Vol.12 Issue 30 November 23-29, 2019
Vol.12 Issue 30 November 23-29, 2019
Vol.12 Issue 30 November 23-29, 2019
e x c e l l e n c e i n j o u r n a l i s m
Vol.12 No. 30 November 23-29, 2019 80 Cents New York Edition Follow us on TheSouthAsianTimes.info
n November 12, 2019 the 550th the two working together. Five years ago,
Birth Anniversary of Guru Nanak Jain and Sikh community in Los Angeles
Dev Ji was celebrated all over the established the first joint center for study
world. He was an apostle of peace, harmo‑ and teaching of Jainism and Sikhism at
ny, co‑existence and respect between all Loyola Marymount University in Los
religions and human beings. The same Angeles, emulating the legacy of Takht Sri
week Indian and Pakistani governments Patna Sahib. After thorough search, Dr.
inaugurated the opening of the Kartapur Niranjan Kaur Khalsa, a Sikh scholar with
Sahib Corridor, giving access from India to PhD in Sikhism from University of
a holy Sikh shrine in Pakistan. Thousands Michigan, was inducted as the professor
of devotees have since been going to the for this center. Right away Jains and Sikhs
Kartarpur gurdwara. liked and welcomed her appointment. She
While Sikhism is the youngest religion taught standalone classes in Jainism and
of the world, Jainism is one of the oldest. Sikhism with separate syllabi. She taught
In terms of population, Sikhism is the 5th both religions with equal love, sincerity,
largest and Jainism the 6th largest in the passion, dedication and high scholastic
world. Both religions are in the minority contents. Her classes were not only full
in India. but also many students were on waiting
There is so much in common between The Sikh gurdwara known as Takht Sri list. She took her students each semester
Jainism and Sikhism. Since the birth of Patna Sahib, one of the 5 holiest Sikh to the Jain and Sikh temples in Los
Guru Nanak Dev Ji and Sikhism, Jains and shrines, stands cheek by jowl with a Jain Angeles. Students liked her very much too.
Sikhs have been walking together. This is temple, on land donated by a Jain jeweler. Without doubt there are hundreds of
a living and true example of interfaith The gurdwara in Patna commemorates the such opportunities all around us waiting
birth of 10th Guru Gobind Singh Ji, whose to be explored and started.
dialogue, inter‑dependence, co‑ existence,
family was hosted in a Jain household.
respect, cooperation, sharing, caring and Saint Kabir said, “Water is the same in
helping each other. (food) from them. The Punjabi University Sikhs practice ahimsa by seva, service to all. Only utensils are of different colors.”
Much of the history of Jains and Sikhs is in Patiala has a Department of Jainology. the needy and those in distress. Their tra‑ Let us work together even more to learn
intertwined. 2,600 years ago, Bhagwan Jains served Sikh maharajas in impor‑ dition of free langar, started over 500 from the beauty and wisdom of each tradi‑
Mahavir was born in Bihar and Jainism tant positions. All Sikh maharajas in states years ago and now to be found through‑ tion and dismantle all the walls of hatred
flourished in that state. Patna in Bihar is ruled by them in Punjab (Patiala, Nabha, out the world wherever Sikhs have settled and mistrust dividing humanity .
where Sikh history left a large footprint. Fridkot, Jind etc.) employed Jains in is unique. This is the real and true message of
Guru Teg Bahadur, the ninth guru, lived in responsible positions such as treasurers Both Jains and Sikhs have no caste sys‑ Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
Patna, and the tenth Sikh master, Guru because of the Jainsʼ trustworthiness and tem and stand for equal rights and respect
Gobind Singh was born there. 350 years honesty. for all humans including women.
ago, a prominent Jain in Patna by the Jains and Sikhs have not only co‑existed Both Jainism and Sikhism are the least
name of Salis Rai Johri hosted Guru Teg but have provided safety and shelter to known and most misunderstood in the
Bahadur and his family on their way to each other as evidenced in the migration West. As a result, Sikhs often fall victim to
Assam. The wife of Guru Teg Bahadur, of Jains and Sikhs during the 1947 parti‑ hate crimes and their gurdwaras come
Mata Gujri, stayed with this Jain family for tion and the protection provided by a Jain under attack.
several years. In this Jain household Guru acharya. Academic study of Jainism and Sikhism
Gobind Singh Ji (the last Sikh guru in Both communities celebrate Diwali: has significantly lagged behind other Indic
human form) was born in 1666 and grew Jains for nirvaan of Bhagwan Mahavir and religions in North America. Jain and Sikh
up to the age of 6. Sikhs for the release of sixth Guru community leaders are closing this gap by
Later this Jain family donated a piece of Hargobind Ji from Gwalior fort. establishing centers for Jain and Sikh Dr. Harvinder Singh Sahota is
land for the dharamshala, the site where Unconditional ahimsa (nonviolence) is studies. These initiatives are unique and Laguna Beach, CA based
eventually the Sri Patna Sahib Takht (one the core Principle of Jains. historic in nature. cardiologist and inventor of the
of the five Sikh holy places) was built, Perfusion Balloon, now used in
commemorating the birth place of Guru angioplasty surgeries all over
Gobind Singh, who later shifted to the world.
Anandpur sahib in Punjab. This same Jain
Johri also built a Jain temple next door.
In this painting
The Jain temple and Sikh gurdwara on the
of the
same land next to each other in the same procession of
campus just separated by a simple wall is Maharaja Ranjit
a unique example of respect for the faith Singh, a Jain
of each other. monk is seen
Sikhs and Jains have never quarreled at bottom
nor harmed / destroyed each otherʼs left. Sikh
places of worship. In Punjab, Jains attend maharajas used
Sikh colleges and Sikhs attend Jain educa‑ to hire Jains in
tional institutions. The two communities positions
working together made Ludhiana the requiring trust, Sulekh C. Jain, PhD, is Past
such as President of the Federation of
hosiery capital of the world. Some Jain
treasurers. Jain Associations in North America
sadhus / monks have come from Sikh fam‑
ilies and in Punjab, Jain sadhus often stay
(JAINA) who now lives in
at Sikh homes and also get their gochari
Las Vegas, NV.
TheSouthAsianTimes.info TRISTATE COMMUNITY November 23-29, 2019 3
e invite Indian er, Efe news reported. criticism for his relationship with he affirmed that he will be the party's line of action in the
He also of fered to help police the well‑connected financier, with a president of all Sri Lankans, backdrop of the three main
American community,
investigating allegations against the number of sponsors severing ties irrespective of their racial or non‑BJP part ies making
social, philanthropic and
disgraced hedge‑fund manager and with the royal after an interview he religious identity and without efforts to form government in
other organizations and insti‑
accused sex trafficker. Andrew said gave with the BBC on Saturday. The creat ing a dist inct ion on Maharashtra, a party leader
tutions to send us press said.
his former association with Epstein 59‑year‑old has been accused of whether they voted for him or
releases and information had become a "major disruption" to having sex with a 17‑year‑old girl, not.”
about their events and activi‑ the royal family. Virginia Roberts, in 2001 after Rajapaksa also said during 4 Indo‑Canadians
ties. We will certainly publish "T herefore, I have asked Her going to a London nightclub. He has his meeting with Jaishankar inducted
the material after editing. We Majesty if I may step back from pub‑ denied all the allegations and in the that he is committed to ensur‑ in Trudeauʼs Cabinet
do not charge any fee for edi‑ lic duties for the foreseeable future, BBC interview said he was at a pizza ing the development of the Continued from page 1
torial coverage. and she has given her permission," restaurant on the day in question. northern and eastern Innovat ion, Science and
Please send all editorial he added. "I continue to unequivo‑ Roberts said she had sex with provinces, which have a size‑ Industry portfolio; Harjit
related communications to: cally regret my ill‑judged associa‑ Andrew three times, in London in able Tamil population, and Sajjan, who ag ain gets
[email protected] tion with Jef frey Epstien." Epstein March 2001, weeks later at “considers India a valued part‑ National Defence portfolio;
Or was found dead in a prison cell in Epstein''s New York mansion and a ner towards this endeavor”. and Ms Bardish Chagger is
the United States while awaiting third time on his private island. Jaishankar was the first senior Minister of Diversity, Inclusion
[email protected]
foreign leader to meet and Youth.
Nita Ambani
elected trustee
of The Met in NY
Įͧ [ ȯ ͧf èȯ ͩȡȯ ȯ ]ȡ ȯ ͧf Ȩȣ ]ȯ
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Nita Ambani, te chairperson of the èǗ ͫȪ
Westchester considers
52% pay raises for
lawmakers, 26%
for department heads
White Plains: Westchester County lawmak‑ Community Development Corporation of Long Island (CDCLI) 䗭 ⅌ 㩢 ᴍ Albanese
ers are considering giving themselves 52% Development Corporation ⌇ṛ漓㊤⋖ Wyandanch 㙐 E 㜊䖃 䖃ㆾ䩿䐴嫸ȼ
raises, part of wide‑ranging salary increas‑ E 㜊Ṍᶍ
㜊 Wyandanch 㙐ᴬ⻂漓䰦徺 Wyandanch LIRR 幥䧘 䧘ȼ廘ⵡⷹ䩐⁰◚⭁漓㘈 123 ᴩ
es planned in the 2020 county budget. ≔擳Ȼ⭄⪣⎋ᴣ⭄⪣⫒≔Ṍ漢媽媠廘ᶚ⫒䖃䗭䖃㔮媨 媨䷎㱍俋㕮⌃⸁䖃⪵ⶬ尞㇄ ㇄⺖屶漓
Lawmakers' base pay would be boosted
廘ᶚ⪵ⶬ䖃㐵⋮ᴹ㘫☯∹㐵ᴬ ᴬἻ漏AMI漐䖃 50%Ȼ60%Ȼ % 90%Ȼ100%⎋ 110%ȼℜ ℜ⣊䣞
from $49,200 to $75,000 and county
局⬅ḗ ḗ⁇㋏ẚ 19 ᴩ⫒≔Ṍ䷘廿Ḍₚᶹȼ㩣⠕漓ᶥᴹ坋↧ ↧ᴌẾȻ⌫壈⋉壅壈⋖㉞ᶹ ᶹ⟪㋏
department heads and commissioners
would see their pay increased 26% from
their current level under proposed salary
changes. Department heads and top aides ॣਸ֠*
to Westchester County Executive George ≔Ṍ㑯惎 ≔Ṍ⠦⬎⬎ 㗿ṍ 㗿槗
Latimer would see their $155,425 salaries
12 ≔擳 $949 - $1,484
jump to $195,000 in 2020.
92 ⭄⪣
⪣ $1,012 - $1,674
They would also receive retroactive rais‑
es for this year that would bring their 19 ᶋ⭄⪣
⪣ $1,210 - $2,180
2019 earnings to $175,000.
The $2.1 billion budget proposed by *㯧:⭄㬐旿僩
㬐 坋丳䶲䐴尸ȼᴉ廯䣞
Latimer for next year would increase
spending but slightly reduce the county ݶҵਸ֠
property tax levy due in large part to new AMI ङ 50% AMI ङ 60% AMI ङ 90% AMI ङ 100% AMI ङ 110%
sales tax revenue. Lawmakers haven't
received a pay increase since 2005. Non‑
ыރ ߂ ߂Ѻ ߂ ߂Ѻ
Ѻ ߂ ߂Ѻ ߂ ߂Ѻ ߂ ߂Ѻ
union employees haven't seen raises since
1 $ 3
- $ 43,400 $ - $ 52,0
, 80 $ - $ 78,120 $
- $ 86,800 ޗ - ޗ
2007, while subordinates in labor unions
2 $ 3
- $ 49,600 $ - $ 59,5
, 20 $ 5 - $ 89,280 $
- $ 99,200 $ - $109,120
have seen contractual increases over the
3 $
- $ 55,800 $ 49, - $ 66,9
, 60 $ - $100,440 ޗ - ޗ $ - $122,760
same period. Ben Boykin, chairman of the
4 $
- $ 62,000 $ 49, - $ 74,4
, 00 $ - $111,600 ޗ - ޗ $ - $136,400
legislature, said the legislative pay increase
5 $
- $ 67,000 $ - $ 80,4
, 00 $ - $120,600 ޗ - ޗ $ - $147,400
would bring pay in county government
more in line with Suffolk and Nassau coun‑
ties on Long Island. Legislator Damon ❬ₚ⪍㑵䖅ㆾ䩿䐴嫸⻆杼ᶏ 2019 12 㘉 16 㓦ᴌ≉ 5 㾺ⅎ(㾺 晟㈈徯ㄴ㓷擵)ᶥ僴 CDCLIȾ
Maher, D‑New Rochelle, said he was hop‑ 嫸㯩【漕晟☩䷀❬ₚ䖅䐴嫸⻆杼ᶏ⍩ᴁ僴⍩ᶕ䖅㩤ⴹ⳦ṝ㓷 㓷擵(ᴋ≉ 9 㾺僴ᴌ≉ 5 㾺)弓
ing to slow down the process. He said the 㘭↟⪥ 11 㘉 11 㓦(伂⁶冃)Ƚ11 㘉 28 㓦⎍ 29 㓦(〠⽪冃)ᴎ↟Ⱦ
last analysis of county elected official pay
was done by a citizens committee in 2008,
and that work should be updated even if 㘈 䐲 嫶 ⋉ 媠 ℑ ㈆ ⸔ 漓 嫶 㱎 壇 ㄐ ᷫ 䖃 乐 䧘 www.cdcli.org 漓ㄕ ⋐ 徭 ᷵ ䷘ CDCLI 徭䪰
an increase was appropriate. Legislator
[email protected]漓ㄕㅒ 631-471-1215 幫 222漓ᵞ⋮ᷤ☧ www.NYHousingSearch.gov ᴉ
John Testa, the legislature's Republican
ㅽℯȼ䐲嫶⎋杸䗭㈆≖㒆᷵䖃嫬壿 壿㋏ẚ凰嫬⎋塾䋬䅘嫬漓⢁㘈墀㭁漓ᵞ⬅㋏ẚ⁵ᷕ嫬 嫬壿ȼ
minority leader, called the proposal for
lawmakers "outrageous" and said the pay
increases should be in smaller increments ⋁↟ㆼ䩽ᴌ俼Ờ嫀ḙ劶ㅸㄕ㘈屃㜻䣞Ṏȼㆼ䩽䐲嫶ᶹ⬅㈈
ᶹ 斎㘹ㆼ⋕䖃杹ⶎ㊑№☧
№ 䩈
as they would have been in the private sec‑ Ἐ⌌≔ᴉȼ
tor. In a statement, Director of Operations
Joan McDonald said comparable positions
in Nassau and Suf folk counties are cur‑ ㆾ䩿⬇ᶏ 2019 12 㘉 20 㓦ᴋ≉ 10 㾺☩ Wyandanch-Wheatley Heights Ambulance
rently compensated at a higher level than Corp ᴿ坍
ᴿ 漕嫦⋹Ṏᶏ 295 Merritt Avenue, Wyandanch, NY 11798Ⱦ嫸䐴嫸ᶻ䣰㚂⋃↡漊
in Westchester. Most of the positions
receiving pay raises require advanced
degrees and professional experience that
cannot be filled without competitive
salaries, McDonald said.
TheSouthAsianTimes.info NATIONAL COMMUNITY November 23-29, 2019 7
Mayor de Blasio pays tribute to Parveen Chopra, Editor of The South Asian
Times, honored at Guru Nanak 550 event
Guru Nanak as a great faith leader
Mayor Bill de Blasio speaking at the Richmond Hill gurdwara (Photo : Baldev Singh/BJ Video)
YC Mayor Bill de Blasio has called munity not only here, but all over the coun‑
Guru Nanak Dev ji as “one of the try…. There must be consequences for Parveen Chopra (middle), Editor of The South Asian Times, was honored for
great leaders of faith that the anyone who acts out of hatred towards this ʻHumanitarian Service and Global Harmonyʼ on November 17 at an interfaith
world has ever known.” community which contributes so much to event celebrating Guru Nanak Dev Jiʼs 550th birth anniversary. The celebration at
“…we celebrate today ideas so powerful New York City and so much to the Worldʼs Fair Marina in Queens, NY, was organized by 1God1humanity, started by
community leader Amarjit Singh Anand (right). The South Asian Times
that we feel them as strongly today as America.”
congratulates him on this honor. (Photo : Baldev Singh/BJ Video)
when they were first put forward over half De Blasio talked about how the city has
a millennium ago. This is what we honor,” reached out to the Sikh community, in vari‑
to Sikh community
Milan Cultural
epresentative Tom Suozzi extend‑ Association celebrated
ed greetings to the Sikh communi‑ 150th birth anniversary
ty in his House speech. "Dear of Mahatma Gandhi and
Madam Speaker,I rise today to extend my 550th birth anniversary
greetings to my friends in the Sikh com‑ of Guru Nanak Dev ji at
munity who are celebrating the 550th Norwich on Nov 15. On
anniversary of the birth of Guru Nanak this occasion, a photo
Sahib, the founder of the Sikh religion. Sat exhibition on the life and
Sri Akal!" times of Guru Nanak Devi
According to Sikh tradition, Guru
ji sponsored by the
Consulate General of
Nanakʼs birth and many events in his Tom suozzi India, New York was also
early life demonstrate that he had been
exhibited. The exhibition
marked with divine grace, he said. " butions of the Sikh community to world
was inaugurated by
During his life, he traveled to many places peace and understanding, he said. Stacy Gold, Council
proclaiming the message of one God who "The strength of the United States lies in Member of Norwich. A
dwells in every one of his creations and our rich diversity. We are truly blessed number of speakers
constitutes eternal truth. Guru Nanak set with people of many faith and cultures, addressed the gathering,
up a unique spiritual, social and political including the Sikhs, who have contributed including Stacy Gold, Ripi
platform based on equality, fraternal love, so much to the fabric of our American Singh, Inspirational
goodness and virtue – attributes we could communities and the entire world," he speaker from Norwich
use more of in the world today," he added. added. Suozzi ended the speech with and Murugesan
The anniversary of Guru Nanakʼs birth 'Waheguru ji ka Khalsa, Waheguruji Ramaswamy, Consul
ki Fateh'.
(CPV) of CGI, New York.
is the perfect time to reflect on the contri‑
TheSouthAsianTimes.info NATIONAL November 23-29, 2019 9
n Wednesday, Gordon around an institution, and told Democrat of fices in Watergate
Sondland, the U.S. something about your boss, Hotel. The plot blew up in the
Ambassador to the chances are that you'd be hunted Republicans' face. When Nixon
European Union, testified to the down. In America, where the rule found out what his team had
House Impeachment Committee. of law dominates, a whistleblow‑ done, he tried to cover it up. From
His testimony was widely antici‑ er's complaint can result in thereon, all was downhill. Nixon
pated for several reasons. Chief impeachment. was accused of obstructing jus‑
among them is that despite the In a very short time of about tice. Impeachment proceedings
many who have answered the two months, this impeachment started. He would have been
House's subpoena, he seems to be thing has caught on like wildfire. impeached, possibly also convict‑
the only one who has had any A few weeks ago, I had argued in ed, had he not, amidst waves of
direct contact with President these columns that Democrats opposition, resigned.
President Trump swooped on one sentence from Ambassador
Trump. Others who testified, did should not impeach Trump. It For Donald Trump, the 2020
Sondlandʼs testimony Wednesday claiming that it has exonerated him.
so on the basis of orders they had might backfire against them in elections look, if not rosy, definite‑
received from up top, or had one of the front runner institution, points it out to others, next year's presidential elections. ly positive. Joe Biden notwith‑
heard a member of the State Demo crat ic candidate for i.e., in an attempt to correct the I still think so. But the Democrats standing, the Democrats haven't
Department say thus and such President in the 2020 elections. wrong‑doing. In a culture like in Cong ress maintain that really found a candidate who can
about Trump, or from someone There is a record of a telephone America, where there is a con‑ impeachment is necessary so that confidently beat Trump. A number
from the government of Ukraine. conversation that strongly sug‑ stant vigilance on over‑reaching it serves as a reminder to future of economic indicators also favor
The central issue for impeach‑ gests that President Trump did one's powers, whistleblowing is presidents not to over‑reach their Trump. For him to seek a round‑
ment is: Did Trump use his power posture like he would withhold one of those things sanctioned by powers, and, above all, respect the about, underhand way of trying to
as President to hold back $391 the money and the White House society in order to maintain a law. invest ig ate and discredit Joe
million that the US had pledged to visit unless Ukraine immediately level playing field. A whistleblow‑ I believe that the impeachment Biden simply wasn't necessary.
Ukraine for military de fense announced that they would inves‑ er is not a squealer or a traitor; he has already met its goal which, What these impeachment pro‑
against Russia? Also did he use tigate Hunter Biden, who served or she deserves to be protected. because of the Republican majori‑ ceedings w ill do is, not oust
his office to withhold an opportu‑ on the Board of a corrupt Who this whistleblower is, we ty in the Senate, could not have Trump, but convince a majority of
nity for Ukraine's newly elected Ukrainian organization, Burisma, don't know, nor are we supposed been to convict and oust this Americans that he was guilty of
president, Volodymyr Zelensky, to from 2014‑2019, some of this to. But given the often top‑secret President. The goal was to leave try ing illeg ally to coerce the
be invited to the White House for period covering when his father nature of the State Department hardly any doubt in the minds of Ukrainians into helping him win
a formal meeting, a meeting that was vice president of America. that manages US foreign af fairs, most Americans that the president the election.
would have enhanced Ukraine's The fact that Joe Biden is a presi‑ the whistleblower this time is did indeed try to coerce the Ambassador Sondland's testimo‑
international image, especially dent ial candidate for the most likely from that Department Ukrainian government to investi‑ ny was probably most damaging
from Russia's perspective who Demo crat ic Party for 2020, or from the White House itself. gate the Bidens because he con‑ to Trump and Republicans. The
would regard the invitation to makes Trump's condit ion for From the President down, siders the former V.P. the most latter's holding out for concrete
Washington as strengthening the investigating the Bidens palpably numerous Republicans have serious challenge to his re‑elec‑ evidence and not hearsay, suf‑
alliance between the two coun‑ personal and illegal. In the words demanded to know who the tion. fered in the face of what Sondland
tries? of Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the whistleblower is, demanded that Here, there may be an interest‑ said. While his testimony did not
The House, with a Democratic House, what Trump had done, if he or she be broug ht to the ing comparison w ith Richard quite amount to a smoking gun,
majority, brought these impeach‑ he has done it, amounts to impeachment hearings, quite for‑ Nixon's Watergate scandal, which the sheer volume of who said
ment proceedings against the bribery. getting that those are precisely also led to impeachment effort. In what to whom, the criss‑crossing
President because he has alleged‑ It all started with a "whistle‑ the things a whistleblower cannot 1972, Nixon won ree lect ion of different depositions, seems to
ly tied the above two "prizes" to blower." A whistleblower is a typi‑ be made to do. against the Democrats in a land‑ leave little doubt in Americans'
Ukraine investigating an alleged cally American term for someone For us South Asians, domiciled slide. But two years before that, minds that Trump did try some‑
corrupt ion involving Joseph who, upon seeing a wrong‑doing, in the US, this concept of the out of his own sense of insecurity, thing illegal. The Republicans'
Biden, former vice president, and committed by an organization or whistleblower should be very Nixon's reelection team entered demand for evidence is also being
sabotaged when the White House
itself refused to obey subpoenas,
holding up major players involv‑
ing Ukraine, such as John Bolton
and Mick Mulvaney from giving
their testimony. As for public
opinion, 51% of Americans believe
Trump is guilty of illegally influ‑
encing Zelensky.
I am not a lawyer. But I wonder
whether enough hearsay, corrobo‑
rat ing each other, can ever
amount to evidence? Perhaps not.
But in that case how would one
ignore the fact that the White
House deliberately has withheld
evidence by not allowing their
State Department's personnel to
All 10 candidates in Democratic presidential debate on Wednesday in Atlanta favored impeachment proceedings against Shivaji Sengupta regularly con‑
Trump ‑‑ Sen. Kamala Harris going to the extent of saying, “we have a criminal living in the White House.” tributes op‑eds to The South Asian
Fact remains that so far the Democrats haven't really found a candidate who can confidently beat Trump. Times
12 November 23-29, 2019 INDIA TheSouthAsianTimes.info
ramila Jayapal, an Indian American also Assam. in the highly partisan world of politics and
Democratic lawmaker, is planning Ro Khanna, another Indian American government af fairs. And thatʼs why, they
to introduce a resolution in the lawmaker, has been battling a similar believe, Jayapal and Khannaʼs situations
House of Representatives. And Rashida expectation war, for joining the Pakistan are symptomatic of a larger problem that
Tlaib, a Palestinian‑descent lawmaker, is Caucus in the US Congress. For some effects them personally, hampering their
also working on one, but may defer to Indians, this was akin to cheering for the ability to perform their duties as American
Jayapalʼs if it works for her as we ll. Pakistani team in a high‑stakes cricket officials.
Jayapalʼs unrelenting focus on Kashmir match against India. Khannaʼs supposed Many career government of ficials of
sheds light once again on the cloying intransigence is still being debated and Indian descent say they have felt pres‑
embrace Indian Americans are held in by decried on social media months after. He sured to attest to their impartiality when
India and Indians. needs to be “shamed”, some say. dealing with Pakistan for the same reason.
At the House hearing on Kashmir ̶ it There is talk also of cancelling fund‑rais‑ In some instances, Pakistan has actually
was all about Kashmir, letʼs face it, despite ing events in the Indian American commu‑ objected to working with US foreign serv‑
the pretence of discussing human rights nity to punish him. And efforts are said to ice officials of Indian descent.
in the region ̶ last month as Democrats be under way to engineer his defeat in the T hey neednʼt have. As an Indian
g rilled w itnesses on restrict ions in next elections in concert with Japanese American, who has lived here for more
Kashmir, political detentions and human Americans, who have been preparing for than four decades and worked with multi‑
rights violations, some Indian‑origin any opportunity to avenge the defeat of ple Indian governments, said, these law‑
Americans privately wondered ̶ grum‑
Pramila Jayapal. Mike Honda, a veteran Japanese American makers “are Indian only by the colour of
bled, actually ̶ if Representative Ilhan that as an Indian American, Jayapal Democratic lawmaker who mentored a their skin, otherwise they are standard
Omar had been more aggressive and hos‑ should have gone easy on India. She did‑ new crop of Asian Americans in politics. American legislators”.
tile or Jayapal. nʼt, of course. And has remained at it, with Khannaʼs of fice did not responded to a (The article appeared in The Hindustan
Tied to that question was an expectation plans to follow up with a resolution, which request for comments on the issue. Times)
t was delusory to imagine that has not completed its tasks yet. have to overcome "1,200 years
the Ayodhya verdict would Remember, the demand for the of foreign subjugation". As that
bring down the communal mandir entailed the removal of delightful Congress leader, the
temperature, even thoug h the mosque for which Muslims late K.K. Tewari told me: "in his
Muslims will acquiesce in the began to agitate. Spurred by cler‑ subconscious the Hindu nurses
judgement after a brief sulk. ics and lawyers, they dug their the belief that the Muslim rulers
Ayodhya is part of a much bigger hee ls in. Caste leaders like were foreigners." But Modi is the
enterprise. It is, to use my Mulayam Singh Yadav spotted an first leader to say so.
favorite image, a case of two opportunity: they sought to lure By firmly opposing the two‑
interlocking triangles. the Muslim away from the nation theory but, paradoxically,
The caste triangle, is as old as Congress by posing as protectors accepting a theocratic Pakistan
the hills and which negotiated of the mosque. On October 30 next door, the founding fathers
change across centuries at its and November 2, 1990, muf fled the allegations of "dou‑
own pace, including the phase of Mulayam as Uttar Pradesh Chief ble‑speak" by their iconic stature
conversions to other faiths. The Minister opened fire on kar as leaders of the independence
uplift of lower castes was a con‑ What would be required for that epochal outcome would sevaks, or Hindu volunteers, who movement. The incendiary mate‑
involve resetting the corner stone of the communal had assembled in Ayodhya in vio‑ rial for communalism left behind
tentious issue throughout the
edifice relations with Pakistan.
national movement but a vol‑ lation of government orders. by them ‑‑ Pakistan, Kashmir,
canic convulsion erupted only fiery expedition to mobilize pub‑ alimony to a Muslim widow, he At least 16 were killed. In hind‑ Indian Muslim tied to beef, love
when Hindu interests saw one of lic opinion for the Ram Temple was not act ing w ithout any sight, the death of Hindu kar jihad and terror (the third in the
their very own, V.P. Singh, sub‑ "exactly" on the spot where Ram precedent ‑‑ his own grandfather sevaks must be seen as a defin‑ list has been accentuated recent‑
vert the caste structure by imple‑ was born. Indeed, V.P. Singh's had will nilly accepted the idol in ing moment. Muslims embraced ly). The triangle has to be consis‑
menting the Mandal Commission provocation came in handy for the mosque. His promise for Ram Mulayam. (Laloo Prasad Yadav tently on slow fire to keep suffi‑
Report. Western not ions of Advani to implement the BJP's Rajya on the eve of the 1989 does not quite fit in the same cient saf fron in the air for the
democracy, social justice, upward resolution adopted at Palampur elections was all part of the con‑ way because of a different social Parivar to proceed on its tasks.
mobility were being imposed on in June 1989. tinuing clamor for a Ram temple. structure in Bihar.) But as the Can this disharmony ever be
a uniquely unequal system. In fact, Indira Gandhi began to By adopting this plank, Rajiv was Muslim vote drifted towards phased out? Not by settling
It might have seemed revolu‑ incorporate a touch of saffron in hoping to attract Hindu votes. caste leaders, so did Hindu con‑ Ayodhya, Kashi and Mathura
tionary to some but it shook her own politics as became clear Does the Ayodhya verdict bring solidation receive a shot in the alone. What would be required
Hindu society to the core. The from her campaign for Jammu about a closure to the conflict? arm. for that epochal outcome would
Hindu riposte was quick and e lect ion of 1983 when she The way the national mood has Narendra Modi appeared on involve resett ing the corner
powerful. V.P. Singh had intro‑ pitched the campaign against evolved since 1947, I do not see the firmament in Gujarat, later in stone of the communal edifice
duced the Mandal report on minority communalism, of the the Sangh Parivar having com‑ New Delhi, blessed by the Gods. relations with Pakistan. That step
August 1, 1990. On September Sikhs in this instance. pleted its agenda. It can be T he post 9/11 g lobal w ill open up possibilit ies in
25, 1990, BJP President, L.K. When Rajiv Gandhi had the argued that mosques in Kashi Islamophobia, enhanced the tol‑ Kashmir and take the heat of f
Advani, embarked on his Rath temple locks opened in 1985 to and Mathura are equally an erance level for an ever more Hindu‑Muslim relations. But,
Yatra from the Somnath temple balance his capricious reversal of af front to Hindu sentiment. I stark anti‑Muslim (anti minority) then, what happens to the proj‑
in Gujarat to Ayodhya. It was a a Supreme Court order giving expect these issues coming up platform. He gave notice of his ect of Hindu consolidation?
The views expressed in Op Eds are not necessarily those of The South Asian Times.
TheSouthAsianTimes.info COMMUNITY November 23-29, 2019 15
By Ashok Vyas
love and service
RANA President Haridas Kotahwala. This The event coordinator Rajshree Shah Whoʼs who from the Rajasthani commu‑
was the recurring message from the 4 was honored by RANA President. nity, accomplished businessmen, doctors
Melville, NY: The annual Diwali celebra‑ awardees of the evening ‑‑ three promi‑ Among the causes and organizations and media personalities attended and
tion of Rajasthan Association of North nent women doctors namely Dr Preeti RANA members are supporting include enjoyed the event. They included Naveen
America (RANA) at Huntington Hilton in Mehta (gastroenterologist), Dr Meena Jaipur Foot, Veerayatan, and Akshaya Shah, Kamlesh Mehta, Dr Samin Sharma,
Long Island on November 17 brought Bansal (also a gastroenterologist) and Dr Patra. That the flow of knowledge and Dr Raj Modi, Prem Bhandari, Dr Shashi
community members together in the spirit Nisha Jhalani (cardiologist) ‑‑ and entre‑ inspiration to serve society is flowing Shah, Dr Ajay Lodha, Ashok Vyas and
of love. It was a gathering of prominent preneur Ruchi Kotahwala (jewelry design‑ from one generation to another as was Kanak Golia.
members of the Rajasthani community er), T hey were honored by RANA evident by the presence of perfumers Rajasthanis love good food – and there
based in New York. President joined by Chief Guest of the Prabha and Kanak Golia, who were credit‑ was a nice spread to gorge on. Sustaining
It was not just the celebration of the fes‑ evening, Consul General of India, Sandeep ed for this passion by awardee Dr Preeti the cultural roots of traditional dance,
tival of light, but also an inspiring evening Chakravorty. Mehta, their daughter. Other awardees many attendees performed collectively on
with lot of emphasis on ʻserving the Community leader Dilip Chauhan pre‑ and the Consul General all gave inspiring Ghoomar in Rajasthani attire.
needyʼ, ʻhelping the society at largeʼ. This sented a citation on behalf of Brooklyn and substantial speeches. Young Vihan RANA community continues to thrive
theme resonated with awardees of the borough President, Eric Leroy Adams, to stole the hearts by his exemplary speech with cultural roots and mutual coopera‑
evening. the President Kotahwala and Treasurer to introduce the honoree, his mother tion as was evident at this Diwali celebra‑
This was the crux of the message of Chandrakant Sukhwal. Ruchi Kotahwala. tion oozing with positive energy.
Future of RANA is in good hands. (Clockwise) On behalf of RANA, President Haridas Kotahwala honored the chief
Vihan, grandson of President guest, Consul General of India Sandeep Chakravorty.
Haridas Kotahwala, impressed Community leader Dilip Chauhan presented a citation on behalf of Brooklyn
everyone in introducing his borough President, Eric Leroy Adams to RANA President Haridas Kotahwala.
mother, RANA Diwali 2019 The event coordinator Rajshree Shah was honored by RANA.
honoree Ruchi Kotahwala.
16 November 23-29, 2019 ULTIMATE BOLLYWOOD TheSouthAsianTimes.info
arisma and Kareena Kapoor, Nupur featured in B Praak's new of the story. Some stories require the small for‑
Saif and Soha Ali Khan, Kajol music video, "Filhall", along with mat and some are perfect for feature‑length cin‑ Actor Aparshakti Khurana played
and Tanishaa, Shilpa and Bollywood star Akshay Kumar. ema. The budget is also an issue for budding the protagonist in the short film ʻSepiaʼ.
Shamita Shetty ‑‑ all of them, actors While promoting the song, she was filmmakers, and that is why we start with short making video has changed. Look at the kind of
and siblings who made a mark in asked if she would debut as a films. Having said that, getting a producer for a music videos we are watching. The production
recent years. Cut to 2019, a new gen‑ Bollywood actress, Nupur said: short film is challenging because this format quality is so good, so is the storytelling. In fact,
eration of siblings is raring to go in "Hopefully soon. I am glad that I took does not get theatrical release. Investment is so many music videos are almost like short
Bollywood, following in the footsteps my time to do my first music video much lesser than that of feature films," Singal films. In the nineties, all those videos of the
of famous brothers or sisters. because I never ever dreamt that I told IANS, outlining the pros and cons. band Euphoria were like short films," said
The difference is, the new breed is would work with superstar Akshay Jio MAMI this year saw four short films being Aparshakti. Bollywood filmmaker Imtiaz Ali,
not necessarily foraying Bollywood as Kumar in my very first project. I am screened ‑ "Sepia", "Sibling", "Nawab" and who has been mentoring filmmakers keen on
film actors. Many of them are not going to wait for right opportunities. I "Adheen". making short films on the platform
entering Bollywood directly, because am in talks with a few people but I "A short film should be celebrated like feature "Humaramovie", said: "I find telling a story in
getting the perfect launchpad is not haven't signed anything as of now”. films in main film festivals like these because the short format is tough. I tried many times and
always a possibility. Rather, they are Newcomer Sara Ali Khan's brother people's interest to watch films in this format is it is really not easy to encapsulate an idea in a
first trying to grab public attention by Ibrahim Ali Khan was also one of the growing. It should not be treated as an alterna‑ limited time." Ali tried short filmmaking with
appearing in music videos, magazine debutants of 2019. tive for budding filmmakers, or as a stepping 'The Other Way'.
covers and ad‑films, before testing The news of actress Katrina Kaif's stone to enter the business of entertainment," Nitin Singal, whose feature film "Seven" has
Bollywood acting waters. sister Isabelle making her Bollywood said "Sepia" director Archit Kumar. been premiered on the OTT platform ZEE5, con‑
Actress Kriti Sanon's sister Nupur debut had been doing the rounds for Bollywood actor Aparshakti Khurrana, who cluded: "It is true that short films do not get a
Sanon has just made her acting debut. quite a while now, and earlier this year played the protagonist in "Sepia" and "Nawab", theatrical release and therefore business is
Unlike her sister, however, Nupur did‑ it was confirmed that she will be mak‑ feels the rising popularity of short films is also tough. But there is the option of digital release
n't choose a Bollywood film but a ing her debut opposite superstar because of the fact that the audience is growing now. My film ʻLetters' will soon stream on an
music video to introduce the audience Salman Khan's brother‑in‑law Aayush used to other formats of cinematic storytelling OTT platform, and my producer earns money
to her skills. Sharma in the film, "Kwatha" beyond feature films. "The whole approach of from the digital release."
For obvious reason, the onus In "Marjaavaan", a big part of
about reality with uncom‑
of unloading this all‑out formula the larger‑than‑life drama kicks
promising verve, which
bag on the audience's senses with the midget Vishnu. Which in
draws them close to young
falls on writer‑director Milap Zaveri who, in a turn means Riteish Deshmukh gets to play
short span of time, has established his status out the villain of the piece with filmi swag.
Recently, Mumbai wit‑
as Bollywood's go‑to guy if the loud action‑ While it is not a memorable role, it has
nessed an amazing lineup
melodrama cocktail is what you're looking to impact enough to obliterate the fact that the
of hip‑hop performances
Rapper MC Heam. serve. If Zaveri used the retro mayhem film actually has nothing to offer. The fact
from artists across the
mantra to sell 'deshbhakti' in his last film, that Sidharth and Tara as Raghu and Zoya
country, who performed at realized that this is the best way they can
"Satyamev Jayate", this time the formula is share near‑zero chemistry does not really
the Haq Se Hindustan concert. The concert put across their emotions."
employed to carry forward a tale of mush. help matters either. Milap Zaveri has just
featured performers such as The Dharavi According to artists of the musical group
Like most of eighties commercial Hindi cin‑ served a very messed‑up tribute to the
Dream Project (Mumbai), Dopeadelicz Dopeadelicz, relatability is the factor that
ema, Zaveri's script is an excuse to play out Bollywood entertainers of yore.
(Mumbai), MC Manmeet Kaur clicks with young listeners. "Whatever
(Chandigarh), MC Heam (Mumbai), Khasi content is coming through hip‑hop, young‑ The star cast of "Marjaavaan" in Mumbai.
Bloodz (Shillong), Gubbi (Bengaluru), sters can relate to it. There is a lot of real
Swadesi + Bandish Projekt content that is coming out that Bollywood
(Mumbai/Ahmadabad) and many others. or other music industries and genres don't
All the artists feel hip‑hop has a bright show. So, I feel hip‑hop is very close to
future in India because a lot of youngsters people and they can relate to it”.
from different parts of the country, espe‑ Rapper MC Heam believes that new‑gen‑
cially the millennial, are showing interest eration listeners connect with hip‑hop
in the genre. Talking about the same, because it is all about the truth. He said:
Bengaluru‑based rapper Gubbi said: "The "Hip‑hop is all about truth, that's why it is
millennial are taking a lot of interest in increasingly becoming popular. I think
hip‑hop. I think in the beginning they everyone can connect with hip‑hop if the
would want to do it because it seemed person is from the street, slum, poor or
cool. But the ones who sustained have rich”.
18 November 23-29, 2019 PHILANTHROPY TheSouthAsianTimes.info
eople have mig rated
through the ages, in search
of greener pastures, more
abundant food sources, better cli‑
matic conditions, and after defeat
in wars or to escape them. Modern
In his book, Suketu Mehta holds that present day migration is a
day migration is often to flee from long‑term effect of colonialism.
war, ethnic rivalries, effect of colo‑
nial practices that denuded the quarter billion people or one in 29 America's arbitrary interventions
land and made it unproductive or humans live in a country that is in many countries, especially in
to seek better economic prospects. not their country of birth. He Central America, propping up dic‑
But migration has become a con‑ explains how the West has benefit‑ tators and repressive regimes
troversial term as politicians have ed from migration and how west‑ brought political instability and
used racism and xenophobia to ern countries need and will contin‑ strife that often forced people to
divert attention from their policies ue to need migrants to boost their flee their homes. In the 1950s, it
by demonizing migrants. economies. overthrew a Guatemalan leader
Illegals, migrants, aliens, foreign‑ Mehta calls the debate on migra‑ whose land reform polices went
ers, stateless are some of the terms tion as "hypocritical". In his book, against the interests of the US‑
used to describe the newcomers, he juxtaposes his personal experi‑ owned fruit company.
while US President Donald Trump ence of migration, his family histo‑ Mehta travelled to the migrant
typically uses much harsher epi‑ ry, research and other tales of crossing places to learn about
thets. In the past decade, anti‑ migration, together with reportage what he describes as ''survival
migration rhetoric has come to from ground level and the various migration'' and listen to migrant
rule the public discourse in the underlying causes of migration to stories. He visited arrival points in
West and many other countries. construct a powerful vindication the Mediterranean coast and the
But, it is those migrants that boost for migration. This Land is Our Land: An Immigrant's Manifesto; Wagah‑Attari border. He describes
economic activity and perform the Mehta arrived in the United By Suketu Mehta, Jonathan Cape, London, 2019 Friendship Park at the border of
dirty work that residents of the States from India in the mid‑ the creditors. You took all our ef fect of colonialism. Colonialism California and Mexico where peo‑
host country are loathe to under‑ 1970s. He describes his family wealth, our diamonds. Now we and slavery destroyed economies ple gather to catch a glimpse of
take. Suketu Mehta's "This Land is moving "all over the earth, from have come to collect." It was an apt and displaced thousands of people loved ones across on an old wire
our Land: An Immig rant's India to Kenya to England to the response to British colonialism, but to meet labor requirements in new mesh fence.
Manifesto" is a searing broadside US and back again ‑‑ and still mov‑ Mehta extends it not just to the old colonies and at home. Colonial Migrants are not a drain on soci‑
on migration that describes the ing." He relates the racism and dis‑ imperialists but also to the United powers like Britain and France ety, according to Mehta, they con‑
historical causes of migration, the crimination, he and his family States for its economic colonialism. drew up borders (about 40 per tribute to the places they go to and
impact of migration on individuals encounter in America despite And with it, he provides the basis cent of national borders world‑ also to the places they leave in the
as well as the native and the host being part of the so‑called privi‑ for the demand for reparations. wide, according to Mehta) without form of remittances. Wealthy
countries, dispels the myths and leged "model" minority. When there is talk of reparations regard to ground realities. countries with aging populations
falsehoods that surround migra‑ Mehta's grandfather had a pithy for slavery, colonialism is not far The US did not have colonies like need migrants to revitalize the
tion and presents a well‑reasoned response when asked in a London behind as brutally oppressive and the major imperial powers but it economy. Migrants constitute 3 %
argument in favor of migration. park in the 1980s, "Why are you exploitative. Mehta holds that pres‑ has controlled and influenced of the world's population and con‑
According to Mehta, about one‑ here?" He said: "Because we are ent day migration is a long‑term nations with its economic power. tribute 9% of the total GDP.
he mounting protests in ist leaders named by the UN Imran Khan also has not much to
Islamabad ag ainst PM denounced the attitude of the show on the economic front.
Imran Khan, led by Maulana Americans and declared that 'join‑ Financial aid from Saudi Arabia,
Fazlur Rahman, head of the influ‑ ing the US war on terror was a big OIC Chair, and loan from IMF can‑
ential Jamiat‑ul‑Ulema‑e‑Islami mistake of Pakistan'. not suffice.
Pakistan, re flect the complex Imran came of f as a staunch From India's point of view,
domestic politics currently facing Islamist himself who upheld the Pakistan may be set for creating
the current regime. What has trig‑ cause of Islamic radicals targeting some new areas of concern. First,
gered the protest is the uncertain‑ the West. This weakened the Pak Maulana Rahman's agitation, fac‑
ty that has crept into the Army‑ army's hand in Afghanistan as an ing no restraint so far, has the
Imran Khan grid, the state of trian‑ objective looking mediator on the ef fect of enhancing the presence
gular links of Pakistan with US and question of bringing round Taliban of Islamic radicals in Pakistan con‑
China and the deterioration of to accept a peace pact with US. firming the reading that the Pak
India‑Pak relations. Imran Khan's handling of Indo‑Pak army‑ISI combine is now
It seems some awkwardness has issues looked clumsy when, after unabashedly using Al Qaeda‑ISIS
been created by Imran Khan for Balakot and more recently in the fronts against India besides the
the army in both foreign policy The Pakistan army can do with some pressure of public opinion get‑ wake of abrogation of Article 370 India‑specific outfits like LeT, JeM,
ting focused on the Prime Minister at a time when things are not by India, all that he could do was Hizbul Mujahideen, Harkatul
and domestic economy. The 'deep
working out well for Pakistan internationally and internally as well.
state' there had tradit ionally to talk of a possible nuclear show‑ Mujahideen and HUJI.
enjoyed, in the eyes of the people, Significantly, the Maulana is the Prime Minister at a time when down between the two countries. Secondly, Kashmir's total integra‑
a strong image in dealing with blasting Imran for failing Pakistan things are not working out well for W hat made the situat ion of tion with India has made Pak agen‑
India on Kashmir and this had evi‑ and even questioning the legitima‑ Pakistan internationally and inter‑ Pakistan even worse in the assess‑ cies according to our Intelligence
dently been dented by the tough cy of last year's general election nally as well. ment of US was Imran Khan's plan ways and means of stepping
counter responses of the Modi but without directly criticizing the Pakistan's relations with US, the unconcealed fascination for China up infiltration of Islamic militants
regime. Pak army might find it army. In the current public agita‑ mainstay of its geo‑political stand‑ and the projection by him of Sino‑ through Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri
convenient to blame it all on the tion against Imran Khan, both PPP ing, took a beating during Imran Pak alliance as a counterfoil to the Lanka where the ISI had an opera‑
civilian leadership. It could use the and PML(N) are supporting Fazlur Khan's time. President Trump's slipping US support for Pakistan. tional turf. Intensification of 'proxy
protests against Imran Khan to fur‑ Rahman from behind. The Pakistan admonition to Pakistan for provid‑ The Pakistan army might have war' is clearly on the cards.
ther strengthen its hold on the army can do with some pressure of ing safe haven to terrorists on its expected the PM to be more The writer is a former Director
country. public opinion getting focused on soil was in the context of both nuanced in handling international Intelligence Bureau
20 November 23-29, 2019 SUBCONTINENT TheSouthAsianTimes.info
plined queue. But they wonʼt be content
ith Guru Nanak Dev's birth
with just an autograph. Most of them also
anniversary being observed
want pictures with him. 'Him has no prob‑
around the world, such
lem obliging. Itʼs his moment. He is noth‑
moments of "collective ef fervescence"
ing short of a rock star right now.
are enormously meaningful, with the
The occasion may have been the launch
first Sikh master of fering a strong and
of Rajat Gupta's book ''Mind Without
enduring infrastructure with fellow
Fear'' (publisher: Juggernaut) at the Nehru
humans, a new book says.
Memorial Museum Library in the capital,
Over the years, more and more Sikhs
but the corridor is full of people confess‑
and non‑Sikhs are coming together to
ing in almost a star‑struck tone how he
celebrate the First Sikh," Nikky‑Guninder
has been an inspiration to them. For the
Kaur Singh writes in "The First Sikh ‑
uninitiated, Gupta was the first foreign‑
The Life and Legacy of Guru Nanak”,
born Managing Director of management
noting that the very first time she heard
consultancy firm McKinsey & Company in
the Master's hymns in public worship on
the US from 1994 to 2003. In 2012, he
American soil was at a Sindhi gurdwara
was convicted by US courts for insider Author of the book 'The First Sikh',
in Boston in 1974.
trading and spent two years in jail. Nikky‑Guninder Kaur is Crawford
T hus, be it at the University of
In ''Mind Without Fear'', he tells his side Once MD at McKinsey, California‑Davis, the Yuba County, the Professor and Chair of the
of the story, which he did not speak of Department of Religious Study
Rajat Gupta spent 2 years Indian Consulate in New York, the
during his trial, based on the advice of his at Colby College in Maine.
Pothohar community hosting an elabo‑
lawyers. in US jail for insider trading. eminent poet Mohammad Iqbal (1877‑
rate evening at the Mayfair Theatre in
Mention if the economic conditions in 1938) compares Guru Nanak to "the
the heart of London or the valedictorian
the US prevailing during the trial had an About his new memoir, reciting Guru Nanak's hymn at the bac‑ luminous Abraham, the son of Azar and
impact on the decision, Gupta told IANS, the spiritual ancestor to the Jewish,
"Let us not forget that it was the biggest
'Mind Without Fear', he calaureate service (convocation) of the
Colby College in Maine, Singh writes: Christian and Islamic religions. Just as
financial crisis of our lifetimes. People says: “The book is my side "Such moments of Abraham broug ht
were losing their jobs, pensions and there the light of monothe‑
was economic fear and uncertainty.
of the story and main intent 'collective ef ferves‑
ism to his idolatrous
cence' are enormous‑
People also believed that they hadn't done of writing it was not to try ly meaning ful. T he world, Guru Nanak
anything wrong and it was the financial enlig htened India
system that was to be blamed.
to argue my innocence or feeling here is not a
with a unicity of the
simple tolerance of
Consequently, they wanted people to be present evidence to refute people of other faiths, divine One (tawhid):
held accountable. Sadly, the ones actually "Batkada phit bad
responsible were never really convicted." the judgement. It was more or adding aspects
muddat ke mag ar
from dif ferent faiths
Though he started the outline of the to say, 'Ok, here is how I into a syncretic blend; roshan hua/noor‑e‑
book while in prison, the actual process of ibrahim se azar ka
writing commenced after a year of the experienced it'. In fact, I to the contrary, it is
g har roshan
real respect for and
release. "And I took one and a half years wanted to give an idea rejoicing in the differ‑ hua/phir uthi akhir
to write it." Ask him about the process, ada tawhid ki Punjab
ence and distinctive
and if it helped getting things out of his about certain lessons richness of our shared se/hind ko ek mard‑
system, and he asserts, "Yes. Of course, I had learnt." e‑kamil ne jag aya
though writing certain parts was tough as khawab se" (Ages
T he author,
one had to relive several painful moments because I think that it would have later the house of
Crawford Professor
and situations, but I felt much better post changed anything, but I would have been idols was lit up
and Chair of the
writing them. Frankly, I am quite happy able to tell myself that I tried everything I again/Azar's house
Department of
with the end product. Many people who could. The book is my side of the story was lit up by the
Re lig ious Study at
have read it say it's quite gripping." and main intent of writing it was not to try luminous Abraham/Once more from
Colby College, wonders whether in the
Talking about the time spent in prison, to argue my innocence or present evi‑ Punjab finally decreed/A perfect person
21st century, when we easily connect
Gupta, recalling his several weeks in soli‑ dence to refute the judgement. It was awoke India from its sleep).
over email, Twitter, Skype, Facebook and
tary confinement, said, "That was almost more to say, ''Ok, here is how I experi‑ Thus, it's little wonder that the ''Nanak
Instagram, "do we connect emotionally
like torture and I should be a very angry enced it''. In fact, I wanted to give an idea effect'', Singh writes, "surges across mul‑
and spiritually?"
man. Of course, I wasn't happy about it, about certain lessons I had learnt." tifarious channe ls and moves us to
"The First Sikh offers us a strong and
but in the end if I reflect upon it, it gave While Gupta feels much better ‑‑ physi‑ embrace fellow beings. Seeing ''our'' self
enduring infrastructure with fellow
me a great deal of learning. I read the Gita cally, mentally and spiritually post the
humans. We remember him, we imagine in the ''other'' is what Guru Nanak's visu‑
six or seven times in those seven weeks. It prison term as it was a period of learning,
him, and we praise him for breaking bar‑ al, poetic, philosophical and musical ren‑
allowed me to cope. It brought context reflection, and being at peace with him‑
riers; innovatively and gently he guides ditions bring about".
and meaning to those 49 days. Physically, self, he wants to focus more on his philan‑
us to envision the single Reality ‑ time‑ His repertoire of 974 hymns is an
the solitary confinement is all steel, harsh thropic work now. He wants to be more
less, formless, fearless, who cannot and "extraordinary gift for humanity", the
and cold. You go through such extraordi‑ involved w ith the Indian School of
must not be confined to any sect or reli‑ writer says, adding that Guru Nanak
nary indignities? One of the greatest les‑ Business (ISB), which he co‑founded in
gion. "does not belong exclusively to the Sikhs,
sons in Gita is equanimity ‑‑ happiness and 1997 and Public Health Foundation of
"Men and women of all ages, stages of his person and voice transcend all man‑
sorrow are the same things. I can say that India.
life, sexual orientations and religious made boundaries, all their ideological
I have emerged much richer from my "I am in my 70's. Besides the two, I have
backgrounds are inspired by his magical systems and categories.
prison experience. I now have more empa‑ also started thinking and working on
personality and magical words. They are T here is no conclusion here. T he
thy." reforms in the criminal justice system in
magical for sure, precisely because they momentum of his legacy is taking on a
Stating that he does regret not testify‑ the US."
are so real, applicable and empowering," dynamic trajectory. T he First Sikh's
ing, Gupta, who has also been on the Meanwhile, the number of people wait‑
the author states. 550th birth anniversary is but the begin‑
board of Goldman Sachs, Pro cter & ing for his autograph has increased mani‑
Singh notes that in a "glorious tribute", ning of exciting new encounters".
Gamble and American Airlines adds, "Not fold.
26 November 23-29, 2019 SELF HELP TheSouthAsianTimes.info
ven as more Americans turn to the nance and repairs.
used car market for affordable vehicle 8 Research finance options: A healthy
options, a recent survey suggests that down payment can reduce monthly costs ‑‑ at
outdated notions about used cars persist. least 10% of the purchase price is recom‑
Consumers not only think that used cars on mended for a used car.
average are older at the time of sale than they 8 Go online: Auto dealers want buyers to
actually are, but also less expensive, accord‑ walk away feeling good about their purchase
ing to an Ally Financial survey of more than and welcome well‑researched shoppers.
2,000 American adults conducted by The Prepare yourself by checking online
Harris Poll. On average, the survey finds that resources like Kelly Blue Book or Edmunds
Americans think the average age of a used for a specific vehicleʼs local market value.
vehicle at the point of sale is 6.6 years, but 8 Consider a service contract: Protection
the 2019 Edmunds Used Vehicle Report puts plans help provide peace of mind and can
the average age at 4 years. The Ally survey cover expenses for repairs and replacement
also finds that on average, consumers believe parts that may no longer be under a manufac‑
that the average price of a used vehicle is turerʼs warranty.
$9,860 when itʼs actually more than twice “Ultimately, todayʼs used vehicles are better
that amount ‑‑ $20,664 ‑‑ according to end up with a lot more car for your money, or repairs if they break. quality and feature more options than ever
Edmunds. a lot more money in your wallet.” For those 8 Get a vehicle history report: The mini‑ before. A 75,000‑mile used vehicle is in an
“Even though many Americans are buying shopping for a used car or considering doing mal cost is worth the investment, and some entirely different category than it was just a
used cars, the survey shows many people so, Arnold offers the following tips: car dealers will provide it for free upon few years ago,” says Arnold. “With many of
lump all used cars in with old clunkers,” says 8 Prioritize needs and wants: Think practi‑ request. the same tech and safety features that new
Matt Arnold, senior regional vice president of cally about which features are necessary. 8 Know your budget: Beyond the purchase cars offer but at a significantly lower price
Auto Finance at Ally. “Itʼs time to let go of old Some nice‑to‑have tech features add to the price, your automotive budget should include point, theyʼre a smart alternative for all budg‑
stereotypes. With a used vehicle, youʼll either price and can cost thousands of dollars in insurance, finance costs and ongoing mainte‑ ets and lifestyles.”
f a foreign individual would
like to come to the U.S. for
Business Traveler
some sort of short business
activity they will most likely have
to apply for a B‑1 visa. A B‑1 visa
is a temporary non‑immigrant
business visa. This visa is for for‑
an additional six months. The 1 visas granted; those numbers Any dependents of B‑1 nonim‑
eign individuals who are coming maximum total amount of time include boarder crossing cards. migrants, spouse and children
to the U.S for business purposes. permitted in B‑1 status on a sin‑ From the year 2014 to 2018 under the age of 21, are not
BUT NOT TO WORK. Some quali‑ gle trip is one year. An individual there has been a steady decrease allowed to obtain a dependent
fying business purposes include: is not required to have a return in the number of B‑1 visas that visa.
ticket when they come to the U.S. are granted. This may be con‑ Each dependent who will join
8 Settling an estate, but they should have evidence nected to the stricter compliance the B‑1 visa holder to the U.S.
8 Negotiating a contract, valid visa in an expired passport with them to show that they have with immigration rules and regu‑ must apply separately for a B‑2
8 Taking part in short‑term to a new passport. The foreign a reason to leave go back home lations under the Trump visitor visa and must follow the
training, or individual will need to carry both at the end of their stay. One of Administration. rules of that visa.
8 Consulting with business their old passport with the valid the requirements needed for an
associates visa and their new passport or individual to be granted a B‑1 Dev Banad Viswanath is the Principal Attorney of
apply for a new visa to be includ‑ visa is to show that they will be The Banad Law Offices PC in the United States,
Foreign individuals entering ed in the new passport. here for a specific amount of and Banad Immigration in India for which
the U.S. under a B‑1 visa may not Under a B‑1 visa a foreign indi‑ time and they plan on returning Attorney Michael Phulwani is also affiliated as Of
do any productive work or vidual may stay in the U.S. to their foreign home. A B‑1 visa Counsel. With Offices in Manhattan, Queens,
accept paid or unpaid work. The between one and six months, six is a temporary visa and therefore Bangalore, and Mumbai, the firm is able to assist
B‑1 visa status does not give an months being the maximum. an individual cannot stay in the clients with all facets of the immigration process,
individual permission to manage However, most B1 visa appli‑ U.S. for an infinite amount of including Employment Visas, Consular Visa
a business or start a new busi‑ cants will get 3 months of Assistance, Student Visas, Removal &
ness. When planning to travel to Deportation, US Citizenship and Green Card
authorized entry. The rationale is From the year 2014 there has
the U.S. with a B‑1 visa, the for‑ Applications based on Family or Employment.
that there is really no need for a been decrease in the number of
eign individual must make sure Dev B. Viswanath can be reached at
person to be in the US for more B‑1 visas that were granted. [email protected] and 718‑361‑5999.
they have a valid passport as than months on a non‑working According to the Department of Dev will be working from the India offices from
well. If their passport is expired business trip. After the initial State (DOS) in 2014 there were November 5th to November 20th for any
and it contains a valid visa in it a period of stay ends, an extension 44,880 B‑1 visas granted and in assistance or consultations.
U.S. Embassy will not transfer a of stay may be granted for up to 2018 there were only 38,705 B‑
Citizenship application
gram that lets nearly 700,000 young, tenuous claim that it was illegal, rather than
undocumented immigrants live and work in what Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
the USA without fear of deportation. said might be a more legitimate reason: "We
Man caught
stealing ice Sale of cow-dung cakes at US store
cream during
live news report fuels Twitterati's imagination
Twitter post by an Indian journalist ry." "If someone wants to eat them, they cooking." In a cheeky play on words, one user
man in the US was caught
on Monday on the sale of cow‑dung should be allowed to do so," read a tweet. said: "Isko dekh kar maine DUNG reh gaya."
stealing ice cream during
cakes in a US store for Rs 215 elicited One user reminded that "Religious or not, Earlier this year, Amazon was selling ''nat‑
a live news report, in a
witty responses from users. this is good fuel for conventional Punjabi ural'' coconut shells for nearly Rs 1,400.
hilarious video that has gone
"My cousin sent me this. Available at a gro‑
viral on social media and has
gathered more than three million
views on Twitter. In the video, a
cery store in Edison, New Jersey. $2.99 only.
My question: Are these imported from desi Laughter is the Best Medicine
cows or are they from Yankee cows?" Samar
Fox Sports reporter does his
Halarnkar tweeted on his handle @samar11.
piece to camera during a live
The accompanying picture showed a pack‑
report on an ice hockey match,
et of 10 cow‑dung cakes, with the label duly
with fans cheering and waving in
informing prospective customers that the
the background. Then, a man in
product was meant only for "religious pur‑
the crowd slyly takes away an ice
poses" and was "not eatable" (sic).
cream cone from the hand of
The post got quite a few humorous reac‑
another person who is busy talk‑
tions. One user wrote: "Better to market them
ing to his friend and looking at
as ''Cow Dung Cookies'' in the US."
his phone.
"It does not guarantee the ''cakes'' are made
He takes a large bite of the ice
from Cow‑Dung from cows native to India,"
cream and then tries to return it
said another user.
to the owner but decides to dis‑
One tweet said: "Product of India."
appear into the crowd as the man
Another asked: "Is that from buf falo???
realizes that his dessert is miss‑
Raw material input/output high!!!"
ing and begins looking around
One raised suspicion on the quality of the
for the thief.
product in a witty way: "Morality question is
The viral video has been shared
kya inka character dheela hai #sorrynotsor‑
by ESPN and the Carolina
Hurricanes, one of the teams
playing the ice hockey match.
"Crime of the century," they
tweeted along with the viral
Since being shared on
November 12, the video has By Mahendra Shah
received over 48,000 likes and
nearly 14,000 retweets. T he Mahendra Shah is an architect by education, entrepreneur by profession, artist and humorist,
video has been viewed more than cartoonist and writer by hobby. He has been recording the plight of the immigrant Indians for
three million times. the past many year in his cartoons. Hailing from Gujarat, he lives in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
TheSouthAsianTimes.info ASTROLOGY November 23-29, 2019 29
By Sant Rajinder Singh Honoring saints young lion looked down, it great Greek philosopher, Socrates. sure we make the right choices
jumped back startled to see a He said, “Our prayers should be about what to pray for is to pray
Ji Maharaj and founders of lionʼs face staring back at it.” for blessings in general, for God that God gives us what is best for
f we were to look down upon all religions “See! You are a lion,” the older
lion told him. “That is who you
knows best what is good for us.”
This quote coincides with the
us. God makes no mistake. Rather
than pray for something that may
this physical world from a high
vantage point, we would find
through or may not be the best for us, let
us pray for Godʼs will for us.
the light of billions of souls shim‑
mering throughout the world.
meditation If we relax and rest in Godʼs
will, we will find that everything
Like a foaming sea, they move The various religious and spiri‑ works out for the best in the long
about from one life to another, tual traditions have more com‑ run. Meditation is a process of
from one form of living thing to monalities than dif ferences. The relaxing in Godʼs will. Meditation
another. All the souls, when seen common core of each is the same. provides a time when we can let
in their true perspective, are the They believe in a higher power, go of all clutching and praying for
same. They are all a part of God's althoug h called by dif ferent this thing and that. It is a time in
consciousness; they are all Light, names, which created all of us. which we sit in a state of stillness
and they all have an innate bliss. They also believe that we have a and surrender to Godʼs will. It is a
But if we look at the condition spiritual core within us created by chance to let go of all our wants
of our world, we are appalled and the hig her Power. T hey also and desires.
shocked by the suffering and pain speak of tapping into this spiritu‑ We merely sit in a receptive
each form of life is undergoing. al side of ourse lves throug h mood and ask God to grant what
We find strife and dissension prayer, meditation, or inversion to is best for us. We will find that
throughout the world. We find uncover our Source. While lan‑ God will give us much more than
countries at war. Many nations guage, terminology, and customs we had expected.T hat is the
are embroiled in internal con‑ differ, at the heart of all are prac‑ secret to enlightened living.
flicts. We see religious groups at t ices that connect our true Through meditation, we will
odds with each other. Community essence, the soul, with the higher find the treasure of spiritual
strife is widespread. Even within Power. pearls to enlightened living that
families we find discord and Saints, Masters, spiritual teach‑ will bring us peace, happiness,
disharmony. We find human ers, and enlightened beings, such and bliss. God wants us to live in
beings killing various forms of as Budd ha, Jesus Christ, (Image courtesy: stockphotos.ro) eternal peace and bliss in the
life, including other human Mahavira, Moses, Krishna, Rama, spiritual realm.
beings. Guru Nanak, Kabir, Maulana prayer to Go d to
really are.”
We wonder how there can be so Rumi, St.Teresa of Avila, Mira Bai, give us whatever is good for us.
We are in the same predicament
Time and again, whenever we
much pain and turmoil caused by
people who have within them the
Hazur Baba and many others
came to help connect people of
as the lion. We think we are the
body and the mind. We do not
demand something from God that The essence of
same divinity of God. This seem‑
ing "fragmentation" of God into so
their times with the divine within
them. To understand the role of
realize that we are soul. We are
is continually denied to us, it is
usually because we are asking for
not sheep; we are lions̶true
many souls was meant to bring an saints and Masters, there is a something that is not good for us
sons and daughters of the Divine. Saints from every religion teach
increase in the Lord's happiness. story about a lion cub that ultimately.
The stillness of meditation is the the same truth. They help us find
Just as a couple bear children to became lost from its mother. A reflecting pool in which we can T here have been many
the common elements in each.
increase their mutual love and mother sheep found the lion cub see who we really are. When our instances in which people prayed
They have love and respect for
joy, so did God bring about the frig htened and alone in the body and mind are still, we can to God for something, and God
other great saints and the world's
creation of so many souls, so wilderness. Out of compassion, see our own true self as soul. did not grant their wish. Later
religions. They recognize that
many children. Yet the result is the sheep took the cub and raised Meditat ion is a pract ical they came to learn that receiving
they are teaching the same Truth.
far from what was intended. We her as her very own. T he cub method in which we can discover the wish would not have been a
Although outer languages, cul‑
who are moving packets of bliss grew up with the other sheep and our true self as soul and achieve good thing after all. Will a mother
tures, customs, and the way of
and all‑consciousness are aware began acting like them. Crying, spiritual consciousness by reunit‑ allow the child to have poison?
dressing and greeting may differ
of great pain and torment. “Baaah, baaah,” it even began to ing our soul w ith the hig her T he child may cry for it and
from country to country, the
If we could return to our true believe it was also a sheep. Power. It is a way to discover our throw a tantrum, but if it is poi‑
essence of religions is the same:
state and realize we are soul, we One day, a lion came by and true purpose in life and to reach son, the mother will not grant it.
there is one God, we are children
would find lasting peace and thought it strange to hear this the goal of enlightenment in this Instead the mother will give the
of one Creator, and our purpose is
ecstasy. If we could tap deeply young lion baaahing like a sheep. lifet ime. In this way, we can child what is best for him or her.
to know ourselves, know God, and
within ourselves, penetrating The lion asked, “Why are you uncover who we really are and The child may not realize it at the
love all.
beyond the outer form of this making sounds like you are a can truly say that we know our‑ time, but as the child grows and
physical bo dy and mind, we sheep?” T he young lion said, selves learns, the child is grateful for all (For more visit www.sos.org)
TheSouthAsianTimes.info November 23-29, 2019
TheSouthAsianTimes.info November 23-29, 2019
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