05-T24 Menu PDF
05-T24 Menu PDF
05-T24 Menu PDF
1. Novice users don’t need to remember application names and can easily navigate
using menus to accomplish their tasks.
2. T24 allows you to create multiple menus according to each users work profile
3. Related tasks can be grouped together using the menus and submenus.
1. The illustration shows how a typical menu appears in T24.
The highest level in this menu structure has three submenus namely User Menu,
Admin Menu and Role Based Home Pages. The menus can be expanded by
clicking on the menu.
All user related tasks are grouped under the user menu and administration tasks
are grouped under admin menu. This helps the user to navigate easily.
2. When the user expands a menu item by clicking on the menu, the submenus are
listed for each of the top level menus.
User Menu, Admin Menu and Role Based Home Pages form the first level of
Customer, CRM, Contact Management, Product Catalog, Retail Operations, Credit
Operations and others form the second level.
Under Credit operations, Limits, Collateral and Loans form the third level.
In Limits, Limit Menu, Group Limits , Enquiries and ‘View COB Reports’ form the
fourth level.
In this illustration, some T24 applications are listed under Group limits. These are
also referred as menu items.
Lets understand how to create these submenus and parent menus.
The menu that you can see above is one main menu, which has three smaller menus
attached as indicated by the arrows. Each of the these submenus have numerous
menu items. You have already seen that there are two different applications in T24
that you will use to create menus. You will now learn how to use them.
So now that you know how to create a record in HELPTEXT.MENU, to accomplish
what we started out to create, you will need 3 records in HELPTEXT.MENU.
1. Submenu1 has three menu items to create a customer record, list authorized and
unauthorized customer records.
3. Submenu2 has three menu items to create an account and list unauthorised and
authorised accounts.
5. Submenu3 has two menu items to launch an account version and an enquiry to list
the customer details.
This is the record that must be created in order to group the three sub menus
The ID of the HELPTEXT.MAINMENU in this example is 333
attached to this record
Do not forget to commit and authorize the record.
Login as TELLER1/123456 in your model bank area
Login as CREDITOFF/123456 in your model bank area
Login as PFOUSER/123456 in your model bank area