Orals Report 09/04/14: Candidate: Mark Johnson Time: 1030 Examiner: Capt. Insan!! Result: PASS

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Orals Report 09/04/14

Candidate: Mark Johnson

Time: 1030
Examiner: Capt. Insan!!
Result: PASS
I arrived early and read the MAIB digest while waiting was taken in the exam
room and exchanged pleasantries. The questions came thick and fast so I cant
remember them all. I was told that I would be examined on my ship type
1. What documentation would you expect a crew member to have with

regard to MLC?
What are the Certs and documents for MLC?
Masters inspection of accommodation?
ISM audit what would I prepare?
Should I be worried if I find a copy of the DOC in the certs file and not

the original?
6. What should I check on the DOC?
7. Validity of DOC and SMC?
8. What is the difference between Non conformity and major non
conformity? (Learn the definitions word for word).
9. My ship has been laid up for 3 months; will the SMC still be valid? (I said
that if there was not 3 month evidence that the SMS was in operation it
wouldnt be).
10. How would I motivate the crew?
11. What certificates do Flag issue?
12. What is in the SAR plan and how is it kept valid? (Only required on Pax
13. What is Port State control?
14. How does it work?
15. Would a UK flagged ship get a port state inspection in a UK port?
16. What is taken into account when deciding a ships risk factor?
17. What is the alternative compliance scheme?
18. I am in port and a TRS is forecast, action? (Mariners Handbook).
19. What are Masters the responsibility with regard to TRS reporting?
20.How often should report be sent and to who?

21. What else should master report as per SOLAS V?

22.V/L alongside pilot on board 2/O is missing ashore, actions?
23.Would you or can you sail?
24.Allowed to sail but thick fog, pilot on board would I sail in these
conditions as master?
25.How would I arrange the bridge team and who would take the con?
26.Proceeding in the channel, fog gets worse, need to anchor in the channel
with moderate current and light winds. What types or mooring are there?
(Running 7 Standing)
27.Show me how to do a standing moor? (Ship model time).
28.Open sea now, 0300 V/L collides with a tanker actions?
29.Would it be salvage?
30.What is SCOPIC?
31. Any advantages to the company?
32.Port of Refuge who to inform?
33.What instructions would I give to the OOW when using ECDIS with
34.Enclosed space entry what to check?
35.How often should enclosed space rescue drill be carried out?
36.VDR what inputs does it have?
37.SVDR Inputs?
38.VDR maintenance and testing?
39.What cert is it on with regard to survey?
40.Sections of OLB?
41. How often should emergency steering gear drill be carried out?
42.What to do when closing OLB?
43.Does GMDSS log go with it?
44.With regard to MSN on RoRo operations what should be considered with
regard to weight of commercial vehicles? (Allow for an extra 10%)
45. Buoyage: Give a Region A channel to navigate through with a ship model.
(Very simple).
46.Approaching a Fog bank what would you expect the OOW to have already
Rules of the Road
1. Lights for a Fishing V/L with gear more than 150m, view from astern
engaged in Persane netting. (All the lights in a line so hard to make out at
2. Pilot V/L.

3. Can we tell the length of Pilot & Fishing V/Ls?

4. Towing V/L with partly submerged object (wanted all the lights for
different dimensions).
5. Sailing V/L in a narrow channel crossing.
6. Over taking in a narrow channel what are the sound signals?
7. Which rule applies?
8. Sailing V/L dead ahead on reciprocal course action & by which rule?
9. Same situation but I am CBD what action now?
10. TSS I am crossing and PDV on Port side actions?
11. What does rule 10 say?
12. In fog placed a single dot and the table dead ahead, I said I need more
information 2 more dots placed on top of the original what is it doing?
Where would W be ?
13. In Fog three dots on placed down, I am over taking where would W be?
Action? Can I go to Port?
I saw him reach for the stamp pad and asked if I was ready for command?
I had passed!
Capt. Insan has a bad reputation but seemed ok the questions came thick and
fast but I took my time with each one. He did help me out with a few things as


Start reading M notices esp. ones for you ship type.

Learn the terms and fraises used in the M notices
Dont neglect the ROR keep reading through them.
Get in groups and get talking, practice explaining stuff and emergency
situations. (Made it far easier in the exam). Its not about looking

stupid if you dont know something.

Read the college notes, condense the information and learn it.

Thank you to all the lectures at Shields and to the rest of the class
especially the guys in our study group!

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