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JSAMS-1937; No. of Pages 10 ARTICLE IN PRESS

Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

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Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport

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Resistance training frequency and skeletal muscle hypertrophy: A

review of available evidence
Jozo Grgic a,∗ , Brad J. Schoenfeld b , Christopher Latella c
Institute for Health and Sport (IHES), Victoria University, Australia
Department of Health Sciences, Lehman College, USA
School of Medical and Health Sciences, Edith Cowan University, Australia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Objectives: Current reviews and position stands on resistance training (RT) frequency and associated
Received 13 March 2018 muscular hypertrophy are based on limited evidence holding implications for practical application and
Received in revised form 26 August 2018 program design. Considering that several recent studies have shed new light on this topic, the present
Accepted 6 September 2018
paper aimed to collate the available evidence on RT frequency and the associated effect on muscular
Available online xxx
Design: Review article.
Methods: Articles for this review were obtained through searches of PubMed/MEDLINE, Scopus, and
Cross-sectional area
SPORTDiscus. Both volume-equated (studies in which RT frequency is the only manipulated variable) and
Growth non-volume-equated (studies in which both RT frequency and volume are the manipulated variables)
Exercise study designs were considered.
Training Results: Ten studies were found that used direct site-specific measures of hypertrophy, and, in general,
Muscle protein synthesis reported that RT once per week elicits similar hypertrophy compared to training two or three times per
week. In addition, 21 studies compared different RT frequencies and used lean body mass devices to
estimate muscular growth; most of which reported no significant differences between training frequen-
cies. Five studies were identified that used circumference for estimating muscular growth. These studies
provided findings that are difficult to interpret, considering that circumference is a crude measure of
hypertrophy (i.e., it does not allow for the differentiation between adipose tissue, intracellular fluids, and
muscle mass).
Conclusions: Based on the results of this review, it appears that under volume-equated conditions, RT
frequency does not seem to have a pronounced effect of gains in muscle mass.
© 2018 Sports Medicine Australia. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Finally, for individuals advanced in RT, a training frequency of four

to six days per week is recommended, in which, one to three muscle
The prescription of resistance training (RT) programs is often groups are trained per session using a split body routine.1 However,
based on the recommendations provided by leading exercise and some authors claim that there was insufficient evidence to support
health organizations. In this regard, the most commonly cited and such recommendations at the time when the position stand was
recognized recommendations are those provided by the American published, leaving these guidelines somewhat questionable.2
College of Sports Medicine (ACSM).1 For novice individuals whose Schoenfeld et al.3 performed a systematic review and a meta-
goal is to achieve muscular hypertrophy, the ACSM guidelines rec- analysis of studies assessing the effects of RT frequency on muscular
ommend an RT frequency of two to three days per week using a hypertrophy. The authors concluded that training a muscle group
total body routine. For intermediate individuals (i.e., individuals two times per week compared to once per week promoted superior
with ∼six months of RT experience), a frequency of four days per muscular hypertrophy. These findings were obtained from data that
week using an upper/lower body split routine is considered ideal. pooled both indirect measures, such as circumference and dual-
energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) and direct measures, such as
B-mode ultrasound imaging to assess muscle growth. Nonetheless,
the researchers noted that the analysis was limited to the small
∗ Corresponding author. number of studies (i.e., 10) that met the inclusion criteria, and only
E-mail address: [email protected] (J. Grgic).

1440-2440/© 2018 Sports Medicine Australia. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Grgic J, et al. Resistance training frequency and skeletal muscle hypertrophy: A review of available
evidence. J Sci Med Sport (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsams.2018.09.223
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JSAMS-1937; No. of Pages 10 ARTICLE IN PRESS
2 J. Grgic et al. / Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

two studies used site-specific measures of hypertrophy. It has been 2.4. The importance of equating training volume
reported that direct and indirect measures may produce different
results, as for instance, changes in muscle size following 12-weeks Training volume has been suggested to be one of the most
of RT noted with computed tomography (a direct measure), were important RT variables when it comes to exercise prescrip-
not observed using an indirect measure of hypertrophy (DXA).4 tion for muscle hypertrophy.19 Recent studies have observed a
Therefore, where possible, a case can be made that these different dose–response relationship between RT volume and muscle hyper-
direct and indirect estimates of muscular hypertrophy should be trophy, whereby greater volumes of training elicit greater increases
analyzed separately,5 as performed in a recent review by Schoen- in muscle size.20,21 Therefore, when comparing the effects of dif-
feld et al.6 ferent RT frequencies (e.g., training two vs. three times per week)
Since the publication of the review by Schoenfeld et al. several training volume should ideally be equated between the groups. If
recent studies7–13 have shed new light on this topic. Therefore, the equated for training volume, the only manipulated variable is RT
present review aimed to collate the available evidence from studies frequency, which consequently allows for the isolation of the true
that compared different RT frequencies and their effect on muscu- effect of training frequency and thus the ability to draw causality as
lar hypertrophy grouped by direct and indirect measures. Although to its hypertrophic effects. If the comparison is not equated, and the
meta-analyses are widely used and well-accepted as a means to higher training frequency group also does more training volume, a
draw evidence-based conclusions in health-based research,14 some true effect of RT frequency cannot be isolated.
have questioned their applicability in strength training studies.15
Given these discussions and due to the broad range of methodolog-
ical concepts across the included studies, the results are interpreted 3. Direct measures of muscular hypertrophy
qualitatively, as done in other reviews.16–18
In total, 10 studies assessed the effect of RT frequency on muscu-
lar hypertrophy using site-specific measures.8–10,22–28 Eight studies
2. Methods used B-mode ultrasound, one study used magnetic resonance imag-
ing, and one study used muscle biopsies for assessing muscular
2.1. Literature search methodology hypertrophy. The pooled number of participants across the studies
was 289 (234 males and 55 females). The median number of partic-
Articles for this review were obtained through searches of ipants per study was 24. In five of the studies the participants were
PubMed/MEDLINE, Scopus, and SPORTDiscus databases. The word young individuals,9,10,25,26,28 in four older adults8,22,23,27 and in one
syntax used for the search included the following combination of study the participants were middle-aged individuals.24 Seven stud-
relevant terms: ‘resistance training’ AND frequency AND (hyper- ies were conducted in untrained participants8,22–25,27,28 while three
trophy OR circumference OR ‘muscle mass’ OR volume OR split OR studies were performed in resistance trained population.9,10,26
total OR lean OR girth OR strength). The literature search was per- Mean ± standard deviation duration of the training interventions
formed in March 2018. No limits to the search period were applied. was 12 ± seven weeks (range: 6–30 weeks). All of the studies
As a part of a secondary search, the reference list of each read full- reported that the RT programs were supervised. The lowest train-
text was scanned, and the papers that cited the included studies ing frequency was once per week, while the highest frequency was
were examined through the Scopus database. four times per week. A summary of the individual studies can be
found in Table 1.
At present, three studies investigated the effects of RT frequency
in young or middle-aged untrained populations while using direct
2.2. Inclusion criteria measures of hypertrophy. Izquierdo et al.24 compared non-volume-
equated training once per week with training twice per week in a
Studies were included if they meet the following criteria: (i) group of men aged 40–46 years. The training intervention consisted
compared different RT frequencies with the RT programs per- of performing seven exercises for upper and lower-body muscula-
formed in a traditional dynamic fashion; (ii) included apparently ture. During the first eight weeks, participants performed three to
healthy adults as participants; (iii) used either girth measures (i.e., four sets of 10–15 repetitions with loads in the range of 50–70% one
circumference), lean body mass assessment, direct whole-muscle repetition maximum (1RM). For the next eight weeks, the load was
(B-mode ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging, and computed increased to 70–80% 1RM, and the number of sets and repetitions
tomography) or histological (muscle biopsy) measures of muscle was three to five and five to six, respectively. No significant dif-
hypertrophy; (iv) the training intervention lasted for a minimum ferences in muscular hypertrophy were observed between groups
of four weeks; and (v) the full-text of the study was available in for changes in quadriceps muscle thickness. However, elbow flexor
English and was published in a peer-reviewed journal. For this thickness increased by 9% in the group training twice per week,
review, RT frequency was defined as the number of training ses- while no significant pre-to-post changes were observed in the
sions performed per muscle group within a week. Thus, the studies group training once per week (+4%), suggesting a benefit for a
that compared different RT frequencies while keeping the num- higher training frequency. It should be noted that the group train-
ber of training sessions per muscle group between the intervention ing once per week also did one session of aerobic training (i.e.,
groups the same were not included. cycling) per week. Aerobic exercise has been shown to stimulate
muscle protein synthesis (MPS) and there is evidence that aero-
bic exercise alone can result in significant hypertrophy in those
2.3. Classification of training status and age who are untrained (a more detailed discussion on this topic may
be found elsewhere29 ). Given that aerobic exercise was included
Resistance trained individuals were defined herein as having for the lower-body, but not upper-body, the higher upper-body
at least six months of RT experience.1 For age groups, we used the volume (see Section 2.4) performed by the twice-per-week group
following classification (i) participants aged 18–39 years were clas- may be explanatory for the differences observed between groups
sified as young, (ii) participants aged 40–64 years were classified as for elbow flexor thickness. In a cohort of college-aged men, Gentil
middle-aged, and (iii) participants aged ≥65 years were classified et al.25 reported statistically similar increases in muscle thickness
as older adults. between volume-equated RT frequencies of one and two times per

Please cite this article in press as: Grgic J, et al. Resistance training frequency and skeletal muscle hypertrophy: A review of available
evidence. J Sci Med Sport (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsams.2018.09.223
JSAMS-1937; No. of Pages 10
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evidence. J Sci Med Sport (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsams.2018.09.223
Please cite this article in press as: Grgic J, et al. Resistance training frequency and skeletal muscle hypertrophy: A review of available

Table 1
Summary of the studies using direct measures of muscular hypertrophy.

Reference Sample Training Exercise Were repetitions Volume equated? Frequency Adherence to Measurement tool Main findings
duration prescrip- performed to comparison the training (site)
(weeks) tion momentary (times/week)
muscular failure?

Brigatto Young trained 8 2–4 Yes Yes 1 vs. 2 1 = 100% B-mode ultrasound Significant pre- to post-intervention increases in
et al.9 men (n = 20) sets × 8–12 2 = 100% (elbow flexors, elbow flexors, elbow extensors and quadriceps
repetitions elbow extensors muscle thickness in both groups, with no
and quadriceps) significant between-group differences.
Ferrari Older trained 10 3 Yes No 2 vs. 3 2 = 95% B-mode ultrasound Significant pre- to post-intervention increases in
et al.23 men (n = 24) sets × 6–12 3 = 97% (elbow flexors and elbow flexors and quadriceps muscle thickness in
repetitions quadriceps) both groups, with no significant between-group
Gentil Young 10 3 Yes Yes 1 vs. 2 A minimum of B-mode ultrasound Significant pre- to post-intervention increases in

J. Grgic et al. / Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport xxx (2018) xxx–xxx
et al.25 untrained men sets × 8–12 80% (elbow flexors) elbow flexors thickness in both groups, with no
(n = 30) repetitions significant between-group differences.

Izquierdo Older 16 3–5 No No 1 vs. 2 A minimum of B-mode ultrasound Significant pre- to post-intervention increases in
et al.22 untrained men sets × 5–15 90% (quadriceps) quadriceps thickness in both groups, with no
(n = 24) repetitions significant between-group differences.
Izquierdo Middle-age 16 3–5 No No 1 vs. 2 A minimum of B-mode ultrasound Significant pre- to post-intervention increases in
et al.24 untrained men sets × 5–15 90% (elbow flexors and quadriceps thickness in both groups, with no
(n = 31) repetitions quadriceps) significant between-group differences. For elbow
flexors, only the group training two times per
week increased muscle thickness from pre- to post
Schoenfeld Young trained 8 2–3 Yes Yes 1 vs. 3 and 2 vs. 1 = 98% B-mode ultrasound Significant pre- to post-intervention increases in
et al.26 men (n = 19) sets × 8–12 3a 3 = 97% (elbow flexors, elbow extensors and quadriceps muscle thickness
repetitions elbow extensors in both groups, with no significant between-group
and quadriceps) differences. For elbow flexors, the group training
three times per week experienced significantly
greater growth compared to the group training
once per week.
Stec et al.27 Older 30 3 Yes No 2 vs. 3 2 = 91% Muscle biopsy No significant pre to post-intervention increases in
untrained men sets × 8–12 3 = 87% (vastus lateralis) type I muscle fiber cross-sectional area. Significant
(n = 15) and repetitions pre- to post-intervention increases in type II
women (n = 14) muscle fiber cross-sectional area in both groups,
with no significant between-group differences.
Tavares Young 8 2–4 Yes Yes 1 vs. 2 1 = 100% Magnetic No significant pre to post-intervention changes in
et al.28 untrained men sets × 6–12 2 = 100% resonance imaging quadriceps cross-sectional area in either of the
(n = 22) repetitions (quadriceps) groups.
Trupela Older 12 2–5 A minimum of one No 1 vs. 2 vs. 3 A minimum of B-mode ultrasound No significant pre to post-intervention increases in
et al.8 untrained men sets × 4–12 set was performed 90% (quadriceps) quadriceps thickness in either of the groups.
(n = 31) and repetitions to muscular failure
women (n = 41)
Yue et al.10 Young trained 6 2–4 Yes Yes 2 vs. 4 and 1 vs. 1/2 = 100% B-mode ultrasound Significant pre- to post-intervention increases in
men (n = 18) sets × 8–12 2a 2/4 = 100% (elbow flexors, quadriceps muscle thickness in both groups, with
repetitions anterior deltoid no significant between-group differences. For
and quadriceps) elbow flexors, the group training two times per
week experienced significantly greater growth
compared to the group training four times per
week. No significant pre to post-intervention
increases in anterior deltoid thickness in either of
the groups.
The training frequency varied based on the muscle group.

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4 J. Grgic et al. / Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

week following a 10-week intervention. Tavares et al.28 investi- als. It is important to note, however, that current data using direct
gated the effects of RT frequency (i.e., one versus two times per measures of hypertrophy is reported on the limb musculature,
week) during a period of reduced training volume. The training vol- specifically, elbow flexors, elbow extensors, and quadriceps mus-
ume was equated between the groups and consisted of the squat cles. Therefore, the generalizability to other muscle groups remains
and knee extension exercises performed for four sets per week with unclear. Further research is required to determine the effects of
six to eight RM. The authors reported that training both once or higher training frequencies such as greater than three times per
twice per week is sufficient for maintaining muscular hypertro- week in resistance-trained individuals, as there is some prelimi-
phy, as no significant decreases in muscle cross-sectional area were nary evidence35 to corroborate the supposition by Dankel et al.34
noted. that very high RT frequencies may maximize the MPS area under the
The totality of these data suggest that training as infrequently curve response. Future studies might consider exploring how train-
as training a muscle group once per week can elicit muscle growth ing multiple times throughout a day in comparison with training
in untrained individuals. Lack of time is commonly identified as the once per day might affect muscular growth.
primary reason for poor adherence to exercise.30 Therefore, these Under sedentary conditions, muscular atrophy is accelerated
findings seem to have the largest practical application for individ- after 50 years of age.36 This loss of muscle mass that occurs with
uals with limited opportunities to engage in RT and who decide to aging (i.e., sarcopenia) can have implications for functionality and
comprise their weekly exercise volume within one or two days per activities of daily living.37 Therefore, older adults are encouraged
week, commonly termed as the ‘weekend warriors.’31 However, to participate in RT.37 However, it remains unclear what training
given the limited data on the topic, further research is required to frequency is the most efficient for eliciting hypertrophy in the older
consolidate the initial findings in untrained individuals. adult population.38 Four studies investigated training frequency
The mechanical stimuli associated with voluntary muscle con- among older adults; all of the studies included untrained older
tractions can upregulate MPS. MPS is identified as an underlying adults. The seminal work by Izquierdo et al.22 was the first to com-
factor in muscular growth.32 In theory, hypertrophy of skele- pare the effect of RT frequency on muscular hypertrophy using
tal muscle cells is the cumulative difference between protein the ultrasound imaging technique in older men (67 ± 3 years). In
synthesis and protein degradation (i.e., net protein accretion32 ). a 16-week intervention, 20 participants were allocated either to
Based on the blunted MPS response following RT in well-trained RT once per week, or RT twice per week. Pre- to post-intervention
individuals33 some authors have put forth the hypothesis that muscle thickness data revealed that the hypertrophy of the quadri-
greater RT frequency, with lower individual session volume, may ceps muscle was the same for between the groups (+11% for
augment muscular growth via more frequent stimulation of MPS.34 both groups). These findings have important implications for pro-
In the study by Schoenfeld et al.26 following an 8-week volume- gram design as they indicate that a training frequency of even
equated training intervention, significantly greater increases in once per week can elicit robust muscular hypertrophy in older
elbow flexor hypertrophy were noted in the group that trained adults. However, as in their study among middle-aged men,24 the
three times per week (+6.5%) in comparison to the group train- group training once per week did one weekly session of cycling.
ing once per week (+4.4%). Although no significant differences were These methodological concepts might have confounded the train-
noted for the elbow extensors or vastus lateralis muscles, effect size ing frequency comparison of this study and need to be taken into
differences markedly favored the higher frequency condition for account when interpreting these findings. Ferrari et al.23 compared
these outcomes. It is possible that the group training three times per concurrent training (i.e., combined RT and aerobic exercise) fre-
week stimulated MPS more often which, in turn, resulted in greater quency of two versus three times per week in a group of older
hypertrophy in this training group. However, it has been argued men (65 ± 4 years). Both groups did the same concurrent exercise
that these results might be a novelty effect, as most of the partici- program and the only manipulated training variable was training
pants trained muscle groups once per week before the intervention frequency. Following the intervention, both groups increased mus-
period.26 cle thickness in the quadriceps and elbow flexor musculature with
In opposition to the findings by Schoenfeld et al.26 other no significant between-group differences.
research has failed to detect significant benefits of greater RT For untrained older individuals, significant muscular hypertro-
frequencies in trained individuals. For example, Brigatto et al.9 phy with regimented RT can be with as little as six weeks of RT.39
randomly assigned resistance-trained men to either a group that Surprisingly, in a recent study comparing training frequencies of
trained muscle groups once per week with 16 sets per session one, two, and three times per week in older adults, 12 weeks of
or a group that trained muscle groups twice per week with eight an RT intervention was insufficient to increase muscle thickness
sets per session. Given the set configuration between the groups, in either of the training groups.8 No significant increases in mus-
the total training volume was equated. No significant differences cle thickness occurred likely because the training program also
were noted in muscle thickness of the elbow extensors, elbow flex- included an initial three-month preparatory training phase. It is,
ors, or quadriceps after an 8-week study period. Another recent therefore, possible that the majority of the adaptations occurred
volume-equated study performed in trained men compared train- during this initial training phase. In a longer duration training inter-
ing a muscle group two versus four times per week.10 Although no vention lasting for 30 weeks, Stec et al.27 investigated the effects of
significant between-group differences were noted between con- RT frequency performed two times per week compared to a training
ditions for anterior deltoid and quadriceps thickness, only the frequency of three times per week. Muscle biopsies of the vastus
group training two times per week experienced significant pre- to lateralis muscle were used for the assessment of muscular hyper-
post-intervention increases in elbow flexor thickness, suggesting a trophy. Following the RT intervention, no significant growth of type
benefit towards lower RT frequency.10 It should be noted that in I muscle fibers occurred in either group. However, both groups
the study by Yue et al.10 the groups training two and four times per increased the cross-sectional area of type II muscle fibers, with no
week trained their back and arm muscles with this frequency, for significant between-group differences.
the leg, chest, and lateral deltoideus muscles a training frequency There is evidence to indicate that older adults might need more
of one and two times per weeks was employed. training volume to maintain myofiber hypertrophy than young
Based on the limited data available data, it does not appear that adults.40 However, the studies conducted among older adults
additional hypertrophic benefits are achieved by training a muscle included in the present review did not equate training volume and
group more than twice per week in resistance-trained individu- despite the non-volume-equated comparison, they did not show
any added benefit with higher RT frequencies and more training

Please cite this article in press as: Grgic J, et al. Resistance training frequency and skeletal muscle hypertrophy: A review of available
evidence. J Sci Med Sport (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsams.2018.09.223
G Model
JSAMS-1937; No. of Pages 10 ARTICLE IN PRESS
J. Grgic et al. / Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport xxx (2018) xxx–xxx 5

volume. Therefore, it may be inferred that after a certain amount In summary, most of the current body of evidence does not
of volume is achieved, additional work does not provide further indicate a significant difference in lean body mass accretion when
hypertrophic benefits in this population and might only delay training with different RT frequencies. These results imply that
recovery from exercise. comparable changes in lean body mass may be observed across a
large spectrum of training frequencies and the choice for a given fre-
quency can likely be based on personal preference. However, while
lean body mass estimates can indeed provide good insights into
4. Indirect measures of muscular hypertrophy the hypertrophic effects, they also might not be sensitive enough
to detect subtle, but potentially meaningful changes in muscle
4.1. Lean body mass growth.4,56 Therefore, it is possible that in some studies, training
with different RT frequencies indeed resulted with differences in
In total, 21 studies assessed the effect of RT frequency on hypertrophy adaptations between the groups at the whole-muscle
changes in lean body mass.7,8,11–13,22,27,41–53 Ten of the stud- level; however, these changes were not observed due to the mea-
ies used DXA for assessing lean body mass; five studies used surement tools employed. Thus, where possible, direct measures of
skinfolds, three studies used bioelectric impedance analysis, two hypertrophy should be utilized in future research.
studies used air displacement plethysmography, and one study
used A-mode ultrasound. The pooled number of participants
across the studies was 2472 (1772 females and 700 males). The
median number of participants per study was 30. Nine stud- 4.2. Circumference measures
ies included older adults7,8,22,27,41,45,47,48,51 seven studies included
young participants10–13,46,50,52 while in two studies the sample A total of only five studies have investigated the effects of RT
size comprised of middle-aged individuals.43,44 Two studies study frequency and subsequent muscular hypertrophy using circum-
included a mixture of young and middle-aged participants,42,53 ference measures.10,25,46,50,57 The pooled number of participants
and one included all adult age groups.49 Only five studies included across these studies was 121 (86 males and 35 females). The
resistance trained individuals.11–13,46,52 Mean ± standard deviation median number of participants per study was 28 and all stud-
duration of the training interventions was 13 ± seven weeks (range: ies included young participants. Three studies were conducted in
6–30 weeks). Only one study46 did not report that the RT pro- untrained individuals25,50,57 and two in trained participants.10,46
grams were supervised (the importance of exercise supervision is Mean ± standard deviation duration of the training interventions
discussed elsewhere54 ). The lowest training frequency was once were nine ± two weeks (range: 6–12 weeks). All but one study46
per week, while the highest frequency was six times per week. A reported supervision of the RT programs. The lowest training fre-
summary of the individual studies can be found in Table 2. quency was once per week, while the highest frequency was four
In a large-scale study of untrained individuals (n = 1725) lasting days per week. A summary of the individual studies can be found
for 10 weeks, Westcott et al.49 reported that the groups train- in Table 3.
ing one, two and three times per week increased their lean body The study by Arazi and Asadi57 investigated the effects of train-
mass by 0.33 kg, 1.40 kg, and 1.40 kg, respectively. Statistical anal- ing one versus two times per week, reporting that the group
ysis showed the groups that trained two and three times per week training once per week increased arm (+3.6%) but not thigh cir-
increased lean body mass significantly more than the group training cumference (+2.2%). By contrast, the group training twice per
once per week. MPS studies report that, following a bout of RT, MPS week increased thigh but not arm circumference. Given that the
remains elevated for ∼48 h in untrained individuals.55 Therefore, study employed a volume-equated design these results might
training a muscle group two or three times per week conceivably imply that upper and lower-body musculature might warrant
would keep the protein synthetic response in an elevated state in different RT frequency prescription. Using the same RT fre-
between subsequent sessions, which theoretically should augment quency comparison, Gentil et al.25 reported significant pre to
the growth of skeletal muscle. While the results from Westcott post-intervention increases in arm girth in both groups, with no
et al.49 seem to support this proposition, the RT sessions were per- significant between-group differences. Also under volume-equated
formed with very low training volume, specifically, with one set per conditions, Hunter50 reported that a group training four days
exercise. Due to the dose-response between training volume and per week compared to a group training three times per week
increases in muscle size,21,22 an argument can be made that such a experienced greater increases in chest circumference; albeit, the
low volume would require a greater weekly training frequency to differences between groups were rather small (+0.2% versus +3.2%).
stimulate muscular gains. One study reported significant pre to post-intervention increases
In contrast to the findings by Westcott et al.49 most of the other in arm girth in the group training two times per week but not in the
included studies that compared the effects of RT frequencies on group training a muscle group four times per week.10 And finally,
lean body mass gains report no significant differences between one study46 did not report any significant pre-to-post intervention
the training conditions. No significant differences between train- changes in girth in either group.
ing frequencies were found when comparing training frequencies Collectively, results from studies using circumference measures
of: (i) one versus two times per week, (ii) one versus three times per are difficult to interpret. Circumference can be considered as a
week, (iii) two versus three times per week, and (iv) three versus crude measure of hypertrophy given that changes in circumference
four times per week.7,8,12,13,17,27,41–48,50,51,53 In addition, very lim- may also be related to changes in subcutaneous adipose tissue and
ited evidence has shown no difference between in lean body mass intracellular fluids, and not necessarily in muscle mass.58 Therefore,
accrual between groups training a muscle group one versus five the findings from these studies should be viewed with circumspec-
times13 per week and three versus six times per week52 ; at least tion, particularly given that none of the included studies controlled
over a short-term period (i.e., six to eight weeks). Still, most of for nutritional intake. While acknowledging the limitations that
the studies assessed training frequencies up to four days per week researchers face when designing a study and taking into account
and among untrained individuals (Table 2); therefore, it remains that circumference measures might be a good field-based measure,
unclear whether similar results would be observed with higher future studies should emphasize the use of direct measures of mus-
training frequencies and in participants with regular RT experi- cle growth to draw accurate evidence-based conclusions as to the
ence. hypertrophic effects of differing RT frequencies.

Please cite this article in press as: Grgic J, et al. Resistance training frequency and skeletal muscle hypertrophy: A review of available
evidence. J Sci Med Sport (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsams.2018.09.223

JSAMS-1937; No. of Pages 10

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evidence. J Sci Med Sport (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsams.2018.09.223
Please cite this article in press as: Grgic J, et al. Resistance training frequency and skeletal muscle hypertrophy: A review of available

Table 2
Summary of the studies using lean body mass as an estimate of muscular hypertrophy.

Reference Sample Training Exercise Were repetitions Volume Frequency Adherence to the Measurement Main findings
duration prescription performed to equated? comparison training tool
(weeks) momentary (times/week)
muscular failure?

Benton et al.44 Middle-aged 8 3–6 sets × 8–12 No Yes 2 vs. 3 2 = 98% BOD-POD Significant pre- to post-intervention
untrained women repetitions 3 = 98% increases in lean body mass in both
(n = 21) groups, with no significant
between-group differences.
Candow and Young and 6 2–3 sets × 10 Yes Yes 2 vs. 3 Not presented DXA Significant pre- to post-intervention
Burke42 middle-aged repetitions increases in lean body mass in both

J. Grgic et al. / Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport xxx (2018) xxx–xxx
untrained men groups, with no significant

(n = 6) and women between-group differences.
(n = 23)
Carneiro et al.41 Untrained older 12 1 set × 10–15 Yes No 2 vs. 3 Not presented DXA Significant pre- to post-intervention
women (n = 53) repetitions increases in lean body mass in both
groups, with no significant
between-group differences.
Colquhoun et al.52 Trained young men 6 2–4 sets × 3–8 Yes Yes 3 vs. 6 Not presented A-mode Significant pre- to post-intervention
(n = 28) repetitions ultrasound increases in lean body mass in both
groups, with no significant
between-group differences
Fernández-Lezaun Untrained older 24 2–4 sets × 4–20 No No 1. vs. 2. vs. 3 A minimum of 90% DXA No significant pre- to
et al.7 men (n = 29) and repetitions post-intervention increases in lean
women (n = 39) body mass in all groups.
Fisher et al.45 Untrained older 16 1–2 sets × 8–10 No No 1. vs. 2. vs. 3 1 = 100% DXA Significant pre- to post-intervention
women (n = 63) repetitions 2 = 100% increases in lean body mass in all
3 = 100% groups, with no significant
between-group differences.
Gomes et al.13 Young trained men 8 1–10 sets × 8–12 Yes Yes 1 vs. 5 1 = 97% DXA Significant pre- to post-intervention
(n = 23) repetitions 5 = 98% increases in lean body mass in both
groups, with no significant
between-group differences.
Hunter50 Young untrained 7 2–3 sets × 7–10 Yes Yes 3 vs. 4 Not presented Skinfolds Significant pre- to post-intervention
men (n = 22) and repetitions increases in lean body mass in both
women (n = 24) groups, with no significant
between-group differences.
Izquierdo et al.22 Older untrained 16 3–5 sets × 5–15 No No 1 vs. 2 Minimum of 90% Skinfolds Significant pre- to post-intervention
men (n = 24) repetitions increases in quadriceps thickness in
both groups, with no significant
between-group differences.
Lee et al.12 Young untrained 12 3 sets × 10 No No 1 vs. 3 Not presented BIA No significant pre- to
women (n = 17) repetitions post-intervention increases in lean
body mass in both groups.
Lera Orsatti et al.43 Middle-aged 16 3 sets × 8–12 Yes No 1 vs. 2. vs. 3 Not presented BIA Significant pre- to post-intervention
untrained women repetitions increases in lean body mass in all
(n = 30) groups, with no significant
between-group differences.
JSAMS-1937; No. of Pages 10
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evidence. J Sci Med Sport (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsams.2018.09.223
Please cite this article in press as: Grgic J, et al. Resistance training frequency and skeletal muscle hypertrophy: A review of available

Table 2 (Continued)

Reference Sample Training Exercise Were repetitions Volume Frequency Adherence to the Measurement Main findings
duration prescription performed to equated? comparison training tool
(weeks) momentary (times/week)
muscular failure?

McLester et al.46 Young trained men 12 1–3 sets × 8–10 Yes Yes 1 vs. 3 Not presented Skinfolds No significant pre- to
(n = 14) and women repetitions post-intervention increases in lean
(n = 11) body mass in both groups.
Murlasits et al.47 Untrained older 8 3 sets × 8 Yes No 2 vs. 3 2 = 90% DXA Significant pre- to post-intervention
men (n = 11) and repetitions 3 = 90% increases in lean body mass in both
women (n = 18) groups, with no significant

J. Grgic et al. / Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport xxx (2018) xxx–xxx
between-group differences.

Ribeiro et al.51 Untrained older 12 1 sets × 10–15 Yes No 2 vs. 3 2 = 95% BIA Significant pre- to post-intervention
women (n = 39) repetitions 3 = 97% increases in lean body mass in both
groups, with no significant
between-group differences.
Serra et al.53 Untrained young 12 3 sets × 10–12 Yes No 2 vs. 3 vs. 4 Mean of 95% Skinfolds No significant pre- to
and middle-aged repetitions post-intervention increases in lean
men (n = 41) and body mass in either group.
women (n = 27)
Stec et al.27 Untrained older 30 3 sets × 8–12 Yes No 2 vs. 3 2 = 91% DXA Significant pre- to post-intervention
men (n = 15) and repetitions 3 = 87% increases in lean body mass in both
women (n = 14) groups, with no significant
between-group differences.
Taaffe et al.48 Untrained older 24 3 sets × 8 No No 1 vs. 2 vs. 3 1 = 98% DXA Significant pre- to post-intervention
men (n = 29) and repetitions 2 = 99% increases in lean body mass in all
women (n = 17) 3 = 97% groups, with no significant
between-group differences.
Thomas and Young trained men 8 3–6 sets × 8–12 Yes Yes 1 vs. 3 Not presented DXA Significant pre- to post-intervention
Burns11 (n = 12) and women repetitions increases in lean body mass in both
(n = 7) groups, with no significant
between-group differences.
Trupela et al.8 Older untrained 12 2–5 sets × 4–12 A minimum of one No 1 vs. 2 vs. 3 A minimum of 90% DXA No significant pre- to
men (n = 31) and repetitions set was performed post-intervention increases in lean
women (n = 41) to muscular failure body mass in either group.
Westcott et al.49 Young to older 10 1 set × 8–12 Yes No 1 vs. 2 vs. 3 1 = 84% Skinfolds Significant pre- to post-intervention
untrained men repetitions 2 = 83% increases in lean body mass in all
(n = 397) and 3 = 80% groups. The groups training two and
women (n = 1328) three times per week experienced
greater gains in lean body mass
compared to the group training once
per week.
Yue et al.10 Young trained men 6 2–4 sets × 8–12 Yes Yes 2 vs. 4 2 = 100% BOD-POD Significant pre- to post-intervention
(n = 18) repetitions 4 = 100% increases in lean body mass only in the
group training two times per week.

BOD-POD air displacement plethysmography, DXA dual energy X-ray absorptiometry, BIA bioelectric impedance analysis


JSAMS-1937; No. of Pages 10

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evidence. J Sci Med Sport (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsams.2018.09.223
Please cite this article in press as: Grgic J, et al. Resistance training frequency and skeletal muscle hypertrophy: A review of available

Table 3
Summary of the studies using circumference as an estimate of muscular hypertrophy.

Reference Sample Training duration Exercise Were repetitions Volume Frequency Adherence to the Measurement Main findings
(weeks) prescription performed to momentary equated? comparison training site
muscular failure? (times/week)

Arazi and Young untrained 8 1 set × 6–12 No Yes 1 vs. 2 Not presented Upper arm and Significant pre- to
Asadi57 men (n = 20) repetitions thigh post-intervention increases in
arm circumference in the
group training once per week.

J. Grgic et al. / Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport xxx (2018) xxx–xxx
Significant pre- to
post-intervention increases in

thigh circumference in group
training two times per week.
Gentil et al.25 Young untrained 10 3 sets × 8–12 Yes Yes 1 vs. 2 A minimum of 80% Upper arm Significant pre- to
men (n = 30) repetitions post-intervention increases in
arm circumference in both
groups, with no significant
between-group differences.
Hunter50 Young untrained 7 2–3 sets × 7–10 Yes Yes 3 vs. 4 Not presented Upper arm and Significant pre- to
men (n = 22) and repetitions chest post-intervention increases in
women (n = 24) arm circumference in both
groups, with no significant
between-group differences.
Significant pre- to
post-intervention increases in
chest circumference in both
groups; however, the group
training four days per week
increased chest circumference
significantly more than the
group training three days per
McLester Young trained men 12 1–3 sets × 8–10 Yes Yes 1 vs. 3 Not presented Upper arm, No significant pre- to
et al.46 (n = 14) and women repetitions chest, and post-intervention increases in
(n = 11) thigh girth in both groups.
Yue et al.10 Young trained men 6 2–4 sets × 8–12 Yes Yes 2 vs. 4 and 1 vs. 2a 2 = 100% Upper arm and Significant pre- to
(n = 18) repetitions 4 = 100% thigh post-intervention increases in
arm circumference only in the
group training two times per
week. No significant pre to
post-intervention increases in
thigh girth occurred.
The training frequency varied based on the muscle group.
G Model
JSAMS-1937; No. of Pages 10 ARTICLE IN PRESS
J. Grgic et al. / Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport xxx (2018) xxx–xxx 9

5. Conclusions 13. Gomes GK, Franco CM, Nunes PR et al. High-frequency resistance training
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vides a complete overview of the current literature with respect 14. Moher D, Liberati A, Tetzlaff J et al. Preferred reporting items for system-
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help to facilitate future research in this area. Most of the stud- 6(7):e1000097.
15. Gentil P, Arruda A, Souza D et al. Is there any practical application of meta-
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differences between the training conditions, irrespective of the 16. Scott BR, Loenneke JP, Slattery KM et al. Blood flow restricted exercise for ath-
hypertrophy measurement tool, although evidence suggests a letes: a review of available evidence. J Sci Med Sport 2016; 19(5):360–367.
17. Grgic J, Schoenfeld BJ, Skrepnik M et al. Effects of rest interval duration in resis-
potential benefit (albeit, a slight one) to frequencies greater than tance training on measures of muscular strength: a systematic review. Sports
one day-per-week. Thus, it appears that the magnitude of muscular Med 2018; 48(1):137–151.
hypertrophy is more influenced by training variables such as train- 18. Grgic J, Lazinica B, Mikulic P et al. The effects of short versus long inter-set rest
intervals in resistance training on measures of muscle hypertrophy: a systematic
ing volume19,20,21,59 and it can be inferred that RT frequency plays a review. Eur J Sport Sci 2017; 17(8):983–993.
secondary role in this regard, at least for training frequencies up to 19. Figueiredo VC, de Salles BF, Trajano GS. Volume for muscle hypertrophy and
four days per week. Given the reported dose–response relationship health outcomes: the most effective variable in resistance training. Sports Med
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21. Schoenfeld BJ, Contreras B, Krieger JW et al. Resistance training volume enhances
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26. Schoenfeld BJ, Ratamess NA, Peterson MD et al. Influence of resistance training
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evidence. J Sci Med Sport (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsams.2018.09.223

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