Dr. - Prof. - V. U. Dixit

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Performance appraisal Report

For Self Appraisal of Teachers
(Source: UGC)

i) General Information
(a) Name : Dr. Mrs. Vaijayanti Ulhas Dixit
(b) Address (Residential) : D-9, Roy Mansion Co. Hou. Soc.,
Aram Society lane, Vakola,
Santacruz(E), Mumbai-55
Phone No.: 2666 2353
(c) Designation : Lecturer
(d) Department : Statistics
(e) Date of Birth : 3rd June , 1965
(f) Area of Specialization : Statistical Inference

A) Academic Qualification :

Exam Passed Board/University Subjects Year Division/Gra

de Merit etc.
High School SSC Board Pune Mar, Eng, Hin , 1980 Ist class with
Maths, Sci, Soc.Sic distinction

Higher Secondary HSC Board Pune Mar. Eng.,Maths, 1982 II nd class

Pre-degree Physics,Chemistry,

Bachelorís Degree(S) Shivaji University Main-Statistics, 1985 Ist class,

Kolhapur Secondary: distinction,
Physics, Maths 8th rank
Masterís Degree (S) Shivaji University Statistics 1987 Ist class,
Kolhapur distinction

Research Degree (S) Shivaji University Statistics 1994


Other (Diplomas/ UGC/CSIR, Delhi Statistics 1987 Awarded

Certificate etc.) Fellowship

* teacher already in employment at the time of introduction of the scheme

and for new entrants at the time of joining of the institution.
ii) Research Experience & Training

Research Stage Title of Work/ Thesis University where the

work was carried out
M.Phil or equivalent

Ph.D Statistical Inference Shivaji University,

for AR(1) Process Kolhapur
Mixed Errors

Publication Please refer Resume

(give a list separately) No. 14

Research Guidance (give

names of Students guided

Training (Please specify)

B) Research Projects Carried out :

Title of the Project Name of the Funding Duration Remarks


C) Seminars , Conferences, Symposia, Workshops, etc. Attended

Name of the Seminars , Name of the Sponsoring Place and Date

Conferences, Symposia, Agency
Workshops, etc.
Please refer Resume
No. 10 and 11
iii) Teaching Experience

Courses taught Name of the University Duration

/College/ Institution
iv) U.G.(B.A./B.Sc. etc. Sathye College, Vile- 1 year
Pleased) . (B.A./B.Sc. etc. Parle, Mumbai
v) P.G. (M.A/M.Sc etc.) Dept. of Statistics, 7 and half
Univ. of Mumbai years
vi) M.Phill
----- -----
vii) Any other Dept. of Maths and 6 months
Computing Science,
Univ. of South Pacific,

Total Teaching Experience :

(a) Under-graduate (Pass) : One and half year
(b) Under-graduate (Hons) : Seven and half years
(c) Post graduate :

viii) Innovations / Contributions in Teaching

a) Design of Curriculam : Member of syllabus committee for

revision of M.A./M.Sc Part-I course

b) Teaching Methods : Using blackboard, Whiteboard

c) Laboratory experiments : Conducting practical on Computers

using Statistical Software.

d) Evaluation Methods : Through questionnaire

e) Preparation of resource material

Including book, reading materials,
Laboratory manual etc.: Lecture notes, practical exercises &

f) Remedial Teaching / Student

Counselling (academic): Solving studentsí difficulties, guiding projects
& seminars
g) Any other : Taught to PGDAS course and guiding project of
PGDASS courses. Active participation in the
committee of PGD courses. Statistical consultancy
for interdisciplinary subjects.

ix) Extension Work/Community Service :

a) Please give a short account of your contribution to :-
i) Community work such as values of
National Integration, secularism, democracy, socialism,
humanism, Peace, Scientific temper, flood or
drought relief, small family norms etc.: ìMember of Mahila Mandal in
Vakola, Santacruz (E),
Mumbai ñ 400 055.

ii) National Literacy Mission :

b) Position held/Leadership role :

Played in organizations linked with
Extension Work & National service
Scheme (NSS) or NCC or any other
Similar activity.

D) Participate in Corporate Life :

Please give a short account of your contribution to :-
a. College/ University/Institution: Please refer Resume
b. Co-curricular Activities :- Sang University Group song in
the inaugural function of
International Conference
organized in the department
c. Enrichment of Campus Life :
(hostels, Sports, Games, Cultural Activities)
d. Students Welfare & Discipline: Helping placement activity
in the department.
e. Membership/Participation in Bodies/
Committees on Education and National
Development.: Life member of Indian society for
probability and Statistics
Life member of Alumni Association
Of Dept. of statistics, Univ. of Mumbai
f. Professional Organization of Teacher,

E.(a) Membership of Professional Bodies, Societies etc.: Life

Member of Indian Society for
probability and Statistics

(b) Editorship of journals

F. Any other Information: One research paper was

Refereed for the journal

(Signature of Teachers)

Performance appraisal Report

For Self Appraisal of Teachers
(Source: UGC)
A. General Information
a) Name : Dr. Mrs. Vaijayanti Ulhas Dixit

b) Date of Birth : 3rd June 1965

c) Address (Residential) : D-9, Roy Mansion Co.Hou.Soc
Aram Socety lane, Vakola,
Santacruz (E), Mumbai -400 055
Phone No. : 2666 2353

d) Designation : Lecturer

e) Department : Statistics

f) Area of Specialization : Statistical Inference

g) Date of Appointment :

(i)in the Institution: Apr. 1997

(ii)In the Present Post: Dec. 2004

h) Honours Conferred

B. Teaching :
a) Classes Taught

Class Periods
Class Assigned Taught in Step taken for the
Per week the year teaching of periods
**L T/P L T/P missed during
absence of leave

(1) (2) (3)

i)U.G.(B.A./B.Sc. etc.
Passed) . (B.A./B.Sc.
etc. Hons).
ii) P.G. (M.A/M.Sc etc.) L-4, P-12 L-4, P-12 Not applicable
S-2, Pr-2 S-2, Pr-2
iii) M.Phill Any Other
* (To be filled at the end of every academic year)
** L= Lecture T = Tutorial P=Practical

(b) Regularity and Punctuality :- Yes Regular and Punctual

(c) Details of course teaching plan, synopses of lecturers, and reading lists
supplied to students: Yes

(d) Details of participation in the following :

(i) University Evaluation : Yes

(ii) Internal Evaluation : Yes
(iii) Paper Setting : Yes
(iv) Assessment of Home Assignments : Yes
(v) Conduct of Examination : Yes
(vi) Evaluation of Dissertation etc: Yes

C. Details of Innovations/Contribution in Teaching, during the year:

a) Design of Curriculum : Member of syllabus committee for
b) revision of M.A./M.Sc Part-I course

c) Teaching methods : Using blackboard, Whiteboard

d) Laboratory Experiment : Conducting practical on Computers
using Statistical Software
e) Evaluation methods : Through questionnaire
f) Preparation of resource material Including books, reading material,
Laboratory manuals etc: Lecture notices, practical exercise & Project
g) Remedial Teaching/Students Counseling (academic): Solving studentsí
difficulties, guiding projects & seminars

h) Any other : Taught to PGDAS course and guiding project of

PGDASS courses. Active participation in the
committee of PGD courses. Statistical consultancy
for interdisciplinary subjects.
D. Improvement of professional Competence :

(a) Details regarding refresher course/orientation attended, Participation in

summer schools, workshops, seminars, Symposia etc. Including open
university Courses/M.Phil./Ph.d.: Please refer attached resume
No. 10 and 11.
E. Research Contributions :

(a) Number of students (M.Phil/Ph.D)

At the beginning of the Registered Completed

year during the year during the year
M.Phil - - -
Ph.D. - - -
(b) No. of research papers published (please enclosed list): Please refer
Resume. No. 14.
(c) Research Project

Title of the Project Name of the funding Agency Duration

(d) details of Seminars, conferences, Symposia organized:

Every year one day seminar is organized in
The Department. Three day International
Conference was organized during 31st May
2nd June 2007.
(e) Patents taken, if any, give a brief description:
(f) Membership of Professional Bodies, Editorship of journals etc.

F. Extension Work/Community Service

(a) Please give a short account of your contribution to :-

(i) Community work such as values of National integrations, secularism

Democracy, socialism, humanism, Peace, scientific tempaer, flood or
Drought relief, small family norms etc: ìMember of Mahila Mandal in
Vakola, Santacruz (E),
Mumbai ñ 400 055.

(ii) National Literacy Mission :

(b) Position held/Leadership role played in organizations linked with

With Extension Work and National services Scheme (NSS), or NCC
or any other similar activity.

G. Participation in corporate Life :

Please give a short account of your contribution to

a) College/University/Institution : Please refer Resume

b) Co-Curricular activities : Sang University Group song in
the inaugural function of
International Conference
organized in the department.

c) Enrichment of Campus Life (hostels, Sports, Games cultural

activities ):
d) Student Welfare & Discipline : Helping placement activity
in the department.
e) Membership/Participation in Bodies/Committees on education &
National Development:
f) Profession Organizations of teachers:

H. Assessment .

(a) Step taken by you for the evaluation

of the course programme taught: Interaction with students

I. General Data

State brief assessment of your performance indicating

(a) Achievements: Taught various courses at M.A./M.Sc level

over last seven years. Visited Fiji & taught
in the University of South Pacific, Suva,
(b) Difficulties faced and : Dept. teaching position are not filled due to
which we canít spare time for research and
guiding students. Non-Teaching positions
are also not filled, which affects our day to
day activity.
(b) Suggestions for improvement : Vacant positions in both teaching
and non-teaching should be filled.

(Signature of the Teachers)

J. *Verification of factual date :

A. General Information : Information given in all above sections is

B. Teaching
C. Details of Innovations/Contributions in teaching, during the year
D. Improvement of Professional Competence :
E. Research Work/Community Service :
F. Participation in Corporate Life :

(Signature of thePerson authorized*)

*By a person to be nominated by Principal/Vice-Chancellor.

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