Nov Dec 2017

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2017 (Nov/Dec) Solved Question


1. What are the factors affecting thermal conductivity of material?

Refer Question Bank Page No. 5, Question No. 19.

2. What are Heisler charts?

In Heisler chart, the solutions for temperature distributions and heat
flows inplane walls, long cylinders and spheres with finite Internal and
surface resistance are presented. Heisler charts are nothing but a ana-
lytical solutions in the form of graphs.


1. The rate of heat generation in a slab of thickness 160 mm with

thermal conductivity of 180 W/m°C is 1.2 x 106 W/m3. If the tem-
perature of each of the surface of solid is 120°C. Determine.
i) The temperature at the mid and quarter planes.
ii) The heat flow rate and temperature gradient at the mid plane.
Take k for steel is 45 W/mK. Kfor brass is 80W/mK.

Thickness of steel, L1 = 10 cm = 0.10 m
Thickness of brass, L 2 = 8 cm = 0.08 m
Surface temperature of steel, T1 =120℃+ 273=393 K
Outer surface temperature of brass, T3 =65℃+273 = 338K
Heat generation, q g =1,65,000 W/ m3
k1 =45 W/mK

k 2 =80 W/mK
2(SAHARA) 2017(Nov/Dec) Unit Wise Solved Question Papers

To find:
1. Heat flux through the surface of the brass slab, q 2
2. Interface temperature, T2

q1 - Heat flux through the surface of the steel slab
q 2 - Heat flux through the surface of the brass slab
Heat generation q g = q 1 + q 2 …(1)
Heat transfer through steel,
Q1 = R
T1 − T2 L
Q1 = L1
[∵ R=
k1 A

Let interface temperature T2 is greater than T1 . So,

T2 − T1
Q1 = …(2)
k1 A
Heat transfer through brass is given by
Q2 =
Heat and Mass Transfer 3

T2 − T3
Q2 = …(3)

Total heat transfer [Adding (2) + (3)]

Q = Q1 + Q 2
T2 − T1 T2 − T3
Q= + .
L1 L2
k1 A k2A
T2 − T1 T2 − T3
Q/A= +
L1 L2
k1 k2
Heat flux (or ) Heat generation
q g = Q = T2 − T1 + T2 − T3
A L1 L2
k1 k2

q g = T2 − 393 + T2 − 338
0.10 0.08
45 80
T − 393 T2 − 338
1, 65, 000 = 2 +
2.2 × 10 −3 1 × 10 −3
T2 393 T2 338
= −3
− −3
+ −3

2.2 × 10 2.2 × 10 1 × 10 1 × 10 −3
= T2 [ 454.54 + 1000] − 1, 78, 636.3 − 338000

= T2 [1454.54] − [5,16, 636]

1, 65, 000 + 5,16, 636 = T2 [1454.5]

 T2 = 468.6K
Interface temperature, T2 = 468.6 K
Heat transfer through steel, is given by
T2 − T1
Q1 =
k1 A
T2 − T1
Q1 A =
4(SAHARA) 2017(Nov/Dec) Unit Wise Solved Question Papers

468.6 − 393
⇒ q1 =
q1 = 34020 W m 2

From equation (1),
Heat generation, g
= q 1 + q 2
⇒ 1,65,000 = 34.020 + q 2
⇒ q 2 = 1,65,000 – 34.020
q 2= 1,30,980 W/m2
Heat flux through the
Surface of the brass slab, q 2 = 1,30,980 W/m2

Result :
(i) q 2= 1,30,980 W/m2
(ii) T2 = 468.6 K.

2. A fin 5 mm thick and 45 mm long has its base on a plane plate which is
maintained at 125°C. The ambient temperature is 25°C. The conduc-
tivity of fin material is 55 W/m°C and the heat transfer coefficient is
145 W/m°C. Determine:
(i) Temperature at the end of the fin
(ii) Temperature at the middle of the fin
(iii) Heat dissipated by the fin per meter width.

Given data:
Thickness t = 5mm = 5 × 10-3m
Length L= 45mm = 45 × 10‫־‬³m
Tb = 125°C + 273 = 398k
Tα = 25°C + 273 = 298k
h = 145 w/m² °C = 145 × 0.86 = 124.7 W/m² k
h = 145 W/m² °C
k = 55 w/m °C
Heat and Mass Transfer 5
Note:1 w/mk =0.86 Kcal/m hr°c

Length of the fin 45mm, Assume end L3
T − Tα cosh m [ L − x ]
Tb − Tα cosh ( mL )
T − Tα 1
Tb − Tα cosh ( mL )

M =
P = 2 × L = 2 × 4.5 × 10-3 = 0.09
A = L × thickness =45 × 10-3 × 5 × 10-3
A = 2.25 × 10 _ 4 m2

145 × 0.09
55 × 2.25 × 10 −4

m = 32.47m −1

T − Tα 1
Tb − Tα Cosh 32 −07 × 45 × 10 −3 

T − 298
= 351.65 K
398 − 298
Temp at the middle of the fin
Put x =
 L
cosh m  L − 
T − Tα  2
= = 338.98k
Tb − Tα cosh ( ML )

Total heat dissipated

θ = ( hpkA )
1/ 2
(Tb − Tα ) tan h ( mL)
=38.63 watt
6(SAHARA) 2017(Nov/Dec) Unit Wise Solved Question Papers

1. What is grashoff number?

Refer Question Bank Page No. 42, Question No. 4.

2. List some characteristics of boundary layer.

In the boundary layer concept the flow field over a body is divided into
two regions
’’ A Thin region near the body called the boundary layer where the
velocity and the temperature gradients are large.
’’ The region outside the boundary layer where the velocity and the
temperature gradients are very nearly equal to their free stream


1. Air at atmospheric pressure and 200°C flows overa a plate with a

velocity of 5m/s.The Plate is 15 mm wide and is maintained at tem-
perature of 120°C. Calculate the thickness of hydrodynamic and
thermal boundary layers and the local heat transfer coefficient at
a distance of 0.5 m from the leading edge. Assume that flow is on
one side of the plate. Take ρ = 0.815 kg/ m 3 , µ = 24.5x 10−6 Ns/ m 2 ,
Pr=0.7, K=0.0364 W/mK.
ρ =0.815 kg/ m 3 , µ=24.5x 10−6 Ns/ m 2 ;

Pr = 0.7, k=0.0364 W/mK

Given: Fluid Temperature, T∞ = 200℃

Velocity, U = 5 m/s
Wide of the plate, W = 15 mm = 0.015 m
Plate surface temperature, Tw = 120℃
Distance, x = 0.5 m
ρ = 0.815 kg/m3
µ = 24.5 × 10-6 Ns/ m2
Heat and Mass Transfer 7
Pr = 0.7
K = 0.0364 W/mK
To find : 1. Hydrodynamic boundary layer thickness, δ hx.
2. Thermal boundary layer thickness, δ Tx .
3. Local heat transfer coefficient, h x .
Solution : We know that,
Reynolds number, Re =
5 × 0.5
= [∵ x = L = 0.5 m ]
5 × 0.5 µ
U= [V= ]
µ ρ
5 × 0.5
24.5 ×10 −6
4 5
Re = 8.32 × 10 < 5 × 10
Since Re < 5 ×105, flow is laminar.
For flat plate, laminar flow,
[Refer HMT data book, Page No. 112(Sixth Edition)]

1. Hydrodynamic boundary layer thickness:

δ hx = 5 × x × (Re) −0.5
= 5 × 0.5 × (8.32× 104 )-0.5
= 8.667 × 10-3 m
δ hx = 8.667 × 10 −3 m

2. Thermal boundary layer thickness:

δ Tx = δ hx × (Pr)-0.333
= 8.667 × 10-3 × ( 0.7 )

δ Tx = 9.76 × 10 −3 m

8(SAHARA) 2017(Nov/Dec) Unit Wise Solved Question Papers
3. Local heat transfer coefficient, hx :
We know that,
Local Nusselt number Nux = 0.332 (Re)0.5(Pr)0.333
= 0.332(8.32×104)0.5×(0.7)0.333
Nux = 85.03

hx × L
We know that, Nux =
h x × 0.5
85.03 = [∵ x = L= 0.5 m]

⟹ h x = 6.19 W m 2 K

1. δ hx =8.667 × 10−3 m
2. δ Tx = 9.76 × 10-3
3. hx = 6.19 W/m2 K

2. A vertical cylinder 1.5 m high and 180 mm in diameter is main-

tained at 100°C in an atmosphere environment of 20°C. Calculate
the heat loss by free convection from the surface of the cylinder.
Assume properties of air at mean temperature as p =1.06kg/m3,v
= 18.97 x 10-6m2/s, Cp = 1.004 kJ/kg°C, and k = 0.1042 kJ/mh°C
Given data :
Vertical pipe diameter D = 180mm = 180 × 10-3m
Height L = 1.5m
Surface temp Tw = 100°C
Air temp Tα = 20°C

To find :
Heat loss θ

Solution :
Tw + T∝ 100 + 20
Tf = = = 60°C
2 2
Properties of air at 60°C
Heat and Mass Transfer 9
ρ = 1.06 kg/m3 K = 0.1042 kJ/mhi
V = 18.97 × 10-6m2/sec K = 0.0896 W/mk
Pr = 0.696
1 1
β = = = 3.003x10-3k-1
Tf in k 60 + 273
β = 3.003 × 10-3 k-1
g × β × L³ × ∆T
Gr =

9.81 × (3.003 × 10³) × 1.5³ × (100 − 20)
18.97 × 10 −6
18.97 × 10 −6
Gr = 4.192 × 105
Gr Pr = 4.192 × 105 × 0.696
Gr Pr = 2.9183 × 105 [cylinder problem]
Gr Pr > 10 flow is Laminar

For Laminar flow, cylinder

Nu = 0.10[Gr Pr]0.333
= 0.10[2.9183 × 105]0.333
Horizontal cylinder Nu = C[Gr Pr]m Page No : 138
= 0.48[2.9183 × 10 ] 5 0.25

N u = 11.156

Nᵤ =
h × 180 × 10 −3
11.15 = = 5.5 => h
Heat loss θ = hA×( TW-Tα)
= h×π×D×L×( TW-Tα)
= 5.5×π×(180×10-3)×1.5×(80)
θ = 373.2 W
10(SAHARA) 2017(Nov/Dec) Unit Wise Solved Question Papers

1. Differentiate Pool boiling and forced convection boiling.

If heat is added to a liquid from a submerged solid surface, the ­boiling
process is referred to as pool boiling. In this case the liquid above
the hot surface is essentially stagnant and its motion near the surface
is due to free convection and mixing induced by bubble growth and

2. What are the factors on which overall heat transfer coefficient

Overall heat transfer by combines modes is usually expressed interms
of an overall conductance (or) overall heat transfer co-efficient ‘U’
Q = UA(T1 - T2)


1. A vertical plate 3.2 m high maintained at 54°C is exposed to

saturated steam at atmospheric pressure. Calculate the heat
transfer rate per unit
Given data:
Vertical plate length L =3.2 m
Surface temp Tw =54 ̊c
To find:
Q, heat transfer rate per unit width
Saturation temp of water 100 °C
Tsat =100 °C
Properties of steam at 100 ̊c [from steam talk]
hfg = 225.6× 103 J/kg
T + Tsat
Film temp Tf = w
54 + 100
Heat and Mass Transfer 11
Tf = 77 °C
Properties of saturated water at 77 °C  80 °C
ρ = 974 kg/ m3
v = 0.364× 10−6 m 2 /g
k = 0.6687 w/mk
µ = ρ ×v
= 974× 0.364× 10−6
µ = 354.53×10-6 Ns/m2

Find thickness (∫x) for vertical plate

 4µkx (Tsat − Tw ) 

∫ x =  g × hfg × ρ 2 
 
 4 × 354.53 × 10 −6 × 0.6687 × 3.2 × [100 − 54] 
= 
9.81 × 2256.9 × 103 × (974)
 
2.1003 × 1013

∫x = 1.605× 10−4 M

θ = hA( Tsat - Tw ) = h×L×W×[ Tsat - Tw ]

θ =3744.1×3.2×W×[100-54]
θ/W = 3744.1×3.2×46
θ/W = 5.511× 105 W/M

2. The flow rate of hot and cold water streams running through a
parallel flow heat exchanger are 0.2kg/s and 0.5kg/s respectively.
The inlet temperatures on the hot and cold sides are 75°C and 20
°C respectively. The exit temperature of hot water is 45°C.If the
individual heat transfer coefficients on both the sides are 650 w/
m2°C. Calculate the area of heat exchanger.
Given data:
hot water Entry T1 = 75°C
hot water Exit T2 = 45°C
Cold water Entry t1 = 20°C
12(SAHARA) 2017(Nov/Dec) Unit Wise Solved Question Papers
Cold water Exit t2 = ?
Mass flow rate of hot water M h = 0.2 kg/sec

Mass flow rate of cold water M c = 0.5 kg/sec

Heat transfer co-efficient on both side
h i = h o = 650 W/m² °C

h i = h o = 650 W/m² °C

θh = θc
m h C p h ( T1 - T2 ) = C p c M c ( t 2 - t1 )

0.2 × 4186[75 - 45] = 4186 × 0.5 × [ t 2 - 20]

25116 = 2093 t 2 - 41860
66976 = 2093 t 2
t 2 = 32°C

θ = m h C p c ( T1 - T2 ) (or)
m c C p c [ t 2 - t1 ]

θ = 4186x0.5x[32-20]
θ = 25116W
θ = UA (ΔT)m
For parallel flow Δ Tm =
(T1 − t1 ) − (T2 − t 2 )
T −t 
ln  1 1 
 T2 − t 2 

Δ Tm =
(75 − 20) − ( 45 − 32)
 75 − 20 
ln 
 45 − 32 
Δ Tm =
Δ Tm =29.1°C
Over all heat transfer co-efficient

= ho + hi
hi ho
Heat and Mass Transfer 13

hi ho
ho + hi

650 + 650
U=325 W/m² °C
θ = UA(ΔT)m
25116 = 325XAX29.1

A = 2.65 M 2

3. A counter flow heat exchanger is to heat air entering at 400°C with

a flow rate of 6kg/s by the exhaust gas entering at 800°C with a
flow rate of 4kg/s. The overall heat transfer coefficient is 100 W/
m²K and the outlet temperature of the air is 551.5°C. Specific heat
at constant pressure for both air and exhaust gas can be taken as
1100 J/kgK. Calculate the heat transfer area needed and number
of transfer units.
Given data:
Heat Air entering t1 =400°C
Outlet temp air t 2 =551.5°C
M c =6Kg/Sec
C Pc =1100 J/kg.k => C Ph
Exhaust gas entering at T1 =800°C
M h => 4Kg/Sec

To find
T2, Area

θh = θc
M h C p h (T1 - T2) = m c C p c (t2 - t1)
4 × 1100 [300 °C - T2] = 6 × 1100[551.5°C - 400°C]
3.52 × 106 - [4400 T2] = 9.99 × 105
2.52 × 106 = 4400 T2Δ
14(SAHARA) 2017(Nov/Dec) Unit Wise Solved Question Papers
T2 =572.7°C

Heat transfer θ = m c C p c ( t 2 - t1 ) (or) m h C p h ( T1 − T2 )

θ = 4 × 1100 [800 - 572.7]

θ =1000 × 103 W

Heat transfer θ = UA(ΔT)m

1000 × 103 =100 × A × Δ Tm


∆Tm =
( T1 − t 2 ) – ( T2 − t1 )
T − t 
ln  1 2 
 T2 − t1 

∆Tm =
(800 − 551.5 ) –(1572.7 − 400 )
 800 − 551.5 
ln 
 572.7 − 400 
Δ Tm = = 208.81°C
θ = UA( T) m

1000 ×103 = 100 × A( T) m

1000 ×103 = 100 × A × 208.81 °C

Area = 47.89 m 2


1. What are the properties of a black body?

Refer Question Bank Page No. 124, Question No. 3.

2. Define Radiosity.
Refer Question Bank Page No. 127, Question No. 19.
Heat and Mass Transfer 15

1. Assuming the sun (diameter = 1.4 × 109 m) as a black body having

a surface temperature of 5750K and at a mean distance of 15 ×
109 m from the earth(diameter = 12.8 × 109 ×106 m). Estimate the
i) Total energy emitted by the sun
ii) The emission received per m2 just outside the atmosphere of
iii) The total energy received by the earth if no radiation is blocked by
the atmosphere of the earth
Given data:
Surface temp T = 5750 k
Distance between earth and sun R=15 ×1010 m
Dia of the Sun D1 = 1.4 ×109 m
Dia of the Earth D 2 =12.8 ×106 m

Solution :
(i) Total energy emitted :
Energy emitted by sun E b =σ T 4

[σ= 5.67 ×10−8 w/ m 2 k 4 SB constant]

Eb = 5.67 ×10−8 × [ 57504 ]

Eb = 61.98 ×106 w/m²

Area of Sun A1 = 4π R12

=4π [ ]²
A1 =6.15 ×1018 m 2
Energy emitted by the sun
E b = 61.98 ×106 × 6.15 ×1018

E b = 3.81 ×1026 w
16(SAHARA) 2017(Nov/Dec) Unit Wise Solved Question Papers
(ii) The emission received per m² outside the earth atmosphere:
R = π × 10π²M
Area A = 4πR2
= 4 × π × [15 × 1010]2
A = 2.82 × 10²³ m²
The radiation received = Eb/A

(iii) Energy received by the earth:

Earth area = (D2)²
= X[12.8X106 ] ²
Earth Area = 1.286 × 1014 m²
Energy received by the earth
= 1347.511 × 1.286 × 1014
= 1.733 × 1017 w
2. Calculate the net radiant heat exchange per m² area for two large
parallel plates of temperatures 427˚C and 27˚C respectively. C(hot
plate)=0.9 and ε(cold plate)=0.6 . If a polished aluminium shield
is placed between them, find the percentage reduction in the heat
transfer if ε(shield)=0.4.

Given: T1 = 427˚C+273
= 700 K
T2 = 27˚C+273
= 300 K
ε1 = 0.9
ε2 = 0.6
ε3 = 0.4
Heat and Mass Transfer 17
To Find:
1. Ned radiant heat exchange per m2 area.
2. Percentage of reduction in the heat transfer.

Solution :
Case 1: Heat transfer without radiation shield:
Heat exchange between two large parallel plates without radiation shield
is given by,
Q12 = ε σ A [ T14 − T24 ] [From equation no.(4.28)]

Where, ε =
1 1
+ −1
ε1 ε 2
1 1
+ −1
0.9 0.6
ε = 0.5625

Q12 = 0.5625 × 5.67 × 10-8 × A × [(700)⁴ -(300)⁴]

=7.39X10³ W/m²
Heat transfer without radiation shield = 7.39 × 103 W m 2 …(1)

Case 2 : Heat transfer with radiation shield :

Heat exchange between plate 1 and radiation shield 3 is given by
Q13 = ε σ A [ T14 _ T34 ]
Where, ε =
1 1
+ −1
ε1 ε 3

σ A T14 − T34  …(2)

Q13 =
1 1
+ −1
ε1 ε 3

Heat exchange between radiation shield 3 and plate 2 is given by

Q32 = ε σ A [ T34 - T24 ]
18(SAHARA) 2017(Nov/Dec) Unit Wise Solved Question Papers

Where, ε =
1 1
+ −1
ε3 ε 2

σ A T34 − T24  …(3)

Q32 =
1 1
+ −1
ε3 ε 2

We know that, Q13 = Q32

σA T14 − T34  σA T34 − T24 

1 1 1 1
+ −1 + −1
ε1 ε 3 ε3 ε 2

T14 − T34  T34 − T24 

=> = 
1 1 1 1
+ −1 + −1
ε1 ε 3 ε3 ε 2

(700)4 − T34 =
T34 − (300)

1 1 1 1
+ −1 + −1
0.9 0.4 0.4 0.6

(700)4 − T34 =
T34 − (300)

2.611 3.166

7.60 × 1011 - 3.166 T34 = 2.611 T34 - 2.11 × 1010

7.81 × 1011 = 5.77 T34
T34 = 1.353x1011
Radiation shield temperature, T3 = 606.55K
Subtitute T3 value in equation(2) or (3),

σA T14 − T34 
Heat transfer with radiation shield Q13=
1 1
+ −1
ε1 ε 3

5.67x10 −8 XA[( 700) − ( 606.55)

4 4

1 1
+ −1
0.9 0.4
Heat and Mass Transfer 19

= 2.27 × 103 W m 2 …(4)

Q without shield − Q with shield

Reduction in heat loss due to radiation shield=
Q without shield

Q12 − Q13

7.39x103 − 2.27x103
= 0.692 =69.2%
1. Net radiant heat exchange (without shield) = 7.39 X 10³ W/m²
2. Percentage of reduction in the heat transfer due to shield = 69.2


1. What are the different modes of mass transfer?

Refer Question Bank Page No. 160, Question No. 3.

2. Define mass transfer coefficient.

Mass transfer co-efficient is a diffusion rate constant that relates the
mass transfer rate, mass transfer area and concentration change as
driving force.
Kc= h A / ∆ACA

1. Hydrogen gas is maintained at pressure of 2.4 bar and 1 bar on
opposite sides of a plastic membrane 0.3mm thick. The binary
diffusion coefficient of hydrogen in the plastic is 8.6 ×10-8m2 /s
and solubility of hydrogen in the membrane is 0.00145 kg mole/
m3 . Calculate under uniforn temperature conditions of 24°C, the
20(SAHARA) 2017(Nov/Dec) Unit Wise Solved Question Papers
i) Molar concertration of hydrogen at the opposite faces of
­ embrane

ii) Molar and mass diffusion flux of hydrogen through the


Given data:
Inside pressure P1=2.4 bar
Outside pressure P2=1bar
Thickness L=0.3mm = 0.3 ×10−3 m
Diffusion co-efficient Dab =8.6x10-8 m2/sec
kg mole
Solubility of hydrogen=0.00145
m3 bar
Temp T = 24°c

To find:
1. Molar concentration Ca1 & Ca2
2. Molar flux, Mass Flux

Ca1 = solubility × Inner Pr=0.00145x2.4
Ca1 =3.48 × 10-3 kg − mole/ M ³
Ca2 = solubility × outer pressure
=0.00145 × 1
Ca2 =0.00145kg mole/m3
Ma Dab
Molar flux = [Ca1 - Ca2]
8.6x10 −8 3.48x10 −3 − 0.00145
0.3x10 −3
Ma kg − mole
= 5.819 × 0-7
A s − m2
Mass Flux = Molar flux × Mole molecular weight
= 5.819 × 10-7 × 2
Heat and Mass Transfer 21
Mf = 1.16 × 10-6 kg/s-m2

2. Oxygen at 25°C and pressure of 2 bar is flowing through a rub-

ber pipe of inside diameter 25mm and wall thickness 2.5mm. The

­diffusivity of O2 through rubber is 0.21 × 10ˉ9 m2/s and the solubil-

kg − mole
ity of O2 in rubber is 3.12 × 10ˉ3 m ³ − bar . Find the loss of O2 by

diffusion per meter length of pipe.

Given :
Temperature, T = 25OC
Inside pressure, p1 =2 bar
Inner diameter. d 1 = 25 mm
Inner radius, r1 = 12.5 mm = 0.0125 m
Thickness, t = 2.55 mm = 0.0025 m
Outer radius, r2 = Inner radius + Thickness
= 0.0125 + 0.0025
Diffusion co-efficent, Dab = 0.21 × 10-9 m2/s
kg − mole
Solubility, = 3.12 × 10-3
m³ − bar
To find :
Loss of O2 by diffusion per meter length

Solution :
1. Molar concentration on inner side,
Ca1 = Solubility × Inner pressure
Ca1 = 3.12 × 10-3 × 2
kg − mole
Ca1 = 6.24 × 10-3

Molar concentration on outer side,
Ca2 = Solubility × Outer pressure
Ca2 = 3.12 × 10-3 × 0
22(SAHARA) 2017(Nov/Dec) Unit Wise Solved Question Papers
Ca2 = 0
[Assuming the partial pressure O2 on the outer surface of the tube is zero]
We know,

Molar flux, m a Dab [ Ca1 − Ca 2 ]

2πL ( r2 − r1 )
For cylinders, L = r2-r1 ; A =
r 
ln  2 
 r1 

ma D [ C − Ca 2 ]
(1) ⇒ = ab a1
2π L(r2 − r1 ) (r2 − r1 )
 r2 
ln  
 r1 
2πL ⋅ Dab [ Ca1 − Ca 2 ]
ma =
r 
ln  2 
 r1 

2 × π ×1 ×0.21 ×10 −9 6.24 × 10 −3 − 0

ma =
 0.015 
ln 
 0.0125 

[Length = 1m]
kg − mole
ma = 4.51 × 10-11

Result :
kg − mole
Loss of oxygen = 4.51 × 10-11

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