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Atlas Copco Stationary Air Compressors

GA11, GA15, GA18, GA22

Elektronikon I regulator Pack/Pack Full-feature

Parts list

From following serial No. onwards:

WUX – 23xxxx

• Copyright 2008, Atlas Copco Airpower n.v., Antwerp, Belgium.

Any unauthorized use or copying of the contents or any part thereof is prohibited.
This applies in particular to trademarks, model denominations, part numbers and drawings.

• Use only authorized parts. Any damage or malfunction caused by the use
of unauthorized parts is not covered by Warranty or Product Liability.

No. 9829 3071 50

Parts list

Contents 0

Drive arrangement………………………………………………………………………………………….…………..…. 1
Air system - Air Inlet……………………………………………………………………………………………………..2

Air flow……………………………………………………………………………………………………….………..….3

Unloader Valve……………………………..………………………………………………………………………………4

Oil system – Oil circuit………………………………………………………………………………………………..….5

Oil System – Oil vessel connections…………………………………………………………………………………..….6

Regulating system………………………..………………………………………………………………………………7

Air Outlet - Pack……………………………………………………………………….………………………………….8

Air Outlet - FF………………………………………………………………………………..…………………………….9

Air dryer……………………………………………………………………………………….……………………….10


Start cubicle – Star / Delta……………………………………………………………………………………………..12

Heavy duty filter………………………………………………………………………………………………………..13

Service Kits……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..14

2 9829 3071 50
Parts list

1 Drive arrangement

Ref. Partnumber Qty Name Remarks Ref. Partnumber Qty Name Remarks
1010 1616 6712 90 1 Service stage 3010 1 Gear wheel set
2010 1622 0007 00 1 Gear casing 1625 0020 17 GA11-7.5 bar(e)
2015 0663 2103 22 1 O-ring 1625 0020 27 GA11-8.5 bar(e)
2020 0147 1364 03 8 Hexagon bolt 1625 0020 06 GA11-10 bar(e)
2025 0101 1951 40 2 Pin 1625 0020 15 GA11-13 bar(e)
2030 1622 3400 00 1 Spacer 1625 0020 19 GA15-7.5 bar(e)
2035 0147 1368 03 1 Hexagon bolt 1625 0020 07 GA15-8.5 bar(e)
2040 0337 0009 42 1 Parallel key 1625 0020 18 GA15-10 bar(e)
2041 0337 0009 45 1 Parallel key 1625 0020 17 GA15-13 bar(e)
2045 1622 0009 00 1 Bushing 1625 0020 25 GA18-7.5 bar(e)
2050 1616 5742 00 1 Seal ring 1625 0020 11 GA18-8.5 bar(e)
2055 1622 0010 00 1 Washer 1625 0020 20 GA18-10 bar(e)
2060 0147 1478 03 1 Hexagon bolt 1625 0020 07 GA18-13 bar(e)
2065 0147 1475 03 4 Hexagon bolt 1625 0020 12 GA22-7.5 bar(e)
2070 1613 6752 01 2 Antivibr. pad 1625 0020 22 GA22-8.5 bar(e)
2075 0147 1363 03 2 Hexagon bolt 1625 0020 25 GA22-10 bar(e)
2080 0301 2344 00 2 Washer 1625 0020 02 GA22-13 bar(e)
2100 16619 2766 00 6 Bolt 4070 1 Motor
2115 1092 0010 60 2 Nipple 1091 6340 04 GA11
1091 6341 04 GA15
1091 6342 04 GA18
1091 6343 04 GA22

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Parts list

Air system – Air Inlet 2

Ref. Partnumber Qty Name Remarks Ref. Partnumber Qty Name Remarks
1010 1622 0004 00 1 Air Filter 3030 0147 1335 03 2 Hexagon bolt
1202 8040 02 1 Filter element 3035 0301 2335 00 4 Washer
1015 1622 4741 00 1 Elbow 3040 0571 0035 96 1 Nipple
1020 1622 4780 00 1 Tube 3045 0663 3125 00 1 O-ring
1025 0347 6114 00 3 Hose clip 3050 1622 3648 20 1 Nipple
1030 1622 1713 82 1 Assembly Unloader 3051 0663 3119 00 1 O-ring
1035 1622 7811 00 1 Gasket 3055 1613 9005 01 1 Valve
1040 0147 1325 03 4 Hexagon bolt 3060 0663 2108 11 1 O-ring
1045 0301 2335 00 4 Washer 3220 0581 0001 02 1 Nipple
3010 1622 0014 01 1 Housing 3221 0661 1000 40 1 Seal washer
3015 0663 2111 35 3 O-ring 4045 1089 0574 55 1 Temp. sensor
3020 0663 7134 00 1 O-ring 4050 1089 0702 09 1 Solenoid valve
3025 0147 1329 03 2 Hexagon bolt 5005 1088 1001 01 1 Warning mark

4 9829 3071 50
Parts list

3 Air flow

Ref. Partnumber Qty Name Remarks Ref. Partnumber Qty Name Remarks
1070 1622 0015 00 1 Hose assembly 2030 1622 0012 00 1 Spacer
1075 0663 7134 00 2 O-ring 2035 0147 1376 03 1 Hexagon bolt
1080 0147 1325 03 4 Hexagon bolt 2040 1613 6752 17 1 Antivibr. Pad
1085 0301 2335 00 4 Washer
1215 0070 6002 05 AR Plastic tube 2060 1619 5188 00 AR Seal
2005 1092 0015 73 1 Hose assembly 3005 1 Combi-cooler
1622 0941 00 GA11
2010 1 Plate 1622 0942 00 GA15
1622 0110 00 GA11 1622 0943 00 GA18
1622 0111 00 GA15 1622 0944 00 GA22
1622 0112 00 GA18 3010 0686 3716 01 1 Hexagon bolt
2015 0147 1963 08 4 Hexagon bolt 3015 0653 1062 00 1 Flat gasket
2025 0147 1963 08 4 Hexagon bolt

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Parts list

Unloader Valve 4

Ref. Partnumber Qty Name Remarks Ref. Partnumber Qty Name Remarks
1005 1622 1713 00 1 Housing 1065 0663 2104 98 1 O-ring
1010 1622 1717 00 1 Cover 1070 0160 0996 86 1 Cross rec screw
1015 0335 2164 00 1 Circlip 1075 0301 2318 00 1 Washer
1025 1622 1755 80 1 Valve ass’y 1080 1622 3694 80 1 Assembly
1035 1622 1773 00 1 Rod 1081 0663 2111 55 1 O-ring
1040 0261 1090 86 1 Nut 1085 1622 2906 00 1 Bushing
1045 1622 1789 00 1 Piston 1090 1622 2905 00 1 High temperature sealing
1050 1622 1790 00 1 Guidance tape 1095 1622 2904 00 1 Spring
1055 1622 1797 00 1 Bushing 1100 1622 2903 00 1 Spring guide
1060 1622 1798 00 1 Quad-ring

6 9829 3071 50
Parts list

5 Oil system – Oil circuit

Ref. Partnumber Qty Name Remarks Ref. Partnumber Qty Name Remarks
1025 1 Hose assembly 2085 1088 0019 01 2 Contact washer
1092 0015 79 GA11 2088 1613 8967 03 1 Grounding of vessel
1092 0015 79 GA15 2089 0226 0301 00 1 Tapping screw
1092 0015 79 GA18 2135 1092 0015 76 1 Hose assembly
1092 0015 79 GA22 2205 1092 0015 80 1 Hose assembly
1030 1092 0015 77 1 Hose assembly 2290 1092 0015 76 1 Hose assembly

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Parts list

Oil System – Oil vessel connections 6

8 9829 3071 50
Parts list

6 Oil System – Oil vessel connections

Ref. Partnumber Qty Name Remarks Ref. Partnumber Qty Name Remarks
1010 1092 0003 52 1 Oil vessel 2260 1614 6118 00 1 Flange
2090 2235 2544 00 4 Damper 2265 0663 2101 95 1 O-ring
2095 0266 2110 00 4 Nut 2270 0147 1246 03 2 Hexagon bolt
2100 0300 0274 34 4 Washer 2275 0301 2321 00 2 Washer
2105 1202 8992 00 1 Plug 2280 0571 0035 97 4 Nipple
2110 0663 2102 15 1 O-ring 2285 0663 2113 37 4 O-ring
2115 1092 0000 72 1 Sight glass 3010 1 Housing
2120 0605 9500 09 1 Elbow 1513 0539 00 7.5-8.5-10 bar(e)
2125 1079 5840 27 1 Nipple 1622 0257 00 13 bar(e)
2130 0661 1000 43 1 Seal washer 3015 0661 1000 44 1 Seal washer
2139 1503 2565 04 1 Elbow 3020 1 Spring
2140 0603 4100 17 1 Hexagon nipple 1513 0063 00 7.5-8.5-10 bar(e)
2145 0852 0010 36 1 Ball valve 1622 0259 00 13 bar(e)
2150 0686 3718 24 1 Plug 3025 1513 0402 01 1 Piston
2160 1622 4700 50 1 Instrument block 3030 0663 2105 40 1 O-ring
2165 0663 3128 00 1 O-ring 3035 1513 0064 00 1 Spring
2170 0147 1342 03 3 Hexagon bolt 3040 1513 0401 01 1 Valve disc
2175 0301 2335 00 3 Washer 4015 1 Safety valve
2180 1622 0351 01 1 Oil separator 0832 1000 77 7.5 bar(e)
2185 1622 0338 00 1 Coupling 0832 1000 78 8.5 bar(e)
2190 1622 0337 00 1 Pipe 0832 1000 78 10 bar(e)
2195 0571 0035 93 1 Nipple 0832 1000 79 13 bar(e)
2200 0663 3119 00 1 O-ring 4025 1 Thermostatic valve
2210 0581 1200 37 1 Elbow coupling 1622 7064 01 7.5 bar(e) 38℃
2225 0563 3106 03 1 Bend 1622 7064 01 8.5 bar(e) 38℃
2235 1613 6883 03 1 Valve housing 1622 7064 01 10 bar(e) 38℃
2240 0147 1362 03 2 Hexagon bolt 1622 7064 02 13 bar(e) 65℃
2245 0301 2344 00 2 Washer 5020 1 Oil label
2250 1613 6105 01 1 Oil filter 1079 9909 57 Label Rotoinject Fluid
2255 1619 3770 00 1 Nipple 1079 9925 87 Label Roto-Xtend Duty Fluid

9829 3071 50 9
Parts list

Regulating system 7

Ref. Partnumber Qty Name Remarks Ref. Partnumber Qty Name Remarks
1020 1900 0712 71 1 Regulator I+ 2010 1092 0015 31 1 Ball valve
1021 0147 1169 03 4 Hexagon bolt 2065 1622 2818 00 1 Adapter
1022 0301 2315 00 4 Washer 2070 0697 9809 05 1 Nut
1035 1089 0575 54 1 Pressure transducer

10 9829 3071 50
Parts list

8 Air Outlet - Pack

Ref. Partnumber Qty Name Remarks Ref. Partnumber Qty Name Remarks
1010 1092 0015 74 1 Pipe 1) Lined with:
1015 0301 2335 00 2 Washer Foam: 0395 6001 66 (AR) 25x2040x1650
1020 0147 1961 84 2 Hexagon bolt
1080 1092 0015 24 1 Baffle assembly 1)
1085 0147 1963 08 4 Hexagon bolt

9829 3071 50 11
Parts list

Air Outlet - FF 9

Ref. Partnumber Qty Name Remarks Ref. Partnumber Qty Name Remarks
1005 << >> 1 Air dryer 2040 2 Washer
1015 1092 0015 26 1 Baffle 0661 1000 44 A6X
1025 << >> 1 Dryer rail 0661 1000 61 A7X
2015 1619 2765 01 3 Screw 2042 1092 0016 76 1 Pipe
2025 1619 2766 00 4 Bolt 2045 0147 1961 84 2 Hexagon bolt
2030 1092 0015 75 1 Hose assembly 2050 0300 0274 34 2 Washer
2035 2 Nipple 2070 0070 6002 05 AR Plastic tube
2250 4983 00 A6X 2075 0581 0000 35 1 Coupling
0571 0035 90 A7X

12 9829 3071 50
Parts list

10 Air dryer

9829 3071 50 13
Parts list

Air dryer 10

Ref. Partnumber Qty Name Remarks Ref. Partnumber Qty Name Remarks
8102 1369 94 GA11 A6X 50Hz 1040 2202 7440 01 1 Electric drain
8102 1369 94 GA15 A6X 50Hz 1050 1 Condenser unit
8102 1368 79 GA18 A7X 50Hz 2202 7351 02 A6X
8102 1368 79 GA22 A7X 50Hz 2202 7352 01 A7X
1010 1 Heat exchanger 1060 1089 9139 02 1 Pressure switch
2202 7366 02 A6X 1070 1 Fan assembly
2202 7367 02 A7X 2202 7373 01 A6X
1020 2202 7324 02 1 Hot Gass By-Pass valve 2202 7373 02 A7X
1030 1 Refr. Compressor
2202 7370 02 A6X
2202 7370 03 A7X

14 9829 3071 50
Parts list

11 Bodywork

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Parts list

Bodywork 11

Ref. Partnumber Qty Name Remarks Ref. Partnumber Qty Name Remarks
1015 1622 0136 00 1 Support
1020 1619 2766 00 4 Bolt 1180 1092 0015 27 1 Door panel
1025 1092 0015 22 1 Panel assembly 1) 1616 2987 00 2 Plug
1030 1619 2766 00 2 Bolt 1513 0431 00 1 Door lock
1035 1092 0015 19 1 Support 1200 1092 0015 28 1 Baffle assembly 1)
1040 1619 2766 00 2 Bolt 1205 0147 1963 08 2 Hexagon bolt
1050 0147 1960 38 4 Hexagon bolt 1210 1619 3843 00 AR Seal
1055 0147 1963 08 6 Hexagon bolt 2010 1092 0015 20 1 Frame
1065 1202 6400 00 2 Hinge 1622 0598 81 1 Door assembly 1)
1070 0147 1244 03 2 Hexagon bolt 3005 1622 0598 10 1 Door panel
1075 0301 2321 00 2 Washer 3010 1079 9903 48 1 Warning label
1080 1092 0015 21 1 Panel assembly 1) 3015 1079 9960 09 1 Label
1085 1619 2766 00 2 Bolt 3020 1088 1001 03 1 Warning mark
1090 1092 0015 29 1 Roof assembly 1) 3025 1619 7705 00 1 Lock
1613 9963 00 4 Corner 3030 1089 9125 05 1 Round disk
0129 3174 00 8 Blind rivet 3035 1079 9920 93 1 Label
1095 0147 1963 08 5 Hexagon bolt 4080 1622 0104 02 1 Fan assembly
1100 1092 0015 30 1 Plate assembly 1) 5010 1079 9903 48 2 Warning label
1105 1619 2766 00 1 Bolt 5025 1088 1001 01 2 Warning mark
1110 0147 1963 08 4 Hexagon bolt 5030 1503 0786 00 2 Rotation arrow
1115 1092 0015 25 2 Panel assembly 1) 6010 1 Decal
1513 0431 00 1 Door lock 1622 4631 47 GA11
0690 1116 01 1 House mark 1622 4631 47 GA11 FF
1120 1092 0015 23 1 Panel assembly 1) 1622 4631 47 GA15
1079 9901 18 1 Warning label 1622 4631 47 GA15 FF
1619 2665 00 AR Seal 1622 4631 47 GA18
1125 1619 2766 00 1 Bolt 1622 4631 47 GA18 FF
1140 0266 2110 00 1 Nut 1622 4631 47 GA22
1145 0333 3227 00 1 Lock washer 1622 4631 47 GA22 FF
1150 0301 2335 00 1 Washer 6015 1091 6096 00 1 Data plate
1155 0129 3107 00 4 Blind rivet
1160 1089 9068 01 2 Key 1) Lined with: Foam: 0395 6001 66(AR)25x2040x1650
1165 1089 9154 02 1 Key
1170 1088 1301 02 1 Cable strip
1175 0147 1963 08 4 Hexagon bolt

16 9829 3071 50
Parts list

12 Start cubicle – Star / Delta

1105 1205 1225

1X1 Q15 K25 K5


1146 1171
1148 1040

X108 X103 F4F5F6 F1 F2 F3 K22 K23 F21 1X0

1145 2015


1220 1180 1175 1215




1250 1235

SEE DRAWING GA11-22 Y-D starter
SEE DRAWING Pack and Full Feature
W UX 0192 WUX
00 01 0 1

2008-9-24 9829 3002 82

9829 3071 50 17
Parts list

Start cubicle – Star / Delta 12

Ref. Partnumber Qty Name Remarks Ref. Partnumber Qty Name Remarks
1 Electr. panel 1215 · 1 Overload relay
1092 0015 66 GA11 1092 0021 66 GA11
1092 0015 67 GA15 1092 0021 67 GA15
1092 0015 68 GA18 1092 0021 67 GA18
1092 0015 69 GA22 1092 0021 68 GA22
1040 1092 0021 54· 1 Connector 1220 · 1 Transformer
1050 1092 0021 55· 1 Connector 1092 0021 69 GA11
1075 1092 0021 56· 1 Connector 1092 0021 69 GA15
1100 1092 0021 51· 8 Terminal 1092 0021 69 GA18
1105 1092 0021 50· 1 Terminal 1092 0021 70 GA22
1115 1092 0021 52· 1 Push button 1225 1092 0021 46· 1 Phase seq relay
1135 1092 0021 48· 3 Fuse holder 1235 1622 0005 41· 1 Wiring
1140 1092 0021 58· 1 Fuse 1245 9139 5000 16· AR Rail
1145 1092 0021 57· 2 Fuse 1250 9829 3002 82· 1 Service diagram
1146 1092 0021 59· 2 Fuse 1255 · AR Dryer rail
1147 1092 0021 60· 1 Fuse 9829 3002 83· 1 Assembly drawing
1148 1092 0021 49· 3 Fuse terminal 2010 1092 0015 32·· 1 Cubicle
1170 1092 0021 47· 1 Relay 2015 1202 6584 00·· AR Seal
1171 1092 0021 44· 1 Socket 2025 0268 7110 00·· 2 Nut
1175 1092 0021 43· 2 Contact block 2030 0300 0275 05·· 2 Washer
1180 · 1 Contact 2035 0301 2335 00·· 2 Washer
1092 0021 61 GA11 2040 0333 2174 37·· 2 Spring washer
1092 0021 62 GA15
1092 0021 63 GA18
1092 0021 63 GA22
1185 · 2 Contact
1092 0021 62 GA11
1092 0021 63 GA15
1092 0021 64 GA18
1092 0021 65 GA22
1205 1092 0021 45· 1 Circuit breaker
1210 1092 0021 53· 3 Supply terminal

18 9829 3071 50
Parts list

13 Heavy duty filter

Ref. Partnumber Qty Name Remarks Ref. Partnumber Qty Name Remarks
8092 2455 32 1 Heavy duty filter 2035 1622 0174 00 1 Elbow
1020 1622 0175 00 1 Hose assembly 2040 0347 6114 00 2 Hose clip
1030 0147 1327 03 2 Hexagon Bolt 1622 0170 80 1 Air filter ass’y
1035 0301 2355 00 2 Washer 3020 1622 0170 00 1 Air filter
1040 0266 2110 00 2 Nut 3025 1622 0171 00 1 Filter element
1622 0170 81 1 Air filter ass’y 4065 0347 6114 00 2 Hose clip
2025 1622 0172 00 1 Clamp 5060 1503 1056 00 AR Seal
2030 1622 0173 00 1 Adapt

9829 3071 50 19
Parts list

Service Kits 14

Ref. Partnumber Qty Name Remarks Ref. Partnumber Qty Name Remarks
2902 0161 00 1 Unloader kit 2901 0245 01 1 Oil Can
1622 1755 80· 1 Valve Ass’y C77 Roto-Inject Fluid 5L
1622 1755 00· 1 Valve C77
1622 3694 80· 1 Blow off valve 2901 0522 00 1 Oil Can
1622 3694 00·· 1 Housing Roto-Inject Fluid 20L
1622 3694 01·· 1 Cover
1622 3694 02·· 1 Piston 2901 0866 01 1 Filter Kit
1513 0447 00·· 1 Piston ring 1613 8720 00· 1 Filter element
1622 3694 03·· 1 Seal 1613 6105 01· 1 Oil filter
1622 3694 04·· 1 Seal 1622 0351 01· 1 Oil Separator
1622 3694 05·· 1 Rivet 9820 4572 00· 1 Filter Kit Instruction
1622 3694 06·· 2 Insert
1622 3694 07·· 1 Glide seal 2901 0850 00 1 Element mounting kit
0226 3300 18·· 4 Bolt 0661 1000 38· 1 Seal wsher
0663 2112 69·· 1 O-ring 0661 1000 39· 1 Seal wsher
1622 1797 00· 1 Bushing 0663 2103 22· 1 O-ring
1622 1790 00· 1 Guidance Tape C77 Unloader 0663 2107 78· 3 O-ring
1622 1798 00· 1 Quad-ring C77 Unloader 0663 7134 00· 3 O-ring
0663 2104 98· 1 O-ring 0663 7142 00· 1 O-ring
1622 2906 00· 1 High Temperature Sealing Vqb22
1622 2904 00· 1 Spring Vqb22 2901 0709 00 1 Elem.Overh.Kit
1622 2903 00· 1 Spring Guide Vqb22 0663 2107 37· 1 O-ring
0301 2318 00· 2 Washer 0663 2106 67· 1 O-ring
0160 0996 86· 2 Cross Rec Screw 0508 1108 00· 1 Bearing
0663 2111 55· 1 O-ring 0508 1100 46· 1 Bearing
0663 7142 00· 1 O-ring 0504 0200 14· 1 Ball Bearing
0211 1957 50· 1 Screw 0663 7139 00· 1 O-ring
0661 1000 40· 1 Seal Washer 0504 0605 00· 1 Ball Bearing
9820 3654 00· 1 Instruct Drwg 0663 2108 34· 1 O-ring
1616 6267 70· 1 Spacer
2901 1399 00 1 Min. Pressure Valve kit 1616 6273 70· 1 Spacer
7.5-8.6-10 bar(e)/100-125-150psig
1513 0401 01· 1 Valve Disc 2901 0068 00 1 Thermostatic valve Kit 38℃
1513 0064 00· 1 Spring 1622 7064 01· 1 Thermostatic valve 38℃
0663 2105 40· 1 O-ring 0663 2101 95· 1 O-ring
1513 0063 00· 1 Spring 9820 4573 00· 1 Thermostat Valve Kit
0661 1000 44· 1 Seal washer 2904 0036 02· 1 Thermostatic Valve Kit
2904 1015 00· 1 Min Press Valve Instruction
2901 0069 00 1 Thermostatic valve Kit 65℃
2901 1411 00 1 Min. Pressure Valve kit 1622 7064 02· 1 Thermostatic valve 65℃
13 bar(e)/175psig 0663 2101 95· 1 O-ring
1513 0401 01· 1 Valve Disc 9820 4573 00· 1 Thermostat Valve Kit
1513 0064 00· 1 Spring 2904 0036 02· 1 Thermostatic Valve Kit
0663 2105 40· 1 O-ring
1622 0259 00· 1 Spring
0661 1000 44· 1 Seal washer
2904 1015 00· 1 Min Press Valve Instruction

20 9829 3071 50
Parts list



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Parts list



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