Vol.12 Issue 23 October 5-11, 2019
Vol.12 Issue 23 October 5-11, 2019
Vol.12 Issue 23 October 5-11, 2019
e x c e l l e n c e i n j o u r n a l i s m
Vol.12 No. 23 October 5-11, 2019 80 Cents New York Edition Follow us on TheSouthAsianTimes.info
TheSouthAsianTimes.info TRISTATE COMMUNITY October 5-11, 2019 3
celebrates 150th "The fact that the US President came to more of past policies and the prospect any thing so unfair," Trump said.
the Indian event and stayed there for of further radicalization. Or we had a "They've never seen anything so unjust.
such a long t ime was g reat. After decisive change in the landscape and a I've been president now for almost
Birth Anniversary of speeches, when I requested him, he
came for a round of stadium without
change of direction towards de‑radical‑
three years, and I've been going
through this for almost three years. It's
York City Neighborhood accurate count.” “Engaging New Yorkers volunteers will primarily engage in four
ew York City officials and advocates are reaching
Organizing Census Committees (NOCCs), through NOCCs is a highly effective way organizing tactics: teach‑ins, phone bank‑
out to immigrant communities to provide infor‑
the cornerstone of NYC Census 2020ʼs to ensure City‑wide participation in the ing, “text‑banking,” and community can‑
mation about the Trump administrationʼs pend‑
Field Program. The NOCCs program Census,” said J. Phillip Thompson, Deputy vassing. “Our team is leading a multi‑
ing “public charge” rule. The policy, which could poten‑
seeks to recruit 2,500 volunteer Census Mayor for Strategic Policy Initiatives. pronged, campaign‑style strategy in coor‑
tially take effect Oct. 15, seeks to make it harder for
Ambassadors citywide to engage in local “Combined with our $19 million invest‑ dination with a broad range of stakehold‑
some immigrants to get their residency permit or a visa
census‑related outreach, with the ulti‑ ment to support community‑based cen‑ ers to proactively engage New Yorkers
if they receive social benefits or are likely to do so in the
mate goal of significantly increasing New sus education and organizing, NYC from all walks of life. We know that when
future. Immigration lawyers argue that the confusion
York Cityʼs self‑response rate in the 2020 Census 2020 is maximizing all of the our communities organize, thereʼs noth‑
caused by the rule represents a greater risk than the rule
Census. Cityʼs resources to engage as many peo‑ ing that can stop us. Thatʼs why weʼre
itself. Dan Smulian, from the Catholic Charitiesʼ Legal
“Successful campaigns come from the ple as possible in this critically important empowering everyday New Yorkers to
Services Department, advises taking confidential advice.
grassroots. Thatʼs why weʼre taking to count, especially from those within com‑ act as trusted voices in their own commu‑
He added that it is very important to get “the right guid‑
the streets to ensure all New Yorkers get munities that historically have not nities and help organize their neighbor‑
ance, as, in many cases, fear drives people to abandon
counted next year,” said Mayor de Blasio. engaged in the past.” Interested New hoods for a full 2020 count,” said NYC
programs that by definition would have no real impact
“Everyone in this city has a role to play. Yorkers can sign up to volunteer and join Census 2020 Director Julie Menin.
on their immigration case in the future.”
Recently, several organizations ̶ including El Diario,
own of Huntington offi‑
the Mayorʼs Office of Immigrant Affairs (MOIA), Catholic
Charities, the New York Immigration Coalition (NYIC),
cials, family and friends
of Lloyd Frazier, gath‑
Huntington dedicates street for
ʻHotel McDonaldʼsʼ good samaritan
the Hispanic Federation, the Legal Aid Society, NYLAG,
ered Sept 21 to name
the New York State Office for New Americans and
Highland Court in Huntington
Univisión 41 ̶ hosted an information hotline to offer
after the late owner of ʻHotel
advice about the rule. The phone bank initiative took Lloyd Frazier
McDonaldʼsʼ on Chambers
approximately 1,000 calls from concerned immigrants
Street in Manhattan, who pro‑
had provided
over six hours. Bitta Mostofi, Commissioner for the safe haven and
vided a safe haven and
Mayorʼs Office for Immigrant Affairs, warned that New 700,000 free
700,000 free meals to 9/11
York City will continue challenging “this assault to the meals to Ground
Ground Zero rescue and
health and wellbeing of communities” on all possible Zero workers.
recovery workers. Officials, family
grounds. “We are working to train the cityʼs residents to
Supervisor Chad A. and friends
make the best decisions without necessarily renouncing
Lupinacci served as master of attended the
the benefits they are entitled to. Eligibility for public pro‑
ceremonies. T he Town of street
grams has not changed,” she insisted. “New York City
Huntington was also repre‑ dedication
strongly opposes this wrongful rule and its threat to pre‑
sented by a few ceremony.
vent families to have access to food, health and other
Councilmembers. New York
social aids,” she added. Those with questions about the
State Assemblymen Andrew owner of the McDonald's wiches and the Frazier family Town of Huntington resident,
“public charge” rule can contact the city‑funded
Raia and Steve Stern also located at 729 Route 110 in brought coffee and donuts for lost his battle with 9/11‑relat‑
ActionNYC hotline at 800‑354‑0365 and say
attended the ceremony. Me lville, contributed the ceremony. ed lung cancer on January 17,
“public charge.”
Lloydʼs son Steven Frazier, McDonaldʼs breakfast sand‑ Lloyd Frazier, a life long 2006 at the age of 53.
Porbandar born man set a unique stage to
introduce America to Mahatma Gandhiʼs lega‑ t was in 1981, 5 year after I founded became the Executive Trustee of GOPIO
cy and impact. Federation of Indian Americans (FIA) in Foundation till his death. A major contribution
PM Modi unveiled a plaque proclaiming the New York that I learnt about Inder Singh of Inder in Southern California is launching
who organized an India Indian Heritage Foundation that
groundbreaking of Eternal Gandhi Museum
Houston, which will be one of the worldʼs first Independence Day celebration in TRIBUTE has been honoring academic
Los Angeles area. I called him up excellence and achievements of
digital multimedia museums, and the only
and shared our successful experi‑ Indian American youth since
one of its kind in the US. This unique new des‑
PM Modi being greeted by Atul Kothari, ence of bringing all Indian com‑ 1987.
tination will keep the flame of Gandhiʼs legacy brain behind the museum. munity groups in the New York Inder was passionate about
and impact alive by presenting key historical
Special Projectsʼ at the Aditya Birla group. area under one umbrella of FIA honoring the forgotten Ghadar
events associated with Gandhiʼs life and a
In 2006, Kothari visited the Gandhi Smriti and suggested him to do so too. heroes. He sensitized the Indian
variety of interactive experiences inspired by
in Delhi. “That is where I came to know about He immediately changed his government to organize a sympo‑
Gandhian thought.
the multimedia exhibition called the Eternal groupʼs name to FIA Southern sium on Ghadar heroesʼ contribu‑
At the ceremony, the PM Modi said, "The
Gandhi,” he said. “It was exactly what I had in California. Since then, I worked tion to the countryʼs freedom
Eternal Gandhi museum will be a prized cul‑
mind for a museum in the US.” with him very closely and brought Inder Singh struggle and was instrumental in
tural landmark in Houston. I have been asso‑
“Parekh readily agreed to donate the con‑ him into the National Federation if the government deciding to reno‑
ciated with this effort for a while. It will sure‑
ly make Gandhi Ji's thoughts popular among tent of one of their two traveling exhibitions. Indian American Associations (NFIA) and vate and establish a Ghadar Center as a muse‑
the youth." With that our project started rolling,” Kothari organized a successful national convention in um in San Francisco. A Republican, Inder Singh
T he museum is the brainchild of Atul said. 1986 in LA. In 1988, Inder Singh came to DC also co‑founded the Asian & Pacific American
Kothari, who established T he Mahatma Kothari aims to complete by 2021 the to testify before the Senate Foreign Relations Republicans Coalition, which became a char‑
Gandhi Library in Houston with his friends in museum of about 10,000 square feet to Committee against massive military aid to tered organ of the California Republican Party
2002. They organize events to encourage the house the Eternal Gandhi exhibits. The Board Pakistan. In 1989, when NFIA did the first in the 1990s. Inder Singh became an Indian
spread of Gandhian philosophy. But Kothari of Trustees of Mahatma Gandhi Library has Global Convention of People of Indian Origin in diaspora institution in Southern California and
dreamed of a museum that would appeal to already committed $1.1 million for the proj‑ New York, Inder was NFIA President and was a all pan‑Indian community events there were
Indian Americans and to Americans in gener‑ ect, raised a total of $1.4 million and looks great team player and travelled to Canada to held under his leadership. It is a great loss for
al. Then he received support from Bharat forward to generous donations and support reach out to our community and bring them to GOPIO, Indian community in the USA and the
Parekh, the president of ʻEternal Gandhi and to complete the project. the convention. He took over as President of Indian diaspora. May his soul rest in peace.
TheSouthAsianTimes.info US AFFAIRS October 5-11, 2019 9
MP honey‑trap case: Economist Surjit Bhalla named Executive Director for IMF
New Delhi: The Indian government has appointed Monetary Fund for a period of three years from the
lbert Einstein while pay‑ gentle way, you can fundamental philosophy of
ing tributes to Mahatma shake the world.” This Rotary and its Peace initiatives
Gandhi said, “Generations call for peaceful inter‐ around the world and the peace
to come will scarce believe that action with the people scholars who get trained in the
such a one as this ever in flesh is the fundamental concept of peace spread the mes‑
and blood walked upon this sage and help to resolve con‑
philosophy of Rotary
earth.” People who have had the flicts.
and its peace initiatives While celebrating the life of
opportunity to interact with
Gandhi remember his words –
around the world. A the great man on his 150th
“Be the change you want to see tribute on the 150th Anniversary, Rotarians who take
in this world.” birth anniversary of the up great challenges in shaping
When Gandhi spoke to the mil‑ Father of the Nation. the community should remember
lions of his fellow freedom fight‑ his words, “First they ignore you,
ers in India, he said, “I am asking ment as a working and living people, empower them to change This probably became the motto, then they laugh at you, then they
you to believe, not in my ability center for citizens who wished to their country into a free nation Service Above Self, of Rotary fight you, then you win.”
to make change, but in yours.” serve the community. Following and to drive out the occupying International. Rotary believes
These words stirred up the pas‑ Gandhiʼs ideals, leaders of Rotary forces. The Satyagraha move‑ that people, who are crazy The writer (www.
sion to struggle for freedom in during in the 30ʼs and 40ʼs set a ment stands out as a powerful enough to think they can change ashokmahajan.in) is
the hearts of the rich and poor goal to develop the next genera‑ weapon and ultimately this con‑ the world, are the ones who do. Director, Rotary
alike throughout the country and tion of citizens. Rotaryʼs leaders cept of non‑violence brought These words were inspired by
people did not mind bearing the asked each one of the members freedom. Gandhi and Rotarians have near‑
International (2007‐09);
brutal attacks of the British sol‑ to add their voice and their input Rotary in many ways has been ly eradicated polio from the face and Trustee, The Rotary
diers. Gandhiʼs vision of freedom in shaping the organization, doing constant research in find‑ of the world. Foundation (2009‐13).
was democracy, which begins not much like the collective wisdom ing out what are the best pro‑ Gandhi lives through his work
with the government or with the which went into shaping the grams to suit the needs of the and mission in every village and
political parties or with any one Constitution of India which community in different parts of city in India and has inspired
politician, but within each one of imbibed the values of Gandhi. the world. The setting up of The many famous world leaders to
us. Gandhi went to several parts of Rotary Foundation proved to be adopt his philosophy. Rotary
This is the same belief that India making people part of the the ideal way to connect to the lives in over 120 countries and is
Rotary International has with its freedom movement. He spent donors and those who needed touching the lives of millions of
1.2 million members worldwide. years of listening, learning and help. people to make this world a bet‑
Rotary evolved during the same experimenting to design the Gandhi taught us to put the ter place. Gandhi said, “In a gen‑
period of Indiaʼs freedom move‑ most effective way to inspire the needs of others above our own. tle way, you can shake the
12 October 5-11, 2019 SUBCONTINENT TheSouthAsianTimes.info
By Parveen Chopra
offered dinner around the time of he Association of Indians in Diwali. The festival of lights
the fireworks around 7.15 pm. America (AIA) would like to (Diwali) is a manifestation of the
The variety of cuisines and food this time at the
For many years, AlA Deepavali thank the tristate communi‑ Indian culture that brings the
street fair is expected to be amazing.
fireworks were sponsored by Air ty for making AlA‑NY chapter's community together and creates
India, India's national carrier. Chinese and Hispanic. This fulfils ment agencies, schools, universi‑ annual Deepavali festival one of uniformity, signifies the enlighten‑
Now new players – CheapOair their central motto: ʻCultural ties, public institutions and cor‑ the most prominent and well‑ ment of hearts, brightens our
and Qatar Airways have come Diversity, Social Harmonyʼ. porations. AIA has partnered known celebrations. It is our smiles, and embodies our compas‑
forward to sponsor the fireworks. AIA‑Deepavali needs no testi‑ with prestigious institutions such pleasure to have you all there on sion. The festival is symbolic for
Other big sponsors fo Deepavali monials. Yet, Thakkar points out as Rubin Museum, and Museum October 6 celebrating with us, one light taking over and banishing
include McDonaldʼs, New York that their Deepavali festival being of Natural History to hold Diwali of the most famous Indian festi‑ any darkness and ignorance.
Life, Navika and HAB Bank. showcased for the last 32 years celebrations. It has also organ‑ vals. Diwali is celebrated with joy,
With its pioneering efforts, AIA at the same venue, and at the ized Childrenʼs Deepavali at sev‑ People from all over have come splendor, happiness and enthusi‑
has brought Indian culture, food same time in a year (first Sunday eral libraries in Queens, and celebrated Diwali at South St. asm by people all over the world.
and dance to the general public of October) has become a cata‑ Connecticut and Westchester. Seaport for the past 3 decades, An average of 100,000 people
in the tristate area. AIAʼs lyst for Diwali's widespread exhibiting unity and together‑ come every year to celebrate with
Deepavali festival attracts not acknowledgement in the White For more details please contact ness. The event has manifested us, hope to see you there! Success
only the Indian American com‑ House, NY City Hall, Gracie Harish Thakkar at into an experience, which not only is a team effort, and that includes
munity but also Americans, Mansion, Times Square, govern‑ [email protected]. the Indian community enjoys but my executive community, past
one that the city's diverse popula‑ presidents, and sponsors. I'm
tion has come to appreciate. thankful to CheapOair and Qatar
Diwali is a festival that brings airways for continuing to sponsor
families together, enlightens souls fireworks, as well as the other
and brightens your lives. The sponsors, McDonalds, Air lndia,
Indian culture is filled with pre‑ PepsiCo, New York Life, State bank
cious wisdom and countless of India, India Abroad, The South
insights that help our world every Asian Times, News India Times
day. India's heritage is a tapestry and DesiTalk, TV Asia, ITV, Jus
of many mini‑cultures, religions Punjabi,Indian Express, and
and beliefs. AlA mirrors this Indian Panorama, among others...
essence of India with its diversity. Diwali has come a long way in
It is devoted to enhancing the New York City, and has become a
nation. Therefore, AlA members rite of passage. So, to each one of
have been working tirelessly for you, we (AlA) wish you and your
months, this festival is a result of family a very happy, safe, healthy,
our great dedication and commit‑ and joyous Diwali.
ment to the community. I am With thanks,
greatly appreciative that you are Harish Thakkar
Harish Thakkar has been involved with AIA‑NY for the past 14 years and well‑equipped to stage the with us to celebrate India and President, AIA ‑ NY Chapter
mega show of the Indian community in the tristate area.
TheSouthAsianTimes.info AIA DIWALI SPECIAL October 5-11, 2019
Leading to Serve
the Community
Harish Thakkar taking oath of office as AIA ‑ NY President from
Deputy Consul General of India in New York Shatrughna Sinha
at the consulate in April this year.
Harish Thakkar, seen with wife Anita and daughter Heeta, is Community Outreach officer for BAPS ‑NY.
arish Thakkar who is an IT profit organizations like the American and Indian American
professional, has been American Cancer Society, Queens organizations. To name a couple,
New York City Comptroller Scott Stringer honored Harish Thakkar at
involved in the service of Public Library, Big Brothers Big Harish Thakkar was presented a
the Asian American and Pacific Islander event in June 2017.
the South Asian community for Sisters of NYC, etc and helps with proclamation commending his
many years. He is currently the their Health Fair and other BAPS community work by the New York
President of Association of Indians activities. Harish has also been the City Council at City Hall in
in America, NY Chapter ‑ which Vice President of Lohana Samaj of November 2016 at their annual
conducts the Deepavali festival @ tri‑state, where he did a lot of Diwali celebration in the presence
South Street Seaport for the tri‑ Indian community projects. of lawmakers. Next year, he was
state area (NY, NJ & CT) besides all Currently, he is working on the honored by New York City
other AIA activities during the project creating a healthy lifestyle Comptroller Scott Stringer at the
year. Harish is involved with AIA for children to make healthy choic‑ Asian American and Pacific
since last 14 years. He also helps es in the school lunch queue and Islander event in June 2017.
out with spreading the awareness as they enter their adult lives. Harish Thakkar lives in New
of Diwali in New York Public There are thousands of children in Hyde Park, Long Island, with his
Schools and has been hosting the NYC schools who are vegetarian family. Anita Thakkar has been
Childrenʼs Diwali celebration at the and are facing this food restriction helping him organize Diwali at
Queens Public Libraries for the as they have no vegetarian choice. public schools and their very tal‑
last 6 years. Eating vegetarian food is a healthy ented daughter Heeta Thakkar is
Harish is also a Community choice which is a widely known in the 8th grade.
Outreach officer for BAPS fact. Harish is of Gujarati heritage, but
Swaminarayan Sanstha‑ NY and For his leading positions in com‑ had lived in Pune before coming to
helps with conducting their annual munity affairs and service, he has the US about 20 years ago to study Council Member Barry Grodenchik presented a proclamation to
Walkathon for the benefit of non‑ earned many laurels from at Stony Brook university. Harish Thakkar at the City Hall Diwali event in November 2016.
A proud
Indian, Harish At the India
Thakkar is of Day Parade
Gujarati in NYC in
heritage and 2015, seen
admires the with Grand
transformative Marshal actor
work Prime Arjun Rampal
Minister and star
Narendra Modi cricketer
has been Virendra
doing for the Sehwag.
October 5‐11, 2019 TheSouthAsianTimes.info 18
he room was decorated and festival. This was followed by Ganesh ents were all equally happy and
the kids had a wonderful time. stuti and Devistuti dance. T he asked to have this Diwali celebration
It was quite a success with the Bollywood dances were performed, continue every year. Anita Thakkar
room completely packed with more followed by Akshay Parmar (8 yrs) encouraged all kids to perform and
than 63 kids, all enjoying the Diwali playing the Mrudanga/dhol and participate in next Diwali celebration
program which started with the Brandon performing martial arts. in larger numbers to make it bigger
lighting of Diyas. Many small kids After that the kids had a chance to and better.
came forward to talk what they paint paper diyas and small clay This event was presided by Ranju
knew about Diwali and the story of diyas with dif ferent colors, which Batra (AIA President), Nina Sahani
Lord Ram and how Diwali came to be they took home. Kids kept pouring in (AIA Childrenʼs Activity coordinator),
celebrated. as the program continued. Indu Gajwani (AIA Cultural Chair)
AIA‑NY Chair Ranju Batra AIA also gave out packets of and Harish Thakkar (then AIA Vice
explained the importance of Diwali snacks and gifts to all kids. The par‑ President).
Honor Banquets were started in 1973 to honor both distinguished Americans and Asian
Indians who have fostered better understanding between the people of US and India.
Honorees included famous composer Zubin Mehta in 1979 and 4 Nobel Laureates.
October 5‐11, 2019 TheSouthAsianTimes.info 22
l Ahimsa Foundation
undation Inc.
es a H
appy Diwali
Diwali to
to All
Heartiest Congratulations
Congratulations to
to AIA
AIA President
President Mr. Harish
Mr. H Thakkar
arish T hakkar and His
and H Team
is T eam
Dr. Neeta
Neeta Jain
Jain Ph.
Ph. D.
D emocr
c atic D
Democratic istrictt Leader
District Leader
er NYS
NYS Assembly
Assembly D istrictt 25
District 25 Part
Part B Queens
Em ail: [email protected]
Email: [email protected] fb
TheSouthAsianTimes.info SHANTI FUND October 5-11, 2019 25
Ex-Indian cricketers Kapil didn't need to resign as CAC chief: Vinod Rai
divided on opinion New Delhi: Cricket Advisory
Committee (CAC) chief Kapil Dev
might have resigned from his posi‑
Kapil Dev.
Hasan Minhaj says he was The last quarter of 2019 is set to begin, but
the Ali Abbas Zafar directorial is the highest‑
grossing Hindi film abroad.
ʻGully Boyʼ, India's official entry for the
92nd Academy Awards, is next on the list.
slammed Bollywood
opular Indian‑origin comedian you've been blacklisted',”
actor Sonakshi Sinha, who
Hasan Minhaj has confirmed that he Minhaj told Meyers.
was unable to answer a sim‑
was denied entry at the 'Howdy The comedian said he watched the event
ple question on 'Ramayana'
Modi' event in Houston, and said the organ‑ on his phone in the parking lot of NRG
during popular television
izers "honored" him while "blackballing" Stadium and saw many Indian‑Americans,
quiz show Kaun Banega
him. In an appearance on Late Night with including fellow comedians like Mindy
Crorepati last week. Bharala
Seth Meyers, Minhaj narrated how things Kaling and Aziz Ansari, being honored for
said, "In modern times, these
got “intense” when he tried to enter the their contribution to the field of arts. He
people are only after money.
venue Sept 22. "I was like I have to be there. said he found it ironic that his photograph
All they care about is earning
So, we submit our press credentials immedi‑ also popped up on the screen at the event as Sonakshi Sinha was trolled on social media
money and spending that
ately get an email back through saying, one of the achievers of the community. for not knowing Ramayana story
money on themselves. They
'We're out of space'. I was like, I've been to "They were honoring me for my comedy
have no knowledge of history and gods. Expressing his surprise at Sonakshi's
Indian weddings, you just walk in. You're while also blackmailing and blackballing me
They have no time for learning. Nothing lack of knowledge about the Indian epic,
out of space in a football stadium? Nah. and kicking me out for my comedy. It is the
can be sadder than this". the show's host actor Amitabh Bachchan
"So, I recheck with the organizers, 'Hey most Indian thing ever. They were like,
On the show to support a contestant later pointed out how strange it was as
guys, it's my community, you get it?' I want 'We're proud of you but we'll never say it to
from Rajasthan, Sonakshi was asked: she lives in a house called 'Ramayana', her
to be there. And they're like, 'We're out of your face,” Minhaj said as the audience
"According to Ramayana, Hanuman father's name is Shatrughan Sinha, whose
space but we'll discuss it.' I'm like 'okay.' roared with laughter.
fetched the 'Sanjeevani Booti' (herb) for three other brothers are called Ram,
And I'm like ʻI'm sorry for making fun of Minhaj had earlier faced a lot of heat on
whom?" Lakshman and Bharat, and her own broth‑
cricket. It's not a sport for farms, it's an social media for his episodes on the Lok
She apparently did not know the answer ers are named Luv and Kush.
international game that's taking over the Sabha election, the results of which saw
from the four options given ‑‑ Sugriva, The actor was also trolled on social
world. They are like, ʻNo, some of the com‑ Modi return for a second term with a
Lakshman, Sita and Rama, and finally media for not knowing the story of
ments you made about Prime Minister thumping majority, and the recent clamp‑
used a lifeline to answer the question. Ramayana.
Narendra Modi were not appreciated and down in Kashmir.
TheSouthAsianTimes.info LIFESTYLE October 5-11, 2019 33
t is almost two months that Boris Johnson would like A or B, he generally gives no clear
has been the Prime Minister of Britain. But Olympics were held in 2012. answer and tries to have both.
what was his career like in the initial years "It's all rubbish from start to finish ‑ but "He detracts our attention from his evasive‑
of politics and how did he rise in the well‑written rubbish," Johnson said of the ness by telling very enjoyable jokes, which
Conservative Party? These details have been book when the first edition was released. along with his Woosterish persona, have
penned down by a veteran journalist Andrew To put this in perspective, the book pro‑ made him one of the most popular perform‑
W Gimson in a book. vides some telling insights into the way ers of our times. But the jokes can often make
The book "Boris, The Making of the Prime Johnson's mind works. him seem to serious‑minded listeners as if he
Minister" (Simon and Schuster), first pub‑ "Boris found himself trapped in the role of a does not believe a word of what he is saying,"
lished in 2006, is outdated and has been upa‑ celebrity. Without ever holding a political Gimson writes. In fact, on the A&B aspect, the
dated. office of any significance, he had become author says that over the weekend before he
This is not to detract from Gimson's more famous than most Cabinet ministers, announced his line on Brexit, Johnson spent
paintstaking portrayal of Johnson's early but was also considered more irresponsible. time in the country and wrote two papers:
years, his first steps in politics, his rise in the There was a danger that he would turn into a One to Stay and the other to Leave, with the
Conservative Party to lead the Brexit cam‑ kind of national treasure, to be wheeled out former stating a stronger case.
paign, the "treachery" that dashed his hopes and laughed at on significant occasions, or Why then, did Johnson choose the Leave
of becoming the Prime Minister post the occasions which television producers regard‑ option? Because had the referendum resulted
Brexit vote and his bouncing back as the ed as significant. in a Stay verdict, so would have David
Foreign Secretary. "One of his weaknesses is an excessive Cameroon as the Prime Minister, putting paid
The updated version tracks Johnson's eight desire to be liked, and he will be hurt if he to his chances of rising to the top job.
years as Mayor of London from 2008 to doesn't come across as likeable in this book. Even so, the last chapter of this book is yet
2016, during which time the London Another flaw is his inability or obdurate to be written.
uslims in India form of a hologram at The Ahinsa Lecture is organ‑ Duraiappah, Director, UNESCO
have been play‑ UNESCO Paris to mark the ized to mark Mahatma's birth Mahatma Gandhi Institute of
ing their consti‑ International Day of Non anniversary. Education for Peace and
tutional role and are Violence 2019. The lifesize 3D According to plans, the holo‑ Sustainable Development.
focused on basic issues hologram will "address audi‑ gram would speak for 2 to 3 "A 3D hologram can bridge
of poverty, employment ence" to explain the Mahatma's minutes to set the tone for the this gap and the written word
generation and educa‑ philosophy in a life‑like audio panel discussion and would of the Mahatma can be experi‑
tion, according to a book visual medium. also take a QA session. enced.
released at the Faculty of The 3D hologram will feature "While Gandhi Ji was The hologram in color would
Arts Lounge, Aligarh in the Ahimsa Lecture delivered amongst the most pho‑ lip‑sync the words of the
Muslim University. by leading proponents of peace tographed people of his time Mahatma and body movement
The book, ''Siyasi and non‑violence for the bene‑ and the world has access to his incorporated that's associated
Muslims: A Story of fit of peace builders, policy photographs, filmed interviews with a speaker on stage,"
Political Islams in India'' makers, UNESCO Member and radio addresses, it is less Duraiappah said.
(Penguin India), is an
attempt to reach out to
those who are interested
in knowing about what's
called ''political Islam'' in
Your life now an open book,
Snowden says in memoir
India, according to its
author Hilal Ahmed,
Associate Professor at
the Centre for Study of
lose to two decades since
Developing Societies, New Delhi. marily from erstwhile Muslim‑
the 9/11 attacks, the sur‑
He said Muslim presence was dominated urban centers, like
veillance system built by
always considered a homoge‑ Hyderabad, Lucknow and Delhi,
the US spy agencies has become
neous entity in the public dis‑ new Muslim professionals
so sophisticated that they can
courses, but highly diversified belonging to lower middle class
access every single detail about
Muslim social life occupied neighborhoods in Metros and
you, irrespective of your loca‑
greater space. small towns were transcending
tion, whistleblower Edward
"Muslims are divided on the their economic status, Ahmed
Snowden says in his much‑await‑
basis of caste, class and regional said.
ed memoir "Permanent Record"
lines," said Ahmed. The caste, Ahmed said Muslim political
released this week.
class and gender were not only groups operated within the con‑
Snowden, who served as an
sociological indicators to offer a stitutional framework and their
officer of the CIA and worked as
context‑specific view of Muslim demands were made through the
a contractor for the National
backwardness, but also played a language of rights and the law.
Security Agency (NSA), rocked "No matter the place, no matter onage system ‑ from targeted
role in shaping the nature of They (Muslim political groups)
the world in 2013 after he the time, and no matter what you surveillance of individuals to
Muslim engagements with dif‑ highlight Muslim's contribution
revealed that the US was secretly do, your life has now become an mass surveillance ‑ took effect.
ferent forms of politics, he in nation‑building and focus on
building a way to collect the data open book," Snowden writes. The title of the book refers to the
added. the Muslim unity, Ahmed said,
of every person in the world, The 339‑page memoir pub‑ system of storing data perma‑
Unlike the Muslim elites of the but it was qualified in the sense
including phone calls, text mes‑ lished by Macmillan details how nently and the dangers associat‑
1960s and 1970s, who came pri‑ of self‑identification as minority.
sages and email. the change in the American espi‑ ed with it.
TheSouthAsianTimes.info IMMIGRATION October 5-11, 2019 35
By Suchitra Srinivas
hatʼs in store for you on the other
side of the globe? Green bucks, big
mansion, luxury cars and robots to
a challenge of immigration
wash, clean and do your chores, uninterrupted
water and power supply, clean roads, less
crowd in malls and shops ̶ yes, you can have
it all, but alongside comes an unexpected role
reversal challenge. There are new avatars and
untold adjustment stories of immigrants to the Asian immigrants, Harish too found himself in
US that go unnoticed.
“When I landed in the US, I was pregnant, I
Starting a new an IT career, which was a huge reversal and he
could not reconcile soon enough. The very
dreamt of walking on Wall Street dressed in the
best of formal clothes, entering a high‑rise
biweekly column pride of being an IIT‑MIT alumnus used to taunt
him. Of course, there are many like
office building. Little did I realize that I would
be called a ʻdependentʼ here for the next 10
that traces the Raghavendran, now in his seventies, who had
everything as planned ̶ degrees from
American universities, a dream job, family and
years and these thoughts would just remain in
my dreams forever. Me, a dependent on my lives of Indian loving, well‑groomed children and grand‑chil‑
dren. Sounds perfect? If you ask him, he may
husband? How can that be? I am well‑educated,
hold a degree from one of the top professional diaspora, disagree. “There was a big role reversal and
adjustment that I had to make at every stage.
colleges in India, and was employed before
coming here,” kept pondering Anita Rajan. Then capturing Something always made me feel lonely and
less‑wanted.” He accepts being jealous of the
came the answer, “You do not have the support
of the right syllables on the paper.”
They meant to say that instead of H1B, all she
their adjustment new, young immigrants who he believes have a
smooth sailing in their career path in the IT sec‑
had was H4 stamping on her visa. “Thatʼs not a
big deal, I can always apply for one,” she
struggles as tor.
The Indian immigrants mentioned above are
remained optimistic. Unfortunately, it took her
ten years to get work authorization. In the
well as true representation of thousands of real men
and women who experience both pleasant and
rude shocks of the role reversal challenge. Well,
meantime, she became a mother to two beauti‑
ful daughters and had to assume many roles in success stories. then why anyone would still stand in long
her home ̶mother, teacher, nanny, cook, driv‑ queues to acquire a US visa? Because this coun‑
er and maid ̶ all of which didnʼt generate any impact of ever‑rising insurance costs because of Bhavna, who had dreams of practicing as a doc‑ try has some magical allure. Sure, it thrusts a
income. After ten years, when she became eligi‑ getting traffic tickets for sundry violations. Still tor here. There are others like Janaki Sowmyan, role reversal challenge upon everyone but it
ble to work, she was not sure if she wanted to more compelling is the adjustment stories of who is in her mid‑thirties. She was termed ʻdull also prepares one to face it. And no one is ever
pursue her dream anymore. Questions haunted those in the medical profession. Landing with headʼ at the Chennai school where she studied. left with no role to play.
her, “Can I drive to work, can I fit into formal degrees from India that would have cost them a She began attending a computer programing
attire? Do I still remember what I did at work fortune to acquire, such women eventually class at a public library and suddenly felt inter‑ Suchitra Srinivas
ten years ago?” encounter bitter experiences in their lives. ested in the knowledge she had gained and is a
On the other hand, the story of Maheswari “Wow! When I boarded the flight as the newly‑ decided to get a degree that would land her a
journalist based
Jangannathan hailing from a remote village wed wife of a young medico in America ̶ the well‑paid job in the software industry. She now
at New Jersey.
near Kumbakonam in Tamil Nadu was quite dif‑ land with the most advancement in the medical nets a higher salary than that of her spouse
who holds a doctorate in biochemistry and She can be
ferent. As she entered this country with L4 visa, field ̶ I thought my life was going to be so
exciting. Though many said that I have to pur‑ works for a prestigious pharma lab! contacted at
she had the luxury of settling into worklife in
no time. However, having studied in a Tamil sue higher education to practice as a doctor, I These adjustments are not confined to suchitrasrini‐
medium school, coping with English conversa‑ never knew I had to start from scratch. The five women only. Here is the tale of a studious IIT vas0824
tions in the new clerical job proved a night‑ years of toil and the lakhs of rupees I spent in graduate who never enjoyed a childhood @gmail.com. Column first
mare, not to speak of her car driving travails. medical college was not valued one bit here. because he toiled day and night to move to the published in DTNext
Any time she heard the traffic carʼs siren, even Why should I start all over again, I asked myself US to study at MIT. All went as per plan but he
newspaper. Reproduction by
when at her office desk, she would feel butter‑ and settled for a non‑medical career. It was a found that his economic status and job satisfac‑
tion in the non‑IT sector was limited. Like other
special arrangement
flies in her stomach. She was petrified by the huge adjustment I made in my life,” said
is associated with the religious gious workers called the R‑1 sional who understands the
he EB‑4 visa is an employ‑ denomination in the U.S. Visa. While the two categories process of foreign national reli‑
ment‑based immigrant 4 Have been employed in one are related and similar, they are gious workers.
visa for special religious
of the above positions after the parallel and anyone or organiza‑ Any dependents of EB‑4 nonim‑
employees. Ministers/Priests and age of 14, either abroad or in the tion considering bringing reli‑ migrants, spouse and unmarried
non‑ministers in religious voca‑ U.S., for two continuous years gious workers to their religious children under the age of 21, will
tions and occupations may enter immediately before the filing of a institution or entities should need to apply for derivative fami‑
or adjust status in the U.S. to per‑ petition. Both the employing review them carefully with an ly visas once the principal appli‑
form religious work as a full‑time least two years immediately non‑profit religious organization experienced immigration profes‑ cant is approved.
compensated employee. There is before the filing of a petition. and the religious employee must
a cap of 5,000 employees who The religious denomination must provide supporting documents Dev Banad Viswanath is the Principal
may be issued a visa under the be a bona‑fide non‑profit reli‑ along with the proper forms. The Attorney of The Banad Law Offices PC
EB‑4 category if they will be gious organization in the US. religious organization must pro‑ in the United States,
employed as a non‑minister – 4 Come to the U.S. to work in vide proof of tax‑exempt status and Banad Immigration in India for which
they include those within a reli‑ a full time, compensated position and proof of salaried or non‑ Attorney Michael Phulwani is also affiliated
gious vocation or occupation as either salaried compensation. The reli‑ as Of Counsel. With Offices in Manhattan,
engaging in either a professional * A minister of that religious gious employee must provide Queens, Bangalore, and Mumbai, the firm is
or non‑professional role. There is denomination; proof of membership, documen‑ able to assist clients with all facets of the
no cap for those employed as a * A religious vocation or pro‑ tation showing that religious immigration process, including
minister. fession in a professional or non‑ Employment Visas, Consular Visa Assistance,
worker is qualified to perform
To qualify as a special immi‑ professional position Student Visas, Removal & Deportation, US
the duties of the proposed posi‑
grant religious employee, the for‑ 4 Employed for either a Citizenship and Green Card Applications
tion, and proof of previous reli‑
* Bona fide non‑profit religious based on Family or Employment. Dev B.
eign individual must: gious work.
organization in the U.S.; or Viswanath can be reached at
4 Have been a member of a There is a similar non‑immi‑ [email protected] and 718‑361‑5999.
religious denomination for at * Bona fide organization that grant category of visa for reli‑
36 October 5-11, 2019 HUMOR TheSouthAsianTimes.info
New York Head Quarter
422‑S Broadway
NY 11801
By Mahendra Shah
Mahendra Shah is an architect by education, entrepreneur by profession,
artist and humorist, cartoonist and writer by hobby. He has been recording
the plight of the immigrant Indians for the past many years in his
cartoons. Hailing from Gujarat, he lives in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
TheSouthAsianTimes.info ASTROLOGY October 5-11, 2019 37
f we were to look down upon son, the mother will not grant it.
this physical world from a high Instead the mother will give the
vantage point, we would find child what is best for him or her.
the light of billions of souls shim‑ The child may not realize it at the
mering throughout the world. time, but as the child grows and
Like a foaming sea, they move learns, the child is grateful for all
about from one life to another, the things the mother denied him
from one form of living thing to or her that were ultimately not
another. All the souls, when seen good.
in their true perspective, are the Many people are anxious about
same. They are all a part of God's making choices. The way to be
consciousness; they are all Light, sure we make the right choices
and they all have an innate bliss. about what to pray for is to pray
But if we look at the condition that God gives us what is best for
of our world, we are appalled and us. God makes no mistake. Rather
shocked by the suffering and pain than pray for something that may
each form of life is undergoing. or may not be the best for us, let
We find strife and dissension us pray for Godʼs will for us.
throughout the world. We find If we relax and rest in Godʼs
countries at war. Many nations will, we will find that everything
are embroiled in internal con‑ works out for the best in the long
flicts. We see religious groups at run. Meditation is a process of
odds with each other. Community relaxing in Godʼs will. Meditation
strife is widespread. Even within provides a time when we can let
families we find discord and go of all clutching and praying for
disharmony. We find human this thing and that. It is a time in
beings killing various forms of which we sit in a state of stillness
life, including other human (Image courtesy: stockphotos.ro) and surrender to Godʼs will. It is a
beings. chance to let go of all our wants
and desires.
We wonder how there can be so
much pain and turmoil caused by through from its mother. A mother sheep
found the lion cub frightened and
are. When our body and mind are
still, we can see our own true self We merely sit in a receptive
people who have within them the
same divinity of God. This seem‑
meditation alone in the wilderness. Out of
compassion, the sheep took the
as soul.
Meditation is a practical
mood and ask God to grant what
is best for us. We will find that
ing "fragmentation" of God into so The various religious and spiri‑ cub and raised her as her very method in which we can discover God will give us much more than
many souls was meant to bring an tual traditions have more com‑ own. The cub grew up with the our true self as soul and achieve we had expected.That is the
increase in the Lord's happiness. monalities than differences. The other sheep and began acting like spiritual consciousness by reunit‑ secret to enlightened living.
Just as a couple bear children to common core of each is the same. them. Crying, “Baaah, baaah,” it ing our soul with the higher Through meditation, we will
increase their mutual love and They believe in a higher power, even began to believe it was also Power. It is a way to discover our find the treasure of spiritual
joy, so did God bring about the although called by different a sheep. true purpose in life and to reach pearls to enlightened living that
creation of so many souls, so names, which created all of us. One day, a lion came by and the goal of enlightenment in this will bring us peace, happiness,
many children. Yet the result is They also believe that we have a thought it strange to hear this lifetime. In this way, we can and bliss. God wants us to live in
far from what was intended. We spiritual core within us created by young lion baaahing like a sheep. uncover who we really are and eternal peace and bliss in the
who are moving packets of bliss the higher Power. They also The lion asked, “Why are you can truly say that we know our‑ spiritual realm.
and all‑consciousness are aware speak of tapping into this spiritu‑ making sounds like you are a selves.
of great pain and torment. al side of ourselves through sheep?” The young lion said,
The essence of
If we could return to our true prayer, meditation, or inversion to “Because I am a sheep.”
state and realize we are soul, we uncover our Source. While lan‑
guage, terminology, and customs
The lion said, “Come with me.” It religion
would find lasting peace and
ecstasy. If we could tap deeply differ, at the heart of all are prac‑
brought the young lion to a pool
of water. “Look down into the still
living Saints from every religion teach
tices that connect our true There is a quotation by the the same truth. They help us find
within ourselves, penetrating pool,” said the lion. When the
essence, the soul, with the higher great Greek philosopher, Socrates. the common elements in each.
beyond the outer form of this young lion looked down, it
Power. He said, “Our prayers should be They have love and respect for
physical body and mind, we jumped back startled to see a
Saints, Masters, spiritual teach‑ for blessings in general, for God other great saints and the world's
would find a wellspring of eternal lionʼs face staring back at it.”
ers, and enlightened beings, such knows best what is good for us.” religions. They recognize that
peace and happiness. We would “See! You are a lion,” the older
as Buddha, Jesus Christ, This quote coincides with the they are teaching the same Truth.
discover the secret of unity lion told him. “That is who you
Mahavira, Moses, Krishna, Rama, prayer to God to give us whatever Although outer languages, cul‑
underlying this Universe. really are.”
Guru Nanak, Kabir, Maulana is good for us. tures, customs, and the way of
We are in the same predicament
Rumi, St.Teresa of Avila, Mira Bai, Time and again, whenever we dressing and greeting may differ
Honoring Hazur Baba and many others
as the lion. We think we are the
body and the mind. We do not demand something from God that from country to country, the
essence of religions is the same:
saints and came to help connect people of
their times with the divine within
realize that we are soul.
We are not sheep; we are
is continually denied to us, it is
usually because we are asking for there is one God, we are children
of one Creator, and our purpose is
founders of all them.
To understand the role of saints
lions̶true sons and daughters of
the Divine. The stillness of medi‑
something that is not good for us
ultimately. to know ourselves, know God, and
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