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Accenture Development Partnerships

The world has seen tremendous progress in

solving global development challenges over
the past decade. While there is more work to do, the future
holds great promise. With so much changing in the international
development sector, the potential to maximize impact has never
been greater.


Disruption is happening fast in international development. can be daunting, it opens new doors to drive sustainable
The digital revolution is creating unprecedented threats impact. But accelerating outcomes and impact requires
and opportunities. The sector is being reshaped by new greater organizational agility with real-time insights to
players and new business models. Boundaries between make better decisions quickly.
sectors and countries are fading in an interconnected
Accenture Development Partnerships works with NGOs,
world. A whole new generation of donors has very
INGOs, private foundations, international financial
different needs and expectations.
institutions, bilateral and multilateral donors, and
This environment influences everything that development corporations to seize the promise of change and create
organizations do—from defining the strategy, running positive social impact in developing countries. Working
programs and engaging with communities, to together, we help solve the social, economic
strengthening operations and fundraising. While change and environmental issues of our time.

Accenture Development Partnerships has a deep We bring breakthrough thinking and approaches from
understanding of the international development sector— the private sector to help development organizations
where it has been and its future potential. Since 2003, our deliver sustainable outcomes to drive effectiveness today
teams have applied business and technology solutions to and prepare for tomorrow. By tapping into the best of
build capacity and strengthen programs for development Accenture’s ecosystem and alliance partners—global
organizations around the globe. We are a nexus player, reach, extensive capabilities, cross-industry perspectives
working across government, business and civil society, and a skilled workforce—we can provide truly end-to-end
and at the intersection of international development and solutions. Clients can benefit from our focus on innovation,
digital technologies. collaboration, digital enablement and scalable solutions.


Innovation comes with many challenges, but there are ways to
break through the barriers to transform communities and improve
people’s lives.

Sustainable social enterprises, regional innovation hubs and

mobile learning platforms are among the breakthroughs
making a difference in developing countries today. Such
inroads result from innovative strategies, business models,
partnerships and technologies. And they are delivering
meaningful outcomes, amplifying impact in profound ways.

Innovation is a mindset and a guiding principle at

Accenture Development Partnerships. It is hardwired into
how our people work with clients and partners to design
strategies and deliver solutions that truly meet the needs
of local communities.

Working in the international development context—always

factoring in both opportunities and limitations—we apply the
“new” while anticipating what’s “next.”

Working collaboratively and creatively, we help development

organizations innovate for outcomes without waiting years or
wasting precious resources. Part of this is working iteratively
with agile methods to fast track good ideas and lower the
cost of innovation. We also tap into the Accenture Innovation
Architecture which spans the entire innovation lifecycle from
idea to impact for end-to-end capabilities. It covers trends
research, investment in emerging technologies, prototype
design, and building, scaling and delivering new solutions
around the world.




Trends Investment & Open Innovation Research & Development
Ideate through Shape emerging Prototype through
thought leadership technologies applied R&D projects


Solution Innovation Use Cases & Assets Industrialization
Build with speed Scale re-use Industrialize sales
and agility with clients & delivery

Our work with Plan International, one of the world’s Plan International was going to need to disrupt programs,
largest child rights organizations, is an example of how we fundraising, partnerships and operations and turned to
are working with development organizations to harness Accenture to explore opportunities to partner on new
innovation to solve pressing challenges—both on specific concepts to deliver scalable social impact.
projects that drive greater effectiveness today and broad
Our team, leveraging the Accenture Innovation
initiatives for tomorrow. To help the organization improve
Architecture, supported the development of the strategy
sponsor engagement, we developed an intelligent photo
that embeds innovation at the core of the organization.
analyzer prototype using digital recognition technology
This approach utilizes a physical innovation hub, a virtual
with artificial intelligence to help ensure the quality and
network of innovation champions and an ecosystem
appropriateness of photos of sponsored children. The
of unconventional partnerships to nurture and support
photo analyzer will help streamline sponsorship, enabling
creative ideas and, provides an environment where
staff to work more efficiently and shift their attention to
experimentation is encouraged and staff feel that failure
other critical tasks.
is just part of the learning process. The initial strategic
When Plan International was preparing to launch their priorities include maximizing the value of data, helping
ambitious global strategy to transform the lives of 100 girls into meaningful employment and entrepreneurship,
million girls, leadership recognized the need to enable and reimagining the future of child sponsorship.
innovation across the organization to deliver on the vision.


Converging interests and complementary skills are fueling
enthusiasm for new forms of cross-sector collaboration that deliver
exciting outcomes.

Nontraditional partnerships that bridge the divide between the initiative. Today, community health workers use LEAP
the international development community, governments to access continued training, engage in peer learning,
and the private sector are quickly becoming the new connect with supervisors, and get vital information to
normal. They scale innovation and sustain impact for all rapidly mobilize and respond to outbreaks. More than
involved—especially the people and places being served. 300,000 households across Kenya have benefited from
the improved knowledge.1
Because we work across sectors and industries, we
understand the power of partnerships firsthand. We work We also help companies see the “strategic” in “social” to
with clients to see the big picture and connect the dots create business value and social impact with the United
to create multi-dimensional solutions. A natural systems Nations Sustainable Development Goals as the North
thinker, convener and relationship broker, Accenture Star. Consider the cutting edge partnership between
Development Partnerships finds common ground among financial services leader Barclays and pharmaceutical
players to multiply outcomes. giant GSK. These unexpected partners are providing
access to affordable healthcare in Africa, promoting
This ability to connect partners around a common
economic development, and connecting with new
goal was critical to our work with Amref Health Africa
customers in untapped markets. Accenture completed
developing a mobile health learning platform. Using
a comprehensive evaluation of the partnership, offering
basic mobile phone technology, this learning application
recommendations on a scalable commercial model to
known as LEAP revolutionizes training for community
drive sustainable business and social value.2
health workers who provide a vital link between remote
communities and formal health systems. Drawing on our alliance partner network, Accenture
Development Partnerships also connects the international
In addition to providing program management and
development sector to technology leaders. Because
technology support, our local team helped develop a
we work at the intersection of technology, international
partnership model to convene critical players. Each played
development and business, we not only advise clients on
a unique role. Amref Health Africa brought subject matter
technology options, but we work with providers to shape
knowledge and community relationships. The Kenyan
future solutions to meet the sector’s unique needs.
Ministry of Health provided coordination and curriculum
support. Mezzanine developed the technology. Safaricom
provided sustainable prices for the network. The M-Pesa
Foundation and the Accenture Foundation helped fund


Digital technologies enable international development organizations
to achieve their mission through insight-driven programming and
operations and reach unprecedented scale.

The enthusiasm for digital in development is palpable. Drawing on our familiarity with UNGC as well as the
Digital technologies are accessible, affordable and resources of Accenture Digital, we worked closely with
deliver results in weeks, not years. They put the sector’s UNGC to develop a comprehensive digital strategy to
work on overdrive, jumpstarting operational efficiency, enhance engagement, strengthen the value proposition,
collaboration, transparency and innovation, while helping scale impact and reduce the cost to serve. The process
organizations design solutions with communities around their involved conducting a digital maturity assessment,
true needs and reach more people at a lower overall cost. developing a digital vision, completing a gap analysis and
developing a future roadmap. We are now working with
Accenture Development Partnerships brings the depth
UNGC to implement early phases of the roadmap.
and breadth of Accenture’s digital and technology
capabilities—interactive, mobility, analytics, cloud, We also understand that digital technologies have the
security and new technologies—applied to international extraordinary ability to put people back at the heart of
development. We go beyond implementing point solutions development, addressing real-life needs while satisfying
to weave digital into the fabric of developing economies donor requirements. Transformational change is
and societies. happening right now. Working with some of our clients,
we have used digital solutions to help community health
Digital is increasingly an essential part of development
workers build skills, farmers increase productivity, refugees
organizations’ ability to achieve their purpose and improve
connect with loved ones and more.
program impact and operational management. Our work
in the digital space involves helping organizations set Consider our work with the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR).
their digital strategies, which we did with the UN Global We conducted a global analysis of refugee mobile and
Compact (UNGC). A key part of the organization’s 2020 Internet access and usage trends across 100 countries.
Global Strategy was to become a reimagined digital With this insight, UNHCR launched pilot connectivity
organization both in how it serves participants and how it programs in six countries in Africa, the Middle East and
operates internally. Europe, with a plan to launch more. The programs focus
on building cross-sector partnerships to enable
connectivity, promoting the delivery of humanitarian
solutions through digital platforms, and empowering
refugees with digital solutions.3


The international development community is not short on ideas,
but bringing them to realization, impact and scale has been a long-
time struggle.

Organizational structures, resource limitations and Our work in Panama with The Global FoodBanking
even challenging physical landscapes are barriers to Network (GFN) delivered both local impact and scale
scaling impact in international development. From the potential. Inventory management is a common challenge
accessibility of digital technologies to the network effect at food banks due to outdated management tools and
of cross-sector partnerships, changes in the sector are piecemeal IT systems. Food can go past its expiry date
chipping away at the scale problem. before distribution which means it needs to be discarded.
A pilot project funded by Unilever at GFN member food
Accenture Development Partnerships helps development
bank Banco de Alimentos Panamá addressed this problem.
organizations accelerate and scale impact in other
ways. Our work is backed by Accenture’s global delivery Accenture Development Partnerships worked with GFN
network, which was critical to our project with the World on an IT Starter Kit, a cloud-based solution for inventory
Bank on the Identification for Development program. tracking, customer relationship management, fundraising
This program is designed to give more people the official and volunteer management. Our team worked with
identification they need to access critical resources and staff and volunteers at the food bank for several weeks
government programs. We relied on it for a 24-hour to understand processes and align workable solutions.
delivery model to develop a national ID integration model In under four months, this food bank saved more than
and implementation framework for 15 countries on a 30,600 kilos of food—about seven percent of food that
compressed timeline. would not have been available previously. The IT Starter
Kit along with the process changes brought Banco de
This global reach is balanced by local wisdom about the
Alimentos Panamá up to an operational level which
communities we help clients serve. Our teams live and
allowed them to obtain GFN certification. The starter kit
work in country. They understand the people, places,
includes everything food banks need to implement the
languages and cultures for practical and pragmatic
packaged technology; GFN’s vision is to launch it across its
problem solving that addresses unique local needs and
global member network to deliver more food for those in
opportunities. This is the difference between solutions
need across the world.
born in the conference room and ideas inspired on
the ground.


As a social impact business with a
sector accessible model, Accenture
Development Partnerships deploys
resources when and where they are
needed. It is a client-demand driven,
not supply constrained model to bring
the right global and local experiences
to meet the needs of international
development organizations.

Developing relationships based on

mutual collaboration, trust and a strong
work ethic is at the heart of our work
with clients. Collaborating, convening
and championing opportunities, we
bring Accenture’s global capabilities and
experience to positively impact the lives
of people in the developing world.


Fuse powerful partnerships to scale solutions and drive innovation.

• Growth strategy and innovation. Combine deep • Revenue diversification and impact investing. Explore,
business and development sector insight with define and implement innovative financing solutions.
innovative methods to identify and pursue • Social entrepreneurship. Support the adoption and
opportunities for growth. growth of social enterprise models and broader social
• Business and operating models. Develop market-based entrepreneurship ecosystems.
solutions and organizational blueprints for initiatives • Mergers and acquisitions. Conduct target screening,
with sustainable impact. due diligence and integration planning for M&A
• Cross sector partnerships. Design, drive and partnerships, driving synergies for high performing
evaluate transformational partnerships among INGOs and creating greater programmatic impact.
multiple stakeholders.


Craft organizations and programs to be resilient in an evolving landscape.

• Talent strategy/ future workforce. Apply the latest • Program design. Bring an innovative, comprehensive
digital solutions and strategic thinking to develop a and integrated approach to program design to increase
high-performing workforce required for the digital age. the pace, certainty and outcomes.

• Organization change. Develop an organization with • Business process transformation. Design and
the required culture and behaviors to capitalize implement best core processes to reduce costs,
on disruption with change strategies to improve enhance efficiency and minimize risk—protecting and
transformation success. optimizing resources.

• Supply chain. Transform supply chain capabilities— • Monitoring and evaluations. Conduct interactive fund
from procurement to last mile distribution. assessments and evaluations quantifying program
effectiveness, promoting donor impact transparency
and driving continuous improvement.


While Accenture Development Partnerships offers a range of services
to the development community, we bring focused strengths in
four key areas. Our best work happens when we thread these
strengths together to provide a complete solution.

Reinvent the application portfolio and create the future of IT in your organization.

• Strategy and transformation. Develop a strategic • Technology solutions and services. Harness
yet common sense IT agenda to best position your technology innovations and applications so your
organization for the future. organizations can be more responsive and proactive

• Process and information management. Align business by operating in real time.

and IT so that technology can deliver more value to

your organization and to the people it serves.

Multiply innovation, collaboration and transformational change through digital.

• Digital strategy. Asses your organization’s digital • Mobility and Internet of Things. Tap into distributed
acumen, defining its digital vision and developing a connected devices and processes to develop
roadmap to guide digital transformation. innovative mobility solutions for better program

• Human centered design. Look from the outside in to outcomes.

understand the needs, motivations and behaviors of • Analytics. Use data insight and predictive modeling
stakeholders and design solutions that address them. to improve resource use, target program focus and

• Digital marketing. Evolve advocacy and fundraising deliver sustainable outcomes at scale.

to attract and nurture relationships with supporters to • Digital identity and security. Protect the organization,
drive organizational objectives. supporters and beneficiaries from security and
identity vulnerabilities, building confidence in
and use of digital solutions.


F. Roger Ford
Managing Director
Accenture Development Partnerships
Washington, DC, USA

[email protected]


Managing Director
Accenture is a leading global professional services
Accenture Development Partnerships
company, providing a broad range of services and
London, United Kingdom
solutions in strategy, consulting, digital, technology and
[email protected]
operations. Combining unmatched experience and
specialized skills across more than 40 industries and all
Ian Lobo business functions—underpinned by the world’s largest
Managing Director delivery network—Accenture works at the intersection
Accenture Development Partnerships of business and technology to help clients improve
Toronto, Canada their performance and create sustainable value for their
[email protected] stakeholders. With approximately 411,000 people serving
clients in more than 120 countries, Accenture drives
innovation to improve the way the world works and lives.
REFERENCES Visit us at

Accenture Development Partnerships, “Amref Health
Africa: A mobile solution for training and supporting ABOUT ACCENTURE
community health workers”, 2016 DEVELOPMENT
Accenture Strategy, “Sharing the Path Ahead: Insights PARTNERSHIPS
from the Barclays GSK Partnership”, 2016
Accenture Development Partnerships works with leading
international development organizations to address the
Accenture and The UN Refugee Agency, “Connecting
world’s social, economic and environmental issues. By
Refugees, How internet and mobile connectivity can
delivering the power of Accenture’s global capabilities
improve refugee well-being and transform humanitarian and experience, we help our clients develop sustainable,
action”, 2016 innovative and market-based solutions to maximize value
while driving measurable impact.

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