Industrial/Power Plant Engineering: Prepared By: Engr. Jose R. Francisco

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JCSF Engineering Review Center IPD PPD E7 T10


(Refresher Trivia Examination IPD/PPD E7 T10)

Prepared by: Engr. Jose R. Francisco

March 2006

INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one answer for each item by shading the box
corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED. Use pencil No. 1

1. The zero point on the absolute temperature scale, 459.69 degrees below the zero of the Fahrenheit scale, 273.16 degrees below the
zero of the Centigrade or Celsius scale.
a) Absolute zero b) Datum temperature c) Reference temperature d) Zero Temperature

2. A material which, due to an affinity for certain substance, extracts one or more such substances from a liquid or gaseous medium
with which it is in contact, and which changes physically or chemically, or both, during the process.
a) Absorber b) Absorbent c) Insulator d) Thermal conductor

3. Which of the following is an example of a solid absorbent?

a) Calcium chloride b) Lithium bromide c) Ethylene glycols d) Aqua-ammonia

4. A ratio calculated by dividing the total heating capacity by the total electric input is called as:
a) Refrigerating effect b) Energy efficiency ratio
c) Coefficient of performance d) Performance rating

5. A ratio calculated by dividing the cooling capacity by the power input at any set of rating conditions.
a) Coefficient of performance b) Refrigerating capacity
c) Energy efficiency ratio d) Performance rating

6. A device containing liquid for absorbing refrigerant vapor or other vapors. In an absorption system, that part of the low side used for
absorbing refrigerant vapor.
a) Absorbent b) Absorber c) Evaporator d) Accumulator

7. The process whereby a material extracts one or more substances present in an atmosphere or mixture of gases or liquids;
accompanied by physical change, chemical change, or both, of the material.
a) Absorptivity b) Absorption c) Evaporation d) Dehumidifying

8. The time rate of change of velocity; the derivative of velocity with respect to time.
a) Velocity b) Momentum c) Impulse d) Acceleration

9. The rate of increase in velocity of a body falling freely in a vacuum. Its value varies with latitude and elevation. The international
standard taken at sea level and 45o latitude is 980.665 cm/s2 or 32.174 fps2.
a) Free falling b) Acceleration due to gravityc) Pull of gravity d) Gravitational attraction

10. A door provided in a unit to permit inspection of the inside, as of a plenum chamber.
a) Open door b) Closed door c) Access door d) Escape door

11. A storage chamber for low-side liquid refrigerant; also known as surge drum, or surge header. Also, a pressure vessel whose volume
is used in a refrigerant circuit to reduce pulsation.
a) Receiver b) Accumulator c) Absorber d) Oil separator

12. A form of aluminum oxide that absorbs moisture readily and is used as a drying agent.
a) Calcium chloride b) Lithium bromide c) Activated carbon d) Activated alumina

13. A form of carbon made porous by special treatment by which it is capable of absorbing various odors, anesthetics and other vapors.
a) Activated carbon b) Activated alumina d) Absorber d) Absorbent

14. A thermodynamics process during which no heat is added to, or taken from, a substance or system.
a) Reversible process b) Adiabatic process c) Isothermal process d) Quasi-static process

15. The equivalent of one ton of refrigeration.

a) 288 000 Btu/day b) 33 500 Btu/hr c) 200 Btu/sec d) 200 kJ/s

16. Refrigerants that cause ozone-layer depletion

a) HCFC b) HFC c) CFC d) All of the above

17. Vapor produced by vaporization of a small amount of liquid refrigerant, downstream of the expansion valve.
a. flash gas b. flow gas c. light gas d. refrigerant vapor gas

18. The largest heat load in a cold storage room.

a. heat from infiltration b. product heat load c. heat from equipment d. heat from occupants

19. Which of the following is a halocarbon refrigerant?

a. ammonia b. methyl chloride c. R-502 d. methane

20. Achievement of temperature below that of the surrounding temperature.

a. refrigeration b. ventilation

JCSF Engineering Review Center IPD PPD E7 T10

c. air-conditioning d. cooling and humidifying

21. The part that directs the flow of the refrigerant through the compressor.
a. piston b. connecting rod c. wrist pin d. valve

22. An odorless refrigerant, its boiling point varies over a wide range of temperatures.
a. Freon 22 b. Freon 12 c. ammonia d. methane

23. A refrigeration system in which only part of the refrigerant passes over the heat transfer surface is evaporated and the balance is
separated from the vapor and recirculated.
a. chill water system b. multiple system
c. flooded system d. direct expansion system

24. Where is a lithium bromide used in a refrigeration system..

a. absorbers b. ion exchangers
c. condensate return lines d. centrifugal compressor

25. In a refrigeration system, the heat absorbed in the evaporator per kg mass of refrigerant passing through is:
a. equals to increase in volume b. equals to the increase in enthalpy
c. is decreased if pre-cooler is used d. does not depend on the refrigerant used

26. The relationship of water vapor in the air at the dew point temperature to the amount that would be in the air if the air were saturated
at the dry bulb temperature is:
a. relative humidity b. percentage humidity c. partial pressure of water d. none of these

27. An air current in a confined space such as that in a cooling tower or chimney is called:
a. draft b. velocity gradient c. variable flow d. velocity profile

28. Which of the following refrigerants has the highest critical point temperature.
a. carbon dioxide b. ammonia c. Freon-11 d. Freon-22

29. The COP of a domestic or local refrigerator is always:

a. equal to one b. less than one
c. great than one d. dependent on the manufacturer

30. Highest pressure drop in a vapor-compression refrigeration cycle occurs in the

a. expansion valve b. evaporator c. compressor d. condenser

31. In a sensible heating process, the moisture content:

a. increases b. decreases c. remains constant d. indeterminate

32. In refrigerant leak detection, sulfur stick burning in the presence of ammonia will release a dense _____ smoke.
a. red b. orange c. yellow d. white

33. The secondary refrigerant used in milk chilling plants is usually:

a. brine b. glycol c. aqua-ammonia solution d. R-22

34. Air for comfort cooling should maintain a movement from:

a. 2760 to 4570 mm/min b. 4570 to 7620 mm/min
c. 7620 to 9430 mm/min d. 9430 to 12480 mm/min

35. It is the study of various air-conditioning processes.

a. pyschometry b. pyschrometry c. pyschrology d. psychokinetics

36. Refrigerant used in passenger aircraft cabins.

a. air b. R-134a c. R-22 d. steam

37. If salt is added to pure water, the resulting mixture will have a:
a. higher freezing point b. lower temperature c. lower boiling point d. higher pressure

38. A solidified form of carbon dioxide is termed as:

a. white ice b. dry ice c. pure ice d. clear ice

39. A material that has the ability to cause molecules of gases, liquids or solids to adhere to its internal surfaces without changing the
absorbent physically or chemically. Certain solid materials such as silica gel, activated carbon and activated alumina have this
a) Absorber b) Absorbent c) Silica gel d) Activated carbon

40. The action, associated with surface adherence, of a material in extracting one or more substances present in an atmosphere or
mixture of gases and liquids, unaccompanied by physical of chemical change.
a) Aeration b) Agitation c) Absorption d) Adsorption

41. Exposing a substance, or area, to air circulation is known as:

a) Aeration b) Agitation c) Absorption d) Adsorption

JCSF Engineering Review Center IPD PPD E7 T10

42. An assemblage of small particles, solid or liquid, suspended in air. The diameters of the particles may vary from 100 microns down
to 0.01 micron or less, say, dust, fog, smoke.
a) Aerosol b) Spray c) Atomizing d) Sintered

43. A device causing turbulent motion in a fluid confined in a tank.

a) Stirrer b) Agitator c) Fan d) Spinner

44. The transfer of heat manifested in an increase in temperature of the air is called as:
a) Sensible heat transfer b) Latent heat transfer
c) Conductive heat transfer d) Convective heat transfer

45. The process of transferring water vapor to the atmospheric air is known as:
a) Humidifying b) Dehumidifying c) Sensible cooling d) Sensible heating

46. A heat transfer associated with mass transfer that is manifested in an increase in the concentration of water in the air-water vapor
mixture. The process of mass and energy transfer is accomplished by introducing water vapor or by spraying fine droplets of water
that evaporate into the circulating air stream.
a) Sensible heat transfer b) Latent heat transfer
c) Conductive heat transfer d) Convective heat transfer

47. The transfer of energy from a space, or air supplied to a space, due to the difference in temperature between the source and the space
or air is called:
a) Cooling b) Heating d) Humidifying d) Dehumidifying

48. It is the transfer of water vapor from atmospheric air. The process is accomplished by circulating the air over a surface maintained at
a sufficiently low temperature to cause the condensation of water vapor from the mixture.
a) Humidifying b) Dehumidifying c) Sensible cooling d) Sensible heating

49. The process of filtering and removal of contaminant gases from the air. Removal of contaminant gases may be done by absorption,
by physical adsorption, and by other contaminant removal process or processes.
a) Air Conditioning b) Air cleaning c) Air filtering d) Air decontamination

50. An air conditioning system that provides complete sensible heating and humidifying and sensible and latent cooling by supplying air
to the conditioned space.
a) Cooling and dehumidifying system b) All-air system
c) All-water system d) Air supply system

51. It is the study of the properties of air and water vapor or moist air.
a) Air conditioning b) Refrigeration c) Psychrometry d) Study of air

52. It is an air whose condition is such that any decrease in temperature will result in condensation of the water vapor into liquid; or a
condition of air which is saturated.
a) Moist air b) Saturated air c) Dry air d) Warm air

53. It is the mixture of dry air and water vapor.

a) Moist air b) Saturated air d) Dry air d) Water vapor

54. The actual temperature of the air that is measured by an ordinary thermometer; or it is the temperature of a gas or mixture of gases
indicated by an accurate thermometer after correction for radiation.
a) Wet bulb temperature b) Dry bulb temperature c) Dew point temperature d) Saturation temperature

55. An instrument consisting of two thermometers, one used to measure the dry-bulb temperature and the other used to measure the wet-
bulb temperature of the air.
a) Psychrometer b) Hydometer c) Hygrometer d) Thermometer

56. “In any mixture of miscible gases, the pressure exerted by gases on its container is equal to the sum of the partial pressures of the
gases.” The preceding statement is known as:
a) Dalton’s law of partial pressure b) Pascal’s law
c) Amagat’s law d) Avogadro’s law

57. It is the graphical representation of the psychrometric properties wherein the humidity ratio is the ordinate and the dry-bulb
temperature is the abscissa.
a) Psychrometer b) Psychrometric chart c) Molier chart d) pV chart

58. The process of treating air so as to control simultaneously its temperature, humidity, cleanliness and distribution to meet the
requirements of the conditioned space.
a) Air conditioning b) Refrigeration c) Cooling and dehumidifying d) Evaporative cooling

59. The process of treating air so as to control simultaneously its temperature, humidity, cleanliness and distribution to meet the comfort
requirements of the occupants of the conditioned room or space.
a) Air conditioning b) Comfort air conditioning c) Summer air conditioning d) Humidifier

60. A process of conditioning air when outside air temperature and humidity are above those to be maintained in the conditioned space.
a) Air conditioning b) Comfort air conditioning c) Summer air conditioning d) Humidifier

61. A thermometric scale in which the freezing point of water is 0 degree and the boiling point of water is 100 degrees at normal
atmospheric pressure (101.325 kPa or 14.696 psi).
a) Fahrenheit scale b) Celsius Scale c) Rankine scale d) Kelvin scale

JCSF Engineering Review Center IPD PPD E7 T10

62. A temperature that would result if the psychrometric process occurring in a dehumidifier, humidifier, or surface cooler were carried
to the saturation condition of the leaving air while maintaining the same ratio of sensible to total heat load in the process.
a) Apparatus dew point temperature b) Room dew point temperature
c) Humidifier coil temperature d) Dehumidifier coil temperature

63. It is a thermometric scale in which 32 degrees denote freezing and 212 degrees the boiling point of water under normal atmospheric
pressure (at sea level, 14.696 psi).
a) Fahrenheit scale b) Celsius Scale c) Rankine scale d) Kelvin scale

64. The thermal state of matter with reference to its tendency to communicate heat to matter in contact with it.
a) Temperature b) Pressure c) Internal energy d) Thermal conductivity

65. The temperature at which the condensation of water vapor in a space begins for a given state of humidity and pressure as the
temperature of the vapor is reduced. This is the temperature corresponding to saturation for a given absolute humidity at constant
a) Dew point temperature b) Wet bulb temperature c) Dry bulb temperature d) Saturation temperature

66. The temperature of gas or mixture of gases indicated by an accurate thermometer after correction for radiation.
a) Dew point temperature b) Wet bulb temperature
c) Dry bulb temperature d) Saturation temperature

67. The temperature registered by a thermometer whose bulb is covered by a wetted wick and exposed to a current of rapidly moving
a) Dew point temperature b) Wet bulb temperature
c) Dry bulb temperature d) Saturation temperature

68. The ratio of the actual water vapor pressure of the air to the saturated water vapor pressure of the air at the same temperature is
known as:
a) Relative humidity b) Humidity ratio c) Specific humidity d) Percent humidity

69. The weight of water vapor in grains, pounds, grams, or kilograms per grain, pound, gram, or kilogram of dry air.
a) Relative humidity b) Specific volume c) Specific humidity d) Percent humidity

70. It is defined as the partial pressure of the water vapor in the air (p v) divided by the partial pressure exerted by water vapor in
saturated air (pd) at the same temperature.
a) Relative humidity b) Specific volume c) Specific humidity d) Percent humidity

71. Generally speaking, the air surrounding an object.

a) Ambient air b) Surrounding air c) Object temperature d) Dry bulb temperature

72. An air without contained water vapor; air only.

a) Moist air b) Saturated air c) Dry air d) Wet air

73. Air taken from outdoors and, therefore, not previously circulated through the system.
a) Outdoor air b) Outside air c) Recirculated air d) Return air
74. An external air; atmosphere exterior to refrigerated or conditioned space; ambient (surrounding) air.
a) Outdoor air b) Outside air c) Recirculated air d) Return air

75. A return air that passed through the conditioner before being again supplied to the conditioned space.
a) Outdoor air b) Outside air c) Recirculated air d) Return air

76. An air returned from conditioned or refrigerated space.

a) Return air b) Recirculated air c) Outdoor air d) Inside air

77. It is defined as the ratio of the weight or mass of water vapor to the weight or mass of dry air. In a mixture of gases or of gasses and
vapors, each gas or component occupies the entire volume.
a) Relative humidity b) Specific volume c) Specific humidity d) Percent humidity

78. The difference of the dry-bulb temperature and wet-bulb temperature reading in a psychrometer.
a) Dew point temperature b) Wet bulb depression
c) Temperature difference d) Temperature range

79. A device in which air flows through a spray of water is known as:
a) Humidifier b) Adiabatic saturator c) Evaporative condenser d) Cooling tower

80. An air conditioning process that involves heating without changing the moisture content or humidity ratio of the air. The process is
represented by a horizontal line, from left to right, in the psychrometric chart.
a) Sensible heating b) Sensible cooling c) Humidifying d) Dehumidifying

81. Sensible heating process is also called:

a) Constant dew point temperature heating process b) Constant temperature heating process
c) Constant wet bulb temperature d) Adiabatic saturation process

82. In the sensible heating process:

a) The relative humidity of the air is decreased b) The relative humidity of the air is increased
c) The wet bulb temperature does not change d) The Humidity ratio is decreased

83. Moist air in which the partial pressure of the water vapor is equal to the vapor pressure of water at the existing temperature. This
occurs dry air and saturated water vapor coexists at the same dry-bulb temperature.

JCSF Engineering Review Center IPD PPD E7 T10

a) Saturated air b) Moist air c) Dry air d) Wet air

84. A device that automatically switches the air from one side of the ice tank to the other.
a) Air alternator b) Air blast c) Air changes d) Air circulation

85. An air conditioning process that involves cooling at constant moisture content or humidity ratio of air.; the process is represented by
a horizontal line, from right to left, in the psychrometric chart.
a) Sensible cooling b) Sensible heating c) Cooling and humidifying d) Heating and dehumidifying

86. Sensible cooling process is also called as:

a) Constant dew point temperature cooling process b) Constant dew point temperature heating process
c) Constant wet bulb temperature process d) Constant dry bulb temperature process

87. A method of expressing the amount of air leakage into or out of a building or rooms in terms of the number of building volumes or
room volumes exchanged.
a) Air blast b) Air Changes c) Air alteration d) Air circulation

88. A device used to remove airborne impurities.

a) Air blaster b) Air cleaner c) Air alternator d) Air circulator

89. A factory-made encased assembly designed as a unit for mounting in a window, through a wall, or as a console. It is designed for
free delivery of conditioned air to an enclosed space without ducts.
a) Room air conditioner b) Window air conditioner
c) Car air conditioner d) Comfort air conditioner

90. Self-contained room conditioner arranged to be supported in or connected with a window opening circulating outside air over the
high side and room air over the low side.
a) Room air conditioner b) Window air conditioner
c) Car air conditioner d) Comfort air conditioner

91. The process of treating air so as to control simultaneously its temperature, humidity, cleanliness and distribution to meet the comfort
requirements of the occupants of the conditioned space.
a) Comfort air conditioning b) Industrial air conditioning
c) Summer air conditioning d) Winter air conditioning

92. Comfort air conditioning carried out primarily when outside temperature and humidity are above those to be maintained in the
conditioned space.
a) Comfort air conditioning b) Industrial air conditioning
c) Summer air conditioning d) Winter air conditioning

93. Heating, humidifying, air distribution, and air cleaning, where outside temperatures are below the inside or room temperature.
a) Comfort air conditioning b) Industrial air conditioning
c) Summer air conditioning d) Winter air conditioning

94. An assembly of equipment for the treatment of air so as to control simultaneously its temperature, humidity, cleanliness and
distribution to meet the requirements of a conditioned space.
a) Air conditioning unit b) Humidifying unit
c) Dehumidifying unit d) Cooling and dehumidifying unit

95. A specific air treating combination consisting of means for ventilation, air circulation, air cleaning, and heat transfer, with control
means for cooling (or heating).
a) Air conditioning unit b) Cooling air conditioning unit c) Air cooler d) Humidifying unit

96. A factory-encased assembly of element whereby the temperature of air passing through the device is reduced.
a) Air conditioning unit b) Cooling air conditioning unit c) Air cooler d) Humidifying unit

97. A forced circulation air cooler wherein heat transfer is not implemented by a liquid spray during the operating period.
a) Dry-type air cooler b) Air cooler c) Air diffuser d) Dry air cooler

98. Refrigerants that cause little or no ozone-layer depletion.

a) HCFC b) HFC c) CFC d) None of the these

99. The ozone-destroying power of a substance relative to Refrigerant 11 or R-11.

a) Ozone Addition Potential (OAP) b) Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP)
c) Ozone Destructive Index (ODI) d) Green House Effect (GHE)

100. The relative measure of the ability of a substance to cause an increase in the temperature of the atmosphere by absorbing solar and
earth radiation and condensation pressure.
a) Radiation absorption potential (RAP) b) Global warming potential (GWP)
c) Greenhouse effect potential (GEP) d) Ozone radiation potential (RAP)

101. Which of the following is not a desirable thermal property of a refrigerant?

a) Convenient evaporation and condensation pressures
b) High latent heat of evaporation and high vapor specific heat
c) Low viscosity and high film heat conductivity
d) Low explosive hazard both alone and mixed with air

102. The code of ammonia as refrigerant.

a) R-502 b) R-717 c) R-114 d) R-134a

JCSF Engineering Review Center IPD PPD E7 T10

103. The refrigerant vapor is condensed as it passes through tubes over which water is sprayed in
a) Condenser-evaporator b) Evaporative condenser c) Condenser d) Evaporator

104. A refrigeration system that uses water as refrigerant, a part of which is evaporated to produce cooling of the remainder.
a) Water-vapor refrigeration b) Cryogenics c) Steam-jet refrigeration d) Air-cycle refrigeration

105. A circular, square, or rectangular air distribution outlet, generally located in the ceiling and comprised of deflecting members
discharging supply air in various directions and planes, and arranged to promote mixing of primary air with secondary room air.
a) Air nozzle b) Air diffuser c) Air conduit d) Air duct

106. A pipe that supplies the air to the ice cans contained in the freezing tank.
a) Air lateral b) Air main c) Air tunnel d) Air washer

107. A pipe that carries air to the air laterals supplying ice cans contained in the freezing tank.
a) Air lateral b) Air main c) Air tunnel d) Air washer

108. A refrigerated tunnel with rapid air circulation through which the product to be frozen is passed.
a) Air lateral b) Air main c) Air tunnel d) Air washer

109. A water supply system or device for cleaning, humidifying, or dehumidifying the air.
a) Air lateral b) Air main c) Air tunnel d) Air washer

110. A minute-fresh water plant growth that forms a scum on the surfaces of re-circulated water apparatus, interfering with fluid flow and
heat transfer.
a) Algae b) Water lily c) Bacteria d) Virus

1A 61B
2B 62A
3A 63A
4B 64A
5A 66C
6B 67B
7B 68A
8D 69C
9B 70A
10C 71A
11B 72C
12D 73A
13A 74B
14B 75C
15A 76A
16C 77C
17A 78B
18B 79B
19B 80A
20A 81A
21D 82A
22A 83A
23C 84A
24A 85A
25B 86A
26A 87BB
27A 88B
28C 89A
29C 90B
30A 91A
31C 92C
32D 93D
33B 94A
34B 95B
35B 96C
36A 97A
37A 98B
38B 99B
39B 100B
40C 101C
41A 102B
42A 103C
43B 104C
44A 105B
45A 106A
46B 107B
47A 108C
48B 109D
49B 110A

JCSF Engineering Review Center IPD PPD E7 T10


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