Function of Noun Phrases

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Polytechnic University of the Philippines

Maragondon Annex – Alfonso Campus

Alfonso, Cavite

Detailed Lesson Plan in Grammar for English 8

Prepared by: Ma. Charlota C. Pel

I. Objectives

a. Analyze the noun phrase in a sentence

b. Respond actively to different activities
c. Compose effective sentences to determine noun phrase and its function
d. Carry out tasks from written instruction

II. Learning task

Topic: Functions of Noun Phrase
Reference/s: Proficiency in English 8 pp.136-138

Material/s: Strip of Papers, Cartolina, Box, Marker, Envelope, and Bluetooth Speaker

Values Integration: to develop appreciation for the community through showcasing love for local
products as well as well-known places
Method Used: Indirect Method, Cooperative Learning

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Routinary Activities
1. Prayer
“Let us all stand and _____ kindly lead the “Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom God’s love,
prayer.” commits me here. Ever this day, be at my side, to light
and guard, to rule and guide. Amen.”
2. Greeting
“Good morning class!” “Good morning Ma’am!”
3. Classroom Management
“Okay, before you sit down please pick up all of
the pieces of trash around, arrange the alignment
of chairs and sit properly.”
4. Checking of Attendance
“Class monitor, are there any absentees for “I’m glad to say that there are no absentees for today
today?” ma’am!”
5. Review of the previous lesson
“Before we start our discussion, what was our “Ma’am, our topic yesterday is all about ___________.
previous lesson yesterday?”

B. Lesson Proper


“Before we proceed to our new lesson for today, I

want you to meet my best friend, SpongeBob. As
you can all see, he’s sad because Gary ran out of
food. His friends decided to help him. On their
way home, they got lost. Can you help me find
his friends so that Garry can finally eat?” “Yes, Ma’am!”

“As you can notice, under Gary’s food are the

strip of papers and all you need to do is to
analyze the words and indicate it to their right
“Well then, let’s make SpongeBob and Gary

Person Places Things Events

The talented The delicious Sanghiyang
boy Ginger Cacao Festival
The The old extremely Christmas
Charming school captivating Day
Artist book
“Give yourself a round applause for your active


“Did you enjoy our game? Okay class, what have “We observed that we put the words into their right
you noticed in our activity?” places.”

“Very good!”

“What have you observed in the words posted?” “We identified the group of words if it is a name, place,
thing and event.”
“Very well said! So class, our topic for today is all
about Functions of Noun Phrase.”

“But before we go on to what a noun phrase is,

let’s freshen up our minds and have a brief
discussion of what a noun is.”

“Anyone who knows what is the meaning of a “A noun is a word that refers to a person, place, thing,
noun?” event, substance, or quality.”

“Nice answer!”

“A noun is anything that refers to a person, place,

thing, event, substance or quality.”

“Here are some examples noun:

- man, John, school, America, car,

Independence Day, happiness

“Kindly gave other examples.”

“Do you understand what a sentence is?” ”Yes, Ma’am!”

“So now let’s move forward to what a Noun

Phrase is.”

“Noun phrase is a group of words in a sentence

which together behave as a noun in a sentence.
Typically, they act as subjects, objects, or
prepositional objects in a sentence. While that
might seem tricky to grasp, the best way to
understand these useful phrases is to see them in
“For example, take a look on the words posted:
“Can you give me other examples of noun

Person Places Things Events

The talented The delicious Sanghiyang
boy Ginger Cacao Festival
The The old extremely Christmas
charming school captivating Day
artist book
“Very good!”

“Here’s how we can determine a noun phrase in

a sentence.”

- The spotted puppy is up for adoption.

- The quick, brown fox jumped over the lazy


“This noun phrase is the subject of the sentence.

In other words, this sentence is about the spotted
puppy. But instead of just saying ‘puppy’, the rest
of the noun phrase works to describe it.”

“Same goes with the second sentence.”

“Give example of a sentence and analyze the

noun phrase on it.”

“Do you understand?”

“Let’s advance on the different functions of

nouns phrase.”

1. Noun Phrase as a Subject “Yes, ma’am!”

“A subject is a noun that the sentence is about.”

For example:
- The charming artist performed well.

“This sentence is clearly about the artist, right?

And it is the noun. So basically, ‘The charming
artist is the subject of the sentence.”

“Another example:

- The talented boy danced gracefully.

“Now, kindly give an example of a sentence

including a noun phrase that acts as the subject.”

”Very good!”
“Do you understand?” “Yes, Ma’am!”
“Let’s go on with number 2.”
2. Noun phrase as a Direct Object

“The second grammatical function that noun

phrases perform is the direct object. A direct
object is a word, phrase, or clause that follows a
transitive verb and answers the question “who?”
or “what?” and it receives the action of the verb.”


- Cynthia made a delicious cacao. (Cynthia

made what?)

“The verb in the sentence is ‘made’ and the

object that is being made is ‘a cacao’. The rest of
the phrase creates a noun phrase that acts as
the direct object.”

Another example:

- Bella celebrated a prosperous Christmas

Day. (Bella celebrated what?)

“The verb in the sentence is ‘celebrated’ and the

object that is being celebrated is ‘Christmas Day’.
The rest of the phrase ‘a prosperous’ creates a
noun phrase that acts as the direct object.”

“Now, kindly give an example of a sentence

indicating a noun phrase that acts as a Direct

“Good answer!”
“Do you understand?” “Yes, Ma’am!”

“The next is..”

3. Noun Phrase as an Indirect Object

“The third grammatical function that noun

phrases perform is the indirect object. An indirect
object is word, phrase, or clause that indicates to
or for whom or what the action of a transitive verb
is performed or simply, an indirect object receives
the direct object.”

- Samantha bought her jolly, playful sister a
- Mr. de Guzman gave his hungry, upset
daughter a chocolate.

“The noun phrase answers the question, ‘who did

Samantha bought the toy for?’ the phrase ‘her
jolly, playful sister’ is the indirect object because
it receives the toy which is the direct object.”

“Same goes with the other example.”

“The noun phrase answers the question, ‘who did
Mr. de Guzman give the chocolate to?’ the
phrase ‘his hungry, upset daughter’ is the indirect
object because it receives the chocolate which is
the direct object.”

“Give an example of a sentence indicating a noun

phrase that acts as an Indirect Object.”

“Very good!”

“Let’s proceed on the next function which is”

4. Noun Phrase as a Subject Complement

“The fourth grammatical function that noun

phrases perform is the subject complement. A
subject complement is a word, phrase, or clause
that follows a copular, or linking, verb and
describes the subject of a clause.”


- The travel spot loved by many is the

Ginger Bread House.

“Here, the noun phrase is a subject complement

following the linking verb is.”

- My pet is a dog with long and shiny hair.

“Give an example of a sentence indicating a noun

phrase that acts as a Subject complement.”

“Very good!”

5. Noun Phrases as Appositives

“The fifth grammatical function that noun phrases

perform is the appositive. An appositive is a
word, phrase, or clause that modifies or explains
a noun or another noun phrase.”

For example:

- My uncle, a flutist, is composing

background music for movies.
- Ravi, an intelligent boy, cannot make such
a mistake.

“In this sentence, the phrase ‘a flutist’ functions

as the phrase in opposition to the noun phrase
'My uncle' and is, therefore, a Noun Phrase.”

“In this sentence, the phrase 'an intelligent boy'

functions as the phrase in opposition to the noun
'Ravi' and is, therefore, a Noun Phrase.”

“Give an example of a sentence indicating a noun

phrase that acts as an appositive”.

“Thank you!”
“Do you understand the different functions of
noun phrase?”

“Since you said that you understand our topic,

let’s have our next activity named as Wheel of

“As a gift, SpongeBob provided us a spinning

wheel to play. As you can all see, it consists of
the functions of noun phrase we have discussed
a while ago.”

“The activity goes like this; I’m going to pick one

name of a student inside this box. The student I
get to choose spins the wheel and after that, the
student makes a sentence based on the function
where the wheel stops.”

“Are my instructions clear?”

“Let’s start!”


“Class, I think everybody already knows our topic

for today, let us have an activity. You will be
given 5 minutes to accomplish the tasks and 2
minutes to present it here in front. Group leaders
please get your activity cards here.”

“Any representative from the group that will read

the task assigned to them.”

Group – 1
Make a short dialogue showing your love for the
school. Underline the noun phrases.
Group – 2
Make a short dialogue showing your appreciation
to the community. Underline the noun phrases.
Group – 3
Make a short dialogue showing your interest on
the local products of Alfonso. Underline the noun
Group – 4
Make a short dialogue showing your admiration
to the well-known places in Alfonso. Underline
the noun phrases.

“For evaluation of your outputs, here are the

Rubrics in grading:

Fidelity of 15 points
Content to the
Creativeness 10 points
Originality 5 points
Total 30 points

“You may start now.”

C. Evaluation

“For our last activity, kindly pass on the answer

sheets and answer the following questions.
_____, kindly read the directions.”

Directions: Underline the noun phrase, box the noun

in the underlined noun phrase and identify whether if it
function as a subject, direct object, indirect object,
subject complement and appositives in each
sentence. Write your answers on the space provided.

Appositives1. The teacher, my uncle, assigns a lot of
Subject 2. The baby cried.
Direct Object 1. The child finally swallowed the sour-
________1. The child finally swallowed the sour- tasting medication.
tasting medication. Subject 2. The small baby is admired by many.
________2. The small baby is admired by many. Subject Complement 3. Mr. James is a handsome man.
________3. Mr. James is a handsome man. Appositives 4. Randy Salamat, the mayor, gave financial
________4. Randy Salamat, the mayor, gave financial assistance to dengue patients.
assistance to dengue patients. Subject 5. The bohemian house was brightly
________5. The bohemian house was brightly decorated for the holidays.
decorated for the holidays Indirect Object 6. Our groomer gave the cat a bath.
________6. Our groomer gave the cat a bath. Appositives 7. Julie Anne, the singer, sang a beautiful
________7. Julie Anne, the singer, sang a beautiful song.
song. Subject Complement 8. Our dog is a Shih Tzu.
________8. Our dog is a Shih Tzu. Indirect Object 9. Mr. Eseque loaned struggling Eloisa a
________9. Mr. Eseque loaned struggling Eloisa a book about History.
book about History. Direct Object 10. Sheila thanked the girl in the orange
________10. Sheila thanked the girl in the orange dress.

D. Agreement

Have an advance reading about types of

sentences according to structure in your English
Proficiency book, pages 143-145 and be ready
for a recitation tomorrow.

“One child, one teacher, one book, one pen can change the world.”

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