2nd Site Based Lesson 2 (Real One) - Bar Graphs
2nd Site Based Lesson 2 (Real One) - Bar Graphs
2nd Site Based Lesson 2 (Real One) - Bar Graphs
Obj. #1- TSW Solve simple put-together problems using information presented in a bar
Obj. #2- TSW Solve simple take- apart problems using information presented in a bar
Obj. #3- TSW Solve simple compare problems using information presented in a bar graph.
Obj. #1
Interim(Lesson 1): The formal summative assessment will work for all objectives. This will be
as the groups create their own graph together. Each group of students will make a graph on their
tables that is tangible and fun. They will need to have the essentials on every graph, which are
having an amount and four categories. They will not be allowed to move on until this objective is
satisfied. This is objective 1s summative assessment. Obj. #2 Once they have checked this part
with me they will need to collect material from a bin. Each student will select a different material
for his or her group that will be apart of their graph. They will first create a picture graph and
then they will use different color sticky notes to show how a bar graph works. They will need to
follow the rubric at the bottom of this lesson.
Formal Formative(Lesson 2): The students will work in groups to answer a couple questions
together just talking as a group at each corner. The sheet you will use for group discussion is
Largest Whales Whats in Grandma Bettys Basket Favorite Colors and
They will take a look at the content in each. What is the different between a bar graph
and a picture graph.
I will then go over the answers with the students together.
The students are already grouped pretty evenly so I will make sure to have equal time.
Use a timer that the students can see on the smart board. Give them about 3-4 min
We will then go over some questions- the students will write the answers on their own
white board and I will tally the number correct and the number wrong for each question
till all the students are proficient. If a student is struggling with a certain part of the lesson
then I will make sure to spend time with that individual personally near the end of the
lesson while other students work on their own question practice sheet.
Formal Summative: Like Obj #1 (Tomorrow) The students will create their own graph at one
of the test stations. At the center of this station, the students will look on the sheet and see their
names. Next to there names will have a different amount of 4 different objects. (For exampleCaleb- 4square blocks- 2 paperclips- 7 pencils- 4 connect cubes) The students will then use the
Category cards and number cards to create their picture graph. At the second station the students
will take the same numbers of square blocks, paperclips, pencils, connect cubes and replace them
with sticky notes. One sticky note will represent each object. They will create a bar graph with
the sticky notes. Once they have finished their picture graph they will raise their hands and the
teacher will take a picture. Again once the student has finished the bar graph, the student will
raise their hands and the teacher will take a picture. The final station is solving the simple puttogether, take-apart, and comparing problems test. The three stations combined will be the
summative assessment.
1. State Purpose and Objective of Lesson: Lesson 1 & 2 (Allotted Time: 2 min)
a. a.) Today I am creating a bar graph using data I collected and answering
questions using my bar graph
b. So that I can read and understand different forms of data in our everyday world.
c. I will know I have it when I have completed the required bar graph.
2. Instruction: (Allotted Time: 20 min) Lesson 2
a. Direct Interactive Instruction:
i. Lesson 2 Discussion (Largest-Whale) (Whats in Grandma Bettys Basket)
(Favorite Colors)
In each corner there will be a different graph
Let the students look at each graph
What is something that the graph has on it?
What do all bar graphs need to have to make it work?
Answers: Categories and numbers on the side
Ask a few more questions about what each graph needs.
b. Modeling: Lesson 2
i. We will take the data we found from our Which Season do we like the
best This activity is under games on Brain Pop Site above. We will
Talley ours up and answer questions about the data. Starting with simple
put-together problems, take-apart problems, and comparing problems.
ii. Then each student will go back to their bar-graphs and picture graphs and
answer a few questions
A. If you put-together two categories, which two would make the largest
B. How many more people like horses more than dogs?
C. Compare the categories. Which categories has the same amount
c. Independent Practice: Lesson 2
The students will work together on their sheet, they will answer each of the
following simple questions. The students will present the information to the rest
of the class, and tell us all why they chose the ones they did. We will all go
around the room and the students will share what they did for their bar graph.
Groups 1&2 will go over to 3&4 to see what they did and then the groups will go
to the other explaining what they have done.
Also if a student struggles on this assignment, after completing it
the teacher will go through why they were wrong, then the teacher
will ask them to try again with the dog, cat, horse, or other sheet.
Needs different modes of learning or learn through a different
multiple intelligence strategies than what was delivered. There are
lots of different modes of learning throughout the lesson.
iii. This is designed to help the struggling students with also making sure to
provide challenging ideas with the students who strive for more challenge.
iv. This may need to be adapted if you have special needs in your classroom.
8/8 Advanced- 5
6-7/8 Proficient- 4
4-5/8 Developing- 3
3/8 Needs improvement- 2
0-1/8 In progress- 1
We are not doing question 9-11!