Work Shop Products and Services

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Evidencia N ° 2

Presentado por:






Centro de Comercio y Turismo

1. Find the main idea of paragraphs 1, 2, 9, 10, 11, and 12, and write them in a

Paragraph 1: Three factors are the base in the modern economy. The first factor is
technology helps to increase the success of a market in the global view; the second
one is the increasing of international competition in the global market, due to
innovation and creation developed by emerging countries; and the last factor is the
change of the economy from cultural trends and facility to interact with different offers
in market websites.

Paragraph 2: Innovation and creation is very important for reaching the success of
a product or service.

Paragraph 9: Deleting the line between products and services, It´s possible to create
a new model of economy based in three ideas.

Paragraph 10: Nowadays, every enterprise needs to introduce technology in its way.

Paragraph 11: Digital changes in an enterprise develop the improvement of an

enterprise, for a future success.

Paragraph 12: In these days, it´s possible to mix technology with manufacturing
industries, like a car´s industry, for obtaining better results.

In these days, it´s too important to use technology in every enterprise for showing a
new product or service. Also, it´s necessary to have creativity and innovation for
reaching the success and a big impact to offer the target in the market.

2. Write a summary of ten lines from the text.

According to the article “Integration of products and services”, written in 2015, by

European commission, the authors describe the importance of technology in the
market in the new age and the possibility for mixing manufacturing field or any other
field with technology. Also, they want to recommend the use of technology and
innovation for achieving the success of products and services in the market. Now,
enterprises can show or offer products or services by one click, increasing the
consumers and the quantity of demand of things. They discuss about the actual
model of economy in Europe and the development of technology in different fields
for growing the productivity in those countries. They recognized the influence of the
emerging markets to generate competition in global commerce.

3. Choose a paragraph and translate it with your own words.

Las partes electrónicas en cada vehículo esperan aumentan de un 20% en 2004 a

un 40% para este año, según Boston Consulting Group estima que un carro de clase
Premium ahora tiene 100 microprocesadores y mueve alrededor de 100 metros de
líneas de códigos de software. En el futuro, un carro será una combinación como de
una oficina móvil y una fuente de entretenimiento. El vehículo podrá intercambiar
información con otros dispositivos electrónicos del conductor, y posiblemente con el
fabricante o la compañía de seguros si el conductor quiere documentar una
conducción segura.

4. Choose ten words from the text and organize them alphabetically. Look for
the meaning of each word.

Advantage: Opportunity to go ahead or advance in a field.

Asset: Property of a company.

Consumer: Any person that can acquire some product or service.

Cultural: Things or ideas that identify some part of people.

Fictitious: That is not too real. Some cases are irreal.

Investment: Some quantity of money to use in an idea of business.

One-click services: Products or services offered in company´s websites.

Purpose: Objective of a function, function or idea.

Reach: To achieve a dream, a goal.

Skill: ability to do something.

5. Match the term with the corresponding meaning.

a Client d Things created by projects.

b Solution c A series of tasks to be done in a specified sequence.

c Engagement a A customer.

d Project b Products and services that solve a client’s problem.

e Deliverable e An agreement between client-service provider.

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