Sudx Programable Indexer: Operations and Service Manual

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The manual outlines important safety precautions and operating instructions for the SUDX Programmable Table to ensure proper use and prevent damage.

The special cautions mentioned are: using the correct power source, not applying voltages to certain lines on the remote cable, keeping the controller free from debris, and using a filtered air supply.

The steps in the credit policy are: requiring prior authorization for returns, inspecting defective goods for replacement/repair/credit, conditions where credit is not issued, and potential part deductions from credit if parts are missing.



Operations and Service Manual

Version 2.01
Thank you for choosing the SUDX Programmable Table. These precision tables have been
designed and manufactured for the highest possible durability, accuracy, and flexibility that is
required for today diverse machining needs.
To make sure that you get the most out of your new unit, please completely read the aspects of
programming and operating these units before actual setup and operation.

Special Cautions:
1) Power Source: 105 ~ 128 VAC
2) Never apply voltages to lines 2 & 3 {Step Start} or 8 & 9 {Emergency Stop} on our remote
Cable. (We require an isolated relay to provide a contact closure only.)
3) Place controller in a place free from oils, coolants, chips, and other foreign elements. Do
not allow filters to become clogged or blocked. Air must be able to circulate freely else
damage to the circuitry occur.
4) Always use a Filtered/Regulated/Lubricated air supply to these units. Failure will create rust
and corrosion that will damage and foul these units air cylinders and braking systems.
5) Periodically check motor cabling for splits, breaks, and punctures that can allow coolants
and other fluids to enter cabling or motor housing. If damage is found, please repair
immediately to prevent possible motor, controller, &/or wiring damage. Failure to do so
can lead to very costly non-warranty repairs.
6) Avoid tool and work pieces crashing into these units.
7) When mounting jigs, trunnions, and other fixtures, never use unnecessarily long set bolts.
They will cause vibrations during rotation which can cause: oil leaks, tool breakage, etc.
8) When using trunnions and long work pieces, please use tailstocks with live centers or if you
are using “A” frame supports, use bearings and not grease alone else undue stress and
tension may cause damage to the motor, gears, or circuitry.


1) All returned goods must have prior authorization. The MRA (Merchandise Return Authorization)
Number must appear prominently on the shipping label. Please refer to your original invoice
number when requesting MRA’s. Merchandise sent in without a MRA# will be refused by our
shipping department. All returns must be sent back pre-paid.

2) Defective goods will be replaced, repaired, or credited to you after the item has been inspected by
our Service Department; unless prior authorization has been made.

3) Merchandise will not receive credit if: it is no longer under warranty, has been misused, or
has been altered or damaged by end-user.

4) If a unit is deemed defective and not repairable, credit will be issued. Should part(s) be
missing from the returned unit(s), the part(s) price will be deducted from the customer’s

5) Any warranty merchandise that is repairable, will be repaired and sent back to the customer;
therefore, no credit will be issued.

6) There will be a 15% restocking charge on any and all items not returned in their original
packaging &/or not covered by warranty.

7) No other policy, other than the foregoing, will be authorized or accepted by Yuasa International.

1) Warranty cards must be on file within 30 days of invoice date for a warranty repair. If warranty
card is not on file, proof of purchase must be submitted when requesting service. If neither is
supplied, all repairs will be charged to the customer.

2) There will be a minimum charge of $120.00 for handling and inspection fee on all items sent in for
inspection if no defect is found {warranty} or if customer declines service on unit(s) {non-warranty.}
All such shipments will be sent back to customer “Freight Collect.”

3) Units must not be previously altered, repaired, or serviced by anyone other than an Authorized
Yuasa Service Center. Any and all misuse of an item will void warranty.

4) Before any item will be repaired, the customer will receive a written estimate which must be
returned within 15 days, signed: Approve/Disapprove repair. If after 30 days we have not received
authorization either way, there will be a $120.00 fee charged to the customer and merchandise will
be shipped back “Freight Collect.”

5) All repairs preformed a the Yuasa International Service Center: California, carry a 30 day
warranty; warranty limited to only the exact items repaired or replaced.

6) All merchandise must be sent in Prepaid. All repairs covered as warranty, will have freight charges
credited back to their account.
Table of Contents
Section 1: Lets get Started
Un-crating 1
Preliminary Setup 1
Simple Basic Programming 1
Computer Programming 2
Loading Yuasa Terminal Program 2
Hand Held Terminal Programing 4
Hand Held Lock-up 5
Simple Hook Up to CNC 6
UDNC Remote Wiring Diagram 6
Step Finish Types 7
Remote Cycle Start 7
Remote Cycle Finish 8

Section 2: UDNC Panel Controls

Front Panel Switches 9
G-Codes 10
M-Codes 11
G-Code Description 11
M-Code Description 14
Non-Motion Buffer Command 16
Input Data Commands Characters 17
Special and Non-Motion Command Descriptions 18

Section 3: “i” Parameters and Alarm Descriptions

“i” Parameters 29
Alarm Codes 35

Section 4: Trouble Shooting

My Computer does not communicate to the UDNC 36
My CNC does not Communicate to the UDNC 37
My Hand Held does not Communicate with the UDNC 38
Error Code Definitions 38
Dip Switch Configuration 40

Section 5: Direct Operations through the RS-232

Fanuc to UDNC 41
Fadal to UDNC 44
Mori Seki to UDNC 46
Okuma to UDNC 47
Yasnac to UDNC 48

Section 6: Yuasa Terminal Program

System Requirements 50
Installing Yuasa Terminal to Computer 50
Running Yuasa Terminal 50
Terminal Mode 51
Yuasa Editor 54

Section 7: Maintenance, Service, “i” Parameters, and Table Dimensions

Section 1: Lets Get Started

This is a fairly minor task, yet an important one. Please make sure you maintain the warranty card,
test report and manual, enclosed in your informational packet. You will notice that the warranty card
provides you with center height specifications of your table, and the serial number. Save this data, as
it provides us with important information, about your particular table or indexer. As a precaution, we
strongly recommend that you maintain the original crate for at least 30 days.
Preliminary Set up

After carefully removing both the controller and table body, place them both on a clean table. First
thread the motor cable connector, from the rotary table, to the flange (marked motor) on the controller.
Make sure that this and all connections are threaded in all the way. Then hook up the power cable to
an AC power source, 105V to 125V. If you have the 5CA model, locate a clean (Filtered, Regulated,
Lubricated ) air line and affix it to the small air hose, leading from the air collet closer piston. If you have
an air brake, attach the air hose (w/FRL) to the fitting. You are now ready to begin.

Simple Basic Programming

This section will only focus on simple programs, 90 deg., 60 deg., 45 deg, indexing, etc. There are
three ways to write a program:

1) Use your computer, with the software supplied by Yuasa.

2) Use our Hand-held Computer Terminal (model HCT-001 or HCT-002).

3) The newest way, is to make use of the RS232 port on your computerized machining center.
As each manufacturer is different in their design and macro needs, we can only state that our controller
requires the ability to send and receive ASCII code, under the following conditions:

A) Minimum of 300 to a maximum of 19200 baud rate.

B) Either 8 bit, no parity or 7 bit, even parity Data Transfer.

Note: Data strings cannot contain extra characters; {ie: #, %, <>.}

C) A Carriage Return <CR> must be used at the end of each Data string.
Line Feeds <LF> are ignored by the UDNC.

Computer Programing

Since our controller accepts a standard ASCII string of commands, you can actually use any
program software you have that can generate a program and download through the RS232 port.
However, if you are using the YUASA TERMINAL software the following will apply.
Note: You must use a 80286/ 16 Mhz with 640k Ram or better computer with an operating system
of DOS 5.0 of higher.
The Yuasa Terminal must be ran in DOS mode! You cannot run from a Windows, NT, DOS
SHELL, or XTGold environments nor from these programs [DOS PROMPT] features. {Note:
Windows 95B, 95C, & 98 can run the Yuasa Terminal from their desktop. Microsoft fixed their comm port
redirect functions but only on these (3) versions of Windows. 95 & 95A must restart into DOS.}

Loading Program
If you haven’t already, hook up your RS232 cable from your PC, to the RS232 port on the
controller. Note: This controller uses a standard RS232 cable. Some CNC machines use a special
cable that has pins #2 and #3 crossed to form a null-modem cable, if you use this null-modem
cable, you will need a null-modem adapter. Never plug or unplug the RS232 cable when UDNC
or computer is on! RS232 cables use +/- 12v transmit & receive lines which will cause harm to
circuitry of both programmer and controller if these lines are active.

1) Loading program. Insert Yuasa Terminal diskette into drive A, then type: INSTALL. This will
automatically begin to load the YUASA TERMINAL. Note: Not all of the programs contained on the
diskette will be transferred, only those required for Yuasa Terminal. Other programs are for
separate operations and require you to enter separate INSTALL commands or for you to copy
them directly to your hard drive or work diskette.

2) Configure Screen. Confirm that the Terminal program is properly configured for your computer.

A) Com Port. Is the correct COM port selected? You have the choice of using either Com#1 or
Com#2. {Com#1 is most often the 9 pin port whereas Com#2 is the 25 pin port.} Unless
you are using a PS/2 style mouse, you probably have a mouse plugged into Com#1
. {DEFAULT = Com#2}

B) Card Address. You have the choice of Card Address 0 - 7. Unless Specified prior to shipping,
Card Address is A0. {FACTORY DEFAULT = 0}

C) Baud Rate. As stated, you can communicate at baud rates between 300 and 9600.

D) Data Bits. Again, you have the choice of 8 bit/none or 7 bit/even parity.
{FACTORY DEFAULT = 8 bit/none}

E) Time Out. Select the Communication Timeout that suits your computer. Older computers,
80286 - 386, may require higher numbers. 486 and better will work with default setting.
{DEFAULT = 100}

Type “Y” to save your new settings. The program will then connect to the controller. Note: Check
to make sure that “MCC at A0 address? -- Yes” is show when you are hooked-up to the controller

via the RS232 cable. If you are not connected, check your Com port, baud rate, and make sure
your timeout is appropriate.

3) You are now in Terminal Mode, depress [F10] Edit/Create Program, the main program screen
should appear.

4) Lets write our first program, (Note: Both YUASA TERMINAL and the controller are entirely
case sensitive, all input must be in the correct format) type the following:

A0E (make sure you type the number zero, not the letter “O”, this addresses
the card and clears the buffer, this must always be your first entry)

F1000 (This is the maximum feed rate. F1000 = 100%. Think of the last 0 as
a % sign.)

G90B90 (G90 denotes an absolute movement and B90 is a 90 degree movement)

B180 (This movement is 180 absolute) Once you have input a G90, the CPU
maintains absolute movements, unless you change it to incremental (G91)

B270 (270 degrees absolute)

M40 (This code allows the CPU to read the next movement in the program, in
this case B0, and automatically see the M30, resetting the program and
Block # .)

B0 (Machine or Work zero position)

M30 (End of program)

If you would like to save this program on the disk drive of your computer, depress the [F2] button, select
the save file choice, (2), name the file, and enter. Note: The Remote/Manual switch must be in
manual mode or the program will not be stored.

Now download your program to the controller, using the “F3” key (download to card buffer and
save.) Note: “Dwnld&Save File”[F3] will save your program, and all “i” parameters to the card.
“Download File” [F5] will automatically take you from editor mode to terminal mode, where the
small “s” can be entered to save the file, if desired.
This program format can be duplicated, substituting different “B” movements, for example B60,
B120, B180, B240, B300, B0, would be 60 degree movements. By simply inserting a minus sign “-” in
front of the B movement you can move counter clockwise using G91 (Incremental) or stay in absolute
and write the program in reverse; B300, B240, B180, etc.
There are a number of other ways of accomplishing these simple index movements, like using the
loop (G70) function, but for a quick start, this is the easiest way to begin.
Hand Held Computer Terminal Programing

With the HCT connected to the UDNC controller, push the [ON] button. The screen should say
“HOST FOUND.” Push the (OK) button which corresponds to the [F] key and you will be in the Yuasa
Menu. You will find the following list of options:

OFF (Turns HCT off)

File Manager (Takes you to files that are stored in your hand held or lets you write files.
Note: Files marked with “P##X#” are parameter files and “P” are
program files. If you choose the parameter files that do not match your
unit, your table will not run correctly.)

New File (Create files to run your index and store them in the HCT.)

Terminal Menu (Diagnostic and MDI operations. See HCT manual for further explanation.)

Preferences (Lets you configure your HCT for special applications. Note:
the factory default is A0/9600/8bit/none.)

Card Status (Used for checking status of controllers MCC functions.)

Select [Create File] by using the arrow keys to highlight the name press [OK]. You will now be
at a completely blank screen. Press the [] key located beneath the [ENTER] bar. The  should now
be seen in the top center of the screen; if not push button again. During programming this button
must be active. Push the [ENTER] bar after each line entry. Lets write your first program.

A0E (A0 = Card Address Zero. E = Clear Buffer. This must always start every program.)

F1000 (This is the maximum feed rate. F1000 = 100%. Think of the last 0 as a % sign.)

G90B90 (G90 denotes an absolute movement and B90 is a 90 degree movement)

B180 (This movement is 180 absolute) Once you have input a G90, the CPU maintains
absolute movements, unless you change it to incremental (G91)

B270 (270 degrees absolute)

M40 (This code allows the CPU to read the next movement in the program, in this
case B0, and automatically see the M30, resetting the program and Block # .)

B0 (Machine or Work zero position)

M30 (End of program)

Now push the [] key again and the [ENTER] bar. You will now be at a screen that has the cursor
flashing behind the letter ”P”. Note: P = Program files. Files that have P##X2 are Parameters. Type
the name of the file we have just created: four and press [ENTER]. You should now be at a screen that
says: EDIT, Download, Dwnld&Save, and Previous. If you are still connected to the UDNC and the unit
is on, select: Dwnld&Save to transfer file and save it in the UDNC.
Note: The Remote/Manual switch must be in manual mode or the program will not be stored.

Hand-held Lock-up or No Yuasa Screen:

If you are no longer in the Yuasa Program or your hand-held stops reacting, here’s what you need
to do to restore the program:

1) Push the [ON] & [C] buttons at the same time.

2) Confirm that the screen now looks like this: {HOME} in the upper left of screen with the #’s 4,
3, 2, 1 running down the screen beneath it. And the black boxes contain Real/Vector/Base/etc.

3) Push the [VAR] key and the boxes will now contain {YUASA/MCC1/TIME/etc}. Push the button
that is directly under the box that reads: [YUASA].

4) The “NO HOST” screen should now appear. If not, please call the Yuasa Technical Support
Dept at 800-421-9763.

Note: If your handheld gives a low battery warning ((•)) do not ignore it, if the batteries die or are
removed the unit can only hold memory for about ten minutes.

Simple Hook Up to your CNC Milling Machine/Machining Center.

Warning: If you are not an electrician or have not interfaced an M-function

product before, we strongly recommend, having a qualified electrician, do this
installation. It’s like anything else, it’s easy if you know how, and very dangerous
if you don’t.

Supplied with your new rotary is what we classify as a remote cable. On the back side of the
controller is a 14 pin socket labeled: REMOTE. You will notice that on end of the cable is a plug, this
matches the stated socket, and on the other end are 13 loose wires. These wires have several functions,
as shown in the electrical schematic drawing, but for this quick interface, we will only concern
ourselves with the two cycle start wires (#2 and #3 which are black & green) and the two cycle finish
wires (# 4 and #5 which are red/white & orange).
Unfortunately, machine tool builders did not institute an industry standard when they were building
their equipment, and as such provided us with no commonality to develop a single interface drawing.
What I can offer you here (in addition to our electrical drawing) are some hints, on how to accomplish
this task.
Warning: When installing the Remote Cable, pay very close attention to the
colors of the wire, as some of the colors appear to be similar. (Red may look very
much like Red/White) Connecting these wires incorrectly can create a very
expensive & extensive repair.
Note: Before beginning this interface, compare our electrical schematic, with your CNC machine’s
electrical drawings, for actual signal information. All machines are dissimilar and may need to be
installed differently.
Wiring Diagram for UDNC Remote Cable

* = No Voltage can ever be applied to these lines without damaging the internal circuitry.

Step Finish Types
Based on Step start types:

Type 0 (No Step Finish)

Remote step _____|¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ |_____________________|¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ |_____________________
Rotation _______|¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ |____________|¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ |__________
Remote finish _________________________________________________________

Type 1 (No Handshake)

Remote step _____|¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ |_____________________|¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ |_____________________
Rotation _______|¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ |____________|¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ |__________
Remote finish _______________________|¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ |____________________|¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ |__
Type 2 (Handshake by remote step input going active)
Remote step _____|¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ |___|¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ |___
Rotation _______|¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ |____________|¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ |__________
Remote finish _______________________|¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ |____________________|¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ |__

Type 3 (Handshake by second remote step input going passive)

Remote step _____|¯ ¯ |___________________|¯ ¯ |_____________________
Rotation _______|¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ |________|¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ |________
Remote finish ___|¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ |_______________|¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ |__________________|¯ ¯ ¯

Type 4 (Synchronous Start)

Remote step _____|¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ |_____________|¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ |_____________|¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ |___________
Rotation _______|¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ |____|¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ |____|¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ |
Remote finish _______|¯ ¯ |_______________|¯ ¯ |_______________|¯ ¯ |___________

Remote Cycle Start (M-Code)

1) Determine first, where your M-code is outputting. If you’re lucky the M-code has been wired out to a
terminal strip. If you are very lucky, your CNC machine may also have included a relay for the M-code

2) If you are one of the extemely lucky people that have a relay already installed, simply hook wires #2
and #3 of our remote cable, to the normally open contacts on the relay, or to a terminal strip, if there
are already wires running from the relay.

3) If your machine does not have this indexer M-code relay, you may need to install one. On most
machines the M-code output, acts as a switch for a completed circuit, but some, output voltage, either
24V DC or 110V AC.

4) When adding the relay you must first determine whether you need a 24V DC or 110V AC, check your
machine electrical drawings. Then make sure you have the correct type of relay, as some machines
already have a receptacle in place.

5) If your machines M-code outputs voltage, say 24V then run a wire from the M-code output, either from
a terminal point, or sometimes from a pin on a connector, like a Honda plug, to one side of the coil on
the relay, (normally pin #7 and #8, but check with your meter) Hook another wire from the other side
of the relay coil, to ground.

6) If the M-code output is a switch type (like most machines) Run a wire from the M-code, to one side
of the coil, and voltage (normally 24V DC) to the other side.

7) Then always connect wires # 2 and #3 of the remote cable to the normally open contacts, of the relay,
again check with your meter.

Note: To simplify this: Our machine requires a contact closure on wires 2&3 (DO NOT APPLY
VOLTAGE.) Parameter i32 is programmable to the type of handshaking that most machine

Remote Cycle Finish

The way most machines work, once the M-start is initiated the rotary table controller will execute
the next step in the program, driving the table to the desired position. Once in position, the rotary encoder
verifies location and either a contact closure will occur, (if using normally open contacts) or a contact
open will occur, (if using normally closed contacts). Most CNC machines utilize normally open contacts,
and operate with a momentary close (either 0.5 sec. or 1.0 sec.) or a Full Handshake (M Code stays
active until we return a finish signal.)
Again, it is imperative that you consult your electrical drawings for confirmation, but if your
machine is looking for open contacts on the return signal, you would hook wire # 4 on our remote cable
to +24V DC and line #5 to the M-Finish on your CNC machine.
There may be a number of different configurations to this formula. If your machine needs normally
closed contacts on the return signal, Please correctly set up ‘i” parameter 32. Please verify all
connections with the electrical drawings, or contact your machine builder.
Note 1: To simplify this: Our machine gives a contact closure on wires 4&5.
Note 2: For the finish type/contact polarity please check “i” parameter #32.
For the delay time check “i” parameter #31. {Default for i32 is 2:0}

Section 2: UDNC Panel Controls
Front Panel Switches

1. On and Off, be sure to check incoming voltage, prior to powering up. The off switch, totally
shuts off the entire system. Program memory and work zero position are stored in EAROM. Never
connect or disconnect any of the cables while UDNC is on!

2. Program Select, is used to access both the Main Program (M), and the seven additional sub
programs (0 -6.) These programs are recognized, when either the M30, W-Z set, or W-Z return switches
are seen or by simply changing the selector switch to another number setting. (You must be in Manual
Mode when you change selector switch.)Selector switch “M” performs a go to the beginning of the
main buffer program. Program selector switch 0 - 6 does a go to the beginning of subprogram L0 -
L6. It is read and used when the W-Z set, W-Z return, Machine home, Power on, and the M30
commands are executed. It is also read when the program block number is zero. If no subprogram exists
for the program selector switch, then the main buffer program will be run.
Note: To simplify this: The process for storing more than one set of indexer commands
is to write one main program that contains up to 7 subprogram, which will fill the 8 positions
on the selector switch. {See Sub-Programs}

3. Jog +, Jog -, the jog feedrate is controlled, either by using the Feedrate Override, or
changing the value of i09.

4. Feedrate Override, controls both the jog feed and the program feed. This function operates
in 10% settings, based on the value in i06.

5. Manual/Remote.
Manual Mode: is used for operating the front panel switches and for use of the pulse
generator. In this mode, the brake will be disabled and no remote I/O will be accepted. In
addition, the auto stepping function will be enabled either to a block number or through the program.
A Cycle Start will cause the program to step through the each programmed move for each Cycle
Start input.
Note: To use the brake while in manual mode, set “i12” to 1(on), then the pressing of
Cycle Start will turn off the brake, index the machine, re-enable the brake. All other buttons
will act as if in Remote mode. Pulse Generator must be disconnected if you select this option
or severe damage to brake and motor will occur.

Remote Mode: the following front panel switches (W-Z set, W-Z return, Jog+ and Jog-,
Cycle start, and Feed hold) will be disabled, and the remote I/O, will be enabled. The homing function
from the front panel will be disabled. Remote, requires a remote cycle start to execute each program
block. Going from manual to remote, will cause the program to stop at the next program block.

6. Cycle Start/M-Z Return: The cycle start button initiates a step start. Each depression of
this button will cycle the rotary table, one individual movement. To initiate a Machine Zero Return
(M-Z), you must depress, and hold the cycle start switch for 5 seconds. This will begin the
search for the “C” channel of the encoder, which is classified as Machine Zero.
Note: On 5C, 5CA, and 132 models you must first jog to within four degrees of home,
and then depress, and hold the cycle start switch for 5 seconds. This will begin the search for

the “C” channel of the encoder, which is classified as Machine Zero. These units “Home” at
every 4 degrees.

7. W-Z Set: This Work Zero set button, sets the current position of the rotary unit as work
zero. Once you have depressed, this button, any previous work zero settings will be lost, and
the controller will recognize this new position a work zero. This switch is enabled only in the
manual mode. Typing “Z” in the terminal mode will perform the motion card’s “Z” command.

8. W-Z Return: One depression of this button will return you to the current work zero setting. It
will also cause the motion program to go to the beginning of the program, selected by the program
select switch. This switch is enabled only in the manual mode.

9. Feed Hold: A single depression this button automatically sets the feedrate to zero, stopping
all table and motor movement. Movement will resume by pushing the Cycle Start once.

10. E-Stop: Emergency stop is used to totally stop all movement and shuts down the
controller. As before, work zero settings, programs and “i” variable’s are stored in EAROM.

M and G Codes.

The programming of this controller utilizes standard M and G codes, found in common CNC
Machine Tool controls. Below is a listing of these codes, and their meaning. A more detailed
description follows.

G04 Dwell.
G17 Terminate Sub Routine.
G28 Machine Zero.
G30 to G39 Jump to Subroutine.
G70 Start Loop.
G71 End Loop.
G72 Auto Divide.
G80 to G89 Call Subroutines or conditional call with @.
G90 Absolute Positioning.
G91 Incremental Positioning.
G92 Circular Interpolation Radius, (for use with linear table)
G93 Zero Referenced Moves from second coordinate.


M00 Program Stop.

M18 Disable step finish relay #1
M19 Enable step finish relay #1
M20 Disable step finish relay #2
M21 Enable step finish relay #2

M Codes Continued:

M22 Disable brake on.

M23 Enable brake on.
M30 End of Program.
M36 Enable pulse generator.
M37 Disable pulse generator.
M38 Enable backlash.
M39 Disable backlash.
M40 Enable continuous motion.
M41 Disable continuous.
M42 Enable mirror image.
M43 Disable mirror image.

G-Code Description
G04, Dwell (7) digits, 1 to 8388607 millisecs:
A G04X1000 would cause the axis to remain in position one second before being ready to
execute the next block. A G04 requires a step or rub command to be executed. It is a block of data
that causes the “In position” register to report false during G04 execution.
Note #1: G04 dwells are not affected by “%”. The dwell period starts at the beginning
of decel. If decel is very long, the dwell time may go to zero.
Note #2: For multiple axis use, when a dwell is proportional to a move size and a
feedrate is required, use the “W” command.
G17, Terminate a Group of Subroutine Blocks.
Started with L0 through L9 and terminated by G17. (See “L” command)
For example: L0 G04X500 M19 G04X1000 G17 is a subroutine that dwells a ½ second,
turns relay #1 on, waits 1 second and continues at the program step after the G80 that called the
G28, Go to Home Position (M-Z Return).
Under program control, and as specified by initialize parameters, i02, 03 and 04. If i04 is zero,
home command is disregarded. When G28 is issued and i04 is non zero, the servo will move in the
direction specified by i02 until the home switch is seen. It then looks for the encoder “C” channel.
When the “C” channel is detected, the control executes the i03 move, terminating the homing
Note: On 5C, 5CA, and 132 the rotary table does not have home limit switches, it will be
necessary to first jog the table to vernier zero, prior to executing G28, or the M-Z function on
the control panel. This position is automatically Machine zero position.
G30 to G39, Jump to Subroutine.
This command is similar to G80 (Call) except that it branches to subroutines L0 through L9.
When a G17 or M30 is encountered, the program is terminated and the program pointer is returned
to the beginning of the subprogram. G30 jumps to subroutine L0, G31 jumps to L1, etc.
In addition, both G30 and G80 commands can be made conditional by using the “@”
conditional command. Refer to “@” command description for details.
The form of the conditional Jump and Call are respectively: [email protected] and [email protected]
Where A is an address or port, 0 to 65535, and B is a bit, 0 to 7. These commands allow the
Jump or Call to be made based on the condition of an input at the specified address.

G70, G71 Start and End Loop

G70XNNNNN (5 digits) 0 to 65535. 0 = infinite.

All blocks between G70 and G71 commands are executed as many times as specified in G70
A0E G70X15 F1000 G91B180 G71 M30 = Unit will incrementally move 180 degrees 15
A0E G70X0 F1000 G91B90 G71 M30 = Unit will move in increments of 90 degrees without
an additional start signal at the end for the M30 command.
Note: A looping command may not be used inside a loop. The first loop will reject
the statement of secondary loop command. (See L0 to L9 for rules governing loops
and subroutines.)
G72 Automatic Divide
G72XNNNNN (5 digits) 2 to 65535.
This command will instruct the unit to divide the next movement command into the number of
equal divisions you require. The division takes care of residual encoder counts and insures that no
cumulative error occurs during incrementation, and that the last movement, will execute correctly.

EXAMPLE: A0E F1000 G72X10 G91B360 M30. This program would evenly
divide 360 degrees 10 times, producing individual movements of 36 degrees. In this
case one additional start command will be required at the end of the M30.

To eliminate the need for an extra start command, write in an infinite loop.
EXAMPLE: A0E G70X0 F1000 G72X10 G91B360 G17 M30.
G80 through G89 (Call) Subroutines
Will execute up to 10 possible subroutines, as defined by L0 through L9, (see “L” command.)
When encountered, the program pointer will jump to specified sub-routine and then returns to the
normal program flow when a G17 is executed.

G90 Selects Absolute Data Positioning {Default Setting}

This command is seen as a default, if G91 (incremental) is not initiated. An absolute
movement that is relative to zero.

EXAMPLE: A0E F1000 B180 B270 M30 = Move the rotary table, first to 180 degrees, then to
270 degrees, all referenced from zero.

G91 Selects Incremental Data Positioning

An incremental move, is one that is relative to the current position, not the zero location.

EXAMPLE: A0E F1000 G91B90 B180 M30 = First we would move 90 degrees,
then an additional 180 degrees, from the 90 degree position, a total 270 degrees.
Note: G90 and G91 are modal commands will remain in effect until changed.

G92 Circular Interpolation. (For linear applications)

When used with an “X” [58H], presets present position registers to values selected in this
block. [G92X +/- NNNNNNN] 0 to 8388607 encoder lines.

G92X1000 sets current position = 10000 Encoder Counts

G92X0 sets current position = 0 [zero set]

When used with an “R” [52H], sets the circular interpolation radius, G92RNNNNNN.
Where: NNNNN is 0 to 262139 encoder lines.

When used with a “C” [43H], sets the starting angle at which circular interpolation will be
made, G92CNNNNN.
Where: NNNNN is 0 to 360000 in increments of .001 degrees.

G93 Command
This buffer command executes moves relative to initial “0” or home position, regardless of
whether G92 or “Z” (zero set) was executed.
The format is G93+/-NNNNNNN where N is 0 to 8388607. This function permits the user to
command the servo to go to a position relative to zero [power turn on position or home position, after
“h” or “G28”], rather than a position relative to “Z” or G92.

EXAMPLE: After power turn on, position is “Zero.” If a move is executed to position 2000, then
a “Z” command is sent, position will be set to zero again. Now, if a G93 is commanded, the servo will
go to position 1500, which is displayed relative to where the “Z” was issued, but 500 counts from
where power was turned on. If the displayed position needs to match the actual position relative to
zero, then send a G93500 followed by a G92500.
This command is useful for tool changing applications, where the part reference zero may
vary, but the tool change position is always the same, relative to the initial home zero.

M-Codes description
M00 Program Stop
This function causes the control to stop executing the buffer program, much like the Feed Hold
button on the UDNC front panel. Use a Start, Run, Step, or Rub Out command to resume motion.
M18 Step Finish #1 Disable
Writing this code into a program block will disable the step finish signal on relay #1.
M19 Step Finish #1 Enable
Writing this will enable the finish signal on relay #1 if M18 has been used. It is not necessary
to put this statement in a program, the relay is turned on by factory default.
M20 Step Finish #2 Disable
This command will disable the step finish signal on relay #2.
M21 Step Finish #2 Enable
This command will enable the step finish signal on relay #2 if a M20 has been used.

M22 Brake Function Disable
This command will disable the “Brake On” function in Remote mode.{Default = Brake On in
Remote Mode}
M23 Brake Function Enable
This command will enable the “Brake On” function in Remote mode. {Default = Brake On in
Remote Mode} Note: To enable brake function in Manual Mode, parameter i12 needs to be set
to a value of 1. This command will not function in Manual Mode unless the above criteria is
M30 End of program
All written programs must be terminated by an M30 command and carriage return. The M30
instruction is interpreted two different ways by the UDNC:

1) If the program consists of less than 448 blocks, the M30 will reset all “M” functions and
feedrate instructions to their default values. It also sets the program execution pointer to the
beginning of the program that is stored in the buffer.

2) If the program is larger than 448 blocks, the M30 will reset and purge all functions including
the program buffer. This requires that the host computer retransmit the program before program
execution can be started again. The initialize “M”, “G”, and Feedrate instructions are not reset, and
need not be reloaded.
M30 Rules

Rule #1: A program without an M30 cannot be saved in the EAROM permanent memory.
Rule #2: When a program is written and terminated with the M30 instruction, a new program
cannot be written unless the buffer is cleared, using the “z” or “E” command.
Rule #3: An M30 requires a cycle start, unless the move or moves before it have a M40
preceding. {See M40}

M36 Enable Serial Pulse Channel

This code will enable use of the optional pulse generator (SPG-100 or LPG-200.) The pulse
generator (hand wheel) port will automatically be activated, and able to be accessed, once the
“Manual/Remote” front panel switch is positioned in the manual setting. This will also disable the
brake, allowing for instant use of the pulse generator.{Factory Default}
M37 Disable Serial Pulse Channel
This code will deactivate the handwheel port on the back panel of the controller. By default the
hand wheel port is set as active.
M38/M39 Enable/Disable Backlash
As specified in the i05, backlash parameter. Default is 1600 giving you approx.: 1 degree of
backlash. To activate the backlash feature, the M38 must directly follow the A0 line at the beginning
of the main motion program. If Backlash is desired for all of the desired program, there is no need to
add the M39 statement, if will be automatically disabled by the M30 command at the end of the

M40/M41 Enable/Disable Continuous Motion
This code must be used when it is desired to automatically execute an M30 command, without
the need for a separate cycle input or to perform Helical operations.
EXAMPLE: A0E F1000 G90B90 B180 M40 B0 M30
With this program, the controller would know that after the B0 [work zero] block was executed,
to immediately read the M30, without the need for an additional cycle input.
M00 and M30 are the only two M-codes which require a cycle, or rub command for execution;
therefore the need to utilize the M40, prior to the last program move before the M30.
Another use of this function is for generating unusual motion profiles, such as hyperbolic,
parabolic or arbitrary curves. This command provides a continuous motion string, blending different
programmed moves and feedrates, with one simple step start command. This is extemely useful if
you are attempting to develop a helical move, synchronizing an "X" axis move with a rotational move.
Many times the lead, or pitch of a particular part cut will change, necessitating the need to alter the
rotary feedrate and movement without stopping for another step start command. The movements and
feeds entered between M40 and M41 will execute in a continuous fashion, permitting this type of
EXAMPLE: A0E M40 F500 B90 F250 B45 F100 B30 M41 M30

A common use of the M40/41 commands is to generate a delay before a move begins, as follows.
Note: The M41 does not have to be there, program will finish at M30 and reset without M41. If
you want to give a second start command to reset program then use as above.
M42/M43 Mirror Image Enable/Disable
This code will cause all program buffer moves to occur in reverse direction. The controller will
output a negative signal for every positive move, it executes. On a two axis machine, this feature
permits a part to be duplicated in all four quadrants. Note that all “i” parameters will execute
independently of M42. Home direction, offset, and backlash are not affected by M42. Only motion
buffer moves are mirrored, including G92, C, U and other move commands. Circular moves are also
mirror imaged.

Non-Motion Buffer Control Commands

^Q X on - turns on RS232C transmission.

^S X off - turns off RS232C transmission.
^U Unfreeze position, following error time click, no addressing.
^V Freeze position, following error, time click, no addressing.
$ Reset
% Feedrate % Override.
= Return to pre-jog position.
? Send status.
E Purge buffer, prepare to accept new program.
H Feed hold (stop)
I Inn send motion parameter.
J Jog +
O Output DAC value.
Q Stop.
R Run.
S Step.
Y Send current position.
Z Zero set.

b Go to beginning of. This function is similar to the “bn”
command: go to the beginning of program.
c Copy RAM to EAROM.
d Download EAROM to RAM.
e Send error code.
f Send following error.
h Home.
i Inn send stored parameter.
j Jog -
k Kill servo.
l Learn position.
p Send current position.
r Send memory data.
s Save program and parameters, in EAROM. Must be entered
in terminal mode.
t Self test.
w Write memory data.
X Send time click.
z Purge buffer, prepare to accept new program.

Input Data Command Characters

Backspace Back line pointer, one character.

CR End of line character.
<CNTRL>X Cancel input line.
Space Separation character.
Comma Separation character, conditional jump value delimiter.
Period Conditional jump bit delimiter.
Slash Comment delimiter.
Colon “U” command delimiter, "i" Value delimiter.

Special, and Motion Commands

(B or X) Single AXIS Motion.

This command is used as an axis identifier. For most applications our use will be for rotary
movements, but this controller can also be used for linear moves. For either axis movement, i.e.,
B180 (180 degrees) or B2.5000 (2 1/2" linear move using “T” instead of “F”) we utilize the “B or X” for
the movement.
For a reverse direction move, simply input a minus sign, i.e., B-180, would be 180 degree
move in the counterclockwise direction.

(F) Feedrate Setting

The (F) setting in the program, acts as a percentage of feed, based on the value setting of
parameter i06.
For example: F100 sets the feedrate to 10%, of the maximum feedrate, value of
i06. F1000 would set the feedrate to 100% of i06. Think of the last 0 as a % sign.
The “F” command is modal, and will remain in effect until changed.
(T) Time Mode Programming

Where: NNNNNNN is 1 to 8388607 in millisecs.
This command may be used whenever a specified move time is desired rather than a
feedrate. Its primary use in the controller is if a timed programming is used on multiple axis,
regardless of the move sizes on each axis, all moves will terminate simultaneously, thereby, providing
an 8 axis linear interpolation capability.
Feedrate “F” programming, which is modal, can be used interchangeably with time programming
“T” in any program. Care must be taken to re-specify the desired feedrate by placing an “F” command
in the program immediately after the last “T” move.
In “T” mode, the automatic backlash (M38 /M39) is not permitted.
The time round off error for very small and slow moves is traded in favor of velocity round off error.
This permits multiple controller systems to remain synchronized throughout the full dynamic range of
the controlled operation.
The velocity round-off is small, approximately equivalent to 200 encoder counts, for a 2 hour
move: i.e. if you tell the controller to move 2,000,000 counts in two hours, it will terminate the move
exactly on time, but may make a 100 to 150 encoder count move at the very end of the time period,
instead of equally spreading the move, thus creating a small velocity jerk. Time and position remain
accurate. This error rapidly diminishes as the move times become shorter. The same move made in 20
seconds, would have an undetectable velocity error of ½ of an encoder count.

Time Constant: 1 second is equal to a “T” value of 2014

If you wanted to move 360 degrees in 1 minutes, you would first multiply 60 (seconds) and 2014
which equals: 120840. Your “T” value would appear as: T120840B360.

Helical Time Feed Formula:

To figure out what “T” value to use for a helical cut, use the formula below or use the TIMEMODE
program located on the Yuasa Diskette.

1) Determine the Radius of the Workpiece. Radius is equal to the distance from the center
of the workpiece to it’s outer edge minus the depth of the cut. {If you measure your
workpiece to be 4" in Radius and you are doing a 1/2" cut, your Radius = 3.5"}
This is R.

2) Determine how far you want the workpiece to rotate, {i.e.: 45 degrees.} This is D.

3) Determine how far the X axis cut across the workpiece is going to be, {i.e.: 12".} This
is X.

4) Determine how many inches per minute you want the workpiece to travel, {i.e.:6".}
This is IPM.

5)   R  D = I ( = 3.1415926536)

7) 120840 • I T

Using the examples stated we will figure the Formula as follows:
3.1415926536 X 3.5 X 45 / 180 = 2.74889

 2.748892 + 122 = 12.310824

12.310824 X 120840 / 6 = 247939.98 or 247940

Your programed “T” value would look like this: T247940B45

For helical timing of axes, set i32 to 4:0 or in the program insert I324:0 after A0E.
Note 1: In “T” mode, the servo computes a feedrate based on the specified time, and the
size of the move for each block of data.
Note 2: The “T” mode is a modal command and takes effect in the block where it appears,
and remains in effect until another “T” or “F” command is given.
Note 3: Care must be taken to specify a “T” time which will result in a feedrate within the
machine’s capability. Otherwise, a Position Following error will be generated.
Note 4: The accel and decel parameter, (“i08”), remain in effect during “T” moves.
Note 5: The “T” time specified is the time from beginning of acceleration to the beginning of
deceleration; therefore, in some applications it is necessary to make allowances
for the decel time which is not included in the “T” move. To calculate decel time,
please refer to “i08” parameter description.
Note 6: If a “T” time is specified without a net motion occurring, it will be treated as a dwell
“G04” command, except that the “%” command will alter the dwell time. (See G04
for further details.) The “T” time dwell should be used in synchronized motion
applications, since it is more accurate than the G04.
C Circular Move.
In conjunction with the G92RNNNNNNN, which specifies the radius, and the G92CNNNNNNN,
which specifies the starting angle, the “C” command causes the controller to execute a motion with
sinusoidal velocity profile. For example, the following program:

A0 addresses the card.

Z sets current position to zero.
z or E clears buffer.
F1000 sets the feedrate to 100% of the “i06” value.
G92R10000 sets the radius to 10000.
G92C0 sets the starting angle to zero degrees.
M30 end of program.
Send a “Rub” or an “S” or an “R” to execute the program. Will move the servo motor from “0”
position to 20000 encoder counts with velocity reaching maximum peak at 10000. Having reached
20000, the motor will reverse and return to zero position.
To make the motor go to -20000 and back to “0”, specify a starting angle of 180 degrees by
changing G92C0 to G92C180000.
The range of G92R is from 0 to 262139 encoder lines; and G92C is from 0 to 360000, in
increments of .001 degrees or 3.6 arc. seconds, of resolution. Both the radius and the starting angle
are initialized to zero on power turn-on, or reset. Once specified, the radius will remain at its specified
value until changed. However, the starting angle will change incrementally as moves are executed.
For example, if G92C0 is specified and a C90000 move (90 degrees) is executed, the starting angle
will now be G92C90000, for the next move. If a different value is required, it must be entered into the

The “C” command’s range is from 0 to 8388607 and, therefore, allows up to 23.3 revolutions to
be executed in a command line. The use of a loop (G70) command allows execution of continuous
It is possible and sometimes desirable to blend a linear, and a circular motion together. For
A0 addresses the card.
Z sets current position to zero.
z or E clears buffer.
F1000 sets feedrate to maximum of i06 value.
G92R500 sets radius to 500.
M40 enables continuous motion.
C90000 Circular move, 90 degrees to 500.
B9500 Move to 9500.
M41 Disable continuous run.
C90000 Move circular, to 90 deg. to 10000. Motion stops at 10000, G92 is now
M40 Enable continuous run.
C90000 Move circular 90 degrees.
B500 Move to 500.
M41 Disable continuous motion.
C90000 Move 90 degrees.
M30 End of program. Motor is at 0, and G92 is at 0.
The first step command will move the motor from 0 to 10000 by sinusoidally accelerating from
0 to 500, running continuously to 9500 and decelerating sinusoidally to 10000. The next step
command will return the motor to zero following an identical path and accel/decel behavior.
Note: i08 (accel and decel) parameters should not be used when blending a linear move
with an interpolated circular move.
W Proportional wait or dwell
Even though the controller is equipped with a G04, dwell command, and a delay time
proportional to % (feedrate override), when using the “T” (time mode) with a zero move: it is
desirable, especially in multiple axis systems to provide a delay or wait time which is proportional to
both the “%” command and the machine feedrate which includes “F” (feedrate and i06, machine
feedrate parameter). The “W” command accomplishes this.
“W” must be followed by a number from 0 to +/- 8388607. Negative or positive number may be
used, which is handled as follows:
W2000 will generate a 2 second delay if % is 1000, “F” is 1000, and i06 is 1000. Should any one
of these values be reduced to 500, the delay will increase to 4 seconds.
In all cases, the number following the “W” command will take the same amount if time to execute as a
move of the same size. W1500 will take the same amount of time as an B1500 (regular move),
regardless of the “%”, “F” and “i06” values.
In a multi-axis system, the “W” command can be used on the idling axis while the other axis
is/moving. A program can then be executed continuously with all stops and moves blending accurately.

When specifying idle time on one axis when the other axis is making a circular move, it is
necessary to specify a “W” command size equal to the path of the other axis, not just the net move. For
example, if an axis is making a 90 degree circular move, with a radius of 5000, the specified “W” wait
time should be: [5000 X 2"PI”R] divided by 4 = 7854

R Radius Set, G92R

Unlike the “R”, Run command which starts the control, executing blocks consecutively without
a stop, and can be used as a stand alone, on line non-buffer command, the “R” command, when
used with the G92 command, is used to set the radius, for a circular interpolation move.
G92RNNNNN specifies the radius of the move and can be from 0 to 262139 encoder counts.
This means that if the system is using 1000 encoder counts per inch, the largest circle can be
524.278 inches in diameter.
The G92R command is modal and will remain in effect until changed.

n No Operation
This command, when entered in a program will have no effect on operation, it occupies one
block of storage in the buffer.

# Feedrate
This command can be executed from the controller card buffer. It is exactly equivalent to the
on-line (non buffer) % command, and is used to change the control’s velocity on the fly.

z or E Purge Motion Buffer

Allowed only in stop. Clear buffer for new program data. Should always be used before new
program is entered. Also, clears all M-functions and “I” parameters.
Z Zero set
Allowed only in stop. When received by the control card, will cause current position to be
“0.0000” position.
Note: After zero set, if “p” or “Y” command (send position) is used, the position may
not necessarily be “0” due to amplifier offset and other reasons. Adjust amplifier “balance” or
activate the i13 parameter (bias compensation) to eliminate offset.
h Home
Allowed only in stop. Go to home position will take place as specified by i02, i03, and i04
parameters for direction, speed and offset. If i04 is zero, homing will not take place.
Note 1: To recover from feed hold during home or jog functions, repeat home or jog
Note 2: To recover from (+) or (-) machine limit switch during home or jog commands,
clear limit switch by jogging, then repeat command.
Note 3: A home command may also be generated by using an external switch to
ground jog (+) and jog (-) inputs simultaneously.

b Go to Beginning of Program. bn, (n=0 to 9)

Resets all M-functions and “I” parameters, but leaves all set up parameters (i) undisturbed.
Allowed only in stop, the “b” command with a number of zero following is used to return to main
program. Specifying a number from 0 to 9, sets the program pointer to one of ten subroutines and
allows them to be executed on a stand alone basis, as if they were a complete independent program.
The G17 (end of subroutine) is then interpreted as an M30 (end of program).
p or Y Send Current Position
The control sends a sign and 7 digit position data to host. Data is in ASCII with sign first (+ or -
) followed by 7 digits that represents the units current position. Data transmission is terminated with a
carriage return and a line feed. This command can be used with certain CNC for requesting “Current
Index Position” when used with Macro RS232 direct operations. {e.g.: If during a slow rotary move of

33 degrees, you send “YYYYY<CR><LF>” the MCC will pole the encoder and send back the current
position +23.2333 to your CNC or computer.}
Note: i15(1) or i15(2) parameter will place the control in a mode where the “f” and “p” or “Y”
commands will transmit data as a 2’s complement binary data instead of standard ASCII
characters. See “i15” for details.

s Save Program in EAROM [Permanent Memory]

This command is used to save a program into the EAROM permanent memory. The “i”
parameters, are saved, together with the program.
Upon power turn on, or initialize, the EAROM program, along with its parameters are
automatically loaded, and ready for execution.
Rules for “s”aving
Rule #1: You must be in terminal program mode, and the function switch must be
in “Manual” for the program and/or “i” parameters to be saved.
Rule #2: “s” is active only in the stop mode.
Rule #3: Each program block requires approximately 50 millisecs, to be saved.
Rule #4: Save operation stops when M30 is encountered.
Rule #5: If only set up parameters are to be saved, a program must be written or in the
buffer containing an M30, in order to allow the save to be successful. For
example, an F1000 M30, is an adequate dummy program.
i Send Parameter Values. (nn)
Where nn represents a value from 00 to 99 and is used to cause the controller to send the
specified parameter value. The control will send the appropriate value, 1 to 7 characters, followed by
a <CR> and <LF> character. {e.g.: i32 [ENTER]}
This function can be used in either the hand terminal, or a computer, but most NC
controllers do not have the ability to transmit lowercase letters.

A0 to A07 Control Card Address

Up to 8 controllers can be programmed, from our custom software package. Whenever, you
begin a program, you must address the particular controller, which you’re are writing a program to. If
you only have one controller, than the card address, would be A0. It is also strongly recommended to
clear the card buffer, every time you download a program. A program must always begin with an
“A0E” (address card, clear buffer), and end with an “M30”, (end of program).
Note: You must address the card, by typing an “A0” in terminal mode, prior to writing
your program.

“L” Functions
L0 to L9, defines one of ten possible subroutines, to be invoked by G80 to G89, or by G30 to
G39. Using a “b” on line command, which executes the subroutines L0 to L9, with a bn value n=0 to 9
for b0 to b9.
Note: When writing a program, all subroutines, if any are used, must be entered first, followed
by the program itself.
General rules for subroutines and loops are:
1) Subroutines must be entered first, but their order can be random.
2) Subroutines used inside other subroutines, must be entered before the user
subroutine is entered.
3) Subroutines may be inside subroutines up to 4 levels deep.
4) Loops may be used inside subroutines.
5) Loops may not be used inside loops.
6) Subroutines may be used inside loops.
7) Subroutines are defined by the “L0” to “L9” commands and terminated by the G17
8) Loops are started with the G70 XN command and terminated by the G71
9) Subroutines are invoked in the program by the “G80” to “G89” commands, which
respectively call the appropriate routines or the “G30” to “G39” commands which
respectively jump to the specified routine.
A0E /Address card A0 and clear the buffer/
L0 /Subroutine 0/
G90B90 /Absolute index to 90°/
B0 /Return to Work Zero/
G17 /Terminate Subroutine/
L1 /Subroutine 1/
G90B180 /Absolute index to 180°/
G80 /Go to Subroutine 0/
G17 /Terminate Subroutine/
L2 /Subroutine 2/
G90B30 /Absolute index to 30°/
G81 /Go to Subroutine 1/
G17 /Terminate Subroutine/
L3 /Subroutine 3/
G90B270 /Absolute index to 270°/
G82 /Go to Subroutine 2/
G17 /Terminate Subroutine/
F1000 /Set Feedrate to 100%/
G80 /Go to Subroutine 0/
G81 /Go to Subroutine 1/
G82 /Go to Subroutine 2/
G83 /Go to Subroutine 3/
G70X2 /Start Loop 2 times/
G83 /Go to Subroutine 3/
G71 /End Loop/
M30 /End Program/

Program sets feedrate to max. i06 value, calls subroutine #0, then subroutine #1, then subroutine
# 2, then subroutine #3, starts a 2 times loop to execute subroutine #3, end program.

This program if run with the Program Select switch in the "M" position would index as
follows: 90° 0° 180° 90° 0° 30° 180° 90° 0° 270° 30° 180° 90° 0° 270° 30° 180° 90° 0°
270° 30° 180° 90° 0° End.
Subroutines can be treated as subprogram, in that by using the G30-G39 jump command, or the “b”
(beginning of program) b0 to b9, a subroutine can be selected and executed on a stand alone basis.
Subroutines can be called or jumped to conditionally or unconditionally. A call will return to the main
program, when the G17 is seen. A jump will not return but will instead treat a G17 as M30, or end of
Subroutines can be executed directly as a “stand alone” program by using the bn command (return
to program start) where “n” can be used to specify the subroutine (program) to be run. “n” can be 0 to
9, if no “n” is used, the main program will be executed.
When G17 is executed, the program pointer will return to the beginning of the main program.
Therefore, to execute a subprogram again, the “b” command must be sent.
A total of 10 subroutines (subprogram) may be stored as well as the main program. Generally, the
main program should be used as a director, or a selector of subprogram.
The front panel, program selector switch, automatically identifies, either the “M” main program, or
the 7 subprogram, 0-6.
In this first example, we have first set the feedrate to 100% of the value of i06, then moved
incrementally 90 deg., from zero, then incr. minus 180 degrees. Then we switched to absolute (G90) and
moved to the 170 deg. position, relative to zero. Then back to incr. (G91) minus 95.3025 deg. then home.
You will note that we used a G90B0 for work zero, you must be in ABS(G90) mode for a work zero
In this second example, we wanted to rotate 360° continually (without stopping) at a 50%
feed, again based on the value in i06.

In this third example, we are positioning in 15 degree increments.
This example illustrates, how to use the auto divide (G72) dividing 360 degrees into 10 equal parts.
Feedrate Table
The “F” value, when entered into a program block, represents a percentage of the value in “i”
parameter 06. For example, F1000 = 100%, F100 = 10%, F10 = 1%, and so on. In addition, the feedrate
override switch on the front of the controller will also affect the feed in percentages of 10% increments.
For example: if you set i06 at its maximum setting, and used an “F” value of 1000, but set the feedrate
override at 90% your feed would be 90% of the maximum feed capabilities. If you set the “F” value at
500, and the feedrate switch at 50%, your resulting feed would be half of the maximum, halved again
This control offers tremendous flexibility, specially in the feed department, permitting extemely slow
speeds, up to fast rapids, even continuous movements at rapid speeds, if you like.

There are two formulas for calculating the feedrate.

One is easy and reasonably accurate, the other is more difficult but extemely precise.

#1) Easy Formula: RPMs X Multiplying Factor(MF) = i06 setting

For 60:1 gear ratio (130): MF=2000
For 72:1 gear ratio (5C, 5CA, 132, 140, 170): MF=2400
For 90:1 gear ratio (220): MF=3000
For 180:1 gear ratio (280, 320, 400): MF=6000

EXAMPLES, Assume an “F” value of 1000:

72 5 2400 12000
72 26 2400 62400
72 33 2400 79200
72 62 2400 148000
90 2 3000 6000
90 18 3000 53999
90 25 3000 75000
90 30 3000 90000
180 2 6000 12000
180 7 6000 42000
180 10 6000 60000
180 15 6000 90000

EXACT Formula: Number of encoder lines, times the encoder multiplier, divided by the
encoder counts per second, divided into 60 = Motor RPM,. divided
by the gear ratio = table RPM

EXAMPLE #1, (For 5C, 132, 140, 170) Assumes an “F” value of 1000
2000 X 2 = 4000, divided by 300,000 = .01333, divided into 60 = 4500RPM (motor max), divided
by 72 = 62.5 RPM table speed.
Note: With this example, your minimum positioning increment (resolution) would be 0.00125

EXAMPLE #2 (220) Assumes an “F” value of 1000

2000 X 2 = 4000, divided by 300,000 = .01333, divided into 60 = 4500RPM (motor max), divided
by 90 = 50.00 RPM table speed.

EXAMPLE #3 (280, 320, 400) Assumes an “F” value of 1000

2000 X 2 = 4000, divided by 180,000 = .0200, divided into 60 = 3000RPM (motor max), divided
by 180 = 16.66 RPM table speed.
Note: The speed of movement, and resolution are very closely tied together. Keep in mind, the
maximum amount of encoder counts, per second, the CPU can count is 300,000. The faster the
motor rotates, the more encoder counts it generates, per second. Given this 300,000 maximum,
the slower you rotate, the finer the resolution. As you go faster, you lose a little resolution. Your
rotary unit is shipped with the times 2 multiplier. If you desire the times 4 multiplier, it is easily
changed. A couple of “i” parameter settings, and a simple jumper switch. You can do it in the
field, but give us a call, and we will work you through the first time, over the phone.
Just as your new rotary, can move very fast, it can also move very, slow. Again it’s a matter of
changing the “F” value in your program, and altering “i06”. The same formula above still applies, just
input smaller numbers.
First let me confirm to you, the minimum settings, for the “F” and “i06”. (For more info on these
please see the “F” command, and “i06” parameter). “F1” is the minimum setting, which = .1% of the
value in “i06”. “i06” set at 1, would = one encoder count/ per half second. (My recommended lowest
setting would be 250)
EXAMPLE of above: 2000 X 4 = 8,000 div. by 500 = 16 div. into 60 = 3.75 (motor rpm) X by .01
(“F” setting 1% of i06) = 0.0375 div. by 72(Gear Ratio) = 0.0005 rpm


“i” Parameters.
The initialize, or set up parameters are used to tailor the operating characteristics of the control to
the system in which it is being used. The EAROM will save any parameter changes, regardless of power
shut down, provided the “s”ave, is entered. Don’t forget, you must be in the program terminal mode, with
the Manual/Remote switch set to manual.
i00 Set Following Error.
Factory setting, -250. This allows a maximum deflection of .25 before sending a “Pos Follow” error
alarm. {Changing this may cause your unit to not properly function. The factory setting is appropriate for
99.7% of all users needs}
i01 Set in Position Band.
Factory setting, 2. This is reflective to the motor/encoder accuracy and is preset to our motor
specifications. Do Not Change! Incorrect values will seriously damage the encoder and/or controller,
voiding your warranty.
i02 Set Home Direction.
One digit, “0” or “1”. Specifies direction in which home will take place. “0” is negative, and “1” is
positive direction.
i03 Set Home Offset.
Factory Set: 3000. During the homing operation, immediately after the encoder “C” channel is
detected, this parameter will cause the axis to make a move by the specified amount and direction. The
final position will be interpreted as the axis “zero” position. For homing instructions, please see “G28” and
“M-Z” instructions.
i04 Set Home Feedrate.
Three digits, where NNN is 0 to 999 and represents the % of maximum feedrate, of “i06”, the axis
will be moving, during the homing operation. An i04 value of 500 would be 50%, such as a value of 250
would be 25%, of the maximum value, set in i06.
i05 Set Backlash Compensation.
Five digits, based on encoder lines, and specifies the direction in which, and the number of
encoder lines the axis will overshoot the desired position, and return. Approaching position always from
the same direction, eliminates the effects mechanical looseness on positioning accuracy.
A “+” number causes the axis to overshoot position and return, when the axis motion is in the “-”
direction. A “-” number will cause the axis to overshoot, when the axis is in the “+” direction. The sign of
the backlash number indicates the direction, in which backlash take up will occur.
An i05 value of 1600 (72:1 G.R.), would overshoot by one degree, then return.
i06 Feedrate Set.
The maximum setting is 100,000 (60:1, 72:1 & 90:1) [90,000 on 180:1]which equals 100,000
[90,000] encoder counts per half second. This is the maximum amount of encoder counts, per half
second, that the CPU can count, without causing a fault This setting will not take effect, until the “F”
program feedrate is read. The “T” command generates its own feedrate, and is not affected by i06.
Please refer to the feedrate table for more information, on this subject.
i07 Set Servo Loop Gain Factor.
3 Digits, Gain Control, i07NNN.
Where NNN is 1 to 255 and controls the responsiveness of the servo loop in responding to a
position error. The larger the number the "racier" the servo loop becomes. This parameter, together with

the "Accel/Decel" factor: i08, can be used to critically damp the servo loop. It is recommended that the
gain be gradually increased or decreased until satisfactory response is obtained.
i07 is normally used to eliminate overshoots or slow position creep. Once i07 is optimized, then
i08 can be used to set the desired acceleration time. {Factory setting is recommended!}
Note #1: It is important that the servo amp and motor/load combination be optimized before
attempting to set i07.
Note #2: i07 may be executed in the Program Buffer by using I07.
i08 Set Accel/Decel Factor.
Range 1 to 32767 with 1 being the shortest amount of time until indexer reaches full speed, and
32767 being the greatest amount. Average value should be: 800 to 1200.
Note: Less than 400 may make the lock up or give a “Pos Follow” error.
i09 Jog Feedrate Set.
Similar function as i06 except controls jog feedrate instead of program feed. The maximum setting
must never exceed i06. Recommended setting 1500 to 15000.
i10 Set maximum positive travel limit.
7 digits. Measured in encoder counts. This parameter will prevent the servo from moving beyond
the specified positive direction limit, even if it is commanded, or instructed to do so. If the travel limit is
exceeded, the control will output an error signal and stop motion. Moves in the opposite direction, remain
Setting i10 to 288,000 would set the limit at the 180 degree position (72:1). Default -1
Note: To use this feature i20 should be set to “0”
i11 Set maximum negative travel limit.
7 digits. Same as above, except controls travel in the negative direction. Default -1 (off)
i12 Enable/Disable Cycle start button in Remote Mode.
i12 set at 1 will enable the cycle start in the remote mode, allowing the brake to be used from the
front panel. Setting this to 0 will disable this feature.
i13 Automatic position bias generator time constant.
From 0 to 127. Factory set, 90. Sets the rate at which the servo loop examines the system's
position and following error drift and generates a bias term for compensating it. 0 (off), 1 = minimum
compensation, 127 = maximum compensation.
i14 Velocity feedback gain.
Factory set, 20. Range 0 to 255. 0 (off). Controls the amount of negative feedback proportional
to velocity. Note: i14 may be executed in the Program Buffer by using I14.
i15 Binary data mode.
Factory set, do not change.
i16 Pulse Generator (handwheel)
1 digit. This parameter is factory set to “0”, to enable the pulse train to change desired as well as
actual position. For example, rotating the pulse generator, 1600 encoder lines, would cause the rotary
to move one degree. In this mode the pulse generator is automatically disabled by a programmed
“i16” set to “1”, causes the generator input to change actual position only, and does not
disturb the desired position. For example, if the handwheel encoder, is rotated 1600 lines and
the table position is zero, the control will move the motor 1600 lines, but the controller’s position
will remain at zero. This function is mainly used for setting offsets. When “i16” is set to “2” or “3”,

it creates a special handwheel mode, where the handwheel (pulse generator) input is used to
create a time base for the control card. The result is that the handwheel can now be used to
control the motor velocity as a function of the generator rate, and where the move distances can
be used to change these rates. This mode can be used to generate nonlinear lead screw
patterns, or any other arbitrary motion patterns. Also, if a common handwheel input is used
on any number of controllers, they will execute their programs in precise synchronization.
i17 Velocity feed forward gain.
Note: Should match i14.
i18 Automatic bias generator mode control.
Factory setting, do not change.
i19 Pulse generator (handwheel) scale factor.
5 digits, Factory set. Controls the multiplication factor applied to the handwheel input.
Note: The handwheel model # LPG-200 will automatically adjust the scale factor.
i20 Linear/Circular position range.
Factory set for unit gear ratio.
Gear Ratio Encoder
60:1 -240000
72:1 -288000
90:1 -360000
180:1 -720000
i21 Torque limit control.
Factory set, do not change.
i22 MDI mode control.
One digit. “0” is for standard operating mode, and “1” places the control card in a manual data
input mode where it is capable of executing all buffer commands directly and immediately upon
reception. The MDI mode can be invoked at any time, and does not place any data into the buffer. This
is considered an “on-line” command feature.
To enter MDI mode, type i221[CR]; the control is now ready to accept any move. G & M
commands are executed upon reception of the [CR] command. Make certain that the feedrate is not
zero, by typing an F1000. This mode can be used by a host computer, at any time without using the
To exit MDI mode, use the “S” step or the “R” run command, or type i220[CR]
This function is also used to “Allow a remote step via RS232 terminal” see this for more
i23 Automatic step delay & step to block number.
First value (the delay range 0-255 = 16msec. default = 0)
This is the pause time between automatic steps in the Manual mode.
The second value is the block_number which will be auto stepped to. The block_number range
is 0-65535, default = 0.
The format is “i23delay:block_number”
This is an excellent parameter for recovering to a particular block number, after say braking a
drill, or a machine crash. It allows you to enter a block number say, #49 and auto step to that block,
without having to cycle every step to get there.
The procedure would be as follows: first W-Z return, then enter “in terminal mode” i2316:49[CR]
This would identify “i23” set the delay time, then auto step to block #49 and stop.
If i23 is zero there will be no automatic stepping of the program.
If i23 block number is zero, the program will auto-step to the end of the program.

i23 is zeroed when a “Q” quit command is executed.
i24 Entry and display scale factor.
Factory set for gear ratio to encoder value. See chart below to match your unit.
Gear Ratio i24 Value
60:1 2000:3
72:1 800:1
90:1 1000:1
180:1 2000:1
i25 Feed hold decel mode control.
Factory setting, 1 do not change.
i26 Prompt mode control.
Factory setting, do not change.

i27 Gain multiplication factor.

Factory setting, 3 do not change.

i28 Work Zero set position.

Units are in encoder lines, with a range of 7 digits. For example, a setting of 144,000 in this
parameter, would retain the work zero set position at 90 degrees from zero.
8,000 encoder counts/per rev. X 72 (gear ratio) = 576,000 div. by 4 = 144,000.
The work zero position is saved after power shut down in the EAROM.
i29 Brake off delay, before step.
Range = 0 -255, LSB = 16 msec., default is 32 = 512 msec.
0 defines a system with no brake.
The servo integrator gain will never be zeroed, if i29 = 0
Factory Set: Do not change!
i30 Brake on and remote step finish delay
Range = 0 - 255. LSB = 16 msec., default = 32 = 512 msec.
This “i” variable allows the delay of turning on the brake, and remote step finish signals. In order for the
“i30” time to be used in determining the delay of the step finish signals, i29 must be a non zero value (at
least 1).
i31 Step complete delay.
Range = 0 - 255, LSB = 16 msec., default = 32 = 512 msec.
Allows the pulse length adjustment of the remote step complete signal for the “i32”
types 1 & 3.

i32 Step type, and polarity.

The format is “i32 type:polarity”
Type: 0 - No Step Finish. To see a visual representation of i32 types, refer to page 7 of this
1 - No handshake with a delay set by “i31”
2 - Handshake by remote step input, going low.
3 - Handshake by second remote step input, going high. The remote step should stay set until it
sees the remote step finish change state, or remain set for at least the time set in “i29”

4 - Step Finish is synchronous with motion start and resets the step finish when the Remote
Note: I32 is a motion program buffer command. It can be put into a motion program to change
the Step Finish Type signal during the program.
The type, must be the same for the step finish #1 & step finish #2.

Polarity Chart
Value Step Finish Step Finish Note:
#2 #1 1 = Close to open to close.
0 __________ 0 ________ 0 0 = Open to close to open.
1 __________ 0 ________ 1
2 __________ 1 ________ 0
3 __________ 1 ________ 1
The polarity can be independent for step finish #1 and step finish #2. One can be set to “1”
and the other to “0”.
Allow a remote step via an RS232 terminal.
A. Proceed as follows, for using your moves.
1. Go to MDI mode “i22” = 1 (i221[CR])
2. Type the next move value with M18 (B45 M18) to disable the step finish #1 signal.
3. Type the next move value with M19 (B90 M19) to re-enable the step finish #1 signal.
4. Turn off MDI mode “i22” = 0 (i220[CR])
B. Proceed as follows for using the current control cards buffer moves:
1. To go into MDI, turn off step finish #1, and step by typing “i221 M18 S”[CR]
2. Typing “S” will step through remaining moves without step finish #1 signal.
3. To re-enable step finish #1 type i221 M19 S [CR]
The block number will be incorrect because, M18 and M19 commands were added.

Diagnostic Analysis.
This controller has a number of failure alarms, designed to troubleshoot problems, or just inform,
if you entered an invalid input character. The front panel display, will indicate a numerical or letter type,
of alarm code, as well as a brief “worded” description.

Alarm Code
Failure Description

AXIS LIMIT Motor or Cable defective or disconnected.

8032 CPU Internal RAM or CPU Failure
CMD FORMAT (a) Invalid command or more than 80 characters
(b) No <CR> after M30.
(c) Tried to (s)ave while in Remote.

POS FOLLOW Position Following Error

PROG LIMIT Motion limit failure
RS232 XMT Transmission error (check cable type & verify lines
2 & 3.)
EAROM XFER EAROM save or load failure
U MOVE "U" move failure
BRAKE CLAMP Brake clamp did not release.
(Check if airlines are crimped &/or solenoid

Section 4: Trouble Shooting the SUDX & UDNC
Communication Problems:

A) My computer does not communicate with the UDNC.

1) Confirm what type of cable you are using, Standard or Null, and that communication cables
are plugged into proper ports. On most computers the 9 pin port is configured as COM 1.

If this is true on your computer, use a standard 9 pin to 25 pin cable and connect to the 25 pin
RS232c port on the UDNC. Note: If you have a 9 pin to 9 pin Null Modem cable connect to the 9 pin
RS232c port on the UDNC.

If this is not true on your computer, identify which port it is (ie: COM 2.) When you first access the
Yuasa Terminal it will ask you to confirm your Port Settings, choose the appropriate port and confirm
your changes.

If the 9 pin is COM 1 and it is being used by a mouse, use the 25 pin RS232c port on your
computer, confirm its port numbers and specify this port when you first access the Yuasa Terminal.
If the 25 pin is also in use, you must terminate one of the devices occupying a port.

2) Confirm that you are in DOS and not in Windows 3.1, 95, or NT. The Yuasa Terminal will
not work properly in a multi-tasking environment. Do not use a Windows DOS prompt! You must be
completely exited into DOS and have no other applications running.

3) My computer communicates with my CNC but not to the UDNC. Your CNC may require
lines 2 and 3 of the cable to be crossed {Null Modem.} Use a Standard cable or attach a Null
Modem adapter to the end of the cable.

4) I don’t understand how to use the Yuasa Terminal Configure Menu.

a) Confirm COM 1 or COM 2. (see #1)

b) Confirm BAUD rate. The default is 9600. This is an industry standard for most 286 and
better computers. If you are unsure of what baud rate to use, leave it at 9600.

c) 8 bit or 7 bit. Our default is 8 bit. If you need to use a 7 bit rate, you will also need to
configure the dip switches inside the UDNC. {See Dip Switch Configure.}

d) Millisecond time out: 35 (default) will work with 386/486x20Mhrz or better processors. If you
are using a 286 or slower than 20Mhrz 386/486, increase the time out to 50ms. 50ms is a good
starting point, your true time out may be slightly higher or lower.

e) Confirm the setting are correct and enter “Y” to save. Your next screen will list the cards
addressed {A0 - A7} and confirmation of communication {Yes or NO.} If everything is correct
A0 should say YES.

5) I’ve tried everything and still no communications. Unplug the power cord and remove the
cover from the UDNC. Check the ribbon cables coming from the RS232c ports. They should both
connect to a 3" x 3" circuit board. On the back of the board they will connect to the inner green
circuit board of the 2 large boards in the center of the controller. Confirm that they are securely in
their perspective socket. If these are fine and you still cannot communicate with the UDNC, call the
Yuasa Service Dept at 800-421-9763 for assistance with the UDNC.

B) My CNC Machine does not communicate with UDNC.

1) Confirm what type of cable you are using, Standard or Null, and that communication cables
are plugged into proper ports. Your CNC may require lines 2 and 3 of the cable to be crossed {Null
Modem.} Use a Null Modem adapter to the end of the cable. Some machines may have a Null
modem port, in which case a Null Modem cable will be converted to a Standard cable.

2) Confirm whether you are transmitting at 4800 or 9600 baud rate. The UDNC has a default
setting of 9600. If you need 4800 baud rate, see Dip Switch Configure.

3) Confirm that your CNC has the ability to send and receive ASCII (American Standard Code
of Information Interchange) such as Fanuc’s “Macro ‘B’” or Okuma’s “User Task II.” It is imperative
that your CNC has this capability or you cannot communicate with the UDNC.

4) Confirm that the CNC protocols are properly configured and that you have used Carriage
Returns <CR>. {Refer to your CNC manual for more information.}

5) I’ve tried everything and still no communications. Unplug the power cord and remove the
cover from the UDNC. Check the ribbon cables coming from the RS232c ports. They should both
connect to a 3" x 3" circuit board. On the back of the board they will connect to the inner green
circuit board of the 2 large boards in the center of the controller. Confirm that they are securely in
their perspective socket. If these are fine and you still cannot communicate with the UDNC, call the
Yuasa Service Dept at 800-421-9763 and ask for technical assistance with the UDNC.

C) My HCT does not communicate with the UDNC.

1) Confirm that the TIC {Terminal Interface Cable) is securely plugged into both the HCT and
the UDNC. Take care that you did not bend any of the 4 pins on the HCT.

2) Confirm that the batteries are not low and/or dying.

3) Confirm that the preferences are correctly set on the HCT. Turn on the HCT, confirm “NO
HOST” and press the ENTER bar. Scroll down the menu using the DOWN ARROW key until you
highlight “Preferences,” push “F” key. { F = OK.} The next screen will have your choices in the black
Boxes on the bottom of the screen. Each box corresponds with the button below it; A - F. Select
(default setting) 9600/ 8 bit/ Even/ A0. {Using the NXT key changes the screen and options in the
Boxes.} Push “ENTER” to complete the selection sequence and return to the main menu. Highlight
“OFF”- “ENTER”- “ON” to see if you have established communications.

4) I’ve tried everything and still no communications. Unplug the power cord and remove the
cover from the UDNC. Check the ribbon cables coming from the RS232c ports. They should both
connect to a 3" x 3" circuit board. On the back of the board they will connect to the inner green
circuit board of the 2 large boards in the center of the controller. Confirm that they are securely in
their perspective socket. If these are fine and you still cannot communicate with the UDNC, call the
Yuasa Service Dept at 800-421-9763 and ask for technical assistance with the UDNC.

Error Code Definitions:

AXIS LIMIT: Motor is restricted or has failed.

1) Am phenol cable is not properly connected to UDNC. Make sure motor cable is
properly snugged.

2) Stress to internal wires, {ie: broken motor cable, coolant seepage,} have caused lines
“R,” “S,” or “V” to break or short. Perform a continuity test on these lines.

3) Possible bad amplifier. Unplug the UDNC. Remove the Am phenol cable from the UDNC. Take
(3) 4" solid core copper wires and strip 1/4" of insulation off each end. Twist (1) end of all (3)
wires together and electrical tape or cap. Insert (1) wire into the “R” socket of the UDNC Am
phenol plug. Place the (2) remaining wires in “S” and “V” respectively. Apply power to UDNC and
turn unit on; watch the display read out. If the AXIS LIMIT remains, your amplifier is bad. If the
AXIS LIMIT is gone, you may have a damaged motor. Call the Yuasa Service Dept at 800-421-

EAROM: EAROM has failed. Call Yuasa Service Dept for repair.

POS FOLLOW: Position Following Error. Unit is binding.

1) Parameter i06 is set too high. Do not exceed the recommended optimum stated in the
SUDX Manual. If workpiece is off center or overtly heavy, decrease i06 or lower feed rate.

2) Unfiltered air lines have allowed condensation into the brake cylinder. Disconnect air lines and
power to the indexer. Remove the back plate, thrust & brake plates from the unit and examine for
rust and or corrosion in the chamber. If any corrosion is found, remove using a wire wheel or light
grit sand paper until all traces are removed. {Be careful not to scare or damage chamber.}
Reassemble unit and attach a Filter/Regulator/Lubricator to the airline before reconnecting to

3) On smaller units (5C, 130, 132-5C) the micro collar maybe off set and restricting rotation. Loosen
vernier ring and test unit.

4) Tool crash has created unknown damage to unit. Contact Yuasa Service Dept.

5) Check the oil level thru the sight glass on your unit. If oil is low, add until sight glass reads ½ full.
On 5c/130/132-5c, remove the upper grease fitting and add some oil to the unit and replace

BRAKE CLAMP: Brake solenoid did not release and or brake is binding.

1) Unfiltered air lines have allowed condensation into the brake cylinder. Disconnect air lines and
power to the indexer. Remove the back plate, thrust & brake plates from the unit and examine for
rust and or corrosion in the chamber. If any corrosion is found, remove using a wire wheel or light
grit sand paper until all traces are removed. {Be careful not to scare or damage chamber.}
Reassemble unit and attach a Filter/Regulator/Lubricator to the airline before reconnecting to

2) Exhaust line has a kink in it and will not allow the air to pass. Remove the triangular plate that
holds the air fittings from the SUDX. Examine the lines for constriction. If constricted, use
electrical tape to reinforce tube or trim if tube length is excessive.

3) Air solenoid is malfunctioning. Push the Remote/Manual switch on the UDNC off and on and
listen to the solenoid fore triggering. If no trigger is heard, solenoid is bad. Contact Yuasa Service

CMD FORMAT: Unrecognized command statement.

1) Does the program downloaded have a M30 {end of program} statement at the end.

2) Command line is longer than 80 characters.

3) Is the cursor flashing behind the M30 when you access the file. If so, push “ENTER” to place an
end of line statement.

4) Mistyped command was input. Examine input line for and inaccuracies.

Dip Switch Configuration:

With the cover removed from the UDNC and the control panel facing toward you, you will see 2
windows on the Blue (Amplifier) Board. Behind these 2 windows reside 2 banks of dip switches.

The bank on the left (BANK 1) is for adjusting bit transfer rate, {7 or 8 bit.} There are 8 dip
switches on this bank. Switches 1 & 8 are set in the same direction where as 2 - 7 are opposed. This
is our default setting of 8 bit. To change this to 7 bit, set switch 5 to match switches 1 & 8.

The bank closest to the center of the board (BANK 2) is used to set the baud rate and specify
card address.

Card Address:
Switches 1, 2, & 3 control the address selection. Our default setting is for A0 in which case all 3
switches are facing the same direction, top of each switch pushed in. This position is refered to as
0, with the bottom pushed in the position is referred to as 1.


0 0 0 A0
1 0 0 A1

0 1 0 A2
1 1 0 A3
0 0 1 A4
1 0 1 A5
0 1 1 A6
1 1 1 A7

Switches 4, 5, & 6 control the baud rate of the transmission line. Our default setting is for 9600
baud, other bauds may be changed by setting the switches below.


0 1 0 9600
1 1 0 4800
0 0 1 2400
1 0 1 1200
0 1 1 600
1 1 1 300
0 = bottom of switch extended. 1 = top of switch extended.

Section 5: RS232 Interface

Direct Operation of SUDX, via RS232 port for CNC Controls.

Advantages for direct operation, opposed to M-Code use

1. You must only write a single CNC machine program, including the rotary movements; no
need to have a separate program for the SUDX controller.

2. In viewing the CNC machines CRT; you always know the position of the rotary table,
relative to any other program line.

3. When programming the SUDX in absolute (G90), the SUDX will always be in the correct
location, even when re-starting the machine program at another line, ( see "explanation of
moves commands", below, (G91) for more detailed information.

4. If you utilize a CAM/CAD program for developing CNC machine files, you may use this format for
incorporating the SUDX moves.

5. Macro programming permits the use of "variables" , which are very useful for creating "calls" for
various types of functions, such as half indexes, math functions, etc.

6. Sub-Programs may also be used, for ease of programming repeat moves

The following information is only to be used as a guide. CNC machine controls may need
different machine parameters and pin configurations for the RS232 cable, for each type and
make of control. Please confirm all information with your particular machine parameters

The requirements for the FANUC control is as follows:


2. An RS232 cable, (pin configuration, and gender may vary)
3. A spare, accessible M-Code.

The following is the procedure for interfacing an SUDX Programmable Rotary table, for direct
operation, through the Fanuc controls, via an RS232 connection.

Getting the SUDX Controller ready.

1. Remove the controller cover, and change dip switch #1, bit 5 to open. This will change the
data format to 7 bit, even parity, one stop. Fanuc controls can only communicate in this format.
We normally ship the SUDX units with the 8 bit configuration, however, if you are just purchasing
your unit, we would be happy to change this switch, prior to shipment.

2. The baud rate setting of the SUDX controller is 9600 bps. This can be changed by dip switch
alterations inside the controller from 300 bps, to 19,200 bps. If you communicate with the FANUC
control with other devises, and are locked into a baud rate other than 9600 bps, please refer to
page #40 for specific dip switch changes for the baud rate you desire. If 9600 is OK, then no

change is needed at the SUDX controller side.

Getting the Fanuc Control ready.

The following is a series of steps, in order to prepare the FANUC control, to communicate
with the SUDX controller. Be advised that some of the parameter settings may change,
depending on the particular control. The settings below, are for the FANUC OM. Confirm
parameter settings for your individual control.

1. Depress the "Diagnos Param" button.

2. Push the " Page Down" key once.
3. Turn the function switch to "MDI" mode.
4. Change "PWE" to equal "1" , then "INPUT".
At this point an ALARM will show.
5. Depress the "Diagnos Param" button.
6. "Page Up" once to the "I/O" page, use cursor to make sure I/O = 0.
7. "Page Down" to change parameters.

Change the following parameters.

0002 Bit #2 = 0 (sets data format)

Bit #0 = 0 " " "
0057 Bit #4 = 1 (gives carriage return, line feed)
0552 =11 (sets to 9600 bps)
8. "Page up" to "PWE" =1 (setting #2)
9. "INPUT" "0" "PWE" =0
10. Depress "PROG" button, and "RESET"



Note: Please use the following parameter settings only as a guide. Check you actual machine
parameter listing for confirmation.

Param# Setting Description

0000 00001110 ASCII Code
0020 Chanel 0 I/O Channel
0100 10000000 LF/CR
0101 10000000 Stop Bit
0102 4
0103 11 9600 bps
6001 00010000 CR/LF after "DPRNT"

Since all FANUC controls only work with 7 DATA BITS, it will be nessessary to OPEN DIP SWITCH
# 1 PIN #5 in the SUDX controller. This will set the SUDX controller to 7 DATA BITS, EVEN

You are now ready to write a TEST program on the FANUC control.

program #

DPRNT [ A0EF1000G91B90M30 ];
M21 ( example of CNC machine M-Code)

Once you execute this program the rotary table should move incrementally 90 degrees.
Essentially what is happening here is that the RS232 port on the FANUC control is being opened for
communication "POPEN" , then the control is being told to send the characters inside the square
brackets [ ] out through the port "DPRNT" , in ASCII format. Once the SUDX controller receives this
data, the CNC machine M-Code will automatically execute a move.

RS232 Interface to FANUC Controls


The following is a method of placing the Macro "DPRNT" command line, in a variable. This
allows the programmer to use a simple program line to execute any SUDX rotary movement.

CNC Machine Macro Program (sample)

M21; (example of Machine M-Code)


Programs beginning with a "9" are considered Macro program numbers. Some of these
programs are called with G-Codes and others are called with M-Codes, (please refer to your control
manual). In the DPRNT line note the "B#2", this requests the program to look @ the B "index
movement" in the main machine program line. The [33] states that the index degrees will be 3 digits
(maximum), for example "180" degrees, and to look 3 digits left of the decimal. If you need to use
fractional degrees like "180.5025 degrees, then you may wish to input [73] 7 total digits, with 3 digits
left of the decimal. Also note the "M21" after the "PCLOS". This is a sample of the M-Code needed
to execute the DPRNT command line. This M-Code will change depending on the brand of CNC
machine. This M-Code will be the spare M-Code accessed via the REMOTE cable.

Additional Parameter Settings.

#220 = 15 (for G15)

#10 Bit 4 = 1 (Macro Protect)

Main CNC Program Line Example

G15 B180 (This line in the main program would provide an absolute move of 180 degrees)

Note: You may wish to write another Macro program changing only the "G90" to "G91". In this case
you would use a G16 instead of a G15 , and parameter #221 = 16. The program # would be 9011.

Special Note: This is only an example, the parameter settings and codes may be different for
every control. Please refer to your program manual.

FADAL control is as follows:

1. You MUST Have Macro Capability, CNC 88HS (1992) or new controls.
2. An RS232 cable, (pin configuration, and gender described below)

Getting the SUDX Controller ready.

1. Remove the controller cover, and change dip switch #1, bit 5 to open. This will change the
data format to 7 bit, even parity, one stop. Fadal controls can only communicate in this format.
We normally ship the SUDX units with the 8 bit configuration, however, if you are just purchasing
your unit, we would be happy to change this switch, prior to shipment.

2. The baud rate setting of the SUDX controller is 9600 bps. This can be changed by dip switch
alterations inside the controller from 300 bps, to 19,200 bps. If you communicate with the Fadal
control with other devises, and are locked into a baud rate other than 9600 bps, give us a call, 1
800 421 9763, and we will let you know the specific dip switch changes for the baud rate you
desire. If 9600 is OK, then no change is needed at the SUDX controller side.

Getting the Fadal Control ready.

The following is a series of steps, in order to prepare the FADAL control, to communicate
with the SUDX controller. Be advised that some of the parameter settings may change,
depending on the particular control. Confirm parameter settings for your individual control.

Using the baud rate parameter, set the Fadal control to communicate at 9600BPS. Using an RS232
cable, connect the Fadal control to the SUDX controller, using the DB25 serial connector on both.
For the pin configuration, see below.

You are now ready to write a TEST program on the FADAL control.

program #
#SPRINT " A0EF1000G91B90M30 "
M20 (example of machine M Code)

Once you execute this program the rotary table should move incrementally 90 degrees.
Essentially what is happening here is that the RS232 port on the FADAL control is being opened for
communication , then the control is being told to send the characters inside the double quotes " "
out through the port "#SPRINT" , in ASCII format. Once the SUDX controller receives this data, the
CNC machine M-Code will automatically execute a move. Then the RS232 port on the FADAL is
closed and the control will automatically continue to the next line.

Explanation for FADAL Addendum

The attached sheets explain a new method of commanding the SUDX to move to a desired
position via an RS232 cable between the SUDX controller and the FADAL control. Using the FADAL
MACRO function (#SPRINT) we are now able to eliminate the need for the (M20, from the
FADAL) for position confirmation. The REMOTE cable is not even connected between the
FADAL and the SUDX controller. Commanded position and the verification of position is all
accomplished via the RS232 cable.

The theory for this is as follows. (Please refer to N5 of the MACRO program) First the ASCII data
is output from the FADAL control to the SUDX controller commanding the rotary table to move to
position. Once the move is complete (refer to N7 of the MACRO program) a "Y" (send current
position) is sent in ASCII to the SUDX controller. Position (i.e. 90.000 , for 90 degrees) is sent from
the SUDX controller to the FADAL control. Once the FADAL sees this data, (to a variable, refer to
N13 and 14 of the MACRO program) the VMC proceeds to the next block in the main machine
program. If the position data sent is not correct (i.e. 85.000, for 85 degrees, when the actual position
should be 90 degrees) then the FADAL will go to ERROR (see N15 of the MACRO program).

This entire sequence is all placed into a MACRO program, which is "CALLED" in the main
program. (see N3 of the TEST program). The actual data that the customer would need to input into
the FADAL main program is quite simple, (see N4 & N11 of the TEST program). These simple
commands are all that is needed to index the rotary table. Another MACRO program could be
written for incremental moves, if desired. MACRO program # 09998 is set for absolute (G90)
movements, as this is strongly recommended should the user need to re-start his machine program
in the middle of the program. ABSOLUTE enables this feature as the rotary table will always move
to actual desired position, regardless of it's previous move.

This MACRO and TEST program is now included on all program disks sent out with each SUDX
unit. The FADAL user need only load these programs into the FADAL control (see page #1 of the
ADDENDUM) and they are ready to go.
Prior to shipment of the SUDX we can (if requested) set the communication PROTOCOL
correctly (7 data bit, even parity, one stop) and the customer requested baud rate (we normally ship
at 9600 BPS).


# 7201 100 (G CODE Numbers)
# 7202 1 (G65P)
#7203 (any Sub Program #)

Sub Program List

DPRNT[A1A0EF1000G#[20] B#2[33]M30A1]

Note#1: The above is only meant as a guide or reference. Please check your actual machine
parameters and Macro program for verification.

Note#2 : The "A1" at the beginning and end of the program line may not be needed on your
UDNC 100 controller.

Note#3: For set up and communication parameters, please see the general Mori TV-30 and 40
set up page.

OKUMA control is as follows:


2. An RS232 cable, (pin configuration, and gender described below)
3. A spare, accessible M-Code, if you require a step finish signal.

Getting the SUDX Controller ready.

1. The baud rate setting of the SUDX controller is 9600 bps. This can be changed by dip switch
alterations inside the controller from 300 bps, to 19,200 bps. If you communicate with the Okuma
control with other devises, and are locked into a baud rate other than 9600 bps, give us a call, 1
800 421 9763, and we will let you know the specific dip switch changes for the baud rate you
desire. If 9600 is OK, then no change is needed at the SUDX controller side.

Getting the Okuma Control ready.

The following is a series of steps, in order to prepare the Okuma control, to communicate
with the SUDX controller. Be advised that some of the parameter settings may change,
depending on the particular control. The settings below, are for the Okuma OSP 7000, 5020
and 5000. Confirm parameter settings for your individual control.

Change the following parameters.

Optional Parameter Word.
#39 = 9600

Optional Parameter Bit.

#1 01010011
#12 00111011

You are now ready to write a TEST program on the Okuma control.

PUT `A0EF1000G91`
PUT `B180M30`

Once you execute this program the rotary table should move incrementally 180 degrees (with the
M181 output) Essentially what is happening here is that the RS232 port on the Okuma control is
being opened for communication "PUT" , then the control is being told to send the characters inside
the quotes, out through the port, in ASCII format. Once the SUDX controller receives this data, the
M181 command will automatically execute a move. Then the RS232 port on the Okuma is closed,
the control will automatically continue to the next line.

Yasnac I 80 & MX-3 Control, via. RS232 Port.

I 80

1. Go to the maintenance screen, depress soft key "ALLPARA" , then softkey #5, select RS232.
2. Next a set up screen will appear, input data as follows:
3. Make sure that the pin configuration for the RS323 cable between the UDNC controller and
the I 80 control, are correct. Please refer to our config. diagram for the UDNC pin-out, and the
machine diagram.. Most likely you will need a "NULL MODEM" adapter, switching pins #2 and
#3. In addition, note that the DB-25 connector on the UDNC-100 is female, and the DB-25 on
the CNC machine is usually female. You will need male ends for both sides of your RS232
4. To test a program, go to MDI mode on the Yasnac and input the following :

M21 (example of machine M-Code)

This will initiate a movement of 90 degrees.

Note: Make sure that the "Manual/Remote" switch is on Remote.
Make sure that you input "A (the number zero) E and not the letter "O"
If it does not work at this point, re-check your RS232 connection, this is most likely
where the problem is.

The set up for this control is very similar to the I-80. The command ( #3100 ) and program data is
the same also. The following is a step procedure for communication protocol.
1. Depress the " PRM" switch.
2. Push the soft key " RS232"
This should bring you to the setting page: 3. Depress " PROG" then go to either "MDI" mode
or write a program to test. Again, check pin configuration of the RS232 cable, and make sure you
are connected to the correct port on the CNC machine.

The requirements for the Yasnac control is as follows:

1. You MUST HAVE MACRO-B, this should be a standard control feature, but check to be
2. An RS232 cable, (pin configuration, and gender described below)
3. A spare, accessible M-Code, if you require a Step Finish signal.

Getting the Yasnac Control ready.

The following is a series of steps, in order to prepare the Yasnac control, to communicate
with the SUDX controller. Be advised that some of the parameter settings may change,
depending on the particular control. The settings below, are for the Yasnac I80 & MX-3.
Confirm parameter settings for your individual control.

1. Go to maintenance screen, depress the soft key"ALLPARA", then softkey #5, select RS232C
2. Next, a set up screen will appear, input the data as follows:

You are now ready to write a TEST program on the Yasnac control.
program #
#3100= (A0EF1000G91B90M30)
M21 (example of Machine M-Code)

Units RS232C RS232C
BPS 9600 9600
Stop Bit 1 1
Bits 8 8
Parity Off Off
Xon/Off On On
Rts/Ctl Off Off
Parity ISO On On
RS232 Output
Channel No. 1 or 2
Control Code ON
Stop Bit 1
Baud 9600
Parity OFF

Section 6: Yuasa Terminal


YUASA TERMINAL V1.X is an all-purpose programming tool for the UDNC-100 Controller. It allows
for on-line terminal operations, program editing, uploading and downloading the UDNC-100. It is
written in the “C” programming language.
YUASA TERMINAL Version 1.X runs on an IBM PC, PC/AT,80286, or compatibles with at least
640K and one disk drive. In addition, one standard serial port is required.
Making a backup copy of your diskette is essential for insuring that the programs are not destroyed if the
original diskette is ever erased or damaged.
If you have two floppy disk drives, you may backup the original YUASA diskette as follows:
1. Insert your DOS diskette into Drive A and a blank diskette into Drive B and reset the computer.
2. At the A> prompt type FORMAT B: and press <ENTER>.
3. After the disk in Drive B is formatted, type: COPY A:*.* B: and press <ENTER>.
4. Remove the DOS diskette. Place the YUASA diskette in Drive A and press <ENTER> to the prompt.
5. After the original disk is copied, store it in a safe place and use the backup copy as your working
If you have a hard disk drive, you may back up the original YUASA diskette as follows:
1. At the C> prompt type: MD YUASA and press <ENTER>.
2. Type: CD YUASA and press <ENTER>.
3. Insert the supplied YUASA disk in the correct drive & Type: INSTALL then press <ENTER>.
Note: The supplied diskette operates under DOS Version 5.0 or greater
To install YUASA TERMINAL to your hard disk, insert the backup copy of the provided disk, go to
the appropriate floppy drive, then type INSTALL and press <ENTER>.
To run YUASA TERMINAL from your hard disk, type CD YUASA and press <ENTER>.
Then type: YUASA and press <ENTER>.
After the two windows appear on the screen and a listing of the function keys appears in the right-
hand window, you will be prompted with a question such as the following:
System Configured as:
Card Number: 0
Port: COM1
Baudrate: 9600
ASCII Type: 8 bit, no parity
Communication timeout (milliseconds): 100
Do you want to change it? (y/n)
Note: All UDNC-100 controllers are factory set to the above settings unless otherwise
requested before shipping.
If your Controller Card is configured for this setting, simply press <N> or <ENTER>. If you press <Y>,
you will be allowed to configure YUASA TERMINAL to the proper card address (0-7), port type (com
1 or com 2), baudrate (19200, 9600, 4800, 2400, 1200, 600, 300), ASCII type (8 bit no parity, 7 bit
even parity), and timeout setting which is proper for your controller setup. Also, refer to the Alt-F1
(Configure) key description in Section 2 of this manual for detailed instructions.

YUASA TERMINAL proceeds to poll the available cards (A0 through A7) and determines which cards
are connected to your system. You will then be placed into Terminal Mode. If no cards are connected,
or the communication port in your computer is not properly configured, you will get a message: ‘No
Cards found’.
Pressing the “Escape Key” allows you to exit YUASA TERMINAL and return to DOS. If you wish to
try to specify the interface configuration again, use the ALT <F1> Key. YUASA TERMINAL will enter
its normal terminal mode regardless of whether any Controller cards are connected to the computer.
After YUASA TERMINAL successfully determines that one or more cards are connected, you may
proceed to communicate with the cards. The left-hand window will act as a direct terminal to the
card. Anything you type will be sent to the card (once you press <ENTER>, and anything sent from
the card will be promptly displayed on the screen.
EXAMPLE: Typing the letter “J” and pressing <ENTER> will cause the motor attached to the card
to jog in the positive direction. Type another “J” or “Q” to stop the motion. Typing the lowercase
letter “p” or “Y” will cause the Controller Card to send its position data which will be displayed on the
next line of the screen.
Note: Upon entering terminal mode for the first time, YUASA TERMINAL automatically addresses card
A0. Thus the position data displayed by the “p” or “Y” command will be the position of card A0. To
change the card being addressed, type “A” and the card’s number (0-9) or letter (a-f) and press
In addition to the on-line commands described in the YUASA SUDX Manual, the following function


This function key retrieves up to 32 "i"-parameters of the card currently addressed. The parameters are
divided into two screens. To display the next screen, press the <Pg Dn> key located on the numeric
keypad. To display the previous screen, press the <Pg Up> key located on the numeric keypad. Once
the parameter you wish to modify is displayed on the current screen, you may access it by positioning
the cursor bar over the parameter. To move the cursor bar, use the Up Arrow and Down Arrow keys,
and to modify the parameter, press <ENTER>.
After positioning the bar over the desired parameter and pressing <ENTER>, the following message
will appear in the right-hand window:

CHANGE - ixx
Maximum: xxxxxx
Minimum: XXXXXX
Default: XXXXXX
The values listed refer to the appropriate values of the parameter you selected. You may enter a new
value, or press <ESC> to cancel the change. If you enter a value which exceeds the critical values of the
parameter, a warning message will flash and you will be prompted to try again.
When you finish reviewing the i-parameters, press <Esc> to return to Terminal Mode, or “s” to save the


This key displays the current I/O status.
This function key displays the current card status.
This key will display the buffer of the card currently addressed. You are prompted for the starting
line number, after which each carriage return keystroke will display a page full of consecutive
program lines. The axis data will be displayed in user units set by the “i24” variable. To return back
to Terminal Mode, press <ESC>.


This function key allows you to enter the Manual Data Input Mode. In this mode motion commands
will be executed as they are entered. “MDI On” will be displayed in the lower right window when MDI
is active.
This mode allows the user to test the motor and encoder in an open loop mode. The arrow keys
allow the user to adjust the motor output in 0.1 and 0.01 volt increments. By changing this output,
the user can drive the motor and determine if the encoder position feedback direction is correct
before closing the servo loop. The <ESC> key will exit this mode and gradually return the output
to zero.
Warning: Do not exceed 4.00 volts, as it may damage the Rotary Table and/or the Controller's
Amp Board. Resulting in a costly non-warranty repair.
This function key displays the position, following error and time for the card connected to your
This key exits you to DOS allowing you to perform DOS commands. Typing <exit> will return you
to the YUASA program.
This key allows you to create, edit, download, and upload programs. See section 3.0 below for
detailed instructions.
The following functions are activated by holding down the <Alt> key and pressing the appropriate function
key. The alternate function key selections can be viewed on the right-hand screen by holding down the
<Alt> key and pressing <Q>.
Alt <F1> - COMM SET UP
This function key allows you to re-configure and re-poll your system. You may change the
communication parameters (port, baudrate, etc.) and re-poll the available cards.
Note: This function is automatically invoked when YUASA TERMINAL is first run. The current
interface configuration is shown, and you are asked if you wish to change it. If you answer
‘Y’ or ‘y’, you will be asked which of the following interfaces you wish to configure:
Card Number:(0-7)
This is used to address controllers that have been "Daisy Chained Together" via a serial cable.
Note 1: Factory default for a single controller is 0.

Port: <1> COM1 <2> COM2

where selections 1 and 2 refer to the standard RS-232 ports on your PC.
When you select the RS-232 interface, you will select the baud rate of 9600 from a menu of choices.
The rate you choose must match the setting on the DIP switch on the Controllers card(s), and, in
general, the longer the cable is, the lower the baud rate should be.
Note 3: Factory default is 9600 baud, see Trouble Shooting if you need to change.

ASCII Type: <0> 8 bit no parity <1> 7 bit even parity

Note 4: Factory default is 8 bit no parity, call for information if you need to change.

Enter Communication Timeout (msec): __ (MINIMUM 35) (Recommended: 60)

This puts a limit on the time the program waits for a handshake bit for reading or writing.
This key will toggle the DISK ON option. With DISK ON, most data received from the card will be
echoed to the default disk drive under the filename “TERMDATA.MCC.” This file may be examined
by loading it through the file editor. When YUASA TERMINAL is first run, if the file
TERMDATA.MCC already exists, it will be erased. However, all subsequent uses of DISK ON will
append all incoming data to the file. When in the POS/FOLLOW/TIME mode, the data displayed
will also be sent to disk. To view this file, you must turn off DISK ON. This will close the file so you
can view it with the file editor.
This key will toggle the PRINTER ON option. With PRINTER ON, all data received from the card
will be echoed to any standard line printer as well as to the screen. Make sure that the line printer
has paper and is On-Line.
This key stops data from being displayed on the terminal screen. This allows you to send data to
the printer or disk at a faster rate.
This key will save the current Program Buffer and I-Variables currently in the RAM to the EPROM.
Will print the current screen to your printer.
Alt <F10>- HELP FILE
<1> - Load Help File : Allows the user to view a Help File( *.HLP ).
<2> - Reformat Help File: Reformats the Help File for easier viewing.
<ESC> - EXIT: EXIT the Help Menu.
The editor is a word processor for Controller programs of up to 65000 characters. In this section of
the program, lines typed in the left window are not sent to the Controller, but instead entered into
the editor buffer. The line number corresponding to the line of the editor buffer to which the cursor
is currently pointing is displayed in the right window. Movement of the cursor is possible with the
four Arrow Keys. The following editing keys also apply:
PgUp - Displays the previous page (23 lines) of the current program.
PgDn - Displays the next page (23 lines) of the current program.
Home - Displays the first page (23 lines) of the current program.
End - Displays the last page (23 lines) of the current program.
Alt-I - Inserts a blank line at the current cursor position. All subsequent lines are moved down.
Alt-D - Deletes the line at the current cursor position. All subsequent lines are moved up.

Alt-C - Clears the current buffer and filename.
Ins - Toggles between the “INSERT ON” and “INSERT OFF” modes of the editor. Insert Off
allows you to type over previously entered text, while Insert Off will move any previously entered text
to the right of the cursor.
Note: Each line is limited to fifty-two characters and the editor is limited to 65000 characters.
The editor will signal you when the last line is reached.
In addition, the following function keys may be used:
This key uploads the current I-Variables into the displayed buffer file shown at the bottom of the
This key allows you to load, save, insert, or delete a program on the current disk. In addition, you
may print the file currently in the editor or a file saved on a diskette. You will be presented with the
following selection menu in the left window:
<1> - Load File <4> - Delete File
<2> - Save File <5> - Print Current File
<3> - Insert File <6> - Print Disk File
<9> - DOS Commands <ESC> - EXIT
Enter the number of your selection at the prompt. The selections perform the following tasks:
<1> - Load File : Allows you to bring a file in from disk to the editor buffer. Any program currently
in the editor buffer will be erased.
<2> - Save File : Allows you to save the program currently in the editor buffer to disk.
Note: Filenames are limited to eight standard characters and unless you specify your own
extension, the extension “.MCC” is automatically added to any filename. Disk and subdirectory
specifiers can be entered in front of a filename, up to a total of 40 characters. The default
filename for a newly created program in the editor buffer is NONAME.MCC.
<3> - Insert File : Allows you to bring a file in from disk and insert it into the program currently in
the editor buffer at the present cursor location.
<4> - Delete File : Allows you to delete a disk file.
<5> - Print Current File : Allows you to print the file currently in the editor buffer to the standard
printer for the system.
<6> - Print Disk File : Allows you to print a file on disk to the standard file for the system.
<9> - DOS Commands : Allows you to perform DOS commands
This key downloads the current buffer file to the controller and then saves the data to its internal
This function key uploads the program buffer from any card and appends it to the program currently
in the editor’s buffer.

This key downloads the current buffer file to the UDNC controller. Before downloading you will be
asked if you want the program buffer cleared before download. This is necessary if your file has
motion program data and no “z” or “E”, clear the buffer, command. After the download you will be
returned to Terminal Mode.
Note: The editor’s buffer is not erased; you may access it again by pressing <F10>. If there are any errors,
hitting any key will return you to the file edit buffer.

“i” Parameters List for the SUDX Series Indexers
SUDX-130 SUDX-5C(A) SUDX-132/140/170 SUDX-220 SUDX-280/320/400
60:1 Gear Ratio 72:1 Gear Ratio 72:1 Gear Ratio 90:1 Gear Ratio 180:1 Gear Ratio
i00 -250 i00 -250 i00 -250 i00 -250 i00 -250
i01 2 i01 2 i01 2 i01 2 i01 2
i02 0 i02 0 i02 0 i02 0 i02 0
i03 3000 i03 3000 i03 3000 i03 3000 i03 3000
i04 250 i04 250 i04 250 i04 250 i04 250
i05 1600 i05 1600 i05 1600 i05 1600 i05 1600
i06 100000 i06 100000 i06 100000 i06 100000 i06 80000
i07 30 i07 35 i07 40 i07 45 i07 50
i08 800 i08 800 i08 800 i08 1000 i08 1200
i09 1500 i09 1500 i09 1500 i09 1500 i09 1500
i10 -1 i10 -1 i10 -1 i10 -1 i10 -1
i11 -1 i11 -1 i11 -1 i11 -1 i11 -1
i12 0 i12 0 i12 0 i12 0 i12 0
i13 90 i13 90 i13 90 i13 90 i13 90
i14 20 i14 20 i14 20 i14 20 i14 20
i15 0 i15 0 i15 0 i15 0 i15 0
i16 0 i16 0 i16 0 i16 0 i16 0
i17 20 i17 20 i17 20 i17 20 i17 20
i18 12 i18 12 i18 12 i18 12 i18 12
i19 1024 i19 1024 i19 1024 i19 1024 i19 1024
i20 -240000 i20 -288000 i20 -288000 i20 -360000 i20 -720000
i21 0 i21 0 i21 0 i21 0 i21 0
i22 0 i22 0 i22 0 i22 0 i22 0
i23 0:0 i23 0:0 i23 0:0 i23 0:0 i23 0:0
i24 2000:3 i24 800:1 i24 800:1 i24 1000:1 i24 2000:1
i25 1 i25 1 i25 1 i25 1 i25 1
i26 0 i26 0 i26 0 i26 0 i26 0
i27 3 i27 3 i27 3 i27 3 i27 3
i28 Factory Set i28 Factory Set i28 Factory Set i28 Factory Set i28 Factory Set
i29 32 i29 0 i29 32 i29 32 i29 32
i30 32 i30 32 i30 32 i30 32 i30 32
i31 32 i31 32 i31 32 i31 32 i31 32
i32 2:0 i32 2:0 i32 2:0 i32 2:0 i32 2:0

Note: On i29, i31, & i32, you may need to change these values depending upon your Finish signal


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