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Learn 300 Essential Words for IELTS 01 Animals

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Alligators did not evolve from amphibian.

1 amphibian Noun ‫الكائن البرمائي‬ Amphibians feature prominently in ancient legends.
(‫)مثل الضفادع‬ The present study showed that the availability amphibians and fish increased during the wet season.

The pond teemed with all manner of amphibious animals.

1.a amphibious Adj. ‫البرمائي‬ We cannot anticipate the outcome of the studies on the amphibious creatures.
As for the amphibious capability, we feel that that is of great potential importance.

Lions are the great carnivores of the African savannah.

2 carnivore Noun ‫الكائن الذي يتغذي‬ A herbivore and a carnivore may share the same habitant.
‫علي اللحوم‬ The researchers conclude that carnivores should not be kept in captivity.

Lions and tigers are carnivorous animals.

2.a carnivorous Adj. ‫أكلي اللحوم‬ Many of the world's 675-plus carnivorous species set passive traps.
The carnivorous mammal of the Americas living in various habitats and it hunts only at night.

The stomach of a herbivore has several chambers.

3 herbivore Noun ‫الكائن الذي يتغذي‬ A herbivore and a carnivore may share the same habitant.
‫علي النباتات‬ The teeth of herbivores are quite different to those of carnivores.

Elephants are herivorous animals.

3.a herbivorous Adj. ‫أكلي النباتات‬ Herbivorous animals have very small canine teeth or none.
He appeared to be herbivorous apart from the occasional lizard.

She's been a vegetarian for ten years now.

3.b vegetarian B1 Noun / ‫الكائن الذي ال يتغذي‬ I've been feeling much healthier since I became a vegetarian.
Adj. ‫علي اللحوم‬ The restaurant's very good for fish, but I'd give their vegetarian options a miss.

‫الماشية التي تتغذي‬ Grazers are herbivores that graze mainly on grasses.
3.c grazers Noun ‫علي األعشاب القريبة‬ This burned patch attracts the grazers which graze the area heavily because of the fresh grasses.
‫من األرض‬ For example, a marine biologist may describe herbivorous sea urchins that feed on kelp as grazer.

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Learn 300 Essential Words for IELTS 01 Animals
Word Level Type Meaning Example

‫الماشية التي تتغذي‬ Browsers glean leaves, bark, and green stems from plants.
3.d browsers B2 Noun ‫علي النباتات المرتفعة‬ There are many differences in digestion between grazers and browsers.
‫عن األرض‬ Parotid salivary gland weight increases linearly with body mass in both grazers and browsers.

It was a tree-dwelling omnivore that resembled a cat.

4 omnivore Noun ‫الكائن الذي يتغذي‬ An omnivore is an animal that is naturally able to eat both plants and meat.
‫علي النباتات واللحوم‬ The ingestion of undercooked meat is also believed to be a major source of infection in omnivores.

Human beings are an example of an omnivorous creature.

4.a omnivorous B2 Adj. ‫الذي يتغذي علي‬ The omnivorous scavengers could find food sources virtually anywhere.
‫النباتات واللحوم‬ Sloth bears are omnivorous and feed on a variety of foods depending on what is available.

The mites were in turn eaten by other arachnid predators.

5 predator C1 Noun ‫ المُقتنِص‬/ ‫الصياد‬ Farmers are using natural predators to protect their crops.
The lack of a shell leaves the larvae unprotected against predators.

The owl is a predatory bird that kills its prey with its claws.
5.a predatory Adj. ‫اإلقتناصي‬ The predatory behaviour of foxes is extermely sophisticated.
The company spent much effort in avoiding takeover bids from predatory competitors.

They prey on small insects.

6 prey C2 Noun / ‫ يصطاد‬/ ‫الفريسة‬ A hawk hovered in the air before swooping on its prey.
Verb Children are seen as easy prey for this type of advertising.

The hunters lost sight of their quarry in the forest.

6.a quarry Noun ‫ُطارد‬
َ ‫ الم‬/ ‫الفريسة‬ The dogs pursued their quarry into an empty warehouse.
It took the police several days to track down their quarry.

We took turns at being the hunter and the hunted.

6.b hunted Noun / ‫ُطارد‬
َ ‫ الم‬/ ‫الطريدة‬ A hunted animal or person is being chased by someone.
Adj. Man learned to become the hunter instead of the hunted, killing animals for food.

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Learn 300 Essential Words for IELTS 01 Animals
Word Level Type Meaning Example

She claimed to have been a victim of child abuse.

6.c victim Noun ‫الضحية‬ She’s just a victim of circumstances beyond her control.
Sea turtles in this region often fall victim to the effects of pollution.

A game bird is wild bird that are hunted for food or sport.
6.d game Noun ‫الفريسة‬ Only one of the hoofed mammals has never been a game animal.
Small game birds such as quail, squab, and partridge are enhanced by this marinade.

He tested positive for intestinal parasites.

7 parasite Noun ‫الكائن المُتط ِّفل‬ Financial speculators are parasites on the national economy.
The infection is caused by a tiny parasite which can affect humans and pets.

Global warming may cause the spread of tropical parasitic diseases.

7.a parasitic Adj. ‫التطفُلي‬ The holes were the signs of the emergence of the parasitic wasp adults.
The parasitic infection is partially a function of how often the host and parasite contact each other.

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