Design of Triangular Reinforced Concrete Beam in Usd: March 2011
Design of Triangular Reinforced Concrete Beam in Usd: March 2011
Design of Triangular Reinforced Concrete Beam in Usd: March 2011
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1 author:
H. M.A. Mahzuz
Shahjalal University of Science and Technology
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d rec ………….(1)
f y
f y b(1 0.59 )
f c'
In USD The moment capacity of the steel portion of a single reinforced rectangular beam is
As f y
M s As f s (d a ), where a ……………(2)
2 0.85 f c' b
In USD method the mathematical equation for determining spacing of shear reinforcement
for a rectangular RCC beam section is s dAv f v ,
(V Vc )
where V is the imposed shear force, Vc = 2 f c' bd is the shear force of the concrete section, d
is the depth of the rectangular section, Av is the steel area, f v is the allowable steel stress. It is
known that some extent of clear cover is provided in beams. Taking this in account the length
of steel as the shear reinforcement needed per ft of beam,
(V Vc ) 12
L perimeter of the steel used
dAv f v
(V Vc ) 12
For beams of rectangle shape (Fig: 1), LR 2{(b 3) (d 1.5)} …………(3)
dAv f y
The entire work is based on theatrical framework. No experimental work is done to judge the
newly developed equations. At first related equations are developed. Then comparisons are
made with the related existing equations. All the results are plotted in tabular form.
Calculations are made for different material properties ( f c' and f y ) as well. Necessary
comparisons for the different concrete area and steel area are made. It is to be noted that the
beam is considered singly reinforced and the mid section of the beam is considered for this
study. That is in such section compression and tensile stress will act at top and bottom of
neutral axis respectively.
4.1. Equation for flexure:
fc c
b C fc' bavgc
c fc' cb(1 c )
b’ d 2d
T= Asfy
Fig. 3: Stress distribution at the maximum load in USD
For USD approach the simple supported beam of Fig.2 is considered. The empirical
equations are varied due to the variation in compressive and tensile stress of the concrete and
steel respectively. From the geometry at Fig 3 it can be said that:
c c
bavg b(1 ), considering h d , bavg b(1 )
2h 2d
Tension, T stress area A s f s and compression, C stress area f c' bavg c f c' cb(1
Steel area A 1
Steel ratio, s As bd
Concrete area 1 2
At equilibrium moment of both the compression and tensile forces will be equal. That is,
f c' cb(1 ) As f y
c 1
f c' cb(1 ) bdf y , after simplification
2d 2
f y
c d (1 1 )
f c'
1 f y
M c f y bd 2 (1 (1 1 ' )) , Considering 0.425 and 0.72
2 f c
1 f y
M c f y bd 2 (1 0.425(1 1 )) ………….(4)
2 0.72 f c'
This is the equation for moment of concrete area in USD. Considering the effective depth of
triangular section as dtri from equation (4) it can be said that,
d tri ……………(5)
1 f y
f y b(1 0.425(1 1 ))
2 0.72 f c'
f y
M s As f y (d d (1 1 )) Considering 0.425 and 0.72 for f c 4 Ksi and after
f c'
f y
M s As f y d (1 0.425(1 1 )) ………………..(6)
0.72 f c'
At same cross sectional area (i.e, AR b d and AT 1 b 2d
) and width ‘b’ the depth of
triangular section will be just twice of that of the rectangular section. Therefore for such
triangular RCC beam section the equation for determining spacing of shear reinforcement is,
2 dAv f v
s . It means that the spacing will be just the twice of that of rectangular section.
(V Vc )
(V Vc ) 12
Steel Length needed per ft of beam, LT perimeter of the steel used
2dAv f v
(V Vc ) 12 (b 3) 2
For triangle, LT {2 {2(d 1.5)}2 ) (b 3)} …………..(7)
2 dAv f y 4
(b 3) 2
2 4(d 1.5) 2 (b 3)
L 4
T ………………(8)
LR 4{(b 3) (d 1.5)}
5.1 Concrete area
It is evident from the above discussion that some reasonable comparison can be made
between equations (1) and (5). This case is also true for the equations (2) and (6) as well. In
USD more generalized comparison between the triangular and rectangular section is
presented below. At the same external moment dividing equation (5) by equation (1) we get
Table 1.
max f y
2(1 0.59 )
d tri f c'
(Putting max in place of )
d rec max f y
(1 0.425(1 1 ))
0.72 f c'
4500 40000 0.825 0.054043 0.040532 1.341275 32.93627
Now to make it clear let us do it clearly. Let’s think about the first row of the Table 01 where
d tri
1.348677 , d tri 1.348677 d rec
d rec
At same beam width ‘b’ that saving of concrete area with respect to the rectangular beam
bd rec 1 bd tri bd rec 1 b 1.348677 d rec
section becomes: 2 100 2 100 32.566% .
bd rec bd rec
To make easy to understand the calculation of Table 02 let us see an example. If the imposed
moment is 1200 kip-inch using equations (1) and (5) the effective depths are 11.33" (for
rectangular beam) and 15.28" (for triangular beam) respectively. Using equation (2) and (6)
the steel areas are 2.173703 in2 (for rectangular beam) and 1.467313 in2 (for triangular beam)
respectively. That means that saving of steel area
2.173703 1.467313
becomes: 100 32.4971% 32.5% .
Beam depth LT
d LR
b = 10 b = 12 b = 15 b = 18
After the formulation of the basic equations in this section they are applied for comparison. It
is seen from Table 01 that for the same imposed moment the resulting concrete area of
triangular beam save more than 32 % of concrete material at the different combination of f c'
and f y . Saving of steel area is also ensured for steel area as well. For f c' 3 ksi, f y 60 ksi and
b = 12 inch for different value of moment steel areas are calculated. In all cases it is assumed
that compression and tensile stresses act at the above and below respectively. This calculation
is made both for rectangular and triangular section. It is clear from the Table 02 that in each
case there occur some saving in steel area (32.5%). Such variation will also occur at the
different combination of f c' and f y . Finally encouraging result is also seen from Table 3
where each value of is less than 1.
In construction work the construction of triangular sections will not be a great problem. Only
the forms are needed to be changed. As beams may also be subjected to negative moments
therefore scope is there to study the effectiveness of triangular RCC sections on this respect.
Yet regarding the limit of this paper it can evidently be said that for simple supported beams
having one span as well triangular sections are superior to the rectangular ones. Such beams
may be effectively used as the girder of bridges. The efficiency of triangular section may be
increased introducing the prestressed and FRP concept. Moreover from aesthetic point of
view triangular beams are indeed a good option.
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