DLL G6 Q3 WEEK 1 (Mam Inkay Peralta)

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Teaching Dates and Time NOVEMBER 4-8, 2019 (WEEK 1) Quarter: 3RDQUARTER


Objectives must be met over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives necessary procedures must be followed and if needed,
additional lessons, exercises, and remedial activities may be done for developing content knowledge and competencies. These are assessed using Formative
Assessment strategies. Valuing objectives support the learning of content and competencies and enable children to find significance and joy in learning the
lessons. Weekly objectives shall be derived from the curriculum guides.
A. Content Standard demonstrates knowledge and skills that will lead to one becoming an ideal entrepreneur.
B. Performance Standard sells products based on needs and demands.
C.Learning  Identify the values of  Give ways on how to  Give two basic ways  Make a simple  Make a business
Competency/Objectives a successful start own business. to earn money. product. proposal of
Write the LC code for each. entrepreneur.  Identify the Buyer  Identify steps or TLE6IE-0a-1.2 owned simple
 Identify the types of and Seller relations. guide in making own product.
entrepreneur. simple products. TLE6IE-0a-1.2
TLE6IE-0a-1.1 TLE6IE-0a-1.1  Plan a simple
Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach in the CG, the content can be tackled in a week or
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages The Basics of Better Family The Basics of Better Family ICT and Entrepreneurship ICT and Entrepreneurship ICT and
Living pp. 2-5 Living pp. 5-13 pp. 3 & 11-12 pp. 13 Entrepreneurship
pp. 7
ICT and Entrepreneurship
pp. 2-3
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource
B. Other Learning Resource
These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be guided by demonstration of
learning by the students which you can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by providing students with multiple ways to
learn new things, practice their learning, question their learning processes, and draw conclusions about what they learned in relation to their life experiences and
previous knowledge. Indicate the time allotment for each step.
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Review the Qualities and Review ways on how to start Review ways, steps or guides
presenting the new lesson Types of Entrepreneur. own business & identify the to create their own product
Buyer and Seller relations.
B. Establishing a purpose for the Motivate the child by
lesson presenting a K-W-L Chart
about Entrepreneur.
C. Presenting Ask the pupils where can they
examples/Instances of the find different entrepreneur.
new lesson
D. Discussing new concepts and Discuss the Qualities of an
practicing new skills # 1 ideal entrepreneur and its
types on pp. 3-6
E. Discussing new concepts and Discuss ways on how to start Group Work:
practicing new skills # 2 own business & identify the  Let the pupils identify
Buyer and Seller relations. On ways, steps or guides
pages. TXT 5-13 & TXT 2-3 to create their own
product. See page 11-
 Plan their own
See page 3.
 Report it in class.
F. Developing mastery Group Work: Make their own
(leads to Formative Assessment simple product using
3) available ingredients in the
community. And report it in
See page 13
G. Finding practical application Group Work: Make their
of concepts and skills in daily own business proposal
living for their chosen product.
See page 7 and report it
in class
H. Making generalizations and Let the pupils describe
abstractions about the lesson an ideal entrepreneur
using manila paper
I. Evaluating learning Complete the K-W-L Chart Evaluate the products
about Entrepreneur. presented by each group.
J. Additional activities for Research some
application or remediation successful Filipino
Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What else needs to be
VI. REFLECTION done to help the students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask
them relevant questions.
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?
Teaching Date & Time NOVEMBER 4-8, 2019 (WEEK 1) Quarter: 3RDQUARTER


A. Content Standards Demonstrates an understanding of knowledge and skills in enhancing/decorating products as an alternative source of income
B.Performance Standards Performs necessary skill in enhancing/ decorating finished products
C.Learning Competencies Discusses the importance and methods of enhancing/decorating bamboo, wood, and metal Demonstrates creativity and innovativeness in enhancing/decorating
products (TLE6IA‐0a‐1) bamboo, wood, and metal products (TLE6IA‐0a‐2)

II.Content Enhancing/ decorating finished products

III. Learning Resources
1.Teacher’s Guide Pages
2.Learner’s Materials Pages
3.Textbook Pages

4.Additional Materials from

Learning Resources (LR)
B.Other Learning Resources

A.Review Previous Lessons Ask : What are the most Ask : What are the most Review with each group their plans from
widely used techniques in widely used techniques in Activity Sheet No. 4
enhancing bamboo and enhancing metal craft
wood products ? products ?
B.Establishing purpose for Intro: Ask: For the Intro: Refer to each group output from
the Lesson There are many different 1. Are there metal craft shops Activity Sheet
industrial ways or methods present in your The Facilitator will situate and No. 4 (matrix 1 and matrix
to enhance and decorate communities? encourage learners to think of 2)
bamboo, wood, and metal 2. What techniques do you ways on how they will be able
products. These methods mostly see while they work to use the concepts learned Let each group discuss if they will apply
help improve not only the on their products? from the previous three (3) all enhancements that they have
quality of our products but day sessions (wood and metal planned or they
also the life of the families enhancing techniques).
engaged in various

activities. Enhancing is Say (Loud) : Are your groups will include other items.
carried out basically to ready ? (15‐20 minutes)
improve the aesthetics and
the functional properties of
a material.

1. Are there wooden
furniture shops present
in your communities?
2. What techniques do you
mostly see while they
work on their products?
C.Presenting examples Discuss with the learners The Facilitator will use two
/instances of the the usual techniques being identical wood/metal
new lessons used in furniture shops products found in his home
based on their observations or shops. Show the class
from their community the transformation of a
product from its original
appearance (1st piece) ‐‐‐‐ to
its enhanced version
(2nd piece).

Discuss with the class

evident changes that they
can see on the two product
samples created through/by
enhancements techniques.
D.Discussing new concepts Refer to Activity Sheet No. 1 Refer to Activity Sheet No. 2 Refer to Activity Sheet No. Refer to Activity Sheet No.
and practicing new – (attached) ‐ Puzzle 3 – Learning Stations 4 – Enhancing
skills #1. Pair and Share (attached) (attached) Wood/Metal Products
E.Discussing new
concepts &
practicing new skills

F.Developing Mastery After the activity, instruct all the groups

(Leads to Formative to rate the output of other group using
Assessment 3) the matrix 2 (rubric). One group will rate
the work of another group.

G.Finding Practical Ask: What are some of the Ask: What are some of the sample Ask: What do you think now
Applications of sample products in bamboo products in metal are the essence of knowing
concepts and skills and woodcraft? (Expected craft? the various ways of enhancing
in daily living answers : (Expected answers: Accessories, wood and metal crafts ?
Bamboo lamp, bamboo pen holder, wind chimes, etc.
bottle holders, bamboo plant
box, desktop organizer,
candle holder, furniture, etc.

H.Making Generalizations Ask : How important is the Ask : How important is the 1. If you are interested in craft Ask:
& Abstractions about knowledge on the different knowledge on the different designing and production, What benefits does a craftsman get from
the lessons techniques on enhancing the techniques on enhancing which will you choose, the know‐how of enhancing wood and
beauty of bamboo and the beauty of metal crafts ? wood crafts or metal craft? metal products?
woodcrafts ? 2. In the Philippines, which do (Expected response) Products made of
you think should be given bamboo, wood and metal can be
focus, wood or metal crafts enhanced through different techniques
? in order to increase their marketability
and saleability.
I.Evaluating Learning Ask the learners to enumerate Ask the learners to enumerate the Ask: After knowing the
the wood craft enhancing metal craft enhancing techniques different techniques on how
techniques to improve or enhance wood
and metal products, what
effects do you think it will do
to a products’ marketability?

J.Additional activities for Before the session ends: Tell the learners to conduct a Reminder:
application or ‐Break the class into survey (group of three (3) on:
remediation subgroups with 5 What types of finishing What sort of wood /metal
members per group. processes does wood and products did you found in
‐Let them choose a leader metal craft artisans in their your homes, and your group
and a communities used to enhance is planning to work on as an
secretary/documenter their products . application of the three

Say: Think/look for any wood

or metal products in your
home. Think of ways on how
to enhance or
improve its appearance.

‐Bring the following for our

two (2) day activity
(Thursday & Friday):
‐Old wooden or metal
product in your homes
‐Any material that can be
used to
enhance/improve the
chosen product
o gift wrapper, glitters,
spray paint, etc.
o Small wood/metal
VI. Reflection
A. No.of learners who earned 80%
in the evaluation
B. No.of learners who requires
additional acts.for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No.of learners who caught up
with the lessons
D. No.of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did this work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal/supervisor can help
me solve?
G. What innovations or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I
wish to share with other
Teaching Dates and Time: NOVEMBER 4-8, 2019 (WEEK 1) Quarter: 3RDQUARTER



A. Content Standards Demonstrates an understanding of scientific practices in planting trees and fruit trees

B. Performance Standards Applies knowledge and skills in planting trees and fruit trees
C. Learning Competencies/ 1.1 Explains benefits derived 1.1 Explains benefits derived 1.1.2 Identifies successful To administer a Pre Test To administer a Pre Test
Objectives from planting trees and fruit- from planting trees and fruit- orchard growers in the
( Write the L Ccode for each) bearing trees to families and bearing trees to families and community or adjacent
communities communities communities

II. CONTENT Benefits derived from Benefits derived from planting Successful orchard growers in
( Subject Matter) planting trees and fruit trees and fruit bearing trees to the community
bearing trees to families and families and communities
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages pp. pp.
2. Learner’s Material pages pp. pp.

3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from https://plantyourtrees.com/c https://plantyourtrees.com/cat
Learning Resource LR atalog/information/bene fits- alog/information/bene fits-of-
portal of-trees trees
B. Other Learning Resources LED tv, ppt, materials for LED tv, ppt, materials for LED tv, ppt, speakers, LED tv, ppt, speakers, LED tv, ppt, speakers,
activity activity
A. Reviewing previous Lesson or Energizer Energizer Energizer
presenting new lesson What have you learned about What have you learned about What are the benefits derived
agriculture when you are in agriculture when you are in from planting trees and fruit-
Grade Five? Grade Five? bearing trees?
B. Establishing a purpose for the Show a picture of an orchard Show a picture of an orchard or Group the pupils into three. Let
lesson or a farm? a farm? them list down the persons that
Ask: What can you say about Ask: What can you say about has an orchard in their
the pictures? the pictures? community?

a. Presenting examples/ instances Group Activites Group Activites Let the group present their
of the new lesson. output.
b. Discussing new concepts and Group Reporting Group Reporting Discuss their output.
practicing new skills.#1

c. Discussing new concepts and What are the benefits derived What are the benefits derived
practicing new skills #2. from planting trees and fruit- from planting trees and fruit-
bearing trees? bearing trees?
d. Developing Mastery 1.The teacher further explains 1.The teacher further explains The teacher further gives
(Lead to Formative Assessment 3) and discuss the background and discuss the background examples of orchard growers in
information through inquiry information through inquiry the community.
approach approach
2. Have the pupils master the 2. Have the pupils master the
concepts. concepts.
e. Finding practical application of Why it is necessary to plant Why it is necessary to plant If you were an orchard grower
concepts and skills in daily living trees? trees? how can you help other people?

f. Making Generalizations and What have you learned? What have you learned? How can we say that an orchard
Abstraction about the Lesson. What are the benefits of What are the benefits of owner is a successful?
planting trees? planting trees?

g. Evaluating Learning Why is it good to plant trees Why is it good to plant trees or List down all the orchard
or fruit –bearing trees? fruit –bearing trees? growers in your community.

h. Additional Activities for Draw a fruit-bearing tree and Draw a fruit-bearing tree and Draw an orchard that you have
Application or Remediation explain the benefits of it. explain the benefits of it. in your community.



A. No. of learners earned 80%in

the evaluation.
B . No. of learners who required
additional activities for
remediation who scored below

C. Did the remedial lesson work?

No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson.

D. No. of learner who continue to

require remediation

E. Which of my teaching strategies

worked well? Why did these

F. What difficulties did I encounter

which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?

G. What innovation or localized

materials did I used/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?
Teaching Dates And Time November 4-8, 2019 (WEEK 1) Quarter 3RD QUARTER


A. Content Standards  Demonstrates understanding of various linguistics nodes to comprehend various texts.
 Demonstrates understanding of the oral standards of English in order to participate in various oral communication demands (situation, purpose and
 Demonstrates command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking
 Demonstrates understanding of different formats to write for a variety of audiences and purpose.
 Demonstrates understanding of verbal and non verbal elements of communication to respond back
B. Performance Standards Analyzes text types to effectively understand information/message(s)
Prepares for and participates effectively in a range of conversations and collaboration with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their
own clearly and persuasively
Uses linguistic cues to appropriately construct meaning from a variety of purposes.
Speaks and writes using good command of the conventions of standard English
Edit texts using appropriate text types for a variety of audiences and purpose.
Uses a variety of strategies to provide appropriate feedback

C. Learning Competencies/ Listening Comprehension Reading Comprehension Study Strategies/Research Writing and Composition Attitude
Objectives Oral Language Show tactfulness when
Distinguish text type according Use a particular kind of Plan a composition using an communicating with others
Note significant details in the to purpose and language sentence for a specific outline/other graphic
story features through enumeration purpose and audience organizers
Provide evidences using -asking permission
Write the LC code for each EN6LC-IIIa-2.2 EN6RC-IIIa-3.2.8 EN6SS-IIIa-1.8.1 EN6Wc-IIIa- EN6A-IIIa-17
II.CONTENT Noting significant details in the Distinguishing text type Relaying Commands and Organizing Ideas Using Show tactfulness when
story and express opinions according to purpose and Request Using Indirect Graphic Aids communicating with others.
using evidences. language features through Discourse
“The Boastful Shrimp” enumeration
“The Fox in the Well”
A. References
1.Teacher’s Guide/Pages Elementary English Elementary English
Elementary English pp.303-307 Elementary English p. 309
pp.239-244 pp.423-429
2.Learner’s Materials Pages
3.Textbook Pages
4.Additional Materials from A copy of the story “The A copy of the story, The Fox in Comic strips, flash cards, Graphics organizer, map or Pictures, copy of the selection
Learning Boastful Shrimp”, a the Well, short stories, charts Show Me Boards globe
Resource(LR)portal tablespoon, charts
B. Other Learning tarpapel
A. Reviewing previous Recapitulation of the previous Review the summary of the Recapitulation on the -What is the difference -What is a graphic organizer?
lesson or presenting the lesson on the Varieties of story that was read yesterday. characteristics of a fable. between a command and a
new lesson Sentences; request? -How does it help the
-Compound Sentence -What important values did What is the purpose of the - The command plainly gives beginners to write a selection?
-Simple Sentence you get from the story? fable? an order while a request asks
-Complex Sentence a favor to do or act at a Why should we be familiar with
With the use of proper What is the most important certain task. graphic organizers?
conjunctions. lesson you learned from the
selection? -What is a direct and indirect

1. John said, “wash the dishes

-John ordered Anna to wash
the dishes.

2. “Please give me a piece of

advice.” Jay said.
-Jay asked me to give him a
piece of advice.

How do you deliver a direct

and indirect discourse?

In the reported command,

the verb “said” is not used,
instead, “told”. The word
“to” is added before the

-In reporting request, the

verb “asked” or “requested”
is used instead of “told”
. The word “please” is

B. Establishing a purpose The teacher shows a spoon Recall an instance in your life Use flash cards/show me Show a video clip about the Show a picture of a true friend.
for the lesson -It is used for eating. Aside when you did a certain thing boards. Write R if the children from the different
from it is used as eating without thinking of the statement states request parts of the world. -Do you have a friend?
utensil, it can be used in consequences. and C if it shows Command. Let them share opinion.
several ways. Give some of its 1. Listen attentively. -Compare the Filipino -What do you like most about
uses. Examples: ice cream What do you think will happen 2. Please keep your things in Children with the Children of your friend?
scooper, taking in medicines, if you did a certain thing order. the world.
can opener, as a pestle etc. without thinking of the 3. Avoid making too much -The teacher presents a -What do you dislike about
consequences? noise. semantic web. What word him/ her?
4. Stop going around please. can you associate with the
Have the pupils relate their 5. Observe silence. word CHILDREN? If you want to say an honest
experiences. mistake of your friend how do
may vary. you do it?
Enhance vocabulary words -Play a game: Simon says. Unlock ENN vocabulary words.
through body language. (Teacher uses command or Match column A with column
request. B and write the letter of the
correct answer.
-Read the words aloud 1. Go to the wash room.
2. Keep right! A B
A. Hind legs 3. Kindly speak in a soft 1rebozos a. a pendant
voice. 2. kimono braid of hair at
4. Please lend me your ears. 3. queue the back of
B. Fore legs 5. Come with us. 4. igloo the head.
5. fleet b. an Eskimo
leap 6. hut house
C. c. boat house
d. cottage
Without the
second thought e. a Japanese
D. lose robe fastened with a
f. a long scarf of
silk worn wrapped about
the head and shoulder and
sometimes over face.
B. Do you have a pet? Share a -Have you seen a fox? Ask the pupils to read and A. Motive Questions: A. Motive Question:
C. Presenting examples/ heroic deed it has done for you (Yes/ Not yet analyze the comic strip. 1. How do children from Why do we need to be tactful
instances of the new lesson or for others. around the world differ from all the time?
Unlocking of Difficulties: each other?
Synonym hunt through -What are the qualities of the Mother: “Lock your room 2. How do children differ in
multiple choice. Encircle the fox in some common stories? before leaving, Jim”. complexion.
letter of the correct answer (Often times fox is wise and 3. How do you compare the
1. The sharp protrusion of a bad) Jim: “Yes, Mother”. clothing’s of the children
shrimp is used to fight against from around the world?
its enemies. -Let us find out if the fox is still Rina: Mother told Jim to 4. Can you make distinctions
a. a part of the body that is the fox we have known lock his door before leaving. as the types of houses in
pointed before. which children from around
b. a part of the body that is Ms.Aguila: “Please polish the world lives?
hidden. the floor, Mang Ambo.” 5. What do they have in
c. a part of the that is plain. common?
d. a part of the body that is Mang Ambo: “Yes Maám”.
Ricky: Ms. Aguila requested
2. Nothing can pierce an iron Mang Ambo to polish the
shield even an iron sword. floor.
a. to rip of c. to crush
b. to spin d. to go through

3. The beautiful white pearl is

glistening under the rays of the
a. shine c. flash
b. bright d. all the above

4. The boastful man shows off

his knowledge about martial
a. humble c. naughty
b. overly confident d. shy

5. His colorful lantern has

scorched because of the
constant raining.
a. dried c. dyed
b. worn d. a and b

Motive Question: Why is that

the story titled the Boastful
D. Discussion new concepts The teacher uses the popcorn Read the story. What kind of sentences Read the poem:
and practicing new skills #1 reading strategy while the were used? A. Read the dialogues.
other pupils listen very The Fox in the Well Children Around the World
carefully The Boastful -Study the charts of direct (by Jo Feniford) Joana: Hey, Susan! It smells
Shrimp A fox once fell into the well. and indirect discourse stinky, Is that you Susan!
Once there was a shrimp He tried to jump out but each Some children are brown like
who thought he was the most time he did, he fell back down. -Differentiate a direct and newly baked bread, Susan: No! (She cried and
handsome shrimp in all the By and by a goat passed by. indirect discourse. ran outside.)
world. In fact, he believed that Looking into the well, he saw Some children are yellow and
he was more handsome than the fox. “Hello,” he called. -Differentiate command some are red, Joana: Oh! I don’t mean to
any other creatures on earth. “What are you doing down from request based on their hurt you, I just want to be
“Just look at my sword,” he there?” usage. Some children are white and frank!
proudly told the other young “Drinking some water of some almost blue,
shrimps, pointing to the sharp course!” replied the fox. “Is it Point out also their
pointed protrusion at the end good?” asked the goat. similarities. Their colors are different, the B.
of his nose. Of course, as far as “Good? It is the best water I children like you. Frieda: Hi, Jenna. Can we
shrimps were concerned, the ever tasted in my whole life,” talk outside?
end of the nose was the most answered the fox, drinking a Some children wear sweaters
natural place for the sword to gulp of water. and some rebozos
be. Without a second thought, Jenna: Sure! Perhaps it is a
“And look at my thick, the goat jumped in. After Some children wear furs and very important matter
smooth shield,” Like other drinking some water, he some kimonos’ right?
shrimps he carried his shield,” looked about for a way to get
he would continue. “Nothing out of the well. “How do we Some children go naked, and Frieda: Yes Jenna. I am
can pierce the shield,” like get out of here? “he asked the wear only their queue, your friend and I am
other shrimps he carried his fox? concern about your
shield on his head. All he “I know what we can do,” wellness. Being a teenager
needed to do to show off his said the fox. Looking at the Their clothes may be we must be concern with
head was to hold his head goat from the corner of his different, the children like our personal hygiene.
high. eye. “Stand on your hind legs. you. Taking a bath everyday will
“You are indeed a Plant your fore legs firmly help a lot. It is more of
handsome shrimp,” said an old against the side of the well. I’ll Some children have houses loving and respecting
experienced shrimp. “But you climb on your back, and I’ll of stone in the streets, ourselves.
are just reaching adulthood step on your horns. Then I can
and have had no experience of get out. When I’m out, I’ll help Some lived in igloos and Jenna: Thank you Frieda,
the world. Do not display you get out too.” some lived in fleets, indeed you are a true
yourself too much or else one “That’s a good idea!” said friend. Thank you, and I
of those humans might grab the goat happily as he did Some lived in old straw huts appreciate it very much.
you,” said the old shrimp what the fox told him to do. and some in new,
pointing with one of his many The fox climbed on the
legs to a young man swimming goat’s back and horns. Then Their homes may be Comprehension Check:
nearby. he jumped out of the well and different, the children like
“Grab me? Who? That started on his way. you. 1. How did Susan react to
soft- skinned two – legged “Hey!” shouted the goat. Joana’s statement?
creature? “scoffed the young “Help me out of here. You Some children are Finnish, 2. Do you think Joana’s
shrimp. “He does not even promised to help me.” and some from Japan, action is right?
have a proper shell. He has “You silly goat,” said the 3. If you were Susan, will
those funny little bits of shell fox. You should have thought Some are Norwegian and you feel the same?
on the ends of his fingers and of that before you jumped in. some from Sudan. 4. In the dialogue B, How
toes, which do not protect him Next time, look before you
did Frieda approach
at all, as far as I can tell. All I leap.” Oh yes, we have children in
need to do is stab him with my valley, or pike,
sharp sword, and that will be -Answer the Comprehension 5. Did Jenna got angry?
end of him. Someday, he and Check. Their countries are different- Did she feel
other two- legged humans will the children alike. embarrassed? Why?
look at me and admire me!” 1. Where did the story 6. If you were Jenna, will
said the young shrimp. happen? Oh if they could dance and if you get mad at Frieda?
“Well if you won’t listen they could play 7. Why?
to my advice,” said the old 2. Who fell into the well? 8. If you will choose
shrimp, “you will have to learn Altogether what a wonderful between Joana and
your lessons the hard way.” 3. Who jumped into the well? day! Frieda, who will you
The young shrimp soon choose? Why?
forget about the old shrimp’s 4. Why do you think the goat Some could come sailing and
advice. He continued his habit believed the fox? Explain. some could just hike!
of looking for groups of other
young shrimps his age and 5. How did the fox get out of So much would be different-
showing off before them. He the well? The children alike.
would engage in shrimp
gymnastics, bending his body 6. Why did the goat decided -Using the Clustering
this way and that, to let them to jump into the well? Organizer, discuss how
see how strong his muscles children from different parts
inside his beautifully glistening 7. If you were the goat, will of the world differ from each
white shell, which hardly had you do the same? other.
any dark dots or lines on them,
unlike the other shrimps 8. If you were the fox, will you
around him. do the same?
One day, a fishing boat yelloww Color
of the

passed by, with fisherman on
board looking for a good catch. 9. What is the moral of the
The boastful shrimp saw his story? hut

chance to display his athletic Su


form before them. He swam to Childre

the surface of the water. The B. Enumerate the story Types of
Country of

fisherman saw him. They cast grammar of the selection World

their net and in a few minutes, read.

the boastful young shrimp was fleet

caught in the net, along with -Characters: The Fox and the
other shrimps and fish. Goat
That day, at lunch time, Forms of

the boastful shrimp was seen -Settings: at the well

kimono rebo

on the end of a barbeque stick,

his shell now in beautiful colors -Plot: The goat saw the Fox
of pink, red and brown with dinking at the well so the goat -Let pupils label the sub
some scorched spots from the did the same without giving a clusters.
coals over which he was second thought. In the end
roasted. the goat left at the well all by Can you give reasons why
“What a fine, fat shrimp!” himself. they have different
explained the persons around complexions?
the dining table. -What does the author want (They came from different
“It’s the best shrimp I’ve us to feel? parts of the world)
ever tasted!” said the person
who picked up the barbeque -What do you think is the Cite countries and their skin
stick and cut up the shrimp, purpose of the author in color.
after putting a little portion in writing the story? ( Filipinos have brown
his mouth. The boastful, young complexion, China and Japan
shrimp got his wish at last to have yellow complexion,
be admired by humans. Americans have white
B. Answer the Comprehension complexion, Africans have
Check-up. black complexions)
1. Describe the Shrimp based
on his outer and inner -Locate using map or globe
appearance. where these children are
2. Why did the old shrimp found.
advised the boastful shrimp
not to display the latter’s shell
too much?
3. Did the boastful shrimp
listen to his advice? Why?
4. What happened to him?
5. What lesson did you learn
from the selection?
-Explain answers by giving
one’s opinion and supporting

Group Work What is a Fable? Present a Bubble Talk. Use your own graphic Group Work:
E. Discussing new concepts Each group will have the Teacher calls on three pupils organizer, and supply the Each group will share an
and practicing new skill #2 review of the selection listened (The Fable is a short fictional to act out the dialogue and missing details asked by each instance in their life when they
to. story that is characterized by complete the indirect sub topic. experienced the tactlessness of
A graphic organizer is used in animals and it always gives us command or request. A. SHELTER a certain person.
presenting and developing the a lesson in life.) A. B. CLOTHES How they reacted on it.
skill. The teacher asks each Grandfather: “Obey your
group on action taken by the -What is the purpose of a parents, Jojo”. Children Around
the world
boastful shrimp and later asks fable? .
for inferences on alternative Jojo: “Yes Lolo”. C. COLOR OF THE SKIN
actions. (The purpose of a fable is to D. COUNTRY ORIGIN
-What did we do to be able to entertain and to inform.) Shiella: Obey your parents,
give alternative actions to the Jojo.
action taken by the character -What makes it unique?
in the story they read. B.
-Presentation of each group (It is characterized by animals
having the attributes of Millie: “Rizza, Please help
humans.) me finish my homework”.

Rizza: “Sure”.
The teacher reads 10
statements and the pupils will Raffy:
identify whether it is a fact or Millie____Rizza____finish__
a bluff. (FACT OR BLUFF CARD) ___project
Bluff 1. The animals can think.
Millie asked Rizza to help
Bluff 2. The goat is a friend to her finish her project.
the fox.

Fact 3. The fox belongs to the

dog family.

Fact 4. The goat is a hog.

Fact 5. The fable is fictional.

Fact 6. Animals have their own

ways of communicating with
one another.

Fact 7. All fables give a lesson

in life.

Bluff 8. Talking animals like

humans is true.

Bluff 9. A fox is smarter than a


Fact 10. In the story, the fox is

representing the smart
F. Developing mastery Enumerate the characters in Enumerate the different The teacher gives request GROUP WORK Create a simple skit that shows
(Leads to Formative the story. purposes of a selection. and command statements. Present a Fishbone Mapping tactfulness in school.
Assessment 3) ( The Shrimp, The Old Shrimp) Graphic Organizer. Checking.
-to entertain Fill in the blanks the missing Provide the needed data or
-What line in the story tells words to complete the details to conclude the
about the characteristics of the -to inform sentences. Letters A to D general concept of children
shrimp? of the world similarities and
-to persuade A. Rico said, “Eric waters the differences.
-What part of the story you plants”. Similarities and differences
liked best? of the Children of the World
-Rico_______ water the

B. Liza said, “Please check

the papers for me, Annie.”

-Liza ____Annie ________

the papers for ____.

C. Mr. Mirasol said, “Jose,

submit your project early

-Mr. Mirasol ____ Jose

Each group will present each
_____ project early
Explain why they chose the
D. The maid said, “Please
said organizer.
stay in your room, children.”

- The maid ____the children

_____ stay in _____ room.

1. Rico ordered Eric to water
the plants.
2. Liza asked Annie to check
the papers for her.
3. Mr. Mirasol told Jose to
submit his project early
4. The maid requested the
children to stay in their
G. Finding A. FIND THE GEMS: A. ACT ME OUT: A. WORKING IN TANDEM: LET’S DO IT! Look for a tandem/ partner and
practical/applications of -Read the story of the selection Prepare an outline about think of a situation.
concepts and skills in daily The Story of the Tiny Frog. - Group the pupils into 3 to - Find a partner and how you want to spend your Deliver a one minute dialogue
GROUP WORK: Group the role play the selection below. create a usual Christmas using the using the tactful way of
pupils into four. -Group I to entertain scenario in class clustering of ideas. communicating with others.
-Group I is assigned to look for that shows the use Checking after immediate The teacher checks the activity
the Characters in the story. -Group II to persuade or of a command and submission of work. immediately using the RUBRIC.
-Group II is assigned to look for convince. request in direct
the Settings. -Group III to inform and indirect
-Group III is assigned to look discourse.
for the Plot by sequencing the A Raven and a Swan
- Each tandem is
events in the story in five e
expected to present
sentences. A Raven, which you know is
- Group IV is assigned to look black as coal, was envious of their work in one
for the Theme of the Story. the Swan, because her minute.
-Write each output in the feathers were as white as the
Manila Paper and each groupo purest snow. The foolish bird B. The teacher checks
will assign a presentor in front got the idea that if he lived the pupils work
of the class. like the Swan, swimming and immediately. Using
-The teacher gives the final diving all day long and eating the Rubric for
correction/ clarification after the weeds and plants that making a dialogue.
each presentor. grow in the water, his feathers
would turn white like the
The Story of The Tiny Frog
Swan's. So he left his home in
There once was a bunch of tiny the woods and fields and flew
frogs who got together to down to live on the lakes and
arrange a competition to reach in the marshes. But though he
to the top of the highest tower washed and washed all day
in town. long, almost drowning himself
at it, his feathers remained as
As the date for the competition black as ever. And as the
was announced, the news water weeds he ate did not
spread everywhere and crowd agree with him, he got thinner
in large numbers gathered and thinner, and at last he
around the tower to see this died.
interesting competition and
cheer on the contestants. The B. The teacher uses the
crowd did not really believe Rubrics below for checking
any of these little frogs were the role play.
going to make it to the top of
the tower. Yet they were Role-Play Rubric BLM G–17
curious… _________________________
_____ Date:
The competition began, the _____________________
frogs quickly started to ascend Activity:
and the crowd cheered! ________________________
Role played:
As a few moments passed, _____________________
someone from the crowd Assessment done by:
shouted, "Not a chance that _________________________
they will succeed! The tower is _____________________
too high!" Criteria: Rating: Speech was
clear with appropriate volume
Another spectator said, "Yes, and inflection. 5 4 3 2 1 Role
they will never make it to the was played in a convincing,
top. It's way too difficult!" consistent manner. 5 4 3 2 1
Arguments and viewpoints
expressed fit role played. 5 4 3
As the competition continued,
2 1 Costumes and props were
some of the tiny frogs began
effectively used. 5 4 3 2 1
collapsing. One by one… tired…
Role-play was well prepared
exhausted… But the race
and organized. 5 4 3 2 1 Role-
continued… as those who still
play captured and maintained
had the fight left, passionately
audience interest. 5 4 3 2 1
continued to climb higher and
Additional Criteria:
In the excitement and anxiety
the crowd continued to yell, "It
is too difficult. No one will
make it!"
More tiny frogs got tired and _________________________
gave up. They all continued to ____________
give up one by one, until there _________________________
was only ONE little frog left in _________________________
the competition who ____________ Comments:
continued to climb higher and _________________________
higher and higher… _________________________
This one wouldn’t give up! _________________________
This one tiny frog who, after a ____________
big effort was the only one _________________________
who reached the top! This little ________________
soul was the winner! He made
it! He got the glory!

Naturally, everyone wanted to

know how this one tiny frog
managed to pull it off when
every other contestant gave
up.Everybody wanted to know
how this tiny frog had found
the strength to reach this goal
that everyone else thought it
was impossible. So, they asked

It turned out that the winner

was deaf

H. Making generalization Ask: How do we get the Pupils will state the Fable’s Ask: What is Command? Ask: What is the importance Ask; How do we show
and abstraction about the significant details in the story concepts. What is Request? of organizing ideas through tactfulness in communicating
lesson. read? -What is a direct discourse? graphic organizer? with others?
Concept Formation: -What is indirect discourse? Concept Formation: The Concept Formation:
Concept Formation: Noting the Fable is a fictional story that clustering graphic organizer 1. Be honest but always
significant detail is reading has a purpose of entertaining Concept Formation: shows and separates the consider the feelings of others.
between the lines to get the and informing the readers. It In the reported command, developed ideas from other There are many ways in
main idea of the story, how it is peopled by animals that are the verb “said” is not used, ideas. The use of the CGO communicating without hurting
started, developed and ended capable of talking and instead, “told”. The word provides the organization of the feelings of others.
with the help of the characters expressing feelings as humans “to” is added before the ideas easy to understand,
and other elements of the verb. making learning more
story. enjoyable
-In reporting request, the .
verb “asked” or “requested”
is used instead of “told”.
The word “please” is
The quotation marks are

Necessary changes are

made in the pronouns.


1. “Put down your bag,”

mother said to Leo.

2. “Please try the other

button,” Lyka said.

I. Evaluating Learning Number each statement The teacher will read the Read the short paragraph Use a graphic aid to organize Write T if it shows tactfulness
according on how the story selections orally and the below. Follow what you are the ideas in the given for each situation.
happened. pupils will identify its purpose. asked to do. paragraph.
_____The old shrimp advised 1. Ultra was lying down on the ______1. Kindly do your work
the handsome shrimp not to back porch when suddenly his It was vacation time. Provide a Title to the on time because it can help in
show off too much. friend Kitten went to him and Being the eldest, Lina was paragraph. our performance rating.
_____When one day a she invited him to visit their assigned by her mother to pp.428-429
fisherman was looking for a friend Sky at the pen. clean the house. In order to _______2. Work fast, you
good catch. 2. The Frog went out for she finish early, she called her 1. The Filipino is a very waste our time.
_____The handsome Shrimp hate himself for being useless. brothers and sisters to help respectful person. He shows
starts to brag about his He couldn’t croak and jump. her. due respect to his parents, _______3. We can finish the
handsomeness and athletic After he fell into a deep well elders and to people in task on time if we will help
figure. and was about to face his Identify her statement if it authority. He never misses each other.
_____He was caught by fishing death, he was able to bring his is a command or request saying the word “po” and _______4. It is much better if
net of the fisherman. best and did even better. He is then transform each into a “opo”. This is a Filipino way we are a help than a burden to
_____The boastful shrimp was certain that no one could help reported form. Of showing respect, which other,
cooked and eaten at lunch. us except our own self. we are very proud of. He
3. The Free Bird cried, “My _______1. “Kevin, please kisses the hands of parents _______5. Speak like no one is
Darling sing the song of the dust the furniture”. and grandparents as a unique listening to you.
woodlands.” _______2. “Susie, arrange way of showing respect to
The caged bird said, “Sit by my the books and magazines”. elders. He calls his older
side; I’ll teach you the speech _______3. “Husk the floor, brother “Kuya and his older
of the learned.” Ruben.” sister “ate”.
4. There was a turtle that _______4. “Help me put
couldn’t stop talking and the some plants inside, Roy”.
geese made a challenge to _______5. “Please be
bring her to the nice place if careful with the plates,
she could promise not to talk Susie”.
because she will be carrying a
stick on her mouth. The turtle
agreed and so they flew to the
place. They heard people
saying something about them
and the turtle spoke. She fell
dead on the ground.
5. The monkey who was so
wise ate all the bananas and
went down without noticing
the thorns planted by his
friend turtle. His selfishness
ruined him.
J. Additional activities for Read a short story or dialogue. Read another fable and fill up Read and tell what the Write a paragraph from the Cut out a comic strip and
application or remediation Write the plot in 5 sentences. the SWBS Chart meeting the person in each sentence given topics and present it to compose a comic balloon for
details in the story. said. the class using a graphic each conversation. Always use
-Be ready to share it in class. SWBS: Plot AUTHOR:__________ organizer. a tactful way of communicating
Chart 1. Father said, “Avoid
PURPOSE:_________ A. Effect of Smoking on One’s your thoughts and feelings.
TITLE:____ playing near the pool, John”. Health
S- 2. “Please help me with my B. Students’ Addiction to
Somebody toy, Sandy”, Sam said. Internet Gaming
W- Wanted 3. “Pray before sleeping C. How Do You Celebrate
B- But Ela”, aunt Norma said. Christmas?
S- So 4. Estella said, “Please allow
me to visit my friend,
5. “Proceed to my office”
the Principal said.

A.No of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No of learners who
require additional activities
for remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these works?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other
Petsa / Oras: November 4-8, 2019 (WEEK 1) Markahan: 3RD QUARTER


I.LAYUNIN (Objectives) Nagagamit sa pagsasalaysay Nabibigyang kahulugan ang Nakasusulat ng isang Nakasusulat ng isang Natutukoy ang mga
ang mga pandiwa na nasa iba’t- kilos, gawi at pananalita ng maikling reaksyon maikling reaksyon pandiwang ginamit at
ibang aspekto mga tauhan sa akda tungkol sa tungkol sa napapanahong ang aspekto nito
napapanahong paksa paksa
A.Pamantayang Pangnilalaman (
Content Standards)

B.Pamantayan sa Pagganap Nagagamit sa pagsasalaysay Nabibigyang kahulugan ang Nakasusulat ng isang Nakasusulat ng isang Natutukoy ang mga
(Performance Standards) ang mga pandiwa na nasa iba’t- kilos, gawi at pananalita ng maikling reaksyon maikling reaksyon pandiwang ginamit at
ibang aspekto mga tauhan sa akda tungkol sa tungkol sa napapanahong ang aspekto nito
napapanahong paksa paksa
C. Mga Kasanayan sa Pagkatuto Paggamit sa Pagsasalaysay ng Pagbibigay Kahulugan sa Pagsulat ng Isang Pagsulat ng Isang Pagtukoy sa mga
(Learning Competencies) mga Pandiwa na Nasa Iba’t- Kilos, Gawi at Pananalita ng Maikling Reaksyon Maikling Reaksyon Pandiwang Ginamit at
ibang Aspekto mga Tauhan sa Akda Tungkol sa Tungkol sa ang Aspekto Nito
Napapanahong Paksa Napapanahong Paksa
A.Sanggunian (References)
Pages) PH. 4 ph. 4 PAGSULAT ph. 4 ph. 4 PAGSASALITA Ph. 4
2.Mga Pahina sa Kagamitang Pang-Mag-aaral
(Learner’s Materials Pages)
3.Mga pahina sa Teksbuk (Textbook Pages) Banghay Aralin sa Filipino Banghay Aralin sa Filipino Banghay Aralin sa Filipino 6,
6, ph. 142-146 6, ph. 110-111 ph. 110-111
4. Karagdagang Kagamitan mula sa portal ng Learning
Resource (Additional Materials from Learning
Resources (LR) Portal)
B.Iba pang Kagamitang Panturo (Other Manila Paper, Larawan Larawan, Tsart Tsart Tsart Manila paper
Learning Resources)
IV.PAMAMARAAN (Procedures)
A.Balik-Aral sa nakaraang aralin at/o Ano ang pandiwa? Magbigay ng Ano-ano ang aspekto ng Ano-ano ang mga dapat Ano-ano ang mga dapat Ano-ano ang mga dapat
pagsisimula ng aralin (Review Previous halimbawa ng mga salitang pandiwa? tandaan sa pagbibigay ng tandaan sa pagbibigay ng tandaan sa pagbibigay ng
Lessons) kilos o pandiwa at gamitin sa Magbigay ng halimbawa at kahulugan sa kilos, gawi kahulugan sa kilos, gawi at reaksyon?
sariling pangungusap. gamitin sa pangungusap. at pananalita ng mga pananalita ng mga tauhan Pagwawasto sa takdang-
Pagwawasto sa Itinakdang- tauhan sa akda? sa akda? aralin.
Pagwawasto sa Takdang- Pagwawasto sa Takdang-
Aralin. Aralin.
B. Paghahabi sa layunin ng aralin Sino-sino angating mga ninuno Paano mahihinuha ang Ano-ano ang mga Ano-ano ang mga Sino sa inyo ang may
(Establishing purpose for the Lesson) na unang dumating sa katangian o damdaming napapanahong isyu o napapanahong isyu o pinag- alagang pato?
Pilipinas? ipinahahayag ng iyong pinag-uusapan ngayon? uusapan ngayon? Ano-anong mga
kapwa? Madali ba itong pakinabang ang
Hanggang sa mgayon ay Makita? Ano naman ang inyong Ano naman ang inyong makukuhan natin sa
nakikita parin natin ang mga masasabi tungkol dito? masasabi tungkol dito? pag-aalaga nito?
lahi nila. Maaari mo bang Paghawan ng balakid:
ilarawan ang kanilang naging Hanapin ang kahulugan ng Paghawan ng balakid:
pamumuhay? tambalang-salita na nasa
kaliwa sa mga salita o 1.Mapapawi ang sakit
pariralang nasa kanan. kung ating gagamutin.
Isulat lamang ang titik. 2.Mag-ingat ka sa iyong
Alam niyo bang sa Kalibo Aklan daraanan baka ka
ay taon-taon nilang ____1. Bukang-liwayway matalisod.
ipinagdiriwang ang Ati-atihan? ____2 . basing-sisiw 3.Tumatawa at tila
Paano kaya nagsimula ang ____3. Buhay-hari nanunuya pa ang
ganitong pagdiriwang? ____4.kakaning-itik kanyang kaaway nang
Alamin natin. siya ay pagalitan.

C. Pag-uugnay ng mga halimbawa sa Pagbasa sa talatang nakasulat Sino sa inyo ang umaalis ng Pagbasa sa maikling Pagbasa sa maikling Paglalahad sa tulang”Ang
bagong aralin (Presenting examples sa Manila Paper,”Ati-atihan sa bahay kahit hindi kuwento na nasa ph. kuwento na nasa ph. 111- Pato at ang Bulati”.
/instances of the new lessons) Kalibo Aklan”. pinapayagan? Alam ba 111-112, Gintong Aklat sa 112, Gintong Aklat sa
ninyo ang nararamdaman Pagbasa. Pagbasa. Tumawag ng isang mag-
ng mga magulang kapag aaral na mahusay
hindi sinusunod ang bumasa at ipabasa ito
kanilang payo? nang malakas.

Pagbasa sa
kuwentong”Liwanag sa
D. Pagtatalakay ng bagong konsepto at 1.Tungkol saan ang talata? 1.Bakit nagpasya si Henry 1.Bakit nagtungo ang 1.Bakit nagtungo ang 1.Bakit tinawag ng inahin
paglalahad ng bagong kasanayan #1 2.Ayon sa talata, sino sa ating na sumama sa mga Pangulo at Unang Ginang Pangulo at Unang Ginang sa ang mga inakay?
(Discussing new concepts and mga ninuno ang unang naghahanap ng sa Barangay Kalayaan? Barangay Kalayaan? 2.Ano ang samo ng
practicing new skills #1. dumating sa lugar ng Panay? kayamanan? 2.Paano makatutulong 2.Paano makatutulong ang bulati?
3.Ilarawan ang naging buhay ng 2.Ano-anong mga ang pabahay sa mga pabahay sa mga iskwater? 3.Dapat bang maniwala
mga Ati sa kabundukan? Mga katangian ni Henry ang iskwater? 3.Sa inyong palagay, agad tayo sa pangako ng
Malayo? iyong kaibigan? 3.Sa inyong palagay, makatutulong bas a mga isang tao? Bakit?
4.Paano nagkaroon ng Ati- 3.Kubng ikaw ang nanay ni makatutulong bas a mga iskwater ang pagkawala ng 4.Anong aral ang iyong
atihan sa Kalibo Aklan? Henry, anong payo ang iskwater ang pagkawala Smokey Mountain? Bakit? napulot sa tula?
maibibigay mo sa kanya? ng Smokey Mountain?
4.Angkop baa ng kuwento Bakit?
ang pamagat na “Liwanag
sa Dilim”? Ipaliwanang ang

E. Pagtatalakay ng bagong konsepto at Balikan natin ang talata: 1.Pagsagot sa mga tanong Pangkatang Gawain: Pangkatang Gawain: Isulat Pagbasa sa mga
paglalahad ng bagong kasanayan #2 1.Ano-anong pandiwa ang na may pag-iisip. Isulat sa isang manila sa isang manila paper ang pandiwang ginamit sa
(Discussing new concepts & practicing ginamit sa talata? 2.Ipakita ang semantic paper ang inyong sagot inyong sagot sa mga tula. Halimbawa:
new slills #2) 2.Isulat ito sa pisara. webbing ang katangian ni sa mga katanungan katanungan kasama ng
3.Ipabasa ang lahat ng Henry at ng kanyang Ina. kasama ng iyong iyong pangkat. Humanda sa tinawag, tinuka
pandiwang naibigay. pangkat. Humanda sa paglalahad nito sa klase.
4.Nasa anong aspekto ang mga paglalahad nito sa klase. Kailan ginawa ang kilos?

pandiwang ginamit sa talata? Paano natin gagawin ang
5.Magpabigay ng iba pang mga pandiwang ito sa
halimbawa ng mga pandiwang aspektong ginagawa pa,

nasa iba’t-ibang aspekto at at gagawin pa lamang?
ipagamit ang mga ito sa Anong panlapi ang
pangungusap. idinagdag upang mabuo
ang aspektong ginagawa

at gagawin pa lamang?
F. Paglinang sa Kabihasaan (Tungo sa Ipagawa ang Magbigay ng iba pang
Formative Assesment 3) Pagpapayamang halimbawa at tumawag
Developing Mastery (Leads to Gawain:Gawain 1 sa ph. ng ilang mag-aaral na

Formative Assesment 3) gagawa sa pisara.
143 banghay aralin sa
Filipino 6. Ibigay ang aspektong
ginagawa at gagawin pa


G. Paglalapat ng aralin sa pang araw- Pangkatang Gawain: Magbigay ng iyong Magbigay ng iyong Pangkatang Gawain:
araw na buhay (Finding Practical Pangkatin ang klase. Sabihing reaksyon tungkol sa reaksyon tungkol sa Magbigay ng tiglimang
Applications of concepts and skills in sila ay gagawa o susulat ng nagaganap na isyu nagaganap na isyu tungkol pandiwa na nasa iba’t-
daily living) isang talata tungkol sa kanilang tungkol sa droga sa ating sa droga sa ating bansa. ibang aspekto at gamitin
magiging paksa. Gumamit ng bansa. ito sa pangungusap.
mga pandiwang nasa iba’t-
ibang aspekto. Ipaalala ang
wastong hakbang sa pagsusulat
ng talata.

“Paano Ipinagdiriwang ang

Araw ng Undas?”

Pagkatapos hayaang ilahad ng

bawat pangkat ang kani-
kanilang talata. Iwasto at
bigyan ng iba pang
impormasyon na makakatulong
sa pagpapabuti ng kanilang
H. Paglalahat ng Aralin (Making Ano-ano ang mga aspekto ng Ano-ano ang mga dapat Ano-ano ang mga dapat Ano-ano ang mga dapat Ano ang tatlong aspekto
Generalizations & Abstractions about pandiwa? tandaan sa pagbibigay ng tandaan sa pagbibigay ng tandaan sa pagbibigay ng ng pandiwa?
the lessons) kahulugan sa kilos, gawi at reaksyon? reaksyon?
Ano-ano ang mga dapat pananalita ng mga tauhan
tandaan sa pagsusulat ng isang sa akda?
I.Pagtataya ng Aralin (Evaluating PANUTO: Isalaysay ang iyong Basahin ang mga talata na Magbigay ng iyong Magbigay ng iyong Tukuyin ang pandiwang
Learning) karanasan tungkol sa mga ibibgay ng guro. Lagyan ng reaksyon tungkol sa reaksyon tungkol sa maling ginamit at ang aspekto
sumusunod na paksa. Gumamit nababagay na damdamin o maling pagtatapon ng pagtatapon ng basura sa nito sa bawat
ng mga pandiwa na nasa iba’t- katangian ng bawat tauhan basura sa karagatan at karagatan at paggamit ng pangungusap.
ibang aspekto. Pumili ng nais sa ibaba ng talata. paggamit ng maling maling pamamaraan sa
mong paksa pamamaraan sa pangingisda. 1.Malayo ang nilakbay ng
pangingisda. aking ama galing
1.Ang Aking Paglalakbay Maynila.
Papunta sa Isang Lugar 2.Dadalo kami sa
2.Ang Pagdiriwang ng Aking kaarawan ng aking
Kaarawan pinsan sa Pangasinan.
3.Paano Ko Pasasalamatan Ang 3.Nanonood sila ng liga
Aking Mga Magulang? sa plaza kasama ang
aking kapatid.
J. Karagdagang gawain para satakdang- Isalaysay kung paano ka Sumulat ng pahayag ayon Magbigay ng iyong Magbigay ng iyong maikling Gamitin sa pangungusap
aralin at remediation (Additional makatutulong sa sa hinihinging damdamin. maikling reaksyon reaksyon tungkol sa ang mga sumusunod na
activities for application or pagpapanatiling maayos at tungkol sa pagmimina ng pagmimina ng ginto sa mga pandiwa at tukuyin kung
remediation) maaliwalas ang iyong 1.paghanga ginto sa mga kabundukan. nasa anong aspekto ang
kapaligiran. Gumamit ng mga 2.pagkabigla kabundukan. mga ito.
pandiwa na nasa iba’t-ibang 3.pagwawalang-bahala
aspekto pagkatapos guhitan 1.Kinakabahan
ang mga ito. 2.Nilapitan
V.MGA TALA (Remarks)

VI. PAGNINILAY (Reflection)

A.Bilangng mag-aaralnanakakuhang 75%
sapagtataya (No.of learners who earned 75%
in the evaluation)
B. Blgng mag-aaralnanangangailanganngiba
pang gawain para sa remediation (No.of
learners who requires additional acts.for
remediation who scored below 75%)
C. Nakatulongbaang remedial? Bilangng
mag-aaralnanakaunawasaaralin? (Did the
remedial lessons work? No.of learners who
caught up with the lessons)
D. Bilangngmga mag-aaralnamagpatuloysa
remediation? (No.of learners who continue
to require remediation)
nglubos? Paanoitonakatulong? (Which of my
teaching strategies worked well? Why did
this work?)
nansatulongngakingpunongguro at
superbisor? (What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal/supervisor can
help me solve?)
(What innovations or localized materials did I
used/discover which I wish to share with
other teachers?)
Teaching Dates and Time: NOVEMBER 4-8, 2019 (WEEK 1) Quarter: 3RD QUARTER


A.Content Standards Demonstrates understanding of the Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding of Weekly Test
concept of musical forms and musical the concept of musical forms and the concept of musical forms and the concept of musical forms 1. Administerin
symbols musical symbols musical symbols and musical symbols g test
2. Administerin
g of weekly
test in Music
3. Setting of
4. Test Proper
5. Checking of
Test Results
B.Performance Standards Performs accurately the design of Performs accurately the design of Performs accurately the design of Performs accurately the design
structure of a given musical piece structure of a given musical piece structure of a given musical piece of structure of a given musical
C.Learning Analyzes the musical forms of the Analyzes the musical forms of the Uses the different repeat marks Uses the different repeat marks
Competencies/Objectives following following that are related to form; that are related to form;
1. Leron Leron Sinta 1. Leron Leron Sinta 1. Da Capo (D.c) Da Capo (D.c)
2. Silent Night 2. Silent Night 2. Dal Segno (D.S.) Dal Segno (D.S.)
3. Happy Birthday 3. Happy Birthday 3. Al Fine (up to the end) Al Fine (up to the end)
4. Joy to the world 4. Joy to the world 4. D.C. al Fine (repeat from D.C. al Fine (repeat from
5. Bahay Kubo 5. Bahay Kubo beginning until the word beginning until the word fine)
6. Ili-Ili Tulog Anay 6. Ili-Ili Tulog Anay fine) II: :II
7. Paru-Parung Bukid 7. Paru-Parung Bukid 5. II: :II /----/ /-----/
8. Ang Bayan Ko 8. Ang Bayan Ko 6. /----/ /-----/ (Ending 1, ending 2)
9. Pamulinawen 9. Pamulinawen (Ending 1, ending 2) MU6FO-IIIc-3
10. Tinikling 10. Tinikling MU6FO-IIIc-3
11. Lupang Hinirang 11. Lupang Hinirang
MU6FO-IIIa-b-2 MU6FO-IIIa-b-2
II.CONTENT Forms Forms Forms Forms
1.Teacher’s Guide pages
2.Learners’s Materials pages
3.Textbook pages The 21st Century MAPEH in Action The 21st Century MAPEH in Action The 21st Century MAPEH in The 21st Century MAPEH in
p.44-47 p.44-47 Action p.48 Action p.48
4.Additional materials from MISOSAA$-module 23 MISOSAA$-module 23 MISOSA4-module 17 MISOSA4-module 17
learning resource (LR) portal Manwal ng Guro Umawit at Manwal ng Guro Umawit at
Gumuhit 5 Valdecantos, Emelita Gumuhit 5 Valdecantos, Emelita
C, 1999 pp. 39, 38-40 C, 1999 pp. 39, 38-40
B.Other Learning Resource

A.Reviewing previous lesson or What is pollution? What is form? What is ternary? Identify the symbol
presenting the new lesson Give the different types. II: :II
B.Establishing a purpose for the Let the pupils identify the different Form 4 groups. Each will be giving Give the symbol for repeat marks What is the importance of
lesson songs. examples of songs according to in music. musical symbols like repeat
1. Happy birthday forms. Let the other group guess marks or ending marks in a
2. Bahay Kubo the forms. musical composition?
C.Presenting Examples/ instances Let them identify the forms of the Singing of songs according to the Draw the repeat and ending sign Identify the repeat marks in the
of the new lesson songs..How many times did u sing it? different forms for music. Ex II: :II composition.
(The teacher shall provide a
copy with symbols)
D.Discussing new concepts and Form in music is the way a musical What is form? Repeat marks for forms are the Using the songs given to them
practicing new skills #1 composition is arranged. This following: they will form 4 groups and they
composition could be either any 1. Da Capo(D.C.) repeat will sing the song according to
musical piece as sung by vocalists or from beginning of the the musical marks.
singers or the music created by composition
means of musical instruments. 2. Dal Segno(D.S )indicates
that the musical piece is
to be repeated from the
sign S.
3. Da CapoAndDal Segno-
have the same purpose
in repeating the
particular sections
except in the exact
places where to begin.
They also end with the
word “Fine”.
4. D.C. Al Fine- means that
the section is to be
repeated from the
beginning up to the
word “Fine” or up to the
E.Discussing new concepts and Diff Kinds Of Forms: Review on the different kinds of What is a Choir?
practicing new skills #2 1. Unitary Form- contains only forms Have u been a member of a
one section which remains choir?
the same all throughout the
whole composition ex.
2. Binary(AB)- made up of two
musical parts or has two
different melodic ideas. Ex
Paru-Parung Bukid
3. Ternary- utilizes a three-
part form represented by
(ABC) and sometimes, third
part is a repititon of the first
part represented by (ABA)
Ex. Lupang Hinirang
4. Rondo (ABACA) is made
upfive or more musical parts
with some repetitions. Ex.
Maligayang Araw
F.Developing Mastery What are the different forms? Give What are the different forms? Give the different repeat marks What are the different repeat
examples for each. Give examples for each. related to form with its meaning. marks?
G.Finding Practical application of
concepts and skills in daily living
H.Making generalization and
abstraction about the lesson
I.Evaluating learning Identify the musical forms of the Give examples of each form by Identify the following repeat
Following songs group (singing) marks.
1. Happy Birthday
1. have the same purpose
2. Maligayang Araw
in repeating the
3. Leron Leron Sinta
particular sections
4. Dandansoy
except in the exact
5. Lupang Hinirang
places where to begin.
They also end with the
word “Fine”.
2. repeat from beginning
of the composition
3. means that the section
is to be repeated from
the beginning up to the
word “Fine” or up to
the end.
4. indicates that the
musical piece is to be
repeated from the sign
5.end of the song.
J.additional activities for
application or remediation
A.Bilangng mag-aaralnanakauhang
80% sapagtatayao.
B.Bilangng mag-
aaralnanangangailanganngiba pang
Gawain para sa remediation
Bilangng mag-
D.Bilangng mag-
nungguro at superbisor?

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