Drug Mechanism of Action Indications Contraindications Side Effects & Adverse Effects Nursing Responsibilities Generic Name: Side Effects

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Drug Mechanism of Indications Contraindications Side effects & Nursing

action Adverse effects Responsibilities

Generic Name: Nonselective beta Hypertension Hypersensitivity, Side effects:  Mild
Carvedilol blocker with unstable/decompensated Asthenia, allergy, hepatocellular
alpha-blocking heart failure, clinically fatigue, fever, injury may occur
Brand Name: activity manifest hepatic hypovolemia, during therapy.
N/A RiteMED impairment, marked malaise, edema, At first sign of
nd rd hepatic
fluid retention, 2 or 3 flu syndrome, pain
Classifications: degree AV block, in extremities, perform tests for
Beta blocker severe bradycardia, sick bradycardia, hepatic injury or
(antihypertensive) sinus syndrome, severe hypotension, jaundice; if
hypotension, diarrhea, nausea, present, stop
Dose: cardiogenic shock, vomiting, melena, drug.
25 mg metabolic acidosis, prolongation of  If drug must be
history of prothrombin time, stopped, do so
Route: bronchospasm or hyperglycemia, gradually over 1
Oral asthma or other hypoglycemia, to 2 weeks, if
obstructive lung dizziness, possible.
disorders. headache,  Monitor patient
impotence, with heart failure
for worsened
decreased libido,
condition, renal
increased cough, dysfunction, or
rales, dyspnea, fluid retention;
abnormal or diuretics may
blurred vision, need to be
renal failure increased.
 Observe patient
for dizziness or
for 1 hour after
giving each new

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