Prayer of A Student Teacher

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The key takeaways are that the student teacher is praying for guidance, strength, and wisdom as they take on the important role of shaping young minds.

The prayer is a request for God's presence, forgiveness, and help in overcoming difficulties as the student teacher faces a new day of teaching.

The student teacher acknowledges their own imperfections and shortcomings, and asks God for protection from discouragements and impediments that try to steal their happiness or damage their feelings as they take on the challenges of the role.


Oh most gracious and loving Heavenly Father, Lord of all Lords,

King of all kings, omnipotent God of all time and creator of

everything, I humbly thank You for all that You’ve given me. For

my ever loving family, supportive friends, teachers who have

imparted their time and knowledge, classmates, relatives and all

the people who in some way made my life worth living for, for the

food that I eat every day, the water that I drink and above all, the

most precious gift that You’ve bestowed upon me, this life that I


Forgive me if sometimes I disobey Your commandments such that

I don’t respect my parents enough, for using curse when I’m

upset, say bad things against somebody, for my simple acts of

selfishness and everything that I’ve done and in what I have failed

to do which displeases You. I know I’m just human bound to

imperfections but I’m trying my best not to commit mistakes.

Lord, I ask for Your Holy presence as I’m about to face the day,

that I may be able to surpass the different difficulties. Please help

me deliver to my pupils’ their new lesson with great enthusiasm

and patience and treat them fairly regardless of their individual

differences. That I can impart the right values with consideration

to their various cultural background and religion. Please help me

to be productive, such that I can help my co-student teachers in

my own little ways, obey my critic teacher and be a good example

to others. May I learn to speak and act according to what is right

and just in Your eyes. Lord, I am nothing without You so I entrust

everything unto Your hands, so that Your will and Yours only

prevails, and mold me into someone worthy to be called as one of

your children.

All these I ask from our Lord Jesus Christ.

Prayer of a Student Teacher

Heavenly father, our Lord, most high, by the wonderful gifts of the Holy Spirit, my
everyday endeavor becomes victorious. I know that I am fragile, impetuous, faulty and sinful. I
also know that I am not worthy of Your unconditional care and love but despite of my
imperfections, I beg You, my Lord, to still forgive me.

Lord, I know that I almost abuse your kindness but please, do not stop hearkening my
prayers especially in times that I need You most because You are the only One who can defeat
the discouraging impediments in my life. Lord, there are people trying to steal my happiness that
is why I ask for your impregnable protection so they cannot damage my feelings. Also, heal my
heart and mind so that I am always competent in facing my students. Yes, Lord, I am a student-
teacher and soon I will become one of the greatest teachers who are ready to serve my brothers
and sisters. I hope that you will not cease dispensing Your wisdom and authentic love in my
emptiness. Albeit sometimes I am negligent, I pray that You will not stop guiding and teaching
me so I can teach my students the right deeds and reasons. I am one of Your servant and stewards
and I promise to protect and care Your creation.

Lord, please help me to direct the path of my students so I can lead and light their way. Words
are not enough to thank and praise You for Your unending love and blessings. You are our Torch,
our Confidant, our Teacher, and our Father.

I lift this prayer to You, our Lord. Amen.


"Becoming a teacher is not a job. You became a teacher because you are one of the chosen
ones. God made you to be one because He knows you are capable of changing ones' life."

Thinking the tasks of a teacher will make you give up. Thinking that you will work 24/7 will
make you stop pursuing to be one. Thinking the different attitudes of students will make you
doubt. But without a teacher, world will be in chaos. I have a thousand of reasons not to pursue
teaching yet I have a reason to stay, I am destined to be one. I am about to change the world.

I am a teacher because God chose me. I will also be a light for my students. I will be one of
those who will lead the way of my students. I am a teacher. I am not only a teacher, but a
"Be a teacher who changes children's lives and leads their way in doing the things with love."

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