Detailed Lesson Plan

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Detailed Lesson Plan


At the end of the lesson the pupils are expected to:

A. Identify egg-laying and born alive animals

B. Differentiate egg-laying and born alive animals; and

C. Give the advantage of egg-laying and born alive animals

II.Subject Matter

Topic: Types of Reproduction in Animals

Reference: Science Beyond Borders, Evelyn T. Sarte, page 68

Materials: Visual aids, printed pictures

Values: Cooperation and Discipline


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A.Preliminary Activities


Who is our prayer leader for today? (says the name of their classmate)

(prayer) (prayer)


Good Morning Class! “Good Morning Teacher _______”

Pick-up the pieces of paper on the floor (Pick-up the trashes and arrange the chairs)

and arrange your chairs.

c.Checking of Attendance

Who are absent for today? (says the name of the pupil that is absent)


What have we discussed yesterday? (raise their hands)

Yes __________ “Asexual Reproduction in Animals”

Verygood! Who can describe asexual

reproduction in animals?
Yes __________ “Asexual reproduction takes place when a new

organism is formed by a single parent”

Verygood! Remember that asexual

reproduction does not need one male and one

female parent to produce a young organism.


Which one of you has a pet at home?

What is your pet? Tell me something about (raise their hands)

your pet.

Yes__________ “My pet is dog. Her name is Chuchay. She is

color white.”

Who else has pet at home? (raise their hands)

Yes __________ “My pet is cat. It has green eyes.

Another. Yes__________ “My pet is bird. The color of my bird is green

and yellow.

Okay. Thank you! I also have pets at home. I

have two dogs and three cats.

C.Lesson Proper

Now we will proceed to our new topic. Our

lesson for today is about Types of Reproduction

in Animals.

There are two types of reproduction in

animals. The Egg-Laying Animals and Born

Alive Animals.

The Egg-Laying Animals are animals that lay

eggs. The laid eggs by the female animal are

developed outside her body. The time between

the laying of the eggs and the hatching of the

young is called Incubation Period.

I have here the picture of animals that lay

eggs. (show picture of animals)

Who can give other examples of egg-laying

animals? (raise their hands)

(call at least three pupils) (fish, chicken, duck)

The advantages of egg-laying animals are they

can lay multiple of eggs at one time. The body

isn’t weighed down by developing young.

The Born Alive Animals directly give birth to

the young ones. The fertilized egg retains and

nourish inside the body of the female parent. The

fertilized egg develops into an embryo that grows

while receiving the nourishment from the mother

through the placenta. The time between

fertilization and birth of the live young is called


I have here again the picture of animals that

are born alive. (show picture of animals)

Who can give other examples of born alive (raise their hands)


(call at least three pupils) (goat, cow, horse)

An advantage of animal that is born alive is

that the mother can concentrate on taking care of

only a few young. Even in the womb, the young

will be able to receive proper nourishment from

the mother.

Did you understand the types of reproduction “Yes Teacher”

in animals?

Do you have any questions? “No Teacher”

Again, how do animals reproduce? (raise their hands)

Yes__________ “Animals reproduce by egg-laying or giving birth

to young ones”



I will divide you into two groups. Each group

will have five representatives to play the game.

The Group 1 will make the animal body moves

while Group 2 will guess the name of the animal

and say how they reproduce. Highest pointer will

be the winner.

Note: For the next round the Group 2 will

make the animal body moves while Group 1 will

guess the name of the animal and say how they



Identify how the given animals reproduce.

Write EL for egg-laying animals and BA for born

alive animals.











Cut pictures of the animal you want to be and

explain why you like it.

Submitted by: Cyndy Allyza M. Lontoc

BEED-2A Vinalyn Macasin
Joan Eusebio
Honey Jane Pacay

Submitted to: Mrs. Maria Jacquiline S. Mendoza


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