There Is A Very Big Difference Between Child Work and Child Labor and Some People Cannot Identify The Differences

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There is a very big difference between child work and child labor and some people cannot identify

the differences. Child work becomes child labor when it; can harm a child's life in any way, leaves no
time for kids to be kids and go play, gives to much responsibility then a young child can bare, don't
pay fairly and the list goes on there are many other way for something to be considered child labor
rather than just plain work and this really needs to stop because it is a big problem in a lot of third
world countries today. I found a very good article about child labor and will be talking about it in more
All around the world, there are young children who are doing very hard manual labor all day in the
hot sun or inside a crowded factory. There are over 246 million kids between the ages of 5 and 15
around the world that are labouring every day for long hours, without having the chance to go to
school or do anything else that you would see your average North American child doing. Over 40%
of these child slaves are working somewhere in Asia, and another 20% of them are located in the
continent of Africa. There is a big difference between a child who has a normal job such as working
in a store selling something and a child who has to work a certain amount of hours a week in a
factory to be allowed to go home and see their families. Another form of child labor that some people
often overlook is watching over younger brothers and sisters all day while your parents are out and
they don't have enough time to go to school because they are doing so. A sad thing to consider is
that out of the estimated 246 million kids who are forced to do child labor, this articles stats that three
quarters of them work in very hazardous conditions and do very dangerous jobs such as working in
mines and chemical compounds could put their life's at risk, jobs that you and I would never consider
doing-these kids have no choice but to do them. The worst forms of child labour that are done are
prostitution, trafficked from one country to another and working in very hazardous areas.
The reason why I am posting about this topic is because child labour is a serious issue and it really
needs to be stopped as fast as possible. I really agree with the writer of this article because they are
writing about how serious this issue is and how many people overlook how serious it really is. They
have a lot of grey points as to why it is a bad thing that just makes you think how much this problem
needs to be stopped. In my opinion I feel that young children of that age group should be outside
playing or they should be in school studying, like all of the kids in North America do every day. Kids
should not be forced to do child labour just because of the part of the world that they are born in.
This issue needs to be stopped worldwide-period.

1. Laws: Bringing in laws that makes it illegal for children to work until they reach a certain age
makes it much easier to combat a culture of child labor. In addition, laws can be brought in that
ensure that when teenagers do begin to work, they are not allowed to work beyond a certain
maximum number of hours and they are paid a minimum wage. Such laws do not just provide an
explicit statement that child labor and child exploitation are wrong. They also provide a framework
and a set of prerogatives which mean that anyone who wants to challenge child labor has the official
backing of the government.
2. Reduce poverty: Poverty is a key reason for the existence of child labor. When a family lives in
poverty, they may very often end up sending their children out to work at a young age – even if
everyone else in the family is working as well, when wages are very low, additional child labor may
be needed to support the whole family. This situation is exacerbated if one or both parents is absent,
has fallen ill or has passed away. So, reducing poverty in communities helps to support families and
means that they do not need to send their children out to work.
3. Education: Studies show time and time again that providing free and good quality education to all
children around the world helps to reduce the incidence of child labor. This is especially the case if
schools provide free meals and uniforms so that poor families do not have to go without necessary
things in order to send their children to school. Education widens children’s perspectives and shows
them that they have so many more options in life than simply to labor at arduous, low paid jobs from
childhood into old age.
4. Ethical consumerism: By spending their money wisely or inadvisedly, consumers can help to
halt or can (often inadvertently) support child labor. By investigating the companies that you buy
from and refusing to hand over your cash to companies that deploy child labor, you can stop funding
sweatshops and other unethical businesses that are taking away the childhoods of young people
across the globe. Do not be seduced by the often cheaper prices that sweatshop made goods can
be associated with: these cheap prices come as a result of employing children, making adults work
excessively long hours, and sometimes even employing slave labor. Child labor can also be involved
in designer goods, too: many of the metals found in expensive cellphones, for example, have been
mined by children.
5. Look after your employees: If you run a company, make sure to set a good example in terms of
how you treat your employees. Do not just adhere to the minimum legal requirements for fair labor,
but go beyond them, ensuring that everyone who works for you is taken great care of. If you set a
shining example as an employer, you will have a knock on effect, as other employers will start to
follow your example.
6. Be alert, and ready to act: Keep your eyes open and if you see any examples of child labor
occurring do not be afraid to report them. If you have spare time, you could also train to work on a
helpline, giving advice and support to children dealing with a variety of problems – including child
labor. So many people just shut their eyes to the issue of child labor, refusing to see it when it is right
in front of their face or refusing to inquire as to where that brand new laptop or that cheap new pair
of pants came from.
7. Donate to charities: Donate your money to charities that help children to escape the trap of child
labor. Donate, too, to charities that work to end poverty and lack of education more generally
because these are two factors that contribute especially heavily to conditions in which child labor can
flourish. Sometimes, we are too busy or simply not in the right place to dedicate ourselves to the
fight against child labor. Fortunately, there are dedicated charity workers out there who do spend
almost every day tackling this issue and our money can help them to keep up their good work.
First solution is population control. It will take care of the resource management of any nation
including the manpower in a refined way.
Second is social awareness. People should be strongly discouraged to employ minors and children.
Third and last is production of ample employment opportunities for people. If people have work and
money, there would not be the need to send their children to work and give rise to child labor.
Government needs to take strong actions in this regard.
Child labour is a big social issue in our country as well as abroad which everyone must be aware of.
Let your kids and children know what is child labour, its causes and what prevention measures are.
These child labour essay are written in very simple words especially for the use of children and
students going to school. By using such essay on Child Labour, students can easily win the essay
writing competition because all are written in very easy English language.

Children are conserved as the most important asset of their country however improper
understanding of the parents and poverty making them the reason for the weakness of the country
instead of being the power of the country. Most of the children under poverty line are forced to do the
child labour daily even after the lots of awareness program run by the government and future welfare
of society towards the welfare of the child.
Children are the new flower with powerful fragrance of any nation however some people are
declining the power and destroying the future of the country just for earning small money by illegally
involving the growing kids. They are playing with the moral of the innocent people and their kids.
Protecting children from the child labour is the responsibility of each and every citizen living in the
country. Child labour is the socio-economic issue which is coming from long ago and now need to be
solved on ultimate basis.

After the independence of the country, various laws and regulations has been implemented
regarding the child labour however it did not found its end in the country. Child labour ruining the
innocence of the kids by directly destroying their health physically, mentally, socially and
intellectually. Children are the lovely creation of the nature but it is not fair that due to some bad
circumstances they are forced to do hard labour before their appropriate age.

Child labour is the global issue which is more common in the underdeveloped countries. Poor
parents or parents under poverty line are unable to afford the education expenses of their kids and
they own unable to earn enough money for the family survival. So, they better choose to involve their
kids in hard work to fulfil their needs instead of sending them to school. They understand that
schooling is a waste of time and earning money in early age is good for their family. It is the urgent
need to aware the poor people as well as rich people (to not use asset of country in wrong way)
about the bad effects of the child labour. They must be availed with all the resources which they
lack. It should be done by the end of everyone. Rich people should help the poor people so that their
children too can get all the required things in childhood. It needs some effective rules and
regulations by the government to completely end its roots forever.


What is Child Labour
Child labour is a type crime in which children are forced to work in their very early age and
perform the responsibilities just like adults by taking part in the economic activities. According
to the International Labour Organization (ILO), there is an age limit applied to the children that
children up to age fifteen will not involve in any type of work forcefully. It is an employment of
the children in any type of work which makes children deprived of childhood, proper education,
physical, mental and social well being. It is completely forbidden in some countries however has
been an international concern in most of the countries as it is destroying the future of children
to a great extent.
It is a serious matter (a big social problem) in most of the developing countries. Small age group
children are being involved in the child labor hugely by the people of high status. They are
avoiding the fact that children are the big hope and future of the nation. Millions of children
have been deprived of the childhood and proper education in our country which is a dangerous
sign. Such children do not get the chance of living a healthy life as they are not satisfied
physically, mentally and socially from their childhood.

According to the Indian law, children below the age of 14 years cannot be employed to any type
of work forcefully whether by the parents or owner in a factories, offices or restaurants. It is a
common practice in India as well as other developing countries in a small scale industry,
domestic aid, restaurant service, stone breaking, shopkeeper’s assistant, every house-hold
industry, book binding, etc.

What are the Causes of Child Labour

There are various reasons of child labor in our country. Some of the causes of global child labor
are similar however differ country to country. Most common reasons are like poverty,
repression of child rights, improper education, limited rules and laws on child labor, etc.
Following are some important points regarding causes of child labour:
 Poverty and high level of unemployment in the developing countries are the main
reason of child labor.

 According to the U.N. statistics of 2005, more than 1/4th of people worldwide are living
in extreme poverty.

 Lack of access to the regular education in many countries. It was found in 2006 that
around 75 million children were away from the school life.
 Violating laws regarding child labour give the way to increased child labor in any
developing country.

 Inadequate social control gives rise to the child labor in the agriculture or domestic

 Limited child or workers’ rights which affect labor standards and living standards to a
great extent in order to eliminate child labor.

 Small children get involved in the child labor in order to increase income of their family
to manage two times food.

 They are hired by the industries to get more work at reduced labor cost.

What are the Solutions to Child Labour

In order to eliminate the social issue of child labor, there is need to follow some effective
solutions on urgent basis to save the future of any developing country. Following are some
solutions to prevent child labor:
 Creating more unions may help in preventing the child labor as it will encourage more
people to help against child labor.

 All the children should be given first priority by their parents to take proper and regular
education from their early childhood. This step needs much cooperation by the parents as well
as schools to free children for education and take admission of children from all walks of life

 Child labour needs high level social awareness with the proper statistics of huge loss in
the future for any developing country.

 Every family must earn their minimum income in order to survive and prevent child
labour. It will reduce the level of poverty and thus child labour.

 Family control will also help in controlling the child labour by reducing the families
burden of child care and education.

 There is need of more effective and strict government laws against child labour in order
to prevent children from working in their little age.
 Child trafficking should be completely abolished by the governments of all countries.

 Child workers should be replaced by the adult workers as almost 800 million adults are
unemployed in this world. In this way adult will get job and children will be free from child

 Employment opportunities should be increased for adults in order to overcome

problem of poverty and child labor.

 Business owners of factories, industries, mines, etc should take the pledge of not
involving children in any type of labour.

Child Labour as a Crime

Child labour is still practiced in many countries even after being a big crime. Business owners of
the industries, mines, factories, etc are using child labour at great level in order to get more
work at low labour cost. Poor children are more prone to be involved in the child labour as they
are forced by parents to earn some money to give economic help to their family in the very
young age (too young to realize their responsibilities towards family) instead of getting proper
education and play with friends in childhood.

Child labour is a big social problem which needs to be solved on urgent basis by the support of
both, people (especially parents and teachers) and government. Children are very little however
they carry a prosperous future of any developing country. So, they are the big responsibility of
all the adult citizens and should not be used in negative ways. They should get proper chance to
develop and grow within the happy environment of family and school. They should not be
limited by the parents only to maintain the economical balance of the family and by the
businesses to get labour at low cost.

A range of students studying in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, etc classes can use any of the above
given essay on child labour. All are simply worded to let students understand without any
difficulty. Apart from child labour essay, you can get other related essays and information such
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