Fila Table Maths

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The growth of transportation This information will be used How to develop first order Search for information from
causes congestion. to develop first order differential equation? Mathematics 2 module and
differential equation. Physics method in linear motion.
A bar chart showing major This information can be used How to determine the constant By analysing the rate of growth of
growth of land transportation to determine the constant by value? the variables.
– road in traffic, composition, using initial condition.
accidents, casualties and
damages in Malaysia
(2008 – 2016).
It collects the composition, This information will be used How to determine rate (k)? By using growth population
accidents, casualties and to determine rate (k). differential equation.
damages data in 14 states in
For traffic composition, the This information will be used How to determine the causes of By using the data and facts from
highest in 2008 is by car/taxi to determine the causes of congestion? peers reviews study and existing
with a total of 755 and the congestion. related research.
lowest is by bus which is 22. In
the year of 2016, the highest is
by car/taxi (230, 603) and the
lowest is by bus (3, 860).
For road accidents that occur This information will be used How to develop first order By using growth population
in Malaysia, the highest was in to develop first order differential equation for road differential equation.
Selangor (100,380) and the differential equation. accidents?
lowest was in Perlis (1, 417) in
2008. In 2016, the highest was
in the same state which is in
Selangor (151, 253) and the
lowest is in Perlis (2, 062).
The number of vehicles This information will be used How to develop first order By using growth population
involved in accident in 2008 is to develop first order differentiation equation vehicles differential equation and
671, 078 and in 2016 is at a differentiation equation that involved in accident? analysing using bar chart.
total of 950, 569.
The bar chart for the total of This information will be used How to determine the Derive facts, theories and
injuries and details due to road to develop first order relationship between casualties research data via related
accidents in 2008 is in total of differentiation equation and traffic congestion? comprehensive research of
6, 527 with major accidents of government related agency.
8, 868 and minor accidents of
16, 879. Meanwhile in 2016,
the total death is 7, 152 and
the major and minor accidents
is 4, 506 and 7, 415.

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