T05 3-4 2 PDF
T05 3-4 2 PDF
T05 3-4 2 PDF
In technology, things are quite often turned upside phone chipsets which are smaller in size and consume
down and become the opposite of what they were less power. These chipsets contribute to the standard-
originally meant to be. Hardware components of isation of the mobile phone’s hardware. Parallel to
computers are becoming “softer” and more replace- this is the emergence of open and “de-facto” standard
able than software components. Telephones go wire- operating systems based on Linux for mobile phones
less while televisions get “wired” through cable. The like Monte Vista, Trolltech, BlueCat, etc. Even native
Do Van Thanh mobile terminal, which was originally meant as a Java operating systems like Savaje have appeared.
is Senior
peripheral device, has become very central in the This forces the established mobile phone operating
Scientist at mobile telecommunication world. Indeed, from a systems like Symbian, Windows Smartphone, Pal-
Telenor R&D rather heavy and unpractical mobile station, the mOS to provide open and standardised APIs. The
mobile terminal has evolved to becoming a handy fundaments for open and computer-oriented phones
device that has found its way to the heart of more are hence laid, but it may not be desirable that mobile
and more people. The mobile phone is getting more phones become pure computers which are vulnerable
advanced every day in terms of functionality and to virus attacks. Indeed, the minimum requirement is
offers; in addition to telephony, valuable services that no matter what happens, a phone should, at least,
like messaging, contact, calendar, mobile commerce, function as a phone, i.e. be able to make and receive
gaming, etc. are available The mobile phone is incor- calls. This calls for a new architecture where security
porating more and more gadgets like digital camera, is seriously taken into account.
MP3 player, memory stick, remote control, etc. It is
becoming more visible to the user and offering greater This is one of the activities of the OMTP (Open
user experience with higher resolution screen, better Mobile Terminal Platform), an operator initiative to
sound quality, easier navigation facility, etc. It is no open and standardise mobile phones. Another major
longer considered as a communication device, but goal of the OMTP is the operator’s customisation
more as a jewel that one is expressing oneself with. across heterogeneous mobile phones, i.e. to define
a uniform user experience across different mobile
The battle in the mobile telecommunication world is phones. But, the mobile operators are not the only
nowadays very much more over the mobile phone players that want to have something to say on the
than on the mobile network. The competition is no mobile phones. The first and most obvious player is
longer between telecom manufacturers like Nokia, the user who wants to personalise his mobile phone
SonyEricsson, Motorola, Samsung, etc., but the tele- according to his preferences. Next is the third party
com operators are also starting to show interest in service provider that delivers its services on the
influencing both the functionality and appearance of mobile phone and may want to customise to differen-
the mobile phones. Some major telecom operators tiate with other service providers. Last, but definitely
such as Vodafone, Orange, T-mobile, etc. view cus- not least, is the enterprise that is the employer of the
tomisation of mobile phones as a decisive differentia- user, the payer of the mobile subscription and most
tion since the mobile phones are what the customers often the owner of the mobile terminal. The enter-
see and want to pay for. Another motivation for join- prise may or may not want to have company logo
ing the battle of mobile terminals is the dissatisfac- or colour on the mobile display. However, they will
tion on the fragmentation of the hardware compo- probably want to have the right to approve the appli-
nents and the incompatibility of the operating system cations running on the mobile phone in the same way
and software platforms. These constitute one of the that they select and grant the installation of the clients
major hindrances to the promotion and acceptance of running on the employee’s laptop that communicate
advanced data services. Indeed, the mobile operators remotely with the servers on the company’s intranet
tend to be in favour of the evolution of the mobile ter- and behind the firewalls.
minal from a black box to an open and standard com-
puter where software applications can be installed or Will the mobile phones continue to be distributed in
removed on demand. the market in the same way as today with most of the
functionalities and features decided by the mobile
Another factor that favours the “opening” of the phone manufacturer? Will the user have the possibil-
mobile phone is the advance in micro technology that ity to buy separately the hardware and software com-
has enabled the production of high-integration mobile ponents and tailor their own mobile phone as in the
The next three papers focus on the human and social Finally, I would like to thank Richard Seyler Ling,
aspects of the mobile phones. The first one talks Anders Spilling, Birgitte Yttri and Marianne Jensen
about mobile phones and fashion while the second for their precious support, advice and contributions to
investigates the interest in future net based services. the elaborations of this Telektronikk issue.
The third one studies how people use their mobile
multimedia devices. I hope that you will find this issue both entertaining
and informative no matter whether you want to jump
The mobile phone arena is currently led by the tele- into the mobile phone arena or not.
com vendors and their views have great influence in
the evolution of the mobile phones. The next three Have an enjoyable read.
papers reflect the vision of the vendors. The paper
from Microsoft expresses the importance of deploy-
ing services across heterogeneous devices. The Qual-
comm’s paper focuses on the flexible selection and
installation of applications on the mobile phone. The
Philip’s paper attempts to predict the gadgets that can
be added to the mobile phones.
Prof. Dr. Do Van Thanh obtained his MSc in Electronic and Computer Sciences from the Norwegian Univer-
sity of Science and Technology (NTNU) and his PhD in Informatics from the University of Oslo. In 1991 he
joined Ericsson R&D Department in Oslo after seven years of R&D at Norsk Data, a minicomputer manu-
facturer in Oslo. In 2000 he joined Telenor R&D and is now in charge of two Eureka Celtic projects, ADPO
and Fidelity, which focus on personalization of mobile services and Identity Management. He also holds a
professorship at the Department of Telematics at NTNU in Trondheim. He is the author of over 100 publica-
tions in international conferences and journals and the inventor of 14 patents and a dozen of pending ones.
email: [email protected]
Nowadays, most people know what a mobile phone is but not so many know all the functions this little
device has and how many metamorphoses it has encountered before becoming what it is today. This
paper attempts to provide a comprehensive description of the mobile phone and a presentation of its
evolution in terms of architecture, functionality, bandwidth, wireless access technologies, etc. from a
simple communication device to becoming a universal companion of the user. The paper also gives an
overview of development trends of the mobile phone.
Do Van Thanh
is Senior
Scientist at 1 Introduction mobile phone will look like in the future. It could be
Telenor R&D At the time (80s) when fixed telephones became a the combination of everything one can think of from
commodity present in every household and lost its a watch, a camera, a camcorder, and an MP3 player
preponderant economic position in the telecommuni- to document storage, a universal security token or a
cation, the mobile phone emerged as the main source remote control. It may become “invisible” with all the
of revenues for telecom equipment manufacturers and components taken apart and discretely mounted into
mobile telecommunication rose as the biggest success the user’s clothes.
ever in the telecommunication history. Indeed, most
of the telecom manufacturers were about to close In this paper, we are going to re-discover the mobile
their production of terminals and concentrate on the phone from the day of its invention. Its functions and
Ivar Jørstad is a
network equipment since the business was not lucra- capabilities will be revisited and elucidated. At the
PhD student at
Norwegian tive anymore. The general belief was that the compe- end of the paper, we will attempt to depict a picture
University of tition should be on the network side rather than on of the future mobile phone.
Science and the terminal side. One company did have a visionary
Technology view on the role and potential of the mobile phones
and put considerably resources and efforts on the 2 The basic functionality of the
construction of the mobile handsets to make them mobile phone
the most used electronic device in the world. Today,
everybody knows that this company is Nokia, which 2.1 The mobile phone is a terminal
has grown from a modest telecom vendor to be a tele- The mobile phone is quite often referred to as a
com giant. This is just to depict the important role of mobile terminal in telecommunication terminology.
this little handy device, which is the mobile phone. A terminal is an apparatus that terminates or is at the
A mobile phone is now a very familiar device to terminating endpoint of the telecommunication net-
most people but not everyone really knows about the work. A terminal is a peripheral device which is
advanced functions and capabilities incorporated in rather simple and completely dependent on the net-
the mobile phone. Not many people are aware of all work, i.e. it cannot function when disconnected from
the metamorphoses the mobile phone has undergone the network. Typically, a PSTN terminal, also called
before becoming what it is today. However, the Plain-Old Telephone (POT) is terminating the Public
changes will not stop there but will continue at an Switched Telephone Network. It is a rather simple
even faster pace. Indeed, nobody can predict what the device that enables the user to make or receive phone
calls and consists basically of four components:
The phone does not have any identity on itself but the A handheld station was only one of the five alterna-
identification is based on the line between the local tives. It was also considered to be the least realistic
exchange and the household. Any phone hooked up since it was difficult to incorporate so much function-
to the line will be viewed in the same way by the local ality in a small and portable device.
exchange and will operate without any difference.
2.3 The mobile phone is a cellular phone
2.2 The mobile phone is a station Quite obviously, a mobile phone must be equipped
The mobile phone is a terminal and has similar capa- with radio transmission and reception capabilities.
bilities to making and receiving calls as the fixed However, a mobile phone does not communicate
phone. However, contrary to the fixed phone, the directly with another mobile phone as in the case of
mobile phone is an advanced and quite complex the walkie-talkie. It communicates via a cellular net-
device. In the specifications of the Groupe Special work. A mobile phone is also called cellular phone
Mobile (GSM), which was later renamed Global Sys- because it is connected to a cellular network.
tem for Mobile communication, the mobile terminal
is called mobile station that denotes a bunch of equip- A cellular network is a radio network made up of a
ment necessary for transmitting and receiving while number of radio cells (or just cells), each served by
moving. Indeed at the time, it was anticipated that the a fixed transceiver, normally known as a base station.
mobile terminal would be quite big and heavy. It is The reason for having cells is to extend both the cov-
transportable but not very portable. According to the erage area and the number of simultaneous calls.
specifications [1], a GSM Mobile Station can be:
According to the laws of physics, a radio frequency
• A vehicle mounted station; can be used at a location by one and only one radio
• A transportable station; transmission. Since the usable frequency spectrum is
• A handheld station; limited, the number of simultaneous transmissions is
• A vehicle mounted/transportable station; also limited.
• A vehicle mounted/handheld station.
A genius solution to the problem invented at the end
of the 1940s was to divide the area into small cells
and to reuse the same frequencies in these cells. It is
F worth noting that although a cell is shown in most
books as a hexagonal, a cell is amorphous and there is
quite often overlapping between neighbour cells. Due
E C to signal leakage that can cause interference and dete-
rioration of the signal quality, the same frequencies
cannot be used in neighbour cells. In Figure 2, the
F B cells denoted with different letters get allocated dif-
ferent frequencies. In order to avoid interference,
A cells of same type are placed away from each other.
The usage of multiple cells means that when the
D mobile phone moves from one cell to another, it will
communicate with different base stations and change
channels. If there is an ongoing call then it should not
Figure 2 Frequency reuse in cellular networks
Visitor location
Visitor location register register XX
Location area
Figure 3 Registration of location in GSM
be interrupted. To prevent interrupt, it is necessary to of its own, independent of the network access point
carry out handover, also called handoff. identity for the network to use to communicate with
it. In GSM [7], every mobile phone has a unique
Handover requires naturally coordination between identity called International Mobile Equipment Iden-
the mobile phone and the base stations. But first of tity (IMEI) and stolen mobile phones can be interna-
all, the mobile phone must be “intelligent” enough to tionally barred based on this identity.
know which base station it is currently served by and
which will take over. In GSM (Global system for Since the mobile phone is constantly changing posi-
mobile communications)[7], the mobile phone will tion, when there is a call addressed to it, the mobile
detect that it is about to leave one cell and enter network must locate and deliver the call to the mobile
another. It will ask to get a channel reserved with the phone. It can do this by broadcasting over the net-
new base station while still maintaining the current work a message “Mobile phone ID XX, please report
channel. The signal from the former base station con- yourself”. When receiving the message, the addressed
tinues to deteriorate and when it falls below a thresh- mobile phone ID XX will respond and a call can be
old, the mobile phone will order the switching to the set up. This procedure is called Paging. The paging
new channel and terminate the old channel. This is may be time consuming when the mobile network is
called hard handover. geographically large. Flooding the network with pag-
ing message is also a waste of bandwidth. The regis-
In American system IS-95 and WCDMA the same tration of location is hence introduced.
frequency handovers, i.e. the mobile phone changes
cell but uses the same frequency, both channels will Two stages of registration are used in GSM to reduce
actually be in use at the same time. This is called a the updating frequency. The Home Location Register
soft handover. Handover is carried out not only when (HLR) registers which Visitor Location Register
the mobile phone moves to another cell but also in (VLR) the mobile phone is currently visiting. The
load balancing or when signal deterioration occurs to VLR registers which Location Area the mobile phone
avoid interrupt. is located in. A Location Area (LA) or Routing Area
(RA) in GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) [9]
In addition to the wireless transmission and reception groups a number of cells and constitutes the smallest
capabilities, the mobile phone must also be equipped registration unit. An LA is used instead of a cell to
with advanced functions to perform the management reduce the number of location updates since the cov-
of the radio link. erage area of an LA is larger than a cell. In addition,
if the mobile phone is moving in high speed the regis-
2.4 The mobile phone is an intelligent tration on cell basis may contain obsolete informa-
device tion. Within an LA, paging is used to pinpoint which
As a mobile phone moves and changes cells or points cell the mobile phone is located in at the current time.
of attachment to the network, it must have an identity So in addition to the radio link management function,
A new interface was thus defined which allows the SIM applications
SIM to act as master and the ME as a slave. The ME In general, SIM services require a strong level of
can transfer control to an application on the SIM security (authentication and/or encryption) like
device, and the SIM can issue a variety of commands
through this mechanism, which cover text display on • Payment services;
screen, operation of a dialogue between the SIM and • Banking services;
the user, requiring either a single character or a more • Network access (WLAN-SIM);
detailed user response, playing a tone on the ME, • Any other information like sports updates, news
polling the ‘idle’ activity of status information ex- etc. that require subscriptions;
change between ME and SIM, the exchange of local • Typically operator controlled services; provided
information between ME and SIM, a SIM initialisa- access to through an “operator button” on the
tion and restart of a card session by resetting the SIM, handset.
The document 3GPP TS 21.111: “USIM and IC Card
Requirements” defines the requirements of the USIM
(Universal Subscriber Identity Module [5]) and the
IC card for 3G (UICC: Universal Integrated Circuit
Card) [6]. These are derived from the general service
and security requirements for 3G systems. The USIM
is a 3G application on an IC card. It inter-operates
with a 3G terminal and provides access to 3G services.
• Loyalty: This application can be owned and admin- 4.2.1 Multiple Air Interfaces
istered by a third party. It registers the bonus points In parallell to the development of the mobile telecom-
that the user has accumulated through his service munication standards, other short range wireless stan-
usage. It may be equipped with the ability to dis- dards are also steadily being improved. The future
play the balance of points to the user. mobile terminals will include not only one wireless
interface, but at least three; cellular network interface
• Health care: This application holds the health infor- (e.g. UMTS), medium range wireless interface (e.g.
mation of the user. As a tamper resistant device the WLAN, Bluetooth) and short range wireless interface
smart card is a secure storage for confidential per- (e.g. RFID). Another option is to include medium
sonal information. This is only possible thanks to the range low rate interfaces like the ones specified by
tamper resistant characteristics of the smart card. ZigBee.
Since the mobile user is carrying the mobile phone
with him most of the time, his health information 4.2.2 Bluephone
will always be available when he needs them. The Bluephone project by British Telecom (BT)
allows a normal cellular phone to connect, place and
• M-commerce: This application enables performing receive calls through a Bluetooth basestation when
M-commerce and it will be described more thor- inside a house or in the office. Since the project was
oughly in the box below. announced, the WiFi1) standards have evolved, and
BT is now aiming at using WiFi instead of Bluetooth
4.2 Evolution in bandwidth and bit rate in upcoming versions of Bluephone. However, Blue-
For service platforms on mobile phones to be of great phone does not provide Voice over IP service, so it is
value, the mobile phones must allow services to not part of the ongoing convergence. Calls are still
access adequate levels of resources both on the de- transferred over the GSM network.
vice, e.g. in terms of processing power and storage,
but also in terms of network bandwidth.
1) WiFi (sometimes written Wi-fi, Wi-Fi, Wifi, wifi; and an acronym for “wireless fidelity”) is a trademark for sets of product
compatibility standards for wireless local area networks (WLANs). WiFi is quite often used interchangeably with WLAN.
2) http://www.mvista.com/cee/index.html
• Ringtones
Figure 15 Telenor Nordic Mobile customisation • Logos
with Entry • Wallpapers
• Celebrity Voice-mail Messages
• Handset facias
vice offering to reduce customer churn and to im- • Personalised Location Based Services (e.g. targeted
prove loyalty. Figure 15 shows an example of opera- navigational and advertising services)
tor’s customisation. • Themes that include icons, wallpapers, back-
grounds, colors, etc.
The Open Mobile Terminal Platform, OMTP Ltd.
(“OMTP”) has been established to gather the needs of There are also websites like MyFoneThemes.com that
the mobile operator community for mobile terminal offer a service for converting any image or photo of
platforms and to define and agree on those require- the user (examples: own photo, a loved one’s photo,
ments necessary to deliver openly available standard- own artwork, a favorite celebrity’s picture) into a
ised application interfaces to provide customers with phone theme for his mobile phone. They produce per-
an improved user experience across different devices. sonalised phone themes on demand according to the
This will also enable individual operators and manu- submitted photos and specifications.
facturers to more easily customise and differentiate
their products and services. At first glance, the user’s personalisation may appear
to be in conflict with the operator’s customisation but
The founding members of OMTP are mmO2, NTT it does not have to be. In fact, a balanced combination
DoCoMo, Orange, SMART Communications, Tele- of operator’s customisation and user’s personalisation
fónica Móviles, TIM (Telecom Italia Mobile), T- will be the best for both parties. An example of such
Mobile and Vodafone. The goal of the Open Mobile combination is the FT (Financial Times) personalised
Terminal Platform (OMTP) is to achieve the open- mobile phone [10], which allows the user to select
ness of the mobile terminal in the same way as the “My industry News”, “My Share Quotes”, etc. from
computer experienced in the 70s, where the computer the Financial Times content source.
4.5 Evolution in ownership model services work well, they are also interested in getting
In the early NMT system and also now in the Ameri- some control of the mobile phone.
can and Japanese mobile telecommunication systems,
the subscription includes the mobile phone which is Last but not least, the enterprise, i.e. employer of the
the property of the operator lent to the subscriber dur- user that pays for both the mobile phone and the
ing the subscription time. The operator in this case mobile subscription, naturally wants to be able to
(see Figure 17a) has the total control of the mobile control the functionality and presentation of the
phone and can, in principle, decide both the function- mobile phone. Indeed, when the mobile phone is get-
ality and the presentation of the mobile phone. ting advanced and allows the users to access emails,
documents, information, etc, that are located within
In the GSM system, with the introduction of the SIM the enterprise’s intranet, it is crucial that the enter-
card, the ownership of the mobile phone is transferred prise has the right to control.
to the user. The manufacturers then had the freedom
to decide and compete on the functionality, form fac- One way to solve this conflict situation is to design
tor, look and feel of mobile phones. a mobile phone with five discrete execution environ-
Second, there are more and more services that are Operator
offered by third party service providers such as
banks, credit card companies, online game, web-
shops, etc. that may or may not have an agreement or
alliance with the mobile operator. To ensure that their
Figure 18 Separate storage area for each player
• Appearance of autofocus,
3) Flash memory (sometimes called “flash RAM”) is a type of constantly-powered nonvolatile memory that can be erased and repro-
grammed in units of memory called blocks. It is a variation of electrically erasable programmable read-only memory (EEPROM)
which, unlike flash memory, is erased and rewritten at the byte level, which is slower than flash memory updating.
There are currently numerous remote control applica- 2 ETSI. Digital cellular telecommunications system
tions that can be downloaded and installed in the (Phase 2+) (GSM); Specification of the Sub-
mobile phone. An example of such applications is for scriber Identity Module – Mobile Equipment
example the Psiloc that can be used in a range of ter- (SIM – ME) interface. Sophia Antipolis, Euro-
minals like Sony Ericsson P900. pean Telecommunications Standards Institute,
1996. ETSI Technical Specification GSM 11.11.
5.6 Payment device
As mentioned earlier, the mobile phone can be a quite 3 ETSI. Digital cellular telecommunications system
valuable payment device allowing both micro- and (Phase 2+) (GSM); Specification of the SIM
macro payment thanks to the strong security func- application toolkit for the Subscriber Identity
tions offered by the SIM card. However, it is worth Module – Mobile Equipment (SIM – ME) inter-
noting that the mobile phone is used to pay only for face. Sophia Antipolis, European Telecommuni-
goods purchase electronically and not for merchan- cations Standards Institute, 1996. ETSI Technical
dise in the shop. With the emergence of Near Field Specification GSM 11.14.
Communication (NFC) technology that equips the
mobile phone with the possibility to interact with its 4 Gemplus. Applications – The Benefits for wireless
surroundings by simply “touching” them, the mobile applications providers, operators, and users. A
phone can become a payment device for the mobile Gemplus paper. Gemplus, October 2004. online:
user. The SIM card can store credit cards, tickets, ID http://www.3gamericas.org/pdfs/gemplus_sim_
cards and e-money that can be transferred by the applications_oct2004.pdf
mobile phone using NFC to the point-of-sale (POS)
Ivar Jørstad (29) received his CandScient degree in informatics (communication systems) from the Depart-
ment of Informatics, University of Oslo, in December 2002. He is currently pursuing a PhD degree at the
Department of Telematics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim (NTNU), where
the work is focused around the requirements of future service platforms for mobile services with particular
focus on personalisation. His major fields of interest include service architectures and platforms for mobile
services and applications, mobile distributed computing, Service-Oriented Architectures and Web Services,
mobile terminal platforms and the personalisation of mobile services. Visit http://ongx.org for more infor-
email: [email protected]
This article describes how mobile telephones, for decades a near dormant technology, became the
dynamic and perhaps most important communication tool of our lives. Commercial mobile telephony
began in 1946. The cellular radio concept was published in 1947. But only since 1995 have mobiles
become low cost, rich in features, and used world wide. We first examine mobile telephony’s early
and bulky beginnings. Next, the long journey to analog cellular. Finally, full digital working, exemplified
by GSM and now CDMA, providing services and features that make the mobile indispensable and
Tom Farley is ubiquitous. We’ll see how early mobile telephony battled the same problems of today: government
a freelance
regulation, scarce spectrum, and hardware limitations. How Scandinavian, Japanese, and United States
telecom writer
groups independently crafted their own radio-telephone solutions. At 58, the relatively recent,
spectacular success of today’s mobile telephone could hardly be guessed by its age. But its history
reveals why this technology took so long to mature. And the present shows us that it was worth the wait.
1) Peterson, A C, Jr. Vehicle Radiotelephony Becomes a Bell System Practice. Bell Laboratories Record, 137, April, 1947.
2) Roessner, D et al. The Role of NSF’s Support of Engineering in Enabling Technological Innovation: Phase II, Chapter 4: The Cell
Phone. Final report to the National Science Foundation. Arlington, Virginia: SRI International, 89, 1998. citing Ring, D H, “Mobile
Telephony – Wide Area Coverage,” Bell Laboratories Technical Memorandum, December 11, 1947. Online: http://www.sri.com/
3) Young, W R. Advanced Mobile Phone Service: Introduction, Background, and Objectives. Bell System Technical Journal, 7 January,
4) McDonald, R. Dial Direct: Automatic Radiotelephone System. IRE Transactions on Vehicle Communications, 80, July, 1958.
5) Bullington, K. Frequency Economy in Mobile Radio Bands. Bell System Technical Journal, 32 (42) et. seq. January,1953.
6) Lewis, W D. Coordinated Broadband Mobile Telephone System. IRE Transactions, 43, May, 1960; and Schulte, H J Jr. and W A
Cornell. Multi-area Mobile Telephone System. IRE Transactions, 49, May, 1960.
7) Douglas, V A. The MJ Mobile Radio Telephone System. Bell Laboratories Record, 383, December, 1964.
8) Online: http://www.tekniskamuseet.se/mobilen/engelska/1960_70.shtml
9) Olle Gerdes, citing Dædalus 1991, The Yearbook of the National Museum of Science and Technology. Stockholm.
10) Ikegami, F. Mobile Radio Communications in Japan. IEEE Transactions On Communications, 744, Vol. Com-20 No. 4, August,
11) Paul, C.E. Telephones Aboard the ‘Metroliner’. Bell Laboratories Record, 77, March, 1969
12) For many more details on the Metroliner or “High Speed Train Project”, please see http://www.privateline.com/PCS/metroliner.htm
NTT produced the first cellular systems for Japan, In July, 1978 Advanced Mobile Phone Service or
using all Japanese equipment. The Japanese also AMPS began operating near two American cities.
contributed important studies to cellular research. Y. The first area was around AT&T Labs in Newark,
Okumura’s 1968 “Field Strength and its Variability New Jersey, and the second place was near Chicago,
in VHF and UHF Land Mobile Service,” is an often Illinois. Ten cells covering 21,000 square miles made
cited, pioneering work. But Japan’s greatest contribu- up the Chicago system. Oki Electric provided the
tion to cellular radio was quality control. American mobile terminals. This equipment test started with 90
industry and those who emulated its practices, in the Bell System employees acting as customers. After six
final analysis, favored quantity over quality. The months, on December 20, 1978, a market trial began
Japanese insisted on both. with paying subscribers who leased the car mounted
telephones. This was called the service test. The sys-
In the mid to late 1970s, Japan’s goal to produce elec- tem used the newly allocated 800 MHz band.21)
tronic goods without defects forced manufacturers Although the Bell System bought an additional 1,000
around the globe to ask themselves if they could mobile phones from Oki for the lease phase, it placed
compete. Self-examination was a wrenching but nec- orders from Motorola and E.F. Johnson for the
essary process that for many companies would go on remainder of the 2,100 radios.22) This early network,
for years. Before completing the turn to better quality using large scale integrated circuits throughout, a
shipping dates would be missed, production quotas dedicated computer and switching system, custom
lost, profits reduced. It was all very necessary; assem- made mobile telephones and antennas, proved a large
bly line production of mobiles by the millions could cellular system could work.
not have happened with the one at a time techniques
of producing conventional mobile telephones. In 1979 INMARSAT was born, an international
group fostering and coordinating satellite telephony.
In January, 1978 Andy Affrunti Sr. warned Motorola Originally developed for ships at sea, INMARSAT’s
management that the biggest threat to their company charter later extended to telephone calls made on land
25) Gibson, Stephen W. Cellular Mobile Radiotelephones. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall, 19–22, 1987.
26) Online: http://ctia.org/research_statistics/index.cfm/AID/10030
27) Haikio, M. Nokia: The Inside Story. Prentice Hall, London, 160, 2001.
GSM first stood for Groupe Speciale Mobile, after In January, 1989 the Telecommunication Industry
the study group that created the standard. It’s now Association (TIA) selected a time based or TDMA
known as Global System for Mobile Communica- approach to North American digital cellular radio.
tions, although the “C” isn’t included in the abbrevia- The Cellular Telecommunication Industry Associa-
tion. In 1982 twenty-six European national phone tion (CTIA) also endorsed the TIA’s pick, although
companies began developing GSM. This Conference it did not contain the 10 time capacity gain it asked
of European Postal and Telecommunications Admin- for the year before. The CTIA hoped that eventually
istrations or CEPT, planned a uniform, European capacity gains would increase. The TIA next wrote a
wide cellular system around 900 MHz. A rare tri- standard for this new digital system, soon to be called
umph of European unity, GSM achievements became IS-54. It was unofficially called D-AMPS or Digital
“one of the most convincing demonstrations of what AMPS. After publishing the standard manufacturers
cooperation throughout European industry can achieve would know how to build for the system. Few sus-
on the global market.” Planning began in earnest and pected the technology to get the most gain was
continued for several years. already being developed.
By the late 1980s the American wireless industry On November 3, 1989 in San Diego, California,
began searching for a higher capacity system. In Qualcomm successfully demonstrated a prototype
September, 1988 the Cellular Telecommunication CDMA cellular system to a group of 250 network
Industry Association published a set of User Perfor- operators and suppliers from around the world. Three
mance Requirements, urging a new digital technology months later they repeated this demonstration in New
be built with 10 times the capacity of existing analog York City. Code Division Multiple Access had come
28) Mock, D. The Qualcomm Equation. New York, Amacon, 82, 2005.
29) Meurling, J. and R. Jeans. The Mobile Phone Book: The Invention of The Mobile Phone Industry. London, Communications Week
International, Ericsson Radio Systems, 78–179, 1994.
Tom Farley is a freelance telecom writer living in West Sacramento, California. Since 1995 he has produced
the website privateline.com, an educational resource devoted to the telephone. Formerly publisher of the
magazine private line, Farley writes mostly on wireless and telephone history. Edwin Grosvenor, biographer
of Alexander Graham Bell and the great grandson of same, has called Tom a telephone historian. Tom
welcomes your comments and corrections.
email: [email protected]
31) Personal correspondence, Hanjoo Kim of the IITA (Korean Institute of Information Technology Assessment) July 13, 2004.
The aim of this article is to explore the relation between mobile phones and fashion and how this has
developed in the course of the last decade. It is important to reconstruct this path not only on the
historical but also on the sociological plane, as it will enable us to ask certain questions and also
reflect on modernity. After a careful reconstruction of the works that have appeared on this topic,
we will dedicate the second part of this article to discussing the role and meaning of fashion and the
mobile phone. We will deal with the relation that the mobile phone has at present with clothing and
Leopoldina appearance (Floch, 1995; Tambini, 1997) and above all the human body (Fortunati, Katz, Riccini,
Fortunati is
2003), by examining how this device is at the center of a vast spectrum of social processes, much
Professor of
Sociology at vaster than any other technology. It is a fact that people tend to always carry a mobile phone on them
the University that makes the difference in respect to other technologies. In the second section, we shall see how in
of Udine, Italy the interaction between the mobile phone and fashion it is fashion that is the stronger element. It is
fashion that domesticates technology, and especially the mobile phone, and not vice versa. In the
third part of the article we will analyze the basic reasons for buying and using mobiles in order to see if
these correspond to those of any other object of fashion. In the fourth section we will analyze the most
important theories on fashion and try to see if the advent of the mobile phone as an object of fashion
can be interpreted as being part of them or if it is necessary to produce a specific theory to explain its
widespread use. Finally, in the fifth and last part of the article, the relation between mobile phones and
fashion is seen as a lens through which to explore the concept of fashion itself, and the motivations
that lie at the base of fashion as reflecting certain processes of modernity. This exploration will be
guided by the idea that the mobile phone is the ICT that best represents and incarnates post-moder-
nity (Lipovesky, 1987), an idea that will be verified here (Fortunati, 2005c). In the course of the article
I will support the analysis with results that have emerged in two Italian research projects that explored
how the new generations perceive and experience the encroachment of fashion on the world of the
mobile phone.1)
A short review of the literature on The following year, 1997, the paper “Wearing Tech-
the mobile phone and fashion nologies” was presented at the Lyon Study meeting
In 1996 in a research project on the social representa- “Confluences: Fashioning Intercultural Perspectives”,
tion of telecommunications there emerged a signifi- analyzing the statute of the mobile phone as part of
cant association between fashion and the mobile physical appearance or the “look” of individuals. This
phone (Fortunati, Manganelli, in press). In that same paper, which was later published in the French jour-
year fashion, mobile technologies and the body began nal Réseaux (Fortunati, 1998), is where scientific
to come under scrutiny, ending up in the book “Mass attention to this issue really starts. “Wearing Tech-
Moda” written by Calefato (1996), which looked into nologies”, which was received with great interest
the co-penetration of the language of clothing and in Europe, started from this significant association
that of telecommunications. between fashion and the mobile phone and began to
1) They are research projects at a quantitative level conducted in Italy by my students and myself on the mobile and fashion, which
overall involved more than a thousand respondents. The first was administered in the spring of 2003 in north-eastern Italy in two
secondary schools in two little towns, a classical lycée and a scientific one (Cianchi, D’Alessi, Fortunati, Manganelli, 2003). The
data collected consist of 716 questionnaires with open and closed questions, which all the young people, between the ages of 14 and
21, answered (questionnaires valid: 714). The second was administered in two rural villages, again in north-eastern Italy, in an
elementary school of Pasiano, in the secondary schools of Pasiano and Fiume and with a group of adolescents attending the high-
schools of the provinces of Pordenone and Udine or already working (Danelon, 2005). The data collected consist this time of 371
questionnaires, again with open and closed questions, which all the young people of these schools answered. In this research were
involved 153 children between the ages of 8 and 11, 174 boys and girls between the age of 12 and 14, and 40 adolescents from 15
years of age upwards. The data were analysed by means of descriptive techniques (frequency analysis) and the construction of con-
tingency tables created by intersecting observed variables with socio-demographic variables such as gender, age, education, activity,
status, geographical area, size of home town. Inferential analysis was conducted by means of χ2 test, and when the statistics of χ2
were significant, the analysis was developed by means of an examination of bi-varied log-linear models. The purpose was to discover
the associations between variable modalities that are at the root of the significance of the relation shown by the χ2. In some cases,
t-test and models of one-way variance analysis were employed.
2) It must however be added that in the case of adolescents there are also 16.1 % of them who respond “because I like it”, while one
fifth of respondents give answers that are lost because they are all different. So, on the whole, around one half of adolescents choose
their model of mobile conditioned by their peer group, whereas a little short of one fifth choose a mobile centering their motivations
on themselves. In the case of children, there are 14 % of answers that are lost because they are all different, but there are also 25 %
of children who don’t know which answer to give. It is also significant that it is girls more than boys who lead in this centering the
choice of mobile on themselves and their own tastes rather than on others.
3) And to be precise it is lived in terms of organisational structure (stylists, catwalks, models, trends), or consumption (store, shopping,
élite and money), positive values (imagination, beauty and elegance), but even more negative (appearance, uselessness, stupidity,
conformism, anorexia).
The capacity for actualization that fashion shares with Lastly, the mobile phone, as a technological symbol
information is especially important in this historical of prestige, the place of evaporation of meanings,
moment, marked by the development of the informa- object of fashion and source of information and enter-
tion society. Actualization is a social process and a tainment, has emerged as the emblem of post-moder-
crucial point of reference, because it is the sole ele- nity. In 1911 Sombart (p.141) underlined how the
ment that is able to continually reconstruct a specific special “spirit” of a technology corresponds to gen-
shared temporality. Any site, for instance, can show eral principles on which the technology is based. Of
that it is up to date, by giving the day’s news, and its the various technologies, the mobile telephone is def-
date shows that it is live. In the same way as anyone initely the device that allows the individual to better
can show that they can live their times by simply qualify his/her self-presentation as a hybrid element,
wearing a fashionable garment. Fashion and informa- fusional, a revealer of unknown places (where are
tion are strategic elements in the social management you?), which has catalyzed technology, fashion and
of the spatialization of time. They work as a foil to information. As such, it is the technology that most
the virtual world that is developing with fixed and contributes to forming that atmosphere determining
mobile networks. In this context, it is the topical that the fundamental orientations of our age. In other
gives the virtual its connection with reality, because words, to use an expression of Hegel’s, it represents
it gives it proof of its existence (Fortunati, 2005d). the spirit of the age, and more precisely, the spirit of
In other words, the need to topicalize is born from the post-modernity.
dematerialization of the real, thanks to the creation of
the double of the world (Baudrillard, 1999), as well
as the geometric increase in immaterial work and References
immateriality. If we take any good, the percentage Amsterdamski, S. 1980. Naturale/artificiale, [Natu-
of immaterial labor needed to produce them is ever ral/Artificial] entry, Enciclopedia Einaudi, vol. 9.
higher. The cost of their manufacture is small because Torino, Einaudi.
most of the overall cost is connected with design, dis-
tribution, communication, packing, advertising, and Balzac, H. 1830. Traité de la vie élégante (It. tr. Trat-
so on. The same process occurs also as regards indi- tato della vita elegante. Milano, Longanesi, 1982).
viduals. In the reproduction of individuals, the quota
of immaterial work needed to reproduce them is Baudrillard, J. 1970. La société de la consommation.
higher and higher: psychological work, communica- [The Consumption Society] Paris, Denöel.
tive, educational, affective, emotive, sexual, instruc-
tional, and, importantly also “packaging”. Fashion Baudrillard, J. 1999. L’échange impossible. [The
may be considered from a certain point of view as the impossible exchange] Paris, Éd. Galilée.
“packaging” of the individual, that is, as the way in
which the individual presents him/herself to potential Bobbio, N. 1980. Norma, voce, Enciclopedia, vol.
“purchasers”, and the mobile phone as the most IX, Einaudi, Torino, 876–907.
important technological component in this packaging.
Borel, F. 1992. Le vêtement incarné : les metamor-
phoses du corps. [The embodied dress : the metamor-
Conclusions phoses of the human body] Paris, Calmann-Lévi.
Following on what has been said, we may conclude
that the reasons at the basis of purchasing and using Borrelli, D. 2000. Il filo dei discorsi. Teoria e storia
the mobile phone among young people are more sim- sociale del telefono. [The Thread of discourses. The-
ilar to those of a fashion object than those of a pure ory and social history of the telephone] Roma, Sos-
device. Fashion has the better of the mobile phone, sella.
in the sense that it appropriates it as an object, but
above all it makes it work in the framework that it Bourdieu P. 1979. La distinction: critique sociale du
constructs. Or better, the mobile phone is the technol- jugement. [Distinction: Social critique of judgement]
ogy that has expressed the highest mimetic capacity Paris, Editions du Minuit.
as regards the system of fashion. This extraordinary
capacity of the mobile phone of adaptation derives
from the symbiosis with fashion in which it has had
Gaglio, G. 2004. Introduction to the special issue Lurie, A. 1981. The Language of Clothing. Henry
«Nouvelles technologies et Consommations», of the HoltPublishing.
electronic journal Consommations et sociétés, 4.
Available at www.consommations-sociétés.net. Maldonado, T. 1998. Reale e virtuale. [Real and vir-
tual] Milano, Feltrinelli.
Grenon, N. 1998. Il design degli italiani: dal rito della
caffettiera al mito del cellulare [Italian design: from Marchetti, M C. 2004. Moda e Società [Fashion and
the ritual of the coffee-pot to the myth of the mobile society] Rome, Meltemi.
phone]. In: Calabrese, O (ed.) Il modello italiano: le
forme della creatività [The Italian model: the forms Nietzsche, F. 1967. Richard Wagner a Bayreuth e
of creativity], Milano, Skira, 129–150. frammenti postumi, vol. IV, I delle Opere. Milano,
Guindon, A. 1998. L’habillé et le nu. Pour une
éthique du vêtir et du dénuder. Ottawa, Cerf. Nyiri, K. 2005. A Sense of Place. The Global and the
Local in Mobile Communication. Wien, Passagen
Hegel, G W F. 1807. It. tr. Fenomenologia dello spir- Verlag.
ito. Milano, Rusconi, 1995.
Polhemus T. 1994. Street Style. London, Thames &
Kaiser, S B. 1997. The Social Psychology of Cloth- Hudson.
ing: Symbolic Appearances in Context (2nd ed.
revised). New York, Fairchild. Rudofsky, B. 1972. The unfashionable human body.
New York, Doubleday.
Katz, J, Aakhus, M. 2002. Perpetual Contact: Mobile
Communication, Private Talk, Public Performance. Segre, S. 1999. Mode in Italy. Milano, Guerrini.
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Simmel, G. 1900. Die Herrschaft der Technik. In:
Katz, J, Sugiyama, S. 2002. Fashion and Mobile Philosophie des Geldes. Leipzig, Dunker und Hum-
Phones. Paper presented at the International Commu- blot, 520–535 (It. tr. Il dominio della tecnica. In: T.
Solomon, M R. (ed.) 1985. The Psychology of Fash- Veblen, T. 1899. The Theory of the Leisure Class. An
ion. Lexington, MA, Lexington Books. economic study in the evolution of institutions. New
York, Macmillan/Macmillan.
Sombart, W. 1911. Technick un Kultur. In: “Archiv
für Sozialwissenschaft und Sozialpolitik”, 33, Verni, G. 2002. Le protesi di arto inferiore e la loro
305–347 (tr.it. 1991, Tecnica e cultura. In: Maldon- evoluzione. [Prostheses of the lower limbs and their
ado, T (ed.) Tecnica e cultura. Il dibattito tedesco fra evolution] In: Fortunati, L, Katz, J, Riccini, R (eds.)
Bismark e Weimar. Milano, Feltrinelli, 137–170). 2002. Corpo futuro. Il corpo umano tra tecnologie,
comunicazione e moda. Milano, Angeli, 284–294.
Sombart, W. 1913. Luxus und Kapitalismus.
München, Duncker & Humblot Verlag. Virilio, P. 1993. L’art du moteur. Paris, Éd. Galilée.
Squicciarino, N. 1986. Il vestito parla. [The dress Wearing, S. 2002. Mobiles a confidence booster for
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21st Century. http://www.rcss.ed.ac.uk/people/ Wellman, B. Physical place and cyberspace: The rise
jamess.html of personalized networking. International Journal of
Urban and Regional Research, 23 (1), S3–43.
Leopoldina Fortunati is Professor of Sociology of Communication and Sociology of Cultural Processes at the
University of Udine. She is the author of many books and articles and associate editor of the journal The
Information Society, she is on the advisory board of the journal New Media and Society, and serves as
referee for the journal Communication, Information, Society and Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour.
She represents Italy in the COST Technical Committee for Social Sciences and Humanities. She was part of
the European research project SIGIS – “Strategies of Inclusion: Gender and the Information Society” and of
several COST Actions. She is the co-chair of the International Association “The Society for the Social Study
of Mobile Communication” (SSSMC). Her works have been published in nine languages: Chinese, English,
French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish.
email: [email protected]
This paper examines interest in advanced mobile services among Norwegians. It is based on a survey
of 1000 randomly selected Norwegians that was carried out in June of 2004. The survey examined
Norwegians’ interest in services such as mobile instant messaging, access to time and place relevant
information, use of the device to identify the user in various situations, use of the mobile phone as a
type of electronic wallet, and the possibility to remotely control equipment in the home. The analysis
shows that there is a split between those services that facilitate social interaction and those that are
Rich Ling is a more oriented around facilitating person-machine interaction. The analysis here indicates that there
sociologist at
is interest in the more person-machine oriented services.
Telenor R&D
Introduction and method for the • Be able to use your mobile like a walkie-talkie
survey (push a button and talk) to talk with several family/
In this article I will describe the findings from a sur- friends at the same time;
vey of a random sample of Norwegians with regard
to their expressed interest in network-based mobile • The mobile telephone automatically knows where
services. Net-based services are those wherein a user you are and can give you information that is rele-
profile of some type is stored in the net and is avail- vant for that time and place, for example traffic
able to the user in different situations. This analysis is information;
based on a sample of 1000 randomly selected Norwe-
gians1) over the age of 12. The survey was carried out • Use the mobile telephone to identify yourself (for
via the telephone in June of 2004. example as a key to the house or a ticket at the
movies or a concert);
The material examined here constituted a single bat-
tery of eight questions that focused on future services • Use the mobile telephone like you use your bank
that are generally net-based. In addition to this battery card; that is to pay for goods and services by send-
of questions the questionnaire covered 1) access and ing a PIN code with your telephone;
payment, 2) use of voice, SMS and MMS, 3) use of
WAP services, 4) characteristics of the handset, 5) • The possibility to remotely control electronic
use of some PC-based services and the respondent’s equipment in the home, for example heating,
socio-demographic status. The analysis of the mate- lighting and things like that;
rial points in the direction of a difference between
the more socially focused services and those that are • The possibility to get information from your home
more based on interaction with third-party informa- PC regardless of where you are.
tion such as data retrieval.
As will be developed below, the first cluster is the more
The clustering was developed through the use of “social” of the two groupings and the second is more
factor analysis as will be described below. The spe- “data” oriented. These clusterings arise from an analy-
cific items in the “future net-based services” battery, sis of how the respondents reacted to the material.
arranged respectively into what the analysis indicates There is perhaps some curious juxtaposition, most
are more “social” and “data” based clusters include: pointedly the “time/place” item in the social cluster.
While this is perhaps an odd placement, it is nonethe-
• The possibility to chat with the mobile telephone less grounded in the empirical results from the material.
in the same way that you chat with the PC with,
for example MSN or Yahoo chat;
• Have a list of friends where I can see if my nearest This section of the deliverable will first look rather
friends and family are available; carefully at the specific items in the battery of future
net-based services. This will be followed by a so-
IM Identify Bank card Others' Walkie-talkie Remote Time/place Info from PC
yourself availability control info
Age group
Very uninterested Interested
Uninterested Very interested
2) In this case, the best solution is a single factor solution. However, a slightly revised threshold allowed us to tease out two factors or
clusters in the material, the aforementioned social and data clusters or factors.
Evaluation of the individual items
I will now look through the individual items and
examine how they have been distributed across age 40
groups and gender. For the sake of simplicity, the
“Interested” and “Very interested” items have been
collapsed into a single variable. In general, as will be
discussed at several points below, there are obvious
age based differences. The nearly universal rule here 0
13 - 15 16 - 19 20 - 24 25 - 34 35 - 44 45 - 54 55 - 67 over 67
is that younger persons were more positive than the Age group
older groups. In addition it is often the case that males
were more interested in an item than were females. Figure 2 IM via the mobile by age and gender, Norway June 2004
All of this is not to say that IM will not become a part • Use the mobile telephone to identify yourself (for
of the mobile world. Indeed, the tariff structure, the example as a key to the house or a ticket at the
more open format (longer messages) and the potential movies or a concert);
to include more persons in a “conversation” mean that
this type of text messaging may well gain popularity. • Use the mobile telephone like you use your bank
card that is to pay for goods and services;
Males • Be able to use your mobile like a walkie-talkie
Females (push a button and talk) to talk with several family/
friends at the same time.
60 The first two are more data oriented and the last two
seem to fit better into a “social” constellation. That is,
40 this type of service does not necessarily imply inter-
action with other persons via the mobile phone, but is
an interaction with net-based functions. In the case of
using the mobile to identify yourself in various situa-
tions, men were generally, but not significantly more
0 interested in this type of service (see Figure 3). The
13 - 15 16 - 19 20 - 24 25 - 34 35 - 44 45 - 54 55 - 67 over 67
material also shows that there were significant age
Age group
based differences.6) Interestingly while there are clear
Figure 3 Identify yourself via the mobile by age and gender, Norway age based differences for men by age group, the same
June 2004 cannot be said as strongly for women. Thus, the atti-
tude toward this is largely stable across age groups
while with men, the younger respondents were signif-
icantly more positive than the older ones.7)
Percent who are interested or very interested
Females The mobile phone as a bank card
The material shown in Figure 4 is that which most
directly deals with monetary issues. While the use of
60 the mobile telephone as a type of key to the home or
ticket to a concert/film has some of the same sensitiv-
ity, it is this question on the use of the mobile tele-
phone as a bank card that is most directly focused on
monetary issues.
Determining others’ availability
Moving on to two more socially oriented items – the 80
ability to determine the availability of friends and
family and the walkie-talkie function. These two 60
items showed the more usual pattern of being popular
among teens and less popular among the older
respondents. Looking first at the item on having the 40
The message here seems to be that there is an interest Walkie-talkie (push to talk) via the
among teens and young adults in having some insight mobile phone
into the availability of their friends/family. However, Another socially directed service is that of using the
the additional PC-based function of interactive mes- mobile telephone as a type of walkie-talkie (see Fig-
saging is less interesting. It may well be that the ure 6). This item is a description of the function that
insight into others’ availability is seen as an indica- is somewhat popular in the US, namely push-to-talk.
tion of whether one should initiate mobile-based It is an interesting service in that it is not a duplex
interaction (voice or SMS). However, the additional form of communication. The participants must speak
functions associated with PC-based IM were judged sequentially and indicate turn taking more explicitly
to be less interesting. than in traditional telephony. There is not the ability
to interrupt another person in the middle of their
utterances. In this respect it is perhaps more akin to
radio interaction than to telephony. It enjoys some
spectrum. The youngest and the oldest respondents
were the most skeptical to this type of service. Aside
80 from the somewhat erratic data from the 16 – 19 year
old males,18) it was the middle-aged people who
60 reported the most interest. Indeed there are significant
age-based differences in the data.19) The data also
shows that there are loosely significant gender-based
oriented items (see Figure 8). That is, as we will dis- Females
cuss below, responses to this item covaried in a loose
way with the items on IM, others’ availability, and
the push-to-talk function.
22) chi2 (35) = , sig. < 0.001. The analysis shows that there is a gendered difference for those in the 45 – 54 year age group. The reader
needs to remember that the material in the chart shows only the people who were interested. The material on those who were not
interested indicates that it is women in the 45 – 54 age group who are particularly uninterested in this type of technology chi2 (4) =
13.00, sig. < 0.011.
23) chi2 (35) = 142.356, sig. < 0.001
24) f (7 807 ) = 15.754, sig. < 0.001
25) f (1 814 ) = 6.357, sig. = 0.012
IM Identify Bank card Others' Walkie-talkie Remotely Time/place Get info from
yourself availability control info home PC
the home
Figure 11 Interest in future net-based services (with two-factor solution marking), Norway 2004
interested in the services described in the material An examination of these two factors shows that the
than were women and older people. When looking first factor generally describes social interaction.28)
at the specific age groups there is only one case in With the exception of the item describing interesting
which the results approach a significant gender differ- time/place information, the items describe forms of
ence; that being the 45 – 54 year age group.26) interpersonal interaction. They describe services that
either help the individual judge the accessibility of
A theme that has gone through the discussion is the others that they know, or they describe services for
suggestion that the individual items, if pressed to a the actual mediation of information between individ-
certain degree, fall into two factors (see Figure uals.29)
11).27) In this two factor solution the items describing
1) IM, 2) others’ availability, 3) the walkie-talkie By way of contrast, the second item focuses on vari-
function, and 4) the time/place information fall into ous types of interaction with inanimate objects in the
one factor while the other factor includes using the network. These include payment, the management of
mobile 1) to identify oneself (i.e. as a key or a ticket), accessibility (which in the case of ticketing can also
2) as a bank card, 3) to remotely control the home, include payment issues), and the remote control of
and 4) to remotely retrieve information from the PC. either a PC or different items in the home.
It is perhaps not surprising that these two factors
Factor index scale
Advanced WAP
Mobile competance
Age of handset
Age of handset
items than the normal user. There were no major The material from the regression analysis indicates
gender-based differences in the interest in these two that those respondents who were quite interested in
factors. the future net-based type services were, perhaps not
surprisingly, interested in advanced features on their
terminals. These features include many “business”
Regression analysis features such as for example GPRS, the ability to
The final analysis here is a regression analysis using synchronize with a PC, “the newest on the market”,
other items in the questionnaire to try and clarify the and the ability to surf on the Internet via the mobile
interactions between them and the future services fac- telephone. They also have more typically teen fea-
tor that has been described above.30) The regression tures such as color screens, MMS, “flip” covers etc.
analysis results in a model of interactions between the It is this variable which is the strongest and along
“explanatory” variables and the target variable which with the gendering variable, the most significant of
in this case is the “interest in future net-based ser- the variables in the regression model.
vices” variable described above. It is perhaps tempt-
ing to say that the “explanatory” variables cause The second strongest variable in the regression analy-
changes in the target variable. That is, however, to sis is one of the two variables describing the gendered
overstate the case. The best that one can do with these interest in the items. The analysis shows that women
data is to assert that there is an interaction between were adverse to the future net-based like services
them and not that there is causality. The results of this when considered as a whole. In other words, some
analysis are shown in Figure 13. men were positive to the services described while
others were less positive. This is also of interest here.
The results in the figure show those elements that
have either a direct or an inverse relationship to the There were two other variables that made a signifi-
future net-based services factor. Those going to the cant contribution to the regression model. These were
right have a direct relationship to the interest in future interest in small and inexpensive terminals (the size
net-based services (the more one increases the vari- dimension is perhaps the most important issue here)
able, the more the other increases) and those lying to and the number of SMS messages that a person
the left have an inverse relationship. It needs to be reported sending per day. Both of these items made
noted that there is not the assertion of causality here. a positive, if somewhat weaker contribution to the
The longer the line is, the greater the interaction. In model. It is interesting to consider the SMS use. In
addition, there is a collection of items in the middle Norway, this form of interaction is tightly connected
of the chart that make little contribution to the general to teens and young adults. Thus, the fact that it makes
model. a contribution to the model here seems to verify the
material that is shown in Figure 10, that it is generally
This is the experience of early mobile telephony. In Ling, R, Yttri, B. Hyper-coordination via mobile
the case of teens in Norway, it is well documented phones in Norway. In: Katz, J E, Aakhus, M (eds.).
that males were the first to adopt in the late 1990s but Perpetual contact: Mobile communication, private
by about 2001 female teens were significantly more talk, public performance. Cambridge, Cambridge
likely to have a mobile phone than were same-aged University Press, 2002.
males (Ling 2004). Teen boys are significantly more
likely to have more than one mobile telephone (read: Oldyzko, A. The history of communications and its
fascination with the technology) while teen girls use implications for the Internet. AT&T Labs, 2000.
the device to write significantly longer SMS mes-
Rich Ling is a sociologist at Telenor R&D. He received his Ph.D. in sociology from the University of Colorado,
Boulder in his native US. Upon completion of his doctorate, he taught at the University of Wyoming in
Laramie before coming to Norway on a Marshall Foundation grant. Since that time he has worked at the
Resource Study Group and has been a partner in the consulting firm Ressurskonsult. Since starting work at
Telenor he has been active researching issues associated with new ICT and society. He has led projects in
Norway and participated in projects at the European level. Ling has published numerous articles.
email: [email protected]
With camera phones rapidly becoming commonplace, mobile multimedia is spreading fast in the
market. This paper focuses on how people use their mobile multimedia devices. Based on a series of
studies conducted in Helsinki, this paper reviews existing arguments about mobile multimedia, and
then explains why the Helsinki studies have been informed by an interaction-oriented argument based
on ethnomethodology. Data and methods for the paper come from two major studies called Mobile
Image and Radiolinja. The main body of the paper provides three illustrations of the framework. First, it
Ilpo Koskinen is studies how people build their mobile multimedia messages. Secondly, it shows what kinds of methods
Professor of
of response recipients use. Third, it looks at how people learn new methods of action from each other
Industrial Design
at the University in the course of exchanging messages. Discussion compares the Helsinki studies to other research
of Art and perspectives.
Design, Helsinki
The fourth perspective builds on the idea that people When composing multimedia messages, people often
interact with each other through mobile multimedia. utilize commonsense cultural resources, including
To this end, they use “age-old practices” familiar to those used in conversation, in professional practice,
anyone from other realms of life: greetings, post- and in media. Thus, despite the fact that the medium
cards, questions, riddles, family portraits, and so is new, messaging as such is largely based on familiar
forth. Building on the initial idea of Licoppe and methods. There are good reasons for such conser-
Heurtin [7], Taylor, Harper and Berg have general- vatism. When incorporated into the new medium,
ized this argument first to SMS and then to MMS [8]. these methods provide intelligibility, coherence, and
Their example of an age-old practice is gift-giving. predictability for communication. The main differ-
People share things to delight recipients, who are ence between multimedia messaging and traditional
obliged to return the gift and show gratitude, or face postcards is transmission speed: the mobile card in
sanctions if they do not reciprocate. Message 1 came from Greece to Helsinki in minutes,
not in days as a traditional postcard.
These perspectives explain the use of mobile multi-
media on a variety of levels, ranging from affective However, mobile multimedia is more than just a pro-
and cognitive processes through small group dynam- cess of using “age-old practices” in a new technologi-
ics to macro-level cultural processes. However, each cal domain. From an ethnomethodological perspec-
perspective has shortcomings. For example, the tive, domestication is also a collective process of dis-
attempt to classify motivations does not account for covering new methods for capturing and sharing. In
messages which serve a number of purposes at once; this process, conventions in media presentation are
as people routinely do several things in any individ- not followed blindly. Pre-existing media formats or
ual message, classifying messages using categories types of content are not just replicated, but reconsti-
created by researchers is risky. The cultural argument tuted to be more useful for the participants, who are
works somewhat better in this respect. For example, thus able to display themselves as knowledgeable,
1) For Mobile Image y = –98,434Ln(x) + 179,45, R2 = 0,9405; for Radiolinja: y = –835,32Ln(x) + 1624,4, R2 = 0,9655
Thomas to Jani
Some interaction formats in Radiolinja are familiar to
07-17-2002 19:25
anyone from ordinary life. For example, people rou-
Well screw you! Just think that
tinely reply to greetings and hellos, answer questions,
I’ve had more mornings with
and either accept or turn down invitations [10]. Not my woman than you with both
responding would be considered rude. However, in of your hands! Hah hah heh hee
some cases, the response is optional. For example, a
typical postcard contains meaningless, unnecessary
details. It is up to the recipient to pick these up and
continue messaging, but he may as well choose not In Message 5, Jani teases Thomas by suggesting that
to do so. he has lost his freedom. To strengthen his point, Jani
takes a picture of his hand, which does not have a
Sometimes these beginnings lead to longer sequences ring. However, Thomas does not accept this tease as
of interaction. For example, teases have minimally a such, but turns it into counter-tease by hinting about
three-part structure: an opening message which is the solitary nature of Jani’s sex life (Message 6).
somehow laughable, a tease which formulates the By closing his reply with a series of textual laughter
message as laughable, and a response from the teased tokens “Hah hah heh hee”, he shows that his message
person to the teaser [23]. The following example has is a tease – and a gleeful one.
been analyzed by Kurvinen [13]. Message 3 is from
Thomas, who informs six friends that he got engaged The importance of interaction for understanding
to his girlfriend by showing two hands with rings, mobile multimedia is that it explains a good deal of
reporting in the text that it had taken 15 years to get variation in the frequency of messaging [21]. Some
to this point. As Kurvinen notes, announcements of messages prompt several responses that are seen in
important family events, especially milestones such statistics as peaks of activity. For instance, Thomas
as marriages, babies born, graduations and funerals sent the news of his engagement to “all”, that is, to
effectively call for replies. Not just any kind of reply the six people in the group. In response, he first got a
will do: appropriate replies must be in line with the series of congratulations from other members. How-
announcement; joyful events call for congratulations ever, as we have seen, Jani’s response was untypical,
and tragic events invite empathy. The first messages as was Thomas’ reply. Jani did not respond to
of these pairs set a preference against which subse- Thomas anymore, but the important thing to pay
quent messages can orient to. The reply from Jarkko, attention to is that in all, this exchange consisted of
one day after the announcement, draws from the 13 messages within two days. This episode explains
visual material of the original to make a teasing com- 14 % of the group’s messaging activity in those two
ment on rings and engagements (Message 4). days when it took place (N = 91 messages). Thomas’
announcement was not a self-standing message, but
situated in social action; messaging does not result
solely from independent acts of expression, but from
Messages 3-4. Engagement News
sequences in which preceding and subsequent actions
Thomas to 6 people / relate meaningfully to each other.
07-16 2002 16:42
It took 15 years! But good
things come to those who wait.
Discovering methods of action
from others
The final observation to be reported here is that as
Jarkko to Thomas / people use their multimedia devices, their messaging
07-16-2002 21:27 develops with experience. Experience is essentially
Congratulations! Jarkko, Leo a social process: different “trajectories” develop
and Topi depending on what kinds of messages people are
exposed to. Precedents are to be found in studies of
how SMS use has evolved into innovative user cul-
An illustrative case of this development comes from • Side sequences. Other things that make this struc-
the pilot group of Mobile Image, which developed a ture more complex are side sequences in which the
habit of image manipulation. Message 7 is a typical recipient may, for example, ask for a reward if the
postcard-like city scene, but the response in Message guess proved to be right. Such inquiries are typi-
8 was far from typical. The response had a Godzilla- cally responded to either by promising a reward,
sized colleague in the horizon, and it captures the or by denying it.
horror felt by the crowd who sees the monster
approaching. Also, the picture was digitally shaken • Closing suggestions. Recipients may show the
to show how pedestrians feel the giant’s footsteps. sender that the riddle is getting boring by asking
the joker to send the right answer and by making
Of course, this is an extreme case; most inventions disapproving remarks or gestures about the quality
are far less conspicuous. As an example of how users of the riddle.
discover more ordinary ethnomethods in the course of
making messages, we may look at how one group • Visual responses. Recipients’ remarks may be
developed a lively riddle culture consisting of 70 visual and lead to visual commentary that takes
messages during the first week of the study. The place aside from the actual textual exchange.
interesting point is that riddles are always based on
images; not a single riddle was done with text alone. More generally, people learn methods of action and
In fact, every part of a riddle could be visual, not just uses of technology from other people. Consequently,
the opening message of the riddle. their sensitivities for observation change: with new
methods at their disposal, new things are considered
In the group in focus, riddles can be classified into relevant, funny, and reportable. At certain times, peo-
four main groups. The simplest riddles started with a ple use technology in certain ways. Later, they use it
picture of an obscure or an ambiguous object, and the differently, even when the situation is more or less
text asked what it was. An example was a picture of similar: they simply have different methods at their
a baby’s toes shot from the front so that the shape of disposal. The history of use shapes future uses in the
the foot disappeared. The second typical method was domestication of mobile multimedia.
to show a detail so that the whole disappears. Parts of
the body, parts of animals, and objects such as carpets
worked in this way. In the third method, the image Conclusions and discussion
was obvious, but the text made it problematic. For In a series of studies conducted in the Helsinki
example, in one message, a picture of a sunbathing metropolitan area, we have explored the use of multi-
man was turned into a riddle by asking “Guess what media technology in mobile phones from a classic
Lars is doing?” This text effectively rules out the ethnomethodological perspective informed by its off-
15 Battarbee, K, Koskinen, I. 2004. Co-Experience – 25 Lorente, S. 2002. Special Number on “Youth and
User Experience as Interaction. CoDesign Jour- Mobile Telephones”. Revista de estudios de
nal, 1 (1), 5–18. juventud, 57 (juny).
16 Koskinen, I. 2005a. Seeing with Mobile Images. 26 Sacks, H. 1995. Lectures on Conversations. Cam-
In: Nyíri, K (ed.). A Sense of Place. Vienna, Pas- bridge, Blackwell. Two volumes.
27 Döring, N, Dietmar, C, Hein, A, Hellweg, K.
17 Suchman, L. 1987. Plans and Situated Actions. 2005. Contents, Forms and Functions of Interper-
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. sonal Pictorial Messages in Online and Mobile
Communication. In: Proceedings of Communica-
18 Heritage, J. 1989. Garfinkel and Ethnomethodol- tions in the 21st Century: The Mobile Information
ogy. London, Polity. Society, Budapest 2005.
19 Chalfen, R. 1987. Snapshot Versions of Life. 28 Rivière, C. 2005. Seeing and Writing on a Mobile
Bowling Green, OH, Bowling Green State Uni- Phone: New Forms of Sociability in Interper-
versity Press. sional Communications. In: Proceedings of Com-
munications in the 21st Century: The Mobile
20 Ling, R. 2004. The Mobile Connection. San Fran- Information Society, Budapest 2005.
cisco, Morgan Kaufmann.
29 Koskinen, I. 2005b. Managing Banality in Mobile
21 Koskinen, I. 2003. User-Generated Content in Multimedia. In: Pertierra, R (ed.). Place, Identity,
Mobile Multimedia: Empirical Evidence from and Media. Singapore, Singapore University Press.
User Studies. Proceedings of International Con-
ference of Multimedia and Expo ICME 2003, 30 Mosco, V. 2004. The Digital Sublime. Myth,
IEEE Publication, Baltimore, MD. Power and Cyberspace. Cambridge, MA, The
MIT Press.
22 Taylor, A S, Harper, R. 2002. Age-Old Practices
in the “New World”: A Study of Gift-Giving 31 Kurvinen, E, Koskinen, I. 2003. Mobile Photo
Between Teenage Mobile Phone Users. Proceed- Album: An Experience Prototype. In: Koskinen,
ings of Computer-Human Interaction CHI 2002, I, Battarbee, K, Mattelmäki, T (eds.). Empathic
April 20–25, 2002, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Design. Helsinki, IT Press.
USA, 439–446.
32 Katz, J. 2005. Magic in the Air: Spiritual and
23 Drew, P. 1987. Po-Faced Receipts of Teases. Lin- Transcendental Aspects of Mobiles. In: Proceed-
guistics, 25, 219–253. ings of Communications in the 21st Century: The
Mobile Information Society, Budapest 2005.
Ilpo Koskinen is Professor of Industrial Design at the University of Art and Design, Helsinki. Trained in
sociology and in conversation analysis, his present interests lie in studying mobile and ubiquitous communi-
cation technologies. In his opinion, studying these technologies requires that we understand them as human
action, which happens to be mediated by technology. His other interests lie in studying how design changes
cityscapes, and in interpretive design methodology which (he thinks) provides a useful, though under-
developed approach to bridge the gap between design and the social sciences. At present, he is writing a
book on mobile multimedia, hopefully finished in 2006.
email: [email protected]
Industrial Designer (MA) Esko Kurvinen has worked as designer, researcher and consultant in the process
industry and in the area of mobile communication. His research interests relate to interpersonal communi-
cation and social interaction in technology mediated or technology intensive environments and situations.
email: [email protected]
Mobile users need more than checking email and voice mail. They need to access important
information, acting on that information to the benefit of the business and to collaborate efficiently
with customers, partners, and colleagues. This paper presents a solution by Microsoft that enables the
mobile users to connect to the corporate network from anywhere, anytime, and by using any device.
Security from intrusion and viruses must pervade every part of this vision, from the mobile devices to
the software they run, to the infrastructure that supports them.
Ole Tom Seier-
stad is Chief
Security Advisor
in Microsoft Introduction users had simple access to files and connections to
Norway Business communication is more than checking email corporate email servers.
and voice mail. For mobile users, it is immediately
accessing important information; acting on that infor- Expectations have increased, however, and the Inter-
mation to the benefit of the business; and collaborating net has enabled a new vision for mobility. To com-
efficiently with customers, partners, and colleagues. In pete, one must take advantage of this new vision in
other words, successful business communications rely order to remain competitive in a world where data
on an efficient exchange between people and data, flows easily, people stay in ready touch, and mobile
which Microsoft’s mobile solutions enable. users are as effective away from the office as they are
in the office. To achieve the goal, mobile users need
In the not too distant past, mobility was merely taking access to their line-of-business (LOB) applications.
laptop computers on the road. Deployment was sim- They need robust access to their email, and they
ply selecting the best laptop computer and setting up require collaboration tools that help them share and
phone lines for dial-up network access. And mobile access information. To complete the vision, mobile
Wireless Networking
Windows SharePoint
Profile • Connects to customers • Spends most time away • Accesses the corporate • Collects and processes
and colleagues from desk network irregularly data
• Collaborates with colleagues • Delivers enhanced
services to clients
Travel • Mostly external • Some external travel • Accesses network from • > 80 % externally
• Meetings all day home or home office
Business • Access to Email, • Access to Email, Calendar • Access to information and • Access to corporate
Require- Calendar and PIM and PIM applications while at home network resources and
ments • Access to corporate net- • Access to information office LOB applications
work resources and line-of- and applications while • Data and access security • Data and access security
business (LOB) applications away from desk
• Data and access security • Data and access security
users require the ability to connect to the corporate • Data Collector. Field service employees who travel
network from anywhere, anytime, and by using any fulltime, requiring remote access
device. Security from intrusion and viruses must per-
vade every part of this vision, from the mobile Road Warrior
devices to the software they run to the infrastructure Road warriors are typically professionals who travel
that supports them. frequently, such as sales professionals, spending up
to 80 % of their time out of the office. Whether they
Figure 1 shows how to achieve the new vision for are corporate executives, members of a mobile sales
mobility from Microsoft. force, or field representatives; they require technol-
ogy that enables them to stay connected with cus-
tomers and colleagues and allows them to work any-
Mobility scenarios time from anywhere. Because road warriors are not
Even though mobile features offer higher levels of within easy reach of the help desk, they need robust
productivity to everyone in an organization, different hardware and software on the road. And spending
types of users gain these benefits in different ways. most of their time away from the office does not
Four types of mobile users are identified, who can reduce their need for the same applications that col-
benefit from these features. They are road warriors, leagues at the office use.
corridor warriors, telecommuters, and data collectors.
Table 1 summarizes these users, and the sections Road warriors have a broad choice of mobile devices
following this one provide more detail about each: from which to choose. They can use a traditional laptop
computer, or Tablet PC with wired and wireless net-
• Road Warrior. Professionals who travel frequently working. In any case, road warriors require access to cor-
and require remote access porate network resources and LOB applications through
dial-up connections, VPN, or wireless public access.
• Corridor Warrior. Knowledge workers who spend They tend to use their handheld devices for calendaring,
most of their time away from their desks email, and travel planning, so they can back up their
primary computers with a Pocket PC or Smartphones.
• Telecommuter. Knowledge workers who work Their information is with them regardless of whether
occasionally at home they’re in a taxi, waiting for a flight, or on the go.
1) Empowering Mobile PC Users: The Financial Benefits of Windows XP Professional and Office XP, Bearing Point, December 2002.
For all types of mobile users, wireless networking Windows XP Professional makes wireless network-
allows mobile users to connect to corporate network ing better in ways other than provided by the Wire-
resources where traditional wired network connec- less Zero Configuration service. For example, the
tions are not available. It enables immediate collabo- operating system includes device drivers for most of
ration regardless of whether a wired network connec- the popular wireless adapters. And the device drivers
tion is available. Decisions are made quicker because that come with Windows XP Professional fully sup-
the usual delay of users returning to their desktop port Wireless Zero Configuration. In many cases, IT
computers is eliminated by an instant, wireless con- professionals do not need to deploy third-party device
nection to the corporate network. drivers for their wireless adapters, and mobile users
do not have to download and install device drivers on
Windows XP their phones.
Windows XP Professional has new features and
enhancements that make remote and wireless access Windows Mobile
simple for any wireless user, which in turn provides Windows Mobile software has support for wireless
significant productivity gains for employers. The networking similar to Windows XP Professional.
following list describes the features of Windows XP Like Windows XP Professional, Zero Configuration
Professional and the Wireless Zero Configuration Wi-Fi makes finding and connecting to any 802.1x
service: wireless network easy for Windows Mobile users.
When a Wi-Fi-enabled Pocket PC encounters wire-
• With a wireless network adapter installed, Win- less hotspots, Windows Mobile automatically asks
dows XP Professional searches for available net- users if they want to connect to the network. After-
works to which it can connect. When an available wards, Windows Mobile saves the connection’s set-
network matches a preferred network, Windows tings so that it connects automatically the next time
XP Professional connects to it. If there are no con- the device is in range of the wireless network.
figured preferred networks or no preferred net-
works are found, users can also select a specific Messaging and Security Feature addresses busi-
network to which they want to connect. Users can ness customers’ requests for a faster, more direct mes-
prioritize the list of preferred networks – Windows saging experience, improved security management,
XP Professional stores the list and connects to the and increased cost efficiency and scalability for their
networks in the chosen order. Connection manage- mobile messaging solutions. The Messaging and
ment is possible without user intervention, but user Security Feature Pack enables IT administrators to
interaction is sometimes necessary to choose spe- better manage and protect information on a device,
cific networks or prioritize connection order. and includes direct push technology, which helps
business users keep their Outlook® Mobile informa-
tion current by delivering updates quickly and directly
• Remotely enforced IT policy. Via the console, IT • Wireless networking is more feasible in locations
administrators can remotely manage and enforce where wired networks are not practical. Locations
select corporate IT policy over the air. For exam- such as conference rooms and cafeterias are not
ple, an IT administrator can mandate a personal practically wired, and wireless networking makes it
identification number (PIN) password to be set for easy to add a network to those rooms. And tradi-
every device, establish recommended and manda- tional wired networking is not practical outdoors,
tory policies, and draw up lists of users who should but wireless networking is a perfect solution for an
be exempt from these policies. outdoor network. Additionally, older buildings and
some types of construction prohibit pulling wires
• Local and remote device wipes. To better manage for a traditional network. Wireless networking sig-
sensitive information on a misplaced Windows nificantly reduces the cost of networking in those
Mobile-based device, IT administrators can remove scenarios and enables networking in environments
all information over the air and reset the device that were not possible. For that matter, wireless
back to its original state. In addition, the adminis- networking is cheaper to deploy than cabling a
trator can choose to have a device’s local memory building, and it scales more easily.
erased if the correct password is not entered after
a specified number of attempts.
Increased mobility
• Tablet PCs are available in two form factors, pure • Access travel information, including local weather,
tablet and convertible, allowing users to choose a flight status, and maps;
model that best suits their needs. Pure tablets do
not have a keyboard and rely on the pen as the pri- • Make travel reservations, such as car, hotel, flight,
mary input device. Convertible tablets have a key- and dinner.
board and mouse but allow users to rotate the
screen to use it like a tablet.
oration, and an architecture that allows to separate • Productive. To enable mobile business users to
the Web-hosting processes from the site data- work as productively away from the office as in
retrieval processes. the office.
Ole Tom Seierstad has been with Microsoft Norway for 15 years – his current position is Chief Security
Advisor with focus on Microsoft security products and messaging. His previous positions in Microsft include
windows Mobile Evangelist, Technical Support Manager and head of MSN Norway.
email: [email protected]
One key challenge device manufacturers are facing right now is how to produce feature rich handsets,
at a price level that can be achievable for the mass market. Further, they need to replicate this model
on different handsets and different tiers of handsets, providing the operators the common user
experience they are looking for. This paper presents the Qualcomm’s BREW solution which is open,
globally standardised, hardware-independent and consistently deployable on any network and on
any mobile device. It gives users an easy to use and customisable user interface and includes a
Richard Savage method for discovering, buying, downloading and managing applications on client devices.
is Director
Development This article has been prepared in collaboration with executives from Qualcomm Europe.
at Qualcomm
Data services is the driving force today’s slow server-side approaches virtually irrele-
Mobile phones have become mini computers in your vant for many new types of applications. Rather than
hand – capable of running a variety of applications. only using the browser on the mobile phone to run
Yet this capability is constrained by market demands and interact with applications, it becomes a true plat-
that require mass-market phones to be small, inex- form for software applications that can offer a
pensive, light weight and consume little power. These startling array of new consumer data services pro-
constraints, in turn, have restricted device processing vided by the network operator.
power and memory (storage).
One key challenge device manufacturers face right
The historic approach to delivering applications to now is how to produce feature rich handsets, at a
phones has been to shift processing power to servers price level that can be achievable for the mass mar-
in the operator’s network or to a third-party company ket. Further, they need to replicate this model on dif-
via the Internet (known as server-side execution). ferent handsets and different tiers of handsets, provid-
Portals and mobile games using WAP browsers ing the operators the common user experience they
exemplify this strategy; content and applications are looking for.
are generated by remote servers, passed through the
network and displayed in the browser on the mobile Recognizing these challenges in handset application
phone. The user then keys in responses to choices execution, and the value of a technology model that
displayed on the device screen, which are sent back permits client-side processing of data applications,
through the network to the server for processing and QUALCOMM unveiled the BREW solution in 2001.
response. The BREW solution was engineered to overcome
challenges relating to application execution and
The weaknesses of the browser-based, server-side specifically address:
approach are clear: high latency and limited inter-
activity on the mobile device. This makes the most • The lack of a unique framework that is easy to
exciting, graphic-rich interactive applications impos- replicate on different vendor handsets;
sible. In effect, with a browser-based solution that
requires server-side processing, the mobile phone • Programming language inconsistency and frag-
becomes an unnecessary performance bottleneck and mentation (Java);
prevents the best applications from being developed
because of its inability to process information locally. • The possibility of offering the same user experi-
ence across different tiers of handsets;
However, decreases in size, power consumption and
cost of silicon chips have enabled a second approach • The pursuance of the user experience independent
– putting more processing power on the mobile of new features or standards coming out when the
device. This opens up a new range of applications handset is commercially available;
based on local, or client-side, processing.
• The possibility to tailor the user experience to the
This is expected to be the predominant growth area demands of the customer.
for new mobile wireless applications – rendering
These data applications include instant messaging, • Includes a method for discovering, buying, down-
games, multimedia, news, entertainment and prod- loading and managing applications on client
uctivity enhancement tools, to name a few, which devices.
appeal to both consumers and business professionals.
They also include applications that allow network
operators to more effectively communicate with and
Instant messenger
Position location
On the client side, the following components are
Group chat
Java applet
Java applet
Java applet
Java applet
Other JWM
extension extension
ASIC software
BREW is air-interface independent and can support
& CDMA2000 1x/1xEV
gaming, as well as client-side applications. New Over The Air Recall and Update
functionality, extensions and virtual machines,
can be dynamically added OTA to the handset to Table 1 General end-to-end solution requirements
extend its capability, as shown in Figure 2.
• Fast interactivity with information. With client-side customer is an ideal prospect. To begin, the customer
execution, customers can download a database of should be able to easily check for new applications
travel information about a specific locale to their from their handset, as well as from their PC, and
devices in just a few seconds, then search the know they are safe and trusted applications. The net-
database or interact with maps quickly and as often work operator’s supporting server software should
as needed. The locally stored information can also verify that the application will run on the customer’s
be used to enhance position information for person- phone (to avoid disappointment) and that memory is
alised location-based services. All customers enjoy available on the phone to download the application.
equally fast application response times regardless
of network bandwidth. The client is tightly inte- Next, the customer must be able buy or try and then
grated with the phone’s basic telephony functions buy the application, which entails several steps for
and enhances client-side execution. An application the underlying software. Firstly, they must be able to
can be automatically suspended and then resumed determine the price and view other information about
in the event of an incoming call or SMS message. the application or content (for example, an expiration
date on the application or free trial offer). Secondly,
they must be presented an advice of charge and then
4 The BREW delivery system empowered to initiate the download. Finally, a billing
It is not enough to have client-side applications run- record must be created that integrates with the opera-
ning on mobile phones. It is also critical to have an tor’s existing billing and customer care systems once
open, flexible model for discovering, buying, down- the download is completed and successful. To the
loading, managing and billing for applications on customer, this process should be easy, self-explana-
client devices. tory and quick – taking just a matter of seconds.
Let us consider a customer with a device that offers Once the application is downloaded, it must be in-
these capabilities, and imagine that a new entertain- stalled. The installation process should be seamless
ment application has been developed for which this and invisible to the user. This includes adding it to
Figure 3 The screen shots describe an easy “four click” shopping experience where the customer discovers an
MMS application, agrees to the price, prompts the OTA download and begins to use the application
Furthermore, a good customer experience requires In marketing terms, the mobile screen and the user
certain management capabilities, including the ability interface are intensely valuable real estate. For
to remove the application if needed to regain storage mobile phone operators, mobile phone manufacturers,
space without loss of related application data or usage brand owners and other third parties to make the most
rights. Customers must have access to information of this valuable user interface, they must have ready
regarding that storage space which is being consumed access to the people, tools and technology necessary
by each application. In the event an application needs This can be enabled by the use of XML, which has
to be updated or recalled, the network operator should achieved widespread adoption as the standard lan-
be able to recall and update the application OTA guage for marking up platform-independent content.
without user intervention, if desired. The general end-
to-end solution requirements are summarized in The uiOne Delivery System allows operators to offer
Table 1. UI theme updates, content channel/casting and UI
content update channels to devices with uiOne capa-
The goal is a good customer experience, and a func- bility.
tional model that does not leave gaps. These require-
ments demonstrate a need for a platform that is more Operators can have more control over the design and
than just an execution environment. Testing, provi- update of the user interface, enabling them not only
sioning, purchasing and customer support all con- to accurately represent their brand and connect
tribute to a complete solution. directly to services, but also to keep the user experi-
ence refreshed and up-to-date in the following ways:
5 Customize, personalize and • More control over the branding. Integrating many
realize different aspects of the personality of the brand
Throughout the world, mobile subscribers are spend- including colour, style, graphic language, behav-
ing ever-increasing amounts of time using their iour and imagery into the overall user experience,
mobile phones. As devices, these ‘phones’ continue gives operators the ability to carry their brand iden-
to have more functions that support the mobile life- tity fully onto the handset.
styles of their owners. Navigating this increasing
mobile phone functionality occupies a large part of • More control over updates. Control of the user
the subscriber’s time operating the phone. interface, and the ability to selectively update parts
of the interface as required.
PD Television
A Camcorder
Photo album
BarBar scanner
Game Console
Game console
P Rolodex
MP3 player GPRS
GPS device
Player Device
Figure 5 Different consumer electronics devices are converging more and more, in the sense that different
functions migrate from one type of device to others
Richard Savage is Director Business Development at Qualcomm Europe, where he is responsible for
Scandinavia, Baltic States and Holland. Prior to joining Qualcomm, Richard has held similar positions
for the last nine years at Ericsson Telecom AB, and Appload AB. Richard has lived in Sweden since 1996,
prior to moving to Sweden he lived and worked in France with several companies including Microsoft,
MicroWarehouse and Azlan.
e-mail: [email protected]
In the late nineties anyone who suggested that 3G would, in general, still be soft launching in late
2005 and that picture messaging and other new service revenues would be almost insignificant
would have been laughed at. The vast profits predicted for do-everything handsets have simply not
materialised. So what will the next generation of handsets contain and, more importantly, can they
make the networks some money?
Nigel Wilcox
works in the
Business Inno-
Introduction The SMS or text messaging revolution that followed
vation team at Back in the late nineties the whole mobile phone is also interesting: At school children write notes in
Philips’ semi- industry began setting itself up for 3G, investing vast the classroom and pass them to their friends, hope-
conductor amounts into network and handset developments and fully without the teacher noticing. Again, SMS is
division initial services like video telephony. So strong was simply an extension of our natural communicative
the thrust for 3G that no one noticed that some com- behaviour.
panies once generating healthy revenue from GSM
had stopped making money, devoting all their SMS and voice call services go 100% hand in hand.
resources into 3G and its new services whilst forget- Before mobile phones were commonplace, pagers
ting the current market. provided text-messaging functionality. SMS does
everything that a pager can, better than a pager can.
Most manufacturers designed phones that supported Critically, with SMS the phone used to call back a
every service to some extent and the handset market message sender is built into the message device: the
was segmented mainly by how well each unit per- two devices merge seamlessly.
formed these functions and how nice they looked.
Few subscribers used these new features but the
Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) subsidised them The mobile develops
in the hope that large new service revenues would The surprise success of converging pagers with mobile
soon appear. phones started everyone thinking what other applica-
tions or services could be combined with a phone.
We’re now at the end of 2005 and the new service There were “clearly” going to be many areas where
revenues are nowhere to be seen. The huge subsidies vast sums of money could be made by this do-every-
required cannot continue indefinitely – so what can thing communication device. Some of these did in-
the next generation of handsets contain to address the deed make a lot of money; others failed. For example:
industry’s problems?
To help predict the future let’s start by looking at the Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) was the first
past. new application to be implemented. It was a little like
browsing the Internet but using more efficient trans-
fer schemes for the relatively low bandwidth offered
Birth of the mobile phone by mobile networks.
People have talked to each other since they lived in
caves and always will do. Being able to talk to people At that time the Internet had just become available to
wherever they are is a clear step forward. The success everyone and some mobile networks started to pro-
of the mobile phone is therefore not surprising and mote WAP as “The Mobile Internet”. Whilst this was
the original mobile phone voice functionality is still a nice idea it was far too early – the beauty of the
today the mobile phone’s “killer” application. This Internet is that you can read pages and pages of on-
is unlikely to change. demand information and pictures on a screen. Hand-
sets just didn’t have the display capability and show-
The GSM mobile phone was a communications revo- ing a couple of lines of text that contained less infor-
lution as its single common European standard meant mation than old-fashioned TV teletext was not going
mobile phone technology became cheap enough for to be a hit with consumers.
everyone to own.
Transaction enabling
NFC can also be used as a payment mechanism, wire-
lessly and seamlessly transferring payment details
rather than using traditional cards or cash.
Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) is not a new
concept: Hot spots are now common in big cities and
areas where mobile people tend to congregate, such
as hotels, airports, etc.
Two-way radio is very common in some parts of the
world, particularly in North America. In Europe it has of the handset market. Stand-alone hardware GPS
been less successful probably due to higher popula- receivers need parallel hardware correlators to pro-
tion densities and traditionally higher cost. However, cess the satellite signals, which are unlikely to fall
the inclusion of a two-way Push-To-Talk (PTT) func- dramatically in price. Software-based GPS is far
tionality in a phone, as it already has all the necessary cheaper as it uses simpler receiver hardware and uses
components, is a relatively straightforward addition. software algorithms to determine a fix.
Push-To-Talk over Cellular (PoC) differs from tradi- The processing power needed to determine the loca-
tional two-way radio in that it uses the cellular net- tion in software is high. Time-to-fix is determined by
work to transfer speech to a server which then relays the processing power of the decoder’s microprocessor
it to the receiving subscriber(s). This has advantages – a slower CPU will require much more time to lock-
and disadvantages: It is secure; efficient in its use of on and decode the satellite signals. To shorten fix
bandwidth; requires network control and can there- times, or allow GPS functionality to be provided in
fore be charged-for. On the downside PoC may relatively low power processors, Assisted-GPS (A-
detract from use of SMS and traditional voice calls GPS) can be used. This employs a fixed land-based
and at the same time will not take-off if pricing is server that provides details of satellite location, time
too high. The key to its success therefore lies in the of day, etc., on request from the mobile. Once the
billing. A-GPS system is locked onto a location, tracking is
much easier.
PoC specifications are now complete but, due to
delays, competing systems have been established by For MNOs GPS allows a number of high value ser-
some networks and different PoC clients have already vices to be added including dynamic mapping/route
been included into handsets available now. This is a finding, traffic information and “find my nearest”
problem: until all networks adopt the common OMA applications. These services are already available in
PoC standard and all subscribers from all networks many networks but the lack of accuracy without GPS
can communicate together, PoC will not take off. limits their usefulness.
This was the case for SMS – use exploded once inter-
network messaging was possible. The hardware and software for A-GPS is available
now and should start to be included into many more
There is an education phase to go through too – in handsets over the next year.
America the walkie-talkie is a successful consumer
product; in Europe it is not and many people’s first Single Antenna Interference Cancellation
experience of two-way radio may be via PoC. PoC The spectral efficiency of GSM networks is partly
can also be tricky to set up – the use of NFC to pair limited by frequency re-use in nearby cells and the
devices for communication will help this a great deal. associated co-channel interference.
Remove noise
from the received Gets the best out
speech of your speaker
Far-end noise
reduction • Auto voice clarity improvement
• Speaker equalization
• Noise controlled compressor
Remove all types of
noise from the
Near-end speaker
transmitted speech Microphone equalization
Noise reduction 1-mic dereverberation
• 1-mic stationary
• 2-mic (non-)stationary
Optimize microphone
operation and allow for usage
in all kind of rooms
Both Noise Void and Voice Clarity encourage more, Prototypes exist now for this and allow reasonably
and longer, voice calls in noisy environments and do large displays to be incorporated in mobile devices.
not require any changes in the network. Within 2006 four-level grey-scale 5” diagonal dis-
plays of QVGA (320 x 240) resolution will be avail-
Concert Sound able in production volumes. Contrast on these devices
Mobile phone speakers and earphones are small and is better than most newspapers. Colour devices are
cannot provide concert-like reproduction on their also on the way but still require significant develop-
own. However, use of audio signal processing tech- ment and investment.
niques can dramatically improve the sound quality
perceived by the listener, without increasing the cost Aside from rollability and daylight readability,
of the headphone hardware. another key feature of rollable display technology
is its power consumption: Power is consumed only
Concert Sound systems use 3D surround sound pro- when the display image changes – once it is set it can
cessing algorithms that give a natural sound that feels be completely disconnected from a power supply.
as if it is coming from around the listener rather than
between the ears. Coupled with dynamic bass boost ULC
techniques that avoid clipping allows small head- It is estimated that approaching 80 % of the world’s
phones and built-in stereo speakers to produce excep- population live within range of a mobile network yet
tionally full and life-like sound. only around a quarter of the population subscribe to a
mobile phone service. There is therefore a vast num-
ber of the world’s population that could become
mobile phone subscribers – some 3.25 billion people.
These segments of the world population have earn-
ings that are only a small fraction of those in devel-
oped economies: for them to be able to subscribe to a
mobile service requires extremely cheap handsets and
call tariffs. The challenge is in making low cost hand-
sets and avoiding subsidies that cannot be repaid
through call charges.
The GSM Association initiated work in this Ultra Whilst the industry needs to do all it can to make ser-
Low Cost (ULC) area last year by running a tender vices simple there is also an education and familiarity
for low cost handsets. A second round was also com- period which subscribers need to go through before
pleted earlier this year. mass adoption will occur.
In order to get costs down ULC handsets must pro- In general the mobile phone industry can move far
vide all functionality that is required and nothing that faster than consumers can keep up. Transparent fea-
is not. In a market that is driven by voice-calls and tures that improve the quality and use of existing ser-
SMS messages there is little room for cameras and vices, or help reduce cost should therefore be higher
other expensive additions that will be too costly to on the priority list of the industry as a whole. The
use anyway. Other critical factors in ULC markets are: industry also has to be careful not to release technolo-
gies too early that are then seen as a failure.
• Ruggedness – phone has to work;
• Battery life – easy access to mains power is not Convergence of technology and
available everywhere; features
Convergence is the buzzword of the moment. But
• Easy addition of features – the “must haves” of the what is it? Most consider it to be convergence of
future, e.g. FM radio or NFC; mobile, fixed line and Internet connectivity: Always
connected, to everyone and everything, everywhere.
• Low-cost brand differentiation.
As well as being compelling in its ease of use for the
It should be noted that these simplified handsets are subscriber, this “Connectivity Convergence” is also
not only useful for ULC markets – they also appeal to driven by competition. Many mobile operators, for
the “non-digital generation” in developed economies example, also have fixed-line businesses and face
– e.g. senior citizens and technophobes. These low fierce competition from cable companies for tele-
cost handsets make a compelling case for networks phony and broadband revenue. These operators are
that want to reduce subsidy. therefore looking for ways to offer better packages
that will prevent subscribers from switching to cable:
Different countries and brands have different defini- a combined, simple and seamless service of fixed-
tions of ULC so silicon vendors must have flexible line, mobile and broadband all through one subscrip-
solutions. tion is very attractive.
The long-term winners in these markets will optimize There is a second level of convergence applicable to
hardware partitioning for lowest cost and best perfor- handsets: “Functional Convergence”. This is the com-
mance yet retain design flexibility. bination of the functionality of two or more tradi-
tional devices into one.
Philips’ sub $5 chip set is available in sample form
now and will be ready for mass production in the Many of the services and functionality discussed so
middle of 2006. Together with the other components far will converge – but getting back to the aim of this
required in a phone (battery, display, plastics) handset article, which will be successful?
Nigel Wilcox is a member of the mobile communications Business Innovation team at Philips’ semiconductor
division. He is principally involved in handset specification work with the mobile networks, ensuring Philips
chip-sets meet the network’s requirements, and therefore those of the handset manufacturers Philips sup-
plies. Prior to joining Philips he worked in engineering and project management roles for a number of com-
panies all involved in the development of mobile communications equipment and services. Nigel is a Char-
tered Engineer and member of the UK’s Institute of Electrical Engineers. He holds B.Eng and M.Sc degrees in
Electronic Engineering from Warwick and Nottingham Universities.
email: [email protected]
This paper gives a brief presentation of the Open Mobile Terminal Platform OMTP Ltd. (“OMTP”)
(http://www.omtp.org) that has been established to gather the needs of the mobile operator
community for mobile terminal platforms and to define and agree on those requirements necessary
to deliver openly available standardised application interfaces to provide customers with an improved
user experience across different devices.
Lars Wendt is
Senior Advisor
in Telenor Inter-
Introduction service, that they are able to set up the service and
national Mobile services have reached higher and higher lev- lastly, that waits and delays are limited.
els of popularity, but at the same time, the complexity
of these services has increased tremendosuly. Mobile
operators constantly need to integrate the mobile Operating structure / organisation
services they offer seamlessly with the device that
deliver the service. Experiences from nearly all oper- About the OMTP group
ators show that customisation of terminals drives The OMTP group was established in June 2004 by
both usage and ARPU. eight international mobile operators to collaborate
with industry-leading companies in all sectors of the
Do van Thanh
is Senior The operators have started to develop a seamless mobile space to promote its goals through open stan-
Research customer experience across their device portfolio via dards and different technologies.
Scientist at customised handsets. But the continuously increasing
Telenor R&D fragmentation of mobile devices undermines this The founding members of OMTP are mmO2, NTT
seamless customer experience and might become a DoCoMo, Orange, SMART Communications, Tele-
threat to the mobile services business. fónica Móviles, TIM (Telecom Italia Mobile), T-
Mobile and Vodafone. The OMTP group now has
And underlying all this, the security threats on mobile about 40 members and participants.
devices are developing rapidly.
The OMTP group is an open association, with mem-
With this setting a number of leading mobile opera- bership or participation available to organizations
tors came together in 2004 and formed the Open wanting to adopt OMTP requirements, to assist the
Mobile Terminal Platform group. process of achieving the OMTP group’s goals or
simply to follow the latest efforts and results of the
OMTP group. Membership is open to mobile opera-
OMTP mission tors, whereas participation as a sponsor, advisor or
Since the formation, the OMTP group has aimed to associate is open to any entity. Members, sponsors
define platform requirements necessary for mobile and advisors are eligible to be actively involved in
devices to projects formed by OMTP; associates receive infor-
mation on ongoing activities. Mobile operators,
• deliver openly available standardized application mobile device manufacturers, software and hardware
interfaces; suppliers interested in participating in the OMTP
group can find more information on the OMTP
• provide customers with a more consistent and group’s website, www.omtp.org.
improved user experience across different devices;
Who is OMTP open to?
• enable individual operators and manufacturers to As full members, only mobile operators are allowed,
customize and differentiate their offering. whereas sponsors, advisors and associates can come
from software developers, handset vendors and other
The main rationale for OMTP is thus to reduce the interested parties.
number of variants, drive consistency, and take un-
necessary costs out of the industry (without stifling Members & participants
innovation). Furthermore it is important for operators See Table 1.
to let users know that services exist, that they find the
It is important to note that OMTP is not a standardis- Members Sponsors Advisors Associates
ation body per se (meaning that they issue specifica-
Amena EMP Analog Devices Hewlett Packard
tions, and subsequently test equipment according to
o2 Nokia Aplix Mobile Innovation
these standards). OMTP has rather opted for an exis-
Orange/FT Philips ARM Pollex
tence where their specifications eventually can evolve
Hutchison 3G SavaJe Axalto ROHM Electronics Ltd.
into standards, but in the first phase the outcome is
KPN Siemens Danger
handled more like requirements.
SK Telekom STM Discretix
Telenor SUN Enea
TEM Esmertec
TIM Freescale
TMO Gemplus
When will the first handset be released?
Vodafone Infineon
It is expected that the first handsets that have been
Microsoft Corp
made according to the OMTP specifications will be
released during the second half of 2006.
Palm Source
What will be different with the first release
of OMTP compliant handsets?
First editions will only support basic customisation.
The first requirements are termed “User Experience”. SmartTrust
In this context this means that an operator should be Sony Ericsson
able to tailor the look and feel of the device menu Spansion
structure to its own needs and requirements. This Sprint
includes setting wallpaper, colour scheme of menus, Surfkitchen
selection of applications accessible from the top Symbian
menu list, and applications accessible from the stand- TAO
by screen. Tegic
Texas Instruments
Furthermore, it also applies to device management TeliaSonera
where an operator can download, configure, and TTPCom
update a client-based (off-line) operator menu struc- TurkCell
ture over the air to a device in a seamless and non-
11 7 30 4
intrusive way for the customer (i.e. no repeated ques-
tions if the customer wants to accept the updates etc.). 52
The menu structure can call operator defined applica-
tions that also can be managed over the air in the Table 1 Current list of OMTP members and participants
same way as the off-line operator menu
Platform Education
DM Hardware A
Platform others
other B
Operator Technical
requirements requirements
far enough to support this. The big question is, will Impact for mobile industry
the OMTP be able to persuade them to comply? The After one year of operation OMTP can claim to have
answer to that is most probably yes – at least to a cer- achieved the following:
tain degree. The mobile manufacturers are also in a
position where lack of coherent, constructive and • The scope (requirements in the user to terminal
streamlined demands from the mobile operators cost dimension) and governance are well established;
them more resources than they are willing to pay for.
This means that if mobile operators get more stan- • Seven deliverables published, project machinery in
dardised in their demands, it is also a net gain for the good shape;
Operators Manufacturers
Operators Manufacturers
Handset 1 Handset 1
Operator Op X reqs
Operator Op X reqs
X Op X format processing automatic
X OMTP format
Lars Wendt holds an MSc in Industrial Economics & Technology Management from the Norwegian Univer-
sity of Science and Technology in Trondheim. He is Senior Advisor in Telenor Mobile International in Norway,
and has worked internationally for Telenor in both Germany and Hungary.
email: [email protected]
The success of the Internet is basically due to two applications, namely the world wide web and the
email. Although being a newcomer compared to email, the world wide web has gained more attention
due to its ubiquity and its content abundance. The telecom community has put quite a lot of effort in
providing access to the world wide web from the mobile phone with the Wireless Application Protocol
(WAP) and its successors. This does not necessarily mean that mobile access to email is less com-
pelling. Indeed, the increasing popularity of the Blackberry, which allows the users to send and receive
Do van Thanh emails on their mobile phones demonstrates the urgent demand for a secure and usable mobile
is Senior
access to email. In this paper, a mobile email solution based on XML Web Services is presented. A brief
Scientist at overview of the email system, followed by a presentation of the challenges in enabling mobile access
Telenor R&D to email, are first given. The main part of the paper is dedicated to the design of the proposed mobile
mail access solution. The overall architecture, the components and interfaces of Email XML Web Ser-
vice are explained thoroughly. Last but not least, the Mail Web Service Client residing in the mobile
phone is presented in detail.
UI Intranet LDA
User Delivery
IMAP/POP store
Server and email Client. They are both compositions The SMTP content is sent in the SMTP DATA proto-
of several elements that are making use of several col unit and has two parts: the headers and the body.
communication protocols, as well as internal service If the content conforms to other contemporary stan-
elements. Examples of protocols are SMTP (Simple dards, the headers form a collection of field/value
Mail Transfer Protocol) [1], IMAP (Internet Message pairs structured according to the Internet Message
Access Protocol) [2] and POP (Post Office Protocol) Format; the body, if structured, is defined according
[3]. to MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions).
To send a mail, the user interacts with the UI (User The mail will then be sent from MTA to MTA and
Interface), which allows her to compose an email. will finally arrive at the final delivery MTA that
When the user chooses to send the email, the UI will deposits the mail in the Message Store through an
hand over the message to the MUA (Mail User LDA. This concludes the SMTP transfer of the mes-
Agent) that will establish an SMTP session with the sage.
remote MSA (Mail Submission Agent) to expedite
the mail. The MSA can do pre-specified adaptations
to the message to comply with the SMTP-IMF stan-
dards. Next it delivers the mail either to a local user
through an LDA (Local Delivery Agent), or passes it SMTP Envelope
MAIL FROM:<[email protected]>
on to an MTA (Message Transfer Agent) which RCPT TO:<@hosta.int,@jkl.org:[email protected]>
relays the mail to its final recipient(s). SMTP Content
An SMTP mail object contains an envelope and con- Internet Msg Format
tent. The SMTP envelope is sent as a series of SMTP
From: John Doe <[email protected]>
protocol units. It consists of an originator address (to To: Mary Smith <[email protected]>
which error reports should be directed); one or more Subject: Saying Hello Header field
Date: Fri, 21 Nov 1997 09:55:06 -0600
recipient addresses and optional protocol extension Message-ID: <[email protected]>
material. Historically, variations on the recipient
address specification command (RCPT TO) could Text like This is a message just to say hello.
OR according to MIME Body
be used to specify alternate delivery modes, such as (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions)
immediate display; those variations have now been
Figure 2 Relationship between SMTP mail object and an Internet
Message Format message
1) The current mail server architecture is somewhat simplified to make the reading easier.
Mobile MSA/
client MTA The IMF representation of an email is quite efficient,
Transport layer session establishment and does not introduce any overhead of significance.
This makes IMF a good starting point when trying to
220 dus12 nta.no ESMTP Exim 3.35 #1 Fri 09 Apr 2004 15.57.01 +0200
1. represent emails adapted for mobile terminals. The
EHLO dus12.nta.no problem with IMF is not the format itself, but how it
is used. An email usually contains a lot of informa-
250.dus12.nta no Hello jonfinng at localhost []
3. tion enclosed in headers. Most of this information is
MAIL FROM.<[email protected]> not relevant to the end user. This information may
include a list of mail servers the message has visited
250<<[email protected]> is syntactically correct
5. on its way to its destination, and several so called “X-
RCPT TO.<[email protected]> headers”2). This information is usually not presented
in the user-agents and introduces a significant amount
250 <[email protected]> verified
7. of overhead when sending email headers to mobile
Adding optional recipients agents. For an example of the headers in a typical
email message see Box 2.
354 Enter message ending with**on a line by itself The headers marked in bold are the headers usually
presented in a user-agent because they contain the
Content of message
10. information most relevant to the end user. When
250 OK id=1BBwZ4.0000nZ.00 stripping out all other headers, the size of the header-
element of this email shrinks from 2351 to 323 bytes;
significantly reducing this email’s total size. Hence,
Figure 3 SMTP envelope for mobile terminals with limited bandwidth and
2) “X-headers” are custom headers for providing extra information about the email. Typically added by user agents, virus and spam-
client-functionality, only a minimal set of headers message are separated by custom defined “bound-
should be transferred. aries”. When a boundary appears in the message, it
marks the beginning of a new part. Every part must
A MIME email’s content is organized in two dis- be identified by a “Content-type” parameter, telling
positions: INLINE and ATTACHMENT. The parts what MIME-type the current part is (e.g applica-
marked as INLINE will usually be shown in the tion/msword to designate that the part is a Microsoft
mail client when opening the email for reading. The Word document). Other parameters to a body part
INLINE content parts are encoded as text. The parts may be the encoding and file name of the attachment.
marked as ATTACHMENT consist of binary data,
and must be opened in an external application or A cut from an email containing a normal text part as
through a plug-in in the mail reader able to interpret INLINE and an attached picture as ATTACHMENT
that specific attachment. The different parts of the is shown in Box 3.
The first header element included in this cut tells us The first bodypart is of type “text/plain” and
that this is a MIME message, and that the mail reader represents the text in this message. The parameters
must support MIME to understand this message. tell us that the bodypart has characterset iso-8859.
When the message contains parts with different con- The second part of the message is an attached picture
tent-types the base content type is marked as “mul- with content type “image/pjpeg”. In this part, the
tipart/mixed” as in this message. One should as filename and encoding are supplied as parameters.
well pay attention to the boundaries in this message
(——=_NextPart_000_2a6d_50c1_182a), This example of how to organize the contents of an
separating the two parts of this email. email is just one of numerous possible ways a mes-
2) Default MIME
1) Default Multipart/Mixed
The challenges with today’s mail systems when • Mobile phones may not have sufficient storage for
accessed by mobile terminals can be summarized all the mails.
as follows:
• Mobile phones may not have processing and stor-
• Excessive message exchange; age capabilities to host both an SMTP client and
• Unnecessary overhead in different parts of the an IMAP/POP client.
• Too complex representations of the emails; • Mobile phones have much more limited User Inter-
• Unsupported presentation formats; face capabilities, i.e. small display, limited naviga-
• Complex implementation of email clients. Differ- tion facility, and small and limited keypad.
ent protocol implementations are needed for send-
ing and retrieving mail; • Mobile phones come in a variety of types making
the design of user interface difficult.
Firewall Delivery
User Message
POP IMAP store
client IMAP/POP
Internet Delivery
Firewall Intranet
Internet Mailbox
browser MUA Mailbox
Web app
POP store
SMTP Delivery
Internet Intranet
SMTP Mailbox
Mail WS client
client POP IMAP
User kSOAP
J2ME client IMAP/POP
Firewall Internet
Internet Intranet
SMTP Mailbox
Mail WS client
POP Message
IMAP/POP store
User kSOAP
J2ME client server
server. In this case server originated method invoca- SMTP and XMTP. An approach using XMTP is
tion implies a full IMAP/POP Web Service imple- therefore turned down as suitable for usage with
mentation on the client. This is infeasible due to lim- mobile terminals.
ited processing and storage capacity on mobile termi-
nals. They do not have a static internet address, and 4.3 Mobile Mail Access with XMMAP
the connection is frequently shut down. In other In this section, a protocol called XMMAP (XML
words, mobile phones were not designed to work as Mobile Email Access Protocol) is introduced. The
servers. goal of this protocol is to solve some of the major
problems related to email access from mobile termi-
4.2 Mobile Mail Access with XMTP nals, and to overcome the limitations and insufficien-
The use of XML Web Services is taken a bit further cies of the previously proposed solutions. A Telenor
by the introduction of XMTP (XML MIME Transfor- patent application3) has been filed to the Norwegian
mation Protocol)[6]. XMTP is a protocol for mapping Patent Authority in 2004.
IMF or MIME messages to an XML representation.
As we could see from the message sequence chart
When using XMTP, we are able to transport the in Figure 3, a minimum of 11 messages is required
entire message in XML (see Figure 8). This makes it between the client and server just in order to send
easier for the client to parse the message. An XSD an email. This is highly undesirable when using a
(XML Schema Definition) can be used to interpret mobile terminal. If the link goes down in the middle
the different fields of the message, making presenta- of a message sequence, the entire procedure has to be
tion of the mail in the client potentially faster. repeated. Additionally, every message transfer intro-
duces unnecessary overhead from underlying proto-
XMTP contains no functionality beyond the IMF cols. On top of this we have the considerations
message mapping. This means that when using regarding overhead in headers and representation as
XMTP, all message exchanges and overhead must discussed in the section on IMF and MIME.
remain as in the previous approach. XMTP may in
itself introduce some amount of overhead due to the By introducing XMMAP we reduce the number of
verbose XML notation. message transfers to two for most IMAP/POP/SMTP
operations. As shown in Figure 9, we are down to one
There is very little gain using XMTP instead of direct message from the mobile client to the web service,
mapping, it even adds more complexity on the server and one message in return.
side by introducing a conversion routine between
3) Telenor patent: A system, method and protocol format for mobile email communication – Inventor: Do van Thanh, Jon-Finngard
Moe & Eivind Sivertsen – Norway application no: NO 2004 2233, filed 28 May 2004.
sendmail Minimum 11
messages, see
OK figure 3 - SMTP
POP and IMAP do not have as many message trans- Like XMTP, XMMAP utilizes the strength of XML
fers as SMTP. Often only one request and response to simplify parsing of the received information. The
is required per invocation. On the other hand, these terminal can use an XML-parser to retrieve the infor-
protocols require that the user authenticate before mation from the XMMAP-message as well as to con-
invoking any operation on the account. This intro- struct new XML documents. This makes implementa-
duces session management and extra delay and over- tion of an XMMAP-compatible mail client a very
head. simple task compared to a full-scale email client sup-
porting SMTP with a wide range of MIME-types, as
The major benefit when using XMMAP is that it both well as the client implementations of POP and IMAP.
combines and simplifies the functionality and infor-
mation given by the MTA (SMTP), Access Agent XMMAP introduces a new concept of messaging.
(IMAP/POP) and the representation format (SMTP- While traditional protocols rely on frequent message
IMF/XMTP). This is achieved by mapping the infor- transfers with well-defined operations, XMMAP is
mation into an XML format and tying different parts more flexible, making it possible to do more opera-
of the format to specific requests and responses to tions in one exchange.
SOAP methods.
Box 4
xmlns=’’http://www.finngard.org/ 2004/03/xmmap/’’
xmlns:web=’’http://www.w3.org/ 1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#’’
web:about=’’mid:107840631700 [email protected]’’>
<BoxNumber mailbox=’’INBOX’’>12</ BoxNumber>
<From>John Doe < [email protected]></From>
<To>< [email protected]> </To>
<Subject>XMMAP protocol, suitable for PDA?</Subject>
<Date>Fri, 2 Mar 2004 12:23:12 -0700</Date>
<Flags protocol=’’imap’’>
<Body charset=’’ISO-8859-1’’>
Hi! Do you suggest using the XMMAP format for PDA’s as well as mobile phones?
<Attachment content-type= ’’application/x-ms-word’’
<AttachmentNumber>1</ AttachmentNumber>
<Filename>pda_description. doc</Filename>
Box 6
<Account xmlns=’’http://www.finngard.org/xmmap/’’>
<Messages />
<BoxName>INBOX.old </BoxName>
<Messages />
<MailBoxes />
<Message xmlns= ’’http://www.finngard.org/2004/04/xmmap/’’
‘’http://www.w3. org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#’’
web:about= ’’mid:[email protected]’’>
<Mailboxes />
sendmail Minimum 11
messages, see
OK figure 3 - SMTP
Figure 11 Messaging between participating components when sending an email using XMMAP
Contact list
• Provide access to web services from J2ME, no
server capabilities. This JSR will not define web User Email
service endpoints for the target devices. This func- web service
tionality may be addressed in a future version of Configuration
the specification.
User New
The mail management component
The management of the email in IMAP and POP3 is
carried out in about the same way for the user as a
usual mail client. The functions supported can be contacts
seen in Figure 15. The user is provided with the most
common features for management of mail, such as
sending and retrieval of mail.
Figure 16 Functions of the contact list component
3 Myers, J, Rose, M. 1996. RFC1939: Post Office 9 Sun Microsystems Inc. 2004. JSR172: J2ME Web
Protocol – Version 3. IETF, May 1996. online: Services. Java Community Process (JCP), Octo-
http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1939.txt ber 2003. online:
This method retrieves the mailboxes from an account when already logged in. The message exchange is quite
similar to the login-methods. The request can however be stripped down to <Account /> or completely
omitted since the user is already logged in, and the account information is stored within the session.
As the name suggests, this is the message for retrieving mail message content. The request message must
provide the name of the mailbox and message number(s). Note that the content of the eventual attachments
are not initially sent; only the information describing them. The user can then choose to download them later
using the “getAttachmentsAsXMMAP” method.
This method can be invoked to get the content of an attachment. The client will have received a description of
the attachment(s) from a call to the getMessagesAsXMMAP method, and uses the attachment number(s) to
identify which attachment(s) within which message(s) it wants. Only the attachment(s) will be returned, the
body content is omitted.
This method can be used to set message flags on the IMAP/POP server. The method returns nothing,
except from error messages if something goes wrong. Note: setting the DELETED flag with setFlags marks
the message as deleted, but keeps it in the mailbox. For permanent deletion, see the delete method.
This SOAP method marks a message as deleted, or deletes it permanently (also called expunging) from the
IMAP/POP server. Whether or not to expunge is given as a parameter to the method call. The default is not
to expunge. The method returns nothing, except from error messages if something goes wrong.
This is the method to use for sending mail from the mobile client. It is sufficient with one message exchange
compared to SMTP’s minimum of 11 exchanges. If using the IMAP protocol, the Web Service sends the final
message to the user’s “sent” box and marks messages as “Answered” in the current mailbox if the message is
a reply (given by a ‘ReplyNumber’ element together with the headers). Setting several <To>, <Cc> or <Bcc>
headers in the request message adds multiple recipients in XMMAP. These headers are parsed by the Web
Service and converted to SMTP on its outgoing interface. A RFC2822 compliant message is also created by
the Web Service from the information received before it is sent to its final destination by SMTP.
To log out, the server needs no more information than the session id. Hence the logout call is a SOAP
message with empty body. This will close any connections to the user’s mail server and delete the session
from the web service server.
Tore Jønvik is Associate Professor at Oslo University College, Faculty of Engineering. Jønvik holds an MSc in
Physics and a PhD in Informatics from the University of Oslo. He is guest researcher at Telenor R&D and is
working in two Eureka-Celtic projects, ADPO and Fidelity.
email: [email protected]
More and more people have mobile phones. More and more people have PCs and broadband connec-
tion to the Internet. It is only a matter of time before they require access to their home computers
from their mobile phones. This paper proposes an architecture based on XML Web Services allowing
remote access to the user’s home network file system. A global system architecture is provided and
details of the mapping between the network file system and an XML Web Service are depicted using
XML Schema Definitions.
Do van Thanh
is Senior
Scientist at 1 Introduction an application on the computer where services reside
Telenor R&D Imagine a passenger waiting at the airport. He may (in the home network), as well as to download and
want to listen to music. His mobile phone can func- install a client on the device in use.
tion as an MP3 player but unfortunately, he forgot to
load the songs that he has selected and saved in his
PC at home. It would be nice if he were able to access 2 The evolving home network
to his home PC and fetch the tunes that he wants.
Imagine an executive travelling on a business trip A. Firewall and routing problems
who experiences some magnificent scenery. She Only a few years ago, most of the home connections
Ivar Jørstad is a takes pictures using a 2 Megapixel digital camera on to the Internet were modem-based. Only when
PhD student at her mobile phone. She may want to keep these pic- needed would the user initiate the dial-in process and
Norwegian tures and send them to her home computer. hook up his PC to the Internet. The situation has
University of changed dramatically with the emergence of broad-
Science and
Indeed, more and more households are acquiring band Internet connection possibilities like cable TV,
broadband Internet connections to their home. On the xDSL, etc. These technologies do not only offer
home network they may have several computers run- higher access bit rate to the users but also make the
ning various services and hosting private documents user home network “always on”. The users do not
and files. It is hence quite desirable to be able to have to dial up anymore but can just go right away on
access these services and documents from outside the Internet whenever they like. Unfortunately, a coin
their home via stationary computers or mobile always has a reverse side. The home networks are
devices like cellular phones or PDAs. now exposed to attacks in the same way as enterprise
networks and some protection is necessary. Home
Do van Thuan is
Lead Scientist at The permanent connection to the Internet paves the networks, similar to enterprise networks, most often
Linus AS way for a new type of service provisioning where ser- employ a router with embedded firewall to connect
vices are partly located in the home network of the the home LAN to the Internet through e.g. an ADSL
users and accessible from a cellular phone. Potential or cable TV connection. The firewall protects the
services can be content based like browser book- home networks against intruders but at the same time
marks, address books, MS Office documents or prevents all access from outside even by the owners
similar, but it can also be applications rendering themselves.
more dynamic services to the user (giving an output,
provided some input). To allow incoming access to the home network, this
firewall/router must be bypassed and the communica-
Unfortunately, due to the threats from the Internet, tion must be forwarded to the appropriate computer
most home networks need to have firewalls. In addi- on the home network. It might be necessary to open
tion, Network Address Translation (NAT) is also up several TCP ports (e.g. 138, 139 and 445) and
used. Firewalls and NAT make the access to the direct the incoming traffic on these ports to the com-
home system from the outside world difficult. This puter that is sharing resources. This is often a compli-
paper proposes an architecture allowing remote cated task that might be too difficult for the common
access to home file systems from outside devices user.
which can be a PC, PDA or mobile phone. Without
compromising security, the proposed solution is sim- There is a need for a solution that allows legitimate
ple and requires only minimal technical skills to take accesses to the home network but at the same time
into use. All that is needed is to download and install preserves security.
Router w/ phone
WS client
HomeAccess Broadband
local WS operator DHCP
User B
global WS
Router w/
WS client
local WS
• A Home Access Web Service Client that is in- Native file Web service
stalled on the terminal(s) used to access files and interface file interface
Home access Home access
Native networked
4.1 Home Access Local Web Service local web web service
service client
The role of the Home Access Local WS is to expose
the relevant operations of the native file system on
the World Wide Web such that mobile client can use
them to access files and services located within the Administrative interface
home network. Home access
As shown in Figure 2, the Home Access Local Web application
Service has three interfaces:
Figure 2 Interfaces in the Mobile Home Access system
Only the most important parts of native network file It has the following interfaces:
system messages are mapped to an XML format. In
addition, a set of management interfaces that are used • The Native File interface
between the client and the service access point, are • The Web Service File interface
defined. These interfaces control connection estab- • The IP update interface.
lishment towards shares, as well as maintenance of
sessions and teardown of connections. The first two interfaces are the same as the ones
defined for the Home Access Local Service.
IACCListResources(URI uri, String pattern, Boolean
recursive) – Lists all resources on the specified URI The IP update interface has the following method:
matching the specified pattern. If pattern is left
empty, all resources on the specified URI are listed. IUpdateIP(user_id, IP address) – To update the IP
Setting recursive to true allows this method to be address of the specified user.
used for searching for specific named resources
throughout the entire tree defined by uri. IGetCurrentIP(user_id) – Returns the current IP
address of the specified user.
IACCReadResource(URI uri) – Reads the contents of
the specified resource as specified in the user config- 4.3 Home Access Web Service Client
uration described previously. This method incorpo- There are two types of Home Access Web Service
rates several methods of the network file system, Client:
such as protocol negotiation, session setup etc.
• Tunnelling Client
IACCWriteResource(URI uri, WriteSpecification ws) • Reduced Mapping Client.
– Writes to the specified resource the content speci-
fied by ws (e.g. create/offset/append, data, length The Tunnelling Client will use the Tunnelling inter-
etc.). This method incorporates several methods of face to interact with either the Home Access Local
the network file system, such as protocol negotiation, Web Service or the Home Access Global Web Ser-
session setup, etc. vice. This Client is suitable for regular PCs. It incor-
porates also a CIFS server such that a regular CIFS
4.2 Home Access Global Web Service client like Windows Explorer can be used to access
The Home Access Global Web Service is required for the remote files and services. In fact, the Tunnelling
the three cases: Client acts much like a CIFS proxy, since it is ex-
posed as a CIFS file system itself, and is a one-to-one
mapping of the CIFS file system on the server side.
5 Experiences with existing Figure 3 Exposure mechanisms on the terminal; the Terminal Local
implementation Exposure interface
The current implementation of the Mobile Home
Access system is currently subject to a performance
evaluation. The evaluation is performed using the
Nokia 6680 cellular phone connected to the Telenor
Mobil 3G network. The preliminary results of this
evaluation are as follows.
Do van Thuan is currently Lead Scientist at Linus AS – a Norwegian firm specialising in custom develop-
ment and system integration for telcos and the process industry. After finishing his studies at the Institute
of Informatics, University of Bergen, in 1984, he joined Norsk Data where he worked first with COBOL and
FORTRAN compilers, then with OS command interpreters and last with SQL processors for databases. Since
then he has been involved with several large projects developing information systems and process/produc-
tion control systems. These days he is member of two European projects, ADPO – Personalised Adaptive
Portal Framework, and Fidelity – Circle-of-Trust based on Liberty Alliance’s Specification. His research
interests are distributed systems, component technology and software design methods.
email: [email protected]
The purpose of this article is to give a general overview of the RFID technology and the role it will play
when included in mobile phones. The article gives an overview of the RFID market, the current status,
the future of RFID and the markets that are driving the technology through the hype curve. It then
goes through a description of why it makes sense to include RFID in the mobile phone and what is
motivating the different players pushing the technology.
Juan Carlos The article also includes a technology overview of the RFID and NFC technologies and finalises with a
López Calvet
short conclusion of how mobile operators and other players are positioning themselves in order to
is Research
Manager in take advantage of the opportunities provided by the inclusion of RFID/NFC on the mobile phones.
Telenor R&D
• Service Information: Get up to date service infor- • Automatic Meter Reading: Touch a tag attached to
mation by touching an item. a meter and the meter readings are recorded in the
phone. Time stamp and tag information is available
• Automatic Search: Touch a tag to automate exten- automatically.
sive search strings.
The Norwegian company AD Columbi has been
• Work order Generation: Touch a tag attached to offering these types of services for some time using
the machine and a new work order is available bar code scanners attached to mobile phones and is
from a web page. currently collaborating with Nokia for the usage of
Shipping Health
Supply chain management
3 RFID in the future Others with their own priorities are proceeding very
rapidly to trial and roll out item level tagging with
3.1 EPC Generation 2 excellent paybacks, usually employing the well
For most of 2004 there has been a lot of focus on the proven 13.56 MHz frequency where the environment
second-generation UHF standard of EPCGlobal1), but and production quality are less of a problem.
there are only few people who really understand how
this new generation differs from the first-generation There are fresh food items tagged in Botswana and
Japan, survival equipment in France and cigarettes,
videos and even artificial logs in the US. Supermarket
items have been tagged in the Philippines. Most are
trials of course, but gas cylinders and beer barrels
SIM card
tagged in Denmark, the UK, France and elsewhere
Integrated have long been full rollouts with excellent paybacks
RST of one year or so. And this is a worldwide phenom-
controller enon. Their objectives vary greatly of course, and the
system CPU list changes by the day. Those that quietly get on with
item level tagging are increasingly reaping rewards.
From Table 1 it is possible to conclude that while
tagging pallets does increase supply chain visibility,
item level tagging satisfies specialized needs that
Antenna bring direct benefits.
1) EPCGlobal is leading the development of industry-driven standards for the Electronic Product Code (EPC) to support the use of
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID).
4.2 The challenges of RFID in the SIM card putting them close to each other. NFC can also be
One of the biggest challenges of RFID in general is used to start other communication technologies like
that it does not work that well when it is attached to Bluetooth and WiFi by exchanging the configuration
metal or glass because the radio field gets distorted. and session data.
Therefore, putting an RFID transponder in the heart
of the mobile phone (the SIM card) is not an easy 5.2 The NFC Forum
task, because the SIM card is usually placed under In April 2004 the NFC Forum was established by the
the battery and is surrounded by many different mate- three founding members Nokia, Philips and Sony,
rials that disturb the RFID radio field. with the vision of bringing the physical world and the
electronic world closer together. This was not a new
In order to solve this challenge companies like vision, but was rather the Auto-ID lab’s “Internet of
Giesecke & Devrient made an adaptation of a Siemens Things” vision, which was brought to the consumer
mobile phone that connected an external antenna on market. By placing tags and readers into objects,
the cover of the mobile phone to their dual interface users would be able to interact with them by touching
SIM card (this type of SIM card has contactless capa- them with other NFC devices (e.g. mobile phones).
bilities, but need an external antenna).
5.2.1 A winning team: Philips, Sony and Nokia
Although solutions like this could offer many of the The initial founders of the NFC Forum saw the vari-
capabilities envisioned by Telenor R&D, we did not ety of opportunities that this technology would bring,
believe that the mass market was going to adopt solu- but they also had an adequate background, which is
tions that were not fully integrated with the mobile why they were able to form a winning team.
phone and we did not believe either that mobile
phone manufacturers would change their hardware Philips offerings are so broad that you could find
designs to include an antenna for such SIM cards. their technology in almost any electronic device, but
Telenor R&D therefore opted to follow the NFC they provide two key elements into the NFC technol-
technology instead. ogy: The MIFARE standard, which is the most used
contactless ticketing and payment standard in Europe
with approximately 80 % of the market and the NFC
5 Near Field Communication (NFC) chip itself.
5.1 NFC introduction Sony is also one of the biggest players in consumer
Near Field Communication is a short-range wireless electronics, but when it comes to the NFC technology
technology optimized for communication between they provide the FeliCa standard, which is the other
various devices without any user configuration. The biggest contactless ticketing and payment standard,
goal of the NFC technology is to make two objects mainly used in Asia.
communicate in a simple and secure way just by
5.2.2 The NFC Forum grows quickly 5.4 NFC and the mobile phone
From April to September 2005 another 44 members NFC adds intelligence and networking capabilities to
have joined the Forum from a wide variety of indus- the phone and creates many new opportunities to add
tries. There are four levels of membership, but the product and service capabilities to the handset like
founding members remain in the same industries with digital transactions and sharing in very close proximi-
the addition of VISA and Master Card, who together ties.
dominate the payment market.
One of the main technological advantages of an NFC
Without having the insight on why these partners have is that its chip can act as reader, but it can also act as
joined the Forum, one could probably guess their moti- a card, and is backward compatible with the contact-
vation by grouping them into the following segments: less card standards. Therefore it makes a mobile
phone an ideal device for making payments, since
• Mobile phone providers: Nokia, Motorola, Sam- with a mobile phone you can control the interaction
sung Electronics, Philips and Microsoft; with the card (no one can read your card if you do not
want them to), the mobile operator can update or can-
• Semiconductor manufacturers: Philips, NEC, cel the card remotely and it is a device that users are
Renasas and Texas Instruments; already carrying.
• Payment: MasterCard International and Visa. When acting as a reader, an NFC mobile phone has
the possibility to exchange data with other NFC
The fast growth of the Forum plus the relevance of devices, but most importantly it can trigger the down-
the players involved give credibility to this emerging load of content related to a specific object like a
technology. Most of the players that Telenor has had movie poster. For example: if a user walks by a
contact with indicate that they are serious about their movie poster, by just touching the poster it will trig-
efforts towards the NFC technology and that we can ger the browser, then the phone will automatically
expect devices to be launched with full support of download information related to that movie, in what
their companies starting from 2006. theatres it is being screened, and it will give the user
the possibility to purchase tickets if desired.
5.3 NFC applications
In order to emphasise the idea of close proximity, 5.5 The first NFC mobile phones are
Philips (http://www.semiconductors.philips.com/mar- launched
kets/identification/products/nfc/index.html) has divided On 9 February 2005 Nokia introduced the world’s
the NFC applications into the four following areas: first Near Field Communication (NFC) product for
payment and ticketing which was an enhanced ver-
• Touch and go sion of the Nokia NFC shell for the Nokia 3220
Applications such as access control or transport/ mobile phone. It was the first mobile phone to deliver
event ticketing, where the user only needs to bring all the services envisioned by the NFC Forum, which
the device storing the ticket or access code close to are: service discovery, payment and ticketing.
the reader. Also for simple data capture applica-
tions, such as picking up an Internet URL from a 5.5.1 Why the shell concept?
smart label on a poster. New technologies like NFC offer many exciting pos-
sibilities, but nowadays it is not easy to change a line
• Touch and confirm of production just because a new technology is sup-
Applications such as mobile payment where the posed to bring great benefits. In order to test the new
user has to confirm the interaction by entering a capabilities of the NFC technology, Nokia decided to
password or just accepting the transaction. use one of their models in production (Nokia 3220)
7.1.4 RFID software • Reader/writer mode for FeliCa and ISO 14443-A
The last basic component in any RFID system is the cards;
software that controls the interrogators in order to • Supports Card interface mode for FeliCa and
synchronize when and where tags are read, filter the ISO 14443-A/MIFARE in combination with secure
received data (since tags and readers communicate µC;
more than one time when they are within each other’s • IP-1 mode.
field) and gives the data meaning for business pro-
cesses. Enabled in reader/writer mode the module internal
transmitter part is able to drive a reader/writer
7.2 NFC technical overview antenna designed to communicate with ISO 14443-A
/MIFARE or FeliCa cards and transponders without
7.2.1 ISO 14443 additional active circuitry.
The ISO 14443 is the international standard for 13.56
MHz identification cards. This standard was initially The receiver part provides a robust and efficient
designed for payment and ID cards and it was later implementation of a demodulation and decoding cir-
modified to include contactless cards. This standard cuitry for signals from ISO 14443-A compatible
is most commonly used for payment and ticketing cards and transponders. The digital part handles the
systems due to the higher security and faster commu- complete ISO 14443-A framing and error detection
2 Forrester Collection. RFID: The Complete Guide. 10 The Wal-Mart Factor. RFID Journal, 17 March
Spring 2005. http://www.forrester.com 2003. http://www.rfidjournal.com/article/
3 Philips Semiconductors. Near Field Communica-
tion PN511-Transmission module (Short Form 11 Sony Ericsson M2M wireless communications.
Specification Revision 2.0). February 2004. http://www.sonyericsson.com/images/spgc/
4 Philips Semiconductors. Near Field Communica-
tion PN531-mC based Transmission module 12 Nokia Field Force Solutions.
(Objective Short Form Specification Revision http://www.nokia.com/nokia/0,,55738,00.html
2.0). February 2004
13 Near Field Communication Forum Launches
5 Potential of the RFID technology for Telecom Four Technical Working Groups, 28 June 2005.
Operators. Eurescom Project Report, January http://www.nfc-forum.com
14 Item level RFID gathers pace. IDTechEx, 7 Feb
6 Guide to Smart Card Technology. Cyberspace 2005. http://www.idtechex.com/products/en/
Center, Hong Kong University of Science and articles/00000140.asp
Technology, November 1998.
15 NFC Technology. Philips, 31 Oct 2005.
7 Wal-Mart Expands RFID Market. RFID Journal, http://www.semiconductors.philips.com/markets/
18 Aug 2003. http://www.rfidjournal.com/ identification/products/nfc/technology/index.html
16 Giesecke & Devrient. (U)SIM card from G&D
8 Wal-Mart Draws Line in the Sand. RFID Journal, combines mobile and contactless technologies.
11 June 2003. http://www.rfidjournal.com/arti- 31 Oct 2005. http://www.gi-de.com/portal/page?_
cle/view/462/1/1/ pageid=44,94279&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL
Juan Carlos López Calvet is Research Manager in Telenor R&D. He studied Telematics at ITAM in Mexico
City with a specialization on Elliptic Curves Cryptography. During his work as researcher at Telenor R&D
he has filed a total of six patents in different areas ranging from security to e-commerce. He has won two
second places in Telenor’s business idea competition “Seed” and currently works on bringing emerging
mobile technologies to the market.
email: [email protected]
The increasing diversity and complexity of mobile phones call for an efficient Device Management
System. Unfortunately, although there are currently quite a lot of effort and activities around device
management, there is not yet a satisfactory one. This paper presents a vision of a future device
management system elaborated by Telenor Nordic Mobile. It starts with an overview of the standards
related to device management. Before describing the future Device Management System, the limita-
tions of current systems are presented. Last but not least, the architecture of a future Device
Do van Thanh is Management System is introduced and explained.
Senior Research
Scientist at
Telenor R&D
1 Introduction sented. Last but not least, the architecture of a future
Today’s mobile phones are far more advanced than Device Management System is introduced and ex-
only a few years ago. The services that are available plained.
are not just plain old telephony anymore but rather
complex and diverse. The user is faced with a broad
range of devices and settings, and as the mobile 2 Standards for device management
phone converges to become a mini PC, the user will There are many different protocols and technology
Anne Marte
Hjemås is surely be overwhelmed by options, application set- for device management that support different func-
Research tings, configurations, and services. He/she will be tionality, and there will probably always be more than
Scientist at reluctant to install new services when there were one protocol, but most standardization bodies and
Telenor R&D problems with the first one. More advanced and open vendors look at SyncML DM as the most promising
devices often mean more bugs, and an increasing risk protocol that all other protocols merge into. OMA’s
of attacks by malicious viruses. However, the user is SyncML DM supports all the functionality needed
not the only player having problems. The mobile within 3–5 years, and is flexible for change. SyncML
operator is also affected. Indeed, more problems also will be considered in more details in the following
mean more pressure on the mobile operator’s cus- sections.
tomer service. Due to the variety of devices and
Anders Bjurgård applications, the training of call centre agents could 2.1 SyncML
is Head of Busi- be a problem. On the other hand, the agents cannot “SyncML is a new industry initiative to develop and
ness Logic & expect the user to know what version of the operating promote a single, common data synchronization pro-
Terminals in system they have on their device. Some users may tocol that can be used industry-wide. Driving the ini-
Telenor Nordic
not even know what their device manufacturer or tiative are Ericsson, IBM, Lotus, Motorola, Nokia,
model is. Trying to figure this out before starting to Palm Inc., Psion and Starfish Software. The SyncML
solve the problem takes time and frustration. Many initiative is supported by several hundred leading
challenges are coming, and being able to guide the companies in the industry, and additional companies
users through them will be an enormous added value. are welcome to join the open initiative and partici-
pate.” [1]. SyncML joined the Open Mobile Alliance
The ideal solution to all the problems described (OMA) [2] in 2002 and the SyncML protocol became
Øystein Chr. above is to have a system that can perform remote hence an OMA standard.
Løken is Product and automatic configuration and management of the
Manager for
mobile phones with insignificant user’s effort and Figure 1 gives an overview of the SyncML Protocol
Device Manage-
ment in Telenor
minimal intervention from customer service. Such a Architecture. SyncML provides a common interface
Nordic system is called Device Management System in the for synchronization that supports several different
mobile communication jargon. Unfortunately, al- transport protocols and physical media. This will help
though there are currently quite a lot of effort and achieve the goal that any mobile device should be
activities around device management, there is not yet able to synchronize with any data repository. The
a satisfactory one. This paper presents a vision of SyncML Protocol does not dictate the internal repre-
a future device management system elaborated by sentation of data, but rather how to exchange data in
Telenor Nordic Mobile [13]. It starts with an over- an interoperable way. The protocol is designed to be
view of the standards related to device management. extensible, allowing developers the freedom to define
Before describing the future Device Management new data formats or protocol primitives.
System, the limitations of current systems are pre-
SyncML SyncML
SyncML is based on XML and provides an XML sentation Protocol. Uniquely addressable manage-
DTD allowing representation of the information ment objects are used to reflect the various aspects of
required for device management and data synchro- device settings and run-time environment. Device set-
nization. This provides the means to represent com- tings may be read or written using commands that
mands, data and also metadata. The Device Manage- operate on the management objects.
ment and Data Synchronization protocols describe
how to exchange messages conforming to the DTD. Figure 2 gives an overview of the two phases of the
SyncML DM Protocol – authentication and manage-
Being tailored for mobile devices with potentially ment. Authentication may be initiated by the user
low bandwidth, a binary encoding is defined. This himself, or possibly by some form of notification sent
encoding is based on work by the WAP Forum; from the server. The SyncML DM Protocol specifies
WBXML (WAP Binary XML). several notification methods. Either way, the authen-
SyncML DM promises to simplify device manage- Synchronization of data between two devices requires
ment by providing a common protocol across differ- that a change log be kept. This allows the server and
ent devices. Of course, settings for each device will client to figure out which changes to the data are
still be determined by its capabilities. Mobile phone most recent. SyncML DS does not pose any restric-
manufacturers can expose any type of device settings,
including runtime environment. This will provide the
capability to upgrade software or firmware and pro-
User inserts SIM Fresh
vide bug fixes. device
or gets the
SyncML DM v1.1.2 became an approved enabler personalised
release in January 2004. An approved enabler release
has passed the candidate status and has associated
interoperability test cases generated by OMA. User
An example from [6] provides a more hands-on feeling
of how the protocol appears (Figure 5 and Figure 6). Server is informed about device
address/phone number. Could User initiates
be through sales system, management session.
The protocol contains necessary authentication sup- consumer web site or the Or client does it
port, alerts, error codes, etc. For those interested, [6] network automatically Management session
is a recommended document. established
Server knows
2.3 SyncML DS address
The Data Synchronization Working Group continues
the work done by the SyncML Initiative regarding
Server sends out
Data Syncronization, DS. The SyncML Data Syn-
bootstrap information
chronization protocol specifies how the SyncML
Representation Protocol is to be used for synchro- bootstrapped Server initiates
nization of data. management session
<Format xmlns=”syncml:metinf”>b64</Format>
<Type xmlns=”syncml:metinf”>
<Size xmlns=’syncml:metinf’>37214</Size>
<Target><LocURI>./antivirus data</LocURI></Target>
<!–Base64-coded antivirus file -->
tions on how this change log is implemented, as long then send a reply to the client with its own set of
as the devices are able to specify which data items modified data. [7][8]
have changed. Figure 7 shows the basics of data syn-
chronization. The device, in this case a mobile phone, The advantage of SyncML DS is that it allows syn-
will send a record of all changes since the previous chronization of any data that the device manufacturer
synchronization took place. The server will then decides to expose, using a common framework. Also
check this record against its own data and decide the most important mobile phone manufacturers are
which data to keep, change or delete. The server will supporting and implementing this protocol.
Service provider
Mobile manufacturer
Run device
Bulk cofiguration
of devices
Customer service agent
of device
- Only one solution to support in the devices • Retailer: The retailer sells the devices to the end
- No need to call back devices with firm/software user. They can pre-configure the phone for the user
errors, can perform remote updates and perform repairs etc. Benefits:
- Easier configuration
• Customer Service Agent/Operator’s Customer Ser-
vice: A customer Service Agent talks to the device • Distributor: The distributor can have a deal with
users, provides information and helps them solve a Network Operator to pre-configure a volume of
their problems. Benefits are: devices. Benefits:
- Instant knowledge of device characteristics - Bulk configuration
- Quicker service
- Better tools to aid customer All the players need a user interface to the system.
The different players have different access. Some
players have access to similar functionality, but
access to a subset of information. We prioritize cus-
Receive service
Backup data
Device user
(from actions)e
Run diagnostics
change device
tomer angle, but the other players are involved in automatic the configuration is, should be based on the
many of the use cases. nature of the data. If it is configuration for basic ser-
vices like MMS, it should be automatic. For services
Figure 9 shows some use cases for the device user. that have personal configuration parameters, there
“Seamlessly change device” means that the data and may be a need for some kind of user interaction.
services follow the user, not the device.
Bulk configuration must also be enabled and is a use-
4.2 Features of the Device Management ful operation that can customize groups of devices,
System for example updating the electronic payment software
There are four features that we will probably see in package on the SIM card of all prepaid customers. An
most Device Management Systems and devices administrator of the Device Management system can
within three years. The features present in the Device manage branded services, menus and other UI cus-
Management System are: tomization remotely. If the service requires certain
software or firmware updates, we rely on the func-
• Remote Configuration tionality in the next section. By providing automatic
• Software and Firmware updates download of service menu for specific services to the
• Mobile Diagnostics phone, the usage and user experience of the services
• User Data Management will most likely increase. Users with advanced
• Personalisation WPABX solutions can then easily use functionality
like call transfer, add/remove themselves from hunt-
4.2.1 Remote Configuration ing groups etc. without having to remember cryptic
Remote Configuration includes provisioning of key key codes.
parameters to configure the handset and activate the
service remotely, setting initial configuration infor- 4.2.2 Software and firmware updates
mation in devices, and modifying or reading operator Device management can also perform software oper-
parameters. The interaction with the user can be fully ations, i.e. upgrading software packages or installing
automatic, with user input, or through a session. How new applications on the terminal to provide for new
Customer CPA
Call center
WAP Portal
External triggers
ParlayX /WebService
Terminal db WebService
Proprietary SyncML DM
HLR w/
Anne Marte Hjemås has been working as researcher in the Service Platform unit of Telenor R&D, Trondheim
since 2000. She holds an MSc degree in Technical Cybernetics from the Norwegian University of Science
and Technology (NTNU) and has worked with system architecture and development for eight years. She has
been involved in several commercial projects as well as research projects. Her current research interests are
system architecture, service platforms for telecoms, device management, IM and Presence.
email: [email protected]
Anders Bjurgård is Head of Business Logic and Terminals, and has been working in Telenor Mobile’s unit for
Product Development since 1997. He has been technical responsible for several product launches within the
Consumer and Corporate area for mobile products. From 1995 to 1997 he was Technical Project Manager
for Telenor/Digifone in Ireland with the responsibility for Service Platform and Core Network from bid to
launch of the GSM net. His main interest today is the evolution of mobile services into all-IP services.
email: [email protected]
Øystein Christian Løken has been working with terminals and device management related areas in Telenor
Mobile Nordic since 2001. He holds a Bachelor degree in Cybernetics from Buskerud University College,
Norway, a Bachelor degree in Microelectronic Engineering from Griffith University, Australia, and a Master
degree in Information Technology from Bond University, Australia. He has been involved in several commer-
cial projects in Telenor Nordic, such as the commercial launch of MMS and 3G, to more device management
projects, such as the Telenor Entry project. He is currently product manager for the Telenor Nordic DMS
platform and responsible for Telenor Nordic variant implementation.
email: [email protected]
Difficulties in using and accessing new services have been the most frequently mentioned reasons for
slow service acceptance in the past. For future mobile services to succeed, it is therefore critical that
users are able to get intuitive and convenient access to the services they personally need in a given
situation or context. We introduce the concept of Mobile Personality, which allows the mobile user to
develop her own online personality in terms of personal preference, usage and service profiles over
time, as well as the offered services to acquire a unique proactive behavior. This vision of adaptive
Matthias Wagner personalized services is essentially based on the advanced profiling and personalization concept,
is Project Man-
context-aware computing as well as flexible and evolvable service support middleware. Through a
ager at DoCoMo
Euro-Labs practical use case and a detailed explanation as well as an interrelation of the essential enablers,
this paper gives an insight into the foreseen transition from personal mobility to mobile personality.
own / acquire
own/acquire personality
Mobile User
• setting up the necessary transportation car at his destination. Having successfully booked a
• guidance to the meeting place flight Michael finally arrives at his travel destination.
• adaptation of services and user devices to changing He heads straight for the airport’s rental car center
environments. where he picks up his reserved car just by identifica-
tion and authorization via his mobile phone. His
Obviously, Michael’s trip will start with a flight from phone transparently and automatically initiates a dis-
Boston to Paris. A flight booking agent, e.g. initiated covery of available services. The in-car equipment
through an interactive Web portal and later monitored synchronizes with the phone and automatically
on a mobile terminal, might try to buy a plane ticket adjusts mirrors, seat and heating to Michael’s per-
in accordance with Michael’s personal preferences. In sonal preferences. In addition to his convenience-
this case, all available airline services need to be dis- driving settings, his phone discovers the car’s built-in
covered that allow performing the task of booking a navigation system. The address of the meeting is
flight. This could be done either manually through the immediately transferred and the appropriate maps are
travel portal or by the activated travel agent. In either loaded by the navigation system. Using a local traffic
case, a flexible and intuitive way to model and information service, the navigation system chooses a
express user preferences should be supported. In route and is able to predict the arrival time. Since the
Michael’s case, his user profile might contain hard in-car system signals that there is enough time before
constraints on the departure and arrival date and the the meeting starts, Michael decides to get some cash
class of the ticket, e.g. Business Class, together with in the local currency. He accesses an ATM locator
soft constraints on the preferred airline (“I prefer to service, which shows him the way to the ATM clos-
fly Air France to Delta Air Lines”), the type of flight est to his current location that is able to charge his
(“non-stop”) and the route (“as fast as possible”). credit card at the lowest costs. Once Michael has
Preferences associated with Michael are stored in his selected an ATM the navigation service has to adjust
personal profile which can either be stored on his pri- the route and collaborates with another service to find
mary personal device or distributed in the network [1]. a nearby parking space.
In the same way his air ticket is booked Michael’s Finally, Michael is guided to the meeting. Through
travel agent might also take care of reserving a rental his situation-aware communication environment, his
service request
Flight booking
Context space
default business
personal profile profile
service result
Service matchmaking
preference elaxation
Service description
Service ontologies
User preference
programs in MP3 encoding, the next discovery step 4.4 mobiXpl – a user interface for
consists of trying to match radio stations that broad- preference-based discovery
cast Japanese or American programs in MP3 or Euro- Parts of the Internet radio ontology are carefully
pean programs in Real. If neither of these two sec- exposed to the user through MobiXpl, the graphical
ond-best choices are available, any other program is frontend to our framework (cf. Figure 5). MobiXpl
matched. Further implementation and application emulates different mobile terminals and consists of a
aspects as well as selective ontology browsing and mobile ontology browser with support for individual
preference building and mapping are further explored user views as well as an intuitive interface to user
in [4][5]. preferences. The idea is to only display selected con-
cepts and sub-ontologies depending on the user’s
• early prototypes that leverage preference-based Referring to Figure 2, we show a more detailed
matchmaking in semantically rich service catalogs prospective of adaptive service interaction and the
for the mobile user. use of a context space for introspection and inter-
action by intelligent service agents: in the diagram,
In cases where the perfect match of the user’s prefer- Michael initiates the flight booking service using a
ences to the available services is not possible in the service request containing meta-data representing his
given context the next nearest match has to be pro- personal profile. Upon receiving the service request,
vided in a cooperative fashion. The outlined approach the flight booking service processes the service
assumes that user preferences are modeled in terms of request and promptly returns the service result and
hard and soft constraints. Hard constraints model user the profile update. In addition to sending the service
preferences that definitely need to be matched during result to Michael, the flight booking service annotates
service discovery and selection, whereas soft con- the context space by writing the updated profile to the
straints represent parts of a user profile or a user context space. Service agents with a similar interest
request that can be relaxed during the matchmaking in Michael, using the introspection capabilities of the
to the available services. Our profiling concepts com- context space, observe the annotation of the space
prise a notion of usage patterns to express preferences and use logic to determine if the updates in the profile
of user groups and typical service invocation patterns. can be used for personalization. Through agent social
For example, a general preference from the travel interaction, service agents such as a group of car
domain could be that “everyone prefers a short travel- rental agents reason that additional profile update
ing time” (i.e. a departure date with maximum prox- should be made available to Michael. The profile
imity to the arrival date is preferred). The iterative updates are annotated into the context space and the
adaptation of these patterns to evolving user needs flight booking service is notified for asynchronous
plays a key role in the concept of Mobile Personality. delivery to Michael.
As indicated in Figure 2, user preferences are passed
to the service provider for service matchmaking and
execution. If no match between the personal profile
and the default execution profile of the service is
22 Protégé Ontology Editor and Knowledge Acquisi- 28 Wagner, M, Liebig, T, Noppens, O, Balzer, S,
tion System. http://protege.stanford.edu/ Kellerer, W. mobiXPL – Semantic-based Service
Discovery on Tiny Mobile Devices. In: Proc. of
23 Radio Locator. http://www.radio-locator.com/. Workshop on Semantic Web Technology for
Mobile and Ubiquitous Applications (in conj.
24 Talano, A. Context Spaces Agent Architecture. with ISWC’04), Hiroshima, Japan, 2004.
In: Proceedings of the EURESCOM Summit, Hei-
delberg, 2002.
Matthias Wagner is the Project Manager of the Evolutionary Systems project at DoCoMo Euro-Labs. His
group is concerned with adaptive software as well as user guidance and contextual intelligence for the next
generation of mobile systems. In his research he mainly focuses on proactive services and personalisation
issues. Currently, he acts as a work package coordinator and a project management team member of the
IST integrated project MobiLife. He is also responsible for coordinating DoCoMo Euro-Lab’s activities in and
contributions to the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). Prior to joining DoCoMo, he worked for the depart-
ment of Artificial Intelligence at the University of Ulm and the department of Databases and Information
Systems at the University of Augsburg. Matthias Wagner has numerous scientific publications in inter-
national journals, conferences and workshops. He holds a Master degree and a Ph.D. degree in Computer
email: [email protected]
Marko Luther is a Researcher in the Evolutionary Systems project at DoCoMo Euro-Labs where he is focus-
ing on context-aware computing and ubiquitous services. Methods researched and applied include formal
ontologies, qualitative reasoning and distributed semantic computing. Marko Luther has an extensive
background in Artificial Intelligence and Formal Methods. Prior to joining DoCoMo, he worked for the
department of Artificial Intelligence at the University of Ulm and has numerous scientific publications
in international journals, conferences and workshops. He holds a Master degree and a Ph.D. degree in
Computer Science.
email: [email protected]
Robert Hirschfeld is a senior researcher with DoCoMo Euro-Labs, the European research facility of NTT
DoCoMo Japan. There he works on infrastructure components for next generation mobile communication
systems with focus on dynamic service adaptation and context-oriented programming. Prior to joining
DoCoMo, he was a principal engineer at Windward Solutions in Sunnyvale, California. Robert Hirschfeld
received a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the Technical University of Ilmenau, Germany.
email: [email protected]
email: [email protected]
Anthony Tarlano is member of the Object Management Group (OMG) Agent Special Interest Group (Agent-
SIG) focused on the specification of Software Agent Technologies and has recently held positions as co-
chairman of the Agent SIG and as a member of the OMG Architecture Board. His current research activities
at DoCoMo Euro-Labs are focused toward the realization of Context Aware Computing Services for 4th
Generation Wireless Systems using Technologies such as, Peer-to-Peer Protocols, Middleware Object
Systems, Multi-Agent Systems and Dynamic Transformation Processing Systems. His formal educational
background includes studies in Computer Science and Data Communications Engineering at the University
of Mississippi, School of Engineering and Research Center for Telecommunication. In addition to his educa-
tional experience, Mr. Tarlano has contributed to variety of technically cutting-edge projects as a member
of the research and development technical staff at Harris Corporation, Litton-FiberCom, and Bell Labs in
Murray Hill, New Jersey
email: [email protected]
In this paper we introduce a novel mobile device concept, which considers all the autonomous devices
on the user ‘s Personal Area Network (PAN) as one big “Virtual Device” having multiple input and
output units and providing a coherent and surround interface to the user. Such a concept is quite
valuable to the user since it allows him to manage all his devices as one. The paper also proposes and
describes a PAN middleware that enables the formation of a Virtual Device on the PAN and that is
capable of handling the dynamical presence of devices and the diversity of device types. In order to
Do van Thanh identify the necessary capabilities and functions of such middleware, two PAN configurations, namely
is Senior
Isolated PAN with multiple Open devices and Networked PAN without Open devices are considered
Scientist at thoroughly.
Telenor R&D
Figure 2 A virtual terminal comprising several communication devices With the Virtual Device concept, all the different
communications devices, computing devices and
other electronic and peripheral devices will be con-
2.1 Device unification and coordination sidered as one big terminal with multiple input and
The most powerful feature of the Virtual Device is output capabilities. The user terminal will no longer
the ability to combine mobile and stationary devices. be an integrated and recognisable device but a set of
Since many communication devices, e.g. mobile and distributed devices that allow access to certain ser-
fixed phones, may have a limited user interface, the vices, e.g. multimedia communication services,
combination of these devices with various other various computing services, etc.
devices with different capabilities into a “Virtual Ter-
minal” as illustrated in Figure 2, may result in much 2.2 Uniform device management
better user interfaces and hence enhance the offered When the user is confronted with several different
services. devices, the management of all the different devices
might be complex and time consuming, and it can be
During a service session, a user may want to use one difficult for a non-technical user to master it all (see
or more elementary devices with just input and output Figure 3). For example, there will be several terminal
functionality in addition to his communication profiles and several user profiles the user has to relate
device. Examples of such elementary devices can be to. From the user’s point of view, it would certainly
a big screen display, loudspeakers, a microphone etc. be desirable to have one unique user profile specify-
In other cases the user may want to reroute the voice ing for example his home, office and travelling envi-
or data streams coming in to his mobile phone to ronments.
other, more convenient devices such as a fixed phone,
a PC etc. Another task for the Virtual Device might The Virtual Device will allow the user to define, add
be to send the contents of a file from the mailbox to and remove the devices that are included in the Vir-
a nearby printer to provide a hardcopy of incoming tual Device at any time. The user’s many terminal
text, pictures etc. profiles and user profiles on different devices will
be replaced by a unique user profile defined once and
for all in the Virtual Device. Whenever this profile is
set up or updated, it will automatically be accessible
from all other devices contained in the Virtual
Device. In this way, the user can set up and modify
his personal preferences for all his devices at one
place. For example, the user might have different
profiles for different environments – at home, in the
office, travelling, out of reach, etc. In each of these
profiles, he may configure the composition of the
Virtual Device according to what devices are avail-
able in the different environments. He may also spec-
ify which of the profiles should be active at any given
time in different ways, e.g. according to a timetable
or a location table or he can specify directly by manu-
ally informing the Virtual Device and thus override
Figure 3 Handling several devices might be difficult any existing time- or location table previously in
for a non-technical user effect.
Wireless network
• access transparency
• location transparency
CPU Input unit CPU Input unit • relocation transparency
Data & • migration transparency
bus • persistence transparency
Memory Output unit • failure transparency
Memory Output unit • replication transparency
Data & • transaction transparency.
To realize the Distributed Computing paradigm a
Figure 6 Wireless Distributed computing software layer, or more precisely, a middleware is
6 The Virtual Device middleware • Open device: Device allowing the installation and
Although sharing some similarities with the tradi- execution of PAN middleware and other applica-
tional Distributed Computing the Wireless Dis- tions, e.g. PDA, laptop, workstation, etc.
tributed Computing also has major differences and to
realize the Virtual Device requires yet another type of • Closed device: Device that can operate stand-alone
middleware (Figure 7). The main difference is that all but is like a black box; i.e. its internal structure and
the transparencies except Access Transparency are functions are totally hidden and communicates with
undesirable. Indeed, one of the goals of the Virtual the environment through only well defined inter-
Device is to be in control of the location of the appli- faces. For instance, a digital camera is an advanced
cations and to do relocation, migration, duplication, device having processor, memory, input and output
etc. The other differences are the heterogeneity and units but does not allow the installation and execu-
dynamics of the devices on the PAN. In the tradi- tion of foreign applications. It communicates with
tional Distributed Computing, the computing nodes the rest of the world via interfaces like serial, paral-
are supposed to be stable and equal or at least having lel, USB, etc.
the minimum of capabilities e.g. processing, storage,
communication, etc. In order to identify and define the capabilities and
functions in the PAN Virtual Device Middleware
Indeed, on the PAN there is a variety of devices such (PVDM) let us consider two PAN configurations:
• Isolated PAN with multiple open device
• Communications devices (fixed, mobile & IP • Networked PAN without open device.
• Computing devices (computer, PC, laptop, PDA, 6.1 Isolated PAN with multiple open
etc.) devices
• Peripheral devices (printer, scanner, digital camera, In this PAN configuration, there are multiple Open
camcorder, etc.) devices, multiple Closed devices and multiple Primi-
• Electronic devices (TV, stereo equipment, loud- tive devices on the PAN. Figure 8 shows a PAN with
speakers, etc.) two Primitive devices: microphone and earphone, two
• Electronic appliances (fridge, espresso machine,
washing machine, etc.)
• On-body or Off-body
• Mobile or stationary P: Micro P: Earphone
• With or without network connections
• With or without local wireless connections. PAN PAN
middleware middleware
It will be necessary with a careful and unambiguous
O: Laptop O: PDA
definition of device types but for the time being it is
sufficient to consider the device types at a coarse
C: Mobilephone C: Camcorder
level as follows:
• Primitive device: Simple device that cannot operate
alone but is slave to other devices, e.g. earphone, O: PC
microphone, display, etc.
Figure 8 A PAN with multiple Open devices
This article introduces the most common IP-based naming services and service discovery mechanisms.
The reader is made familiar with the most common naming services used on the Internet and how
names can be resolved in mobile wireless ad hoc networks. Further, the reader is introduced to service
discovery mechanisms for an ad hoc network where traditional service discovery mechanisms might
be deficient, and where service discovery is particularly important since the availability of services is
dependent on the network dynamics.
Paal E. Engelstad
is Research
Scientist in
Telenor R&D 1 Name resolution To give some examples, the Domain Name System
As human beings, we prefer to remember the name of (DNS) [1][2] maps the host name of the University of
a computer. Computers, on the other hand, prefer to Oslo’s public web server, which is www.uio.no, to
address each other by numbers, which on the Internet the IP address Another example
is 32 bits or 128 bits long, depending on whether can be a VoIP system that maps a SIP identifier to an
IPv4 or IPv6 is used. This is one reason why we need E.164 number, e.g. URI sip:dave@my_tele-
a naming service that can handle mapping between com.com:5060 is translated to +47 904 30 495.
computer names, which we humans find convenient
Geir Egeland to remember, and between network addresses (i.e. The association between a name and the lower layer
is Research numbers), which computers deal with. Another rea- identifier of a network entity is called a binding.
Scientist in son is that according to the Internet model, an IP Some naming services, such as DNS, also have the
Telenor R&D address does not identify a host, such as a web-server, possibility to do reverse mapping, e.g. to map an IP
but a network interface. Although the host makes address to a corresponding higher layer name, and to
changes to its network interface or network attache- do mapping from one higher layer name to another.
ment, it is convenient for the users and applications Some naming services, such as DNS, also have the
that the name of the host remains unchanged. As such, possibility to do reverse mapping, e.g. to map an IP
keeping different identifiers at different layers helps address to a corresponding higher layer name, and to
keep the protocol layers more independent and also do mapping from one higher layer name to another.
reduces problems associated with layering violations.
In the following section, we will describe a generic
In a middleware perspective, naming services is also model for naming services, which will serve as a ref-
a question of keeping higher layer names of entities erence model for the remaining part of this article.
independent of their lower layer identfiers and their
actual locations. Here, the naming service is not only 1.1.1 A generic model
a way of helping the users of applications; it is just as The process of looking up a name in a computer net-
much a help for the software developer. work consists normally of the following steps: First,
the binding between higher layer names and lower
In this section, the reader is made familiar with the layer addresses must be registered in the network.
most common naming services used on the Internet This procedure can be referred to as registration. The
and how names can be resolved in mobile wireless registration is normally done only once, and the bind-
ad hoc networks. ing is provided through some administrator authority.
The bindings are normally registered with a server
1.1 An architecture for naming services that holds a binding cache. An example of such an
A fundamental facility in any computer network is entity is a DNS server. With a strict authentication
the naming service, which is the means by which regime, the registration can be done automatically,
names are associated with network addresses, and as illustrated in message 1 of Figure 1-1.
network addresses are found based on their names.
For example, when you use an electronic mail sys- Second, the network entities that desire to resolve a
tem, you must provide the name of the recipient to name must be informed of the corresponding binding
whom you want to send mail. If you want to access that is registered in the network. This procedure can
a web site you must provide its URL, which again is be referred to as name resolution. There are two dif-
translated into the network address of the computer ferent principle approaches to name resolution,
hosting the web site. namely push and pull:
Cache Coordinator
3 Entity (CCE) Naming Authority
1 NA
Network address for
Figure 1-1 A Cache Coordinator Entity (e.g. the enterprise DNS server) is updated with a new binding for its
Named Entity (e.g. a public web server)
• Push approach: The bindings are proactively In the DNS naming system, requests are issued by the
broadcast to all network entities that might need to resolver in the computer’s operating system. The ini-
use the bindings for name resolution some time in tiative to activate the resolver can come from an end
the future. user typing a web address in a browser, or from an
application needing to access a binding. The request
• Pull approach: A network entity that desires to will end up at the entity caching the binding for the
resolve a name to a network entity issues a request name requested, and the binding containing the
on demand at the time the binding is needed. resolved identifiers will be returned to the resolver.
This is illustrated by messages 2 and 3 in Figure 1-1.
Due to scalability issues the pull model has been cho-
sen for the Internet, and this model will be our focus Named Entity (NE)
in the following sections. The Named Entity (NE) is the network entity (e.g.
host or computer) identified by a name. For commu-
The generic model involves four networking entities nication, it uses the network interfaces referred to by
for the registration and name resolution procedures. the lower layer identifiers of a binding.
User Entity (UE) There exist solutions that enable an NE to update its
The role of the User Entity (UE) is to resolve the own binding directly with a Caching Coordinator
mapping between a name and the lower layer identi- Entity (described below). This requires that the
fiers of an NE by retrieving a binding from the nam- Caching Coordinator Entity can authenticate the NE.
ing service. The UE may be software components or With no authentication, it would be possible for
actual end-users that want to look up a specific name. someone to insert false information into the caching
In most cases the UE will offer a low level function- entity, and in the worst case impersonate another net-
ality directed towards system components. work entity by hijacking its binding. The NE must
also be authorized to automatic updates to its binding, The DNS resolver acts as the UE described above,
and the node thus also has the role of an NA. while the DNS servers act as CCEs. The registration
is normally a manual process and the Named Entities
Caching Coordinator Entity (CCE) normally do not take part in the name resolution pro-
The primary task of the Caching Coordinator Entity cess (unless they use DNS Secure Dynamic Updates
(CCE) is to act as a cache for name bindings. The [5]).
CCEs are important for the efficiency of the naming
service in the presence of a large number of UEs and 1.2 Resolving Names without the use of
NEs. Normally the NE knows the location of the DNS servers
CCE it is supposed to register its bindings with. The In some situations it is not feasible to make use of the
UE, which somehow has to retrive this information, DNS system to resolve name bindings, and in some
does not normally know the location of the CCE cases the DNS system might not even be available.
where the binding is located. For the DNS system, the For example, consider a spontaneous setting where
location of the local CCE, i.e. the local DNS server, people in some airport lounge want to make use of
is normally provided dynamically to the UE, by for their laptop’s WLAN feature and connect to each
example mechanisms such as DHCP. Here, the UE other to exchange music or other information they
normally uses the local CCE to be able to locate and may find interesting (Figure 1-3). Without any DNS
retreive a binding stored at another CCE on the Inter- service, they will have to identify themselves using
net. the network address, which for human beings is not
very attractive.
1.1.2 The Domain Name System
The DNS’ distributed database is indexed by domain If it was somehow possible to define a separate name
names. Each domain is basically just a path in an space in addition to the DNS system, and if some
inverted tree, called the domain name space. Figure mechanism could advertise and resolve these names
1-2 illustrates the structure of the domain name space. in such a spontaneous setting, users could search and
identify names in a more human-friendly way. Multi-
The practical operation of the DNS system consists of cast DNS [6] and Link Local Multicast Name Resolu-
three modules:
LLMNR differs from mDNS in many ways. First, Due to the dynamic networking topology and the fact
LLMNR is an IETF standards track specification, that nodes might enter and leave the network fre-
while mDNS, which is used in Apple Rendezvous, quently, it is often also assumed that an ad hoc net-
is not. LLMNR is designed for use only on the local work is without any pre-existing infrastructure and
link, while mDNS also offers site-wide usage. Fur- that it is difficult to maintain an infrastructure in such
thermore, mDNS sends multicast responses as well as a dynamic environment.
multicast queries.
Due to the lack of pre-existing infrastructure, it is
1.3 Name resolution in ad hoc networks anticipated that direct peer-to-peer communication
Mobile ad hoc networking started out from military between nodes will be popular on ad hoc networks.
research on Packet Radio Networks. In the late 1990s, This means that any node may in principle operate as
however, the issue was included as a working group a server (e.g. Web server or SIP-server) and be con-
item of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). tacted directly by other MANET nodes. Any node
The goal of the IETF was “to develop a peer-to-peer may also operate as a client and contact other servers
mobile routing capability in a purely mobile, wireless available in the network.
domain. This capability will exist beyond the fixed net-
work (as supported by traditional IP networking) and A Mobile Ad hoc Network that is equipped with IP-
beyond the one-hop fringe of the fixed network.” [8]. based routing is normally referred to as a “MANET”.
There are two principal different approaches to rout-
1.3.1 Characteristics of ad hoc networks ing in MANETs, namely reactive and proactive rout-
A mobile ad hoc network consists of mobile routers ing. These two approaches will be detailed below,
– often simply referred to as “nodes”. They are free however, with most emphasize on reactive routing.
to move about arbitrarily and wireless technology is
used for direct communication between the nodes. 1.3.2 Reactive and proactive routing protocols
Due to the dynamic nature of the wireless media and The routing protocols in mobile ad hoc networks can
the arbitrary mobility of the nodes, the network forms be divided into two different approaches:
a random, multi-hop graph that changes with time.
The network is an autonomous system that may oper- • Reactive
ate in isolation, or it may optionally have gateways • Proactive
A number of reactive routing protocols have been pro- ward pointers to the destination in the route tables.
posed over the years. The most widely studied and pop- The Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) protocol, on the
ular proposals include the Ad-hoc On-demand Distance other hand, does not rely on routing state in the net-
Vector (AODV [9]) routing protocol and the Dynamic work. Instead, DSR uses source routing. The RREQ
Source Routing (DSR [10]) routing protocol. collects the IP addresses of all the nodes that it has
passed on the way to the destination. The destination
Reactive protocols allow source nodes to discover subsequently sends by source-routing a Route Reply
routes to an IP address on demand. Most proposals, back to the source of the request, providing it with the
including AODV and DSR, work as follows: When source route to the destination.
a source router requires a route to a destination IP
address for which it does not already have a route, it 1.3.3 The importance of name resolution in
issues a route request (RREQ) packet. The packet is MANETs
broadcast by controlled flooding throughout the net- Name resolution is an important feature in an ad hoc
work, and sets up a return route to the source (Figure network, since addresses may change relatively fre-
1-4). quently due to the network dynamics, e.g. when
nodes enter and leave the network. Furthermore, it is
If a router receiving the RREQ is either the destination often impossible to use the address as a well-known
or has a valid route to the destination IP address, it uni- identifier, since IP addresses for nodes on the MANET
casts a Route Reply (RREP) back to the source along will normally be auto-configured at random, and
the reverse route. The RREP normally sets up a for- nodes may also need to change addresses due to
ward route from source to destination. Thus, the pair of addressing conflicts. Devices and resources should
RREQ and RREP messages set up a bi-directional uni- instead be identified by stable and unique higher
cast route between source and destination. Once the layer names (e.g. Fully Qualified Domain Names).
source router receives the RREP, it may begin to for-
ward data packets to the destination. (The acronyms If a MANET is connected to the Internet, a MANET
RREQ and RREP are borrowed from AODV.) node may use the existing mechanism for name resolu-
tion on the Internet, namely DNS, to look up the IP
Most protocols let routes that are inactive eventually address of another MANET node. However, in most
time out. If a link becomes unavailable while the scenarios the MANET will not always be permanently
route is active, the routing protocol normally imple- connected to a fixed infrastructure, and the DNS
ments an algorithm to repair the route. Often the infrastructure on the Internet might be unavailable.
router upstream to the link breakage would send an Relying entirely on the DNS on the Internet would not
error message upstream towards the source. be a robust solution to name resolution in the MANET.
AODV is a protocol that stores state information in One option would be to introduce a DNS infrastruc-
the network. Routers that receive RREQs set up the ture into the MANET. However, DNS is designed
return routes in the route tables as backwards pointers with a fixed network in mind, and has a relatively
to the source router, while RREPs that are propagated static, centralized and hierarchical architecture that
back to the source along the reverse route leave for- does not fit well to MANETs.
1 isc. 1
1 ed
m ply
Name disc. req. Name disc. c. re
1 req. 22 e dis
st m
ue 2
2 1 Na
c. req 1 Name disc. reply
Name d
isc. reply
e dis ly
N am c . re
22 e dis
1 1
Figure 1-5 The Distributed architecture with User Entities (UE) and Named Entities (NE)
1 c em
un 1
1 no
CCE announcement CCE ann E an er
ouncem CC ist
ent 22 eg
en 2 1
3 Na
c Name re
un 3 Name disc. req. gister
E an eq
OC 1 i s c. r
2 ed
1 1
Figure 1-6 The Coordinator based architecture with User Entities (UE), Caching Coordinator Entities (CCEs)
and Named Entities (NE)
roundings or if the affiliated CCE returned a negative work efficiently with reactive routing. The process of
NREP, the UE will simply fall back to the Distrib- contacting a node on the MANET would require two
uted architecture (Figure 1-5). Both CCEs and or three broadcasts, as illustrated in the left side of
Named Entities may respond to a flooded NREQ with Figure 1-7. Two broadcasts are necessary for the
a positive NREP that matches the requested service. initial name resolution, because the User Entity first
has to flood a name resolution request. The reply
Intermediate node caching returned by a node that can resolve the name also
An additional alternative – or a supplement – to the requires flooding, since the node does not have a
three architectures is to use intermediate node caching. route to the node that issued the request. Finally, the
The name resolution may for example follow the User Entity will have to flood a regular RREQ to find
distributed architecture, but intermediate nodes are a route to the resolved IP address.
allowed to cache bindings found in NREPs that they
are forwarding. Later, when receiving an NREP for a Alternatively, if the node resolving the name to an IP
cached binding, the intermediate node resolves the address is the Named Entity of the name (and not a
name on behalf of the NE according to the cached node that has cached the name binding), the specifica-
binding. The bindings should contain a lifetime value tion might mandate that the reply be returned by uni-
that controls for how long a binding should be kept cast to the User Entity. Then, before replying, the node
valid in a cache. must first flood an RREQ to discover and set up a uni-
cast route to the User Entity and send the name resolu-
1.3.5 Emerging principles for name resolution tion reply by unicast along this route. It would then be
in reactive ad hoc networks possible to reduce the number of flooded broadcasts
Many ad hoc routing protocols are designed to con- from three to two, because the User Entity already
serve the scarce networking resources by reducing has a route to the resolved IP address as a result of
the need for and the negative impact of system-wide the name resolution process when it contacts the
flooded broadcasts. Flooded broadcasts not only Named Entity. Further details are provided in [11][12].
exhaust the available bandwidth on the network and
reduce the scalability in terms of number of nodes It is however possible to reduce the number of
accommodated on the network. Broadcasts also flooded broadcasts to one, as illustrated in the right
consume battery power of all networked devices. side of Figure 1-7. The solution is to use routing mes-
sages as carriers for name resolution. First the User
Reactive routing protocols, such as AODV, are Entity floods the name resolution request (NREQ).
designed to reduce to the furthest extent the need for By piggybacking the NREQ on a route request
system-wide flooded broadcasts associated with route (RREQ) packet, a “return route” to the User Entity
discovery. Although route discovery is efficient in would be formed as part of this flooding. By also pig-
terms of reducing the number of flooded broadcasts gybacking a name resolution reply (NREP) on a route
from two to one, name resolution that is not opti- request (RREQ) packet, the NREP is sent by unicast
mised with respect to the route discovery would not along the “return route” to the User Entity. The
Step 1 Step 1
Named Entity (NE)
Entity (NE)
Entity (UE)
Entity (UE)
Step 2 Step 2
Entity (NE) Named
Entity (NE)
User User
Entity (UE) Entity (UE)
Step 3 Step 3
Figure 1-7 Name resolution without optimization (left) and with optimization (right)
RREP also ensures that a “forward route” is formed Needless to say, this broadcast issue is a smaller
as part of this transmission. When the User Entity problem in proactive ad hoc networks, since all uni-
finally contacts the service at the IP address of the cast communication (including the NREP) can be
resolved name, the service request is unicast along sent along unicast routes established beforehand by
the forward route that was put in place by the RREP. the routing protocol. However, the broadcasting of
In summary, only one flooded broadcast is required the NREQ might benefit from reusing the efficient
in total. The idea of using routing messages as carri- flooding capabilities (e.g. using Multi-point relays)
ers has been proposed for name resolution in [11]. In that are built-in features of many proactive protocols,
fact, the same mechanism can also be used for service including the Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR)
resolution, as we will see in the next part on service protocol [13].
discovery below.
Name Resolution Requests and Replies The NREP is carried as an extension to an RREP
The proposed scheme uses the distributed architec- message (Figure 1-8). The User Entity sending of the
ture presented above, with no intermediate node NREP will normally include its own IP address as
caching. No Caching Coordinators are allowed, and destination IP address in the RREP message to ensure
instead, only User Entities and Naming Entities are that a forward route is formed.
present on the MANET. When an NREQ is broadcast
by flooding throughout the MANET, each node with By carrying the response in an RREP message,
a Named Entity processes the request. By carrying a responder that is identified by the name that is
the NREQ as an extension to an RREQ (Figure 1-8), searched for, can supply the User Entity with the
the number of broadcasts required for name resolu- resolved IP address in addition to a unicast route to
tion is reduced as explained earlier in this article. that IP address. Hence, the User Entity does not have
Hence, a return unicast route to the User Entity of the to issue an additional broadcast to discover a route to
request is already in place for a node that wants to the resolved address when it subsequently tries to
respond to the NREQ. contact that address.
The destination IP address contained in the RREQ, Interaction with External Networks
indicating the address to which a route is searched MANETs might be connected to external networks
for, is set to a pre-defined value. This can be a zero through Internet Gateways (IGWs). An IGW is a
address, a broadcast address or a pre-assigned multi- MANET router that also is a host or a router on an
cast address to which no node can cache a route. external network (with Internet connectivity). The
Hence, intermediate nodes without a valid address IGW may have access to a conventional DNS server
mapping for the requested name will not respond to over the external network and it may also provide
the RREQ part of the message. other MANET nodes with access to the external net-
1 2
NS DNS resolv DNS system
4 3
Internet Gateway Internet
Figure 1-9 An Internet Gateway (IGW) which receives a Name Resolution Request (NREQ) on the MANET (1)
may try to resolve the requested name using the Domain Name System on the Internet (2). A successful
response (3) may be injected as a Name Resolution Reply (NREP)
a) Active DA discovery
DA Advertisement
Service Agent (SA)
Directory Agent (DA)
b) Passive DA discovery
Figure 2-2 A Service Agent announces its services, and announcements can be cached in both the DA and
the UA (a). If the UA is searching for a service it has not heard being announced, it can broadcast a service
request or contact a DA directly. The DA will respond with information about where the service can be located
(b). The UA can access a service it has learnt about via a DA, or from the SA directly (c)
2.2.1 Current practice for service discovery As can be seen, the procedure for discovering ser-
When an application on computer A wants to connect vices on the Internet is cumbersome and not very
to an application on computer B, computer A requires efficient. Other alternatives will be outlined in the
the network address of computer B and the port num- following.
ber of the service. The network address is necessary
to route A’s request to B. Since B may offer a multi- 2.2.2 Service Location Protocol
tude of services, a port number is used to distinguish The Service Location Protocol (SLP) is an emerging
between the different services offered at the same Internet standard provided by IETF for automatic
network address. Existing practice in IP networks is service discovery on the Internet [16]. SLP provides
to go through a three-step process to obtain the net- a framework to allow networking applications to dis-
work address and the port number of the services. cover the existence, location, and configuration of
The three steps consist of: networked services in enterprise networks. Tradition-
ally, in order to locate services on the network, users
1 Mapping the service name to the name of the com- of network applications have been required to supply
puter offering the service; the host name or network address of the machine that
provides a desired service. Ensuring that users and
2 Mapping the port number of the service to a service applications are supplied with the correct information
name; has, in many cases, become an administrative night-
3 Resolving the computer name to a network address
using DNS or a local name service. SLP was inspired by the AppleTalk ® protocol [15],
which was a mechanism created by Apple and which
There is no widely used mechanism to undertake the proved to be a huge success much due to the simplic-
first step of this process in today’s IP network. A ity and benefits of the solution. The only drawback
common method of advertising services is to map the was that it did not scale very well.
network address of the computer offering services
and the service name with the DNS service. Exam- The main focus of SLP is to be a mechanism that acts
ples of such services can be a public web server as an enabler for Plug and Play functionality in IP
which is given the name www, or a public file trans- networks with automatic and dynamic bindings
fer server which is given the name ftp. between services and service users.
The SLP protocol suffers from the lack of implemen- 2.2.4 XML Web Services / UDDI
tation support, since companies such as Apple and An XML Web Service is a service that accommo-
Microsoft, each on their own push a different service dates direct interaction using XML-based messaging
discovery technology. Generally, standardisation is (such as SOAP [18]) over Internet-based protocols,
a good thing, but not very useful if no one provides such as HTTP. The interfaces and bindings of the
implementation support for the standards. The Ser- Web Service are defined, described and discovered
vice Location Protocol has proved to be useful, espe- by XML [19].
cially for UNIX® variants, and an open source pro-
ject exists (an implementation of SLP can be down- In addition to being able to describe and invoke a
loaded from www.openslp.org) to support service dis- Web Service, publication of and discovery of Web
covery on operating systems such as Linux and BSD. services should also be accommodated. The Univer-
sal Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI)
2.2.3 DNS Service Resource Records specification [20] is commonly accepted to be the
An alternative to building up a new SLP infrastruc- standard mechanism to handle this. UDDI registries
ture on the Internet is to reuse the existing DNS provide a publishing interface to allow for creation
infrastructure and allow for service discovery as an and deletion of entries in the registry and an inquiring
extension to DNS. Extensions to DNS are enabled interface to search for entries in the registry by differ-
through the use of DNS Resource Records (DNS ent search criteria. The interfaces are invoked by
RRs). The most common resource record for service SOAP messages, and as such UDDI itself can be
location is the DNS SRV resource record [17]. thought of as an XML Web Service.
DNS SRV was originally designed to locate services Each entry in the UDDI registry contains three parts:
on the global Internet. As an example, let us assume
that company_A has implemented the use of SRV • The white pages contain business information;
in its DNS server. Entries for the protocols http and
smtp would look like this in the zone file for com- • The yellow pages contain the service a business
pany_A: provides;
1 SA
1 c. re 1
1 dis
ce ply
Service disc. req. rvi . re
Service dis
c. req. Se dis
1 22 e
est 2 1 rvi
1 2 Se
c. Service
dis Service disc. reply d isc. reply
e ly
r vic . re
Se c
22 e dis
1 1
1 e me
nc 1
1 ou
nn er
SC announcement SC anno
a ist
unceme eg
1 SC nt 22
c er
t 2 1 rvi
m 3 Se
un 3 Service disc. req. Service
no re gister
an eq
SC 1 c. r
2 e. dis
1 1
to discover services according to the Service-Coordi- 3 A forward route is established along with the SREP
nator-based architecture, but falls back to the Dis- so that no additional route discovery is necessary
tributed approach if the selected SC does not have for further communication with the node issuing
the desired binding, or if no SC can be found. the reply.
2.4.3 Emerging principles for service discovery Figure 2-6 shows how service discovery can be
on reactively routed MANETs streamlined with the reactive routing protocol. Ser-
The emerging principles for name resolution in reac- vice Discovery Requests (SREQs) are piggybacked
tive MANETs, in which resolution requests and on Routing Request (RREQ) packets, and Service
replies are carried by routing messages (outlined in Discovery Replies (SREPs) are piggybacked on
the previous chapter), are also useful for service dis- Routing Reply (RREP) packets. In addition, for the
covery. In the context of service discovery, Service Hybrid architecture, the SC Announcements are pig-
Discovery Requests (SREQs) and Service Discovery gybacked on RREQ packets, and Service Registra-
Replies (SREPs) are piggybacked on RREQ and tions are piggybacked on RREP packets. Thus, both
RREP packets, respectively. This is illustrated in the SC-based, Hybrid and Distributed architectures
Figure 2-6. can take advantage of this.
The advantages of piggybacking service discovery on 2.4.4 Proposed solution for service discovery in
routing messages are: reactive ad hoc networks
A solution for service discovery in reactive ad hoc
1 Reverse routes to the User Agent (i.e. client) are networks is proposed in [27]. It basically uses the
established along with the SREQ so that no addi- same mechanism as was presented for name resolu-
tional route discovery is necessary to relay the tion in the previous chapter. It is based on the dis-
SREP back to the requestor. tributed architecture without the use of any Service
Coordinators, but here the intermediate nodes are
2 Forward routes to the SC are established along with allowed to cache service bindings and respond imme-
the SC Announcements so that SREQs and Service diately if a valid binding is found. It also uses the
Registrations can be unicast to the SC. same technique to carry the discovery messages by
the routing packets to allow both services and the
routes to the nodes providing these services to be dis-
covered in one round-trip.
Service Discovery Request (SREQ) = IP RREQ Service description
Service Discovery Reply (SREP) = IP RREP Service description and binding In [27] a service binding is defined as a mapping of
Service Coordinator announcement = IP RREQ Service coordinator information a service name to an IP address. Different encoding
Service Registration = IP RREP Service description and binding schemes, such as Service Port Request or Service
URL, can be used to request a binding for an IP
Figure 2-6 Routing packets carry Service discovery messages address. An SREQ for a Service URL contains a ser-
Figure 2-7 The introduction of SCs improves the service availability By comparing Figure 2-7 and Figure 2-8 we observe
that the additional cost of using SC in terms of per-
centage increase in message overhead is much higher
than the additional benefits provided in terms of per-
in between the UA and SA. We may return to Figure centage increase in Service Availablity.
2-5 for an example of such a situation. Here the UA
and SA are four hops apart, but both are only two A more rigorous analysis that compares the two
hops away from the SC. The SC announcement and architectures are undertaken in [28]. It takes into con-
flooding scopes are both of two hops. Hence, the SA sideration a large range of control parameters, such
is able to register its services with the SC, and the as server density, SC density, flooding scopes, SC
UA is able to discover the server by means of the SC. announcement scopes, reasonable request frequen-
However, since the UA is four hops away from the cies, number of different types of services, level of
SA, the UA would not be able to discover the SA if mobility, and so forth. It is also argued that the con-
the Distributed architecture with a flooding scope of clusion is valid independent of the lengths of the ser-
two hops had been used. vice discovery messages.
From Figure 2-7 we observe that with SC announce- In [28] it is generally observed that for any Hybrid
ment scopes of one or two hops, the service availabil- configuration with a given SC announcement scope
ity is improved by 8.7 % or 20.9 %, respectively, at a and flooding scope, it is always possible to find a dis-
tributed configuration (with some flooding scope)
that outperforms the Hybrid configuration in terms of
both higher service availability and lower messaging
Message overhead (packets)
RREQ/RREP overhead. As the opposite is not the case, it is con-
Service register cluded that the Distributed architecture outperforms
2500 SC announcement the Hybrid architecture. Hence, service discovery
SREQ (to SC)
protocols that use Service Coordinators (or function-
Broadcast SREQ
ality similar to Directory Agents) do not work well
in ad hoc networks with reactive routing. The main
reason is that the increase in service availability by
adding Service Coordinators is negligible compared
to the extra message overhead it causes.
7 Aboba, B, Thaler, D, Esibov, L. Linklocal Multi- 18 Gudgin et al. SOAP Version 1.2 Part 1: Messag-
cast Name Resolution (LLMNR). draft-ietf- ing Framework. http://www.w3.org/TR/soap12-
dnsext-mdns-39.txt, March 2005. Work in part1/, W3C Recommendation, June 2003.
19 Bray et al. Extensible Markup Language (XML)
8 Macker, J, Corson, S. Mobile Ad hoc Networking 1.0 (Second Edition). W3C Recommendation,
(MANET): Routing Protocol Performance Issues http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/REC-xml-20001006,
and Evaluation Considerations. RFC 2501, Inter- October 2000.
net Engineering Task Force, January 1999.
20 OASIS UDDI. Universal Description, Discovery,
9 Perkins, C E, Royer, E M, Das, S R. Ad-hoc On and Integration (UDDI) 2.0. http://www.uddi.org
Demand Distance Vector (AODV) Routing. RFC (Last visited: 7 April 2005).
3561, Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF),
July 2003. 21 Christensen, E, Curbera, F, Meredith, G, Weer-
awarana, S. Web Services Description Language
10 Johnson, D B, Maltz, D A, Hu, J-C. The Dynamic (WSDL) 1.1. W3C Note, http://www.w3.org/
Source Routing Protocol. draft-ietf-manet-dsr- TR/2001/NOTE-wsdl-20010315, March 2001.
10.txt, July 2004. Work in Progress.
22 The Salutation Consortium. Salutation Architec-
11 Engelstad, P E, Do T V, Egeland, G. Name Reso- ture Specification Version 2.1. http://www.saluta-
lution in On-Demand MANETs and over External tion.org, (Last visited: 7 April 2005).
IP Networks. Proceedings of IEEE Int. conf. on
Paal E. Engelstad completed his PhD on resource discovery in Mobile Ad hoc and Personal Area Networks
in 2005. He has also a Bachelor and Masters degree (Honours with Distinction) in Applied Physics from
NTNU, Norway, and a Bachelor degree in Computer Science from University of Oslo, Norway. After working
five years in industry, he joined Telenor R&D where he focuses on IETF and IP technology (e.g. IP mobility,
IPv6, QoS, MANET and AAA-issues) and IEEE wireless technologies (e.g. 802.11, 802.15 and 802.16).
Paal Engelstad has published 28 refereed papers and holds three patents (two pending).
email: [email protected]
Geir Egeland holds a B.Eng (Hons) from the University of Bristol and has for the last ten years worked as
a research scientist in the field of mobile networks. He is currently with Telenor R&D where his work is mainly
focused on mobility for IP networks, with a particular emphasis on MANET and IPv6. Geir Egeland was
formerly employed by the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (NDRE) as a research scientist
working on design and analysis of MAC and routing protocols for mobile ad hoc network.
email: [email protected]
ADSL Asymmetric Digital A data communications technology that enables faster data transmission over copper telephone
Subscriber Line lines than a conventional modem can provide. The access utilises the 1.1 MHz band and has the pos-
sibility to offer, dependent of subscriber line length, downstream rates of up to 8 Mb/s. Upstream
rates start at 64 kb/s and typically reach 256 kb/s but can go as high as 768 kb/s.
BT Bluetooth Bluetooth is an industrial specification for wireless personal area networks (PANs). Bluetooth pro-
vides a way to connect and exchange information between devices like personal digital assistants
(PDAs), mobile phones, laptops, PCs, printers and digital cameras via a secure, low-cost, globally
available short range radio frequency.
CDC Connected Device CDC is a larger subset of J2SE, containing almost all the libraries that are not GUI related.
Configuration CDC is based on the cVM (compact Virtual Machine)
CLDC Connected Limited The CLDC contains a strict subset of the Java class libraries and is the minimal needed for a Java
Device Configuration virtual machine to operate. CLDC is based on the kVM (kilo Virtual Machine). CLDC is basically used
to classify the myriad of devices into a fixed configuration.
CIFS Common Internet File CIFS defines a standard remote file system access protocol for use over the Internet, enabling
System groups of users to work together and share documents across the Internet or within corporate
intranets. CIFS is an open, cross-platform technology based on the native file-sharing protocols built
into Microsoft® Windows® and other popular PC operating systems, and supported on dozens of
other platforms. With CIFS, millions of computer users can open and share remote files on the Inter-
net without having to install new software or change the way they work.
DHCP Dynamic Host DHCP is a client-server networking protocol. A DHCP server provides configuration parameters
Configuration Protocol specific to the DHCP client host requesting, generally, information required by the client host to par-
ticipate on an IP network. DHCP also provides a mechanism for allocation of IP addresses to client
DHCP appeared as a standard protocol in October 1993. RFC 2131 provides the latest (March 1997)
DHCP definition.
The latest standard on a protocol describing DHCPv6, DHCP in an IPv6 environment, was published
in July 2003 as RFC 3315
DM Device Management Device Management is the generic term used for technology that allows third parties to carry out
the difficult procedures of configuring mobile devices on behalf of the end user (customer). Third
parties would typically be wireless operators, service providers or corporate information manage-
ment departments. Through device management, an external party can remotely set parameters,
conduct troubleshooting servicing of terminals, install or upgrade software.
GSM Global System for Mobile GSM is the most popular standard for mobile phones in the world. GSM phones are used by over
Communications a billion people across more than 200 countries. The ubiquity of the GSM standard makes inter-
national roaming very common between mobile phone operators which enables phone users to
access their services in many other parts of the world in addition to their own country. GSM differs
significantly from its predecessors in that both signalling and speech channels are digital, which
means that it is seen as a second generation (2G) mobile phone system. This fact has also meant
that data communication was built into the system from very early on. GSM is an open standard
which is currently developed by the 3GPP.
HLR Home Location Register The HLR is a central database that contains details of each mobile phone subscriber that is autho-
rized to use the GSM core network. More precisely, the HLR stores details of every SIM card issued
by the mobile phone operator. Each SIM has a unique identifier called an IMSI which is one of the
primary keys to each HLR record.
The next important items of data associated with the SIM are the telephone numbers used to make
and receive calls to the mobile phone, known as MSISDNs. The main MSISDN is the number used for
making and receiving voice calls and SMS, but it is possible for a SIM to have other secondary MSIS-
DNs associated with it for fax and data calls. Each MSISDN is also a primary key to the HLR record.
IMAP Internet Message The Internet Message Access Protocol (commonly known as IMAP, and previously called Interactive
Access Protocol Mail Access Protocol) is an application layer Internet protocol used for accessing email on a remote
server from a local client. IMAP and POP3 (Post Office Protocol version 3) are the two most preva-
lent Internet standard protocols for email retrieval. Both are supported by virtually all modern email
clients and servers, although in some cases in addition to vendor-specific, typically proprietary,
interfaces. For example, while proprietary protocols are typically used between Microsoft’s Outlook
client and an Exchange server and between IBM’s Notes client and a Domino server, all of these
products also support IMAP and POP3 allowing interoperability with other servers and clients. The
current version of IMAP, IMAP version 4 revision 1 (IMAP4rev1), is defined by RFC 3501.
IP Internet Protocol A protocol for communication between computers, used as a standard for transmitting data over
networks and as the basis for standard Internet protocols.
ISDN Integrated Services A digital telecommunications network that provides end-to-end digital connectivity to support a
Digital Network wide range of services, including voice and non-voice services, to which users have access by a lim-
ited set of standard multi-purpose user-network interfaces. The user is offered one or more 64 kb/s
ITU International Tele- On May 17, 1865, the first International Telegraph Convention was signed in Paris by the 20 founding
communication Union members, and the International Telegraph Union (ITU) was established to facilitate subsequent amend-
ments to this initial agreement. It changed its name to the International Telecommunications Union
in 1934. From 1948 a UN body with approx. 200 member countries. It is the top forum for discussion
and management of technical and administrative aspects of international telecommunications.
J2ME Java 2 Platform, J2ME is a collection of Java APIs targeting embedded consumer products such as PDAs, cell phones
Micro Edition and other consumer appliances.
MIDlet A MIDlet is a Java program for embedded devices, more specifically the J2ME virtual machine.
Generally, these are games and applications that run on a cell phone.
MIDP Mobile Information Designed for cell phones, MIDP boasts an LCD-oriented GUI API, and MIDP 2.0 includes a basic 2D
Device Profile gaming API. Applications written for this profile are called MIDlets. Almost all new cell phones come
with a MIDP implementation, and it is now the de facto standard for downloadable cell phone games.
MIME Multipurpose Internet MIME is an Internet Standard for the format of e-mail. Virtually all Internet e-mail is transmitted via
Mail Extensions SMTP in MIME format. Internet e-mail is so closely associated with the SMTP and MIME standards
that it is sometimes called SMTP/MIME e-mail.
MSC Mobile services The MSC is a sophisticated telephone exchange which provides circuit-switched calling, mobility
Switching Centre management and GSM services to the mobile phones roaming within the area that it serves. This
means voice, data and fax services, as well as SMS and call divert.
A Gateway MSC is the MSC that determines in which visited MSC the subscriber who is being called is
curently located. It also interfaces with the Public Switched Telephone Network. All mobile to mobile
calls and PSTN to mobile calls are routed through a GMSC. The term is only valid in the context of
one call since any MSC may provide both the gateway function and the Visited MSC function; how-
ever, some manufacturers design dedicated high capacity MSCs which do not have any BSCs con-
nected to them. These MSCs will then be the Gateway MSC for many of the calls they handle.
NetBIOS Network Basic The NetBIOS API allows applications on separate computers to communicate over a local area
Input/Output System network. It provides services related to the session layer of the OSI model but is not routable and
must be encapsulated within a protocol in order to be of use in a wide area network. NetBIOS makes
wide use of broadcast messages, which accounts for its reputation as a chatty interface.
NetBIOS provides three distinct services:
- Name service for name registration and resolution
- Session service for connection-oriented communication
- Datagram distribution service for connectionless communication
NFC Near Field Communication NFC, jointly developed by Sony and Philips, was approved as an ISO/IEC standard on 8 December
Technology 2003. It was approved as an ECMA standard earlier on. On 18 March 2004 Nokia, Sony and Philips
formed the NFC-forum to advance NFC development.
NFC holds the promise of bringing true mobility to consumer electronics in an intuitive and psycho-
logically comfortable way since the devices can hand-shake only when brought literally into touch-
ing distance
PAN Personal Area Network A PAN is a computer network used for communication between computer devices (including tele-
phones and personal digital assistants) close to one person. The devices may or may not belong to
the person in question. The reach of a PAN is typically a few metres. PANs can be used for communi-
cation between the personal devices themselves (intrapersonal communication), or for connecting
to a higher level network and the Internet (an uplink).
Personal area networks may be wired with computer buses such as USB and FireWire. A wireless
personal area network (WPAN) can also be made possible with network technologies such as IrDA
and Bluetooth.
POP3 Post Office Protocol POP3 is an application layer Internet standard protocol used to retrieve email from a remote server
version 3 to a local client over a TCP/IP connection. Nearly all individual Internet service provider email
accounts are accessed via POP3.
POTS Plain Old A very general term used to describe an ordinary voice telephone service. See also PSTN.
Telephone Service
PSTN Public Service Common notation for the conventional analogue telephone network.
Telephone Network
SAT SIM Application Toolkit The SIM Application Toolkit is a set of commands which defines how the card should interact with
the outside world and extend the communication protocol between the card and the handset. With
SIM Application Toolkit, the card has a proactive role in the handset (this means that the SIM initi-
ates commands independently of the handset and the network).
SMB Server Message Block SMB was originally invented by IBM to turn DOS “Interrupt 33” local file access into a networked file
system, but the most common version is heavily modified by Microsoft. At around the time when Sun
Microsystems announced WebNFS, Microsoft coincidentally launched an initiative in 1998 to
rename SMB to Common Internet File System (CIFS) and added more features, including support for
symbolic links, hard links, larger file sizes and an attempt at supporting direct connection without all
the NetBIOS trimmings – an effort that was largely experimental and required further refinement.
SMB was originally designed to run on top of the NetBIOS protocol (which itself is typically run on
NetBEUI, IPX/SPX or NBT), though SMB can also run on top of TCP/IP directly since Windows 2000.
“SMB the protocol” is not to be confused with the SMB services that run on it, nor with NetBIOS, nor
with the DCE/RPC services that utilise SMB as an authenticated Inter-process communication
channel (over Named pipes), nor with the “Network Neighborhood” protocols which primarily but not
exclusively run as datagram services direct on the NetBIOS transport.
Because of the importance of the SMB protocol in interacting with the dominant Microsoft Windows
platform, coupled with the heavily modified nature of the SMB implementation present in that plat-
form, the Samba project was created to provide a free implementation of a compatible SMB client
and server for use with non-Microsoft operating systems.
SIM Subscriber A SIM is a logical application running on a UICC smartcard. Although the terms UICC and SIM are
Identity Module often interchanged, UICC refers to the physical card, whereas SIM refers to a single application
residing in the UICC that collects GSM user subscription information. The SIM provides secure storing
of the key identifying a mobile phone service subscriber but also subscription information, prefer-
ences and storage of text messages. The equivalent to a SIM in UMTS is a Universal Subscriber Iden-
tity Module (USIM).
SMTP Simple Mail SMTP is the de facto standard for email transmission across the Internet.
Transfer Protocol SMTP is a relatively simple, text-based protocol, where one or more recipients of a message are
specified (and in most cases verified to exist) and then the message text is transferred. It is quite
easy to test a SMTP server using the telnet program. SMTP uses TCP port 25. To determine the
SMTP server for a given domain name, the MX (Mail eXchange) DNS record is used.
SOAP Simple Object SOAP is a protocol for exchanging XML-based messages over a computer network, normally using
Access Protocol HTTP. SOAP forms the foundation layer of the web services stack, providing a basic messaging
framework that more abstract layers can build on. SOAP facilitates the Service-Oriented architec-
tural pattern.
UMA Unlicensed UMA provides an alternative access to GSM and GPRS core network services via IP-based broad-
Mobile Access band connections. In order to deliver a seamless user experience, the specifications define a new
network element and associated protocols that provide for the secure transport of GSM/GPRS sig-
naling and user traffic over IP. The caller can automatically switch from GSM to IP-based networks
and back again without interruptions. UMA also helps to make better use of the scarce GSM spec-
trum: as soon as a phone is in reach of an UMA access point, it will leave the GSM spectrum and con-
tinue its call over WiFi, leaving the GSM spectrum for those callers that really need it.
UMTS Universal Mobile Tele- The European member of the IMT 2000 family of 3G wireless standards. UMTS supports data rates
communication System of 144 kb/s for vehicular traffic, 384 kb/s for pedestrian traffic and up to 2 Mb/s in support of in-
building services. The standardisation work began in 1991 by ETSI but was transferred in 1998 to
3GPP as a corporation between Japanese, Chinese, Korean and American organisations. It is based
on the use of WCDMA technology and is currently deployed in many European countries. The first
European service opened in 2003. In Japan NTT DoCoMo opened its “pre-UMTS” service FOMA
(Freedom Of Mobile multimedia Access) in 2000. The system operates in the 2.1 GHz band and is
capable of carrying multimedia traffic.
VPN Virtual Private Network A VPN is a private communications network usually used within a company, or by several different
companies or organizations, to communicate over a public network. VPN message traffic is carried
on public networking infrastructure (e.g. the Internet) using standard (often insecure) protocols, or
over a service provider’s network providing VPN service guarded by well defined Service Level
Agreement (SLA) between the VPN customer and the VPN service provider.
WAP Wireless Application WAP is an open international standard for applications that use wireless communication, for ex-
Protocol ample Internet access from a mobile phone. WAP was designed to provide services equivalent to a
Web browser with some mobile-specific additions, being specifically designed to address the limita-
tions of very small portable devices. It is now the protocol used for the majority of the world’s mobile
internet sites, otherwise known as wap-sites. The Japanese i-mode system is the other major com-
peting wireless data protocol.
WDMA Wavelength Division In optical communication different wavelengths are used to send packets from different sources.
Multiple Access The wavelength constitutes independent communication channels and may carry different signal
WSDL Web Services WSDL is an XML format published for describing Web services. Version V 1.1 has not been endorsed
Description Language by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), however it released a draft for version 2.0 on 11 May
2005, that will be a recommendation (an official standard), and thus endorsed by the W3C. It is
commonly abbreviated as WSDL in technical literature and often pronounced “Whiz’-Dull”.
WSDL describes the public interface to the web service. This is an XML-based service description
on how to communicate using the web service; namely the protocol bindings and message formats
required to interact with the web services listed in its directory. The supported operations and mes-
sages are described abstractly and then bound to a concrete network protocol and message format.
WSDL is often used in combination with SOAP and XML Schema to provide web services over the
internet. A client (program) connecting to a web service can read the WSDL to determine what func-
tions are available on the server. Any special datatypes used are embedded in the WSDL file in the
form of XML Schema. The client can then use SOAP to actually call one of the functions listed in the
XML Extensible Markup XML is a W3C-recommended general-purpose markup language for creating special-purpose
Language markup languages, capable of describing many different kinds of data. It is a simplified subset of
SGML. Its primary purpose is to facilitate the sharing of data across different systems, particularly
systems connected via the Internet. Languages based on XML (for example, RDF/XML, RSS,
MathML, XHTML, SVG, and cXML) are defined in a formal way, allowing programs to modify and
validate documents in these languages without prior knowledge of their form.
XML Web Service A Web Service is a software component that is described via WSDL and is capable of being accessed
via standard network protocols such as, but not limited to SOAP over HTTP.