The South Asian Times: Suniel Shetty Pulls
The South Asian Times: Suniel Shetty Pulls
The South Asian Times: Suniel Shetty Pulls
e x c e l l e n c e i n j o u r n a l i s m
Vol.12 No. 17 August 24-30, 2019 80 Cents New York Edition Follow us on
to tone down
anti-India rhetoric Suniel Shetty pulls
tens of thousands to
I-Day parade in NYC
After PM Modi conveyed to President Trump that extreme
rhetoric and incitement to anti‑India violence by Pakistan leaders
was not conducive to peace, the latter called Pakistanʼs PM.
Washington/New Delhi:
President Donald Trump has Isolated diplomatically,
asked Pakistan Prime Minister Pakistan to now try to
Imran Khan to "moderate rheto‑ raise Kashmir issue at ICJ
ric" with India over Kashmir, as
he underlined the need of exer‑ President Trump to
cising "restraint" by both sides meet PM Modi in France
and avoid escalat ion of the
"tough" situation in the region.
at G7 this weekend
Trump on Monday spoke sepa‑ came as Prime Minister Modi
rate ly to Prime Minister during his telephonic conversa‑
Narendra Modi and his Pakistani tion with the US president con‑
veyed that "extreme rhetoric and
Bollywood superstar and Parade Grand Marshal Suniel Shetty, riding the FIA float,
counterpart Khan in his bid to got goose pimples seeing the enthusiasm and size of the milling crowds.
ease fresh Indo‑Pak tensions incitement" to anti‑India violence
after India revoked the special by certain leaders in the region By SATimes Team Avenue last Sunday to celebrate cessfully for 39 years by the
status of Jammu and Kashmir. was not conducive to peace. After Indiaʼs 73rd Independence Day Federation of Indian Associations –
Trump's suggestion to Khan Continued on page 4 New York: Tens of thousands of and enthusiastically witnessed the NY/NJ/CT. Bollywood stars are a
people g athered on Madison India Day Parade, organized suc‑ Continued on page 16
I court refuses anticipatory bail Trump on Tuesday said he would emphasized there are already strong
had the pleasure of meeting you at
be meeting PM Modi over the week‑ background checks on the books, an
Grego Ayur Massage the other day
New Delhi: With senior Congress leader and former Finance end at the G7 in France, and he apparent reversal from his drive to
in new Hyde Park. On a recent visit
Minister P. Chidambaram continuing to remain missing after would do his best to bring down ten‑ push his party on tightening back‑
there, I picked up a copy of The South
the Delhi High Court refused to grant him protection from sions in the subcontinent. ground checks.
Asian times and I wanted to tell you
arrest in the INX Media case, the CBI late on Tuesday night Meanwhile, Pakistan on Tuesday Senate Minority Leader Chuck
how much I enjoyed reading the
pasted a notice on his gate asking him to appear before the said it w ill approach the Schumer and Speaker Nancy Pelosi
entire newspaper. As the managing
investigation officer "within two hours". Earlier, a six‑member International Court of Justice (ICJ) assailed Trump for the turnabout,
editor you should be proud that an
team of CBI and Enforcement Directorate (ED) officials on over the Kashmir issue. The decision with Schumer calling it “heartbreak‑
American born person finds your
Tuesday arrived at his Jor Bagh residence one after the other, comes days after a rare closed‑door ing.” T hey are pushing Senate
news paper so interesting.
but could not meet him as he was not at home. The notice consultations on Kashmir by the UN Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to
First of all, the layout of the newspa‑
pasted at Chidambaram house read, "Whereas it appears that Security Council which ended with‑ take up the House‑passed universal
per makes it very easy to read and fol‑
you are acquainted with the facts and circumstances of the out any outcome or statement from background checks bill, which lacks
low the articles. I also found it refresh‑
cases noted below which I am now investigating under chap‑ the powerful 15‑nation UN organ, GOP support in the Senate.
ing to see the South Asian interest
ter XII of the CrPc, you are hereby directed to attend before dealing a huge snub to Islamabad Meanwhile, Trumpʼs reversal keeps
groups and their perspective on the
me within two hours of the receipt for the purpose of the and its all‑weather ally China to solidifying, "A lot of the people that
American government. Not only that,
investigation of the case." internationalize the issue. put me where I am, are strong believ‑
you cover national news, economic
Chidambaram is likely to seek protection from arrest from An overwhelming majority in the ers in the Second Amendment, and I
and global news as well as lifestyle
the Supreme Court Wednesday morning. The CBI is investi‑ UN Security Council stressed am also. And we have to be very
and Sci‑Tech.
gating Chidambaram in the INX Media case, which it had reg‑ Kashmir is a bilateral matter between careful about that. You know, they
Thank you for publishing this terrif‑
istered on May 15, 2017 alleging irregularities in the FIPB New Delhi and Islamabad. call it the slippery slope. All of a sud‑
ic product and I will definitely look
clearance granted to the media group for receiving overseas “An in‑principle decision has been den everything gets taken away,"
forward to reading it on a regular
funds of Rs 305 crore in 2007 during his tenure as Finance taken to take the issue of Kashmir to Trump told reporters. "We're not
basis. ‑Gail Douglas
Minister the International Court of Justice," going to let that happen."
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Stamford City
proclaims India NYPD fires officer for
Day to commemorate
Indian independence chokehold death of Eric Garner insisted, though, they couldn't
New York: Stamford Mayor David Martin New York: After five years of
proclaimed August 17th as India Day to investigations and protests, take action until criminal inves‑
commemorate Indian Independence New York City's police commis‑ tigations were complete. A state
when Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal sioner on Monday fired an offi‑ grand jury declined to indict
Nehru raised the Indian flag at the Red cer involved in the 2014 choke‑ Pantaleo in 2014. Federal
Fort on August 15, 1947. The city joined hold death of an unarmed black authorities, however, kept a
hands w ith the Indian Diaspora in man whose dying cries of "I civil rights investigation open
Connecticut for a celebration organized can't breathe" fueled a national for five years before announc‑
by the Connecticut Chapter of Global debate over race and police use ing last month they wouldn't
Organization of People of Indian Origin of force. bring charges.
(GOP IO‑CT ) by hoist ing American, Police Commissioner James Pantaleo's lawyer has insisted
Indian and Connecticut flags at the O'Neill's announced at a midday the of ficer used a reasonable
Government Center in Stamford. In his news conference that he had amount of force and didn't
proclamation, Mayor Martin said that fired Of ficer Daniel Pantaleo, mean to hurt Garner.
the Indian Independence was marked who is white, based on a recent New York City's mayor has
largely by non‑violent resistance and recommendation of a depart‑ declined to say whether he
civil disobedience and the Independence ment disciplinary judge. He said believes Garner should lose his
it was clear that Pantaleo "can Daniel Pantaleo (left). Eric Garnerʼs cries of ʻI canʼt breatheʼ job but has been promising "jus‑
day is celebrated by the Indian Diaspora
no longer effectively serve as a
fueled national outrage against police force (Image : tice" to the slain man's family.
worldwide. The proclamation further
noted that Stamford city will honor the New York City police officer." O'Neill has been deliberating Eric Garner. The recordings led Garner's death came at a time
Indian community which is an integral "None of us can take back our on whether to accept a discipli‑ to years of protests and calls by of a growing public outcry over
part of the cityʼs diversity, success, and decisions," O'Neill said, "espe‑ nary judge's recommendation to black activists and liberal politi‑ police killings of unarmed black
great future. Mayor Martin was present cially when they lead to the fire Officer Daniel Pantaleo for cians for Pantaleo to lose his men that sparked the national
at the flag hoisting ceremony on August death of another human being." using a banned chokehold on job. City of ficials had long Black Lives Matter movement.
17th. Indian Consul Vipul Mesariya rep‑
resented the government of India at the
ce le brat ion. Connect icut Attorney
General WilliamTong also graced the
occasion. Following the flag hoisting, an
India Festival with dances and music
including kite flying was held at the Mill
River Park from noon to 5 p.m. Indian
food, clothes and artifacts were sold at
variousbooths. NATIONAL August 24-30, 2019 7
Rashid for spreading fake news The court posted the matter for
hearing on September 9.
The petition, filed by Faesal's
New Delhi: Supreme Court advocate friend, also sought the former
Alakh Alok Srivastava, here on bureaucrat's release and contend‑
Monday, wrote a letter to Delhi ed that he was "illegally picked
Police Commissioner Amulya up" from the airport while on way
Patnaik to immediately register an to Harvard University in the
Former bureaucrat
FIR against Jawaharlal Nehru United States. He was going there
Shah Faesal.
University's Ph.D scholar and J&K‑ to complete his fellowship.
based politician Shehla Rashid for "The circumstances of his illegal Faesal, who quit the Indian
"deliberately" spreading fake news custody from the Delhi airport Administrative Service in January
with the intention to incite violence point to unlawful and illegal to form the Jammu and Kashmir
and malign the army's image. detention, which ef fective ly Peoples' Movement (JKPM), has
Confirming receipt of the lawyer's amounts to abduction," the plea been posting tweets and Facebook
complaint, the police said it was said. content highly critical of abroga‑
being studied before any action After his illegal detention in the tion of Article 370 that gave spe‑
against Rashid, who was JNU intervening night of August 14‑ cial status to J&K, and split the
Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) Students' Union Vice President 15, Faesal was "illegally whisked state into two Union Territories.
Student's Union vice‑president in
Shehla Rashid addresses a press conference. (File Photo: IANS)
2015‑16 and is associated with the away to Kashmir against his wish‑ On August 12, he had triggered
political party named the J&K house at night, picking up boys, ran‑ by the "accused are absolutely false, es. No transit remand was sought controversy with his tweet that
Peoples Movement. sacking houses, deliberately spilling baseless and concocted, which is evi‑ in Delhi before taking him to there would be "no Eid till the last
The complaint against Rashid has rations on the floor, mixing oil with dent from the fact that she has not Srinagar," it said. bit of insult is avenged and
been forwarded to special cell of the rice, etc". Rashid claimed she got to produced any voice recording of the The bureaucrat‑turned‑politi‑ undone" over what he termed as
Delhi Police. No FIR had been filed know about it from the people com‑ alleged torture or name, date, time cian, who has been highly critical the "illegal annexation" of
till now, Delhi Police sources said. ing from Kashmir. or any other specific information of the government moves on Kashmir.
Of ficers in the special cell were "In Shopian, 4 men were called about the aforesaid alleged inci‑ Kashmir, was last week stopped Just before that he had tweeted:
"examining" the complaint and a into the Army camp and "interrogat‑ dent". from leaving the country and sent "There is no Eid. Kashmiris across
decision on it would be taken soon, ed" (tortured). A mic was kept close He also mentioned a statement of to Srinagar, an official said. the world are mourning the illegal
they said. to them so that the entire area could the army that said: "Allegations lev‑ According to an immigration annexation of their land. There
In his letter, the advocate men‑ hear them scream, and be terror‑ elled by Shehla Rashid are baseless official, Faesal was stopped at the shall be no Eid till everything that
tioned some of the tweets posted by ized. This created an environment of and rejected. Such unverified and Indira Gandhi International has been stolen and snatched
Rashid on her Twitter handle fear in the entire area," Rashid fake news are spread by inimical Airport and sent back to Srinagar since 1947 is returned back."
@Shehla_Rashid in which she had tweeted. elements and organisations to incite on another flight and detained His comments have invited
claimed, "Armed forces are entering Srivastava has said the allegations unsuspecting population". there. strong criticism on social media.
14 August 24-30, 2019 OP-ED
By Ashok Malik
diplomatic challenge
United Nat ions Security
Council on August 16, the past two
weeks have been revealing. They
have made apparent three dif fer‑
ent strands to the diplomatic chal‑ 2020 is another story. the contours of the Kashmir issue,
lenge India faces following the Predictably, the Narendra Modi testing international response, and
bifurcation of Jammu and Kashmir government has been condemned getting tacit endorsement from a
and the removal of Article 370. In by a familiar assortment of New cross‑section of countries – includ‑
some senses, this is the biggest York/London‑based know‑alls, ing in the Arab world – China real‑
such challenge created by a fringe left activists, Pakistani state izes India has made a significant
domestic event since the Pokhran agents masquerading as aggrieved advance. As an international cause,
II nuclear tests. Many of the lead neutrals, and freelance self‑deter‑ Kashmir is becoming yesterdayʼs
actors are the same. However, minists representing nothing but news.
Indiaʼs leverage in the internation‑ their bylines. Despite this, New Even so, Chinaʼs principal con‑
al system is much greater than in Delhi is determined to stick to its cern is not Kashmir – it is Ladakh.
1998. timelines and not be rushed. As a standalone Union Territory,
The first challenge is the civil lib‑ T he second strand relates to fully under Union government
erties debate. Seen dispassionately, Kashmir per se – the historical dis‑ administration, Ladakh will get the
it represents a pressing dilemma pute between India and Pakistan. attention it has long deserved. This
for demo crat ic governance – As is obvious, Kashmir is now less could have profound implications.
between lockdown conditions that of a priority for the global system Apart from Pakistan, Kashmir is being kept on the table by two self‑ In the coming decade, if India
ensure peace, and a relaxing of than it once was. Pakistan desper‑ appointed third umpires – China and the United Kingdom. acts strategically in Ladakh and
such conditions that makes space ately wants it to stay alive. Yet, for builds appropriate capacities,
for incitement and violence. There most major powers, there is little were aligned at the Security ritorial state manipulation. some of the Chinese investments
is no easy “sweet spot” or “right to gain by either wasting political Council meeting and outmanoeu‑ The final strand relates to China. and assumptions (as described
moment”. capital in pressuring India on the vred only by the strident support It has been extraordinarily hostile, above) could be at risk.
A graded easing of administra‑ Kashmir issue, or in promoting a India received from France and the even talking of “human rights vio‑ As shrewd realists, quite unlike
tive arrangements in the Valley quasi‑independent, inevitably United States, and some smaller lations” for probably the first time their intellectual auxiliaries in the
has begun and schools and offices Islamist territory at the intersec‑ countries. On its part, Russia took in diplomatic memory. This, while West, the Chinese understand
are due to re‑open. With the tion of South and Central Asia. a careful middle path. Hong Kong is in turmoil and India is playing for the long term.
advent of the apple harvesting sea‑ That may have been a Cold War What explains the UKʼs conduct? Xinjiang is crowding its concentra‑ They are alarmed not by todayʼs
son in a few wee ks, polit ical fantasy; today it is a nightmare. There are two factors. For a start, tion camps. China would want realities – but tomorrowʼs possibili‑
activism is, in any case, likely to Apart from Pakistan, Kashmir is the Pakistani‑origin communityʼs Kashmir to continue to simmer as ties.
decline. If the government can being kept on the table by two self‑ role and influence in British elec‑ this is an inexpensive mechanism
maintain stability till then, it would appointed third umpires – China toral politics has made London by which India is kept bogged (The article appeared in the
have passed a milestone. Summer and the United Kingdom. They extremely vulnerable to extra‑ter‑ down by Pakistan. In reimagining Hindustan Times)
t is just as well that the BBC has the BBC radio was the only credible "I shall finish him of f." Then he
decided to expand its shortwave media which covered Kashmir, waved his revolver at the howling,
radio service in Kashmir to beat Tully would be mobbed because he screaming mob. "Move back."
the communications blackout. This was too well known. Satish, his He dragged me by the sleeves to
is not the first time the BBC has deputy, would turn up with his the exit. "Now you can go, and do
played this role ‑ and for good rea‑ fancy recorder but he would proj‑ not be seen here." He was Feroz
son. Because the supine, main‑ ect himse lf as "German radio" from the Jammu and Kashmir
stream media in L.K. Advani's which the agitated Kashmiris had Liberation Front (JKLF). This was
words crawls when it is asked to no interest in. the Front's signal that it was not
bend. I sought protection joining the anti‑India.
Prime Minister, Narendra Modi funeral as Satish's sidekick. My The story now has taken a much
had touched on the reasons for this appearances on Doordarshan were more blistering turn. The BBC's
spine lessness in his very first on issues unrelated to Kashmir. But credibility will grow astronomically
speech in Parliament in May, 2014. Jammu and Kashmir Principal Secretary Rohit Kansal with IGP the agitated processionists put two unless strings are pulled at its head
Although he did not mention the Kashmir Swayam Prakash Pani and Director Information and and two together and, not only did office in London with the following
Public Relations Syed Sehrish Asgar in Srinagar. they identify me, they turned upon message: "Look, you have turned
media, he traced the general obse‑
quiousness to 1,200 years of "ghu‑ this media, both electronic and is to expand its short wave radio to me with unspeakable fury. They your face away from the
lami" or subjugation. Moghuls can‑ print, which dominates the Indian beat the blackout in what is now had recognized me from my Palestinian story under pressure of
not be blamed for warts on the mindscape. Mark Twain had put his "undisputedly" India. Here is yet Doordarshan appearances. I had the Jewish lobby. Why can't you
media's face because in their peri‑ finger on the nerve. "There are only another irony. The BBC has always incurred their wrath because in a turn your face away from this one?
od there was no media to speak of. two forces that carry light to all had credibility in a state where a BBC radio interview I had pointed BBC will have to ponder. The Arab
Yes, one great editor of a paper corners of the globe ‑ the sun in the balanced, fearless Indian media my finger of suspicion for the mur‑ audience has been neutralized by
called Urdu Akhbar, was tied to a heavens and the Associated Press would have gone miles to win der of Mirwaiz at various groups in Israeli stratagem, Saudi money and
cannon by the British and blown to down here." hearts and minds. the valley but not on Indian agen‑ the western media. But is the BBC
smithereens for his critical writ‑ It is this western "ghulami", W hen the senior Mirwaiz cies. "You are a sarkari chamcha" prepared to forgo the steady, reli‑
ings. The Editor, Molvi Mohammad which tempers our nationalism. To Mohammad Farooq, the present they jeered at me. able clientele in Pakistan?
Baqar was the son of the greatest wear the badge of nationalism, the Mirwaiz's father, was assassinated The mob multiplied in geometri‑ The only balm on the wounded
stylist in Urdu literature, formula is simple: heap hatred on in 1990, I accompanied BBC's cal progression. Soon I had thou‑ Kashmiri psyche will be to shut up
Mohammad Hussain Azad. Pakistan and work assiduously to Satish Jacob, to cover the Mirwaiz's sands, arms raised, about to assault the screaming jingoist anchors con‑
The media, as we know it today, have your progeny parked perma‑ funeral at the Idgah. Why did Mark me in unison. It was a frenzied, trolling the multiple channels.
was a gift of the British. The impe‑ nently in the US. Tully the Bureau Chief himself not lynch mob. Just then a short man Open the valley to a balanced, inde‑
rial DNA is indelibly embedded in What the BBC is proposing now cover the most important of sto‑ with light eyes, wearing a blue pendent media.
The views expressed in Op Eds are not necessarily those of The South Asian Times. COMMUNITY August 24-30, 2019 15
Ellen W.
led the
Indian flag
A group from NYPD Desi Society marched in the parade. Women doing Lezim, a folk dance form of Maharashtra. NYC INDIA DAY PARADE August 24-30, 2019 17
The South Asian Times Chairman Kamlesh Mehta & Jay Jasbir Singh,
The float of International Ahimsa Foundation, founded by Dr Neeta Jain to spread Mahatma Gandhiʼs President of IDPUSA, presenting a Proclamation from New York State
message of non‑violence and peace from Jain principles. Senator Kevin Thomas for FIA to Grand Marshal Suniel Shetty.
actress is a "hypocrite", who was "encourag‑
Ambassador Priyanka Chopra. otably, for a film that narrates a (Kirti Kulhari) is fighting social ostracism
ing nuclear war against Pakistan."
national achievement, "Mission owing to her minority status. The naviga‑
The girl had questioned the Priyanka's quently came out on social media to reveal
Mangal" is lower on the jingoism tion expert Krittika Agarwal (Taapsee
role as a United Nations Goodwill ambassa‑ her name as Ayesha Malik. She also shot out
quotient than many of Akshay's past odes Pannu) must tend to her armyman hus‑
dor over the actress's controversial tweet several tweets blaming Priyanka for the fact
to the nation. Of course, there is a line by band. Varsha Pillai (Nithya Menen), the
congratulating the Indian Air Force for their that she was being projected as the "bad
our hero advocating why Make In India satellite designer, battles her mother‑in‑
attack on Jaish‑e‑Mohammed terror camp at guy" now.
matter in ISRO's scheme of things, but the law's taunts at home.
Balakot in Pakistan earlier this year. "Hi, I'm the girl that "yelled" at Priyanka
idea is kept to a minimum. Director Jagan Too much footage is allotted to each of
Soon, there was widespread criticism on Chopra. It was hard listening to her say, "we
Shakti maintains pace through most of the these sub‑stories, which distracts from
social media against the Pakistani girl. "That should be neighbors and love each other" ‑
first half, as the story begins at a point what the film was essentially supposed to
Pakistani girl who jumped @priyankachopra swing that advice over to your PM. Both
where an ambitious ISRO project goes be a gripping drama of an overwhelming
was very disrespectful!... i was supposed to India and Pakistan were in danger. And
kaput. Rakesh Dhawan (Akshay Kumar), a achievement. ISRO's Mars Orbiter Mission
be the next one to ask a question but she instead she tweeted out in favor for nuclear
maverick genius scientist who was in (MOM) was accomplished in record time,
ruined it for all," tweeted a user present at war," wrote the girl, on her official twitter
charge of the project, takes blame, using minimal funds and skeletal infra‑
the do. Following such flak, the girl subse‑ account, @Spishaa.
although it was project director Tara structure. The gravity of such an achieve‑
Shinde (Vidya Balan) who was actually at ment never really comes across.
fault. Following the failure, Rakesh is To their credit, Jagan Shakti and his co‑
'Most Handsome Man' title not shunted to a project no one believes will
ever take off ‑‑ in a country that was still
writers have managed to keep the narrative
lucid despite the fact that they were deal‑
roles in seventies middle‑of‑the‑road hits
ctor Hrithik Roshan probably "I'm thankful for this title although on in the
such as "Rajnigandha", Chhoti Si Baat", and
scores 10 on 10 in the looks the face of it, it's not really an achieve‑ 1970s‑
"Pati Patni Aur Woh". Jaaved Jaaferi remem‑ 1980s.
department, and it seems like a ment.
bered Vidya Sinha as "an actress who was tal‑
US‑based agency has also noticed it. The According to me, if there's anything
ented, beautiful and dignified, and who we all
"Kaabil" actor, popular as 'Greek God' one should aspire for and value the most
loved in the 70's", adding that she "passes on from others". Rituparna also added that
among his admirers, has been reportedly in this world, it's their character.
to her next journey" Vidya "exuded unusual grace" and that she
named the 'Most Handsome Man in the "A good character will always make
"RIP Vidya Sinha Ji. You were the epitome considered herself "privileged to work with
World' by the agency. He is thankful for you look more attractive," he said in an
of grace and dignity on and off the screen," her as a daughter in ʻTere Ane Se'," which is
the title, though it's not really an achieve‑ interview with
wrote filmmaker Sanjay Gupta. yet to be released. Bengali superstar
ment for him. On the work front, he is looking for‑
Actress Rituparna Sengupta was "deeply Prosenjit wteeted his favorite picks among
The secret behind his good looks? ward to the release of "War", which will
saddened by the demise of our beloved Vidya Sinha's films. "You will be always
"Well, it's broccoli. Just kidding," bring him and his fan and actor Tiger
actress Vidya Sinha", adding that her "sweet‑ remembered specially for ʻRajnigandha',
Hrithik said in an interview. Shroff on the big screen together.
est voice and unusual beauty made her apart ʻChhoti Si Baat', ʻMukti'," he wrote on Twitter. ULTIMATE BOLLYWOOD August 24-30, 2019 19
"I have done stupid things for
ith the kind of films
movies. I wanted to see 'Mesrine Part
that unspool every
1: Killer Instinct' and I was trying to
week, one can con‑
figure out where I could catch the
clude that there is a dearth of not
film. So, I googled every city in the
only ideas but also direction! A
world where 'Mesrine' was playing.
varied kind of films are being
At times, I fly to other countries to
made. Each filmmaker trying to
watch films. So, when 'Mesrine Part
come out with something differ‑
II' was releasing, both parts of the
ent. This includes all ‑ big as well Filmmaker Anurag Kashyap.
film were playing back‑to‑back at
as medium‑range producers. The Anurag, opening up about his influ‑
Curzon Soho in London, and I flew to
idea seems to be taking a shot in ences in the IMDb Original "The
London to catch the film! The film‑
the dark. It is all about taking Insider's Watchlist".
maker revealed "House Of Cards"
chances. What would he recommend for
changed his perception about digital
Some producers are falling upcoming filmmakers? "Watch
back on period costume dramas, Actor Akshay Kumar has become a torchbearer of the films Vittorio De Sica's 'Bicycle Thieves'.
"'House of Cards' changed the way I
which work out very costly and that convert real‑life stories into reel life sagas. The film is historical, political and it
saw shows. Suddenly, shows became
not every director's cup of tea. has much irony to it. It is a film
cinema to me. There was a voice to it.
This genre was avoided for a long Most writers who script stories films while a few others only
The others on my list are 'True through which you understand a
time mainly because of these two like "Piku" or "Vicky Donor", or made horror movies. The main‑
Detective' and 'Delhi Crime'," said country, a time, a space," he said.
reasons, capability and cost. Yet, directors who make films like stay for most makers, however,
we have had period films like
"Bajirao Mastani" and
"Dangal", "Bhaag Milkha Bhaag"
and "Neerja", have always had
was romance and family socials.
Action movies were not in vogue Khayyam: Music maestro of classical allure
"Padmaavat", "Manikarnika" and this problem: What next? They in the mainstream cinema till New Delhi: When living legend Lata His classical flair prompted the leg‑
"Kesari". usually have nothing that match‑ mid‑1970 and action, in a meas‑ Mangeshkar tweeted to describe endary Meena Kumari to approach
Each week, a new kind of film is es the earlier success. No maker ured amount, was a part of regu‑ music maestro Khayyam's demise as Khayyam to score music for her
dropped in the market. For seemed to have a worthy succes‑ lar movies. the "end of an era", she said it all. album, "I Write, I Recite", where she
instance, last week we had sor. So, they go back to usual Now, the genres of family Not surprisingly, the first film that sang her own poetry.
"Khandaani Shafakhana", a film claptrap and come a cropper. socials, horror and mythology comes to mind when you talk But Khayyam was equally effective
discussing sexual problems for Akshay Kumar has become a have been taken away by televi‑ Khayyam is "Umrao Jaan", Muzaffar scoring simpler tunes that compli‑
those who can make sense of the torchbearer of the films that con‑ sion serials. Action films are Ali's lavish costume drama of 1981, mented the poetry of Sahir Ludhianvi
title! For one, sex and problems vert real‑life stories into reel life accepted only coming from a which won the composer a National in "Kabhi Kabhie" and "Trishul", or
related to it are not generally dis‑ sagas. He has been greatly suc‑ couple of stars. There is little Award for Best Music Direction. Gulzar in "Thodisi Bewafaii". These
cussed in India. Delhi and sur‑ cessful in his endeavors. His choice left for filmmakers. Ghazals, thumris, dadras and other films were musical hits.
rounding areas do have such clin‑ image of being a thoroughbred The limited choice is between genres of Hindustani classical music Khayyam was a genius with a large
ics but that does not make the nationalist probably adds to the romance, action and comedy, were Khayyam's forte. In an era when heart, which genius became evident in
subject acceptable all over. acceptability of his films. His with few writers and makers to orchestra pop reigned, Khayyam was 2016 when composer and his singer‑
One may have thought if Vicky instincts and beliefs seem to be justify the last named. While what many in Bollywood referred to wife Jagjit Kaur established the
Donor could work, why not take paying up so far. ideas are borrowed from foreign as an artiste of refined expertise. He Khayyam‑Jagjit Kaur KPG Charitable
it a step further? An odd subject It is believed that there are only films (which includes this year's revelled composing songs in these Trust, in the memory of their son, the
like "Vicky Donor" or "Piku", very seven basic storylines in this National Award winner, intrinsically Indian genres for films late actor Pradeep who passed away
personal to people, does work. world. Films were made accord‑ "Andhadhun"), and films from such as "Anjuman" (1986), "Razia six years ago. The couple gave away
But they need to be woven into a ingly. There was a time when South languages are being Sultan" (1983), "Bazaar" (1982), "Dil‑ all their earnings to the cause of
plausible story and dealt with a some makers stuck to making sought once again for remakes e‑Nadaan" (1982), and "Noorie" upcoming artistes and technicians of
fair amount of humor. religion‑based or mythological by a few. (1979). the film industry.
20 August 24-30, 2019 INDIA FEATURES
n his first speech after winning the election A first step should be to "find our spiritual As one nation, India would be a role model
for his second term, Prime Minister common ground". That step can be initiated by and exemplar for other democracies to emulate.
Narendra Modi proclaimed that "we have to recognizing that spirit is the invisible force that Everyone must play a role in establishing
win ''sabka vishwas'' (everyoneʼs trust)." What brings us together regardless of our caste, race, India as one nation. Each citizen should engage
will be required to win that trust is establishing religion, region or political predisposition. The in small acts of kindness by reaching out to
a true state of interdependence. goal in discovering that common ground should those less fortunate and to the downtrodden by
Interdependence can be achieved by creating a be to create one nation under God. That nation extending a helping hand and a hand up.
country in which there is a shared understand‑ would be an interdependent one and its God Some people can make special contributions.
ing of the value of each citizen and a reliance would be ecumenical and non‑denominational. Religious leaders should promote interfaith dia‑
on one another to eliminate discrimination, Its God would be welcoming to all. logue. They should bring people together fol‑
hostility, and prejudice and to provide equality As one nation, India would celebrate and lowers of different persuasions for meaningful
and opportunity for all. All citizens must be embrace the richness of religious diversity conversations. They should promote a dialogue
active participants in shaping the future of As one nation, India would be inclusive and of understanding and a shared sense of commu‑
India. They must be equal partners in Indiaʼs accepting unity over division and hope over nity with other faiths. They should call the fact
inclusive economic mobility and in Indiaʼs fear As one nation, India would elevate citizen‑ that attack on one faith is attack on all faiths.
shared prosperity. Independence Day is the per‑ ship above angry and mindless partisanship Political leaders should promote a framework
fect day to highlight the importance of and and bring people together to pursue the com‑ of unity and civility. Civic and community lead‑
advance the concept of interdependence. This mon good ers should promote collaboration in problem‑
can be accomplished by promoting the need for As one nation, India would be the place solving. They should toil together their creeds
a unified India on this national holiday. known for sharing and caring as opposed to to plant the seeds for doing good deeds. There
All its citizens must be made equal
T he need for doing this is critical. partners in Indiaʼs inclusive economic blaming and shaming is no better day on which to resume our jour‑
Unfortunately, in the period since the Prime mobility and in shared prosperity. As one nation, India would emphasize build‑ ney than Independence Day. There is no better
Minister called for winning "trust" in his speech, ing bridges instead of constructing boundaries way to make that journey than to chart a course
some Indians have engaged in actions destroy‑ conditions that must be addressed as well. To and barriers As one nation, India would ensure to interdependence. By reaching that destina‑
ing it. Sadly, the heinous crimes at the begin‑ name just a few: sexual violence and subjuga‑ that all its people are literate and equipped with tion, India will establish itself as the beacon of
ning of Modi's second term are nothing new. tion of females continues; the caste system still the skills to succeed in the 21st century hope for democracy worldwide. By realizing
There were several lynchings and numerous exists; and, the problematic conditions of those As one nation, India would extend lifelines that potential, India will bring a new dawn for
attacks on Muslims during his first term. in the weaker sections persist. instead of drawing battle lines democracy in this 21st century.
Modi did not speak out vigorously then. He By speaking out, Prime Minister Modi can As one nation, India would be a land of big Frank F. Islam is an Indian‑American entre‑
must do so now to demonstrate the essential bring the country together to confront the mat‑ dreams, small treasures, brave people, kind preneur, civic and thought leader based in
leadership that will be required to create a state ters that are hardening Indiaʼ's democratic deeds, and tender mercies Washington DC. The views expressed are
of interdependence. There are other serious arteries. He cannot do that alone, however. He As one nation, India would ensure the impor‑ personal.
onsidering Ekal Vidyalaya At LA Gala, the keynote speaker is going to
Foundationʼs profound impact and be ʻEmily Churchʼ, Exec Dir of ʻXPrize
rapid growth at the grass‑root level, Foundationʼ with Bollywood heart‑throb
Indian PM Narendra Modi in 2017 gave Ekal Vivek Oberoi as the special guest. Bollywood
a unique goal of establishing 100,000 comedian ʻOmi Vaidyaʼ will be featured as
schools by 2022, which happens to be the will be fusion‑music concert by ʻNauzadʼ.
75th anniversary of Indiaʼs Independence. Ekal is a duly registered as a non‑profit
Ekal is poised to ring the ʻtarget‑bellʼ by 501(C) in USA and dispenses its assistance in
early 2020 itself. rural areas irrespective of recipientʼs reli‑
We already have 93,000 schools in the gion, creed, caste and region. Its overhead is
same number of villages that are grooming barley 10%.
2.55 million children & youths each year for Suresh Iyer, President of ʻEkal‑USAʼ, has
lifeʼs major challenges. Remarkably, more confirmed that, so far this year, Ekal has
than half of them are girls and quite a few of raised almost $5.5 Million. Attributing this
its alumni have gone on to become high‑cal‑ to thousands of devout donors and dedicated
iber teachers, District Of ficers, company volunteers, Suresh is confident that, with two
administrators and technocrats in their adult Galas, Ekal will once again cut through $10
life. Although rooted in Education, Ekal has million mark by the yearʼs end.
blossomed into healthcare, integrated village In 2017, Bajrang Bagra, CEO of ʻEkal
Ekal Abhiyan Trust was bestowed the Gandhi Peace Prize by the Govt of India this Abhiyan Trustʼ, initiated a special literacy
development and economic empowerment.
year. Seen at the ceremony are Ekal Abhiyanʼs Senior Trustee M.L. Jain,
Recently, UNESCO confirmed that, defying project for ʻtroubled spotsʼ in border region.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi and President Ram Nath Kovind.
global trend, India is likely to meet 100% He has confirmed that almost 6,000 Ekal
child enrolment and school completion tar‑ equality. Ekal is the largest literacy move‑ ‑‑ in Houston, Washington DC & New York – schools are in operation in Jammu and
get set by them by in 2030. This is a conse‑ ment undertaken by the Indians and NRIs in and raised over $5 Million. This was in addi‑ Kashmir and that has resulted in establish‑
quential endorsement of Ekalʼs educational a dozen countries. tion to $6 Million it had already raised ing peace, tranquility, and life‑normalcy in
mission in rural and tribal areas of India. In last one year alone, Ekal has successful‑ through its annual fund‑raising concerts peopleʼs lives there.
This year, “Ekal Abhiyan Trustʼ (an umbrella ly added 20,000 schools. This meteoric rise across USA in 55 cities.
body for various of f‑shoots of Ekal) was has been partly due to high‑end “Future of This year, two Galas have been planned ‑ For details of ticket purchase, sponsorship
bestowed with “Gandhi Peace Prize” by the India” Galas has started hosting in various one in Los Angeles area and another in NYC. of Ekal galas this year, please go to
Govt of India for its contribution to educa‑ metropolitan areas since 2017. Last year, LA Gala is being hosted on September 14 at OR
tion in remote areas, with gender and social between October 6‑13, it hosted three Galas ʻHyatt Regencyʼ (Long Beach, CA), and NYC SUBCONTINENT August 24-30, 2019 21
26 August 24-30, 2019 BOOKS
he secularism of Maharaja known to be scrupulously fair,
Ranjit Singh (1780‑1839) never tyrannical and generous to
needs to be studied in the
current context for the manner in
vandalized in Lahore de feated foes,” the author
explained. But as another great
which he brought together a col‑ writer, Khushwant Singh, has sep‑
n a show of intoler‑
lection of warring misls (confed‑ arately recorded: “Ranjit Singhʼs
ance for religions
eracies) to create a Sikh Empire greatest oversight was his failure
other than Islam in
that stretched from the Khyber to train any one of his sons to take
Pakistan, two men
Pass in the west to western Tibet his place. When he died on the
allegedly vandalized a
in the east, and from Mithankot in evening of June 27, 1839, there
statue of Punjabʼs
the south to Kashmir in the north, was no one fit to step into his
ruler Raja Ranjit Singh
says US‑based poet, playwright shoes and guide the destinies of
placed near his grave
and commentator Sarbpreet Singh the State.”
in Shahi Qila, Lahore.
in a new book. “Ranjit Singh needs How is it that there was no one
to be studied, ce lebrated and before or after Maharaja Ranjit
Superintendent of
humanized not just in Punjab but Singh? “The fiercely republican
Police told the Dawn
all over India. There are many nature of Sikhs in the 18th centu‑
newspaper that the
unique aspects of his court, most The book focuses on Ranjit ry precluded the rise of a ʻkingʼ. It
Singhʼs cosmopolitan Sikh court attackers were moti‑
notably his insistence on meritoc‑ was only Ranjit Singhʼs genius and
in Lahore. The author lauds the vated and vandalized
racy and pragmatic embrace of his mother‑in‑lawʼs foresight that
Maharaja for his insistence on the statue "on the
true secularism, which I feel are made his reign possible.
meritocracy and pragmatic basis of religious bias‑
very essential for India given “After his demise, a tragedy of
embrace of true secularism. es".
where we find ourselves today,” Shakespearean proportions played
Singh told IANS in an email inter‑ Singh some of his most notable out as every potential successor
view on his book, T he Came l victories, but never fully submit‑ encountered was from Sikhs who ent quickly as he started consoli‑ perished due to treachery or hap‑
Merchant of Philade lphia ted to him; the teenaged courtesan had consolidated into 12 misls, dating power and through a com‑ penstance. T he result was the
(Tranqebar). Bibi Moran, the love of Maharajaʼs who were constantly jockeying bination of alliances and military Empireʼs collapse, aided in no
Given the vastness of the sub‑ life; Josh Harlan, a Quaker from against each other, but would adventures, soon became the mas‑ small part by the perfidy of the
ject, the book focuses on Ranjit Philadelphia (who features in the unite in the face of an external ter of the entire Punjab. “One of British and their ability to find
Singhʼs cosmopolitan Sikh court in title) who became a trusted admin‑ threat. Ranjit Singh came from one the early master strokes of his willing courtiers who betrayed the
Lahore. Beg inning from the istrator but de fected to the of the smallest and weakest of the reign was a treaty with the East Empire for their personal benefit,”
repeated invasions of Nadir Shah Afghans, and many more such misls, the Shukerchakias. India Company, which enabled Sarbpreet explains.
to the innumerable skirmishes characters. What could the rise of “Aided in no small part by his him to secure his eastern border The Empire was under threat
between Afghan and Sikh misls to Maharaja Ranjit Singh be ascribed brilliant and visionary mother‑in‑ and continue expanding e lse‑ from the British, who were by then
the rise and consolidat ion of to? “After the collapse of the law, Sada Kaur, who was married where. Despite being unlettered, the undisputed masters of the
Ranjit Singhʼs Sukerchakias misl, Mug hal Empire, Punjab had into the once powerful Kahnayya Ranjit Singh was a shrewd leader, Indian subcontinent. All this laid
the book brings alive the descended into anarchy. T he misl, the young upstart was able who excelled at attracting the best the foundations for the first of the
Maharajaʼs tumultuous but ef fec‑ repeated incursion of Ahmed Shah to seize power and get himself talent, an attribute that played a two Anglo‑Sikh Wars and the sub‑
tive reign. Abdali further weakened the crowned the King of Lahore, which huge role in his success. His rule sequent annexation of Punjab by
One is intro duced to Akali Mughalsʼ hold over Punjab. had been the capital of Mughal was marked by peace in the terri‑ the East India Company.
Phoola Singh, who won Ranjit “T he only resistance Abdali Punjab. His genius became appar‑ tories he controlled. While he The wheel had come full circle.
ou have read about them in comics ‑‑ Everybody Wants To Rule The World',
‑‑ that was the original genre. They 'Ant‑Man ‑ Natural Enemy', 'Black Panther'
then transformed to the stage, to and 'Thanos ‑‑ Death Sentence'.
the small screen, then to the big screen Saf fel said Titanʼs focus is entirely on
and soon the streaming platform. Now, adapting the comic book concepts.
read about your favorite Marve l This comes with challenges, though, as
Superhero in book format with the seven exemplified by 'Avengers: Infinity'. That
titles that have been released making comic book event had many threads that
waves worldwide and also in India, where fed into various Marvel comic book titles,
they recently debuted. "Yet we were tasked with producing a
What prompted the release of these novel that would be self‑contained and
books considering that some of the origi‑ entertaining. T hus the writer had to
nal comics date back to the mid‑1960s organize the material very carefully, at
and that all of the originals, barring times removing elements that weren't
Thanos, have been turned into hugely suc‑ essential to the core storyline, while
cessful movies? expanding or reorganizing facets to keep
"As with the novels Marvel themselves the narrative focused and dramatic" Saffel
published previously, the Titan releases explained.
are specifically based on the comic book "We've had a wonderful response. The
incarnations of the characters. In some books have been very well‑reviewed, and
cases, such as 'Captain Marvel: Liberation the readers have been enthusiastic. In
In some cases, such as 'Captain Marvel: Liberation Run', the authors have produced
Run', the authors have produced entirely entirely new stories set within the comic book canon. In others, as with 'X‑Men: many cases the novel has been a reader's
new stories set within the comic book The Dark Phoenix Saga', they've adapted seminal storylines. first introduction to the characters or
canon. In others, as with 'X‑Men: The Dark comic book storylines, while in other
Phoenix Saga', they've adapted seminal email interview. Because of their tremendous popularity, instances the readers have enjoyed the
storylines," Stephen W. Saf fel, Senior "Our goal is to entertain as many read‑ many of these characters and storylines new approach to familiar storylines,'
Acquisitions Editor at Titan Books, the ers as possible, so frequently we will have also led to films. Other novels will Saffel said, adding that there will be more
London‑based publisher, told IANS in an choose the most high‑profile characters. feature stories entirely new to the film novels down the line. IMMIGRATION August 24-30, 2019 27
By Michael Phulwani,
Esq. and Dev B.
Viswanath, Esq. The I‑212: Request for permission to
I reapply for admission after removal
f an individual was previously
removed or deported from the
United States based on sections
212(a)(9)(A), (9)(B), or or departure before filing the I‑ for admission is conditional upon tation or removal proceedings;
212(a)(9)(C) of the Immigration
and Nationality Act (INA) they may
be allowed to re‑enter the U.S. by
VISA 212 request. One exception for
this rule is for foreign individualʼs
who entered the U.S. before April
the individualʼs departure from the
U.S. The Applicant must show
hardship to a qualifying relative or
Evidence of the individualʼs rela‑
tionship to any immediate rela‑
tives. If the relative is a U.S. citizen,
filing Form I‑212, Application for 1, 1997 because they are protect‑ employer. then proof of citizenship is
Permission to Reapply for ed by the Illegal Immigration When submitting the I‑212 waiv‑ required;
Admission After Deportation or Reform and Immigrant er request, supporting documents Statement describing the favor‑
Removal. Form I‑212 is a waiver individualʼs removal, circum‑ Responsibility Act of 1996 (IIRI‑ should be included. Examples of able and unfavorable factors of the
request which allows foreign indi‑ stances surrounding their removal, RA). Under IIRIRA foreign individ‑ some supporting documents are: individualʼs case and why the
viduals to ask permission from the and the amount of time they were ualʼs who re‑entered the U.S. Copies of all the documents favorable factors outweigh the
U.S. government to apply for law‑ present in the U.S. unlawfully. before April 1, 1997 after their relating to the individualʼs depor‑ unfavorable factors.
ful re‑admission to the U.S. after Individualʼs may be barred from removal are not subject to the per‑
they have been deported or re‑entering the U.S. for five, ten, manent bar. Foreign individualʼs Dev Banad Viswanath is the Principal
removed. An individual is not twenty years, or indefinitely. The I‑ who have accrued unlawful pres‑ Attorney of The Banad Law Offices PC
allowed to return to the U.S. until 212 waiver allows certain foreign ence before April 1, 1997 are also in the United States,
the I‑212 application is filed and exempt from the permanent bar. and Banad Immigration in India for which
individuals to ask permission to re‑
Individualʼs who are inadmissi‑ Attorney Michael Phulwani is also affiliated
approved. While the application is apply for admission to the U.S.
ble under 212(a)(9)(A) or (9)(B) of as Of Counsel. With Offices in Manhattan,
being processed the individual before their period of inadmissibil‑
the INA who have an outstanding Queens, Bangalore, and Mumbai, the firm is
must remain outside of the U.S. ity has been reached. It can also be
able to assist clients with all facets of the
except for limited circumstances. requested in conjunction with a order of removal and are still in
immigration process, including
Individualʼs who had been waiver on form I‑601 for inadmis‑ the U.S., are allowed to file the I‑
Employment Visas, Consular Visa Assistance,
deported or removed have com‑ sibility. 212 Form before leaving the U.S.
Student Visas, Removal & Deportation, US
mitted an immigration violation Foreign individualʼs who are per‑ as long as they plan to apply for an Citizenship and Green Card Applications
and therefore not allowed to re‑ manently inadmissible under sec‑ immigrant visa abroad. USCIS has based on Family or Employment. Dev B.
enter the U.S. for a specific period tion 212(a)(9)(C) of the INA must a discretionary right to approve or Viswanath can be reached at
of time. The period of inadmissibil‑ wait until at least 10 years have deny the application and once [email protected] and 718‑361‑5999.
ity depends on the reason for the passed from their date of removal approved, permission to reapply
India sees dramatic rise in cyber Twitter slammed for
attacks post‑Kashmir decision? China‑backed ads
New Delhi: There has been a rise in cyber attacks on
Indian institutions after the abrogation of Article 370
and 35A and the country needs to be extra careful
against HK protesters
Hong Kong: Users on the which would have enabled
when it comes to the security of websites and critical
social bookmarking web‑ fugitives to be extradited
infrastructure, Russian cyber security firm Kaspersky
site Pinboard have from Hong Kong to main‑
said on Monday.
slammed China‑backed land China.
On Sunday, the official website of the Bihar
advertisements being run Though the bill has been
Education Department was hacked and "RootAyyildiz
on Twitter, attacking declared "dead" by the
Turkish Hacker" claimed responsibility for posting
Hong Kong protesters. city's top leader Carrie
messages praising Pakistan and Islam like "We Love
The ads try to portray the Lam, the civil campaign against it
Pakistan" on the website.
protests as "escalating violence" has since morphed into a broader
The hacked portal was later restored.
and call for "order to be restored," movement seeking to reverse a gen‑
"We have definitely seen an increase in the cyber
Engadget reported on Monday. eral decline in freedom and investi‑
attacks on India after the abrogation of Article 370 by messages that may suggest otherwise," said Sharma. "Every day I go out and see stuff gate police brutality. The "ads have
the Indian government. According to our Cyberthreat Last month, the Indian Computer Emergency with my own eyes, and then I go to highlighted alleged supporters of
World‑time Map, India is currently the 7th most Response Team (CERT‑In) informed the Parliament report it on Twitter and see promot‑ the Chinese 'motherland' and have
attacked country in the world," Saurabh Sharma, that over 24 websites of central ministries, depart‑ ed tweets saying the opposite of pointed out Hong Kong's economic
Senior Security Researcher, Global Research and ments and state governments were hacked till May. what I saw. Twitter is taking money troubles from earlier in the year,"
Analysis Team (GReAT) APAC, Kaspersky, told IANS. IT Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad said in a written from Chinese propaganda outfits the report said. Twitter was yet to
However, he added, it is difficult in the current situ‑ reply in the Lok Sabha that some of these attacks and running these promoted tweets issue a statement.
ation to understand if these are state‑sponsored were seen to be originating from a number of coun‑ against the top Hong Kong protest The Chinese government has
attacks. tries, including China and Pakistan. hashtags," Pinboard tweeted. been clamping down on those who
"We cannot confirm if it originated from Pakistan or "India needs to be more careful when it comes to Since June, Hong Kong has been voice dissent on Twitter, even
it's a group of cyber attackers targeting India while the security of their websites and critical infrastruc‑ rocked by a wave of protests though the service is blocked
taking advantage of the current situation and leaving ture," the Kaspersky executive cautioned. because of the extradition bill, beyond Hong Kong.
28 August 24-30, 2019 HUMOR
Money‑saving tips
that really work!
veryoneʼs offering money‑saving tips other.) He or she buys all sorts of luxury
these days, trying to help people sur‑ items with the credit card, whereas you use
vive the economic downturn. It does‑ it only for essential items, such as wool paja‑
nʼt take much to save a few bucks here and mas for the dog. It might be time to get a
there, even if youʼre already scrimping, even divorce̶from your credit card.
if you order the 3. Find vacations on the
“short” cappuc‑ Internet. Letʼs face it: itʼs
cino at Starbucks expensive to travel abroad
and have reduced your and, even if you can afford
cable TV package to only 380 it, do you really want to
channels. Anyone whoʼs spend half your vacation
Laughter is the Best Medicine need to do what I do: sell them stuf f. Itʼs
amazing how much you can sell if youʼre a
little forceful. Just ask Satwinder, the guy in
New Delhi who just bought 100 copies of
my novel Bala Takes the Plunge.
7. Do your own recycling. Donʼt throw out
By that fashion magazine̶pull out the glossy
Mahendra pages and use them to wrap small gifts.
Shah Donʼt throw out that worn boot̶fill it with
soil and grow a plant in it. Donʼt throw out
Mahendra Shah that old pair of underwear̶cut it into a
is an architect by fancy shape and use it as a doily.
education, 8. Donʼt play the lottery. Itʼs okay to buy a
entrepreneur by ticket now and then, but if youʼre plunking
profession, artist down 10 bucks a week, youʼre throwing
and humorist, your hard‑earned money away. Yes, people
cartoonist and do win the lottery, but you have a better
writer by hobby. chance of getting Justin Bieber to share nail‑
He has been polishing tips with you.
recording the 9. Think big. Donʼt buy a small bag of rice
plight of the when a big bag is more economical in the
immigrant long run. The best part is, once the bag is
Indians for the empty, you can recycle it. Just write “Gucci”
past many year on the side of it and use it for shopping.
in his cartoons. 10. Get to know your neighbors.
Hailing from Neighbors can save you a lot of money. In
Gujarat, he lives fact, if youʼre trying to buy a house, make
in Pittsburgh, sure you find one with a plumber living on
Pennsylvania. one side, an electrician on the other and a
carpenter across the street. Donʼt forget to
show them your appreciation with a special
gift, such as a nicely wrapped doily. ASTROLOGY August 24-30, 2019 29
yoga deal with controlling the bodily functions.
vacation offers a chance to take
In our body we have two currents. We have the
a break from the stresses of
motor currents and the sensory currents flowing
daily living. We usually seek
through our bodies. The motor currents keep us alive,
places that are relaxing, enjoyable, and
by controlling our involuntarily body functions, such
beautiful. Yet going on an outer vaca‑
as the growth of our nails and hair, our breathing, and
tion is often stressful. We have to earn
our blood circulation. In meditation on the inner
money for the trip; book tickets; under‑
Light and Sound, one does not practice the control of
go the rigors of travel, whether by
the motor currents for transcending the body. The
road, train, bus, or air; find the right
motor currents are allowed to go on by themselves so
accommodations and food service; and
that the process by which we survive in this world is
face unexpected inclement weather.
not tampered with. Instead, we withdraw the sensory
Often, we return from a vacation more
currents. The sensory currents give us sensation in
exhausted than we had left.
the body. It is the sensory currents which make us
What if we could experience a vaca‑
aware of the sense of sight, hearing, smell, taste, and
tion that did not cost anything and in
touch. If we withdraw our sensory currents from the
which we could instantly travel to and
outside world, and collect them at the eye‑focus, we
experience unimaginable vistas more
will be able to travel to the realms within.
beautiful than anything ever seen in
Meditation is, in reality, a process of concentration.
this world? What if that vacation filled
It is so simple and natural that it can be practiced by
us with relaxation of our body, mind,
a young child or the elderly, by a healthy person or
and spirit, and had the added benefit of
someone with a physical disability.
putting us into the states of tremen‑
Meditation does not require any asanas or difficult
dous love, joy and bliss? What if we
(Image courtesy: postures or any rigorous physical activity. It is a non‑
could tap into a restful peace that denominational technique that has been practiced by
washed away our troubles and stayed
people of all religions and faiths, cultures, and back‑
with us even when we returned from
the journey? What if we could take this Many enlightened beings, saints, mystics, and grounds, as a science. It is open to one and all, and
has been offered as a free gift by the spiritual
trip anytime we wanted, as many times spiritual masters have taken this inner voyage. Masters who have come throughout the ages. It is up
as we wished, by just closing our eyes?
to us whether we wish to merely read about the
This is not science fiction. This jour‑ Masters passed on the travel directions world may attract our senses with
realms beyond, or experience them. The saints tell us
ney is not imaginary. Many enlight‑ for this journey. This experience is interesting and beautiful sights,
that being made of matter, the physical body deterio‑
ened beings, saints, mystics, and spiri‑ still available today to all who want to sounds, smells, tastes, and feelings. Yet
rates, decays, and is finally destroyed. But our true
tual masters have taken this inner voy‑ undertake this incredible voyage. The inner sightseeing dazzles us. The inner
self, which is our spirit or soul, is eternal. It lives on
age. Through the ages, the spiritual way within is through meditation. voyage thrills our soul with bliss, love
and on. By connecting with our soul, we will have
journey was largely a mystery to the Meditation is the art of inverting our and joy that far surpass any sensory
access to the answers of what awaits us beyond.
masses, but was known to the disciples attention from the world outside to delights experienced in this physical
through an oral tradition whereby that within. Sightseeing in the physical world. August 24-30, 2019 August 24-30, 2019
We’re expecting!
The only birth center in New Jersey on a hospital campus. Opening in September.
Women experiencing a low-risk pregnancy who are looking for more natural options for their birthing experience can
be cared for by our certified nurse-midwives. The new Mary V. O’Shea Birth Center at Saint Peter’s University Hospital
provides an alternative, home-like birthing option for women. With a separate street entrance and dedicated space, our
birthing suites resemble bedrooms and feature a queen-size bed, large spa-size tub, and shower, all in a relaxing décor.
From pregnancy through birth, our midwives will support you in the way you want to experience the birth of your child.
You may choose to move around freely, use birthing tools, immerse yourself in water for comfort, and get the support
you need to birth without medication.