Session Plan-PGDM

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Session Plan, Greater Noida

PGDM, Trimester-V, Batch 2018-2020

Course Name and Code : Integrated Marketing Communication

Type of Area/Course : Specialization

Instructor Name: Gagan Katiyar

Course Credit: 2.5

Total Number Teaching Hours: 25 Hours

Mapping with PILO*: Upon completion of the programme every student shall be able to develop a managerial perspective and an
informed decision making ability to enable the marketing executives tackle the marketing communication situations successfully.

CLG: This course will enable the student to uunderstand, through a mix of theory and cases, the fundamentals of
Marketing Communications and contemporary trends and challenges in the rapidly changing environment. This will
also help students to distinguish between different tools of marketing communication and their necessary application
to organizations in addition to identifying the most relevant and cost effective communication mix targeted to the
company’s audience that provides efficiency and effectiveness of the marketing program. The final purpose is that
students should know to apply tools in an integrated way so that each tool of communication has a complimentary
effect for all communications from the company, both in the light of Indian and global context.

Actual CILO
CIL Course Intended Learning Blooms Tools Expected CILO*
O Outcomes Taxonomy Direct / Attainment Level
Identify the elements of
marketing communication
1 process and understand the Remember
and Listening
concepts of communication (Level 1)

Understand the knowledge of

Understan Viva
2 marketing communication in a
ding (Compulsory)
holistic way
(Level 2)
Demonstrates practical
Not more than
application of tools of Case Study
Apply 15% student
3 marketing communication Presentation &
(Level 3) should Score less
across situations Class Activities
than 40% marks
Understands real life Industry
Oral Not more than
applications by mapping
Presentations 15% student
4 Industry practice of marketing Apply
after Field should Score less
communication application in
Visits (Group) than 40% marks
the real context

Instructor’s Contact
Email: [email protected]

Phone: 0120-2323001-10 Ext 359

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 Recommended Text Book: Shah, D’Souza: Advertising & Promotions, An Integrated Marketing
Communications Perspective, Tata McGraw Hill, 2009

Other Suggested Readings (Books):

1. Clow Kenneth E, Baack Donald: Integrated Advertising, Promotion and Marketing
Communications, Pearson Education.
2. Aaker, David A., Myers John, G., and Batra, Rajiv: Advertising Management, Pearson Education.
3. S. H. H. Kazmi and S. K. Batra: Advertising and Sales Promotion, Excel Books
4. Dunn, S. Watson and Barban, Arnold M: Advertising – Its Role in Modern Marketing, The Dryden Press.

Case Studies
1. Chicken of the Sea Case
2. Gateway Case
3. Grey for Amrutanjan
4. Benetton Case
5. Bahubali Case
6. Case on Ramdev

Group Assignment

1. Creative Copy Writing

2. Mapping Brand-Contact Points for a Product/ Service Offering

Teaching pedagogy will be a mix of Lectures, Tutorials, Class discussions, Class Exercises, Cases & Assignments

Assessment Criteria, Schedule and Weightage

Criteria Marks/Weightage Date /Week #

Field Assignment 20 End of teaching
Creative Copy Writing 10 Second week of teaching
Case Discussions 10 During regular class
Class participation & Viva Voce 10 Ongoing process till completion
End Term Exam 50% End of Trimester
Total 100%

Expectations from the students

1. Read assigned chapters/articles/cases before the session
2. Keep a track of deadlines
3. Major focus shall be on reading the material and refrain from using PowerPoint presentations for the
complete study.

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Schedule/ Weekly Plan

Week Topics Covered Assessment / Case Learning

Deadlines Studies/Articles/Exercises Outcomes/ Skills

1 Introduction to IMC Understanding of

basic concepts,
understanding of

2 Organization for Chicken of the Sea Knowing the role of

Advertising & Ad Agencies and
Promotion other marketing

Learning the
Perspectives on

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3 Source Message and Gateway case Understanding

Channel Factors Major variables in
the communication
system and their
influence on
processing of

Selection of a
source for
messages and
used to develop a
message including
choice of medium

4 Creative Strategy: 1. Creative Content Role of creativity in

Planning & Writing Advertising, its
Development 2. Mapping brand process and types
contact points of creative copies
consumer behavior

Role of Client and

Agency, their
relationship and

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5 Media Planning & Learning Media

Strategy Planning concept
and development

characteristics and
its implementation

6 Sales Promotion Grey for Amrutanjan Learning the

Nature, role,
Benetton Case objective and
importance of Sales

Types of consumer
and trade oriented
sales promotion
tools, its
coordination with

Familiarising with
Challenges in Sales

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7 Public Relations, Bahubali Case Understanding Role

Publicity and of Public Relations,
Corporate Advertising Publicity and
Advertising in the
Promotional Mix.

Methods of

Knowing the
Different forms of

8 Direct Marketing & Role and

Personnel Selling importance of

Strategies & Tactics

of Direct

Scope and

9 Internet & Interactive Role & Importance,

Media Evaluation of
effectiveness &

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Class Rules and Regulations

The class will start exactly as per the time given in the time table. The doors will be closed after I have entered the
classroom and no student will be permitted to enter thereafter.

Attendance will only be marked for actual physical presence in the complete class.

Receiving and making phone calls during the class is strictly banned. Please keep your cell phones on silent mode during the

You are required to bring your laptop fully charged in every class. However, working on the laptop will only be permitted
when specifically asked to do so.

There will be some study material sent to you well before every class. You are expected to read each of them very carefully
before coming to the class. In class discussion will be on ‘Learning Objectives’ and ‘questions/ exercises’ spelt out with
every article. Any student in the class may be called upon to answer a question given with the article. Every module will also
be covering a Case Study which will be discussed by way of presentations made by groups. Any group/s may be called upon
to present an answer to the question/s mentioned at the end of the case. Class room participation will be monitored and
appropriately given marks.

Every class will also devote time to questions/ explanations students may seek on the book chapter/s marked as a part of a
module. Students will be expected to read the chapter before coming to the class.

All field and class assignments are to be submitted on time as stipulated in class.

Definitions and meanings:

Program learning Goals (PLGs): PLGs can be defined as the knowledge, skills, or behaviors that a program’s students should be
able to demonstrate upon program completion. Program learning goals are framed broadly to encompass the complex conceptual
aspects of the degree. These are derived from the Institute’s mission statement.

Program intended Learning Objectives (PILOs): A set of measurable learning objectives for each PLG. One PLG can have more
than one measurable PILO.It represent broad statements that incorporate many areas of inter-related knowledge and skills
developed over the duration of the program through a wide range of courses and experiences. They represent the big picture,
describe broad aspects of behavior, and encompass multiple learning experiences.

Course Learning Goals (CLGs): Course learning goals are broad statements of what the students will be able to do when they
have completed the course. These Learning goals are broad, general statements of what we want our students to learn and provide
direction, focus, and cohesion.

Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs): CILOs are set of measurable learning objectives for each course. Course
IntendedLearning outcomes describe the learning that is expected to take place across the curriculum through concise statements,
made in specific and measurable terms, of what students will know and/or be able to do as the result of having successfully
completed a course.

Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Skills 70% and above 60-69% 50-59% 40-49% below 40%
Clarity of
concept Shows a excellent Shows a good Shows a Shows a average Does not understand

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understanding of understanding average understanding of any concepts

concepts of concepts understanding concepts with
of concepts many errors
with few
Holistic Knowledge Good Learning of Does not Student does not
of Marketing understanding basic concepts understand demonstrate an
Interpret Communications & of tools of of integration of understanding any
ation apply practically communicatio communicatio concepts & tools of the tools
ns n&
Completes Completes Completes all Is barely able to
Completes all usage of tools application of necessary class complete the module
analysis industry applications with minor individual assignments with
on Marketing applications tools only no application

* Group Project:
Mapping Brand-Contact Points for a Product/ Service Offering

To integrate the class discussion with real life market conditions, Live Case assignments have
been designed. This assignment is about identifying the brand contact points for a pre identified
product or service class.

As discussed in class, brands and customers (or prospects) communicate with each other (it’s a
two-way process) in hundreds of ways (some are structured, many not controlled and structured
by marketer like Word-of-mouth, website- auctions). As a marketer (or marcom professional)
starting point of any communication exercise must be mapping Customer-Brand Contact
Points. Once these channels/ points are identified, we can plan to tap these channels of
communication to meet marketing/IMC objectives.

Process for mapping brand-contact points:

Once a product/ service has been identified for the study, following steps should be taken:
 Identify the core target customer: Define this clearly like ‘housewife living in metro
centers, who care for their family more than anything else. Age 30-45 yrs, with kids’ etc.
Definition should have both demographic and psychographic details.

 Do a qualitative research to map brand contact points: Before we measure, we should

know what we are measuring. Hence, talk to 20 sample customers, to identify all
possible channels. Probe these sample customers in detail. In depth unstructured
interviews recommended. Record these conversations using a voice recorder.

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 Create a questionnaire to measure brand contact points: The questionnaire should

measure how many customers believe/ agree that pre listed contact points are relevant in
their purchase decision-making. Use BOTH aided and un-aided checks (check what
customers initially tell you without prompting, and then check other channels after
prompting.) This is important step. Please report data on both aided and un-aided
responses. Also check HOW relevant do consumers believe is each channel for the given
product category buying process. Use a 5 point scale (from Not Important at all to Very

Imp: As you carry out research, RECORD (take pictures, record voice, scan ads, photocopy other
material etc) ALL EXAMPLES that you come across where brands and customers are talking to
each other.

Take pictures of Mall, sampling exercise, Flea market, Cinema Halls, local Kiranawallah,
Posters on wall, SMS/ Emails/ pop ups/ banners etc by brands on Internet, Door to Door sales
man, Delivery wan, Delivery Boy/ Girl, virtually anything where brand and customers are
getting in touch.

Sample size should be close to 100 customers. Give their contact details.

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