n = 0.75
area coefficient is not high. This means that specific
area can be estimated and predicted results are likely
Typical values used to test the equation against
to match actual results. If the equation proved to be
actual values at Listowel, Ontario, are listed in Table
3-3. sensitive to the estimate of specific area, then it
would mean that this coefficient would have to be
Table 3-3. Predicted vs. Actual Ce/Co Values for known accurately, which is not possible, and the
Constructed Wetlands [Actual Values from equation would have been of limited value.
Listowel, Ontario (1 )]
Distance Along Summer Winter The sensitivity of Equation 3-5 to temperature was
Channel, m Predicted Actual Predicted Actual calculated by varying it in the range 5-25oC (41-
77°F) for the predicted Ce/Co ratio at Listowel. As
0 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52
shown in Figure 3-4, the degree of treatment at 5oC
67 0.38 0.36 0.40 0.40 (41oF) is significantly reduced compared to that at
134 0.27 0.41 0.31 0.20 25°C (77°F). This indicates that the equation is
200 0.20 0.30 0.24 0.19 sensitive to temperature and therefore temperature
267 0.14 0.27 0.18 0.17 must be accurately predicted for use in the equation.
0.10 0.17 0.14 0.17
As a practical matter, in winter the depth of the
334 (final effluent)
wetland must generally be increased to allow for ice
depth. The increase in detention time in winter from
For Listowel, Ontario: greater depth has a compensating effect on the
Ce/Co ratio.
T = 17.8oC (summer), 3.0oC (winter)
Q = 35 m3/d (summer), 18.0 m3/d (winter) 3.3.2 BOD5 Removal in SFS Wetlands
W =4m The major oxygen source for the subsurface
d = 0.14 m (summer), 0.24 m (winter) components (soil, gravel, rock, and other media, in
Figure 3-3. Sensitivity of Ce/C, ratio to Av.
I I I I I m2/m3
0 I I I
0 150
trenches or beds) is the oxygen transmitted by the The bed width is calculated by the following equation.
vegetation to the root zone. In most cases the
subsurface flow system is designed to maintain flow W = A c ÷d (3-9)
below the surface of the bed, so there can be very
little direct atmospheric reaeration (1). The selection Cross sectional area and bed width are established
of plant species is therefore an important factor. by Darcy’s law:
Work at the pilot wetlands in Santee, California (10),
Q = ksAsS (3-10)
indicated that most of the horizontally growing root
mass of cattails was confined to the top 300 mm (12 Bed cross sectional area and bed width are
in) of the profile. The root zone of reeds extended to
independent of temperature (climate) and organic
more than 600 mm (24 in) and bulrushes to 760 mm
loading since they are controlled by the hydraulic
(30 in.). In the cooler climate of western Europe the characteristics of the media.
effective root zone depth for reeds is also considered
to be 600 mm (24 in) (1). The gravel bed at the
The value of KT can be calculated using Equation 3-
Santee system was 760 mm (30 in) deep, and the 6 and a known K20 for subsurface flow wetlands
water level was maintained just below the surface system. Typical media types including medium to
(10). The BOD5 removals observed in the three coarse sands have K20 values of approximately 1.28
parallel bulrush, reed, and cattail units at Santee d-1. Based on European data and data from Santee,
reflect the expanded aerobic zone made possible by California, the K20 values presented in Table 3-3B
the root penetration of the various plants. have been tested for media up to gravelly sand size
Removal of BOD5 in subsurface flow systems can be at warm temperatures (T>20°C) (1). The combined
described with first-order plug-flow kinetics, as effect of large media size (with a resulting small
described in Equation 3-2 for free water surface porosity value) and low temperatures represent a
systems. Equation 3-2 can be rearranged and used system that has not been studied and the above
to estimate the required surface area for a subsurface equations may not accurately predict the results.
flow system. Both forms of the equation are shown Expected porosities (n) hydraulic conductivity and K20
below for convenience. are listed in Table 3-4.
2. The bed slope is based on the site topography. L = 42,177÷660 = 63.9 m (210 ft)
Most systems have been designed with slope of 1
percent or slightly higher. For this design choose a t = Vv÷Q = LWdn÷Q (3-12)
slope of 1 percent for ease of construction
(s = 0.01). t = (63.9)(660)(0.3)(0.39) ÷ 950
= 5.2 days
3. Reed et al. (1) have indicated the need to check
the value ksS< 8.60. Choose a media of coarse
sand and from Table 3-4, n = 0.39, ks =480 and
K20 = 1.35. 9. Divide the required width into individual cells 60 m
wide for better hydraulic control at the inlet zone.
ksS = (480) (0.01) = 4.8 < 8.60 Construct 11 cells, each 60 m x 64 m (197 ft x
210 ft).
4. Solve for the first-order temperature-dependent
rate constant (KT) using Equation 3-6. All 11 cells are required in winter. In summer several
cells could be dried out for regrading or controlled
K T = K 20 (1.1) burning (spring or fall). All cells should remain in
service during winter and summer except for brief
Winter: draining for maintenance. The recovery rate for a cell
that has been allowed to go dormant and dries out
K T = 1.35 (1.1) = 0.36 fully is slow.
Figure 3-5. Regression curve of TKN vs. retention time in the effluent of an alternating Typha/open-water/gravel system. The
curve is a logarithmic fit and has a correlation coefficient of 0.70 (6).
of iron and aluminum will enhance the potential for presented in this section for both the FWS and SFS
phosphorus removal (1). Use of such soils will, types. These guidelines were derived from a relatively
however, reduce the hydraulic capacity and require a limited data base, so caution should be used in their
much greater area for treatment. application. A pilot test is strongly recommended for
large-scale projects.
3.3.6 Metals Removal
There are limited data available on the metal removal 3.4.1 Design Objectives
capability of FWS wetlands; because the removal There are limits to the technology of using
mechanisms are similar to those described above for constructed wetlands for high BOD5 wastewater
phosphorus, the response is not very effective. treatment. Although limited data are available on the
use of wetlands for treating primary effluent,
There is greater opportunity for contact and sorption
in SFS systems and metals removal can be very constructed wetlands have been used in a number of
locations for polishing secondary effluent (4). The
effective (1). The predominant removal mechanisms
uses for constructed wetlands also include: a) acid
in the artificial wetlands were attributed to
mine drainage treatment, b) stormwater treatment,
precipitation-absorption phenomena. Precipitation
and c) enhancement of existing wetlands.
was enhanced by wetland metabolism which
increased the pH of inflowing acidic waters to near Secondary effluent polishing has been accomplished
neutrality. Removal of Cu, Zn, and Cd at the rates of in pilot- and full-scale systems at Incline Village’s
99, 97, and 99 percent respectively, for a residence Carson River wetlands system, and at Arcata,
time of 5.5 days in the Santee, California, wetlands California (see Section 3.8.1) where polishing
were reported (12). Phosphorus removal and metals secondary effluent for release into Humboldt Bay was
removal will likely be finite due to exhaustion of a lower cost alternative that participation in a regional
exchange sites. deep-ocean outfall pipeline.
The FWS wetland is widely used as an inexpensive
3.4 Process Variables method of treating acid mine drainage. More than 20
Constructed wetland systems can be considered such systems were constructed in 1984-1985 in
attached growth biological reactors, and their Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio, and Maryland (1).
performance can be described with first-order plug- Oxygen for oxidation of mine wastes is supplied from
flow kinetics. Design guides for BOD5 loading are the root zone of the emergent vegetation and from
floating algae. Floating algae remove carbon dioxide where,
from the water column and thereby raise the pH. The
net effect of the pH rise and interaction of metals O2 = oxygen required
from mine waste is physical-chemical precipitation of BOD5 = organic loading, kg/d
metals in the soil and mud of the wetland. The iron Tr O2 = oxygen transfer rate for the vegetation,
concentration can be reduced from 25-100 mg/L to 20 g/m 2- d
less than 2 mg/L in these systems (1). As = surface area, m2
Enhancement of existing wetlands is a significant As a safety factor, available oxygen should exceed
result of constructed wetlands systems. The Incline required oxygen by a factor of 2 (1). Commonly used
Village General Improvement District wetland system emergent plants can transmit 5-45 g O2/d per m2 of
near Minden, Nevada, includes a wetland constructed wetland surface (45-400 Ib/ac-d). At a typical
adjacent to an existing natural warm springs wetland. oxygen transfer rate of 20 g/m2-d (180 Ib/ac-d), the
The addition of a more predictable water supply to the organic loading rate for a wetland should be 133 kg
wetland system allowed a larger more stable BOD5/ha-d (118 Ib/ac-d) (1).
population of wetland fowl and desert wildlife to be
established in the vicinity of the wetland. 3.4.3 Hydraulic Loading Rates
Hydraulic loading rate for FWS systems is closely tied
In the Arcata, California constructed wetland system,
to the hydrological factors for each wetland and these
the goal of meeting the NPDES discharge
factors are specific to the site. Organic loading rate is
requirements as well as enhancing the waters of
also closely tied to the hydraulic loading rate.
Humboldt Bay have been generally met. “The
Hydraulic loading rates of 150-500 m 3 /ha-d
wastewater project will meet a state reclamation
(16,000-54,000 gpd/ac), have been reported (13),
policy in that it reuses wastewater for the creation of
and, in general, the site-specific conditions of
the marsh and the invertebrates of the oxidation
weather, soil conditions (permeability especially), and
ponds could be used for fish food in the salmon
vegetation type must be considered in establishing
aquaculture project. The recreation lake water will
the hydraulic loading rate. From the results obtained
continue to provide nutrients for enrichment of the
at Listowel, Ontario, it appears that hydraulic loading
mudflats of Humboldt Bay and food for juvenile
rates of 200 m3/ha-d (21,000 gpd/ac) will provide
salmonids planted in the lake as part of the ocean
maximum treatment efficiencies.
ranching project” (7).
3.4.2 BOD5 Loading Rates The water losses due to evapotranspiration can affect
There are two goals for organic load control in a the feasibility of the various wetland designs in arid
constructed wetland system. The first is provision of a climates and their performance during the warm
carbon source for denitrifying bacteria. The second is summer months in all locations. In the western states,
control of organic loading to prevent overloading of where appropriate laws govern the use of water, it
the oxygen transfer ability of the emergent plants in may be necessary to replace the volume of water lost
the wetland system. If the carbon source is not to protect the rights of downstream water users.
available for denitrification, then lower overall nitrogen Evaporative water losses in the summer months
removal will result. However, heavy organic loading, decrease the water volume in the system, and
especially if not evenly distributed, will cause plant die therefore the concentration of remaining pollutants
off and odors. tends to increase even though treatment is very
effective on a mass removal basis (1).
Organic loading in a FWS wetland can be controlled
by step-feed distribution as well as recycle of In the special case of a wetland that is constructed to
wetland discharges. A mass loading rate of about 112 have zero discharge, the hydraulic loading can
kg BOD5/ha-d (100 Ib/ac-d) is a typical upper become a major concern and the dominant design
loading rate. consideration. In a zero-discharge wetland, water is
disposed of through the mechanisms of evaporation,
The mathematical justification for this typical loading transpiration, and ground-water recharge.
capacity of a WS constructed wetland is established
by estimating the oxygen transfer capacity of the 3.4.4 Water Depth in FWS Systems
wetland vegetation. Estimation of loading by this The water level in the system and the duration of
method is a two step process: 1) first, calculate the flooding can be important factors for the selection and
required oxygen; then 2) calculate the available maintenance of wetland vegetation (1). Cattails grow
oxygen for the assumed surface area. The following well in submerged soils and may dominate where
two equations are used (1): standing water depth is over 150 mm (6 in). Reeds
occur along the shorelines of water bodies where the
Required Oxygen = 1.5 BOD5 (3- 13 ) water table is below the surface but will also grow in
water deeper than 1.5 m (5 ft). Growth is best in
Available Oxygen = (Tr O2) (As) ÷ 1,000 (3 - 14) standing water but the depth seems to have no direct
effect. The common reed is a poor competitor and and BOD5 is desirable to reduce oxygen demand and
may give way to other species in nutrient-rich prevent sludge accumulations in the upper reaches of
shallow waters. Bulrushes can tolerate long periods of the marsh. Phosphorus reduction by chemical
soil submergence and occur at water depths of 7.5- addition is recommended in the pretreatment step
250 mm (0.3-10 in) in California (14). In deeper when phosphorus is required.
water, bulrushes may give way to cattails. Sedges
generally occur along the shore or in shallower water
than bulrushes (1). 3.6 Vegetation
3.4.5 Detention Time The major benefit of plants is the transferring of
Treatment performance in constructed wetlands is a oxygen to the root zone. Their physical presence in
function of detention time, among other factors. the system (the stalks, roots, and rhizomes) penetrate
Ground slope, water depth, vegetation, areal extent, the soil or support medium, and transport oxygen
and geometric shape control the flow velocity and, deeper than it would naturally travel by diffusion alone
thus, the detention time through a wetlands treatment (1).
system (7).
Perhaps most important in the FWS wetlands are the
A detention time of 6-7 days has been reported to submerged portions of the leaves, stalks, and litter,
be optimal for the treatment of primary and secondary which serve as the substrate for attached microbial
wastewater (15). Shorter detention times do not growth. It is the responses of this attached biota that
provide adequate time for pollutant degradation to is believed responsible for much of the treatment that
occur; longer detention times can lead to stagnant, occurs (1).
anaerobic conditions.
The emergent plants most frequently found in
Two climatic factors can significantly affect the wastewater wetlands include cattails, reeds, rushes,
detention time at a constant hydraulic loading rate. In bulrushes and sedges. Information on their
the summertime, evapotranspiration can significantly distribution in the United States and some of the
increase the detention time, while ice formation in major environmental requirements of each are
wintertime can significantly decrease the detention provided in Table 3-5 (1).
time. The recommended water depth at Listowel, for
summertime is approximately 100 mm (4 in) and 3.6.1 Cattails
should be increased to approximately 300 mm (12 in) Cattails (Typha spp.) are ubiquitous in distribution,
in winter if ice formation is expected, to minimize the hardy, c a p a b l e o f t h r i v i n g u n d e r d i v e r s e
effect of climate on the detention time. environmental conditions, and easy to propagate and
thus represent an ideal plant species for constructed
Estimating the detention time in wetland systems can wetlands. They are also capable of producing a large
be difficult for several reasons. First, large dead annual biomass and provide a small potential for N
spaces may exist in the wetlands due to differences and P removal, when harvesting is practiced. Cattail
in topography, plant growth, solids sedimentation, and rhizomes planted at approximately 1-m (3.3-ft)
the degree of flow channelization (i.e. short- intervals can produce a dense stand within three
circuiting). Only a fraction of the surface area, in months (3).
wetlands, may be available for wastewater flow.
3.6.2 Bulrushes
Rushes are members of the genus Juncus and are
perennial, grasslike herbs that grow in clumps (5).
3.5 Pre-Application Treatment Bulrushes (Scirpus spp.) are ubiquitous plants that
grow in a diverse range of inland and coastal waters,
To reduce capital and operating costs, minimal brackish and salt marshes and wetlands. Bulrushes
pretreatment of wastewater prior to discharge to a are capable of growing well in water that is 5 cm (2
wetland is desirable. However, the level of in) to 3 m (10 ft) deep. Desirable temperatures are
pretreatment will also influence the quality of the final 16-27°C (61-81°F) (1). Bulrushes are found
marsh effluent, and therefore effluent quality growing in a pH of 4-9 (16).
objectives must be considered (15).
3.6.3 Reeds
Preceding wetland treatment with a conventional Reeds (Phagmites communis) are tall annual grasses
primary treatment plant is capital intensive and with an extensive perennial rhizome. Reeds have
impractical unless such a facility is already in been used in Europe in the root-zone method and
existence. Pretreatment with a conventional lagoon is are the most widespread emergent aquatic plant.
land consumptive and may generate hydrogen sulfide Systems utilizing reeds may be more effective in the
in winter and algal problems in warmer weather. transfer of oxygen because the rhizomes penetrate
Based on studies at Listowel, some reduction of SS vertically, and more deeply than cattails (1).
Table 3-5. Emergent Aquatic Plants for Wastewater Treatment
Max. Salinity Effective pH
Common Name Scientific Name Distribution Desirable Seed Germination Tolerance, ppt* Range
Cattail Typha spp. Throughout the world 10-30 12-24 30 4-10
Common reed Phragmites communis Throughout the world 12-23 10-30 45 2-8
Rush Juncus spp. Throughout the world 16-26 20 5-7.5
Bulrush Scirpus spp. Throughout the world 18-27 20 4-9
Sedge Carex spp. Throughout the world 14-32 5-7.5
3.8.1 Arcata, California Table 3-6. City of Arcata, CA Wastewater Discharge
The Arcata System is a FWS system that discharges
municipal oxidation pond effluent into a marsh. 30-Day 7-Day Daily
Constituents* Average Average Maximum History BOD5 (20oC), mg/L 30 45 60
The City of Arcata wastewater treatment plant was Suspended Solids, mg/L 30 45 60
constructed in the 1940s when the first sewers were
Settleable Solids, mL/L 0.1 - 0.2
installed. At that time, the wastewater received
primary treatment before discharge to Humboldt Bay. Total Coliforms, MPN/100 mL 23 - 230
Oxidation ponds were added in 1958 followed by the Cl2 Residual, mg/L 0.1
addition of chlorination facilities in 1968 and Grease and Oil, mg/L 15 20
dechlorination facilities in 1975. Toxicity Conc., tu 1.5 2.0 2.5
In April 1975, the Comprehensive Basin Plan for the *6.5 > pH < 8.5 at all times.
North Coast Region was adopted by the California
State Water Resources Control Board and was
incorporated into the Bays and Estuaries Policy (16).
The stated policy concerning discharges to Humboldt Pilot Plant Results
Bay was that all wastewater discharges to enclosed
bays and estuaries be “phased out at the earliest a. Pilot Facilities Description
practicable date.” The Regional Water Quality Control The pilot facilities consisted of 12 experimental cells,
Board was empowered to grant exemptions if the 6.1 m wide (20 ft), 61 m long (200 ft), and
discharger could demonstrate “that the wastewater in approximately 1.2 m deep (4 ft) (17). The 12 cells
question would consistently be treated and consisted of three groups of four cells each (See
discharged in such a manner that it would enhance Figure 3-6). The depth of water in the cells was set
the quality of receiving waters above that which would approximately at either 0.3 or 0.6 m (1 or 2 ft) using
occur in the absence of the discharge.” 60o V-notch weirs. Seepage from the cells was
prevented by the use of clay in cell bottoms and
In 1977, the City of Arcata proposed to the Regional berms. Although the cells were initially seeded with
Water Quality Control Board the use of a wastewater alkali bulrush and hardstem bulrush, the marsh cells
treatment process consisting of existing primary went through a succession of aquatic plants with the
sedimentation facilities and 22.3-ha (55-ac) major species at the end of the three-year study
oxidation pond facilities, and three new constructed being hardstem bulrush, cattails, water cress, marsh
marshes (12.6 ha [31 ac]). The effluent from the pennywort, and duckweed.
marsh system would flow through a 6.9-ha (17-ac)
recreation lake before being discharged to Humboldt b. Experimental Design
Bay. The City claimed that the system would protect The first year of the three-year study was devoted to
all of the existing beneficial uses of Humboldt Bay construction of the experimental facilities and the
and would result in the fuller realization of existing establishment of the marsh system. The remaining
beneficial uses or in the creation of new beneficial two years of the study were spent documenting the
uses. performance of the 12 cells under steady state
operation. The experimental design consisted of
The State Water Resources Control Board funded a combinations of three hydraulic loading rates (2,400,
three-year pilot study which began in September of 1,200, and 600 m3/ha-d) (260,000, 130,000, 65,000
1979. The results of the pilot work were promising gpd/ac) and two water depths (0.3 and 0.6 m [1 and
and, in 1983, the Board agreed that the marsh 2 ft]). This design provided a replicate for each of the
system would enhance the beneficial uses of combinations. However, variations in actual weir
Humboldt Bay for scenic enjoyment and educational heights and measured flow rates from the design
study, and that a full-scale marsh system would values resulted in variation in the hydraulic loading
meet the requirements of the Basin Plan. In 1986, the rates and the hydraulic detention time between
marsh treatment system was completed and placed in replicate cells (see Table 3-7). In the second year of
operation. operation the hydraulic loading rate in the first four
cells was reduced from 2,400 to 300 m 3 /ha-d Design Objectives (260,000 to 32,500 gpd/ac).
Design objectives for the marsh system at Arcata
were that the marsh effluent meet the NPDES The influent to the marsh system was effluent from
discharge requirements listed in Table 3-6 as well as the City’s 22.3 ha (55 ac) oxidation pond. The twelve
enhance Humboldt Bay waters. To provide for cells were routinely monitored for influent and effluent
enhancement of Humboldt Bay waters the marsh BOD5, SS, total and fecal coliform, organic nitrogen,
system should also be designed and operated as a ammonia, nitrate, phosphates, metals, pH, DO,
wildlife habitat. turbidity and toxicity by bioassay. In addition, several
Figun 3-6. Arcata, CA pilot marsh system.
Table 3-7. Arcata, CA Pilot Marsh System Hydraulic Loading Rates and Detention Times (18)
Marsh Cell Number
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Flow, m /d
9/1l/80-12/31/81 17.2 17.1 15.2 15.8 9.0 8.2 8.4 8.4 5.4 5.4 4.4 4.3
1/1/82-1-/31/82 3.5 1.5 1.4 1.5 9.0 8.2 8.4 8.4 5.4 5.4 4.4 4.3
Hydraulic Loading, m3/m2-d
9/1/80-12/31/81 0.24 0.24 0.19 0.22 0.12 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.07 0.07 0.06 0.06
l/1/82-1-/31/82 0.05 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.12 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.07 0.07 0.06 0.06
Depth, m
9/1/80-10/31/82 0.55 0.40 0.61 0.36 0.49 0.30 0.55 0.33 0.55 0.33 0.50 0.35
Detention Time, hr
9/1/80-12/31/81 52 38 65 37 88 59 106 58 180 90 183 132
1/1/82-1-/31/82 257 411 697 369 88 59 106 58 160 90 183 132
tracer studies and a disinfection efficiency study were As in the first pilot study, oxidation pond effluent was
performed. the influent to the marsh cells and the marsh cells
were monitored routinely for influent and effluent
Following the first pilot study an additional study was BOD5, SS, ammonia, nitrate, phosphates, pH, DO,
sponsored by the State Water Resources Control turbidity, total and fecal coliforms. Special studies of
Board (18). The focus of this study was to determine indicator organism speciation and mosquito
the effect of harvesting on performance, wildlife, and populations were also performed.
mosquito production and to investigate indicator c. Experimental Results
organism speciation and removal. Ten of the original lnfluent BOD5 during the first pilot study averaged
12 cells were restructured and rehabilitated for the 24.5 mg/L with a standard deviation of 12.3 mg/L.
study by harvesting the plants from portions of some The average removal percentage for all cells was 46
cells and installing baffles in others (see Table 3-8). percent. As expected the lower hydraulic loading
The hydraulic loading rate in all cells was maintained rates produced better effluent quality. The respective
at 700 m3/ha-d (74,000 gpd/ac) and water level was percentage removals for 2,400, 1,200, 600, and 300
set at 0.6 m (2 ft), providing a theoretical hydraulic m 3/ha-d (260,000, 130,000, 65,000, and 32,500
detention time of 7.5 days. Harvesting was gpd/ac) were 35, 45, 55, and 75 percent (see Table
accomplished by hand, using a weed eater, machetes 3-9). Although there were seasonal increases in the
and rakes. influent BOD5 concentration associated with algal
blooms, variation in BOD5 removal in the marsh
Table 3-8. Experimental Vegetation and Compartments for
system appeared to be due to factors which are
Marsh Cells - Arcata, CA (32) difficult to quantify, such as the succession of plant
species rather than seasonal factors such as
Cell 1 Effluent 50 percent of cell harvesteda temperature and sunlight. In general, the marsh
system proved to be effective at all the loading rates
Cell 2 100 percent of cell harvested
investigated in producing an effluent which would
Cell 3 Cell left intact from previous season (Hardstem bulrush) meet the discharge requirements with the exception
Cell 4 Alternating 6-m (20-ft) strips harvested starting with of the first spring and summer of operation.
effluent 6m (20 ft)b
Cell 5 Cell left intact from previous season (Cattail) In interpreting the results with respect to BOD5
removal, the investigators used a mathematical model
Cell 6 Marsh cell divided into four 30 m x 6 m (100 ft x 20 ft)
compartments developed by Atkinson, in which it is assumed that
soluble substrate is removed by a thin film of
Cell 7 Marsh cell divided into four 15 m x 6 m (50 ft x 20 ft)
compartments attached microorganisms (17):
Cell 8 Marsh cell divided into four 7.5 m x 6 m (25 ft x 20 ft)
compartments -In [Se/Si] = (f h ko) w Z ÷ Q (3-15)
Cell 9 Alternating 15-m (50-H) strips harvested with the last
15 m (50 ft) interval vegetated Se = effluent concentration, mg/L
Si = influent concentration, mg/L
Cell 10 lnfluent 50 percent of cell was harvested
f = proportionalityy factor
Cells were harvested In November 1984. h = thickness of slime, m
Cellular compartments were constructed with baffles which allow k o = maximum reactor rate, d
flow to transfer to next compartment by use of three V-notch W = width of section (width of cell), m
weirs. Z = filter depth (length of cell), m
Q = volumetric flow rate, m3/d
Table 3-9. Average Annual BOD5 Concentration (mg/L) - concluded that SS are not a major factor in chlorine
Arcata, CA (17)
demand in the Arcata system.
1981 1982 1981-1982
Std. Std. Std. The second pilot study was primarily concerned with
Mean Dev. Mean Dev. Mean Dev. the effects of harvesting and baffles on the
lnfluent 27.3 13.4 21.9 9.5 25.2 12.3
performance of marsh systems. In summary, it was
concluded that harvesting resulted in statistically
1* 18.7 8.7 2.8 3.8
significant degradation of effluent quality for BOD5
2 18.2 9.3 7.8 6.2 and statistically non-significant degradation for SS.
3 18.1 7.3 5.7 4.4 Baffles did not significantly increase or decrease
4 17.7 6.8 5.3 5.1 effluent BOD5 and SS compared to the control cells
5 16.1 9.1 10.7 5.4 13.9 8.2 which were neither baffled nor harvested. The results
of the study with respect to the impacts of harvesting
6 13.8 8.0 6.4 3.8 10.7 7.6
and baffles on the removal of other pollutants were
7 18.0 7.7 7.9 4.7 14.0 8.3 inconclusive.
8 23.9 31.3 6.2 4.0 16.8 25.8
9 16.7 10.5 7.1 4.5 12.8 9.8 No conclusions were drawn concerning the effects of
10 17.8 11.2 7.7 5.4 13.7 10.5 harvesting and use of baffles on mosquito
4.4 2.8 10.4 9.1
populations. The results of the 1985 sampling were
11 14.3 9.6
compared with earlier years and it was concluded that
12 13.6 8.8 4.7 3.2 10.1 8.2
the mosquito population had decreased and in
* Effluent from Cell 1.
general, the pilot marsh cells produced approximately
the same densities of mosquitoes as the adjacent
natural marsh system.
The Arcata investigators determined (f h ko) to be
4.95 m/d. They also compared effluent BOD5 to the Approximately 90 percent of the total coliforms and
BOD 6 m a s s l o a d i n g a n d p r o p o s e d a l i n e a r more than 95 percent of the fecal coliforms were
relationship for determining the areal requirements for removed in the pilot marsh cells. Based on the results
a marsh system treating oxidation pond effluent. of sampling for 35 species of bacteria, significant
differences in the species composition of the influent
lnfluent SS averaged 34.9 mg/L with a standard and effluent were not observed.
deviation of 18.9 mg/L. Although there was a larger
average value and range for the influent SS Design Factors
concentrations as compared to BOD5, the effluent Design of the final treatment system at Arcata was
values were very stable during the study and did not largely influenced by the existing facilities and by the
vary significantly with loading rate. The SS removal results of the first pilot study. It was decided to use
averaged 85 percent for all loading rates with the the previously constructed Arcata Marsh and Wildlife
highest and lowest average removal rates being 87 Sanctuary as a final polishing marsh system and to
percent and 83 percent. convert a portion of the existing aerated ponds into an
intermediate marsh system. A flow diagram for the
During the first two-year study, no violations of overall wastewater treatment system is provided in
Arcata’s NPDES toxicity standard in either the marsh Figure 3-7.
influent or effluent from any of the experimental cells
were observed. Total nitrogen removal was measured The primary purpose of the intermediate marsh
during a six-month period and averaged 30 percent system is to remove SS prior to chlorination and
for all cells. Average ammonia removal over the two- dechlorination. The surface area of the intermediate
year period varied from 0 to 33 percent for the marsh system was determined based on a short-
various cells. Average phosphorus removal was quite term study, designed to determine the maximum
low, with the highest average removal percentage hydraulic loading rate that met effluent SS standards.
being 10 percent. Although a maximum rate was not identified, the
maximum rate used in the study, 12,000 m3/ha-d
A disinfection study was conducted in the summer of (1.28 mgd/ac), provided acceptable effluent SS
1982 to demonstrate that lower SS and pH in the levels. The full-scale intermediate marsh system is
marsh effluent would result in a lower chlorine 16.2 ha (4 ac), which results in design average and
demand. However, it was discovered that the marsh maximum month hydraulic loading rates of 5,400 and
effluent contained both volatile and non-volatile 14,000 m3/ha-d (0.58 and 1.5 mgd/ac).
compounds which resulted in a higher chlorine
demand compared to the oxidation pond effluent. It The intermediate marsh system was designed with
was shown that the volatile compounds, such as several 15-m (50-ft) stretches of open space which
hydrogen sulfide, could be removed by air stripping, span the full width of the marsh cell (see Figure 3-
thereby reducing the chlorine demand. It was further 8). The purpose of the open space is to provide a
Figure 3-7. Arcata, CA wastewater treatment facilities flow diagram.
Figure 3-8. Arcata, CA intermediate FWS system.
habitat for fish which will control the mosquito Table 3-10. Arcata, CA Marsh and Wildlife Sanctuary
Wastewater Treatment Plant Performance
population and for wildlife. Another mosquito control
measure was the decision to plant the marsh system Influent, mg/L Effluent, mg/L
with hardstem bulrush because it allows fish better B0D 5 SS BOD5 SS
access to the planted areas. Routine solids removal
Aug 1986 34 49 8 17
from the intermediate marsh system is planned.
Sept 32 52 6 13
It is anticipated the effluent quality from the Oct 41 46 7 15
intermediate marsh will meet the discharge Nov 46 39 21 42
requirements the majority of the year. However, to Dec 48 55 20 39
enhance the Humboldt Bay waters through the
Jan 1987 32 32 15 35
creation of a wildlife habitat, the City of Arcata is
required to pass a minimum of 8,700 m3 (2.3 Mgal) of Feb 20 27 19 58
effluent through the Arcata Marsh and Wildlife Average 36.1 42.9 13.7 31.3
Sanctuary daily. The resulting hydraulic loading rate is
700 m3/ha-d (74,000 gpd/ac). Operating Characteristics chlorine contact tank. This problem was solved by
One-half of the intermediate marsh system was installing a smaller mesh screen in front of the
planted in March 1986 and the other half during the effluent pipes and by establishing thick vegetation in
summer months of 1987. Currently the water level in the effluent area.
the two intermediate marsh cells is set at 1.1 m (3.5
ft) and the total influent flow is passed evenly through Costs
the cells. Once both cells are fully established the The construction of both the intermediate and final
water level will be reduced to 0.6 m (2 ft). After wetlands systems at Arcata was totally financed by
chlorination and dechlorination, approximately 11,350 the City of Arcata. The total cost of the Arcata Marsh
m 3/d (3 mgd) of effluent is diverted to the polishing and Wildlife Sanctuary project (final wetland system)
marsh system at the Arcata Marsh and Wildlife was $514,600 including planning and environmental
Sanctuary. Effluent from the polishing marsh is studies and land acquisition. A cost breakdown
chlorinated, dechlorinated and discharged to Arcata summary is provided in Table 3-11.
Bay. Effluent flows in excess of 1,350 m3/d (3 mgd)
from the oxidation pond are chlorinated, dechlorinated Table 3-11. Arcata, CA Marsh and Wildlife Sanctuary
and discharged directly to Humboldt Bay. Project Expenditures
Item cost, $
The intermediate marsh system is in the process of
Plan of Study 14,000
plant establishment and startup. As expected, the
wastewater treatment performance of the one cell EIR, Management Plan, and Permits 20,500
planted in March 1986 was not very good in the first Land Acquistion 76,100
season, but the operators are confident the Construction 235,000
intermediate marsh system will perform as designed Accessways (trails, etc.) 19,000
as it matures biologically and when the second cell is Expenditures from Treatment Plant Modifications 150,000
planted and brought into service. to Transport and Return Wastewater
Total 514,600
The polishing marsh system has been receiving
effluent from the intermediate marsh system since
June 1986. lnfluent and effluent BOD5 and SS values
for the first seven months of operation are Monitoring
summarized in Table 3-10. The polishing marsh has In addition to the monitoring required in the discharge
performed as expected in terms of BOD5 removal but permit, influent and effluent water quality for both of
not as well as hoped in terms of SS removal. The the marsh systems is monitored weekly for BOD5 and
primary cause for the high effluent SS has been SS. Monitoring for mosquitoes and vegetation
algae. It is expected that the planting of vegetation coverage is on a regular basis.
near the effluent collection point will lower the SS
concentrations. 3.8.2 Emmitsburg, Maryland
the town needed to upgrade its existing facilities to 3.8.3 Gustine, California
avoid the moratorium. The town decided to use a
SFS constructed wetland system to treat a portion of History
its effluent flow. The design and construction was The City of Gustine, California is a small agricultural
cooperatively undertaken by the town and the SaLUT town on the west side of the San Joaquin Valley. The
Corporation. city treats approximately 4,500 m3/d (1.2 mgd) of
wastewater of which about one-third originates from
The system was started up in the summer of 1984 domestic and commercial sources and the remainder
and continued in operation until March 1986, at which from three dairy products industries. The wastewater
time the system did not receive any wastewater for is of high strength, averaging over 1,200 mg/L BOD5,
several days. The resulting stress on the system which reflects the industrial component of the waste.
eventually caused the death of all the cattails. The
system was reseeded in October 1986. Until recently, the city’s wastewater treatment plant
consisted of 14 oxidation ponds operated in series.
The ponds covered approximately 21.8 ha (54 ac) Project Description and provided about 70 days detention time. Treated
The Emmitsburg system is a single basin, 76.3 m effluent was discharged without disinfection to a small
(250 ft) long, 9.2 m (30 ft) wide, and 0.9 m (3 ft) stream leading to the San Joaquin River.
deep, filled with 0.6 m (2 ft) of crushed rock. Clay
was used in the bottom of the basin to prevent As with many oxidation pond systems in the United
ground-water contamination. Perforated pipes placed States, mandatory secondary treatment levels were
near the bottom of the basin are used for influent not achieved with any consistency. The discharge
distribution and effluent collection. The water level regularly exceeded 30 mg/L SS and periodically
during normal operation is approximately 5 cm (2 in) exceeded 30 mg/L BOD5.
below the surface of the gravel. The system was
seeded with 200 broadleaf cattail plants in August The city applied for and received federal funding to
1984 and another 200 plants in July 1985. By March analyze alternatives and develop a facilities plan.
1986 approximately 35 percent of the basin surface Alternatives included the following:
area was covered by cattails. The planting density
used in this project should have been at least an Oxidation pond treatment followed by land
order of magnitude higher. Until the plants cover the application (irrigation).
entire basin, performance will not be representative of
Oxidation pond treatment followed by reuse in the
a SFS system as defined in this manual.
form of seasonal flooding of local duck clubs to
attract migrating water fowl.
The influent to the Emmitsburg system is trickling
filter effluent. lnfluent flows have varied between 95 Oxidation pond treatment followed by effluent
and 132 m3/d (25,000-35,000 gpd), which polishing to meet secondary treatment standards
corresponds to a surface hydraulic loading rate of for river disposal using sand filters, microscreens,
1,420-1,870 m 3/ha-d (152,000-200,000 gpd/ac). or submerged rock filters.
Effluent samples are collected and analyzed weekly Conventional activated sludge treatment to meet
for BOD5, SS, total dissolved solids, DO, and pH. secondary treatment standards for river disposal. Operating Characteristics Oxidation pond pretreatment followed by effluent
The influent BOD5 concentrations to the wetlands polishing in a constructed marsh (using emergent
system range between 10 and 180 mg/L while SS aquatic vegetation) to meet secondary treatment
concentrations normally range between 10 and 60 standards for river disposal.
mg/L. Results from two years of operation are
presented in Table 3-12 and Figures 3-9 and 10. From an analysis of the alternatives it was found that
As can been seen in Figures 3-9 and 10, the the oxidation pond/constructed marsh was the most
performance of the wetlands system has been very cost-effective solution. The advantages of this
good even with the limited plant coverage. Odors in alternative were that suitable land was available, the
the effluent have been an occasional problem but the treatment method was compatible with the
frequency of noticeable odors is decreasing as cattail surrounding area (a lowland area with naturally
coverage increases. occurring aquatic vegetation and virtually no
development) and the consumption of very little Costs energy.
The Emmitsburg system was designed by SaLUT,
Inc. and constructed primarily as an in-house project Design Objectives
by the township’s Public Works Department. The primary objective of the Gustine project is to
Engineering and construction costs of the upgrade the treatment plant effluent quality to meet
Emmitsburg system were less than $35,000. 30 mg/L BOD5 and SS (30-day average). Mosquito
Table 3-12. Performance of the Emmitsburg, MD SFS (19)
60 -
Figure 3-11. BOD5 performance data for Gustine, CA pilot marsh system.
Table 3-13. Determination of Nitrification Component in BOD5 Test - Gustine, CA (201)
BOD5, mg/L
With Nitrification
Test Date Stationa Water Temp.oC Standard lnhibitor Difference
10/13/83b lnfluent 19 251 244 7
1+00 93 81 12
2+00 50 48 2
3+00 48 39 9
4+00 21 11 10
5+00 22 20 2
6+00 13 10 3
7+00 22 19 3
8+00 14 7 7
Effluent 30 25 5
10/6/83C Effluent 20 33 17 16
11/3/83C Effluent 20 14 6
Stationing measured from effluent end of marsh, each station 30.5 m (100 ft) apart.
Tests performed by UC Davis Environmental Engineering Laboratory.
Tests performed by California Water Lab, Modesto, CA.
Table 3-14. BOD 5 and SS Removal Efficiencies As a probably be reduced to as little as 4 days during the
Function of Detention Time - Gustine, CA (20) warmest summer months.
Removal Efficiency*, %
Detention The primary method of varying detention time will be
Time, d BOD5 SS Time Period depth control. The ability to control water depth, and
1.3 49 61 3/10-4/4 to drain cells completely, is necessary to facilitate
2.1 48 28 12/23-3/9 harvesting of the plants, and other maintenance
2.7 74 7/7-10/13
activities. Such operational flexibility is a key design
3.8 68 80 4/12-7/6
Annual burning of the dormant marsh vegetation will
* Removal efficiencies based on average inftuent and effluent
concentrations over the time period covered. be practiced to enhance treatment by maintaining
plug flow characteristics, and to control mosquito
June 10 through October 20, 1983. The average production. Individual cell width is limited to 12-15 m
number of mosquito larvae at each of the 11 sampling (40-50 ft) by the access requirements. Levees
stations ranged from 3.0 to 7.8 larva per dip. Both separating cells must be capable of accommodating
Culex pipiens and Culex tarsalis larva were found in service vehicles.
about equal numbers. Based on experience and data
of the abatement district, it was concluded that a Stocking of the mosquito larva eating fish, Gambusia
marsh of the type tested may represent a mosquito affinis, is the primary method of mosquito control.
breeding source which must be subject to control High mass loading leads to low oxygen levels
measures. produced by increased biological activity. Low oxygen
levels inhibit the movement of fish so loading rates Design Factors should be maintained between 112 and 168 kg/ha-d
Based on research conducted at the University of (100 and 150 Ib/ac-d). This influent is to be
California, Davis (21) it has been shown that low distributed to avoid organic “hot-spots.” Levee side
winter temperatures will control system sizing. Longer slopes are steep, and vegetation is managed to allow
detention time is required for BOD5 removal due to penetration of fish throughout the system. Bottom
reduced biological activity. slopes are designed to facilitate rapid draining of the
cells, if required, to interrupt the reproductive cycle of
It is expected that the lowest water temperatures will the mosquitoes.
occur in January or February and be about 5°C
(40°F). At this temperature and a BOD5 loading rate The above factors were used to develop the design
of 112 kg/ha-d (100 Ib/ac-d), using data from criteria summarized in Table 3-15.
U.C.D. research, it appears that a maximum detention
time of about 11 days is required. At the design flow Description and Operating Characteristics
of 3,785 m3/d (1 mgd), a marsh area of about 9.3 ha of the Treatment System
(23 ac) at a water depth of 0.45 m (1.5 ft) would be A schematic of the completed marsh treatment
required. The corresponding hydraulic loading is 407 system is shown in Figure 3-13. Pretreatment is
m 3 /ha-d (43,500 gpd/ac). Detention time can accomplished in up to 11 of the existing oxidation
Table 3-15. Design Criteria for Constructed Wetland at Up to 12 cells may be taken out of service at any one
Gustine, CA (22) time. The initial operating schedule listing the number
Item Value of cells and the hydraulic detention time for each
month is presented in Table 3-16.
Effluent Criteria, mg/L
BOD5, 30
SS 30 In September 1986, six of the marsh cells were
Design Flow, m /d 3,785 seeded with locally acquired hardstem bulrush
rhizomes and six cells were seeded with locally
Area, ha 9.7
acquired cattail rhizomes. The specified minimum
Surface Hydraulic Loading, ma/ha-d 380 planting density was 11 rhizomes/m 2 (1/sq ft for
Depth, m 0.1-0.45 bulrush rhizomes and 5 rhizomes/m2 (0.45/sq ft) (18
Detention Time, d 4-11 in center-to-center) for cattail rhizomes. For both
Inlets Head end of channels, species, rhizomes were distributed in the marsh cells
and one-third point at a density greater than specified using a manure
Outlets Adjustable weirs spreader and then were disked into the soil with a
disk-harrow. The contractor was responsible for
assuring that the rhizomes germinated and that a
ponds operated in series. Following the ponds, 24 healthy crop was established. However the early
marsh cells, each about 0.4 ha (1 ac) in size, operate winter rainfall which the contractor had planned on for
in parallel. The operator can draw wastewater from germination was very low in 1986 and the rhizomes
any one of the last seven oxidation ponds. This did not germinate.
method of operation allows the operator to control the
detention time in the ponds from 28 to 54 days, and The marsh cells were replanted in June 1987. Both
to adjust the degree of pretreatment. The operator bulrush and cattail rhizomes were purchased from a
can thus avoid applying heavy concentrations of algae nursery in Michigan and were planted using a tomato
which develop in the latter ponds throughout the planter.
Several methods of vegetation management are
Pond effluent flow is split into six parts in a under consideration, including mechanical harvesting
distribution structure and each portion of the flow is and burning. Most management techniques require
directed to a group of four marsh cells. Each of the that the cell be taken out of service and allowed to
24 cells is 11.6 m (38 ft) wide, 337 m (1,107 ft) long dry. A ramp was constructed into each cell to allow
and has an adjustable water depth of 10-45 cm (4- access of harvesting equipment, should the
18 in). Levees, 3 m (10 ft) wide, separate the cells mechanical harvest option be selected.
from one another.
Six marsh cells have been planted in bulrush. Stands
Flow is introduced across the width of the marsh cells of bulrush are generally less dense than stands of
at the head end and also at a point one third of the cattail and therefore allow greater movement of
total length from the head end. The initial flow split mosquito fish. If treatment in the bulrush cells is
will be 67 percent at the head, and 33 percent at the comparable to that in the cattail cells, replanting of
one-third point. Overloading of the inlet zone of the the marsh in bulrush may be considered.
cell is thus avoided. The reverse arrangement (33
percent at the head and 67 percent at the one-third Costs
point) can also be used with flow from the first third Bids for the Gustine treatment plant improvements
used to dilute the flow applied to the second two were received in August 1985. Approximate costs for
thirds. the marsh system portion of the project were
extracted from the lump sum bid and are summarized
Effluent from each cell flows over an adjustable weir in Table 3-17.
used to control water depth in the cell. The effluent is
then pumped to a disinfection process prior to City-owned land for the Gustine project was
discharge. available. Land requirements for this system were 9.7
ha (24 ac) net for the area actually planted and about
Hydraulic detention time is controlled by varying the 14.5 ha (36 ac) gross for the whole marsh system,
number of cells in service, and by varying the water including all interior cell divider levees and an outer
depth in each cell. The operator is offered great flood protection levee.
flexibility in attaining the desired detention time in the
marsh which varies from about four days in the 3.8.4 Fabius Coal Preparation Facility
summer to 11 days in the winter. This operational
flexibility allows the cells to be taken out of service History
sequentially each summer for vegetation management The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) processed
and other maintenance requirements. coal at the Fabius Coal Preparation Plant, located in
Figure 3-13. Gustine, CA marsh system flow schematic.
Table 3-16. Initial Operating Schedule of the Gustine, CA area of 17 ha (42.5 ac) (see Figure 3-14). The coal
Marsh System (23) slurry water stored in the ponds is treated and
Month No. Cellis in Service, Hydraulic Detentron Time, d discharged but until recently seepage from the toe of
24 11
the impoundment dam was not treated. Seepage
flows range from 45 to 150 m3/d (11,900-39,600
February 24 11
gpd) and contain high concentrations of iron and
March 20 10 manganese. DO is less than 2.0 mg/L, SS exceed 98
April 16 8 mg/L, and pH averages 6.0.
May 16 6
June 12 5 In April 1985, it was decided to experiment with a
marsh/pond wetland system for treating the two large
July 12 4
and several small seeps (seepage flows) emanating
August 12 4 from the impoundment dam.
September 16 6
October 20 8 Project Description
November 24 10 A series of four wetland areas were created in June
December 24 11
1985 by clearing 1.2 ha (3 ac) of woodlands,
constructing four dikes with overflow spillways in the
drainage path of the combined seepage flows, and
transplanting a number of wetlands plant species in
Table 3-17. Capital Costs for Gustine, CA Marsh Project the diked areas (see Figure 3-15). Transplanted
(23) species, selected from nearby acid seeps, included
cost, $ bulrush (Scirpus), rush (Juncus), spikerush
Item (August 1985) (Eleocharis), cattails (Typha), and scouring rush
Pond effluent pipinga 192,000 (Equisetum).
Earthworkb 200,000
The water surface area of all the wetlands areas is
Flow distribution structurec 16,000
approximately 0.6 ha (1.48 ac), and water depth
Flow distribution piping in marsh 205,000 varies from 0 to 1.5 m (0-5 ft) in the larger ponds.
Marsh cell water level control structure e
27,000 Based on seepage flows of 45-150 m3/d (8-27
Marsh effluent collection pipingf 83,000 gpm), the surface hydraulic loading rate on the
Plantingc 69,000
system is 75-250 m3/ha-d (8,000-26,700 gpd/ac).
After the clearing and dike construction were
Paving h 90,000
completed, it was discovered that there are additional
Total 882,000 seeps entering the wetlands system. One large and
one small seep emerge at Pond 3 and two smaller
Includes 790 m (2,600 H) Of 53-cm (21-in) PVC gravity piping. seeps emerge at Pond 4. The four large wetland
five manholes, seven pond outlet control pipes with wooden
access platformss. areas were stocked with mosquitofish and fathead
Total earthwork volume, approx. 334,000 m3 (45,000 cu yd). minnows.
Cost includes clearing and grubbing, extra effort to work in area
of very shallow ground water and to construct a 2-m (6.5-H) In July 1985, water quality sampling of the two major
high outer levee to enclose the marsh area and protect it from the
100-year flood.
influents, the final effluent and at four locations in the
A concrete structure with V-notch wears, grating, access stairs, wetlands system was initiated. Samples were
and handrail. collected biweekly and analyzed for pH, redox
Approximately 850 m (2,800 H) of 20-cm (8-in) PVC gravity potential (Eh), DO, total iron, total manganese, and
sewer pipe, 760 m (2,500 H) of 20-cm (8-in) gated aluminum total SS.
pipe, and wooden support structures with concrete base slabs for
the gated pipe installed at the one-third of length point.
Small concrete structures in each cell with weir board guides and An experiment to determine the capacity of the
60-mm (0.24-in) mesh stainless steel screen. wetlands system for treating coal slurry water in
f Approximately 460 m (1,500 ft) of 10-38 cm (4-5 in) PVC addition to the seepage was performed in December
gravity sewer pipe plus manholes.
e Based on mechanical planting of bulrush and cattail rhizomes on
45 and 90-cm (18 and 36-in) grid, respectively. Total
bulrush area of about 2.4 ha (6 ac); 7.2 ha (18 ac) for cattails. During a four-week period, supernatant from the
h Aggregate base paving of the outer levee and selected inner coal slurry ponds was fed into the wetlands system at
levees of the marsh area. a flowrate of 110-220 m3/d (29,000-58,000 gpd).
Effluent quality dropped below discharge
Jackson County, Alabama, from 1971 to 1979. In requirements at the next sampling and the experiment
1979 the facility was closed and in 1984 reclamation was stopped two weeks later. Starting in May
efforts were started. One of the main reclamation experiments with treating supernatant flows were
efforts was to involve the two coal refuse (coal slurry) resumed but at much lower flow rates (5.4 m3/d
disposal ponds which have a combined water surface [1,400 gpd)
Figure 3-15. Fabius Coal Facility Impoundment 1 wetlands.
43 Operating Characteristics
The range and average water quality values for the
influent, pond 1 effluent and final effluent with the
wetlands system during a 12-month period treating
coal slurry seepage and supernatant are summarized
in Table 3-18. The average values include results
during the four-week period when a relatively large
flow of coal slurry supernatant was treated. Wetlands
effluent water quality during periods when only
seepage was being treated was always better than
the discharge requirements. Compared with the
alternative, chemical treatment, the wetlands system
is much simpler in operation and maintenance and
would appear to be more stable in terms of effluent
quality. Costs
The construction of the wetlands system at Fabius
was performed by TVA personnel and cost
approximately $28,000.
3.8.5 Summary
Although the four case studies presented in this
chapter cover only portions of the range of possible
applications of constructed wetlands, they represent
four different approaches to the use of a constructed
wetlands system for wastewater treatment. A
comparison of the four systems is difficult but a
summary of each system’s design and operating
characteristics and costs is provided in Table 3-19.
Table 3-18. Fabius Coal Preparation Facility Marsh System Performance (24)
pH DO, mg/L Fe, mg/L Mn, mg/L SS, mg/L
Pond 4 Effluent
Period Flow, m3/d Inf. Eff1 Eff4 Inf. Eff1 Eff4 Inf. Eff1 Eff4 Inf. Eff1 Eff4 Inf. Eff1 Eff4
7/85-9/85 52.3 6.0 6.4 6.6 0 6.2 - 80 2.6 0.64 8.7 1.4 0.43 95 8.9 2.2
10185-12/85 53.4 6.0 - 6.5 0 - 7.2 97 - 0.79 9.9 - 0.48 74 - 4.0
1/86-3/86 91.6 6.5 6.5 - 10.9 11.2 9.3 0.94 - 11.2 5.9 - 33 2.8
4/86-6/86 62.7 6.1 6.3 - 10.9 7.4 - 3.5 0.71 - 3.1 2.1 - 19.3 4.7
7/86-9/86 26.7 4.7 6.4 7.0 - 5.3 7.3 59 14.7 0.70 18 2.6 1.1 155 46.7 3.0
10/86-12/86 107.4 6.3 6.4 6.6 - 8.2 9.7 40 4.3 0.63 8.6 6.2 1.6 48 18.3 2.0
3.9 References
When an NTIS number is cited in a reference, that
reference is available from: 4. Zirschky, J. Basic Design Rational for Artificial
National Technical Information Service Wetlands. ERM-Southeast, Inc, prepared for
USEPA RSKERL, Ada, OK, 1986.
5285 Port Royal Road
Springfield, VA 22161
5. Process Design Manual: Land Treatment of
(703) 487-4650
Municipal Wastewater. U.S. Environmental
1. Reed, S.C., E.J. Middlebrooks, and R.W. Crites. Protection Agency, Cincinnati, Ohio. EPA-
Natural Systems for Waste Management and 625/1-81/013, 1981.
Treatment. McGraw-Hill Book Co. NY, 1987.
6. Bavor, H.J., D.J. Roser, and S. McKersie.
2. Hyde, H.C., and R.S. Ross. Technology Nutrient Removal Using Shallow Lagoon-Solid
Assessment of Wetlands for Municipal Matrix Macrophyte Systems. In: Reddy, K.R. and
Wastewater Treatment. U.S. Environmental W.H. Smith (Eds). Aquatic Plants for Water
Protection Agency, EPA/600/2-84-154, NTIS Treatment and Resource Recovery. Magnolia
No. PB 85-106896, 1984. Publishing Inc. pp. 227-235, 1987.
3. Miller, I.W.G., and S. Black. Design and Use of 7. Gearheart, R.A., and B.A. Finney. Utilization of
Artificial Wetlands. In: Ecological Considerations Wetlands for Reliable Low-Cost Wastewater
in Wetland Treatment of Municipal Wastewaters, Treatment - A Pilot Project. Paper Presented to
Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., NY, pp. 26-37, IV World Congress on Water Resources, at
1985. Buenos Aires, Argentina, September 5-9, 1982.
8. Stowell, R., G. Tchobanoglous, J. Colt, and A. 19. Thiesen, A., and C.D. Martin. Municipal
Knight. The Use of Aquatic Plants and Animals for Wastewater Purification in a Vegetative Filter Bed
the Treatment of Wastewater. Departments of in Emmitsburg, Mary/and. In: Aquatic P/ants for
Civil Engineering and Land, Air, and Water Water Treatment and Resource Recovery,
Resources, University of California, Davis, pp. Magnolia Publishing, Inc., Orlando, FL, pp. 295-
639-645, September 1979. 298, 1987.
9. Tchobanoglous, G., and G. Culp. Aquaculture 20. Nolte and Associates, Marsh System Pilot Study
Systems for Wastewater Treatment: An Report, City of Gustine, California, EPA Project
Engineering Assessment, U.S. Environmental No. C-06-2824-010, November, 1983.
Protection Agency, Office of Water Program
Operations, Washington, D.C. EPA/430/9-80- 21. Stowell, R. et al., Mosquito Considerations in the
007, NTIS No. PB 81-156689, pp. 13-42, 1980. Design of Wet/and Systems for the Treatment of
Wastewater, Dept. of Civil Engineering, U.C.
10. Knight, R.L. Wetlands - A Natural Land Davis, Davis, California, and Vector Biology and
Treatment Alternative. Proceedings of the Control Branch, California State Dept. of Health
Conference: Reuse and the Protection of Services, Sacramento, California, December
Florida’s Waters, Sept. 17, 1984. 1982.
11. Gersberg, R.M., B.V. Elkins, C.R. Goldman. 22. Crites, R., and T. Mingee, Economics of Aquatic
Nitrogen Removal in Artificial Wetlands. Water Wastewater Treatment Systems, In: Aquatic
Res. 17:1009-1014, 1983. P/ants for Wafer Treatment and Resource
Recovery, Magnolia Publishing, Inc., Orlando, FL,
12. Gersberg, R.M., S.R. Lyon, BV. Elkins, and C.R. 1987.
Goldman. The Removal of Heavy Metals by
Artificial Wetlands. In: Proceedings of the Water 23. Nolte and Associates, Operation and
Reuse Symposium Ill, San Diego, CA. AWWA Maintenance Manual, City of Gustine Wastewater
Research Foundation, Denver, CO, 1985. Treatment Facility Improvements, November
13. Hantzsche, N.N. Wet/and Systems for
Wastewater Treatment: Engineering Applications. 24. Brodie, G., et al., Treatment of Acid Drainage
In: Ecological Considerations in Wet/and from Coal Facilities with Man-Made Wetlands,
Treatment of Municipal Wastewaters, Van In: Aquatic P/ants for Water Treatment and
Nostrand Reinhold Co. NY, pp. 7-25, 1985. Resource Recovery, Magnolia Publishing, Inc.,
Orlando, FL, 1987.
14. Wolverton, B.C. Artificial Marshes for Wastewater
Treatment. In: Aquatic Plants for Water
Treatment and Resource Recovery, Magnolia
Publishing, Inc., Orlando, FL, 1987.
Design of Aqua tic Plant Systems
Table 4-1. History of Use of Floating Aquatic Treatment Systems (Water Hyacinths, except as noted)
Location Scale Objective Date Status
University of Florida Experimental Research 1964-1974 Completed
Bay St. Louis, MSa Full Secondary 1976 Ongoing
Lucedale, MS Full Secondary 1970s Abandoned
Orange Grove, MS Full Secondary 1970s Abandoned
Cedar Lake (Biloxi), MSb Full Secondary 1979 Ongoing
Williamson Creek, TX Pilot Secondary 1975 Abandoned
Austin-Hornsby, TX Pilot/Full Secondary 1970s Ongoing
Alamo-San Juan, TX Full Secondary 1970s Abandoned
San Benito, TX Full Secondary 1976 Ongoing
Rio Hondo, TX Full Secondary 1970s Abandoned
Lakeland, FL Full Tertiary 1977 Ongoing
Waft Disney World, FL Pilot Secondary 1978 Completed
Coral Springs, FL Full Tertiary 1978 Abandoned
Orlando, FL Full Tertiary 1985 Ongoing
University of California Davis, CA Experimental Research 1978-1983 Completed
Hercules, CA Full Advanced Secondary 1980-1981 Abandoned
Roseville, CA Pilot Nitrification 1981 Abandoned
San Diego, CA Pilot Advanced Secondary 1981 Ongoing
Frost killed hyacinths; pennywort and duckweed are now used.
aquatic vegetation to produce methane for energy living substrate for attached microbial organisms,
recovery. which provide a significant degree of treatment (11).
microorganisms metabolizing aerobically, though the kg/m2 (100 Ib/sq ft) wet weight (5), before growth
surrounding water is anaerobic/anoxic (4). ceases.
Figure 4-1. Morphology of the hyacinth plant [Reprinted with permission of McGraw-Hill Book Company (11)).
Growth is likely during
all 12 months of the year
Growth is likely during
9 months of the year
Growth is likely during
6 months of the year
Duckweeds are the smallest and the simplest of the a variety of birds and animals has been confirmed by
flowering plants and have one of the fastest several nutritional studies (17).
reproduction rates. A small cell in the frond divides
and produces a new frond; each frond is capable of Small floating plants, particularly duckweed, are
producing at least 10-20 more during its life cycle sensitive to wind and may be blown in drifts to the
(9). Lemna sp. grown in wastewater effluent (at 27°C leeward side of the pond. Redistribution of the plants
[81 oF]) doubles in frond numbers, and therefore in requires manual labor. If drifts are not redistributed,
area covered, every four days. It is believed that decreased treatment efficiency may result due to
duckweed can grow 30 percent faster than water incomplete coverage of the pond surface. Also piles
hyacinths. The plant is essentially all metabolically of decomposing plants can result in the production of
active cells with very little structural fiber (11). odors.
Table 4-2. Performance of Existing Duckweed Systems (7)
BOD5 mg/L TSS, mg/L Detention Time,
Location lnfluent lnfluent Effluent lnfluent Effluent Depth, m days
Biloxi, MS Facultative Pond Effluenta 30 15 155 12 2.4 21
Collins, MS Facultative Pond Effluent 33 13 36 13 0.4 7
Sleep Eye. MN (Del Monte) Facultative Pond Effluent 420 18 364 34 1.5 70
Wilton, AR Facultative Pond Effluenta - 6.5 - 7.4 2.7 0.7
NSTL, MS Package Plant Effluent 35.5 3.0 47.7 11.5 0.4 8
Partially aerated.
Theoretical hydraulic detention time for duckweed cell only.
Table 4-3. Composition of Duckweeds Grown in For a system location in which no mosquitoes or
Wastewater (after 11) odors can be tolerated, an aerobic system with
Percent of Dry Weight supplemental aeration is required. The added
Constituent Range Average advantage of such a system is that, with aeration,
higher organic loading is possible and reduced land
Crude protein 32.7-44.7 38.7 area is required. The characteristics of these two
Fat 3.0-6.7 4.9 systems are summarized in Tables 4-4 and 4-5.
Fiber 7.3-13.5 9.4
Ash 12.0-20.3 15.0 The third configuration for a hyacinth system is to
Carbohydrate 35.0
operate it under high organic loading. The purpose is
to achieve secondary treatment, and these systems
TKN 4.59-7.15 5.91
are capable of producing consistent treatment without
Phosphorus, as P 0.5-0.7 0.6 aeration under high organic loading. Disadvantages
include increased mosquito populations and potential
for odors. The early systems at Disney World were
mechanism is of some concern for healthy this type (called facultative/anaerobic in this manual).
populations of mosquito fish which are generally Facultative/anaerobic systems are not commonly
encouraged in aquatic treatment ponds for mosquito being designed any more because it has been
control. recognized that organic loading rates of up to 100
kg/ha-d (89 Ib/ac-d) produce consistent results
At night these plants respire (i.e., use oxygen) in without the disadvantages of high loading.
competition with the mosquito fish. It is generally
considered that this category of plant will not have 4.3.1 Organic Loading Rates
widespread usage in aquatic systems because of its BOD5 loading rates for water hyacinth systems can
pronounced diurnal effect on the aquatic environment, range from 10 to 300 kg/ha-d (9-268 Ib/ac-d) (see
tendency to be shaded out by nuisance algae, and Table 4-5). For primary effluent loading at Disney
sensitivity to anaerobic conditions (2). No pilot- or World, Florida, the basins were loaded at 55-440
full-scale systems using submerged plants are kg/ha-d (50-400 Ib/ac-d), without significant odor
known and therefore none are reported in this problems except at the higher loadings. Average
manual. loadings on the entire system without aeration should
not exceed 100 kg/ha-d (89 Ib/ac-d).
4.3 Process Design Criteria for Water 4.3.2 Hydraulic Loading Rate
Hyacinth Systems Hydraulic loading rate, expressed in units of m3/ha-
Water hyacinth systems represent the majority of d, is the volume of wastewater applied per day
aquatic plant systems that have been constructed. divided by the surface area of the aquatic system.
Organic loading is a key parameter in the design and The hydraulic loading rates applied to water hyacinth
operation of water hyacinth systems. Three types of facilities have varied from 240 to 3,570 m3/ha-d
hyacinth systems can be described based on the (25,650-381,650 gpd/ac) when treating domestic
level of DO and the method of aerating the pond. wastewaters (9). For secondary treatment objectives
(BOD5 and SS<30 mg/L), the hydraulic loading rate
Aerobic hyacinth systems without supplemental is typically between 200 and 600 m3/ha-d (21,600-
aeration will produce secondary treatment or nutrient 64,600 gpd/ac). For advanced secondary treatment
(nitrogen) removal depending on the organic loading with supplemental aeration, hydraulic loading rates of
rate. This type of system is most common of the 1,000 m3/ha-d (107,000 gpd/ac) have been used
hyacinth systems already constructed. Its advantages successfully. However, organic loading rates will
include few mosquitoes or odors. generally control hydraulic loading.
Table 4-4. Types of Water Hyacinth Systems
Typical BOD5
Type Purpose Loading, kg/ha-d Advantages Disadvantages
Aerobic Non-aerated Secondary Treatment 40-80 Limited mosquitoes; More land area required;
limited odors harvesting may be more
dffficult (depends on pond
Aerobic Non-aerated Nutrient Removal 10-40 Limited mosquitoes; More land area required;
limited odors harvesting may be more
nutrient removal difficult (depends on pond
Aerobic Aerated Secondary Treatment 150-300 No mosquitos; no odors; Additional harvesting required;
higher organic loading rates; supplemental power required
reduced land area
Facultative/Anaerobic* Secondary Treatment 220-400 Higher organic loading rates; Increased mosquito
reduced land area population; potential for odors
4.3.3 Water Depth These digestion techniques may have use in a large
The recommended depth of hyacinth ponds is 0.4- scale operation; however, it is unlikely that a typical
1.8 m (1.2-6 ft) with the majority of investigators small wastewater treatment production system will
recommending a depth of 10.9 m (3 ft) (9). The approach the economic break-even point from
critical concern is to provide adequate depth for the methane gas production.
root system to penetrate through the majority of the
liquid flowing through the hyacinth pond. A greater The need for harvesting depends on the water quality
depth is sometimes recommended for the final cell in objectives for the project, the growth rates of the
a series of hyacinth ponds since the hyacinth roots plants, and the effects of predators such as weevils.
will be longer when fewer nutrients are present in the Harvesting of aquatic plants is needed to maintain a
water (11). Recommended depth from the San Diego crop with high metabolic uptake of nutrients. For
project (with aeration) is 1.07-1.37 m (3.5-4.5 ft) example, frequent harvesting of hyacinths (every
(18). For duckweed systems, operating depths of three to four weeks) is practiced in Florida to achieve
1.5-2.5 m (58.2 ft) have been used. nutrient removal. Nitrogen and phophorus removal by
the plants is achieved only with frequent harvesting.
4.3.4 Vegetation Management In areas where weevils pose a threat to healthy
The literature on water hyacinths as a wastewater hyacinth populations, selective harvesting can
treatment process contains considerable speculation theoretically be used to keep the plants from being
on the use of the water hyacinth upon harvesting (8). infected. The State of Texas recommends an annual
Composting, anaerobic digestion for the production of draining and cleaning of each basin instead of regular
methane, and the fermentation of the sugars into plant harvesting (11). Duckweed harvesting for
alcohol are techniques proposed as a means to nutrient removal may require frequencies of at least
partially recover the costs of wastewater treatment. one week during warm periods.
The harvested plants are typically dried and landfilled. Table 4-6. Design Criteria for Effluent Polishing With
Duckweed Treatment Systems
The drying process may be a source of significant
odors. At Kissimmee, Florida, the hyacinths are Factor Secondary Treatment
vermicomposted. Ground duckweed can be used as Facultative Pond Effluent
Wastewater Input
animal feed without air drying.
BOD5 Loading, kg/ha-d 22-28
4.3.5 Mosquitoes and Their Control Hydraulic Loading, m3/ha-d <50
The objective of mosquito control is to suppress the Water Depth, m 1.5-2.0
mosquito population below the threshold level Hydraulic Detention Time, days 15-25
required for disease transmission or nuisance Water Temperature, oC >7
tolerance level. Strategies that can be used to control
Harvest Schedule Monthly
mosquito populations include (from [3]):
in the unique system configuration and influent A successful configuration of the aeration system at
distribution system. San Diego uses fine bubble diffusers. Fine bubble
diffusers produced DO levels 0.5-1.0 mg/L higher
Early operating experience at the San Diego facility than coarse bubble diffusers in similarly configured
indicated that hydrogen sulfide odors and mosquito ponds with the same BOD5 loading rate and total air
larvae were a problem. Because of the urban setting, flow (Figure 4-5). The capacity of the aeration
this pilot plant had stringent requirements of no odors system was equal to two times the BOD5 load. [A
and no mosquito larvae being allowed. Initial solutions method for sizing the aeration system is shown in
included lower organic loading and recycle flow from Sample Problem No. 2.] During daylight hours an
the effluent end of the pond to the front end to dilute automated system will cycle on and off as required to
the influent flow and distribute the organic load more maintain DO> 1 mg/L When water hyacinths are
completely throughout the pond. This solution was actively photosynthesizing, they transport oxygen to
only partly successful and organic loading rates had their roots and at the same time to the microbes
to remain low to prevent anaerobic conditions at the attached to the roots. This process lowers the
head end of the pond. supplemental aeration equipment and associated
energy costs for aeration.
A series of tests of BOD5 concentration along the
length of the pond indicated that most of the BOD5 One method of supplemental aeration cited is spray
removal occurred in the first 15 m (50 ft) of the 120- irrigation. In this method, wastewater is recycled
m (400-ft) pond. The most recent system through spray heads onto the hyacinths. This
configuration includes recycle of effluent and step technique is also often cited for frost control in
feed of influent at eight locations approximately 15 m climates where winter temperatures are marginal for
(50 ft) apart along the length of the pond. hyacinths. A spray recycle system in which more
Supplemental aeration has also become a regular part temperature tolerant plants are used in order to
of the pond configuration. function as a living trickling filter has also been
proposed (19).
The evolution of the distribution system experiments
which have resulted in the choice of the step feed The San Diego project experimented with spray
with recycle is shown in Figure 4-4. Step feed and irrigation for supplemental aeration and found both
recycle should be used as operational tools to control effective aeration and lower mosquito larvae
organic loading in the pond. With these tools, and a populations (18). The lower vector population was
pond with high length-to-width ratios (>10:1), the probably due to the disruption of the water/air
operator can control the treatment process for best interface by the simulated rain effect during the
performance. Pattern C represents the current San nighttime when the mosquitoes are actively breeding
Diego system and pattern D represents the (19).
wraparound pattern planned for future facilities. The
wraparound design shortens recycle lines and step An important negative effect of spraying was related
feed lines. to hyacinth plant health. The plants in the San Diego
project which were sprayed began to show stress and
4.4.2 Inlet and Outlet Structures yellowing while plants just outside the spray area
Shallow, rectangular basins with a high length to flourished (16). Plant health was improved by limiting
width ratio are usually designed for aquatic treatment spray period to 12 evening hours. Although spray
systems to reduce the potential for short circuiting irrigation effectively raises dissolved oxygen levels,
and to simplify harvesting operations. The use of and limits mosquito larvae populations, concerns over
baffles and influent distribution manifolds helps to increased TDS due to excessive evaporation and cost
maximize the retention time. lnfluent manifolds and of pumping tend to minimize the value of this
multiple inlet (step feed) systems can also be used approach (18).
effectively for recycling treated effluent to reduce the
influent concentrations of wastewater constituents. An 4.4.4 Operation and Maintenance of Aeration
effluent manifold across the basin will maintain a low DO should be measured at least twice per day. The
velocity into the manifold which serves to maintain goal should be to maintain an average DO
quiescent conditions near the outlet. If variable concentration of 1-2 mg/L along the pond length. If
operating depths are planned, it should be possible to the DO falls below 1 mg/L, additional aeration should
remove effluent at a depth of 0.3 m (1 ft) below the be added, or the influent flow should be reduced, until
most shallow operating depth. the pond recovers. This operation can be automated
and optimized with DO probes. Fine bubble diffusers
4.4.3 Supplemental Aeration can develop a thick biological slime buildup, after
The need for aeration is derived from the strict need several months of operation, especially if aeration is
for mosquito control and odor control. Aeration of the intermittent (18). Monthly inpond cleaning with a
ponds helps maintain DO> 1 mg/L for the mosquitoe coarse brush can be effective in at least temporarily
fish in the system and minimizes H2S gas production. controlling the biological slime growth.
Figure 4-4. Evolution of flow pattern through San Diego, CA water hyacinth treatment ponds: a)origianl plug-flow, b) plug-
flow with recycle, c) step-feed with recycle, d) step-feed with recycle in wraparound pond (18).
a b
Figure 4-5. Evolution of Pond 3 flow and aeration system configurations at San Diego, CA: a) plug-flow with air diffusion
tubing (Hinde), b) step feed with recycle and coarse bubble aeration system, c) stepfeed with recycle and fine
bubble aeration system (18).
/. I
/ x influent
Cell number To pond 4
Air supply
review of existing water hyacinth treatment systems, 4.6 Sample Design Problems
Weber concluded that nitrification followed by
denitrification was the principal nitrogen removal The following two sample design problems indicate
mechanism (20). Only when water hyacinth systems how the design criteria in Tables 4-4 and 4-7 can
received low nitrogen loadings and significant be applied. Example No. 1 is also used to show the
harvesting was conducted did plant uptake become use of Table 4-8 in estimating nitrogen removal.
the principal nitrogen removal mechanism (20).
4.6.1 Sample Problem No. 1:
The nitrogen removal for 54 data points from case Design a hyacinth system to produce secondary
studies including locations at Coral Springs, FL; effluent with screened, raw municipal wastewater as
Williamson Creek, MS; and University of Florida, FL influent.
have been summarized (21). The results of these
studies are presented in Table 4-8 as the percent of Assume:
expected nitrogen removal for a particular surface Design flow rate = 730 m3/d;
loading rate. BOD5 = 240 mg/L
SS = 250 mg/L
TN = 20 mg/L
Table 4-8. Nitrogen Removal - Water Hyacinth Tertiary TP = 10 mg/L
Treatment (21)
critical winter temperature > 20°C.
Hydraulic Loading, m3/ha-d Total Nitrogen Reduction, %
Effluent requirements:
9,350 10-35
BOD5 <30 mg/L
4,675 20-55 SS < 30 mg/L.
2,340 37-75
1,560 50-90 Solution:
1,170 65-90 1. Determine BOD5 loading:
< 5935 70-90
(240 mg/L) (730 m3/d) (103 L/m3) (1 kg/106 mg)
= 175 kg/d
Area of final cells = L ÷ W = (L)(L/3) = L2 ÷ 3 From Table 4-8 essentially 90 percent removal is
predicted at a hydraulic loading <935 m3/ha-d.
(0.44 ha) (10,000 m2/ha) = L2 ÷ 3 Since the hydraulic loading for this example is 250
m 3/ha-d it is reasonable to expect 5 mg/L of
4,400 m2 = L2÷3 nitrogen in the final effluent or less. Because the
nitrogen will not be at optimum growth levels in this
L= 115 m system an annual harvest is suggested. An influent
W = 115 m÷3 = 38 m flow diffuser in each of the primary cells is
recommended to properly distribute the untreated
5. Allow 0.5 m for sludge storage and assume a 1.2 influent.
m “effective” water depth for treatment; total pond
depth = 1.7 m. Use 3:1 sideslopes, and use the 4.6.2 Sample Problem No. 2:
equation below (approximate volume of a frustum) Design an aerated hyacinth system with recycle to
to determine the treatment volume. produce secondary effluent on a site with limited
available area.
V = [(L) (W) + (L - 2sd) (W - 2sd)
+ 4 (L - sd) (W - sd)] d÷6 Assume:
Design flow = 730 m3/d
Where, BOD5 = 240 mg/L
SS = 250 mg/L
v = volume of pond or cell, m3 TN = 20 mg/L
L = length of pond or cell at water surface, m TP = 10 mg/L
W = width of pond or cell at water surface, m winter water temperature = 20°C.
s = slope factor (e.g., 3:1 slope, s = 3)
d = depth of pond, m Effluent requirements:
BOD5 <30 mg/L
Primary cells: SS<30 mg/L
V=[(163) (54) + (163 - 20301.2) (54 - 20301.2)
+4 (163 - 2•1.2) (54 - 2Ž1.2)] 1.2÷6 Assume 80 percent plant coverage is maintained on
the basins and routine monthly harvests are included.
v = 9,848 m3
Final cells: 1. Since the site area is limited, space is not available
V=[(115) (38) + (115 - 2Ž3•1.2) (38 - 2•3•1.2) for preliminary treatment in a pond unit. Use lmhoff
+ 4(115 - 2 x 1.2) (38 - 2•1.2)] 1.2÷6 tanks for primary treatment and supplemental
diffused aeration in the hyacinth ponds to minimize
V = 4,745 m3 area requirements. The lmhoff tank has the added
advantage for this relatively small flow in that
6. Determine the hydraulic detention time in the separate sludge digestion is not required.
“effective” treatment zone:
2. Design the lmhoff tank.
Primary cells:
t = (2) (9,848 m3) ÷ (730 m3/d) = 27 days Typical criteria:
Sedimentation detention time = 2 hr
Final cells: Surface loading = 24 m3/m2-d
t = (2) (4,745 m3) ÷ (730 m3/d) = 26 days Overflow weir loading = 600 m3/m-d
Surface area for scum = 20% of total surface
Total detention time = 27 + 26 Sludge digestion volume = 0.1 m3/capita for the
= 53 days > 40 days, OK population served, or
about 33% of total
7. Check hydraulic loading: tank volume
(730 m3/d) ÷ (3.5 ha) = 209 m3/ha-d Minimum sedimentation area needed
>200 m3/ha-d, OK = (760 m3/d) ÷ (24 m3/m2-d) = 31.7 m2
8. Estimate nitrogen removal with Table 4-8 to be Surface area needed for scum
sure sufficient nitrogen is present to sustain growth = (0.20) (31.7 m2) = 6.3 m2
in the final cells and to determine harvest
frequency. Hydraulic loading is: Total surface area needed
= sedimentation area + scum area
209 m 3/ha-d =31.7 + 6.3 = 38 m2
A typical tank might be 8 m long and 5 m wide. In 0 = (1,460) (5.52) + (91.25) (127)
this case the central sedimentation chamber might - (1,460 + 91.25) - (1.95) (7.94) (V1)
be 4 m wide with open channels on each side,
about 0.5 m wide, for scum accumulation and gas 0 = 8,059 + 11,589 - 12,317 - 15.5 V1
venting. The slotted, sloping bottom (bottom walls
sloped at 5:4) would have to be about 3 m deep to V 1 = 7,331 ÷ 15.5 = 473 m
provide the necessary 2-hour detention time. The
total depth of the hopper bottomed tank might be Total Basin Volume = 8 (V1) = 8 (473) = 3,784 m3
6-7 m including an allowance for freeboard and
the sludge digestion volume. 5. Calculate the number of ponds required. Refer to
Table 4-5 for pond dimensions. Length, width and
A properly maintained lmhoff tank can achieve depth should be 122 m x 8.5 m x 1 m (400 ft x 28
about 47 percent BOD5 removal and up to 60 ft x 3.3 ft), respectively. These pond dimensions
percent SS removal. Assuming no nitrogen or result in a volume of 745 m3 (196,000 gal). For the
phosphorus losses the primary effluent for this total basin volume required, 3,784 m3 (1 Mgal),
example would be: five ponds will be needed.
BOD5 = (240 mg/L) (0.53) = 127 mg/L Assume that the required oxygen is double the
SS = (250 mg/L) (0.40) = 100 mg/L organic loading, the air contains about 0.28 kg/m3
TN = 25 mg/L oxygen, and the aeration efficiency (E) in the
TP = 15 mg/L shallow basins is about 8 percent.
3. The BOD5 loading on the hyacinth basins would Total air required
be: = [2 (BOD5, mg/L) (Q, L/d) (10-6 mg/kg)]
÷ [E (0.28 kg/ma)]
(127 mg/L) (730 m8/d) (103 L/m3) (1 kg/106 mg) = [(2) (127) (730 x 103)(10-6] ÷ [(0.08) (0.28)]
= 92.7 kg/d =8,260m3/d=5.73m3/min
4. Determine the basin volume using Equation 4-2. From Table 4-5, maximum air flow per aerator is
Assume a recycle ratio of 2:1 as in the San Diego 0.028 m3/min. Since there are five ponds, the
case. Also, design the system with step feed at number of aerators required per pond is:
eight points as shown in Figure 4-5. In order to
solve Equation 4-2, the concentration of the Number Aerators
effluent from the eight sections of the basin can be = (5.73 m3/min) ÷ [(5 ponds) (0.028 m3/min)]
estimated from the recycle ratio as shown in Figure = 40.9 aerators/pond
4-13 in the case studies.
Divide the aerators into eight sections within the
0=Qr(C8)+0.125 Q(C0) - (Qr+0.l25 Q)(C1) - kT(C1)V1 ponds as illustrated in Figure 4-5C. Each aerator
(4-2) should have a surface area of 0.14 m2 (1.5 sq ft).
that is more complex than a natural aquatic system The current San Diego pilot plant, described in this
as described in this manual and less complex than case study summary, is an extension and expansion
conventional treatment with trickling filters or of the previous facility. An advisory board was formed
rotating biological contactors. to advise the San Diego researchers, to review
results, and to make recommendations for operation
of the pilot facility.
4.7 Case Studies
The purpose of this section is to provide a view of the Project Description
state of the art in the design and operation of aquatic Conceptually, the overall water reclamation program
plant systems by providing case study summaries of in San Diego can be divided into four parts: aquatic
three systems which are representative of current wastewater treatment using water hyacinths;
knowledge and practice. The three systems are in advanced water treatment using reverse osmosis to
San Diego, California; Austin, Texas; and Orlando, produce raw potable water; anaerobic digestion of
Florida. The San Diego pilot scale water hyacinth hyacinth biomass and wastewater sludge to produce
system was chosen as a case study because it methane; and a health effects study to compare the
attempts to treat primary effluent to secondary risks of using reclaimed water to those using the
effluent quality. The Austin water hyacinth system current water supply. The aquatic treatment portion of
was chosen because it utilizes a cover for frost the project consists of four separate phases and will
protection. The Orlando water hyacinth system was be completed in 1989.
chosen because it attempts to remove BOD5, SS,
nitrogen and phophorus from an effluent that has Phase 1, completed in 1984, included the design and
undergone advanced secondary treatment. construction of two alternative 1,890-m3/d (0.5-
mgd) primary facilities and four alternative 380-m3/d
4.7.7 San Diego, California (0.1l-mgd) secondary facilities, including six water
hyacinth treatment ponds. History
The City of San Diego depends on imported water for Phase 2, completed in 1986, included operation and
at least 90 percent of its water supply. Recognizing evaluation of the pilot plant under alternative
that its available water supply sources will fall short of treatment schemes.
the projected needs by the year 2000, San Diego has
been working since the 1950s on ways to meet future Phase 3, to be completed in 1989, will include
water demands. Early attempts at using secondary construction of the Water Reclamation Plant using the
treated wastewater for irrigation and distilling ocean aquatic treatment scheme selected on the basis of
water into a potable supply were unsuccessful. the results from Phase 2. The pilot plant from Phase
2 will be scaled up to 3,785 m3/d (1 mgd) capacity,
In 1964, San Diego began work on reclaiming water
with a 1,890-m3/d (0.5-mgd) advanced treatment
by using reverse osmosis (RO) to remove salt.
system added to reduce salt concentrations and to
Primary treated effluent was passed through RO units
further remove pollutants. An anaerobic reactor will be
for use in low pressure steam boilers. This 76-m3/d included to produce methane gas from the water
(20,000-gpd) pilot plant successfully produced high hyacinths.
purity boiler feedwater. In a cooperative program
sponsored by the California Department of Water
Phase 4 will include operation and evaluation of the
Resources, it was found that the RO units at San 3,785-m3/d (1-mgd) facility.
Diego also removed viruses. Based on that finding,
the use of reclaimed water to meet the City’s water Pilot Plant Results
requirements was first given serious consideration.
The overall goal of the pilot program was to
In 1974, the RO pilot plant was moved from Point demonstrate an innovative/alternative water
Loma to a site adjacent to the Jack Murphy Stadium. reclamation process with cost-effective recovery of
At this location, the objective was to reclaim water for energy. The program was intended to provide a firm
irrigation of the stadium sod farm (25). basis for preparing the engineering design of a
large-scale system. Note that the original funding for
The demonstration wastewater reuse project known the program covered only the demonstration of
as Aqua I, was operated from September 1981 to wastewater treatment using aquatic plants. Under the
June 1986. The complete pilot plant included the original grant, the objective of the aquatic treatment
following treatment processes: secondary treatment system was to meet 30 mg/L each for BOD5 and SS.
with hyacinths, lime stabilization, ultrafiltration, With an additional grant for the evaluation of
pressure sand filtration, reverse osmosis, carbon advanced treatment and health effects, the objectives
adsorption, ozone and ultraviolet light disinfection, for the pilot aquatic treatment system became: 1) to
and digestion of harvested hyacinths for methane supply suitable water to the advanced water treatment
production. The capacity of the Aqua I treatment system for further processing, and 2) to supply
facility was 114 m3/d (30,000 gpd). hyacinth biomass and wastewater sludge to the
anaerobic digester for energy recovery through included for evaluation of microbial processes and
methane production. The goals of the program nutrient uptake by the water hyacinths. Measurement
remained the same. Utilization of a natural biosystem, of sulfur compounds was included because of the
coupled with low energy systems and energy potential for formation of hydrogen sulfide and odor
recovery has been the goal. The additional goal is problems. Based on a detailed analysis of the
reclamation of water for useful purposes such as performance data for the alternative process trains
irrigation and raw potable water supplies. cited above, it was concluded that the most cost-
effective system was train F (rotary disk filter-
Phase II Studies (Early Developments) hyacinth ponds) (27). The flow sheet involving the
The two primary and four secondary treatment hybrid rock filter was rejected because of clogging.
processes were operated in various combinations to The anaerobic reactor was rejected because of odor
form seven different treatment trains for comparison generation.
and evaluation of overall system efficiencies (see
Figures 4-6 and 4-7). Primary facilities consisted of Experiments conducted since September 1985 were
a sedimentation basin and a rotary disk filter, each with the selected process flowsheet. To determine
1,890 m3/d (0.5 mgd) in capacity. Secondary facilities how BOD5 and SS were removed in the pond, profile
consisted of a pulsed bed filter (PBF), a sludge tests along the length of the ponds were undertaken
blanket/fixed film reactor (SB/FF), a hybrid rock filter in the fall of 1985. From profile testing, it was found
(HRF), and water hyacinth ponds. The six water that most of the treatment for BOD5 and SS occurred
hyacinth ponds were each 8.5 m x 126 m long x 1.2 in the first 50 ft of the hyacinth ponds. Based on this
m deep (28 ft x 416 ft x 4 ft). The ponds were finding, flow was introduced in intervals or “steps”
constructed with earthen berms and a clay lining. The along the entire length of the ponds. This presents
hyacinth ponds were operated in three sets of two organic overloading of the head-end of the pond.
ponds each, with piping and slide gate arrangements
permitting operation in parallel or in series, and at Phase // Studies (Step-Feed Hyacinth Ponds)
varying depths. The hyacinth ponds were utilized both Based on the findings from the profile testing
as a secondary treatment process and as a polishing program, Ponds 3 and 5 were modified to test the
treatment following the other secondary treatment effect of effluent recirculation and of step feeding the
processes. influent at several locations along the length of the
ponds. Each pond was divided into eight cells, each
The complete treatment trains evaluated in the Phase 15.2 m (50 ft) long, with influent fed at the front end
1 portion of the program included: of each cell (see Figure 4-8). The existing
recirculation system was utilized. The bulk of the
a. Primary Sedimentation Basin - Hybrid Rock Filter recycle flow was pumped to the cascade aerators.
- Hyacinth Ponds. The remaining portion of the recycle flow was
returned to the aeration manholes where it was
b. Rotary Disk Filter - Sludge Blanket Fixed Film combined with the influent and reintroduced to the
Reactor - Hyacinth Ponds. ponds through the influent step feed piping. An
aeration system covering the entire length of each
c. Primary Sedimentation Basin - Sludge Blanket pond was constructed using PVC pipe with holes
Fixed Film Reactor - Hyacinth Ponds. drilled at 0.3-m (1-ft) intervals. Aeration was also
provided to the aeration manhole. Installation of the
d. Primary Sedimentation Basin - Pulsed Bed Filter aeration system was necessary to overcome the
- Hyacinth Ponds. problems associated with the presence of high sulfate
levels in the influent wastewater.
e. Primary Sedimentation Basin - Hyacinth Ponds.
The step-feed system was put into operation in
f. Rotary Disk Filter - Hyacinth Ponds. March 1986. The system was monitored to
determine: 1) the treatment capability of the pond and
g. Rotary Disk Filter - Pulsed Bed Filter - Hyacinth individual cells, 2) air requirements for different
Ponds. influent feed rates, 3) the maximum feed rate at
which a DO concentration of 1 mg/L could be
Data collection for the treatment trains began in maintained, 4) the effect of recirculation on DO
September 1984 and continued through September concentrations and pond chemistry, and 5) the effect
1985. Data collected for each treatment train included of total coverage by the aeration system.
BOD5, SS, nutrients and the concentrations of sulfur
compounds throughout the system. BOD5 and SS Performance Data for Step-Feed Hyacinth Ponds
concentrations were measured to determine if the Design criteria for the planned expansion of the water
final effluent met secondary treatment discharge hyacinth system, as well as criteria for the original
standards. Nutrient data, including measurement of system, are summarized in Table 4-9. Performance
the various forms of nitrogen and phosphorus, were data for the various treatment processes that
Figure 4-6. Site plan for San Diego, CA aquaculture pilot plant (26).
Figure 4-7. Schematic diagram of primary and secondary facilities - San Diego, CA aquaculture pilot plant (25).
Figure 4-6. Schematic of hyacinth pond step-feed system with recycle - San Diego, CA (26).
Recycle = Qr
comprise the aquatic treatment system are presented treatment performance since the main purpose of the
in Figures 4-9 and 4-10, for December, 1982 harvesting was to provide for mosquito control.
through October, 1983. As shown, the aquatic pond
effluent BOD5 values were consistently well below 30 Odors and Odor Control
mg/L regardless of the significant variation in the The design of the pilot plant included provisions to
influent BOD5 (125 to 375 mg/L) with the exception of control odors from the various treatment processes.
a single value, all of the SS values were also below The odor control provisions included: 1) enclosing the
30 mg/L. primary settling basin and the rotary disk filter in a
separate building and routing exhaust air from the
Profile testing for BOD5, SS, and DO was conducted building through a carbon adsorption unit; 2)
to determine treatment efficiencies throughout the precipitating sulfides with ferric chloride in the
pond. Time sequenced samples were taken at the anaerobic filter sludge blanket fixed-film reactor
influent of each cell and approximately 3 m (10 ft) (SBFFR) and hybrid rock filter (HRF); and 3) providing
before the influent of the next cell. Results of a typical carbon canisters to adsorb hydrogen sulfide and other
profile test for BOD5, SS and DO are shown on odors at each of the aeration manholes. Aeration
Figure 4-11. The profiles show the results of dilution manholes, located downstream from each of the three
from the recycle flow at the head of the pond. secondary processes, contain aerators to increase
Loading appears to be consistent throughout each the DO concentration of the processed wastewater
cell, with adequate treatment achieved throughout the before being introduced to the ponds.
entire pond. DO showed the greatest variation, with a
general decline throughout the last four cells to about Odor control measures provided for the primary
1 mg/L. facilities successfully prevented odors in the vicinity
of the pilot plant. Carbon canisters at the SBFFR and
Harvesting and Hyacinth Productivity aeration manholes also controlled odors, except for
Harvesting was accomplished at the pilot facilities an incident at the SBFFR when the carbon canister
primarily to provide open water surfaces and low plant became depleted and had to be replaced. Several
densities to allow for more effective control of incidents of odor were associated with the HRF. Most
mosquito larvae by mosquito fish. Hyacinths were of the problems occurred during the first few months
removed from the ponds during harvesting using a of operation. The unit was taken out of service in
truck mounted, articulating clam shell bucket and June 1984, one month after startup, because of the
loaded into an emptiable box also attached to the odor problems. When ferric chloride was added to the
truck. HRF influent in late June, odors became less intense
and less frequent. However, isolated incidents of odor
Hyacinth productivity for the first year of operation were reported, mostly when ponding occurred on the
was significantly higher than reported at similar surface of the HRF as a result of clogging of the
facilities in Florida. Average productivity for the medium.
second year, 67 dry metric tons/ha-yr (30 t/ac-yr),
was typical of other installations. The lower The most serious odor problems were associated with
productivity during the second year was probably the the hyacinth ponds. Hydrogen sulfide odors were
result of maintaining a lower plant density in the noticed at the effluent boxes and at the aeration
ponds by systematic harvesting. There was no tubing. The principal cause of the odors is the
attempt to correlate hyacinth productivity with reduction of the sulfates in the wastewater to
Figure 4-9. BOD5 performance data for San Diego, CA Pond #3 with 200 percent recycle (27).
BOD5, mg/L
6/86 1/87 6/87
Figure 4-10. SS performance data for San Diego, CA Pond #3 with 200 percent recycle (27).
SS, mg/L
Table 4-9. Design Criteria for Modified Plug-Flow Water with low water temperatures in the winter, significantly
Hyacinth Ponds for Expanded San Diego, CA reduced the fish populations and required use of
Aquatic Treatment Facility (18)
other mosquito control measures. Two man-made
Item Original Expanded agents (BTI (bacillus thurengensis israulis) and
Golden Bear Oil 1111) were used successfully, but
Pond Configuration
Cross-Section Trapezoidal Trapezoidal continued applications were necessary.
Flow Scheme Plug-Flow Step-Feed
with Performance Summary
Recyclea Based on the performance of Pond 3 it was
Pond Dimensions concluded that a step feed system with recirculation
Max. length, m 122 122 greatly increases the treatment capacity of the pond.
Base width, m 3.55 3.66
Side slopes 2:1 2:1 Introduction of influent at 15.2-m (50-ft) intervals
Max. height, m 1.22 1.52 resulted in a nearly uniform loading distribution and
Top width at 1.5 m 9.76 effective treatment throughout the pond, with effluent
Surface Area, ha BOD5 and SS concentrations well below the limits for
at 1.07 m 0.097 0.097 secondary treatment. However, continuous aeration
at 1.22 m 0.105 throughout the pond is required to maintain aerobic
at 1.37 m 0.113 conditions so as to eliminate the development of
Process Design and Operation odors. Air requirements are proportional to the pond
BOD5 loading BOD5 loading, with approximately 2.5 standard L of
(BOD5/COD = 0.45). kg/ha-d 123b 359c
lnfluent flow per pond, ma/d 313 air required per second to treat 1 kg of BOD5 (2.4
Operating depth, m 98 1.37c scfm/lb). Recirculation provided initial dilution of the
Recycle ratio Variable 2:1 incoming wastewater and helped in distributing the
Max. airflow per aeratord, m3/min 0 0.028 loading throughout the pond. At higher recirculation
DO in pond, mg/L 1.2
rates, effluent turbidity increased. High turbidity can
cause excessive chlorine demand and thus increase
Expected effluent, mg/L (% of time)
BOD 5 120 (90) the cost of chlorination. However, SS levels were
< 10 (50) generally within the limits of secondary treatment
SS < 25 (90) standards, even at recirculation ratios as high as 51.
a Design Factors
Wrap around pond design IS to be used (see Figure 4-4d). Process design factors for the hybrid aquatic system
Based on an assumed BOD5/COD ratio of about 0.7.
Tentative based on completion of depth tests. used at San Diego involve consideration of: 1)
Aeration system (see Figure 4-4c). pollutant surface loading rates, 2) operating water
depths, 3) process kinetics, and 4) temperature
effects. The aquatic system is considered to be a
hybrid because of the need to aerate due to the
hydrogen sulfide under the anaerobic conditions in specific characteristics of the local wastewater.
the bottom sludge deposits. The solution to the odor Although the final design factors have not been
problem was to change the method of operating the selected for a 3,785-m 3 /d (1-mgd) facility, the
ponds, as discussed previously, and to raise the DO values given below are consistent with the findings to
concentration sufficiently to satisfy the oxygen date.
requirements of the wastewater and produce a DO
residual of at least 1 mg/L in the remainder of the Pollutant Surface Loading Rates
ponds. A commonly used loading parameter for aquatic plant
systems is based on surface area and is expressed
Vectors and Vector Control as mass CBOD5/area-d. Loading rates, based on
The primary objective of the vector control program using a step-feed system with recycle and
was to evaluate the mosquito breeding potential of supplemental aeration, of 200-250 kg CBOD5/ha-d
the hyacinth ponds and to identify effective measures (180-225 Ib/ac-d) are recommended by the San
for controlling mosquito populations. Observations Diego researchers.
were made of the changing populations of larval
mosquitoes and mosquito fish (Gambusia), adult Operating Water Depths
mosquitoes, midges, and invertebrate mosquito The San Diego researchers believe that operating
predators. Incidental observations concerning the water depths for aquatic systems are extremely
ecology of the ponds were also made. important with respect to process performance and in
defining the hydraulic detention time and the mixing
Mosquitoes were controlled adequately when a conditions within the pond system. Recommended
sufficient population of Gambusia was maintained in operating water depth for a hybrid step-feed water
the ponds. However, the low DO levels throughout hyacinth system with aeration is 0.9-1.2 m (30-42
the ponds during much of the testing period, together in).
Figure 4-11. Influent and effluent BOD, SS, and DO for step-feed hyacinth pond - San Diego, CA (26).
Hydraulic Surface Loading Rates problem in San Diego primarily because these
During the Phase II pilot studies, the hydraulic surface species have not been introduced in the area.
loading rate was held at 0.058 m3/m 2-d (62,000
gpd/ac). The resultant hydraulic detention time was Costs
21 days. In addition to the costs associated with conventional
hyacinth pond construction, costs for hybrid step-
Process Kinetics feed hyacinth facility include the capital and O&M
The San Diego step-feed hyacinth system with costs for the step feed distribution piping,
recycle has been modelled, as shown in Figure 4- recirculation pumps and piping, and a complete in-
12, as a series of CFSTRs (continuous-flow pond aeration system. The costs of all these features
stirred-tank reactors) (28). Using the cascade flow were included in the cost analysis developed for the
model, the treatment performance of the pond system hyacinth ponds.
was described adequately assuming first-order
kinetics (see Figure 4-13). The corresponding first Based on an applied wastewater BOD5 concentration
order reaction rate constant k was found to be about of 175 mg/L, and a pond loading rate of 225 kg
1.95 d-t. BOD5/ha-d (200 Ib/ac-d), a 3,785-m3/d (1-mgd)
facility would require a pond surface area of 2.9 ha
Temperature Effects (7.3 ac). Capital costs for the ponds would be
The performance of all aquatic treatment systems is approximately $2.18 million with an annual O&M cost
temperature dependent. Based on both experimental of $494,000 (mid 1986 dollars). Anaerobic digestion
studies and an analysis of data presented in the of the harvested hyacinths has the potential to
literature, it appears that a modified van’t Hoff- generate methane having an energy equivalent of
Arrhenius temperature relationship can be used to about 2 billion BTU/yr. Use of this energy to generate
estimate the effect of temperature on wastewater electricity could significantly reduce the outside power
treatment using aquatic systems. Based on costs for the entire treatment facility.
experimental studies with water hyacinth and
emergent plant systems, it is estimated that the value 4.7.2 Austin, Texas
of the temperature coefficient is about 1.09. History
The State of Texas has been gathering information on Operating Characteristics the use of water hyacinths to improve the quality of
The performance of the hybrid step-feed hyacinth stabilization pond effluent since 1970. Field-, pilot-,
system with recycle and supplementary aeration has and full-scale studies of hyacinth systems have
proven to be stable with respect to the effluent quality taken place at various locations, including the City of
(see Figures 4-9 and 10). Even before the step- Austin. The use of a water hyacinth system in
feed system was developed, the effluent quality was wastewater treatment has been shown to be feasible
good (both BOD 5 and SS less than 30 mg/L) but winter freezing is a recurring problem.
regardless of the condition of the pond (whether the
DO levels were low or nonexistent and the pond was The city’s Hornsby Bend Sludge Treatment Facility
odorous). receives excess activated sludge from area
wastewater treatment plants. It was placed into
There are two constraints to the operation of a operation in the 1950s and is undergoing a major
hyacinth system in San Diego that dictate operating expansion and renovation program.
practices that may not be factors in other locations. A
hyacinth system must be odorless and free of Original plant design called for supernatant from three
mosquitoes. These constraints are backed by sludge holding lagoons to be passed through a
requirements for a minimum dissolved oxygen of 1 chlorine contact basin and then discharged to the
mg/L in the ponds and zero mosquito larvae per dip. Colorado River. The quality of the treated supernatant
The mosquito requirement can only be met by was not meeting the discharge requirements
maintaining a large and healthy mosquito fish established for the facility.
population in the ponds and low plant densities so
that mosquito fish have access to breeding locations. Water hyacinths were introduced into the 1.2-ha
It has been recommended that the DO in the ponds (3-ac) chlorine contact basin in 1977 and they
be maintained above 1 mg/L for the mosquito fish. served as a seasonal upgrade to the treatment
process for several years. Basin configuration was
The climate in San Diego is such that cold weather not well suited to hyacinth treatment and the
stress on the hyacinths was not a factor in effluent hyacinths were usually damaged by freezing
quality. Another problem common to the southern conditions each winter. A greenhouse structure was
United States, introduced weevil and mite species for proposed to protect the hyacinth and offer year round
biological control of hyacinths, has not been a treatment.
Figure 4-12. Definition sketch for the analysis of a hyacinth pond with step-feed and recycle (28).
Figure 4-13. Analysis of performance data for hyacinth pond 3, San Diego, CA, with step-feed and recycle (18).
Typical Removal Curves For BOD And SS Along Pond Length For Pond 3
When Operated In The Step-Feed Mode With Recycle.
A new water hyacinth facility with three basins a 3-m (10-ft) wide unsurfaced roadway used during
covered with a permanent greenhouse structure was harvesting.
included in the Hornsby Bend expansion and
renovation plans. The Hornsby Bend Hyacinth Facility Mosquito control was a major consideration in the
(HBHF) qualified for funding under the EPA design of the basins. The primary method of control
Construction Grants Program as an innovative is stocking of predators of mosquito larva and adults.
wastewater treatment process. It was the first These include mosquito fish (Gambusia affinis), grass
hyacinth facility with a permanent greenhouse shrimp (Palemonetes kadiakensis), and leopard, tree,
structure funded by the USEPA. and cricket frogs. Eight open areas are incorporated
into the design of each basin to maintain oxygen Design Objectives levels adequate for survival of the Gambusia and
The design objective is to provide year-round grass shrimp. The openings consist of either a 55.7-
upgrading of sludge lagoon supernatant quality to m 2 (600-sq ft) or a 74.2-m 2 (800-sq ft) area
meet 30 mg/L BOD5, and 90 mg/L SS discharge protected from water hyacinth intrusion by chain-link
limits. fence fabric. Light is allowed to penetrate the water
surface and sponser growth of algae on the gravel Design Factors lined bottom of the aerators. The open areas help
insure mosquito fish survival. After leaving the
Basin Design hyacinth facility, the polished secondary effluent
The Texas Department of Health specifies a passes over a two step cascade aerator with a total
maximum design surface hydraulic loading rate of drop of 3.4 m (11 ft). DO concentration of the effluent
1,870 m 3 /ha-d (0.2 mgd/ac) for water hyacinth has exceeded 5 mg/L at the discharge.
wastewater treatment basins (29). Loading rates up to
4,680 m 3/ha-d (0.5 mgd/ac) are permitted on a Greenhouse Design
case-by-case basis. Austin’s Hornsby Bend A 2-ha (5-ac) greenhouse structure covers the
Hyacinth Facility (HBHF) incorporates three basins three hyacinth basins to prevent winter freezing of the
that have a total surface area of 1.6 ha (4.0 ac) when plants. The three bays of the concrete and steel
filled to their 17,000-m3 (4.5-Mgal) capacity. The structure are completely enclosed in clear, reinforced
basins were designed to receive a maximum daily fiberglass decking with a light transmission value of
flow of 7,570 m3/d (2 mgd); equivalent to a surface 65 percent. Light transmission of the fiberglass is
loading rate of 4,680 m3/ha-d (0.5 mgd/ac). critical to plant growth so the performance of the
panels is being monitored over time. A section view
The center basin has an area of 0.64 ha (1.6 ac) and of the greenhouse structure is provided in Figure 4-
the two outer basins have areas of 0.48 ha (1.2 ac) 15.
each (see Figure 4-14). All three basins are 265 m
(870 ft) long. The center basin is 24.2 m (80 ft) wide Sidewalls are 3.4 m (11 ft) high to permit
and the outer basins are 18.1 m (60 ft) wide. Basin maneuvering of maintenance vehicles and equipment.
depths vary from 0.9 m (3 ft) at the upstream end to Seven overhead doors at each end of the building
1.5 m (5 ft) at the downstream end. The middle basin originally provided access for both personnel and
receives roof runoff during storms. The investigators equipment. Separate personnel doors were recently
at HBHF believe temperature changes due to runoff added. Moveable barriers are placed across open
entering the basin have caused stress to some doorways to exclude snakes and other predators of
species stocked in the pond, and plans are underway organisms stocked for mosquito control.
to divert roof drainage out of the facility.
The barriers will also prevent the return of Nutria (a
lnfluent flow to the basins is distributed uniformly large pond dwelling rodent) which inhabited the facility
across the width of each basin at the upstream end for several months but have since moved out. Both
via a 30-cm (12-in) diameter perforated pipe. Two the doors and roof ridge vents running the entire
secondary distribution pipes at 63.9 m (210 ft) and length of the building provide ventilation. The ridge
127.8 m (419 ft) downstream of the primary inlet in vents are screened to reduce immigration of adult
each basin are available for experimental step mosquitoes.
application of influent. Operating Characteristics
Maintenance of the basins will include harvesting of Biological stability of the water hyacinth basins is the
plants and removal of detritus accumulation. The prime requirement for successful wastewater
basin slope facilitates cleaning. A drain valve at the treatment. As a result of maintenance work on one of
bottom of the outlet structure is separate from the the sludge lagoons that feed the hyacinth basins,
adjustable telescoping valve used to set water depth. influent loading levels were erratic and, subsequently,
Capacity of the facility is adequate to treat design so were treatment levels during the first six months of
flows with one of the three basins out of service for operation. lnfluent and effluent BOD5, SS, NH3-N,
cleaning. Berms separating the basins accommodate and N03-N values are presented in Table 4-10 for
Figure 4-14. Hornsby Bend, TX hyacinth facility basin configuration (30).
Table 4-10. Performance Data - Hornsby Bend, TX Hyacinth Facility’ (31)
pH BOD5, mg/L TSS, mg/L VSS. mg/L NH3-N, mg/L
Date lnfluent Effluent lnfluent Effluent lnfluent Effluent Influent Effluent lnfluent Effluent
9/87 8.4 7.1 97 30 140 31 90 28 22.9 38.6
10/87 8.3 7.8 39 11 120 19 169 22 26.5 43.0
11/87 8.3 7.8 153 9 245 21 240 17 26.1 39.3
12/87 8.2 7.7 106 14 142 24 111 14 41.9 39.1
1/88 8.1 7.6 79 18 127 17 96 16 121.1 31.0
2/88 8.1 7.7 84 45 84 36 71 12 95.6 36.4
3/88 8.1 7.6 155 41 91 37 77.6 42.0
4/88 7.9 7.6 357 139 162 47 160 49 76.8 42.5
5/88 7.9 7.4 143 34 121 26 68 8 43.5 21.9
5/88 8.0 7.7 156 30 117 30 79 23 47.0 33.9
7/88 8.1 7.7 99 28 132 19 104 12 24.7 37.4
1987 and 1988. The primary method for assuring Based on operating experience at other hyacinth
relatively constant loading rates in the future will be facilities in the Austin area it is known that humus
maintaining a constant influent flow rate. The HBHF accumulation will occur at a relatively fast rate, and
operates under 30 mg/L BOD5 and 90 mg/L SS that most accumulation will take place near the inlet
discharge requirements, with a maximum 30-day end of the basin. It is hoped that partial draw-down
average flow of 7,570 m3/d (2 mgd). By June, 1989 of a basin will be adequate for cleaning, without
no discharge of pond effluent to the Colorado River requiring restocking of plants and other organisms.
will be permitted. Plans for future disposal include There are several unanswered questions regarding
using HBHF effluent to irrigate approximately 80 ha the operating characteristics of the HBHF under
(200 ac) of agricultural land near the facility. When extreme weather conditions. Of primary concern is
the facility was placed into operation in February of survival of the hyacinth plants during very cold
1986, the basin effluent BOD5 concentration was at weather. Outside temperatures during the 1985-86
or near 10 mg/L. winter were mild and did not provide an indication of
the greenhouse’s ability to retain heat entering the
Mosquito control measures have been effective. In system. Outside air temperatures rose to above 37°C
addition to the species stocked, dragonflies have (98°F) during the summer of 1986 without causing
inhabited the facility. Dragonfly larva feed on heat stress damage to the plants within the
mosquito larva and the adults prey on the mosquito greenhouse; inside temperatures were approximately
adults. There was a noticeable increase in the 55°C (131 oF) on those days. Another concern is the
mosquito population, believed to be due to potential decreased light transmissivity of the
immigration of adults, when the weather became fiberglass over time. Deterioration of the fiberglass,
cooler. and algal growth brought on by condensation on the
inside surfaces may inhibit light transmission.
DO concentration within the natural aerators has been
Roadways inside the facility have been subject to
measured as high as 5 mg/L. Small plants and debris
moisture and are deteriorating. Condensation dripping
are removed daily from each aerator to maintain a
onto the road surfaces and capillary rise weaken the
constant light source for the oxygen producing algae
road structure. Installation of a permanent road
attached to the rock at the bottom. surface on the berms is planned.
No harvesting was necessary during the first five
months of operation but was needed constantly Costs
during July and August. Harvesting was much less Total engineering design and construction cost of the
frequent during the following winter. A modified tractor facility was estimated to be $1,200,000. A more
mounted backhoe is used to remove hyacinth from a detailed accounting is not yet available.
1.2-1.8 m (4-6 ft) strip along the perimeter of each
basin. In addition to acting as temporary aerators, the Monitoring Programs
cleared areas facilitate movement of mosquito larvae Under the requirements of the HBHF discharge
predators. Harvested plant material is first dried on an permit and the need to evaluate other aspects of
asphalt pad, then mixed with thickened waste basin performance, influent and effluent levels of the
activated sludge and recycled by the city’s following contaminants are being monitored: BOD5,
Department of Parks and Recreation. The recycling SS, VSS, NH3-N, NO3-N, and TP. Research work
program was implemented in January of 1987. during 1986 included efforts to develop a
mathematical model of BOD 5 , SS and nutrient required pond surface area was determined using a
removal, and study of the nitrification process within computer model (HYADEM) developed by Amasek,
the hyacinth system. A consistent effort to monitor Incorporated after assuming a wet crop density of
and maintain the biological structures of the treatment 12.2 kg/m2 (2.5 Ib/sq ft) and an influent flow of 54.5
system will be necessary during the formative stages m 3/d (14,400 gpd). The pond depth was set at 0.6 m
of its unique ecosystem. Biological maturity and (2 ft) resulting in a nominal hydraulic detention time of
stability will not occur overnight, but it is ultimately 2.8 days. The nominal surface loading rate was 2,240
essential to dependable treatment performance. m 3/ha-d (0.24 mgd/ac).
the second week in January 1984 to accommodate The system consists of two ponds each having a
the higher nitrogen loading. Initially, iron, potassium surface area of 6 ha (15 ac) and hyacinth digesting
and phosphorous were added as a micronutrient facilities (see Figure 4-16). Each pond is further
supplement to the influent. In January, zinc, copper, divided into five basins 67 m long x 183 m wide (220
manganese, molybdenum, boron, and sulfur were ft x 600 ft) using berms.
added to the supplement program, and the last two
ponds were covered with a portable greenhouse Weirs are located at six points in the dividing berms
structure in order to assess their performance during to distribute flow evenly across the full width of the
freeze events. berms to prevent short-circuiting. AWT effluent is
fed to both ponds through an influent manifold. The
Pollutant removal from February 15 to March 15 was west pond has an influent line from the secondary
stable and the system did not have any major facilities in addition to the AWT influent line.
operating problems. Removal of BOD5, SS, TN, and Supplementary nutrient addition is provided by
TP during this one-month period averaged 60, 43, chemical dosing and mixing facilities, and chemical
70, and 65 percent respectively. feed pipes to the influent lines and to the weirs in
each dividing berm. Pond depth is 0.9 m (3 ft)
In a Amasek report assessing the performance of the resulting in a hydraulic detention time of
pilot facility, it was concluded that covering a water approximately 3.5 days.
hyacinth system for freeze protection at the Iron
Bridge plant was not cost effective considering “the Operating Characteristics
ability of hyacinths to recover from even severe The Iron Bridge hyacinth facility was initially stocked
Florida freeze events, and considering some of the with water hyacinth in late 1984. Until July 1985 the
negative features associated with a covered system system was operated in a start-up mode. During this
(32). time the system met nutrient removal requirements.
In July 1985 Amasek took over operation of the Design Factors system. In a report to the City of Orlando (33),
The areal requirements and standing crop density of Amasek summarized the process problems
the system were determined using the same encountered from July 1985 to February 1986:
computer model that had been used in the design of
the pilot hyacinth system. The premise of the model 1. At the time Amasek took over operations, the crop
is that nutrient removal is tied directly to plant growth. had developed extensive weevil populations and
Plant growth is modelled using Monod kinetics and there was considerable encroachment of alligator-
the van't Hoff-Arrhenius temperature relationship, weed.
and apparently assuming that growth is occurring in a
reactor with a constant concentration of the limiting 2. Amasek attempted to improve crop viability by
selective harvesting. Growth of the remaining crop,
nutrient. Growth rate is then related to plant density
however, was not as projected, and extensive
and surface area coverage, and the average daily rate
algae development resulted in violation of SS
of nutrient uptake is calculated. The calculation of
effluent nutrient content is made with the following
relationship: 3. As weevil populations developed, a spraying
program (Sevin) was initiated. Also new hyacinth
C n = (QiCi - Nu - NI) ÷Qo stock was brought in to enhance crop
4. Improved crop viability was noted as a result of the
C n = effluent nutrient concentration spraying. However, crop growth was inconsistent,
C i = influent nutrient concentration and coverage was not being achieved as designed.
Qi = daily flow in This resulted in a continuation of algae
Q O = daily flow out development and solids violations. However,
N u = daily mass nutrient removal by plant uptake adequate nutrient removal continued.
N I = daily mass nutrient removal by incidental
processes. 5. By January, 1986, it had become evident that the
crop was experiencing serious growth problems.
In general, most researchers have concluded that Nutrient removal was still being observed, although
nitrogen removal is by nitrification/denitrification with there was a considerable decline in the rate of
only incidental removal by the plant biomass. removal.
Results of the pilot-scale system were used to 6. Several potential causes for the growth problems
determine the necessary constants for the growth were identified during a series of meetings with the
relationships. city. These were as follows:
Figure 4-16. Iron Bridge, FL hyacinth facility basin configuration.
a. Metal toxicity, with aluminum as the primary From February to May 1986, the hyacinth system was
suspect. operated in a start-up mode to establish a healthy
crop. Starting in June the west pond was operated as
b. Biological interferences or competition, designed except that the influent nitrogen levels were
principally from the algae populations. approximately 13 mg/L rather than 3 mg/L. In
September the east pond was also placed in service.
c. Macronutrient deficiencies, with phosphorus the lnfluent and effluent concentrations of BOD5, SS, TN,
principle concern. and TP for six months of relatively steady operation
(June to November) are presented in Table 4-11.
d. Micronutrient deficiencies. During this steady operation period, the hyacinth
system did not meet its treatment goals for either
7. In mid-January, 1986, the system was shut down BOD5 or SS. The BOD5 and SS concentrations were
in an attempt to restore crop health and to facilitate reduced on average from 4.87 and 3.84 mg/L in the
solids control. The east pond was fertilized to bring influent to 3.11 and 3.62 mg/L in the effluent. In terms
levels of nitrogen, phosphorus, iron and calcium to of mass of nitrogen removed, the system did achieve
excess concentrations. A series of experiments the removal rates predicted. Effluent phosphorus
were established to test impacts of various levels were always below the design goal of 0.5 mg/L,
additives. Extensive testing of plant and water although it was necessary to add supplemental
quality was conducted to identify toxic or deficient phosphorus to the influent to assure phosphorus was
levels. not limiting plant growth.
Table 4-11. Iron bridge, FL Water Hyacinth System Performance Summary
BOD5, mg/L SS, mg/L TN, mg/L TPa
Date Flow, m3/d lnfluent Effluent lnfluent Effluent lnfluent Effluent lnfluent Effluent
6/86 16,680b 3.24 4.58 3.06 6.31 12.52 8.09 0.37 0.24
7/86 17,450 b 4.12 1.73 3.85 1.86 12.44 8.06 0.33 0.11
8/86 16,850 b 3.33 3.70 3.58 4.28 12.77 7.62 0.55 0.19
9/86 32,500 C 6.16 2.66 5.23 2.91 12.66 7.96 0.75 0.15
10/86 31,190 C 4.43 3.11 2.70 3.56 14.49 9.66 0.89 0.22
Average 23,250 4.87 3.11 3.84 3.62 13.00 8.16 0.61 0.22
Phosphorus IS added to the hyacinth system Influent as a nutrient supplement.
West hyacinth pond in operation.
Both hyacinths ponds in operation.
Both ponds in operation for portions 01 the period
aquatic plant systems. Finally although water hyacinth 6. Reddy, K.R., and W.F. DeBusk. Nutrient Removal
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Table 4-12. Iron Bridge, FL Water Hyacinth System 17. Hillman, W.S., and D.C. Cully. The Use of
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lnfluent Flow Daily
Air Temperature 5 days/week 18. Tchobanoglous, G., F. Maitski, K. Thomas, and
Wastewater Temperature 5 days/week T.H. Chadwick. Evolution and Performance of City
pH 5 days/week of San Diego Pilot Scale Aquatic Wastewater
Conductivity 5 days/week Treatment System Using Water Hyacinths.
DO 5 days/week
Rainfall Daily
Presented at the 60th Annual Conference of the
Wind Velocity 5 days/week Water Pollution Control Federation, Philadelphia,
Wind Direction 5 days/week PA. October 5-8, 1987.
Chlorine Twice/week
TKN Twice/week 19. Dinges, R. Personal Communication. 1988.
NH4-N Twice/week
NO 3 -N Twice/week
NO 2 -N Twice/week 20. Weber, A.S., and G. Tchobanoglous. Rational
TN Twice/week Design Parameters for Ammonia Conversion in
OP Twice/week Water Hyacinth Treatment Systems. JWPCF
TP Twice/week
BOD5 Twice/week
57:316-323, 1985.
TSS Twice/week
TDS Once/week 2 1 Gee and Jenson. Water Hyacinth Wastewater
Na Once/week Treatment Design Manual for NASAlNational
K Once/week Space Technology Laboratories, NSTL Station,
Fe Once/week
Ca Once/week MS, 1980.
Mn Once/week
Mg 22. Reddy, K.R. Nutrient Transformations in Aquatic
Mn Once/week Macrophyte Filters Used for Water Purification. In:
B Once/week
Zn Once/week Water Reuse Symposium Ill, pp. 660-669, 1985.
Cu Once/week
Mb Once/week 23. Mitsch, W.J. Waterhyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes)
Cr Once/week Nutrient Uptake and Metabolism in a North
Al Once/week Central Florida Marsh. Arch. Hydrobiol. 81:188-
Pb Once/week
Once/week 210,1977.
Once/week 24. Reddy, K.R. and J.C. Tucker. Productivity and
Once/week Nutrient Uptake of Water Hyacinth, Echhornia
Plant Constituents As Needed
As Needed
Crassipes I. Effect of Nitrogen Source. Econ. Bot.
Harvested Biomass 37:237-247, 1983.
Stocked Biomass As Needed
Standing Crop Biomass Once/week
Weevils Once/week 25. Curran, G.M., S.B. Pearson, S.A. Curtin, and T.H.
Sameodes Once/week Chadwick, San Diego’s Aquatic Treatment
Mosquitoes Once/week
Daly Program with Total Resource Recovery. in K.R.
Encroaching Vegetation
Root Macroinverterbrates As Needed Reddy and W.H. Smith, Aquatic Plants for Water
Fungal Isolates As Needed Treatment and Resource Recovery, Orlando,
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15. Reddy, K.R., and W.F. DeBusk. Growth 26. Black & Veatch, Engineers-Architects, Interim
Characteristics of Aquatic Macrophytes Cultured Progress Report San Diego Aquaculture Project,
in Nutrient-enriched Water: I. Water Hyacinth, Kansas City, MI, October, 1986.
Water Lettuce, and Pennywort. Econ. Bot.
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16. DeBusk, T.A., and K.R. Reddy. Wastewater Sacramento, CA, February, 1987.
Treatment Using Floating Aquatic Macrophytes:
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Water Treatment and Resource Recovery. Considerations in K.R. Reddy and W.H. Smith,
Magnolia Publishing inc., Orlando, FL, pp. 643- Aquatic Plants for Water Treatment and Resource
656, 1987. Recovery, Orlando, Florida, March, 1987.
Table 4-13. Aquatic Plant Systems Case Studies Summary
Item San Diego, CA Austin, TX Orlando, FL
Aquatic Plants Water Hyacinths Water Hyacinths Water Hyacinths
Preapplication Treatment Primary Ponds AWT
Special Design Features Supplemental Aeration Covered System Supplemental Nutrient Addition
Design Max. Flow, m3/d 3.79 7,570 30,300
Pond Surface Area, ha 0.65 1.6 12.1
Influent/Effluent BOD, mg/L ~ 130/~9.5 131/17.6 4.9/31
Influent/Effluent SS, mg/L ~107/~10 142/11.3 3.8/36
Influent/Effluent TN, mg/L 23 a /9 a 55/12 a 13.0/8.2
Hydraulic Surface Loading, 583 4,730 2,500
Capital Cost, $/ma-d 580b 158 66
3- b
Yearly O&M Cost, $/m d 132 18
Capital Cost, $/ha 340,000 741,000 165,000
NH4 + NO3-N.
Demonstration facility.
Kansas Pennsylvania
Saint Paul Elverton
Kentucky Lake Winola
South Dakota 2. Aquatic Plant Systems
Spenser Alabama
Tennessee Arkansas
Tellico Florida
In Other Countries
Richmond Australia Minnesota
Mannersdorf, Austria Sleepy Eye
Listowel, Canada
Port Perry, Canada Mississippi
Bay St. Louis
Ringsted, Denmark
North Biloxi
Rodekro (Jutland), Denmark
Othfresen, Germany
North Dakota
Windelsbleiche, Germany
Devil’s Lake
Coromandel Township, New Zealand
Whangarei, New Zealand
San Benito
Stewart Park
Multiply by To Get
m 3/m2-d 25 gpd/sq ft
m 3.28 ft
m2 10.76 sq ft
ha 2.47 ac
m3 264.2 gal