Questionnaire For Masters - New

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Questionnaire for Masters

Name of Master :
Previous experience as Master (years/months) :
Type of Vessel as Master :
Age :


1) What is the function of the ‘‘SAFE PORT’’ ?

2) You have to drop anchor in deep waters. What are the best shipping anchoring procedures ?

3) When you are expecting very bad weather, what are the precautions which should be taken
in order vessel to be utmost ready to prevent damages ,accidents etc?

4) What are the ‘’BENDING MOMENTS ‘’and what are the ‘’SHEARING FORSES’’ ?

Questionnaire for Masters

5) If you have to load grains from USA, which are the Authorities’ Parties who carry out the holds
inspections and the Stability study?

6) What is the P@I CLUB and what are the coverages?

7)What is the H&M insurance and what are their covers?

8) What is the function of the Bill of Lading?

9) What is the difference between Time Charter and Voyage Charter?

Questionnaire for Masters

10) On a Time Charter, What the Chrtrs pay and what the Owners?

11) What is the meaning of a ‘’CLEAN BILL OF LADING’’

12) What is the ‘’MATE’S RECEIPT’’?

13) Who is the ‘’SHIPPER’’?

14) Who is to sign the ‘’B/L’’ and what is the customary practice on this matter?

Questionnaire for Masters

15) What is the ‘’DEAD FREIGHT”?

16) You have cargo on board ,who is the Owner of this cargo?

17) In case the original B/L is not available at discharging port ,why you don’t allow to
discharge the cargo?

18) When a B/L is presented to the master for signing at loadport what parts of b/l have to be
checked for its accuracy?

Questionnaire for Masters

19) When your vessel is described in the Time Charter Party to perform at speed of ABT 14knts
and consumption ABT 30 mts ifo ,what is the minimum speed and maximum consumption the
vessel should perform in order to avoid underperformance claim and over consume?

20) You have to carry out holds’ cleaning for grain standards and your last cargo was dirty (coal).
Please describe (in summary) the procedure of holds’ cleaning?

21) Name of some types of Bills of Lading?

22) What is a ‘’THROUGH BILL OF LADING’’?

Questionnaire for Masters

23) On your Bill of Lading, the cargo destination is Rotterdam and during your voyage to
Rotterdam for discharging you received instruction from Chrtrs to change course for discharging
cargo at Malaga, Spain. What is your feedback and what you have to do on this matter?

24) Upon completion of bunkering, C/E reported you that there is a discrepancy between vessel’s
figures and barge’s figures. What actions should you take?

25) During discharging operation, stevedore damage occurred to your vessel.

What actions should you take?

26) Vessel has gone aground. What are the immediate actions that should you take?

Questionnaire for Masters

28) Your vessel receives instructions to berth alongside another vessel or barge to lighten ship.
What actions and precautions should you take?

29) What is the definition ‘’Good Weather Condition’’ in c/p?

30) Under pilotage ,is the pilot on board responsible for his actions?

31) You have to perform a voyage from Japan to Vancouver during winter time.
What is your suggested percentage of ‘’safety margin’’ of bunkers rob for a safe passage?

32) What is the master’s proper attitude to his crew on board?

Questionnaire for Masters

33) Master on board have a lot of responsibilities.

As per your opinion what are the responsibilities which the master should give priority?

Prepared by:
Captain Nick Glynos
Operations Manager

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