9Th Grade Geography Syllabus

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Mr. Livingston 2 Semesters /5 cr. hrs. per. sem. (10 cr. hrs. total) e-mail - [email protected] High School 535-7105

Course Description: This course is designed to help you better understand our constantly changing and complex world through a
study of geography. We will study geography from the physical, political, and cultural prospective through the five basic
geographical themes of location, place, human-environment interaction, movement, and region. Special emphasis will be placed on
geographical skills, and geographic literacy (locating countries, capitals, & physical features of the world). Also we will participate in
integrated assignments and projects with your English (Mrs. Sear's) class. These assignments and projects are designed to show the
connection between information and skills learned in both subjects and life.
Expected Behavior: The following are behaviors expected of all people in this classroom:
 Mutual respect/No put downs
 Truth and trust
 Bring class materials- books, paper, pen/pencil, & etc.
 Don’t talk when I’m talking, or when anyone else has permission to talk (active listening)
 Personal best.
Continued failure to follow expected classroom behavior will result in:
• Consultation with student and/or class detention.
• Contact parent/guardian
• Referral to administration

Course Work: the work in World Geography is divided into 5 categories:

Assignments- Any class assignments scores will be recorded here. This includes Mind Teasers. Mind Teasers are assigned each day
at the beginning of class. MTs are worth 10 pts each day, but weekly basis. MTs are a short activities designed to promote thinking
skills and brain development. These assignments can be made up, but students must come in outside of class time to do so (MTs do
not have to be made up due Canceled absences).
Chapter tests- Chapter test scores will be recorded here. Students may use any notes or assignments to aid them with these tests
Map Exams- All unit exams or any other exams will be recorded here. These exams are “open mind”. Students are expected to
study before exam is given. No notes or other material may be used by students.
English/Geography Combined Assignments- Group assignments that integrate both English and Geography. Grade will be given in
both English and Geography. These grades will be recorded in the Assignment category.
Project – Projects promote the development of research techniques, organizational skills, and creativity. The projects are: Semester
1 -Book of Life. Semester 2 – (is yet to be determined)

Grades: Grades are and essential part of any class, however they are not the most important part. The most important part of any
class is that you LEARN!!! Your grade in this class will be based on: content of assignment; effort put forth on assignments. Your
final grade for each term is based on weighted or percentage scale from the 6 categories. The weighted scale is:
 Assignments 20%
 Chapter tests (open note) 30%
 Map Exams (open mind) 30%
 Term Projects 20%

The total percentage score from the above categories are combined into an overall score. The district scale is used to determine the
term grade:
A 100-93 B 92-86 C 85-77 D 76-70 F 69-0

Attendance: First, the NPHS Attendance Policy will be followed in this class. I strongly encourage you and your parents read the
policy in your student handbook. Excessive absenteeism will make it difficult to be successful in this class, and could result in loss of
credit. Six or more absences, in this class, will put you on no credit status. You may appeal for credit. Just follow the procedures
outlined in your student handbook. I will not recommend any student receive credit for this class if absent 11 or more times, in a
term; unless special arrangements are made between school administration and the teacher. Unexcused absence, from class, could
result in a grade of zero, for the day or days missed. It is you, the students, responsibility to obtain and make up any work missed
due to any absence. Students may get missing assignments before or after class or school. Students may not ask for missing work
during class.
Tardiness: You have 4 minute passing periods (6 min. on block days). This is enough time to get your class materials, supplies, go to
the bathroom, and arrive to class on time. Arriving late for class, except for a rare emergency, should not occur. Tardiness to will
result in a late dismissal from class or detention. Continual tardiness will result in contacting parent/guardian, administrative action.

Assignments: You are expected to turn in assignments completed by the due date.
Late assignments will be accepted with penalty charge for being late. The following are the deductions for late assignments:
6% for one day late (best grade 94%)
12% for 2 school days late (best grade 88%)
18% for 3 school days late (best grade 82%)
24% for 4 school days late (best grade 76%)
30% for 5 school days late (best grade 70%)
50% for more than 5 days (a week) late (best grade 50%)
Late assignments will not be accepted two weeks after the completion of a chapter. An extension may be granted after a
student/teacher conference.

Test/Exams: All tests will be announced 3 to 5 school days in advance. Chapter tests are open note & assignments (no books).
Map exams are open mind (no books or notes). Any test not taken due to student absence must be made up within four weeks of
students return (this includes canceled absences). Make up tests may be taken during ELT, or before / after school. Students must
make arrangements with instructor before hand as to the time and day a student will make up a test.

Cell Phones: Cell phones are NOT allowed the classroom. Any student using their cell phone in class will have their phone
confiscated and taken to the principle’s office. The student will have to go to the office, after school to get their phone back.

Class Detentions: Detention will 15 to 30 minutes in length, and will begin when you arrive alone to serve the detention. When you
arrive check in with me. Then find a sit and are quite. Talking, without permission, will add time to your detention. You are
expected to arrive within 8 minutes of the dismissal bell. Failure to do so will be considered a skipped detention, and will result in a
discipline referral to administration.

Class Supplies: You are expected to come to class everyday with your textbook, pen, pencil, paper, and any other materials that may
be required. Continual failure to bring these materials to class will result in the following sequence of actions: 1) detention after
class, 2) detention after school 3) parental notification, 4) administrative action, 5) [If you occasionally forget some of your supplies
you may borrow the materials from a classmate.]

Text: World Geography and Cultures is the text for this class. The text is available as classroom set. Students will not be issued a text
for the school year, but be assigned a text for use in the classroom. Texts are to stay in room. If a student needs use of the text at
home, a CD of the text as well as a book will be available for check out. The text will also be available on line.

Restroom: Restroom pass will only be issued at teacher’s desecration and on an emergency basis only! Students will not be allowed
to go to the restroom on a daily basis, without a medical release. No student will be allowed to use the restroom during any teacher
instruction, or the first 10 minutes of the class period.

Alternative assignments: The instructor reserves the right to use alternative assignments for missing or make up work.

Extra credit: Extra credit will be assigned at the teacher’s discretion.

Finally, if you have any problems or questions do not hesitate to see me! I care about you, and I am here to
help you in a way I possibly way I can

*I reserve the right to deal with other situations that may arise in class, but are not covered in the syllabus.

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