"Work-Life Balance" - An Empirical Study of Managers of Select Pharmaceutical Companies
"Work-Life Balance" - An Empirical Study of Managers of Select Pharmaceutical Companies
"Work-Life Balance" - An Empirical Study of Managers of Select Pharmaceutical Companies
Dr. S. V. Ramana K. Ramesh Babu
Professor & HOD, MBA Dept., VBIT, Hyderabad Associate Professor, MBA Dept., VBIT, Hyderabad
ABSTRACT The Indian corporate world has undergone sudden changes because of the presence of various new com-
petitors (both local & foreign) due to various factors like Liberalization, Globalization etc., on one hand and
gradual changes of culture like changed outlook of the society towards women working before and after marriage, wife and
husband working and staying in different towns as well on the other hand. Due to these developments, the following job
related new parameters have been observed among various industries – • Extended work hours and peculiar work hours
in some cases • Readiness of the employee to respond to the manager, customer any time of the day, any day of the week
and from any location,(some times even on a holiday) • Provision of communication tools like Mobiles, Lap-tops with wire
less internet connection by the management to the most of the employees and making them accessible wherever they are •
Every day long travel to reach the work spot ( due to massive urbanization) • Career orientation among Men & Women alike.
The above parameters have given an impact to both Public sector & Private sector employees & managers alike though
the managers of the latter had more impact. Among the managers of the various Private sector dominant industries like
Pharmaceuticals, Textiles etc., managers of the Pharmaceuticals industry have been touched and influenced by the process.
In this transaction these managers are struggling to maintain an ideal “Work –Life” balance. In the light of the above an at-
tempt has been made to examine and analyze the possible parameters of job functions and behavior of immediate mangers
that are helping the respondents to maintain an ideal Work-Life balance and those that are hindering the Work-Life balance.
This study has been carried out with the help of a structured questionnaire. Seventy five managers of select companies
belonging to various managerial levels have been interviewed. The study has brought out that few managers are able to
maintain an ideal WORK-Life balance and it is suggested that the decision makers of the different organizations should
put extra efforts (some are being suggested as an out come of the study) in creating a suitable organizational environment
wherein many managers will be able to maintain an ideal Work-Life balance.
Introduction Work Life conflict generally arises out of the job functions like
It is generally accepted that Work is central to the lives of odd job timings, constant tours, always on the move, manag-
human beings. It provides us with a sense of achievement, ing team who are in some other place, sales pressure etc.,
recognition and above all a means of income to fulfill our which may continue their impact on an individual after the
basic and material needs. However, Globalization and rapid work hours as well. And some jobs like Managers of phar-
technological changes are demanding more from workers. maceutical companies, Project supervisors of I.T companies
This is because the world of work is changing – such as devel- etc., have some inbuilt unique job aspects that have more
opment of new technology, more and more women entering potential to create an imbalance of work life balance.
the workforce, resulting, in part, in two-earner families and
above all a clash of work and personal life. These are some of As one of the researchers has immense experience of hav-
the challenges faced by today’s workers. Most workers jug- ing worked for 27 years in pharmaceutical industry; he is ex-
gle their personal and work-life every single day, between posed to the various practical insights of the job functions of
children and community responsibilities. managers of the industry. Job functions of pharmaceutical
managers by and large revolve around Regular Field work to
The term “work-life balance” (WLB) was coined in 1986 in re- meet customers, Recruitment & Training, Product planning,
sponse to the growing concerns by individuals and organiza- Reporting Data to Immediate manager, Reporting Data to
tions like “that work can impinge upon the quality of family life Head Office, Sales management etc. With the thought pro-
and vice-versa” thus giving rise to the concepts of “work-fami- cess of linking this experience with the theoretical concept of
ly conflict” (WFC) and “ family-work conflict (FWC). The former work life balance; an empirical survey has been undertaken
is also referred to as “Work Interferes with Family” (WIF) while by the researcher.
the latter is also known as “Family Interferes with Work” (FIW).
Literature review
In a 24x7 cut throat competitive work environment, the Family friendly work environment, such as flexi time, tele-
amount of time devoted to work can take its toll on one’s work, etc has been portrayed as an important component of
family- it is little wonder therefore that there is growing con- an individual worker’s preferences towards work life balance.
cern about sleep deficit among the present generation more It has been suggested that such arrangements seek to help
than ever before. employees’ obtain a better blend between their work and
non-work lives while providing organizations with a means of
Factors influencing the work-life balance can be either demo- recruiting, retaining and motivating their work force (Bach-
graphic, such as aging workforce; labour market trends such mann, 2000; Schwartz, 1994).
as flexible work arrangements; health and wellness initiatives
by employers; and other factors such as child care costs. It appears that at present, there are relatively few legislative
Such factors are then said to have important implications for measures to support Work Life Balance in India and they
the well being of all stakeholders, employees, employers, un- are being viewed as a “luxury” issues rather than business
ions, governments, families, communities and the economy. /economic imperative. Yet progress has been made. For
example, the Indian government has adopted legislative
Definition measure to support Work Life Balance through factory leg-
Work- life conflict or imbalance occurs when cumulative de- islation (Crèche, breast feeding breaks, etc) and legislation
mands of work and non-work roles are incompatible in some on maternity leave. The Government of India also has special
respects, such as participation in one role is made more dif- provisions for paternity leave and for coordinating transfers
ficult by participation in the other roles (Duxbury and Higgins, when wife and husband work for the same employer (N. De-
2003) sai, 1996.)
Need for the study level in the Pharma Industry and he is aware of the unique job
As it is felt that sufficient research has not taken place in function of Pharma Managers.
“Work-life Balance” aspect in general and pharmaceutical
industry related aspects in particular, the need for a specific The pharmaceutical industry has some unique features where
study in this field is being felt. in the Field managers will also be attending office work, con-
ferences etc, and Second line managers who are in charges
Objectives of zonal offices also need to make field visits and All India
• To throw light on the concept of Work-Life Balance briefly. managers also will be attending office work, zonal level
• To examine & analyze the different aspects of job func- meetings in addition to field work.
tions that are hindering Work-Life Balance of managers
of select pharmaceutical companies. The respondents have been approached with a structured
• To examine & analyze the different aspects of job func- questionnaire. The data has been analyzed with the help of
tions that are helping Work-Life Balance of managers of Pearson Correlation Statistical Tool.
select pharmaceutical companies.
• To offer pertinent suggestions & conclusions. Data Analysis:
For analysis of data, the ratings of 75 respondents belong-
Methodology ing to the above mentioned managerial levels have been
The study is predominantly based on primary data. However, pooled up. The same has been averaged into 15 slots; each
conceptual data is collected from journals, text books. Man- slot representing the opinion of 5 respondents. Data analysis
agers of select companies have been approached with the has been done for this group of 15 categories representing
help of a structured questionnaire. A sample of 75 Pharma- 75 respondents and it is being presented further.
ceutical Managers has been selected on the basis of conveni-
ence sampling. Once again in this context it is worth to men- The average ratings given by the each group of employees
tion that one of the researchers has worked in the managerial regarding the different factors governing work life balance
are as follows.
Table No. 1
Employee Average Ratings Regarding Different Factors regarding Work Life Balance
Factors/ Employees 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Travel Time (Hrs) 6 6 6 7 7 4 2 6 5 6 3 3 3 3 4
Field Work (no of Seasons) 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Waiting time for customer(Minutes) 25 30 20 30 35 20 10 20 10 15 5 5 5 5 20
Work Life Balance (Score ) 3 3 3 3 3 4 5 4 5 4 4 5 4 5 3
Office Hours (Hrs) 8 10 12 10 12 10 8 12 10 12 12 12 10 8 10
Work in Field per day (Hrs) 6 6 6 7 7 4 2 6 5 6 3 3 2 2 4
Work in office per day (Hrs) 2 4 6 3 5 6 6 6 5 6 9 9 8 6 6
Work Life Balance (Score ) 2 2 2 2 2 4 3 4 5 4 3 2 3 4 3
Lack of commitment from subordinates (Score) 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 3 3 3 2 1 2 2 2
support from higher management (Score) 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 2 4 2 4 2 2
quality recruitment (Score) 3 2 4 3 4 3 3 3 3 1 4 3 3 4 3
Work Life Balance (Score ) 1 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 2
Encouragement to adopt Latest methods (Score) 3 2 4 3 2 3 4 4 4 1 5 5 5 5 5
Better training facilities (Score) 3 3 4 3 2 3 4 4 4 1 4 4 4 4 4
Incentives for better performance (Score) 3 3 3 3 2 2 4 1 4 2 4 1 1 2 1
Work Life Balance (Score ) 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 2 4 4 4 4 4
freedom of ideas implementation 2 1 2 2 1 3 4 1 4 2 5 5 5 5 5
Group Dynamics (Scores) 2 1 2 2 1 1 4 1 4 2 4 1 2 2 1
Regular Promotions (Scores) 3 3 3 3 2 2 4 1 4 2 4 1 1 2 1
Work Life Balance (Score ) 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 1 4 2 4 3 2 3 2
Decision Making power (Scores) 1 2 1 1 1 4 4 1 4 2 5 5 5 5 5
Management discourages in failures (Scores) 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1
Group Politics in office (scores) 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 3 2 2 2
Work Life Balance (Score ) 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 1 3 2 2 3 3 3 3
Good relationship with boss (Score) 2 2 1 2 1 2 4 1 4 2 5 5 5 5 5
appreciation from your boss in well done jobs (score) 2 2 2 2 1 3 4 1 4 2 1 1 2 2 2
Good Attitude of colleagues (score) 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 2
Work Life Balance (Score ) 2 2 2 2 1 2 3 2 4 2 3 1 2 3 3
Professional values higher authorities (Score) 5 4 3 4 4 4 4 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Immediate motivation from authorities (Score) 3 4 4 3 2 4 4 1 5 4 4 4 4 4 4
Good Support from colleagues 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 2 5 3 2 2 2 2 2
Work Life Balance (Score ) 4 3 3 3 3 4 4 2 4 3 2 2 3 3 3
Bored Routine Job (Scores) 3 3 2 2 4 5 5 5 5 5 2 2 5 5 5
Other departments seeks information urgently when 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2
you are busy (scores)
Too many tasks at a time and pressure from 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2
authorities (Scores)
The above details have been analyzed with Pearson correla- Moderately Unfavorable factors For Good Work Life
tion statistical technique and the correlated values are pre- Balance
sented in the following table. Too many tasks at a time and pressure
from authorities -0.038
Table No. 2 Long Office time duration -0.092
Factors of Work Life Balance
Factors that will influence work life Lack of commitment from subordinates -0.119
balance Correlated Value
Management don’t encourages in -0.195
Highly Favorable factors for Good Work Life Balance failures
Most of the office hours to be spent in -0.271
Creation of single touch point at head 0.981 field
Tasks will be delegated at the beginning 0.981 Constant meetings with intermediaries -0.357
of the year itself
Unfavorable work environment -0.408
Encouragement for performance by 0.895
giving incentives Highly Unfavorable Factors for Work Life Balance
Better training facilities 0.884
Too much of travel time -0.695
Management encouragement for 0.873
adopting Latest methods Too much of waiting time for customers -0.811
Group Dynamics 0.826 The above table describes the factors that have influenced
Decision Making power 0.754 the work life balance. It is found that some factors have been
motivating and creating a space for the pharmaceutical em-
Job Enrichment 0.701 ployees to enjoy in their work as well as life outside the work
place i.e., in their family.
Knowledge about competitors 0.677
Regular Promotions 0.64 The Factors like Centralized reporting system that reduces the
pressure on employee, pre- informed tasks that help them to
Good Support from colleagues 0.629 plan in the beginning of the year regarding job as well as fam-
ily responsibilities, management encouragement in awarding
appreciation from your boss in well done 0.626
jobs performance by giving incentives, proper training facilities to
excel in their jobs, allowing employees to adopt latest meth-
freedom to implement ideas 0.621 ods of job function which reduces stress on employee, excel-
lent group dynamics, decision Making power, enjoying job
Moderately Favorable factors for Good Work Life Balance| enrichment and regular promotions, good support from col-
Good Relationship with boss 0.468 leagues, appreciation of boss and freedom to implement ide-
as are the factors which are highly influencing the employees
Quality recruitment 0.455 to concentrate without stress on job as well as on family life.
High tech niche marketing 0.448 There are some factors which are slightly influencing the
Good Attitude of colleagues 0.412 work life balance of pharmaceutical employees like good
relationship with Boss, Quality recruitment, High tech niche
Better Support from higher management 0.407 marketing, Good Attitude of colleagues, Support from man-
agement, Recognition of hard work irrespective of results,
Your efforts are recognized irrespective 0.39
of results transferring the task of data generation to external consult-
ant, cooperation from intermediaries and guidance in meet-
Data is generated by external consultant 0.378 ing sales targets etc.,
Cooperation from intermediaries 0.351
There are two factors that have badly damaged the work life
Immediate motivation from authorities 0.35 balance of an employee viz., very long duration of travel time
and too much of waiting time for customers. These factors
Guidance in meeting sales targets 0.304 have been the core issues that have disturbed the work life
Professional values higher authorities 0.252 of an employee.
More time in Office instead of field job 0.185 There are some factors which are negatively correlated and
that have influenced the work life balance negatively. The fac-
Cooperation from other departments 0.038 tors like delegating too many tasks at a time, pressure from
authorities, long office duration of work, lack of commitment support from higher
from subordinates, management discouragement in failures, management (Score) .104 1.000 -.141 .407
too much of field work, too many meetings with intermediaries
and unfavorable work environment have shown tremendous quality recruitment -.289 -.141 1.000 .455
negative impact on the work life balance of an employee.
Work Life Balance -.119 .407 .455 1.000
(Score )
After discussing and analyzing the summary of all factors and
their impact on work life balance, individual factors in the factor It is observed that work life balance has been disturbed be-
group and their impact on work life balance and the interrela- cause of lack of commitment from subordinates and work life
tionship with in the factor group has been presented below- balance has been positively influenced by higher management
support and quality recruitment. It is also observed that wher-
Table No. 3 ever there is no quality recruitment, there subordinates don’t
Impact of Travel, Field Work and Waiting Time on Work have commitment and they don’t have support from higher
Life Balance (Pearson Correlation Values at 0.01 levels) management as well. Wherever there is support from higher
management, there exists the commitment of subordinates.
Waiting time
for customer
Table No. 6
Travel Time
Work Life
on Work Life Balance (Pearson Correlation Values at 0.01
(Score )
better performance
methods (Score)
facilities (Score)
to adopt Latest
Better training
Field Work (no of Seasons) NA NA NA NA
Incentives for
Waiting time for customer .836 NA 1 -.811
(Minutes) Details
(Score )
Work Life Balance
(Score ) -.695 NA -.811 1
The above table shows that travel time and waiting time for
customers has given a negative relationship with work life Encouragement to adopt Latest 1.000 .900 .716 .873
balance which means that the more one travels the less the methods (Score)
work life balance be enjoyed. It is observed that where ever Better training facilities (Score) .900 1.000 .774 .884
there is more travel time of an employee, there is an increase Incentives for better .716 .774 1.000 .895
performance (Score)
in waiting time for the customers too. Work Life Balance (Score ) .873 .884 .895 1.000
Table No. 4 It is observed that the management encouragement to adopt
Impact of Office Hours, Work time in Field and Work time latest methods, awarding for better performances and better
in office on Work Life Balance (Pearson Correlation Values training facilities has encouraged employees to organize their
at 0.01 levels) work life balance positively. It is also observed that whoever
has got encouragement for adopting latest methods and also
Work in Field per
have got incentives and better training facilities and vice versa.
Office Hours (Hrs)
Table No. 7
Impact of Freedom, Group Dynamics, Promotions on Work
day (Hrs)
day (Hrs)
Group Dynamics
Office Hours (Hrs) 1 .360 .458 -.092 Details
Work in office per day (Hrs) .458 -.665 1 .185 freedom of ideas implementation 1 .384 -.070 .621
Group Dynamics (Scores) .384 1 .787 .826
Work Life Balance (Score ) -.092 -.271 .185 1
Regular Promotions (Scores) -.070 .787 1 .640
It is observed that long duration of office hours, more field Work Life Balance (Score ) .621 .826 .640 1
work has been an hindrance for work life balance of an em- It is observed that freedom of implementations of ideas,
ployee while more time in office work has been positive fac- group dynamics and regular promotions are positive factors
tor for work life balance. It is also observed that where ever for work life balance of an employee. It is also observed that
there is excess of office hours, there has been increase in field there is a slightly negative correlation between regular pro-
work as well as office work. The work in office and the work in motions and implementation of ideas. Group dynamics and
field are negatively correlated which means wherever there is regular promotions are positively correlated.
more field work there is less time for office work.
Table No. 8
Table No. 5 Impact of Power, Discouragement, Group Politics on Work
Impact of Subordinates Commitment, Higher Ups Support Life Balance
and Recruitment on Work Life Balance (Pearson Correla- (Pearson Correlation Values at 0.01 levels)
tion Values at 0.01 levels)
failures (Scores)
Making power
Group Politics
discourages in
Work Life
from higher
in office
(Score )
Work Life
(Score )
Lack of
Table No. 11
Group Politics in office -.083 .419 1.000 -.408 Impact of Job Enrichment, cooperation from Other De-
partments and too many Tasks on Work Life Balance
Work Life Balance (Score ) .754 -.195 -.408 1.000 (Pearson Correlation Values at 0.01 levels)
authorities (Scores)
other departments
Enrichment of Job
pressure from
at a time and
discouragement in failures and group politics in office has
been major threats for work life balance. Details
(Score )
Table No. 9
Impact of Boss and Colleagues Behaviour on Work Life
Balance (Pearson Correlation Values at 0.01 levels) Enrichment of Job
(Scores) 1 -.007 -.299 .701
Good relationship
Good Attitude of
appreciation from
with boss (Score)
(Score )
Work Life Balance .701 .038 -.038 1
(Score )
Data is generated by
touch point at head
external consultant
office (Score)
leagues are positively correlated to one another which means
that there is a positive impact on work life balance. Good
(Score )
relationship with boss has positively correlated with appre-
ciation from boss in well done jobs and appreciation from
boss in well done jobs to good attitude of colleagues and
good relationship with boss to good attitude of colleagues Creation of single touch 1.000 1.000 .296 .981
has positive signs of linked correlation to one another. point at head office (Score)
Tasks will be delegated at
Table No. 10 the beginning of the year 1.000 1.000 .296 .981
itself (Score)
Impact of Higher Ups Values, Motivation, Support of Col-
Data is generated by .296 .296 1.000 .378
leagues on Work Life Balance (Pearson Correlation Values external consultant (score)
at 0.01 levels) Work Life Balance (Score ) .981 .981 .378 1.000
It is observed that centralized reporting system, delegation
Immediate motivation
from authorities
about competitors
Good knowledge
(Score )
It is observed that guidance in sales targets, cooperation ance Too many tasks at a time from authorities and their
from intermediaries and good knowledge about competitors pressure has been a threat for work life balance.
are positive factors for work life balance and all the factors 9. It is observed that centralized reporting system, delega-
are related to ane another positively. tion of tasks in the beginning of the year itself and ex-
ternal consultant help for data generation has helped
Table No. 14 employees to enjoy their work life balance.
Impact of Meetings, Niche Marketing and Recognition 10. It is observed that guidance in sales targets, cooperation
on Work Life Balance (Pearson Correlation Values at 0.01 from intermediaries and good knowledge about compet-
levels) itors are positive factors for work life balance. Where ever
there are too many meetings held, there is no recogni-
marketing (score)
tion of efforts and as well no Hitech marketing.
are recognized
irrespective of
meetings with
results (score)
Your efforts
Details Suggestions:
Work Life
(Score )