Ribeiro 2016
Ribeiro 2016
Ribeiro 2016
Ribeiro AS et al. Phase Angle and Resistance Training … Int J Sports Med
Training & Testing IJSM/5330/4.3.2016/MPS
tions. Anthropometric and body compositions measurements Before BIS measurement participants were instructed to remove
were performed at weeks 1–2, 11–12 and 21–22. The first meas- all objects containing metal. Measurements were performed on
urement took place one week before the intervention (Monday a table that was isolated from electrical conductors, with sub-
and Tuesday). The second and third evaluations were performed jects lying supine along the table’s longitudinal centerline axis,
on the following Monday and Tuesday after the end of each legs abducted at an angle of 45°, and hands pronated. After
training phase (Friday). With this procedure, there was a 48–72 h cleaning the skin with alcohol, 2 electrodes were placed on the
period between the last training session and the bioimpedance surface of the right hand and 2 on the right foot in accordance
analysis. The supervised progressive RT was performed between with procedures described by Sardinha et al. [31]. Participants
weeks 3–10, 13–20. Subjects were instructed to maintain their were instructed to urinate about 30 min before the measures,
normal level of physical activity and were specifically asked not refrain from ingesting food or drink in the last 4 h, avoid strenu-
to start a new exercise regimen during study period. ous physical exercise for at least 24 h, refrain consumption of
alcoholic and caffeinated beverages for at least 48 h, and avoid
Participants the use of diuretics during 7 days prior each assessment. Before
Participants were recruited from a university population and each measurement day, the BIS equipment was calibrated as per
though a local advertisement. All volunteers (47 women and 42 the manufacturer’s recommendations. Based on the test-retest
men) completed a detailed health history questionnaire. Inclusion procedure measured 24 h apart, it was found SEM of 0.32 L and
criteria were the following: no signs or symptoms of any disease ICC = 0.98 for ECW, SEM of 0.19 L and ICC = 0.99 for ICW, and SEM
and orthopedic injuries, insufficiently inactive (defined as perform- of 0.38 L and ICC = 0.98 for TBW, SEM of 15.6 ohms and ICC = 0.95
ing physical activity less than twice a week), and no participation for R, SEM of 3.5 ohms and ICC = 0.96 for Xc, SEM of 0.21 degrees
on any RT for at least 6 months before the beginning of the study. 28 and ICC = 0.96 for PhA, SEM of 0.40 kg and ICC = 0.99 for SMM.
men and 31 women finished the study and therefore were included
in the final analysis. The reasons for the dropouts included insuffi- Dietary intake
cient attendance to training sessions (< 85 % of the total sessions) Participants were instructed by a nutritionist to complete a food
and voluntary abandonment for different reasons. record on 3 nonconsecutive days (2 week days and one weekend
Ribeiro AS et al. Phase Angle and Resistance Training … Int J Sports Med
IJSM/5330/4.3.2016/MPS Training & Testing
tion zone (8 repetitions), and as many repetitions as possible Upper limb exercises: FW = WT + RE/2
until voluntary exhaustion in the third set. The same load was
used to perform all 3 sets of an exercise. Adjustments in the Lower limb exercises: FW = WT + RE
resistance load were made on a weekly basis using the following
equations: where FW = final weight (kg) used in training; WT = weight used
in the test (kg); RE = maximum number of repetitions performed
that exceeded the lower limit (8 repetitions) in the third set.
Table 1 General characteristics of the sample at baseline. Data are pre- To determine the load used in the first week of training a repeti-
sented as mean and standard deviation. tion maximum test was performed in the first training session of
the first week of training. The load used for this test for repeti-
Men (n = 28) Women (n = 31) P
tion maximums was set according to the perception and experi-
Age (years) 22.2 ± 4.3 23.2 ± 4.1 0.47
ence of the researchers. In the last session of the first week of
Height (cm) 174.2 ± 6.8 162.7 ± 6.4 < 0.001
training a second repetition maximum test was performed to
Body mass index (kg/m2) 22.4 ± 2.4 22.0 ± 3.5 0.66
determine the load used in the second week of training. The load
Men (n = 28) Women (n = 31) ANOVA Effects F P Table 2 Dietary intake of the
participants at pre- and post-
Carbohydrate (g/kg/d) Sex 0.59 0.44
training. The results are presented
Pre-training 4.1 ± 1.8 4.2 ± 1.8 Time 3.80 0.08
as mean and standard deviation.
Post-training 3.9 ± 1.3 4.0 ± 1.8 Interaction 1.06 0.30
Protein (g/kg/d) Sex 0.44 0.50
Pre-training 1.5 ± 0.6 1.3 ± 0.5 Time 3.30 0.09
Post-training 1.3 ± 0.3 1.3 ± 0.6 Interaction 0.28 0.59
Fat (g/kg/d) Sex 2.85 0.09
Ribeiro AS et al. Phase Angle and Resistance Training … Int J Sports Med
Training & Testing IJSM/5330/4.3.2016/MPS
used for this test was the one used in training. In the last training for comparisons, with baseline scores used as covariate. 2-way
session of all other training weeks, a repetition maximum test analysis of variance (ANOVA) for repeated measures was used for
was performed in the last training session of the week using the nutritional comparisons. In variables where sphericity was vio-
load used in training for each exercise. The results of these tests lated as indicated by Mauchly’s test, the analyses were adjusted
were used to determine the load to be used during the following using a Greenhouse-Geisser correction. When F-ratio was sig-
week. nificant, Bonferroni’s post hoc test was employed to identify the
mean differences. For all statistical analyses, significance was
Statistical analysis accepted at P < 0.05. The data were stored and analyzed using
Normality was checked by the Shapiro-Wilk’s test. Levene’s test STATISTICA software version 10.0 (StatSoft Inc, Tulsa, OK, USA).
was used to analyze the homogeneity of variances. The inde-
pendent t-test indicated baseline differences between sexes for
all dependent variables analyzed. For this reason, the 2-way Results
analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) for repeated measures was used ▼
The anthropometric characteristics of the participants are pre-
sented in ● ▶ Table 1. As expected, men were taller ( + 11.5 cm)
a compared to women (P < 0.001).
Total energy and macronutrients daily intake at pre- and post-
training are shown in ● ▶ Table 2. There were no significant main
effects or interactions (P > 0.05) for daily relative energy and
macronutrients within and between groups over time.
30 Changes in body mass, SMM, TBW, ICW and ECW fractions, R,
and Xc at the different time points of the study are presented
% 20 in ● ▶ Table 3. There was no group by time interaction (P > 0.05)
for any of the outcomes analyzed. A significant main effect of
The main and novel findings of the present study were that the
hypertrophy-oriented RT produced significant increases in PhA,
% 20 and these changes were not influenced by sex. To the best of the
authors’ knowledge, this is the first study to analyze the effects
10 of RT on PhA in young men and women, providing unique
insights into the topic. We had hypothesized that PhA would
0 increase after 16 weeks of RT, and this adaptation would be
influenced by the participants’ sex. This hypothesis was partially
– 10 confirmed since, contrary to our initial speculation, both men
Women Men and women displayed similar increases in the PhA.
PhA is calculated as the arctangent of the ratio between R and Xc
Fig. 1 Relative ( %) group changes and individual changes (Panels a and [4]. Xc describes the capacitive impedance of cell membranes
b, respectively) on phase angle after 16 weeks of resistance training in
that is based on the dielectric properties of cell membranes and
young adult men (n = 28) and women (n = 31).
Table 4 Covariate mean and the adjusted mean by ANCOVA to mid- and post-training.
Ribeiro AS et al. Phase Angle and Resistance Training … Int J Sports Med
IJSM/5330/4.3.2016/MPS Training & Testing
tissue interfaces and is related to its structure and functionality, In conclusion, this investigation advances our understanding
while R behavior is mainly dependent on the hydration of bodily about RT adaptations related to sexual dimorphism. In young
tissues [16]. The human body R is inversely proportional to the adult men and women a 16-week progressive hypertrophy-type
intracellular fluids, which means that the higher the ICW the RT increases PhA, TBW, ICW and SMM. PhA increase was found
lower is the body’s R [4]. Therefore, we can consider that the to be dependent on the resistive component (R) of the PhA and
changes in hydration status were sufficient to affect the PhA not on the capacitive behavior of tissues associated with Xc and
changes. In the present investigation the PhA improvement was related cellularity, cell size and integrative of cell membrane.
solely due to R reduction, considering that Xc did not change These findings highlight the specific influence of hypertrophy-
during the intervention in both men and women. Given the lack type RT exercise on the resistance component of PhA and shed
of change in Xc, it seems that cellularity, cell size and integrity of light on the physiological changes that may influence this bio-
cell membrane are not influenced by resistive exercise. On the physical parameter.
other hand, PhA increases may be associated with cellular hydra-
tion influencing the resistive behavior (R) of bodily tissues. Conflict of interest: The authors declare that they have no con-
The increase in ICW content observed in the present investiga- flict of interest.
tion is in agreement with previous work from our laboratory
that used the same RT protocol in a similar cohort of healthy Affiliations
young adult men and women [28]. Consistent RT can elicit cel- 1
Metabolism, Nutrition, and Exercise Laboratory, Physical Education and
lular hydration by an increase in glycogen storage [19], since Sport Center, Londrina State University, Londrina, Brazil
Department of Physical Education, Center of Health Sciences, Maringá State
every gram of glycogen attracts 3 g of water [7]. Fast-twitch fib- University, Maringá, Brazil
ers are particularly sensitive to osmotic changes, presumably 3
Exercise and Health Laboratory, CIPER, Faculdade de Motricidade Humana,
related to a high concentration of water transport channels Universidade de Lisboa, Cruz-Quebrada, Portugal
Department of Physical Education, São Paulo State University, Presidente
called aquaporin-4 [11]. Considering that the number of fast- Prudente, São Paulo, Brazil
twitch fibers seems to be proportionally higher in men than in 5
Exercise Science Department, CUNY Lehman College, Bronx, New York, USAl
women [30, 32], and given that females have an impaired metab-
Ribeiro AS et al. Phase Angle and Resistance Training … Int J Sports Med
Training & Testing IJSM/5330/4.3.2016/MPS
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