IRC 83 - (Part-II) - 1987

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IRC: 83 (ran 11)- 1987





tRC U (Put 11)4W


Jamnagar House, ShahJahan Road,
New DeIhI4IO 011

Price Rs. I
(Plus Packing & Postage)
IRC $3 (Pan 1Q-1907

First published : June, 1987

Reprinted: March. 1991
Reprinted: January, 1996
Reprinted : September, 2000 (with amendments)

(Rights of Publication and Translarion are Reserved)

Printed at Dee Kay Printers, New Delhi

(1000 copies)
IRC: $3 (Part Ifl-1fl?


Page No.
Introduction 1

912. Scope 2
913. Terminology 2
914. Notations 4
915. Materials $
916. Design S

9,7. Fabrication 11
918. Acceptance Specification 13
919. Certification and Marking 19
920. Installation 20
921 Mainte nance 22
Appendix 1: Standard Plan Dimensions and
Design Data 23
Appendix 2: Test on Complete Bearings
or Sections 24
Appendix 3: Quality Control Report 29

l}tC : 83 tI’art ll)-195I

[he Subo~ti in flee for jire paring St: ndard Specifications and
( ode nt Practice for Bridge Bearings and Expansion Joints
(personnel given below), finalised the Code of Practice for Elasto-
ineric. Bearings Part II, in their meeting held at New Delhi on the
4th April, 1987.
IS, I3assi C’onrenor

A D. Narain %lem/,er-Secs’eiarv

BK. Bassi Achyut Ghosh
iN. Chaudda D.T. Grover
S,P. Chakrahorti Brijendra Singh
V.P. Deshpandc Dr. P. Ray Choudhury
AK. Gupta Dr. TN. Subba Rao
P.S. Gokhale Secretary, IRC (Ninan Koshi)’Ex-oflicio
President, IRC and Dircctor General (Road Development) & AddI.
Secretary to the Govt. of India ~K.K. Sarin)—Ex-offleio
The Bridgcs Committee considered and approved the said
draft in their meeting held at New Delhi on the 28th April, 1987.
Later the Code of Practice was approved by the Executive
Committee and the Council in their meetings held on the 28tl[
April, and 22nd May, 1987 respectively.
This Specification and Code of Practice is being brought out
iii tour parts, Part I deals with Metallic Bearings, Part II with
Elastonieric Bearings, Part Ill with PTFE Bearings, and Part IV
with Expansion Joints.
The Part I of thc Code relating to Mctallic Bearings has since
been published as IRC:83-1982.
The provisions of this Code Part II, pertain~ u Elastomeric
Bearings are meant to serve as a guide to bc ‘“ toe design and
construction engineers, but mere compliance with the provisions
stipulated herein will not relieve them in any way of their respon-
sibility for the overall stability and soundness of the structure
designed and erected.
Clauses 900 to 911 and Figs. 1 to 7 relating to Part I
Metallic Bearings of this Code are printed in IRC: 83-1982.

<< 1
IRC 8i (Part l1)-1981
912. SCOPE
912,1, This Section of the Specifications(referred to as ‘Code’
hereinafter) shall apply to laminated rectangular free elastomeric
bearings, Fig. 8, for common use in road bridges and satisfying
the following:
(i) The internal layers of elastomer shall be of equal thickness, hasing
elastomer cover on top, bottom and sides and the entire bearing
vulcanised as a single homogenous block.
(ii) The top and bottom elastomer surfaces shall directly bear on the
structure faces and any displacement of the bearing safe-guarded by
only interface friction, without the aid of adhesive or other external
anchoring devices.
(iii) No dowel holes in elastomer and laminate shall be provided including
those filled in subsequently.
(vi) For locations where the minimum atmospheric temperature drops
below zero ‘C for continuous periods of 24 hours or more, the provi~
sion of this Code shall not apply.

912.2. Relevant provisions of this Code, suitably supple-

mented and modified may be applied to some other types of
elastomeric bearings as given below, subject to prior approval of
the engineer:
Ci) Free bearing circular
(ii) Free bearing—rectangular or circular with dowel holes (for alignment
of laminates during fabrication), subsequently filled in
tiiij Free bearing, rectangular or circular, secured against displacement
with the aid of adhesive or other positive attachment.
(iv) Fixed bearing, anchored with dowels.


913.1. CrystiHiastion
A phase change in elastomer (arrangement of previously
disordered polymer segments of repeating patterns into geometric
symmetry) promoted by very low temperature and marked by
large and quick changes in hardness, stiffness, shear modulus, etc.
which are reversible.

913.2. Chloroprene Rubber (CR)

Also known as polychioroprene is a polymerised form of
the monomer chioroprene.
913,3. Elastoiner
Any member of a class of polymeric substances obtained

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IP,C: 83 (Part U).1987
after vulcanisation and possessing rubber like-properties, es-
peciaNy the ability to regain shape almost completely after large
913.4. Elaatomerk Bearing
A bearing consisting of one or more internal layers ot’
elastomer bonded to internal steel laminates by the process of
vtilcanisation. The bearing caters for translation and/or rotation
of the superstructure by elastic deformation.
913.5. Engineer
The Engineer-in-Charge, official of the highway administra-
tion, responsible for the execution of the bridge project and so
designated in the contract or his authorised representative.
913.6. Inspector
Authorised representative of the engineer for acceptance
testing of given lots of bearings at the manufacturers’ plant.

913.7. LamInate
A layer ot’ reinforcing material integrally bonded to
elastorner during vulcanisation process, to restrain thc lateral
expansion ot’the clastomer.

913.8. Laminated Beariiig

A bearing composed of alternate layers of elastomer and
laminates, in~cgrallybonded during vulcanisation.

913.9, Ethyl Propylene Dimonomel (EPUM) liobutane

Isoprene Copolymer (fIR) Chioro—Isoprene Copolymer
(CIt K)
S) nthetic rubber like materials capable of being used in
bridge bearings by the process of vulcanisation (not permitted by
this Code) but have enjoyed limited use in various parts of thc
W o rId.

913.10. Natural Rubber (Nk) (Polyisopreae)

A polymer occurring naturally in the sap of certain plants,
particularly Havea B’rasiliensis.

913.11. Raw Elastomer

This shall be virgin polychluroprcne (CR) capable of being
v~1canisedwith compounds to produce an elastomeric bearing.

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IRC : 83 (Part ll)-19$7

913.12. Shore Hardness

Mechanical property of a material which describes its
resistance to indentation of a standard device (i.e. durometer) and
measured in degrees on several scales (LR.H. Shore A, Shore
B, etc.).

A ~‘ / b .—effective plan area of bearing excluding cover common
to that of laminate
b effective width of bearing (excluding cover) common to that of
laminate, Fig. 8
bt’ -= b + 2c, overall width of bearing (including coven, Fig. 8
c side cover, Fig. 8
denotes design value
E elastic modulus (modulus of longitudinal deformation) of stecif
concrete in supcr$truCIure
Apparent elastic modulus of bearing
Elastic modulus (instantaneous) of concrete
Equivalent elastic modulus of concrete in supeestructure accoun~
ting for creep, shrinkage, etc.
Shear modulus
Outer d~mension
n.h~+ ?h, total elastomer thicl,ncss
‘Is thickness of Individual internal layer of elastomer, Fig. 8
= thickness of top/bottom outer laycr of elastomer. Fig 8
~ h,~..’s = maximum and minimum values of I, permitted
hi = thickness of steel laminate, Fig. S
Ifs Horizonal load acting on the bearing, design value
maximum horizontal load used in acceptance testing
(AjipeiidiX 2)
I = moment of inertia of superstructure section
I effective length of bearing (excluding cover) common to that of
laminate, Fig. 8
1. — I + 2 c, overall length of bearing
L = span length of superstructure measured between centre lines Of
maximum mid-span bending moment lnsuperstructure
n total number of internal elastomer layers
~V,ie, fl,,,Iø = maximum and minimum permiesible number of internal
elastomer layers
normal load applied to the bearing, design value

<< 4
IRC: 83 (Part 11)4987

maximum permissible N, design capacity

N,,. ~,, =minimum permissible N, design capacity
N used in acceptance testing (Appendix 2)
S == shape factor; ratio of one loaded surface area to the surface area
free to bulge, for an internal layer of elastomer (excluding side
. total angle of rotation due to imposed loads and support
rotation of the superstructure design, value.
ne, are ~ angle of rotation across the width band the length / (if any)
of the bearing
~t, ,,~ .~ aximum permisible angle of rotation or a single internal
layer of elastomer corresponding to In value of 10 MPa
(across b)
so, ,,,sz -= maximum permissible angle of rotation of a single internal
layer of elastomer corresponding to i,,, value of 10 MPa
(across I)
a on/IO, ratio of acting o,, to permissible value
= Imposed translation of elastomer bearing due to longitudinal
deformation (temperature, shrinkage, creep, etc.) of Superstruc-
ture, design value
Oid, ar,t translation in the direction of width ‘6’ and the length ‘I’ (if
any) of the bearing
Vertical deformation
y,s a shear strain of elastomer bearing, design value
= shear strain In the direction of width ‘/“ and the length ‘1’ or
any’) of the bearinE
= N/A—Average compressive stress
= H/A— Average shear stress
Shear stress due to axial compression
= Shear stress due to horizontal deformation
Shear stress due to rotation
Note: SI units shall be used.
915.1. Raw Material
Chloroprene (CR) only shall be used in the manufacture of
bea ring.
915. 1. 1. Grades of raw elastomer of proven use in elastu-
meric bearings, with low crystallisation rates and adequate shelf
life (e.g. Neoprene WRT, Bayprene 110, skyprene B.-5 and
Denka S-40V) shall be used.
915.1.2. No reclaimed rubber or vulcanised wastes or natural
rubber shall be used.
5 <<
1RC 83 (PIrt IJ).1987




PLAN i~a~



Fig. L E~actomer~c
bearing General features

<< 6
IRC : 83 (Part II)-~l987
915,1.3. The polychioroprene content of the bearing shall
not be lower than 60 per cent and the ash content shall not
exceed 5%. Polychioroprene content shall be determined in
accordance vith ASTM-D297 and ash content as per IS:3400-
pt XXII (year 1984).
915.1.4. EPDM and other similar candidate elastomera for
bridge bearing use shall not be permitted.
915.1.5. Polymer identification test shall be carried out as
per ASTM D3177 by infrared spectro photometry and,the spectra
shall be comparable to a reference sample of polychloroprene.
915.2. Propes-tks
The elastomer shall conform to all the propcrt~csspecified in
Table 1,
TABLE 1. (Refer Clause 915.2)

Property Unit Test method, I.S. Value of the

Specification reference characteristic
(1) (2) (3) (4)

I. Physical properties
1.1, I~Iardneis IRHD IS: 3400(Part II) 60 ±5
1.2. Minimum tensile
Strength MPa IS 3400 (Part 1) 17
1.3. Minimum elonga-
tion at break % IS: 3400 (Part I) 400
2. Maximum
compression set % IS: 3400 (Part X)
duration tethperature
(h) (CC)
C.R. (+0 100±1 35
to 24.2)

3. Accelerated ageing IS: 3400(Part IV)

duration temperature
(h) (IC)
C.R. 70 100±1
3,1. Maximumchaflge + 15
in hardness IRHD

3.2. Maximum change

in tensile strength O~, — 15
33. Maximum change
in elongation — 30
IRC: 83 (Part 11)4987
915.2.1. Shear modulus of the elastomer bearing shall not
be less than 0.80 MPa nor greater than 1.20 MPa.

915.2.2. The adheston strength of elastomer to steel plates

determined according to IS 3400 Part XIV method A shall not be
less than 7kN/m.

915.2.3. For elastonieric bea rings (C’R) used in adverse

climatic conditions the following ozone resistance test shall he
The ozone resistance of clastomer shall he proved satisfac-
tory when assessed by test according to IS 34C0 Part XX.
The strain, temperature, duration and ozone concentration for
the test shall be 20 per cent, 40 ± IC, 96 Ii and 50 pphm by
volume respectively. No cracking dctected by visual obser~
vation at the end of the test shall be considered satisfactory.
No specific tests for assessment of low temperalt re resistance
may be deemed necessary.
Note For use of elastomer in extreme cold climates, Engineer may specify

special grade of low temperature reaistant elastomer in conformity

with operating ambient tem~eratureconditions. The specifications of
such special grade elastomer including the tests for Ic.’ temp.raturc
resistance shall be mutually agreed to by the engineer and the producer
supplier and are outside the purview of this Code.

915.3. Laminates of mild steel conforming It IS : 226 shall

only be permitted to be used. Usc nt any other materials like
fibre-glass or similar fabric as Ia rntnates are not permitted for the
purpose of this Code.

916, I. The following design valnes of local effects applicable
to bearing under design shall be deterntincd by sttita hic analysis of
structure under any critical combination of loads at their service
voines as specified in IRC 6.
(I) Normal loads Ne
(2,t Horizontal load Ff~
(3) Imposed translation :.
(41 Rotation ~e
Components both in the direction cf the width ‘b and length
‘/‘ of Ihe hca ring shall be assessed, where relevant.

The most critical values from all load combinations including

seismic, wind, etc. shall he adopted (no increase in permissible

<< 8
IRC 83 (Part I1)~l987
I imits gis’cn in design critc ~ia 91 6.3.3. to 916.3.7. shall b~ nutdc for

seis ruic, wind a id other load combinations).

16.2. Plait Dimensions

916.2. I Sti ndard plait dintcnsittns contur ming to Appendix I

shall he prelert ed. However, interpolation of plan dimensions is

pcrnttted if dccnicd necessary. prcvided these conform to clause
91 6.3.
916.2.2. If hearings cont’ormiug to standard plan dimensions
tic, used the t~llossiug design criteria shall he satisfied
ii The de~igu ertical load .Vj shall not h~greater than VmG4 nor less

than Nm, given in lppcuu:x I (corresponding to the size Index No.)

iii ‘rhe avet age normal .sn’ess .~ shall not exceed the concrete contact
oressure perinut(ed according to Clause 307 of IRC 21.
(iii [hicknessof mdix idual elastomer layer It shall conform to any of
those given in .4ppendtx 1. Icorresponding to the size Index No.)
o Tltickn~s of outer Ia\ ers shall he It:,,’ I~,j2subject to a rnaximun’i of
6 mm and side cover shall be 6 mm for all hearings.
(v’i 1 he number of internal layers of clastomer shall not he greater than
u.,’, nor less than n,
5n gixen in Appendtv / (corresponding to sia c
Index No.)
(vi) The nuuther of internal layers of elastomer cho~enshall satisfy the
limits of translation, rotation friction and total shear stress given in
Clauses 916.3.4.; 916.3 5.; 916.3.6. and 916.3,7, respectively where
an, .~a,.shall be read from the Table given in Appendix I.
(vii) Thickness of steel laminates shall he 3 rim for 6= 8 and 10 mm
and 4 trim for hi =:: 12 mm.

916.2.3. Bearings with plan dimensions tntei poluted bct~een

thosc sho~n in the standard plan dimension in Append/a I shall
coulortn to the desigti criteria given in Clause 916.3.

91 6.3, Design Rules

916.3. 1. Thickness of all inter nal layers of cias~omcr ‘Isa’ in
any’ elastomer hearing shall contorn’t to one of the following
Ii) 8 mm
(ii) 10 mm
iii) 12mm
(iv) 16 mm (for special use)

916.3.2. ‘rhickness of outer layers shall be h~ Is /2 subject

to a maximum of 6 mm and side cover shall be 6 mm for all
IRC 8~(Pitt 1I).1957
916.3.3. The dimensioning of the bearing and the number of
internal layers of elastomer chosen shall satisfy the following
(1) Plan dimensions shall conform to R~20 series at’ 15 1076.
(2) .I~/b0< 2
(3) hi(b45&>bo10
(4) h~(mm)8 10 12 16
(5) h~(mm)3 3 4 6
(6) h1(mm)4 5 6 6
(7) c 6 mm
(8) S> 6
Note: ft1 for laminates with dowel holes shall not be less than
4 mm for h~< 10 mm; and 6 mm for h~) 12 mm.
916.3.4. Tr*iis~ation
(1) Llastomer thickness provided shall satisfy the following
Yd <0.7
where Yd Vsd = ~5,b4//l + ~ (where ‘r,,~is in MPa)
or in case of Y~co-existing
74 — + yj,t2)lit

(2) In absence of more accurate analysis, ~ai the longitudi-

nal translation due to creep; shrinkage, temperature etc. can be
computed assuming a total longitudinal strain of 5 x l0~ for
corn moq reinforced concrete bridge decks.

916.3.5, Rotstion
(1) The number of elastomer layers provided shall satisfy the
ad ~ Pt. ab,~
0.5 ~rn hi
where a~= asa and ass, ~ = b.S2
or in case of ant co-existing
— (asa b + ata l)(b

Note: For calculating ~ i~ shall be taken as 10 (l’IPa

<< I0
IRC 83 (Part It)-l9~7
(2) In absence of more accurate analysis, ~a for simply
supported spans may be computed by the following
400 M~ Lf(EI) 10—3

For concrete, creep effects may be catered for by assuming

an equivalent modulus of E~cs= E~./2for permanent loads, in
absence of more accurate analysis.
916.3.6. FrIction The following limit shall be satisfied
under any ci’itical design load combination.
< 0.2 + 0.1 a,~
10 MPa > ~ > 2 MPa
916.3.7. Total~searstress
~ + ‘r~, ± < 5 MPa
~~‘here ‘r~ 1 .5 a,4IS ZiiP~

= 7: MP,~
= 0.5 (.4—’)
where csii co-CXjStS
2~ H- R
917. 1. Bearing with steel laminates shall be cast as single
unit in a mould and vulcanised under heat and pressure. The
mould will be kept at a uniform temperature for 15 minutes to
ensure effective vulcanization of the bearing.
Casting of elements in separate units and subsequent bonding
is not permitted, nor shall cutting from large size cast be permit-

917.2. Bearings of similar size to be’used in particular

bridge project shall be produced by identical process and in one
lot as far as practicable. Phased production may only be
resorted to when the total number of bearings is large enough.

917.3. The moulds used shall have standard surface finish

adequate to produce bearings free, from any surface blemishes.

917.4. Steel plates for laminates shall be sand blasged~clean

of all mill scales and shall be free from ~l1contaminents prior to
<< 11
IRC 83 (Part 11)4987

bonding by vulcanisation. Rusted plates with pitting shall not be

used. All edges of plates shall be rounded.

917.5. Spacers used in mould to ensure cover and location

ol’ laminates shall be of minimum size and number practicable.
Any hole at surface or in edge cover shall be filled in sub-
seq uently.
917.6. Care shall be taken to ensure uniform vulcanising
conditions and homogeneity of ela4orncr through the surface and
body of the bearing.
917.7. The bearings shall he fabricated with the tolerances’
specified in Table 2.

1. Overall plan dimensions (I~,,ho) —0, + 6 mm
2. Total bearing thickness (h1) —0, ~s-5’~,
3. Parallelism
(a) Of top surface of bearing with respect to the tin 200
bottom surface as datum
(b) Of one side surface with respect to the other 1 in 100
as datu,m
4. (a) Thickness of individual internal layer ±20% ln:axs of 2 mm)
of elastomer tht)
(b) Thlck~ssof individual outer layer (hn) —0, + 1 mm
5. (a) Plan dimensions of laminates (I,b) —3 mm, + 0
(b) Thickness of lamIqate ±10%
(c) Parallelism of laminate with respect to I in 100
bearing ban as datum
917.8. The vulcanising equipment/press should be such that
between the plattens of the press the pressure and temperature are
uniform and capable of being maintained at constant values as
required for effecting an unifbrm vulcanisation of the bearing.
917.9. The thoulding dies utilised for manufacturing the
bearings should be so set inside the platten of the press so that the
pressure developed during vulcanisation of the product is evenly
distributed and the thickness maintained at all places are within
acceptable tolerance limits taking into consideration, the shrinkage
allowance of vulcanizate,
<< 12
tkC 83 (Part 11)1987

917.10. The raw compound which has been introduced

inside the metal dies for vulcanisation, should be accurately
weighed each time and it must be ensured that sufficient quantity
has been put inside the die for proper flow of material at every
place so that a homogeneous and compact bearing is produced
without any sign of spongyness or deficiency of material at any

917.1 L Before any vulcanizate of any batch of production

is used for producing vulcanised bearings, test pieces in the form
of standard slab and buttons should be prepared in accordance
~sith prescribed standards and salient properties tested and recor-
ded regularly against each hatch of production to monitor the
quality of the products.


918.1 The manufacturer shall have all test facilities required

fur process and acceptance control tests installed at his plant to

the complete satisfaction of the engineer. The test facilities and
their operation shall be open to inspection by the engineer on
U em an cl

91 I
~. All acceptance and process control tests shall

be conducted ~it the manufacturers plant. Cost of all

materials, equipment and labour shall be borne~by the manufac~
turer unless otherwise specified or specialty agreed to between the
manufacturer and engineer.
918,1,2, Acceptance testing shall be commenced with the
prior submittal of testing programme by the manufacturer to the
engineer and after obtaining his approvhl.

918,1.3. Arty acceptance testing delayed beyond 180 days of

production shall require special approval of the engineer and modi-
fied acceptance specification, if deemed necessary by him.

918.1.4. Alt acceptance testing shall be conducted by the

inspector with aid of the personnel having adequate expertise
and experience ip rubber testing provided bythe manufacturer,
working under the supervision of inspector and to his compute

918.15. Lot by lot inspection and acceptance shall be

ma de.

<< 13
IRC :83 tPart ll).l98~
918.2. Acceptamce Lot
A lot under acceptance shall compmisc all hearings, i~ludin~
the pair of extra test bearings where applicable (Clausc
918.3.1), of equal or near equal size produced under identical
conditions of manufacture to be supplied for a particular project.

918.2.1. The size and composition of acceptance lot shall bc

got approved by the engineer.

918,2.2. For the purpose of grading levels ofacceptancc

testing (Clause 918,3) lots will be classified as below
(i) A lot size of 24 or larger number of bearings shall be defined as a
Forg. lot.
(ii~A lot size of less than 24 bearings shall be defined as a s~nalllot.

9 18.2.3. When the number of bearings of equal or near

equal size for a single bridge project is large and phased produc-
tion and acceptance is permitted, the number of bearings supplied
in any single phase of supply shall comprise a tot under acceptance.
When such phased supply is made, each such lot shall be conside-
red as a large lot for the purpose of acceptance testing.

91 8.3. Levels of Acceptance Jnapection

The level of acceptance testing shall generally be graded into
the following two levels depending on lot size
Level I acceptance testing
Level 2 acceptance testing

918.3.1. Acceptance testing level I is a higher level inspec-

tion and shall be applicable to large lots only, unless otherwise
specified (Clause 918.2,3.). This shalt involve manufacture o•
two extra bearings for each lot to be used as test bearing and
eventually consumed in destructive testing.

918.3.2. Acceptance testing level 2 shall be applicabis to

small lots oñly~unless otherwise specified and shall not involve any
destructive testing of finished bearings.

918.3.2.1. Acceptance inspection level 1 may be specified

at the sole’ discretion of the engineer, taking into account the
special importance of bridge project, for small lots also under the
purview of special acceptance inspection (Clause 918.5). The
cost of extra test bearings, in such cases shall be borne by the user,
IRC: 83 (Part l1)-1987
while co~,tot all other materials, equipment and testing shall be

borne by the manufacturer.

9l~.4. Testing
Acceptance testing shall conipri~c
General inspection
Test on specially moulded test pieces
Test on complete bearings or sections for measurement of various
quality characteristics detailed below
9 18.4.1. Acceptance testing le~elI
9i8.4.1.l. General inspection
(1) All bearings of the lot shall be isuatly inspected for
absence of any defects in surface finish; shape or any other disce-
rnible superficial defects.

(2) All bearings ofihe lot shall be checked for toleranccs

specified in Table 2.

(3) All bearings of the lot shall be subjected to an axial

load to correspond to ~ 15 MPa applied in steps and held con-
stant while visual examination is made to check for discernible
defects like
Misalignment or reinforcing plates
Poor bond at laminatejsteel interface
Variation in !rj or Fr~
Any surface defects
Low stiffness

Deflection under loads between a~= 5 MPa and c 15

MPa shall be measured and recorded for all bearings with
sufficient accuracy (±5 per cent). Variation in stiffness of any
individual bearing from the mean of the measured values for all
such bearings of the lot shall not be larger than 20 per cent
(of the mean value).

918.4.1.2. Tests on specially woulded test pieces

(1) Test pieces shall be moulded by the manufacturer with
identical compound and under identical vulcanising conditions
as used in the manufacture of the bearin~s of the acceptance
lot. The process shall be open to inspection by the inspector or

<< 15
IRC: 83 (Part LI;-! 981

(2) Test pieces offered for inspection shall be identified by

notable markings and duly certified by the manufacturer.

(3) The quality characteristics to be tested arc listed

below, The specification references in parenthesis shall define the
corresponding specification for test piece, test method and criterion
of acceptance.
Composition (Clause 915.1.3.; see Note I below)
Hardness (Table 11.1)
Tensile Strength (Table 1—12)
Elongation at Break (Table 1 1,3)
Compression Set (Table t -2
Accelerated Ageing (Table 1—3;
Adhesion Strength (Clause 915.2,2,;
Ozone Resistance (Clause 915,2.3. see also Note 2 beloa)
Note I For acceptance testing level I the ash content (r~) and specitic
gravity of elastomer of test pieces from test bearing shall be com~
pared with those for corresponding specialty moulded test pieces
furnished by the manufacturer. 1 he following variations shall he
deemed maximum acceptable.
Specific gravity J: 0.2
Ash content ±0.5
Hardness (Table I I - I)
Tensile strength (Table I 12)
Elongation at break (Table 1 t .3)
Compression set (Table 1~2)
Accelerated ageing (Table 1 3;
Adhesion strength (Clause 915.2.2,)
Note 2 Ozone resistance test can be waived by the engineer for bearings
of CR, when satisfactory results of ozone resistance tests on similar
grade of elastomer may be available from process control records or
development test data furnished by the manufacturer.
Where such process control data are not available or the frequency
of testing not deemed adequate, ozone resistance test shalt be manda-
tory for acceptance of bearthgs of CR.
Ho~ever, such tests may not be insisted for bearings not located
under adverse conditions of exposure and where the test on acceteta-
ted ageing could be considered as adequate.
Process and tance control tests for ozone resistance by an
independept test g agency shall be acceptable.

918.4.1.3. Tests on complete bearings or sections

(I) Two bearings shall be selected at random front the lot as

<< 16
11W 83 (Part 11)-f 987

test bearings. These bearings shall be excluded t’rorn the lot


(2) .Tlte following tests shall be conducted on test bearings:

Test for determination of shear modulus -
Test for determination of elastic rnoduIus~(shortterm loading)
Test for determination of adhesion strength
Test for determination of ultimate compressive strength.

The test specifications ond acceptance criteria shall conform

to tltosc given in Appendix 2.

918.4.2. Acceptance testing Inel 2

918.4.2.1. General inspection : This shall conform tn the
provision in Clause 918.4.1.1. in all respects.

918.4.2.2. Test on specially moulded test pieces This shall

conform to the ~trovisions in CLause 918.4.1.2. in all respects.

918.4.2.3. lest on complete bearings : Test for determinath-in

of shear modulus shall be conducted ttsing two bearings of the lot
~~‘lccted at random and conforming to relevant provisions of
CHase 918. -4.1.3. These bearings shall, however, be pat t of the lot

918 5. SpecIal Acceptance inspection

918. S.l - Special acceptance inspection may comprise the
ht) Acceptance testing level I for the small lots (Clause 918.3,2,1.)
(2) Acceptance testing by an Independent external agency with separate
- or supplemental test facilities provided by it.

(3) Acceptance testing on test pieces prepared from the surface or body
of the test bearings instead of specially moulded test pieces.
(4) Acceptance tests not covered by this Code and according to the
specifications laid down by the engineer.

918,5.2. Special acceptance inspection may be specified

tinder the i’ollowihg conditions:
(I) Special contract agreement
(2) Unsatisfactory evidence of process or acceptance control,

YRC : 83 (Part 11)-1987
918.6; InspectIon Certificate-
918.6.1. A lot under inspection shall be accepted by the
inspector and so ceytifled, when no defect is found ‘with’ respect
to any of the quality characteristics tested on samples drawn from
the lot according to specifications laid down in Clause 918.4.
covering general inspection and tests on specially moulded test
pieces and on complete bearings.

In case of any bearing with defect, the lot shall be rejected

by the inspector and so certified.

918.6.2. In case any bearing is found defective to any

quality characteristic, discerned by general inspection specified in
Clauses 918.4.1.1. and 918.4.2,1; tests on specially moulded test
pieces and complete bearings as applicable according to Clauses
918.4.1.2; 918.4,1,3; 918.4.2.2. and 918.4.2.3, shall nevertheless be
completed. If the said lot, rejected by general inspection, satisfies
the acceptance criteria in respect of these other tests, the lot and
individual bearings found defective shall be clearly identified in the
inspection certificate.

918.6.3. The manufacturer shall obtain from the inspector,

immediately on completion of his inspection, an iDspection certi-
ficate which shall include the details of a lot or lots accepted!
rejected by him and records of all test measurements.

918.7. QualIty Control Certificate

The manufacturer shall certify for each lot of bearing under
That an adequate system of continuous quality control was operated in
his plant.
That the entire process remained in control during the production of
the lot of bearings under acceptance as verified from the quality
control records/chsrts whIch shall be open to inspection of the engineer(
Inspector on demand.

A certified copy of the results of process control testing done

on samples of elastomer used in the production of the lot shall be
appended and shall include at least the following information.

Composition of the compound—raw elastomer and ash content,

the grade of raw elastomer used (include name, source, age on
shelf), test results of hardness, tensile strength, elongation at
break, compression set, accelerated ageing, etc.

<< 18
lItC 83 (Part 11)4987

- A higher level certification of the process quality
control shall be called for at the sole discretion of the engineer in
special cases e.g. where adequate historical information about the
process from acceptance inspection of bearings similar to those
comprising the lot under inspection produced in the sante plant jS
not available with the engineer or in case of any evidence of process
or acceptance control being deemed unsatisfactory. The higher
level certification shall comprise submittal of a complete quality
control report as given in Appendix 3, supplementing the quality
control certificate.

918.8. Acceptance
918.8.1. The manufacturer shall furnish the following to
engineer for the acceptance judgenient:
(1) Quality control certificate as laid down in Clause 918,7.
(2) inspection cç,rtitIcate as laid down in Ctausç 918.6.
918.8.2. The manufacturer shall furnish any supplementary
information on the system of quality control and or process and
acceptance control testing as may be deemed necessaty by

918.8.3. in case of any evidence of process or acceptance

contrOl testing being deemed unsatisfactory by him, engineer at his
sole discretion may call for a special acceptance’inspection of the
lot according to specifications laid down by him, without any
prejudice to his right to reject the lot. The entire cost of such
supplementary inspection shall be borne by the manufacturer.

918.8.4. Engineer shaH be :~sple authority for acceptance

of a lot on scrutiny of the cdrtificates according to Clause 918.8.1.
along with any supplementary evidence according to Clauses
918.8.2. and 9 18.8.3; and complete satisfaction therewith,

918.8.5. In case of rejection of a lot, engineer shall reserve

the right to call for special acceptance inspection for the succeeding
lots offered for inspection, according to the specifications laid down
by him. The entire cost. of such tightened inspection shall be
borne by the manufacturer,


919.1. Bearings shall bc tcansported to bridge site after final
acceptance by engineer and shall be accompanied by an authenti-
cated copy of the certificate to that effect.

<< 19
IRC 83 (Part II)-1987
919.2. An information card giving the following d~ails for
the bearings, duly certified by the manufacturer shall also be
Name of manufacturer
Date of manufacture
Etastomer grade used
Bearing dimensions
Production batch No.
Acceptance lot No.
Date of testing
Specific bridge location, if any
Explanation of markings used on the bearing
919.3. All bearings shall have suitable index markings
identifying the information given in Clause 919.2. The markings
shall be niade in indelible ink or flexible paint and if practicable
should he oftsiblc after installation, The top of the bearing and
direction installation shall be indicated.

920,1. Care shall be taken in packing, transportation,
storage and handling to avoid any mechanical damage, contamina-
tion with oil, grease and dirt, undue exposure to sunlight and
we athe r -,

920.2. Installation of multiple bearings one behind the other

on a single line of support is not permitted.

920.3. All the bearings installed along a single line of

support shall be of identical dimensions.

9204. Bearings must he placed between true hot izontal

on faces ( niasirnu m tolerance O.2 per cent perpendicular to load)
and- at true -plan position ol their control lines rnarkdd on receiving
suriocrs (rnaxirnuni- tole-r-ance ±3 mm), concrete suria-ces shall
lit hit Horn In-il srregulautttc cnt-uitninm tolt tinst I lrnn’ in
he ighfl.

9914 1 Drstgn shall hit chr fred I it tIn. aLtn~tl mit ltnthon
1 ting
I 1 in tecut ~ c, th ito tho~ N ifteml in Cli ni r. 9 0 I
itt pr r

~i?(3 For i: st—~n-—piacc- concrete Con5trtict(C0 of-supems-tmuc.

tome, -‘iw he me b-ear-ings are installed prior to its concreting, the for mit-
around the ben rings shall he soft enough far easy removal Forms

<< 20
lkc g3 tPart fh.1987

- OO~ 00 .~ - ~CONCRUe SU~FAC5 S*~D

sc*srco CLCAN OP ALL


Ta Ut

I~o *i~,_

-T -

Fig. 9. Pedes~a)for elastomeric braring

<< 21
1RC 8~(Part 11)498’?
shall also fit the bearings snugly and prevent any leakage of
mortar grout. Any mortar .contamina!ing the bearings during
concreting shall be completely removed before setting.

920,6, For precast concrete or steel superstructure elements,

fixing of bearing to them may be done by application
ot epoxy resin adhesive to interface, after specified surface
preparation. The specifications for adhesive material, workmanship
and control shall be approved by the engineer, Care shall be taken
to guard against faulty application and consequent behaviour of’
the adhesive layer as a lubricant. The bonding by the adhesive
shall be deemed ,~ffectivc only as a device for- installation and
shall not be deemed to secure bearing against displacement for
purpose ‘of design.

920.7. As a measuic ol’ ample safety against accidental

displacement, the bearings shall be pla~edin a recess as shown in
Fig. 9. (This provision shall not be deemed to secure bearings
against displacement for the purpose of design):

921 .1. The bearings shall be subjected to planned main-.
tenancc care.

921.1.1. The exposed bearing surface shall be maintained

clean and free from contamination with grease or oil, etc.

921.1.2. Annual routine maintenance inspection or special

maintenance inspection of all bearings shall be made to check for
any surface cracking or signs of damage, deterioration or distress.

921.2. Damaged bearings shall be replaced in’trnediately. To

avoid differences in stiffness, all adjacent bearings on the same line
of support shall also be replaced.

921.2.1. Arrangements for insertion of jacks to lift the

bridge deck shall be made in detailing of the structtirc (Fig. 9 for
a possible arrangement).

Nole The lifting of a cast-in~placcpost-tensioned bridge de.~kfoi~relieving

time dependent deformation shortly after installation of bearings should
be avoided, In case such lifting is unavoidable, the lifting arrangement,
proper seating of the girder on the bearing, etc. shall be rigidly control-
led to avoid any risk of misalignment.

<< 22
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IRC 83 (Part 11 ,-l987

4,’prm/’v 2


(Refer Clause 918,413.)

t(or sections tam en therefrom)

1. chosen
All testsatshall be conducted
random on tinder
from the lot tesi acvcptancc
bearings testing,
2. All testing shall be conducted by skilled personnel onder competcnt super-
vision with adequate experience in rubber testing, to the complete satisfaction
of the inspector.
3. Alt testing shall be done at room temperatures.
4. No bearings shall be tested earlier than a week after s’ulcanisation.
5. Bearing sections shall be cut from test hearings without overheating the
rubber and with smooth-cut square edges and no after tceatnient of the
section shall be permitted.
6. Test for determination of Es may precedc that of C, when both tests arc
conducted on the same pair of test bearings,
7. All details of test equipment and method shall be furnished with the
submittal of the acceptance testing prograinitte according to Clause 918.1 2-
of text.

S. Test for Determinalic,n of Shesr Modulus

8.1. Scope
The test shall determine the value of shear modulus G ttnder specitied
short term loading.
8.2. Test Piece
Tvio test bearings.
8.3. Test Procedure
8.3,1. Test assembly- as in Fig. IOta)
8.3.2. Conditioning toad Bearings shall he preloadcd -with maximum
horizontal load flier (with N~~t held constant) and unloaded before test

8.3 3. Rate of toadlng: ~1~r,t corresponding to an, 5 MPa shall be


held constant durihg test and the horizontal loading H shall he gradually
increased to yield a shear stress rate of approximately 0.05 to 0.1 MFa per

8.3.4. Mnimum test loading Hit The horizontal loading K shall

he increased upto a maximum Hu,t which corresponds to horizontal deflectIon
equal to h.
IRC: $3 (Part II).! 987
N*.~ tr.eC..p.t


H I’O *5








Fig. 10~Deterinin~itionof shear modulus

8.3,5. Measurement Load and detlectjon measurements shall be made

at approximately equal intervals not less than 5.
9. Evaluation
9,1, A shear stress strain curve shall be plotted and the value of shear
modulus C determined as shown i~Fig. 10 (b).

<< 25
IRC : 83 (Part II)-1987

9.2. The test result shall be deemed—satisfactory if C determined is

withi.n th-20% oil MPa and provided there is no evidence of instability, defect or
damage discovered by close inspection during the test,
Note For level 2 acceptance testing, the test bearings used for this test shall
not he excluded from the lot under acceptance.

tO. Test for Determination or Elastic Modulus

10.1. Scope
The test shall determine the value of apparent elastic modulus E~under
specified short term axial loading.

10.2. Test Piece

Two test bearing&
10.3. Test Procedure
1031. Test assembly as -shown in Fig. It (a)
10.3.2. CondItioning lead: Bearing shall be preloaded upto Ntnt
The load shall be retained for 10 minutes and unloaded- upto ~ 2 MPo
before test loading,
10.3.3. -Rate ol ioa4iag: The axial load N is increased gradually at a
rate yielding ar-proximately a,,~= 0.5 MPa to I MPa per minute.

10.3.4. Maximum test loading Nt

4it, -

Maximum test loading shall correspond to a,~. 20 MPo


10.3.5. Measurement: Load and deflection measurements shall he made

in approximately equal load intervals not lesa than 5. Deflectton shall be
measured at four edges and mean value accounted for.
10.4. Evaluation
A compressive stress strain curve shall be plotted and the value of
apparent elastic modulus Es shall be determined as shown in Fig. 11(b).
105. Acceptance Criteria
Test result shall be deemed satlafacipry if Es determined is within
-±:20 per -cent of 11(0 2/5’ + 0.0005) and provided there is no evidence o-f any
defect or damage discerned by close visual inspectIon during the teat,

11. Test for Determination of Stripping Strength

il.i. Scope
This test sball determine whether requisite adhesion exists between the
elastorner and steel laminate.
<< 26

N test (e m=20 MPo RATE 0.5






E 16
LI 14

U, 12
— 10

o s 10 15 20 25 30 ~5 40 45 50 55
~rn N/A


<< Fig. II. Determination of elastic modulus

IR.C 83 (Part lfl-1987
11.2. Test Piece
Two identical test pieces shall be cut from the teat bearing. The plan
dimensions of each test piece shall not be less than 100 mm x 200 mm,
FIg. 12.
Two opposing ends of each test piece shall be bevelled to an angle of 41’
11.3. Teat Procedire
11.3.1. Teat naesnbly: ae shown in Fig. 12.

Np.,t ~ :SteP.)


$ **AOu*LtY
i$CflA$EO TO
M tnt

Fig. 12. Determination of adhesion strength

11,3.2. MaxImum test loading: ~ conesppndin; to a a~ 4 MJ’a

is to be held constant during the test.
11.3.3. The horizontal loading H shall be increased gradua~:: upto a
maximum yielding 3 MFa.

11.4, Evaluation
Examine the test pieces for evidence of cracking or peeling both in the
strained and unstrained state.
11.5, Acceptance Criteria
if neither test piece shows evidcnce of peeling or separation at or near
the interface between rubber and reinforcement layers the bearing shall be
deemed to have satisfactory adhesion.
12, Test for Determination of Ultimate Compresslie Strength
The test pieces are to be loaded either till the failure of the steel laminate
or till the irreversible squeezing out of elastomer whichever is earlier. The test
assembly and the test pieces may be identical to Clause 8, However a small
section (not less than 100 x 200 mm) cut front test bearin,g and testing to failure
by placing directly between the plaIts of the testing machine shall also be permit~
ted, The rate of loading shall not exceed 10 MFa per minute. The result of the
teat shalL be deemed satisfactory if the o,,, at failure. is not less than 60 MIa,

<< 28
IRC : 83 (Part ll)-l987
Appendix 3


(Refer Clause 918.7.1.)

1. Where deemed necessary and so demanded specifically by the

engineer, the manufacturer shall furnish to him a complete report on tha process
quality control comprising the following
1,1. A general description of the system of quality control including
sampling tosting and quality control records and/or charts used.
1.2. Test results for the quality characteristics nerttioned in Clause
1.3. The information shall pertain to a period not Jcss than I ~O days of
production of the same grade of elasiomeric and the type of bearings as under
1.4. Engineer shall reserve the- right to call for the above repoit at any
stage of acceptance inspection, before and after acceptance testing.
2. Mean, standard deviation, range and minimum values o~ the
following characteristics shall be reported for the period of report mentioned in
para 1.3.
Composition (raw elastomeric and ash content)
Tensile strength
Elongation at break
Compression set
Accelerated ageing
Shear modulus
3. The test methods shall conform to those mentioned in Clause 918.4.
of this Code.
4. The results reported shall be based on random sampling. In case of
more than one test measurement of any characteristics from a single batch, their
mean value shall only be taken into account as representative of the batch.
The test results reported shall represent a grand lot comprising not less
than 50 separate inspection lots.
S. Results of ozone resistance tests according to Clause 915.2.3. and
frequency of testing shall be reported.
Results of any other control tests conducted on moulded samples of
finished bearings may also be reported.

<< 29

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