Meteorology and Climatology Syllabus PDF

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Meteorology & Climatology

Course Number: 116

Mr. Adams
E-mail: [email protected]

Course Description

Meteorology and Climatology will serve as an introductory course to the various physical processes underlying
atmospheric and weather phenomena, including concepts related to global climate change, and the impacts of weather and
climate on society. This course will introduce students to basic concepts involved in the analysis of weather phenomena
on a global and local scale. Particular attention will be devoted to the analysis and interpretation of local weather charts
and diagrams with the goal of creating regular classroom and school weather reports. With perspective in mind, this
course will also study Earth’s climate through an analysis of climatic controls, classification schemes and feed-back
cycles, including an examination of past global climates and global climate change scenarios. Topics addressed include
makeup of the atmosphere, seasonality, heat and radiation balance, temperature, moisture and atmospheric stability, air
pressure and wind, air masses and weather patterns, severe weather, instrumentation, local weather analysis and
forecasting, as well as, the history of climate change.

My Expectations of You and Your Performance

I expect strong performance from all of my students. As you work towards completing this course, you will benefit greatly by
developing a professional attitude in working with both the course material and your fellow colleagues. Your work should be of high
quality, exhibiting pride and confidence in your knowledge and understanding of the material. Writing assignments should be edited
and complete. Quantitative problem solving should be systematic and intelligible. The following guidelines will help make you
successful in this course and throughout your future endeavors:

Oral and Written Communications

Becoming a savvy communicator is a life-long endeavor. Effective communications require intent, diligence, and hard work.
Effective oral and written communications are among the few skills that once developed, will advance your future careers and place
you at the forefront of your profession. In this course, your communications will be evaluated on the basis of content, effectiveness,
grammar, and organization. References and spelling will also count in all written work that is submitted. As you face the challenge of
improving your own communication style and prowess, remember the words of Mark Twain: “Tell them what your gonna tell ‘em, tell
‘em it, then tell ‘em what you told ‘em.”

Problem Sets and Quantitative Calculations

One of the goals of this course is to communicate the solutions to problems. I have high expectations of you and your problem
solving abilities and require neat, methodical submission from you. I must be able to follow your logic and discern your results.
Moreover, you should be able to understand the problem and its solution. After all, it is your work! Concern for accuracy, precision,
and reasonableness should become your goal as an effective communicator and scientist. Techniques to improve your presentation of
various calculations include the following items. Always restate the problem on your answer sheet. Label your givens, unknowns,
and the equations that are used. Be explicit in unit conversions and always label the units. Be reasonable with significant digits.
Show your work and highlight your answer. Consider sources of error and discuss them when significant. Finally, review all answers
for reasonableness. Evaluating reasonableness is a skill that takes time to master but is necessary in the development of experience
and insight.

Laboratory Component:

Laboratory investigations are designed to complement the "indoor classroom" portion of the course by providing opportunities to learn
about our environment through firsthand observations, to test concepts and principles which have been introduced in this class, to
explore specific issued and problems in greater depth, and to gain an awareness of the importance of confounding variables which
exist in the real world. These labs will invite students to think critically, to observe environmental systems, to develop and conduct
well-designed experiments, to utilize presentations, to think analytically and apply concepts to the solution of environmental
problems, to form conclusions and to evaluate their quality and validity, to propose further questions for study and to communicate
accurately and meaningfully about observations and conclusions.

Required Supplies: 1) A notebook dedicated to warm-ups, short essay responses, article reviews
2) A loose-leaf notebook with pockets and tabs (1–1.5 Inch Binder Preferred)
• Tab 1: Notes
• Tab 2: Activities / Labs
• Tab 3: Reference Tables
• Tab 4: Syllabus & Grade Sheet
3) Extra paper; two pencils and a black or blue pen
4) Colored pencils or markers. (Red, Blue, Black, Purple à Frequent Use)

Classroom Rules

General Class Rules are: Be Prepared, Be Polite, Be Honest, and Be Attentive.

Specific Class Rules are:

• Do Not Interrupt - If the teacher or another student is speaking to the class, raise your hand to be recognized. Do not break in
or make “side” comments to a neighbor. When I raise my hand as a signal to be quiet, stop talking and look at me.
• Stay in Your Seat - Do not walk around during class unless directed to do so. Have everything you need ready before class
• Leave the Food at Home - Students may not eat or drink in the classroom. Closable containers of water are permitted. Gum
will be permitted unless it becomes a problem: dispose of it wrapped properly into a trash can. Do not disrupt your
neighbors and/or the class by asking for or offering gum during class.
• Work Only on Science - The class period is reserved for learning about science; do not work on other subjects during class
time unless you have been given specific permission to do so.
• Nothing Goes Airborne - Nothing will go airborne in class at any time. This includes pens, paper, and other students.
• Cell Phones, IPods, “Devices” – Please place cell phones on silent and leave them in your bag, purse, pocket, etc. Cell
phones and other devices will be confiscated and returned at the end of the day if they become an issue in the classroom.
After three confiscations of your devices, they will be turned over to the office for appropriate disciplinary actions to be

Tardies and Late Arrivals

A Student who is not in the classroom at the appropriate time is considered either late or tardy. A student is tardy if he is without a
pass after the bell. A student is late if he arrives with a pass after the bell. Tardy and Late students are not to disrupt the class. Late
students need quietly set their pass onto the teacher’s desk and sit down. There is no penalty for arriving late with a pass. The tardy
penalty is explained below:

• First and Second Tardies-- Student receives a warning.

• Third Tardy – Written discipline referral is sent to the office for detention to be assigned.
• Fourth (and continued) Tardies – Student will forfeit 5 points from their 9-week grade for each additional tardy accumulated.
A discipline referral will be sent to the office for every third tardy accumulated.


In general, regular attendance is necessary to fully benefit from a course. If an absence occurs, students are responsible for seeing me
to discuss what assignments were missed and for making up the missed work. Students will be given one day for each day of absence
upon return to school to make up the work that has been missed.


1. Assignments are due at the beginning of class. Anything turned in after the beginning of the class period will be counted as a late

2. The following point deductions apply to all late work (non-Negotiable):

• Adequate notice will be given for all homework, and students should do their best to turn in work on time. If any homework,
labs, papers or other projects are late they will have a 50% grade reduction.
• Any materials submitted after the test for a unit is given will be counted as a zero!

You will be excused to the restroom during the first and last five minutes of class only! In addition, students are not allowed to leave
the classroom more than twice during a given week unless it is an emergency. You will not be permitted to go to the restroom, a
locker, or the water fountain unless it is an emergency or you have completed all work to my satisfaction during class. Come to class
prepared! If a pattern of use is established, you will be asked to sit down! In order to maintain restroom privileges, you must correctly
fill out the restroom sign-out sheet at the front of the room and take the classroom hall pass.


Please schedule an appointment with me if you would like any assistance with the material. I am available most days before school,
after school, as well as, during my planning period. Please make sure you tell me when you plan on coming in to see me!

Grading Systems

All students’ work will be evaluated against an established set of criteria. Homework, classroom participation, quizzes, tests, lab
reports, and projects will be graded and contribute to a student’s overall grade. Point values will be given to graded assignments such
as tests, quizzes, and lab reports on a case-by-case basis. There will be no supplemental extra-credit assignments what-so-ever! There
are no retakes of tests or quizzes; each grade is final. The following grading scale will be used on all graded material: (Note: All
grades are final and will not be curved or manipulated in any manner unless specified by the teacher.)

91% - 100% = A 81% - 90% = B 70% - 80% = C 60% - 69% = D 0% - 59% = F

Tests: Tests will be given at the conclusion of each major unit of discussion. Tests may involve more than one “book” chapter. All
tests are considered cumulative and can include material from previous tests, labs, activities, etc. Knowledge is a continuation of
understanding, not a fragmented cluster of random intellectual thought.

Quizzes: These will include regularly scheduled quizzes on the material (10 - 20 pts each) and pop quizzes (15 – 20 pts each).

Homework: We will have regularly assigned homework plus a project each grading period.

Labs: We will be doing as many laboratory experiments as possible. We will supplement this with "virtual" labs done using the
internet. Students will be required to understand and agree to certain safety standards before participating in laboratory experiments.

Class Activities: These in-class assignments will include both individual and group work.

Notebooks: Well organized materials are often the key to success. Notebooks will be collected at regular intervals for review by the

Final Exam: There will be two final exams throughout the semester, one at the end of each 9-week grading period. These exams will
include an analysis of underlying themes from the course and the student’s ability to relate topics discussed to real-world scenarios
and settings.


It is expected that students will use genuine, sincere, and fair means for the accomplishment of the projects and tests from which
evaluations of progress shall be determined. Students found plagiarizing, copying or cheating in any way will receive automatic zeros
and have phone calls made to their parents.

Students who are found copying homework will have both sets of homework destroyed and will need to redo that homework
independently. This means that if someone asks to “see” your completed homework, you should politely say “No.” You may tell
them what the assignment is, and offer to consult on specific problems, but do not give your homework to anyone but the teacher.


I do not anticipate having behavior problems in a class such as Meteorology and Climatology. It is my philosophy to extend to you
both my respect and my greatest effort as an instructor. I ask only for the same in return, both for myself and for your classmates.
Discipline problems will not be tolerated! Student Discipline problems will be solved by the following: student / teacher conference;
office referral; teacher / parent phone call and/or conference.
Citizenship Guidelines

I will assign a citizenship grade to students on report cards. The following criteria shall be used in determining a student's citizenship
grade for each 9-week grading period:

1. Attends class regularly

2. Comes to class on time.
3. Comes to class with necessary materials.
4. Completes homework assignments.
5. Meets deadlines.
6. Does his/her own work when independent work is required; does not cheat.
7. Exercises reasonable care of school property.
8. Shows respect for others.
9. Does not disrupt class; exercises good conduct.

Student Handbook

The rules and guidelines listed above are adapted from the student handbook. All rules and regulations listed in the student handbook
will be strictly enforced in this course. For any items not covered by this syllabus, please refer to the student handbook.

Class Trips and Field Experience Opportunities

Any student participating on in-class trips and field experience opportunities must adhere to the following guidelines:
1. Guidelines for participation on a class trip:
a. Participation in the event requires a “C” average or better to attend the teacher led experience
b. Opportunity to attend all trips will be granted based on the student’s current grade and selection made using
a top-down approach
c. Participation with certain trips will, on occasion, be limited to a set number of students:
i. The above criteria will be utilized
ii. Students will be selected first by class grade and second by their ability to meet stated deadlines
for trip paperwork and fees
2. Students will adhere to all school policies and discipline expectations throughout the activity
3. During extended stay field opportunities, parents and students must agree to all necessary rules and regulations
through both the Freeport Area School District and participating facilities. In certain disciplinary situations,
parents/guardians may be required to pick up their child at the field experience location and/or facility.
4. Students are responsible for all trip and field experience costs relative to their participation in the event.
5. Students will frequently be responsible for providing their own lunch or the equivalent cost of their own lunch
during in-class trips and field experiences.

------------------------------------------------------------- " Cut along dotted line " -------------------------------------------------------------

Student Name: (Written Please!) _______________________________

Signing below verifies that I have read the course syllabi and understand the descriptions, expectations, and guidelines by which this
class will be conducted.

Student Signature: __________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature: __________________________

Course Outline

~ Unit One: Introduction D. Temperature Measurement

A. Meteorology a. Mechanical & Electrical Thermometers
a. Definition and atmospheric variables b. Instrument Shelters
b. Importance E. Heat Stress and Windchill: The Human Comfort
c. Scientific Method Factor
B. Historical Development
a. Period of speculation ~ Unit Four: Atmospheric Moisture & Stability
b. The Greeks and their influence A. Water in the Air (evaporation)
c. Dawn of scientific Meteorology a. Hydrologic Cycle
C. Growth of Modern Meteorology B. States of Water (unusual properties of water)
a. 19th Century Meteorology a. Gas, Liquid, Solid
b. Modern Meteorology b. Latent heat
D. Importance of the Atmosphere C. Expressing Atmospheric Humidity
a. Origin and composition a. Vapor pressure
i. Primeval atmosphere b. Mixing ratio / saturation mixing ratio
ii. Modern atmosphere c. Absolute, Specific, and Relative humidity
1. Homosphere d. Dew point
2. Heterosphere D. Measuring Humidity
E. Structure of the Atmosphere a. Hygrometer
b. Historic views b. Sling psychrometer and Psychometric
c. Modern interpretation Tables
i. “Spheres” E. Adiabatic Change
ii. “Pauses” a. Dry and Wet Adiabatic Lapse Rate
d. Vertical Structure b. Determining stability
F. Lifting Mechanisms within the Atmosphere
~ Unit Two: Solar Radiation a. Orographic Lifting
A. Earth – Sun Relationships b. Frontal Wedging & Convergence
e. Earth’s motions c. Convective Lifting
f. The seasons G. Atmospheric Stability and Instability
g. Earth’s orientation
h. Solstices and Equinoxes ~ Unit 5: Condensation and Precipitation
B. The Nature of Radiation A. Cloud Formation
a. Electromagnetic spectrum B. Cloud Classification
b. Wave length, speed, and frequency as C. Types of Fog
related to solar radiation D. Precipitation
C. Mechanisms of Heat Transfer a. How Precipitation Forms
a. Conduction, Convection, Radiation b. Types of Precipitation
b. Laws of Radiation i. Precipitation Measurement
D. Emission and Absorption of Radiation c. Severe and Hazardous Weather
c. Effects of temperature d. Weather Modification
d. Stefan-Boltzmann Law
e. Wien’s Law ~ Unit Six: Air Pressure Atmospheric Circulation
E. Interaction with the Atmosphere A. Wind and Air Pressure
f. Heat balance a. Measuring Air Pressure
g. Reflection b. Pressure and Altitude
h. Scattering c. Influence of Temperature and Water Vapor
i. Absorption B. Forces Affecting Wind
a. Pressure Gradient
~ Unit Three: Temperature b. Coriolis Force
A. Air Temperature Data and Controls c. Friction
a. Basic Calculations d. Winds Aloft and at the Surface
b. Isotherms i. Wind Measurement
B. Temperature Controls C. Scale and Structure of Wind Patterns
a. Land & Water D. Local Winds
b. Ocean Currents E. Global Winds
c. Altitude a. Ocean Currents
d. Geographic Position b. Precipitation Distribution
e. Cloud Cover & Albedo
C. Distribution, Cycles, and Daily Variance of
~ Unit Seven: Air Masses & Fronts
A. What are Air Masses
a. Source Region
b. Classification
c. Modification
B. North American Air Masses
C. Frontal Weather
a. Types of Fronts
b. Midlatitude Cyclones and Polar-Front
i. Life Cycle
ii. Cyclonic and Anticyclonic
iii. Divergence and Convergence
c. Anticyclonic Weather and Atmospheric
d. Modern View: Conveyor Belt Model
D. Severe Weather & Societal Consequences
a. Thunderstorms
b. Lightning
c. Tornadoes
d. Hurricanes

~ Unit Eight: Changing Climates and the World

A. The Climate System
a. How is Climate Change Detected
b. Natural Causes of Climate Change
c. Human Impact of Global Climate
B. The Role of Gases in Climate and Climate Change
C. Climate Feedback Mechanisms
D. Consequences of Climate Change
a. Global Warming
b. Sea-level Rise
c. Changes in the Arctic
d. Ocean Acidity
E. Climate Controls
F. World Climates
a. The Wet Tropics
b. Tropical Wet and Dry
c. Dry
d. Humid Mid-Latitude
e. Humid Continental
f. Polar
g. Highland

~ Unit 9: Weather Mapping and Interpretation

**(Ongoing Throughout the Semester)**
A. Meteorological Measurements and Interpretation
B. Data Analysis and Modeling
C. Weather Forecasting and Numerical Prediction
D. Optical Phenomena in the Atmosphere
a. Light and Matter Interactions
b. Mirages
c. Rainbows
d. Halos, Sun Dogs, Solar Pillars
e. Glories, Coronas
f. Iridescent Clouds

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