Unit - 2 Fuel System - PPSX

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Engine: Fuel supply systems

Mechanical and electrical fuel pumps

Carburettor – types

Air filters
UNIT -II Petrol injection

C.I. Engines: Requirements of diesel injection systems,

types of injection systems

fuel pump, nozzle

Alternative fuels for Automobiles

UNIT – II injection, Classification,

Cont… Properties

Hybrid vehicles injection timing,

Testing of fuel, pumps.

Alternative Fuels for Automobiles

1. Compressed natural Gas ( CNG)

2. Liquefied natural Gas ( LNG)

3. Liquefied Petrol gas ( LPG)

4. Alcohol

5. Electricity ( Including solar energy)

6. Hydrogen

7. Bio-Fuels
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Classification of Properties

1. Volatility

2. Specific Gravity

3. Calorific Value

4. Specific Heat

5. Octane number

6. Cetane number

7. Sulphur content 8. Pour point

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Fuel System in S.I engines
The basic fuel system in automobile with petrol engine consists of

1.Fuel tank

2. Fuel lines

3. Fuel pump

4. fuel filter

5. Air cleaner

6. Carburettor

7. Inlet manifold

8. Supply& return pipe lines Dr Jay Prakash Srivastava 5

Types of Fuel System in S.I engines

Types of fuel system used for the supply of fuel from the fuel tank to the engine cylinder.

1.Gravity system

2. Pressure system

3. Vacuum system

4. Pump system

5. Fuel injection system

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Fuel System in S.I engines contd…
1.Gravity system: In this fuel tank is mounted at the highest position from where the fuel drops
into the carburetor float chamber by gravity.

This is of very low cost but the constraint in this system is fuel tank should be at the top of the

2. Pressure system: This system is completely sealed to avoid air leakage from the fuel tank
with the use of separate air pump. due to this pressure, the oil will move towards the carburetor.

Leakage of the air will fail the system, advantage is that it can be placed any where in the vehicle.

3. Vacuum system: This system is based upon the simple fact that the engine suction can be
used for sucking fuel from the main tank to the auxiliary fuel tank from where it flows by gravity
to the carburettor float chamber.
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Fuel System in S.I engines contd…
4. Pump system: In this system, a steel pipe carries petrol to the fuel pump which pumps it into
the float chamber of the carburettor through a flexible pipe, If the fuel pump is mechanical, it has
to be driven from the engine camshaft and hence placed on the engine itself.

However , electrically operated fuel pump can be placed anywhere, the rear location reducing
the tendency of forming vapour lock. This system is used most commonly in the present day cars.

5. Fuel injection system: This system is used by some of the modern cars.

The fuel is atomized by means of an injector nozzle and then delivered into an air stream.

Separate fuel injectors are used for each cylinder while the mixture under different load and
speed conditions is controlled either mechanically or electrically.
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Fuel Pumps

Two main types of pumps most generally used are :

1. Mechanical pump

2. Electrical pump.

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Fuel Pumps
1. Mechanical pump

 Should be placed nearer
to the engine and it
causes a problem of
vapour locking in the fuel
supply system.

 Operates only after the

engine has started

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Fuel Pumps
1. Electrical pump

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It is important to prevent dirt and dust from being entered into the engine through the

If the air cleaner is operating improperly dirt will enter the combustion chamber, causing
excessive wear of the rings, cylinder walls and other moving parts.

 Other functions of air cleaners:

1. Acts as a silencer.

2. Acts as a flame arrestor in the case of back fire.

Changing of the air cleaner for every 20,000 km is required to maintain better
performance of the engine.

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There are cleaners generally used are :

1. Heavy duty type 2.Light duty type.

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Carburetors: The process of formation of a combustible fuel –air mixture by mixing the proper
amount of fuel with air before admission to engine cylinder is called carburetion and device
which does this job is called a carburetor.


1. To keep a small reserve of fuel at a constant head.

2. To vaporize the fuel to prepare a homogeneous air fuel mixture.

3. To supply correct amount of the air fuel mixture at the correct strength under all the
conditions of load and speed of the engine.

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The process of carburetion is influenced by

1. The engine speed

2. The vaporization characteristics of the fuel.

3. The temperature of the incoming air

4. The design of the carburetor.

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An engine is generally operated at different loads and speeds. For this, proper air – fuel mixture
should be supplied to the engine cylinder.

Fuel and air mixture is of three different types.

1)Chemically correct mixture

2) Rich mixture

3) Lean mixture
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An automobile carburetor must be able to supply the required air-fuel ratio to satisfy the below

i) Idling ( mixture must be enriched)

ii) Cursing ( mixture must be leaned)

iii) High power (mixture must be enriched)

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A float chamber with float to store fuel and to adjust its level.

A round cylinder with venturi for atomization of fuel.

A fuel nozzle to atomize and produce a spray of fuel.

A throttle valve to supply varying quantity of the mixture at different load conditions.

A choke valve to control the air supply in order to provide a rich or lean mixture.
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i) Ease of starting the engine, particularly under low ambient conditions.

ii) Ability to give full power quickly after starting the engine.

iii) Equally good smooth engine operation at various loads.

iv) Good and quick acceleration of the engine.

v) Developing sufficient power at high engine speeds.

vi) Simple and compact in construction.

vii) Good fuel economy.

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Some of the popular carburettors in use are:

i) Solex

ii) Carter

iii) S.U Carburettor

iv) Zenith carburettor

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Solex Carburetors:

Famous for staring , good performance and reliability.

It consists of various circuits such as starting, idling, low speed, normal running and
acceleration circuit.

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Solex Carburetors:

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Solex Carburetor is a downdraught Carburetor. This is used mostly in the automobile engines. As we already
discussed the main drawback of the simple Carburetor is the maintaining one air-fuel ratio at one throttle
position. This Solex Carburetor can provide the rich mixture when the engine needs to start and supply the
lean mixture when the cruising(Travelling with smoothly with economical speed) the vehicle.

This Carburetor has different fuel discharge circuits so that it can deliver different mixtures for the different
operating conditions such as the Engine Starting, Engine Idling, Low-speed Operation, Normal Operating,

Different Operating Conditions

Idling and slow condition
Normal running

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Engine Normal Running

 The Main metering Jet will discharge the fuel into

the venturi throat tube.
 The fuel from the main metering jet will go into
the air-bleed emulsion system, this has the lateral
holes as shown in the schematic diagram.
 Air correction jet calibrates the air entering
through it and ensures the air-fuel balance.
 The metered emulsion of fuel and air is supplied
through the spraying orifice or nozzles. These
nozzles are drilled horizontally on the vertical pipe
in the choke tube as shown in the schematic
 There is a throttle valve provided at the end of the
tube to control the air-fuel mixture quantity supply
into the engine. This valve also knows as the
conventional butterfly valve.
With this circuit, the engine can run at the normal
running with this Solex Carburetor. But for the other
operating conditions of the engine, we will use different
fuel circuits for different operating conditions.
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Cold starting and warming

The main advantage with the Solex Carburetor is that it has the
Bi-Starter also known as the progressive starter. Initially, the
engine needs a richer mixture and the after starting of the
engine, the mixture supposed to be lean. So this progressive
starter will do the job for the engine.

 This starter is in the form of a flat disc with the holes of

different sizes.
 The starter petrol jet and the starter jet (Air) are connected
together by the holes present in the starter disc and open
into the passage arranged to below the throttle valve.
 There is a starter lever that used to adjust the hole sizes so
that the amount of the fuel and the air will be passed to the
engine cylinder in the suction stroke.
 When we starting the engine we will close the throttle and
provide the air-fuel mixture from the starting passage
which is having a richer mixture from this Bi-Starter
Once the engine started, we have to warm it up by accelerating
a couple of times and then release the throttle valve and pass
the lean/normal mixture thru the venturi throat.
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Idling of the engine is at where the engine will not deliver

any work it only delivers enough power for its auxiliaries.
During this idling or slow running of the engine needs to
have a rich mixture and because of the cylinder pressure is
less and then there is a chance of re sucking of the exhaust
gases and cause the poor combustion to make the engine
stumble. So this rich mixture helps in making it happen
 During the Idling, the throttle valve is closed
 The suction created by the suction stroke is acted on the
pilot jet directly.
 The fuel will be inducted from the pilot jet and mixed
with the less amount of air sucked from the pilot air-
bleed orifice from the outside atmosphere.
 This rich mixture will be directly sent to the cylinder by
a tube directly opened right below the throttle valve as
shown in the schematic diagram.
 There is an idle speed adjustment screw is arranged so
that we can set the idle speed of the engine by
controlling the amount of mixture injected.
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Acceleration of Engine

For the Engine acceleration, and additional

acceleration pump injector equipment is arranged
right side of the floating chamber as you can see from
the schematic diagram. This acceleration pump will
supply the additional fuel for the engine with the help
of the Acceleration pump injector directly on top of
the venturi. The operating of the Carburetor is
the same as the normal running but with the
additional fuel drops the engine get excited when we
press the accelerator pedal. When you release the
pedal the accelerator pump will suck the fuel from the
float chamber and stores for the next pedal

This is the construction and the working principle of

the Solex Carburetor.

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Carter Carburetor:

Mainly used in jeeps.

Multiple jet, plain tube carburetor.

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SU Carburetor:

Constant vacuum constant depression type with automatic variable choke type carburetor.
It does not have any separate circuits for slow running and accelerating circuits

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Objectives of the Injection System:

Meter the appropriate quantity of fuel, as demanded by the speed, and the load on, the
engine at the given time.

Distribute the metered fuel equally among cylinders in a multi-cylinder engine.

Inject the fuel at the correct time (with respect to crank angle) in the cycle.

The Function of fuel injection equipment:

 To supply the engine with fuel in qualities exactly metered in proportion to the
power required and timed with utmost accuracy.

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According to the location of Injector:

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Requirements of Diesel Injection systems

1. Accurate metering of the fuel injected per cycle.

2. Timing the injection of the fuel correctly in the cycle.

3. Proper atomization of fuel into very fine droplets.

4. Uniform Distribution of fuel droplets.

5. Supply same quantity of fuel in case of multiple cylinder engines.

6. No lagging during beginning and end of injection.

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Types of Diesel Injection systems

1. Air Injection system: Fuel is forced into the cylinder by means of compressed air.

Required multi-stage compressor.

Good mixing of the air-fuel mixture.

2. Solid Injection system: Liquid fuel is injected directly into the combustion chamber without
aid of compressed air.

i) Individual pump & nozzle system

ii) Common rail fuel injection system

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Figure: Common Rail Fuel Injection System
Individual pump injection system

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Fuel feed pump

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The main objective of fuel- injection pump is to deliver accurately metered quantity of
fuel under high pressure at the correct instant to the injector fitted on each cylinder.

Injection pumps are generally two types.

1) Jerk type pumps

2) Distributor type pumps

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1) Jerk type pump:

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2) Distributor type pump:

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Nozzle ( Fuel Injector)
Types of Nozzle:

Open Nozzle Closed nozzle

Pintle nozzle

Single hole nozzle

Multi- hole nozzle

Pintaux nozzle
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Types of Nozzles

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NOZZLE ( Fuel Injector)
Types of Nozzle with Angle and Pressure:

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Testing of Fuel Pumps in Petrol Engines
Pressure test

Volume test

Vaccum test

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Testing of Fuel Pumps in C.I Engines
Pump element output calibration

Phase angle checking

Governor test.

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Ignition advance is the condition when ignition of fuel occurs earlier than the correct
ignition timing.


Ignition retard means the condition when ignition occurs after the correct ignition

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