HOGSI EU 2019 (Edited)

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Faculty of Medicine - Brawijaya University / dr. Saiful Anwar Hospital

Divisi Obstetri dan Ginekologi Sosial, Lab/SMF Obstetri & Ginekologi - RSUD dr. Saiful Anwar
Jl. Jaksa Agung Suprapto 2, Malang, East Java - Indonesia
Telp. / Fax. +62 (0341) 348143, E-Mail: [email protected]

17 – 27 October 2019


Social Obstetrics and Gynecology is a division of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Faculty

of Medicine at Brawijaya University of Malang that puts its main concern in the field of
reproduction, especially in acceleration of mother death rate reduction and providing
other supportive actions related to the competencies. This includes planning,
organizing, actuating, controlling, and evaluating programs, as well as composing
alternatives concerning health reproduction problems using life cycle approach.

Through this division, we are trying to help Indonesian government improve the quality
of health service for the homeland society, particularly for mothers and babies, due to
the fact that various strategies planned by the government to reduce mother death rate
are not as effective as expected.

To support our commitment, we understand that a social obstetrics and gynecology

consultant (in performing her/his role in the society) is required to have good ability to
manage and hold a program, research, and service with high competence, not only on
the clinical aspect. Thus, it is expected that the social obstetrics and gynecology
consultant is able to solve the individual’s health problems and the society’s ones
holistically, adequately, and coherently. In performing the duty, the consultant of social
obstetrics and gynecology also needs to advocate her/his activity to the policy maker
concerning the reproduction health.

In order to provide the above-mentioned need, we have continuously conducted many

programs to improve the capacity and the quality of graduated participants of the
education program of sub-specialization doctor of social obstetrics and gynecology.
One of them is a cooperation visit and benchmarking overseas (CVBO).

In 2018, we had an opportunity to conduct a CVBO program in Sri Lanka. During that
3-days program, we had the privilege to visit Ministry of Health, several health
institutions, and medical universities. Through the program, we have successfully
gained new insights and ideas for improvement.

This year, we are expecting to conduct a CVBO program in the Netherlands, Belgium,
and France. As three countries with maternal mortality rate below 10 per 100.000
births, a stabilized health system, and an advanced health education system, we are
very positive to obtain a more promising result from the program.

Faculty of Medicine - Brawijaya University / dr. Saiful Anwar Hospital
Divisi Obstetri dan Ginekologi Sosial, Lab/SMF Obstetri & Ginekologi - RSUD dr. Saiful Anwar
Jl. Jaksa Agung Suprapto 2, Malang, East Java - Indonesia
Telp. / Fax. +62 (0341) 348143, E-Mail: [email protected]

By the end of the program, we will be producing a book that shares our new insights,
ideas, and experience from the CVBO. This book is dedicated to our fellow medical
personnel, professionals, students, and related institutions.

During the program, CVBO’s daily journal will also be published on national mass
media in Indonesia, social media, and official websites of related institutions. Through
those publicities, we hope we can improve the society’s knowledge, widen their
horizon, and give a positive impact, especially in this particular field.

Therefore, we would appreciate any support from all institutions we expect to visit in
the Netherlands, Belgium, and France. We believe that our vision(s) and mission(s) are
in harmony with each other and that this program could benefit both parties.


1. Comparative study on the strategy to decrease Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR);

2. Comparative study on the insurance system;
3. Conducting study on the academic health system and curriculum in University of
Amsterdam and University of Maastricht;
4. Benchmarking about program management:
a. Gynecology service applied in the Netherlands to reduce morbidity and
mortality of mother and babies.
b. Recording and reporting system of mother death in the Netherlands.
5. Benchmarking of hospital management:
a. System applied in hospital accreditation in the Netherlands.
b. The government insurance in accreditation of hospital in the Netherlands.
6. Benchmarking of updating evidence –based research in the Dutch universities.
7. Comparative study on the role of the profession in reducing maternal mortality rate
(MMR) and the synergic relationship between the obstetrics and gynecological
profession organization in the Netherlands with the Ministry of Health in addressing
the problems of MMR.


1. Indonesian Embassy, the Netherlands

This visit aims to establish access and cooperation with fellow Indonesians in the
Netherlands so that our planned activities in the Netherlands could be facilitated,
well directed, and monitored officially by the government.

2. Ministry of Health, Welfare, and Sport, the Netherlands

The purpose of visiting the health official board is to benchmark the efforts of the
Dutch government to reduce mother death race. In this case, it will be mainly
focused on the role of social obstetrics and gynecology. In addition, it also aims to
benchmark the healthcare and insurance system in the Netherlands.

Faculty of Medicine - Brawijaya University / dr. Saiful Anwar Hospital
Divisi Obstetri dan Ginekologi Sosial, Lab/SMF Obstetri & Ginekologi - RSUD dr. Saiful Anwar
Jl. Jaksa Agung Suprapto 2, Malang, East Java - Indonesia
Telp. / Fax. +62 (0341) 348143, E-Mail: [email protected]

3. The Dutch Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology, the Netherlands

This visit aims to observe and analyze the roles, responsibilities, and the working
environment of the institution in dealing with new issues and innovations in
obstetrics and gynecology nationally. In addition, it also aims to understand the
institution’s roles in determining national policies of obstetrics and gynecology in the

4. Huisartsenpraktijk (Physician Office / General Practice), the Netherlands

The purpose of visiting the physician office in the Netherlands is for a benchmarking
study on how the Dutch government tries to reduce MMR at the health service level,
as well as the role of the obstetric and social gynecology professions in the effort.

5. Verloskunde (Midwifery), the Netherlands

This visit aims observe and analyze the institution’s system in providing
comprehensive health service and education for expecting women and the
institution’s efforts in reducing MMR.

6. Women’s Healthcare Center, the Netherlands

The purpose of visiting Women’s Healthcare Center is to observe and analyze the
system of an integrated institution that provides gynecology, sexology, urology,
midwifery, breast feeding, and cosmetic gynecology service(s) in one.

7. Hypnobirthing Clinic, the Netherlands

This visit aims to observe and analyze the institution’s system in providing
hypnobirthing service and education for expecting women that are interested in
conducting this new delivery option.

8. University of Amsterdam and University of Maastricht

This visit aims to observe and analyze the academic health system and curriculum
in universities, both for EU/EEA and international students. It also aims to
understand the roles and responsibilities of the university to create professionals for
the real working environment.

9. Amsterdam University Medical Center and Academic Hospital Maastricht

This visit aims to observe and analyze the academic health system in the hospital,
especially on the roles and responsibilities of the university to create professionals
for the real working environment. It also aims to observe and analyze several
standard and occasional procedures that most hospitals normally provide.

10. Prostitution Information Center, the Netherlands

The main purpose of this visit is to collect information about how the government,
private institutions, and the society work together to build a health system for
prostitution in the Netherlands.

Faculty of Medicine - Brawijaya University / dr. Saiful Anwar Hospital
Divisi Obstetri dan Ginekologi Sosial, Lab/SMF Obstetri & Ginekologi - RSUD dr. Saiful Anwar
Jl. Jaksa Agung Suprapto 2, Malang, East Java - Indonesia
Telp. / Fax. +62 (0341) 348143, E-Mail: [email protected]

11. United Nations Population Fund, Belgium

This visit aims to observe and analyze the roles, responsibilities, and the working
environment of the institution in dealing with new issues and innovations in
obstetrics and gynecology worldwide, especially in family planning and reproductive
health of young ages.


1. Huisartsenpraktijk Amsterdam: Friday, 18 October 2019.

2. Verloskunde Amsterdam: Friday, 18 October 2019.
3. Women’s Healthcare Center Amsterdam: Friday, 18 October 2019.
4. University of Amsterdam: Friday, 18 October 2019.
5. Amsterdam University Medical Center: Friday, 18 October 2019.
6. Prostitution Information Center Amsterdam: Saturday, 19 October 2019.
7. Indonesia Embassy The Hague: Monday, 21 October 2019.
8. Ministry of Health, Welfare, and Sport in The Hague: Monday, 21 October 2019.
9. The Dutch Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Utrecht: Tuesday, 22 October
10. Hypnobirthing Clinic Utrecht: Tuesday, 22 October 2019.
11. University of Maastricht: Wednesday, 23 October 2019.
12. Academic Hospital Maastricht: Wednesday, 23 October 2019.
13. United Nations Population Fund Brussels: Thursday, 24 October 2019.


a. Student(s) of Social Obstetry and Gynecology Sub Specialist Education

1. dr. Ammar Siradjuddin, SpOG
2. dr. Arie Widiyasa Bhawa, SpOG
3. dr. Benediktus Arifin, MPH, SpOG, FICS
4. dr. Hytriawan Posma Putra, SpOG
5. dr. I Gusti Nyoman Tri Sulaksana, SpOG
6. Dr. dr. I Gede Ngurah Harry Wijaya Surya, SpOG
7. dr. I Made Yudhi Indriawan Wirya, SpOG
8. dr. I Made Arya Subadiyasa, SpOG
9. dr. I Ktut Martayasa, SpOG
10. dr. Made Primawati, SpOG
11. dr. Morita Dwi Tinaningsih, SpOG
12. dr. Priyono, SpOG
13. dr. Raz Fides Umi Rahmawati, SpOG, M.Kes
14. dr. Syafril Yanto, SpOG, MARS
15. dr. Teguh Santoso, SpOG
16. dr. Dwi Pangarsa Wisnumurti, SpOG
17. dr. I Gusti Gede Mayun Surya Darma, SpOG
18. dr. Tony Widyanto Soekarto, SpOG

Faculty of Medicine - Brawijaya University / dr. Saiful Anwar Hospital
Divisi Obstetri dan Ginekologi Sosial, Lab/SMF Obstetri & Ginekologi - RSUD dr. Saiful Anwar
Jl. Jaksa Agung Suprapto 2, Malang, East Java - Indonesia
Telp. / Fax. +62 (0341) 348143, E-Mail: [email protected]

19. dr. Suwito Hendro Wibowo, SpOG

b. Associate / University Lecture(s):

1. dr. Muljo Hadi Sungkono, SpOG(K)
2. Dr. dr. Edy Mustofa, SpOG(K)
3. Dr. dr. I Wayan Agung Indrawan, SpOG

c. Other Participants from Various Departments:

1. Meilinda Efendy
2. Dini Rohanun Triharti
3. Esthy Yuliana
4. Suharwati
5. Wayan Suwastini
6. Arieza Tri Jitnopermata
7. Anzarez Saka Hiragizawa
8. Dwi Septiana Erminingroem
9. Raden Yudistira Wesley
10. Gusti Ayu Kade Suci Astiti
11. Puteri Rahmawati Hidayah (Project Secretary)
12. Erisma Anindya (Press)

We believe this program will not only benefit the participants, but also the institution we
plan to visit itself. Through this program, we invite you to be a part of healthcare
breakthrough in our humble country, Indonesia. We are looking forward to establish a
mutual cooperation with each of the institution in the Netherlands, Belgium, and France.


Head of Education Program Secretary of Education Program

Dr. dr. Edy Mustofa,Sp.OG(K) Dr. dr. I Wayan Agung Indrawan,Sp.OG(K)

NIP. 19571029 198603 1 003 NIP. 19710323 200604 1 019


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