Evidencia 2: Workshop "Products and Services"

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Evidencia 2: Workshop “Products and services”

Luis Carlos Ardila Parada

Marzo de 2018

Servicio Nacional de aprendizaje SENA

Modalidad Virtual.
Tecnólogo en Negociación Internacional.
1. Find the main idea of paragraphs 1, 2, 9, 10, 11, and 12, and write
them in a paragraph.

There are some factors that we must take into account when we refer
to the current economy.
We can talk about the help that now means the digital revolution,
which has improved the commercial reach of companies, which has
helped them regardless of their area of commercialization or size, it
does not matter if we are talking about a microenterprise or a
company multinational.
Another of these factors that we must take into account in the current
economy, is international competition, which has generated new jobs
and encourage more and more people to practice a professional,
decent career that allows them to enter a professional competence,
allowing the productive benefit of the companies.
Another factor to consider is the change of culture that we have faced
today, because now with the era of technology, everything is within
reach of anyone, radically changing the socio-economic interactions of

As time has passed, all traditional policies have been losing strength
due to the changes that technology has undergone, which has
improved the products and services provided in many ways.
A great and clear example of what technology means in the current
economy, can be based on what today means 3D printing, with which,
if fully implemented, can lead to relocate the industry, because it
would generate savings in the costs and great efficiency in the
production and service, being the clients the biggest beneficiaries.

2. Write a summary of ten lines from the text.

In summary, if we manage to eliminate all existing barriers in
international markets, we can take advantage of the goods and
services, and as a result we will have a more agile and competitive
market. If the technological trends that have been marking change at
the level of markets and global economic systems are used more
frequently and wisely in the world, we have all been affected by a good
way of supporting the technology that Over time it has been meaning.
A clear example and an evident benefit for technology and the
sustainable change of the world economy in Europe, who to some
extent has great advantages in the era of interconnection that we are
living, because they take advantage of resources and accompany their
products and services with a high quality, adding to its services and
benefits, the technology and the current design necessary for entering
the real economy and always looking forward to the future.

3. Choose a paragraph and translate it with your own words.

I chose "The digital car", as the lover and connoisseur of the motor
world, I am struck by the fact that technology has become a
fundamental part of automotive development, seeing how it is
increasingly digitizing the markets and products offered by the
automotive companies.
In the text, we have seen new companies have come to the market
taking the risk of offering more and more developments in the world
to motor, breaking the tradition that for many years has been present
in the market and innovating in the technological development,
including different products and services to customers.
A clear example of this is the Tesla company, who know why a
technology company that also designs and markets automobiles.
They have been presenting design, technology and automation in a
single market area, in the same production line.
Seeing that technology is the future that has been demarcated by the
terms of globalization, we can see how a change has come about in
this way the main sense of the automotive world, now not only looking
for a basic means of transport to customers an area of entertainment
and a possible mobile office, all in one place.

4. Choose ten words from the text and organize them alphabetically.
Look for the meaning of each word.

a. Behavioura: Comportamiento = he way in which one acts or

conducts oneself, especially toward others.

b. Blurring: Borrón = make or become unclear or less distinct

c. Broadband: Banda Ancha= a high-capacity transmission technique

using a wide range of frequencies, which enables a large number of
messages to be communicated simultaneously.

d. Chancellor: canciller = a senior state or legal official

e. Disruptive: Disruptivo = causing or tending to cause disruption

f. Encourage: Alentar = give support, confidence, or hope to


g. Flagship: Buque Insignia = the ship in a fleet that carries the

commanding admiral

h. Investment: Inversion = the action or process of investing money

for profit or material result

i. Pursuing: Perseguir = follow (someone or something) in order to

catch or attack them

j. Thermostat: Termostato = a device that automatically regulates

temperature, or that activates a device when the temperature
reaches a certain point
5. Match the term with the corresponding meaning.

a. Client: A Customer

b. Solution: Products and services that solve a client’s problem

c. Engagement: An agreement between client-service provider.

d. Project: A series of tasks to be done in a specified sequence.

e. Deliverable: Things created by projects.

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