Skip Counting

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Sapara 1

Baldwin-Wallace University/School of Education/Universal Lesson Plan

I.​ ​Subject:​ Math ​Topic: ​Skip Counting Grade Level: ​2nd ​Date: ​ 10/4/19

II​. ​Alignment to​ ​Standards:

A. Ohio’s Learning Standards:

ODE.2.NBT.2 Count forward and backward within 1,000 by ones, tens, and hundreds
starting at any number; skip-count by 5s starting at any multiple of 5.

B. College & Career Ready Standards:

SL.1.Prepare for and participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations
with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and

C. 2017 Ohio Learning Standards for Technology:

ICT.1.1. Develop basic skills for using digital learning tools and resources to accomplish
a defined task.

III.​ ​Central focus of the learning segment:

During this lesson, the students will be able to skip count by 10s, 5s, and 2s starting at
any given number. By participating in a class skip count game and constructing a skip count tree.

IV.​ ​Learning​ ​Objective(s)/Target(s): ​By the end of the class/unit, the students will:

By the end of the 35 minute lesson, the students will be able to skip count by 10s, 5s, or
2s, depending on ability level. By constructing a skip count tree with 85% of the students getting
¾ correct.

“I can skip count to 120.”

Knowledge Reasoning
Define skip counting Explain skip counting

Proformance Product
Participating in class skip count game using Completing their creation of their counting on
the correct number. tree.

V. Assessment/s​ (Note: Both the learning objective and summative assessment/s are aligned to
each other. All formative assessments are aligned to the summative assessment.)

A. Formative assessments during the lesson:

Sapara 2

The teacher will have the students form a circle on the carpet and pick a starting student to start
off the skip count to 120 by 10s, 5s, and 2s, until there is one student standing.
Students Say the next number in the skip count.

Teacher Use a checklist ​(attached)​ to evaluate


Data (√ satisfactory) (- needs improvement)

Now what? If they aren’t grasping the concept, go back

and fix it then move on with the lesson.

B. Summative assessment (end of learning segment or unit):

The students will construct a skip counting tree with 4 leaves with each leaf starting with a
different number to count on from by either 10s, 5s, or 2s depending on the trunk of the tree.
Student Completed skip counting tree .

Teacher Checklist ​(attached)

Data (√ 3/4 satisfactory) (- 2/4 needs improvement)

Now what? Reteach if majority of students aren’t grasping

the concept, move on if they are grasping the

VI. Academic Language:

A. Function:
The students will use the academic language when classifying their skip counting trees.

B. Content vocabulary (syntax & vocabulary specific to discipline)

● Skip counting:​ ​counting forwards or backwards in multiples. or intervals of a given

VII​.​ Materials/Candidate Resources

● Smartboard (vocabulary word, elmo projections)
● Pencils
● Glue
● Scissors
● Crayons
● Below level skip counting tree (10s)
● On level skip counting tree (5s)
● Above level skip counting tree (2s)
● Roll on extension activity
● Boo-tiful skip counting extension activity
Sapara 3

● Checklist

VIII. Behavior Expectations ​(for 300-level and 400-level courses only):

A. Classroom Management Strategies:

The teacher will redirect the students back to the teacher by rhythmic clapping that the
students repeat back.
The teacher will manage the movement by grouping students in small groups.

B. Safety Concerns:
Scissors are not to be used any place other than on paper that is directed to be cut.

C. Manipulatives & Equipment:

The teacher will explain that scissors are not to be used in any other ways other than cutting out
the leaves to glue on the skip counting tree trunks.

IX. PROCEDURES​ (Be explicit. List anticipated time for each step in the lesson from
motivation hook through closure).

A. Motivation/Hook:
The teachers will show a counting by 5 exercise video. ​

Instructional Strategies:​ For each instructional strategy, describe what you, the teacher will
do/say and what the student/s will do. ​(Note: Add as many additional rows as necessary.)
What the teacher What the Theorist/ Differentiation Anticipated Time
will say/do: student is Best Practice (one or more of  
expected to do:   the following
  groups – above
level; below
level; ESL;
  urban or rural
The teachers will Students will be Marzano- Visual- 3 minutes 
show a counting by up and moving Cooperative Having the
5 exercise video. and skip counting Learning video projected
https://watchkin.coby 5s out loud .  on the
m/a2907af51c Gardner- smartboard.
https://www.youtub Intelligence Reading- Seeing the
VL9KUmq8 Gardner- numbers
Sapara 4

Multiple projected on the

Intelligences video.

Bloom- Audio-Hearing
Psychomotor the song.
manual or
physical skills
The teacher will The students will Marzano- Audio- 1 minute 
have the students sit raise their hands Cooperative Hearing
on the carpet to go if they have any Learning. objective read
over today's questions.   out loud
objective. Bloom-
“Today we are Knowledge Readers-
going to be skip Reading the
counting by 10s, 5s, Gardner- objective
and 2s starting at Multiple written on the
any given number. Intelligences board
By participating in a
class skip count
game and
constructing a skip
count tree.
The teachers will go The students will Marzano- Audio- 2 minutes
over the vocabulary listen to the Cooperative Hearing the
words they will be vocabulary Learning. vocabulary echo
focusing on in the words then echo read.
lesson and have the read them back Gardner-
students echo read to the teacher. Visual-Spatial Visual-
the vocabulary Intelligence Seeing the
terms. vocabulary
Skip counting: Gardner- words written
counting forwards Multiple on the board.
or backwards in Intelligences
multiples. or Reading-
intervals of a given Reading
number. vocabulary
words written
on the board
Sapara 5

The teachers will go The students will Marzano- Audio- 0.5 minute
over the I can repeat the I can Cooperative Hearing the I
statement with the statement back to Learning. can statement
students. the teacher. multiple times.
“I can skip count to Bloom-
120.” Knowledge Visual-
Seeing the I can
Gardner- statement on the
Visual-spatial board.
Gardner- Reading the I
Multiple can statement
Intelligences with the teacher
and class
The teacher will ask The students will Marzano- Audio- 5 minutes
the class for a demonstrate skip Cooperative Hearing the skip
student or group to counting when Learning. counting a loud.
skip count by 2s, 5s, called on.
or 10s. Bloom- Kinesthetic-
(calling on the Apply Doing exercise
students who have with skip
not mastered the Bloom- counting.
skip count) Psychomotor
manual or
-If the students do physical skills
not bring up the (skills).
exercises with skip
counting the teacher
will bring it up.

The teacher will

then have the class
skip count by 2s. 5s,
and 10s as a class
using the
The teacher will The students will Bloom- Audio- 0.5 minute
direct the students to move to the Knowledge. Hearing the
the carpet to form a carpet and form a objective out
circle to play the circle. Bloom- loud.
skip counting game Psychomotor
manual or Kinesthetic-
Sapara 6

that we have played physical skills Moving to the

earlier this week. (skills). carpet and
forming a circle.

The teacher will go The students are Marzano- Audio- 1 minute

over the directions expected to be Cooperative Listening to the
to the students actively engaged, Learning. teacher’s
again. “We are listening to directions
going to count by directions and Bloom-
10s, 5s, and 2s up to watching the Psychomotor Visual-
120. We will be game being manual or Seeing the game
passing the stuffed modeled. physical skills modeled
animal in a circle, as (skills)
you get the stuffed Kinesthetic-
animal you will say Gardner- Standing to
the next number. Visual-spatial form a circle
When we get to 120 intelligence
and you are the Tactile-
person with the bear Gardner- Holding and
saying 120 you are Multiple passing the
to sit down” Intelligences stuffed animal
(The teacher will
model the game) Bandura-
The teacher will The students are Gardner- Tactile- 8 minutes
pick a student to expected to be Multiple Holding and
start off the actively engaged. Intelligences passing the
counting and pass stuffed animal
the stuffed animal to Marzano-
the student next to Cooperative Kinesthetic-
them, counting Learning. Standing or
either by 10s, 5s, 2s sitting in the
which the teacher Bloom- circle
clearifies. Psychomotor
manual or Audio-
physical skills Hearing each
(skills) number said out
Sapara 7

The teacher will The students will Bloom- Audio- 1 minute

redirect the students move back to Knowledge. Hearing
back to their seats their desks directions
and get out a pencil quietly and get Bloom-
and hundreds charts. out a pencil and Psychomotor Tactile-
their hundreds manual or Getting pencil
chart. physical skills out of supplies
(skills) box and
hundreds chart
Gardner- out of desk
Intelligences Kinesthetic-

The teacher will The students Bloom- Visual- 1 minute
model the creation watch and listen Knowledge & Seeing the
of a skip counting to the teacher Apply modeling under
tree to the students model the skip the elmo
under the elmo. counting trees. Gardner-
(The teacher will Multiple Audio-
clarify that every Intelligences Hearing the
student will be directions on
getting a different Gardner- how to make the
skip count number Visual-spatial skip counting
and start numbers. intelligence. tree.

The teachers will The students will Gardner- Audio- 1 minute
give directions that watch and listen Multiple The students
after you are done to directions and Intelligences will listen to the
with the skip modeling. directions
counting tree to turn Bloom-
it in and grab one of Knowledge & Visual-
the 2 extension Apply Seeing the
activities and modeling under
complete, if you Gardner- the elmo
finish the first one Visual-spatial
grab the second one. intelligence.
(The teacher will
model both Bandura-
Sapara 8

extension activities Modeling

under the elmo.)
The teacher will The students will Bloom- Tactile- 10 minutes
pass out the skip complete the Knowledge & Using fine
counting tree trunks leaves of the tree Apply & motor skills to
and leaves to each and cut and glue. Create write, cut and
student, and support glue.
them as needed. Gardner-
(the teacher will Visual-spatial Visual-
walk around intelligence. Seeing the
supporting students starting number
as needed) Bloom- and 4 blanks to
Psychomotor skip count 4
manual or more times.
physical skills
(skills). On Level-
Trees with skip
Carol count by 5s
Differentiation Above Level-
Skip count by 2

Below Level-
Skip count by
10s trees
The teacher will The students will Bloom- Audio- 3 minutes
review the counting be expected to be Knowledge & Hearing the
by 2s, 5s, and 10s actively engaged Understanding types of skip
using their in skip counting counts
exercises. Asking a with exercise. Gardner-
student to come up Visual-spatial Kinesthetic-
and show how to intelligence & Using their
skip count using Multiple bodies to show
either 2s, 5s, or 10s Intelligences the movements.
and their
movements. Bloom-
manual or
physical skills
Sapara 9

*VARK/T = visual, audio-lingual, reading, kinesthetic/tactile learning styles

C. Review/Closure

The teacher will review the counting by 2s, 5s, and 10s using their exercises. Asking a student to
come up and show how to skip count using either 2s, 5s, or 10s and their movements

X.​ ​REFLECTION (For 300-level courses and beyond)

1. Were today’s learning objectives/targets met for individuals, small groups, and the whole

2. What would you do differently if you could teach the class again to the same students?
(This could include changes in the organization of the lesson plan, strategies used, use of
technology, use of differentiation, formative assessments and closure.)

3. Based on your questions, checks for understanding, and/or assessment data/analysis, what
will happen ​next​ for the entire class and for specific groups/individuals in this class?

Cooperating Teacher Signature Date 

Sapara 10

​ ​Check List Class: ​Miss Sapara  

Numbers:  Names:   Skip count by 2s, 5s,  Skip count by 2s, 5s, 
& 10s in whole group  or 10s individually  

1,001  Vincent (Vinny) B.  √  (¾) √ 

1,002  Crystal B.  √  √ 

1,003  Aubrie C.  √  √ 

1,004  Pranav C.  √  √ 

1,005  Lila D.  √  √ 

1,006  Genevieve (Evie) E.  √  √ 

1,007  Alexander (Alex) F.  √  √ 

1,008  Izabella (Bella) G.  √  (¾) √ 

1,009  Khyree H.  √  √ 

1,010  Jade H.  Absent  Absent 

1,011  Noor J.  √  (¾) √ 

1,012  Brady K.  √  √ 

1,013  Georgeo M.  √  √ 

1,014  Margaret (Maggie) M.  -  (¾) √ 

1,015   Luke M.  √  √ 

1,017  Madison N.  √  (¾) √ 

1,019  Helen S.  √  (¾) √ 

1,020  Jovani S.   √  (¾) √ 

1,021  Jake S.  √  √ 

1,022  Noah T.  √  √ 

1,023  Kevon W.   √  √ 

1,0024  David K.  -  (¾) √ 

Key: (√ satisfactory) (- needs improvement) 

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