1. Learning Outcomes:
Learning Outcome Component Learning Outcome
Business Environment and Domain Demonstrate the ability to analyze, structure and
Knowledge (BEDK) discuss situations to identify problems in the field of
LSCM and evaluate their complexity.
Critical thinking, Business Demonstrate ability to address LSCM problems
Analysis, Problem Solving and holistically by considering all resources available.
Innovative Solutions (CBPI)
Global Exposure and Cross- Develop a sound understanding of the important role of
Cultural Understanding (GECCU) supply chain management in today’s business
Social Responsiveness and Ethics Develop and utilize critical management skills such as
(SRE) negotiating, working effectively within a diverse
business environment, ethical decision making and use
of information technology.
Effective Communication (EC) Present and elaborate strong arguments to convince and
motivate decision makers and select the proper LSCM
partners, practices and policies.
Leadership and Teamwork (LT) Plan and coordinate projects to implement solutions.
3. Course Contents:
70 Marks
Module No. of
Contents (External
No: Sessions
Logistics and Supply Chain Management – An
Logistics, SCM and the difference between logistics
and SCM.
Supply chain and value chain
Mission of logistics management
Value addition by logistics
Drivers of supply chain performance
I 10 18
Supply Chain Strategy and Performance Measures:
Customer service and cost trade-offs
Impact of out-of-stock
Setting customer service objectives and priorities
Supply chain performance measures
Enhancing supply chain performance
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Syllabus for Master of Business Administration, 3rd Semester With effective
Subject Class: Sectoral _ Elective from academic
Subject Name: Logistics and Supply Chain Management (LSCM) year 2018-19
Subject Code: 4539297
Reverse Logistics:
Definition, reasons, benefits
Elements of reverse logistics
Closed loop supply chain
Network Design:
Define the network design process
Perform a LSCM Audit
Examine the LSCM network alternatives
Conduct a Facility Location analysis
Make decisions regarding network and facility
III Develop an implementation plan. 10 17
Modeling Approaches:
Optimization and simulation models
Facility Location
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Syllabus for Master of Business Administration, 3rd Semester With effective
Subject Class: Sectoral _ Elective from academic
Subject Name: Logistics and Supply Chain Management (LSCM) year 2018-19
Subject Code: 4539297
4. Pedagogy:
The course will use the following pedagogical tools:
Classroom Discussion of Concepts and Applications
Case Discussions
Discussion on articles and news from Financial Daily such as Business Standard or
Economic Times, blogs and other websites on daily basis
Management Exercise / Stimulations /Games/ Learning from Movies
5. Evaluation:
Students shall be evaluated on the following components:
Internal Evaluation (Internal Assessment- 50 Marks)
A Continuous Evaluation Component 30 marks
Class Presence & Participation 10 marks
Quiz 10 marks
B Mid-Semester examination (Internal Assessment-30 Marks)
C End –Semester Examination (External Assessment-70 Marks)
6. Reference Books:
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Syllabus for Master of Business Administration, 3rd Semester With effective
Subject Class: Sectoral _ Elective from academic
Subject Name: Logistics and Supply Chain Management (LSCM) year 2018-19
Subject Code: 4539297
Note: Wherever the standard books are not available for the topic appropriate print and online
resources, journals and books published by different authors may be prescribed.
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