Dolan Drug Study

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Name of the Patient : Patient M Age : 2 years old and 9 months Sex : Female Name of Student: Lian Robbie R. Bautista
Civil Status : _______________Religion : Roman Catholic Rm/Bed No. _________________ Area : __________________________ Level/ Block : II- A
Address : Pulilan. Bulacan Date Submitted : ___________________________________________
Date of Admission: February 3, 2011 Diagnosis : Bronchitis Rating : ___________________________________________________

MEDICATION Classification/ Action Indications Contraindications Side Effects Adverse Effects Nursing Responsibilities
Generic name: Classification:  To relieve pain in Angioedema, asthma, Occasional CNS: Aseptic meningitis, Prior:
ibuprofen Chemical class: Propionic acid rheumatoid arthritis and bronchospasm, nasal (9%–3%): dizziness, headache, • Verify the doctor’s order regarding
derivative osteoarthritis, mild to polyps, rhinitis, or Nausea, nervousness, seizures, the medication as well as the
Therapeutic class: Analgesic, moderate pain, acute urticaria caused by vomiting, stroke patient’s identity. 
Brand name: antiinflammatory, migraine pain, pain in hypersensitivity to dyspepsia, CV: Fluid retention, heart • Double check the name and
Dolan antipyretic primary dysmenorrhea, aspirin, ibuprofen, dizziness, rash.  failure, hypertension, MI, expiration date of the medication
minor aches, iodides, or other peripheral edema, • Obtain the past health history of
dysmenorrhea, pain in NSAIDs; perioperative Rare (less tachycardia the patient.
Usual dosage/ Mechanism of Action: juvenile arthritis, pain with coronary than 3%): EENT: Amblyopia,
frequency: Blocks activity of moderate to severe pain artery bypass graft Diarrhea or epistaxis, stomatitis, During:
cyclooxygenase, the enzyme as an adjunct to opioid surgery constipation, tinnitus • Explain to the significant others the
 To reduce needed to synthesize analgesics flatulence, GI: Abdominal cramps, effect of the drug to his body
fever prostaglandins, which mediate  To reduce fever abdominal distention, or pain; • Monitor liver function test results
inflammatory response and cramps or pain, anorexia; constipation; because, in rare cases, elevations
CAPSULES, cause local vasodilation, pruritus, diarrhea; diverticulitis; may progress to severe hepatic
CHEWABLE swelling, and pain. By inhibiting increased B/P. dyspepsia; dysphagia; reactions, including fatal hepatitis,
TABLETS, ORAL prostaglandins, this NSAID elevated liver function liver necrosis, and hepatic failure.
SUSPENSION, reduces inflammatory test results; epigastric • Monitor BUN and serum creatinine
TABLETS symptoms and relieves pain. discomfort; esophagitis; levels in elderly patients, patients
Children ages 6
flatulence; gastritis; taking diuretics or ACE inhibitors,
months to 12 years. 5 Ibuprofen’s antipyretic action gastroenteritis; and patients with heart failure,
to10 mg/kg every 4 to probably stems from its effect gastroesophageal reflux impaired renal function, or hepatic
6 hr.  on the hypothalamus, which disease; GI bleeding, dysfunction; drug may cause renal
Maximum: 40 mg/ kg increases peripheral blood hemorrhage, perforation, failure.
flow, causing vasodilation and or ulceration; heartburn; • Monitor CBC for decreased
encouraging heat dissipation. hemorrhoids; hepatic hemoglobin and hematocrit. Drug
Usual route: failure; hepatitis; hiatal may worsen anemia.
Per Orem hernia; indigestion; • Assess patient’s skin regularly for
melena; nausea; signs of rash or other
stomatitis; vomiting hypersensitivity reaction because
GU: Cystitis, hematuria, ibuprofen is an NSAID and may
renal failure (acute) cause serious skin reactions without
HEME: Agranulocytosis, warning, even in patients with no
Drug order: anemia, aplastic anemia, history of NSAID sensitivity. At first
Dolan 5 ml for body eosinophilia, hemolytic sign of reaction, stop drug and notify
temperature of 38'C anemia, leukopenia, prescriber.
and above  neutropenia,
pancytopenia, prolonged After: 
bleeding time, • Advise significant others to take
thrombocytopenia drug with food or after meals to
RESP: Bronchospasm, reduce GI distress.
dyspnea, wheezing • Advise patient’s significant others
SKIN: Blisters, erythema to report flulike symptoms, rash,
multiforme, signs of GI bleeding, swelling, vision
photosensitivity, pruritus, changes, and weight gain.
rash, Stevens- Johnson • Urge parents to tell prescriber
syndrome, toxic promptly if child receiving drug
epidermal necrolysis, develops a severe or persistent sore
urticaria throat, high fever, headache,
Other: Anaphylaxis, persistent diarrhea, nausea, or
angioedema, flulike vomiting or hasn’t been drinking
symptoms, hypokalemia, fluids.
weight gain • Advise parents to consult
prescriber before giving OTC
ibuprofen to a child if the child has
asthma, ulcers, bleeding problems,
high blood pressure, heart or kidney
disease, a need for diuretic therapy,
serious adverse effects from
previous use of fever reducers or
pain relievers, or persistent stomach
problems, such as heartburn, upset
stomach, or stomach pain.
• Explain that ibuprofen may
increase risk of serious adverse
cardiovascular reactions; urge
patient to seek immediate medical
attention if signs or symptoms arise,
such as chest pain, shortness of
breath, weakness, and slurring of
• Explain that ibuprofen may
increase risk of serious adverse GI
reactions; stress importance of
seeking immediate medical attention
for such signs and symptoms as
epigastric or abdominal pain,
indigestion, black or tarry stools, or
vomiting blood or material that looks
like coffee grounds.
• Alert patient’s significant others to
rare but serious skin reactions. Urge
him to seek immediate medical
attention for rash, blisters, itching,
fever, or other indications of
• Document the assessment on the
patient (if there are unusual/side or
adverse effects occurs and the

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