New Century Health Clinic

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New Century Health Clinic offers preventative medicine and traditional medical care. In your role as an
IT consultant, you will help New Century develop a new information system.

New Century health clinic has decided to computerise its office systems. The associates hired you, a local
computer consultant, to perform a preliminary investigation. You had several meetings with Dr. Tim
Jones to discuss the various office records and accounting systems. Anita Davenport, New Century's
office manager, participated in those meetings.
In a report to the associates at the end of your investigation, you recommended conducting a detailed
analysis of the patient record system, the patient and insurance billing system, and the patient scheduling
system. You believe that New Century would benefit most from implementing those three systems.
Although the systems could be developed independently, you recommended analysing all three systems
together because of the significant interaction among them.
You presented your findings and recommendations at a late afternoon meeting of the associates. After
answering several questions, you left the meeting so they could discuss the matter privately. Dr. Jones
began the discussion by stating that he was impressed with your knowledge and professionalism, as well
as your report and presentation.
Dr. Jones recommended accepting your proposal and hiring you immediately to conduct the systems
analysis phase. Dr. Garcia, however, was not as enthusiastic and pointed out that such a study would
certainly disrupt office procedures. The staff already had more work than they could handle, she argued,
and taking time to answer your questions would only make the situation worse. Dr. Jones countered that
the office workload was going to increase in any event, and that it was important to find a long-term
solution to the problem. After some additional discussions, Dr. Garcia finally agreed with Dr. Jones's
assessment. The next morning, Dr. Jones called you and asked you to go ahead with the systems analysis
phase of the project.
Insert information or upload files in your Learning Journal for yourChapter 4 answers.
Review the office organisation chart you prepared in chapter 1 for New Century.

Question 1
List the individuals you would like to interview during the systems analysis phase.
List or employees to interview
Employee Name Title
Anita Davenport Office Manager

Fred Brown Accounting

Carla Herrera Procurement

Lisa Ling Appointment

Susan Stanford Record Keeping

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Tom Capaletti Insurance Reporting

Question 2
Prepare a list of objectives for each of the interviews you will conduct.

Question 3
Prepare a list of specific questions for each individual you will interview.

Question 4
Design a questionnaire that will go to a sample of New Century patients to find out if they were satisfied
with current insurance and scheduling procedures. Your questionnaire should follow the suggestions in
this chapter. Also, decide what sampling method you will use and explain the reason for your choice.

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